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Quality Management Implementation of SAP in Police Station Management System _____________________________________________________________

(Note to markers indicate relevant cell in each row by highlighting text or cell) Poor (Fail) ASSIGNMENT REQUIREMENTS (out of 70)
Executive summary (ES) to indicate the nature of the assignment, background details, research findings and recommendations where appropriate, and to function as a stand-alone document 1a. Introduction provide an explanation of the reason for preparing the document and a brief summary of the contents 1b. Background and environment of project provide details of the project to understand the context of the analysis 2. Project Quality Context Need for quality management

Basic (Pass) 35 to 41
Basic ES that provides limited information, or does not provide information in a clear and concise manner Basic introduction provided Basic or limited background information provided Basic discussion on topic and little use of theory Basic discussion on topic and little use of theory

Adequate (Credit) 42 to 48
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Good (Distinction) 49 to 62
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Excellent (High distinction) 63 to 70

Comprehensive ES providing the required information in a clear and concise manner, and able to function as a stand-alone document and/or presentation to a CEO Clear, concise and comprehensive introduction providing essential details Clear, concise and comprehensive background providing essential details Clear, concise and comprehensive discussion on the topic, supported by appropriate theory, figures and tables. Clear, concise and comprehensive discussion on the topic, supported by appropriate theory, figures and tables. Clear, concise and comprehensive discussion on the topic, supported by appropriate theory, figures and tables. Clear, concise and comprehensive discussion on

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Mark /70

No introduction provided, or irrelevant information No background provided, or inadequate information provided Little or no discussion on topic

Adequate introduction provided Appropriate level of detail provided

Good clear introduction provided Good level of detail provided

Adequate discussion on topic using appropriate theory Adequate discussion on topic using appropriate theory

Good discussion on topic using appropriate theory Good discussion on topic using appropriate theory

Significance of quality management

Little or no discussion on topic

3. Quality planning and assurance Quality planning

Little or no discussion on topic

Basic discussion on topic and little use of theory Basic discussion on topic and little use of

Adequate discussion on topic using appropriate theory Adequate discussion on topic using

Good discussion on topic using appropriate theory Good discussion on topic using

Quality assurance

Little or no discussion on topic


Quality Management Implementation of SAP in Police Station Management System _____________________________________________________________

theory appropriate theory Adequate analysis and outcomes Adequate conclusions derived from the preceding analysis Adequate recommendations provided appropriate theory Good analysis and outcomes Good conclusions derived from the preceding analysis the topic, supported by appropriate theory, figures and tables. Comprehensive analysis and outcomes Clear, concise and comprehensive conclusions derived from, and justifiably supported by, the preceding analysis Clear, concise and comprehensive recommendations, addressing the conclusions.

Quality control

4. Conclusions to provide a summary of the findings and lessons learned from the analysis of the selected project, including any threats to the selected, or similar, projects 5. Recommendations to provide recommendations in response to the specific conclusions and lessons learned

Little or no indication of analysis Limited or no conclusions provided

Basic analysis with limited outcomes Basic conclusions provided

Limited or no recommendations provided

Basic recommendations provided

Good recommendations provided


Critical analysis uses appropriate theoretical principles as a framework for analysis Argument is well structured, logical, and well reasoned (compelling) Figures and tables effectively used and adapted in the analysis to clearly illustrate/compare/contrast theoretical principles with project practices. Evidence of research to support the analysis and argument.

0 to 14
Little or no use of theoretical principles Poorly structured and no logical argument Little or no effective usage of figures and tables Little or no evidence of research

15 to 19
Limited use of theoretical principles

Adequate use of theoretical principles Appropriate structure and argument Adequate usage of figures and tables

23 to 25
Good use of theoretical principles

26 to 30 /30
Extensive use of theoretical principles and appropriate application to the project and its environment Well structured, logical, and well reasoned Excellent usage and adaptation of figures and tables Evidence of extensive research beyond the study materials and set text to support the analysis and argument Evidence of extensive knowledge of study materials and of PM domain Excellent sources of research resources, including journals,

Limited usage of figures and tables

Good usage of figures and tables

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Adequate evidence of research beyond the study materials and set text Indication of adequate knowledge of study materials Adequate quality of sources of research

Considerable evidence of research beyond the study materials and set text Evidence of considerable knowledge of study materials and of PM domain Good quality of sources of research

Evidence of knowledge of study materials and general knowledge of the project management domain Quality of resources use of research resources from quality

No indication of knowledge of study materials Poor quality sources of reference


Quality Management Implementation of SAP in Police Station Management System _____________________________________________________________

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Quality Management Implementation of SAP in Police Station Management System _____________________________________________________________

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Quality Management Implementation of SAP in Police Station Management System _____________________________________________________________

Executive Summary
This report has been created to analyse how quality will be managed in the implementation of the SAP in the Police Stations Management System. The Police Station Management System (PSMS) is required to provide timely, accurate and appropriate information to effectively serve police officers and allow other authorized agencies to obtain vital data from this system. The current manual system is time consuming and has difficulty meeting the growing demands of police record keeping and a re-designed vital records system will address existing problems resulting from an outdated system. PSMS recognizes the need for a more sophisticated information system to respond to the multiple challenges that they must face, including modern issues like fast retrieval records and to provide criminal statistical analysis. To ensure the quality is optimized it has to be planned, assured and controlled. This report analyses why the need of quality management arises and how it will applied when implementation of SAP is involved. It comprises of three basic components; Quality Plan, Quality Assurance and Quality Control. The components of the quality plan will be highlighted and the outputs which are attained out of it will be indentified as well. The detailed process involved in the Quality Assurance of the PSMS is then touched upon. The walkthroughs and inspections of the quality assurance team are been explained. The Quality Control Plan involves automation of the testing process and sees whether the performance of the PSMS will meet the actual requirements and standards. By the end of the report we will prove why this SAP implementation was important for the Police Station and why Quality Management was necessary for it successfulness. These points will hopefully help the Police Station in the long run and provide enough evidence that it is necessary to implement. These processes will help refine the PSMS systems quality during the implementation and after it goes live.

Quality Management Implementation of SAP in Police Station Management System _____________________________________________________________

Contents.................................................................................................................................................8 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................9 Background ...........................................................................................................................................9 Project Quality Management................................................................................................................11 3.1 Need for Quality Management ........................................................................................11 3.2 Significance of Quality Management ............................................................................11 Quality Planning and Assurance...........................................................................................................12 4.2 Quality Assurance...........................................................................................................13 Conclusion............................................................................................................................................16

Quality Management Implementation of SAP in Police Station Management System _____________________________________________________________

SAP has been used by all around the globe, by most top organizations. It has been successfully implemented by most. Along with many of its benefits the following are some of them. Improve alignment of strategies and operations; Improve productivity and insight; Reduce costs through increased flexibility; Reduce risk; Support changing industry requirements; Improve financial management and corporate governance; Provide immediate access to enterprise information. ( SAP implementation has always been a difficult task many high profile companies have failed to fully implement SAP. SAP implementation is costly and failure to implement it can be fatal to a company. Jeweler Shane Co. blamed difficulties trying to get SAP software running as partly responsible for the company's bankruptcy. Now the State of California -- already in dire financial straits -- is giving up on its SAP implementation after sinking $25 million into the project and seeing nothing out of it. (Eric Krangel, 2009). But the according to Josh Greenbaum the real reason is different. He points out in his recent blog; basically, that its not the softwares fault that you didnt put it in right. He argues that blame for Shane and Co.s failings lies more squarely with the management team and the system integrator. (Courtney Bjorlin 2009). What is the truth can only be seen after testing it for ourselves. The question is what the management can do to properly implement the SAP. When your organization undertakes an SAP implementation or upgrade project, you clearly expect all critical business processes to be working properly, according to requirements. (HP, 2008). The one crucial point which most managers overlook due to extra cost and time is Quality Management. Quality management ensures customer satisfaction, increase revenues, reduces waste and induces teamwork.(Hunter Taylor) This is what has to be adopted in this project as well. To ensure the quality is optimized it has to be planned, assured and controlled, are the major objectives of this report.

The Police Station since its inception has been using the manual system of recording all their data. They used to write down all their information related to the day to day activities such as reporting of a crime, suspects for a crime and if apprehended mention that as well. With the increase in the crime rates, the number of data to be entered has increased twice fold. The room to keep the files is also limited, and to access very old data was turning out to be an almost impossible task. That is when the need for an automated system arose and Police Stations Management System was recommended. The Police Station Management System (PSMS) is required to provide timely, accurate and appropriate information to effectively serve police officers and allow other authorized agencies to obtain vital data from this system. The current manual system is time consuming and has difficulty meeting the growing demands of police record keeping and a re-designed vital records system will address existing problems resulting from an outdated system. PSMS

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recognizes the need for a more sophisticated information system to respond to the multiple challenges that they must face, including modern issues like fast retrieval records and to provide criminal statistical analysis. The following is the Scope of the Project: Includes: Development of Software for Police Station in District Police Office Narowal Implementation and installation of software for Police Station in District Narowal Does Not Include Ongoing maintenance of software after successful installation at the Police Station
Table 1.0. Summary of Deliverables

S. No 1 2 3

Deliverable Completely developed Software Installation of Software Project Document

Date 28/12/2011 02/01/2012 02/02/2012

Table 1.1. Project Milestones

S. No 1 2 3 4 5

Milestone Approved Project Charter Planning Complete Development Complete Project Implemented Project Complete

Date 26/07/2011 06/08/2011 28/10/2011 28/12/2011 08/01/2012


Quality Management Implementation of SAP in Police Station Management System _____________________________________________________________

Project Quality Management

3.1 Need for Quality Management Implementation of SAP is a lengthy process; it requires detailed integration of all the processes involved in SAP. That is why most companies find it difficult to fully implement SAP. Quality Management during the implementation of SAP is a new phenomenon and is still not fully optimized in most of the organizations around the globe. Mostly companies prefer to create just the test plan, which comprises on how the tests will be carried out and how will they ensure that they are meeting the required standards. These processes tend to be very costly and time consuming; hence the need of quality management arises. Without quality Management implementing this SAP in the police station will be a hectic job, as testing cannot be undertaken at every phase. This will ensure the success of the implementation, before the actual testing of the PSMS is taken place. 3.2 Significance of Quality Management The importance of proper and thorough quality management in the implementation of PSMS can be summarised by looking at what we can achieve with it. There are many companies who are made to tackle quality management in various organizations such HP Quality Centre. They aim to reduce the time and cost required to deliver or upgrade business applications by automating, controlling and enforcing your quality standards. It lets you manage software requirements; plan testing activities; schedule and run tests; track defects; and provide reports, graphs and dashboard views of quality metrics. (HP, 2008)


Quality Management Implementation of SAP in Police Station Management System _____________________________________________________________

Quality Planning and Assurance

Quality Management is generally a new term in most developing nations and it is not practices as rigorously as in most developed nations. Most people confuse the two terms quality assurance and control. Quality Assurance is generally referred to the documented establishment of documented procedures which are designed to ensure products or services meet specified requirements, while quality control is creating statistical ways to measuring actual quality against established quality standards (USQ). 4.1 Quality Planning Quality Planning is not something which is alien to any organization. They do it to some extent everywhere, just is not advanced there as it is maybe in top organization. (Lawrence C Thisse, 1998) The major outputs to the Quality Planning for the PSMS would be the Quality Assurance Plan and Quality Control Plan. The goal of the quality planning in this implementation of PSMS would be to ensure the quality plan is communicated to all the stakeholders involved in this project to ensure every step is completed on schedule and correctly (Lawrence C Thisse, 1998). The contents for the Quality Plan are explained in Table 3.1. Table 4.1 Contents of Quality Plan S. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Contents The Process Flow Diagram Establish Quality Requirements Quality Assurance Plan Performance Indicators Quality Control Plan Maintaining Quality Records

(Adaptive Source Quality Progress 1998)

The above Table 3.1 explains what the quality plan should entail. The process flow diagram will identify how the SAP will be implemented. The Process flow diagram shows the relationships between the major components in the PSMS ( The quality assurance plan will create a quality standard which will ensure that the PSMS meets the quality requirements. Next we need to define the key performance indicators; with the

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help of this we can create statistical tools in the Quality Control Plan. These indicators will provide us with the baseline which will help us to measure the results against it. The importance of this Plan would be to keep all the stakeholders on the right path to meet the objective of fully implementing the PSMS. The involvement of every stakeholder is the key, and the job of the Project Manager is to make sure that all of them are following the Quality Plan. The measure that will be developed will help to define the quality standards, methodology and industry best practices (Henrik Wilke, 2010) 4.2 Quality Assurance Once the requirements are accurately identified in the Quality Plan the next important step is to ensure whether the PSMS will be able to meet the desired standards and requirements. The PSMS through SAP is a complex task as it would require a lot of customization and integration of all the aspects. So we cant just implement the same SAP based project previously done and have to do a lot of modifications in it. With the help of experts at this field, we will have to apply the following steps. Trainings A PSMS Quality Assurance Team will be formed for this task. For that we have to arrange training programs for every personal before the project commences and during the phases as well. These sessions will highlight what activities will be performed and how the inspection will take place. Later before the inspection process takes place training session may be organized again if required. These will be moderated by an expert and be attended by the respective team. Informal Walkthroughs The next step would be to organize informal walkthroughs as well. A walk-through is an informal procedure performed by a software engineer. (The University of West Florida, 2002) The steps that will be involved are explained through the following: The Project Manager will appoint an engineer to perform the walkthrough This engineer will review the PSMS for its accuracy and compliance with the quality standards. He will report any faults to the Project Manager The Project Manager will then resolve them Inspection Inspections are used to increase software quality and improve productivity and manageability of the development process (The University of West Florida, 2002). For this inspection process a detailed plan will be developed. This will generally contain the following processes: Planning Preparation Inspection Follow-up

Quality Management Implementation of SAP in Police Station Management System _____________________________________________________________

This will be a formal inspection, which will be done after the PSMS is complete, This will be when the Engineer will tell the Project Manager that the PSMS development is done and now inspection can start. The planning of the inspection involves is to ensure that PSMS is complete with all its components. This would be ensured by the Engineer that all the necessary components are made ready for the inspection team. Then the Project Manager will assign a person from the Quality Assurance team to moderate the inspection. This person will review all the components provided by the engineer to see whether they are all provided or not. Then the final components will be given to the inspection team and will be scheduled for a certain date. The preparation involves fully preparing the inspection team. The Inspection Team has to check all the items given to them and check to see if there are any defaults in the PSMS. They will record these faults and send them to the moderator selected from the Quality Assurance Team. Before the formal inspection meeting takes place the moderator will integrate all the faults reported by the inspection team and send them to the Project Manager. Then will distribute the final list to all the inspection team members. The Inspection Meeting will then be conducted to formally evaluate the PSMS and report any faults. This will involve the moderator to review each fault that is indentified by the inspection team and may even conduct his own review. He will the assess them and assign whether the PSMS is accepted or requires inspection again. If reinspection is needed the moderator will inform the Project Manager and will not proceed further without his approval. Finally the follow-up involves to assure that all the items that require reinspections are been corrected or not. 4.3 Quality Control The quality control will involve the validation and testing of the PSMS. The testing process is an important aspect of the implementation of the PSMS. Testing can be very time consuming and costly. Other than that it will be very difficult to find quality people who can efficiently and effectively test this PSMS. For this purpose we will use the test automation, and aim to outweigh the benefits over the costs. We plan to create complete test automation and involve the Quality Control Team to start with implementing quality management during the early phase of the project. This will decrease the effort which will be required during the actual testing. The team will start creating tests before the final PSMS is complete. We will involve both the engineers and the management staff in this process. Certain subject matter experts which have very little programming knowledge will create help develop the flow diagram for the tests which will occur, while the engineers will only work on the actual creation of the automation of tests. The SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization will be used here. A component in the SAP environment typically represents an SAP application screen or tab that the user interacts with. For example, before users can begin working with the SAP application, they are required to log on. The log-on function would be available as a component that can be included into any

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test flow. Components, in turn, are made out of keywordsindividual steps or operations, such as entering a user name or password (HP 2008). Once this is created the engineer will then enhance this basic flow and add more complex components, while customizing it further. Once this is over we have to evaluate whether the PSMS performance will match the actual requirements and standards. For this we will create simulations for the PSMS, which will give us a true picture of how the actual implemented product will function. These simulations will involved creating a hundred users use the PSMS and create complex analysis and reports through it at one time. This will put immense load on the PSMS and through this we can analyse any small performance issue before the PSMS will be active. The performance will be reviewed of every component of this PSMS and will enable the Quality Control Team to fully analyse the PSMS. All the performance issue will then be recorded and certain meeting will be carried out. The project manager will assign a moderator for these meeting as well. This moderator will have technical knowhow and will be an expert engineer. The Quality Control Team will also attend these meetings and try to figure out causes for this performance issue. They will try to detect any main cause and try to resolve it quickly beforehand.


Quality Management Implementation of SAP in Police Station Management System _____________________________________________________________

With the processes explained the quality of the PSMS will be up to the mark. It will help to reduce all the risks which will be involved in implementing SAP. The Police Stations future depends on the SAPs implementation as this project undergoes a lot of time and cost. Assuring and controlling the quality during the implementation of the SAP will help improve the chance of its success. The benefits of applying quality management will outweigh the cost of it. Implementation of Quality Management in the PSMS requires a clear set of guidelines. This Quality Management will hopefully achieve its target and reduce the risk of failure of the PSMS and enhance the Police Stations performance. This will surely remove the doubts and will be set as an example of the companies out there to understand the importance of Quality Management, Assurance and Control in not only the SAP implementation but also in other aspects as well.


Quality Management Implementation of SAP in Police Station Management System _____________________________________________________________

References HP, June 2008. Controlling Risks Quality Management For SAP Implementation And Upgrades, pp. 5-12 Thisse, Laurence C. Feb 1998 "Advanced Quality Planning." : A Guide for Any Organization (1998): pp. 73-77. Engineeringboxtool. The Process Flow Diagram. <> Wilke, Henrik. June 2010. Collaborative Quality Ensuring The Success Of Your SAP Software Implementation SAP UK Ltd. Pp. 8-9 UWF. 3 Aug 2002 "Generic Software Quality Assurance Plan." The University of West Florida, 2002. <>. USQ. "QM Terminology." The Project Environment. Vol. 1. USQ. 39-40. Web. Eric Krangel Feb. 20, 2009, Another High-Profile SAP Failure: State of California, Business Insider. <> Courtney Bjorlin Jan 22, 2009 Whats the real trend in failed SAP projects? Hunter Taylor, The Importance of Quality Management, SAP, SAP ERP Business Benifits. <>


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