Biology Grade 7

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Pak Gunawan GRADE VII Biology Learning Content Grade/Semester/Term Approach Method Learning Tools Times Allocation Week

Topic : How to work as a scientist, solving a problem scientifically, where does life come from?, how are living things classified, Cells, Viruses, Bacteria, Protists and Fungi : VII/II/I : Teoritical, Science Processes Skills Approach/SAPA (Science as a Process Approach) : Demonstration, Discussion, Playing Games, Identification, Observasion and doing Experiments. : Multimedia, Nature, Laboratory tools, Art tools. : 2 X 50 Minutes / Week Day Content & Tasks 1. Teacher ask students wether they know how scientists works. 2. Students answer teachers question by their own opinion 3. Teacher use constructivism heory to let students construct their own knowledge by thinking and communicating their own language 4. Class is devided in to 5 groups (3 students each) 5. Students directed to do some observation to science laboratory to find some information about laboratory tools 6. Students doing observation to science laboratory and learn how to use some laboratory tools that often use in highschool 7. Teacher supervise and explain how to use some tools to students 8. Some students have to take pictures of the tools to make some report paper about the laboratory tools 1. Ask the students if they know how to solve problems scientifically 2. Let them answer the question by their oppinion 3. Teacher explain that there is some steps to do in What I Will Need y Microscopes y Loop y Some liquids compound y Object glasses as well as cover glasses y Petri dish y Sampling glasses y Thermometer y Water filtration tools y And some other laboratory tools that they have to know. Assessment y Report paper

How to work as a scientist (observation) 1

Solving a problem scientifically

y y

Card board Gluetex



Where does our life come from? (teoritical and doing experiment)

order to solve a problem scientifically 4. Teacher provide some card board to students and help them remember every step of solving problem scientifically by doing game hide and seek 5. Students guided to solve some problems that provided by teacher until they understand every steps of solving problem scientifially 6. Resuming Do find the words game for evaluation of first and second meetings. 1. Students asked if hey know where does our life come from! 2. Students answer the question with their own oppinion (teacher write down all of their answer on the white board to build their motivation to answer) 3. Teacher reminds them about living and nonliving things that they have already learn on the last semester 4. Teacher do a storytelling on hot chair about Aristotle, the great scientist who state a theory that every living things are came from nothingness 5. Let students give their responds to this story 6. Tell the students to seat with their group because they have to do experiment about biogenesis theory that have already done by scientist called Francesco Reddi in order to againts Aristotle theory. 7. Students do their experiments 8. Teacher supervise students, they have to work gently and cleanly 9. Students doing experiment everyday until next week meeting 1. Ask them for their experiments progress 2. Students have to take pictures as much as they can about their experiment result and write down every situation thet they see

y y y y y

Lots a lot of paper 18 petri dish Fresh beef Tisue paper Glue (or anything that can use to bond something) Kassa paper

y y

Games Teamwork

y y y y

18 petri dish Fresh beef Tisue paper Glue (or anything


3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 6 3.

1. 7 4 How are living things classified 8 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.

Cells (laboratory practice)


Every group have to clean all laboratory tools that they use for their experiments After everythings clean, students have to make a conclusion of their experiments. Teacher supervise and guide them to make a good data and conclusion Students have to convert all their data in report paper (since they still dont have any group books) Each group have to do presentation about their experiments Its an evaluation to see the way they presenting their works Teacher Supervise and guide them to conclude 3 conclusions: a. Omne Vivum ex Vivo b. Omne Vivum ex Ovo c. Omne Ovum ex Vivo Teacher Explain to students the three methods of classification systems Doing a Quick Draw game in groups, to make them more expert in classifying objects After doing game, teacher explain to students the clasification system from linnaeus Teacher reminds students hows the classification from linnaeus works Doing connecting word game Watching movie about classification system Teacher ask students if they know what is the smallest part of our body Students answer the question on their own oppinion. Teacher explain what is cells exactly Students draw animal and plant cells Doing hide and seek game to make them remember part of the cell Teacher reminds students about part of the cells that

that can use to bond something) Kassa paper

Students works


Papers that contain pictures of animals and/or plants Classification papers


y y

Classification Video Paper board


y y y y y y y

Paper board Infocus&laptop Pictures of the cells Gluetex Drawing papers Color pencils Microscopes



2. 3. 4. 5.

Evaluation (cells and classification)

1. 11

they have already learn on the last meeting Class are devided into three groups (one microscope each group) Students doing laboratory practice, making microscope objects using Rhoeo discolor leafs Teacher have to make sure that they understand how to use microscopes Students compare the form of the cells that they see this meeting with cells that they already draw last meeting Doing knocking test

Slide object

practice (rubrics)

Papers for questions

Knocking test

6 12 Viruses


Bacteria (teoritical and biotechnology)


1. Teacher reminds students about living and nonliving things 2. Students must be communicating their oppinion about it 3. Teacher tell students that beside loiving and nonliving things, there is also something between (can be classified as living nor nonliving things) 4. Teacher write down todays material, Viruses 5. Teacher show students the picture of bacteriophag 6. Guide them to remember every part of bacteriophag by doing games hide and seek 7. At the end of the lesson, teacher ask students to find the role of viruses in human life (good and bad) 1. Students doing presentation about the role of viruses in human life 1. teacher give an explanation about bacteria to students 2. students draw bacteria and its part, they can put colors on it 3. doing hide and seek to help them remember every part of it 4. after they finish, show them some interesting videos about bacteria

y y y y y

Drawing papers Color pencils Infocus Picture of virus (bacteriophag) Gluetex


y y y y y y y

Laptop infocus drawing papers color pencils laptop infocus videos of bacteria

y y

presentation oral

15 8



17 9 Fungi (teorical and practice, biotechnology include) 18

Students will make nata de coco as the benefit of bacteria in human life a. Teacher Bring some nata de coco to the class and ask them to eat it together b. Make them curious why i bring nata de coco to the class c. Explain them what nata de coco is d. Teacher tell students that they will make nata de coco today e. Teacher guide students to the kitchen, they have to work on their groups 2. Teacher supervise the way students working 3. Ask them to work as clean as possible 4. Teacher provide the measures of nata de coco so that students will not confuse how to make it 1. Students will watch a movie about how potists world 2. Students have to make a resume of the movie 1. Teacher tell the students that they will learn about fungi this meeting 2. Class is devided in to 5 groups 3. Teacher provide the students some mushroom to observe the characteristics of fungi 4. Students remember part of mushroom while they drawing it 5. Teacher conclude this meeting Students will make tempe this meeting


y y y y y y y y

Pan Coconut water Sugar Filter paper Universal pH meter Nata de coco bacterium Plastics basin Cover paper

Work in team (rubrics)

y y y y y y

Laptop Infocus Protists videos Mus Loop Drawing paper





19 20

Students will plant the mushroom Knocking test

y y y y y y y

Soya 5 bowls Plastics or leafs Yeast One big tub (still figure out) Papers

Work in team

y y

Work in team Knocing test

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