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001. Thi t b n ng l ng tu thu / L Xun n, Bi V n L u, ng V n Tng 001. Thi t b n ng l ng tu thu / L Xun n, Bi V n L u, ng V n Tng 003. S tay v my tu thu v k t c u ph n I v II 004.

My ph tu thu . T p 1/ Tr n Huy D ng 005. Lu t my tu thu / Nguy n V n Canh,Nguy n B M i 006. Khai thc h ng l c tu thu / ng V n Tu n 007. K thu t an ton my tu thu / Nguy n V n Canh, Tr n Hng S n, Nguy n V n Duy 008. Ships electrical systems- Safety and maintenance/ Mike Bradley 009. The education and training of marine engineers on an engine room simulator at the Vietnam maritime university/ Dang Van Uy 010. Xc nh cng su t iden tu thu / Phomis Iu.Ia 010. Xc nh cng su t iden tu thu / Phomis Iu.Ia 012. S tay s quan my tu. T p 1/ Tr n H u Ngh ,GS 013. H i v p v khai thc h th ng ng l c diden tu thu . T p 3/ Tr n H u Ngh 014. H i v p v khai thc h th ng ng l c diedel tu thu . 1/ Tr n H u Ngh 015. H i p khai thc h th ng ng l c didel tu thu . T p 2 / Tr n H u Ngh , GS 016. ng c diezel tu thu / Tr n H u Ngh 017. Nhin li u- d u nh n- n c dng cho tu thu / Tr n H u Ngh ,GS; GS. Min 018. L thuy t v v n hnh b o d ng thi t b ch ng c t n c trn tu thu / Tr n Huy D ng 019. Ch lm vi c c a diezel tu thu / Tr n H u Ngh ,GS; GS. Iu.Ia Ph Min 020. Chief engineer first engineer =My tr ng- My nh t 021. Nh ng s c ng c diezel tu thu / Tr n H u Ngh ,GS 022. S tay thi t b tu thu . T p 2/ Ph m V n H i,Phan V nh Tr , H Ng c Tng 023. Marine propellers proulsion/ Carltar, I. S 024. Ship construction/ Eyres, D. J 025. My ph tu thu / Bi H ng D ng 026. Lambs questions and answerson the marine diesel engine/ Christensen, S.G 027. Low speed marine diesel/ Woodward, J.B 028. H i ngh khoa h c gio d c v cng ngh k n m 42 n m ngy thnh l p tr ng 029. H ng l c h i n c/ Nguy n H ng Phc;Nguy n i An, B.t. 030. Trang tr h ng l c tu thu / Nguy n Thanh Phong, Nguy n Phc Bnh, Tr n Xun Tng,... ng Quang M nh, Ch.b. 031. ng c diezel tu thu / V H i Phong,Nguy n Trung C ng,C ngTr nh nh Bch[Ch.b]Tr n H u ngh . 032. Proceedings of ISME yokohama 95. 1 033. Proceedings of ISME yokohama 95. 2 034. Elementns of shipping. 2/ Branch, Alan E 035. Elements of shipping. 1/ Branch, Alan E 036. S tay thi t b tu thu . T p 1/ H Ng c Tng, Ph m V n H i, Phan V nh Tr 037. Quy trnh t m th i s d ng b o qu n my dizen tu sng, s d ng b o qu n c quy tu sng 038. Marine internal combustion engines. 1/ Petrovsky, N 039. Marine internal combustion engines. 2/ Petrovsky, N

040. Thermodynamics/ Le Van Diem 041. Marine auxiliary machinery-6th edition/ Smith D.W 042. Automation and control for marine engineers/ Cox V.G 043. Lams Questions and answers on the marine diesel engine/ Christensen stanley G 044. Practical introduction to pumping technology / Uno Wahren 045. Hydraudynamics of ship propellers / John p. Breslin 046. Diesel motor ships engines and machinery / Christen Knak 047. Engineering fundamentals of the internal combustion Engine / Willard W. Pulkrabek 048. Boiler operator's guide / Anthomy Lawrence Kohan 049. The running and maintenance of marine machinery / J. Cowley 050. Marine Propulsion / K. Henderson 051. Reed's general engineering knowledge marine engineers / Leslie Jackson 8 052. Reed's motor engineering knowledge for marine engineers / Thomas D. Morton. 12 053. Instructons for 50-98 MC type engines components and maintenance 054. Instructions for 50-98 Mc type engines 055. Instruction for K-engines 056. Instructions for diesel engines K-7 operation 057. Instructions for S26MC type engines 058. Instructions for S26MC type engines. 1 059. Instructions for L-GFCA type engine 060. Engineering applications of preumatics and hydraulics / EurIng Ian C. Turner 061. Nicholls's concise guide to navigation / Edward Coolen 062. Questions and answers on the marine diesel Engine / Stanley G. Christensen 063. Pump Handbook / Igor J. Karassik 064. Marine engines fuels and Lubricants / Claude Ouvrier Buffet 065. Marine electrical equipment and practive / H.D. MC George 066. Marine low speed diesel engines. Vol 2 / DrDenis Griffiths 067. Instructions for K--GF type engines 068. Marine medium speed diesel engines / Denis Griffiths 069. Basic elements for marine engines 070. Advanced trianing in fire fighting / IMO 071. Marine auxiliary machinery / H.D. Mc George 072. Survey of navigational aid and equipment/ IMO 073. Cargo and ballast handling simulator/ IMO 074. Diesel motor ship' engines and machinery. Vol 1 / Christen Knak 075. Marine engineering practice. Vol 1, Part 2: Prime movers for generation of electricity (A) steam turbines / A. Norris 076. Marine engineering practice. Vol 1, Part 2: Prime movers for generation of electricity (B) steam turbines / D.A. Gillespie 077. Marine engineering practice. Vol 1, Part 3: Marine medium speed diesel engines / S. H. Henshall 078. Operation and maintenance of machinery in motor ships / N.E. Chell 079. Marine engineering practice. Vol 1, Part 8: Marine steam turbines / R. Coats

080. Marine engineering practice. Vol 2, Part 13: The theory of controllable pitch propellers / Commander E.R. 081. Marine engineering practice. Vol 2, Part 14: Water treatment / J.D. Skelly 082. Marine engineering practice. Vol 2, Part 15: Operation of machinery in ships: steam turbines, boilers and auxiliary plant / A. Norris 083. Marine engineering pratice. Vol 2, Part 17: Slow speed diesel egnines / S.H. Henshall, G. G. Jackson 084. Marine engineering practice. Vol 2, Part 18: Operation of machinery in motorships: main diesels , boilers and auxiliary plant / A. Norris 085. Marine Boilers / T.T.H. Elanagan 086. Diesel engines / A.J. Wharton 087. K t c u v tnh ton ng c diezel tu thu . T p 1 / V.A.Vanseidt, D ng nh i, Nguy n H u D ng d 088. K t c u v tnh ton ng c diezel tu thu . T p 2 / V.A.Vanseidt,D ng nh i, Nguy n H u D ng 089. K t c u v tnh ton ng c diezel tu th y. T p 2 / V.A.Vanseidt 090. My ph tu th y. T p 2 / Tr nh B Trung, Bi H ng D ng, Tr nh nh M nh,... 091. Machines marines motrices 092. H th ng t ng h ng l c tu th y / ng V n Uy 093. H i v p v khai thc h th ng ng l c diden tu thu . 2 / Tr n H u Ngh 094. Thi t k trang tr ng l c tu thu . T p 2 / ng H 095. Thi t k trang tr ng l c tu th y. 1 / ng H 096. Trang thi t b i n tu Lam S n 01. i su nghin c u tr m pht c ng d ng vi x l o dng v p / Quang Chung 097. Thi t k trang tr h th ng ng l c tu ch hng qun s 1000T . L p hai my chnh 6l350PN N=980cv, n=375v/p / Tr ng Anh tu n 098. Thi t k trang tr h th ng ng l c tu d u B n ng 50 / Ph m Hoi B o 099. Nghin c u nh h ng c a h th ng t ng p t i cc thng s cng tc c a ng c diesel / Chu V n Hng 100. S a ch a diezen tu thu / V.M.Selutrenco

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