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ABSTRACT : This document is basically written to analyze the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) of SHGs in Nirmaan-Goa.

SHG at Birla SWOT Analysis Strengths: The group can work as a team very easily. They are well in harmony with each other. The team can make a well finished crochet bag that competes with the bags wrt both quality and price. Couple of the women are quite independent that they are willing to move around and get the things done ( Raw materials procurement and Selling goods at the stalls )

Weaknesses: Too much of dependence on one of the team members ( Sayeeli ). She is the one that comes forward to take up responsibilities. When she has a health issue ( or goes out of station ), the group cannot do things properly. Though the quality of outcome is good, the women take quite a lot of time to complete the bag. (This weakness will probably fade out as time progresses, after all they have been trained in crochet only 5 months back. ) The levels of enthusiasm seems to be a bit low in the recent days. Possible reasons : Sayeelis family issues and couple of women going to their villages. Lack of orders for making the crochet bags.

Opportunities : Crochet bag is something that is highly priced not everyone can afford to buy it. But the per bag profit will be quite good ( by keeping the market prices in mind ) Crochet bags will be of more attraction in corporate/costly stalls, beach side stalls, seasonal stalls and shops in costly malls.

Threats: Raw materials : Too many raw materials required for a single bag. ( Suitable zip, inner lining cloth and decorative item Increases the time for making the bag ) Many other cloth bags in the market at lesser priceare available in the market. Improper exposure to market might make the women lose hope on the whole SHG model.

SHG AT ZARI(Aashadeep) SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths: Few Women in the group are really determined to excel in the skills they were provided with. Example: creative candle designing. The Paper bags made by this group of women, have a good reputation in BITS-Goa market. Example: Making paper bags for almost all the BITS-Goa campus festivals. These women are eager to learn English and learn how to behave in the professional world. Women in the group are very enthusiastic and willing to learn new things like basic accounting etc..

Weaknesses: Not all the women are bonded together in the group together. A lot of issues arise when it comes to the profit distribution among the group members, but it is slowly reducing due to well distribution of work as well as profit, among the women , by Nirmaan volunteers. This method would not solve the trust issues in the group. So, we should find a better solution for this problem or wait till the group bonds well. Assessing Demand for candles (or any other SHG product) in the Market is tough for the Nirmaan volunteers, as Students dont have related expertise in the marketing field and have restricted timings in the campus. Over Pricing of the SHG products is a major issue, but this cannot be avoided in the initial stages of SHG Model.

Opportunities: Threats: Political interference: Some of the political parties were trying to use this group for votes. A women, named Sabeena, worked for SHG group earlier, and came because of some personal reasons (which are explained below), wants to start a new SHG and the products this new group chose is candles, same as that of of existing SHG group. This new SHG might be threat to Nirmaans SHG, competition wise. Due to the very good Quality, demand for the paper bags is pretty good in BITS-Goa Market. As the quality is very good, we can soon try it out in the External market. There is a very good chance of this group to become a self-sustainable SHG soon.

Resolved Issues worth mentioning:

There is a women, named Sabeena, who joined the group to learn English initially, and later wants to work for the group. But she is also present in another SHG for some political reasons and wanted to work for both the SHGs. As she was new, Not everyone in the group were comfortable with her. She was active during the first order in her presence, but she wasnt happy while the profit distribution is being done, as one of the women is getting more money, because she worked very hard and sold some of her products during Nirmaan Waves stall. So sabeena started arguing about the profit distribution. We explained her clearly, how so and so profit is been distributed the way it is done. She was satisfied with the answer. But, few of the women were disappointed by her behavior. After this incident, there went down a rumor that she was removed from the group, but in fact, she wasnt removed. After hearing to this rumor, sabeena was heartbroken and told the whole situation to her family members. A few of her family members went to Pragati didis home and started arguing about the whole incident. This incident a havoc in the group and the group was almost dismantled. At this particular time, all the Nirmaan volunteers left to home for sem-end vacation. This became a mess during this time. As soon as we came back, we spoke to everyone of them and few women werent willing to continue in SHG group. As of now there are 8 dedicated and enthusiastic women working in the group. So, we planned not to take anymore new members into this group until the SHG is well established.

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