The Priceless Newborn Prince

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PRICELESS NEWBORN PRINCE 1. Paragraph I- Introduction A story of Friendship, Love, Trust, and Obligations.

A Friendship that will never end until Forever. A Love for a person who supports in every circumstances, and for a Baby, a new family. A trust that is taken away from a friend that becomes the villain in your life, in everyone's life. And an Obligation for the duty of the People, and an obligation as a father. Ann Voss Peterson was the Author of this story, in this story she was able to share her imagination and it gave her a chance to write about two special things in her life: horses and children. It was entitled, Priceless Newborn Prince, and later on you will understand more of it. Let's go with the cast of characters, Viktor Romanov, the prince of Rasnovia has spent his life doing what's best for his fledging country. But when a Rebel coup kills his parents and leaves him for dead, he must do everything he can to protect his secret love and unborn son. Kat Edwards, nine months pregnant and desperate to protect her child, Kat overjoyed when Victor comes back to help her. Daniel Romanov, the priceless newborn prince ia as much of a threat to the Rasnovian Rebellion as his father. Lawrence Mc Elroy, the wealthy horseman has a bone to pick with Viktor and his friends. Is he bitter enough to finance the rebellion? Or is he just greedy? Amal Jabar, the middle eastern businessman has shady connections and a building resentment toward the Aggie four, how far would he go to see them cut down to size? Deke Norton, a friend and a colleague of the Aggie four who offers them business advice, but could he really secretly resent them for leaving him out of their tight foursome? Warren Gregory, an economic hit man, he specializes in the economic takeover of developing countries. Deputy Bobby Lee Stubfield, a law officer on the take. but does he have a personal grudge too? Special Agent Ross Keller, the FBI agent who knows something shady is going on. and the Aggie Four, not merely a group of friends and business partners, Flint McKade, Akeem Abdul, Jackson Champion and Viktor Romanov would die for each other, will they have to? In a University, there there is an all boy group, and they are called the Aggie Four, they are famous, and lots of girls are wishing for them. Viktor who is the most powerful among them all because he is the Prince of Rasnovia , fell in love, in an ordinary school girl. Just after his break-up with his past girlfriend. She is Kat, she isnt famous and as rich as them but she is very courageous, gorgeous, beautiful and very smart. At a party held at the Palace, with all their relatives invited, an explosion made their lives change. Viktor was left alive, while his family his parents were dead. He survived with the help of their servant, Ilona. After the explosion the Aggie Four got their separate ways, Kat was left, and they didnt have any information about Viktor after that. Kat worked at Lawrence McElroy's ranch bearing her son the heir of Viktor's throne. After few months of recovery, Viktor decided to look for Kat and save her from a secret villain. He found Kat at McElroy's ranch, with those guys trying to chase her, he pulled her hand and they ran fast. Kat was hesitating but Viktor just dragged her. Until they came into Flint's ranch. Victor explained everything happened, Kat overjoyed. They decided to gather, to solve their problem. Unfortunately, it was Kat's time to give birth. as they were heading to the hospital, Deputy Stubfield saw them, and followed them good for Viktor he had a good sense of humor, he knew Stubfield was one of the mercenaries. So he brought Kat into a Motel, there they had no other choice, so Viktor became the doctor; he assisted Kat in her birthing. Flint called the other members he told them that they will have a meeting in an auction house.

They were happy to see each other but also in terror because they knew someone is watching over their moves. Agent Keller was curious about everything since the explosion, so he investigates thoroughly. Jackson planned a press conference, he told everyone about the plans, the press conference will be held at Houston. But first, Viktor makes sure that Daniel and Kat are safe, they decided to stay to Jackson's house as they were heading, another man is following their car, it was Agent Keller. He shot them but as Viktor took the other way, he just leave them alone. They visited Daniel at Jackson's house but suddenly, Deputy Stubfield was taking with Ysabel, the wife of Jackson. Kat was brave enough to took a step and to hit Stubfield with a wood stick. But Stubfield shot her in her Left arm, and ran immediately. Viktor needed to move fast in order not to be late at the press conference. At the press conference he said that he would find out who is this man wanting a new government for Rasnovia and he asks the support of the people. Then Kat realized that Viktor was confused in what to choose so he decided to walk far away from him, but instead of that, they were kidnapped. Viktor asked for Deke Norton's help, his other friend. But Viktor censored something with Deke he talks about his Heartache not because of love but because of their Friendship. He asks Viktor why he wasnt able to join the Aggie Four while he was deserving in the position. As Deke called his bodyguards, Viktor roamed around, he found a knife and he brought it. He heard a crying voice and that was Daniel with Kat inside a dark room. Kat tried her best to let Daniel cry out loud. When Viktor opened the door, a mercenary soldier was at his back pointing a gun unto his back. He held his hands, and then tried to get the gun from the soldier, accidentally the gun fired. And Deke heard it. They immediately ran into the room, but the soldier was shot to death. Viktor assists Kat to run but then they are cornered by Deke. Deke finally tells the truth, with them having a harsh conversation, Kat and Daniel was just at Viktor's back. Kat found a gun from the soldier, and she shot Deke. They did it, they survived. After that wedding preparations was planned. Kat and Viktor was proclaimed the King and Queen of Rasnovia, together with their little Prince. Obligations, Viktor has many of this, to his friends, to his country and to his future family. So he had to set priorities and organize his time well for everything, as he thought that everyone would be finr. A villain came to destroy their lives, their future and yet this comes to one certain simple but terrible thing we all should care about, Friendship. Every character plays an important role in the story. But who are Viktor's Obligations? Lets find out. II- Paragraph: First Body paragraph Viktor's friends are from rich families. They are rich, famous and they had everything they wanted, but still they have their own silly things, as an ordinary student would do. Viktor is the Prince of Rasnovia. Flint owns a Ranch. Akeem with his auction house. And Jackson has a shipping company. Fabulous right? But they forgot someone, Deke Norton who became the villain in the story. these last few months have been tough, but if we stick together, all four of us, we can straighten this damn mess out." said Jackson. As they were gathered in the auction house. Planning for the captivity of the mastermind of their sufferings. It became the reunion of the Aggie Four with their wives and their children. They were with mixed emotions. Happiness, because they were united once again. And some are still confused. "Viktor's friends are from rich families." This is certainly connected with the Quote: Birds with the same feather, flocks together." and tin

the story friendship became the Lock and the Key on their troubles. And the story comes from just this misunderstanding, and because of this, Deke Norton became the creator of the lock, who messed out everyone's life. Including people who are not really involved in their trouble. The innocent people, the Rasnovian's. III-Paragraph: Second body Paragraph Rasnovian people are respectful and united, because of the governance of Viktor's family. They are under the constitutional Monarchy, and because of that this little country became Rich, but they didn't get any little attention from America until the explosion happened. The people were scared. The children, they must be playing outdoors but they couldnt, because of the mercenary soldiers. Any one whom they think is against them will be punished. They will kill them, because they have no Mercy. "Your country needs you." Kat said to Viktor. As they were arguing about Viktor's decision to give Rasnovia to the Mercenaries, and to make a new governance in Rasnovia. Viktors destiny is to lead Rasnovia. So Kat disagreed in such a point that Viktor prepared himself as a royalty since birth this must be his destiny, and no one else could be but him, to be the leader, to be the King, and the people needed him. They all put their trust to Viktor. But suddenly Viktor realized, with his son now, he couldnt live without danger, when he is in the position. All Viktor was thinking about is the safety of his family all that he's Left. But after all his responsibility as a leader and Father Reigns. "Viktor's Destiny is to lead Rasnovia." And this is the reason why Kat immediately disagreed, to his plan of surrendering his position to the mercenary soldiers. Imagine his Family, the whole siblings, aunts, cousin, nephews, nieces, uncles, father, his mother, Everyone. They were lost in just one event, and leaving him all alone, it feels so hard. We might commit suicide if we were on his shoes. But he survived, after all the responsibility left to him was all he got, and because of it we all know that he is brave and courageous. He needs to stand for his country, for Kat and for their Baby Daniel, the priceless newborn prince. IV Paragraph: Third body Paragraph After all this years Viktor could imagine himself standing in front of his people leading them and making his family proud. He could find his future wife and children with him living in their palace. But when he assisted Kat in her birth, without any other person that could help him, them his imagination certainly vanished. His point of view was renewed, as the new Prince came. "But you also need me, you and Daniel." Viktor said to Kat. After Kat has given birth to Daniel with the help of Viktor, they were happy, very much, this feelings is new to them, and its mutual. They cant explain it. Viktor realized that after all of his lost, another life is at stake and it is his son's life. And if he would not fight against this unknown villain; Daniel would live in an unpeaceful life in his future years. They would live in a miserable life. And as a father, he could do everything to make his son out of this mess. So he decided to fight not just for his country but also for his family. Of course no father would like to make his sons life in danger. It is his obligation to protect his son, the baby who will soon accept his throne of being a Prince and later to become a King. He would train him to follow his footsteps, the legacy he accepted from his ancestors as early as as he was in his mothers Womb. But he also thinks about the future problems that his son would encounter when he accepts the throne on the monarchy. Will he survive? Would he have an unknown villain that will kill him softly like

now? A villain that you couldnt ever knew when would attack, and who works with. What is his plans and who would he attack next. This questions appears as the happenings flashbacks to his mind and his thinking turned to analyzing the villain behind all this. V- Paragraph: Conclusion The characters in this story play's important roles. That made the story critical. Every character has its unique personalities, either it is in favor with the protagonist of to the antagonist. This what makes the story interesting, and this would make the readers read it with no skipping pages. And this is a fairytale-detective like story because of the cast of characters. The readers in this book can also experience a romantic side of the novel. In this story, I can relate myself with the antagonist Deke Norton, during my elementary years I transferred almost three times, during my grade 1, 2, 3 and 4 I became one of the top honors in my school, but when I transferred at grades 5 and 6, I didnt made it to top, I tried my best. But still I think I cant cope up with my new classmates. During the first day of my school, I was just silent I stayed away from my classmates, but as days pass I was close to some of them, until my grade 6, I heard that they were talking about me and I felt bad and burdened. And during our Graduation, I am the only lady who didnt receive medal's embarrassing right? Specially that my mother came back from abroad only to witness my graduation. After it, I tried my best at High School because I know I can do it. And I would prove them Wrong. And to everyone, you should really read this book so in real life you could think that in every actions you do to a certain person there is always a Consequence.

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