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Jojoba plant oil as Lubricant

M Vinod Kumar 200231005

Jojoba The Desert Gold

"jojoba" (pronounced "hohoba") Simmondsia chinensis, family Simmondiaceae grows in to a big, spreading bush, gray looking, rigid, compact in habit, about 10-12 feet in height and width A plant that can grow in many semi-arid regions of the world, requires little water and maintenance and yields a crop of seeds that have many uses in cosmetic and industries A desert shrub that can live more than 150 years

Jojoba is monosexual nature i.e., existence of separate male and female plants In a farm, ratio of 6 female plants to single male plant is planted Prefers coarse, light or medium textured or sandy soil Needs very little water, withstands salinity No chemical fertilizers are needed Solid biofertilisers like Growmore or liquid biofertilisers like Shoot Up and Growzyme can increase the yield by almost twice

Female Jojoba plants will produce beans and the males are only used for pollination, overplanting is necessary so that there are enough females It takes Jojoba at least 3 years to flower. Until that time, figuring out the sex of the Jojobaplant is not known After the plant has flowered and sex is figured out, the extra males are removed and at least another 2 years are required before the females will produce beans

Flower and seeds

Female Flower

Male Flower Seeds

Long Term Benefits

Five years is a long time to wait for the plants to produce beans, especially when demand for the oil is so heavy and supply is so low It is believed to live for at least 100 years. It also appears that after the plant starts to produce, it will produce larger quantities of beans each year as it grows larger

Jojoba Oil

The oil is crushed from peanut-sized seeds that are produced from plantations of hedge-row grown shrubs Researchers have proved that this oil is virtually identical or in some respects superior to whale oil Jojoba seeds contains 45 to 55 per cent oil or liquid wax, with chemical properties similar to those of the body fat obtained from sperm whale Jojoba oil is also a replacement for sperm whale oil

Jojoba oil

Jojoba Oil is a liquid wax, as opposed to other vegetable oils which are triglycerides The molecular structure of this oil is very tough therefore it is stable even at high temperatures and pressures unlike most of other lubricants It does not turn rancid

The cosmetics and skin-care industry buys 90% of present production, using the oil in its natural form or modified to a cream or wax The market for pure filtered oil for use as a skin moisturiser is expanding rapidly The remaining 10% of production, coming from second pressings of seed and solventextracted oil, has use in the sulfonated form as an additive in special lubricants Current production of jojoba oil is far too small to be of interest to the large oil companies but smaller specialist lubricant companies are keen to use it

Jojoba plant oil qualities

It has no fishy odour. The crude oil contains no steering and requires little or no treatment for industrial usage. It takes up large amount of sulphur. It does not darken on sulpharisation. The highly sulpharised oil is liquid, whereas sperm whale oil when sulpharised requires addition of mineral oil to remain liquid.

As an Alternative fuel

Because it releases a lot of energy when it burns and is chemically stable at the high temperatures and pressures in a working engine Because it contains less carbon than diesel, so there are lower emissions of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and soot Use of jojoba as a fuel needs huge quantities of seeds, which needs large investment, probably by the government or private sector

Farmers in Egypt are already planting jojoba shrubs with the idea of providing the oil for fuel Government Incentives - Subsidy on growing of Jojoba in India

Cultivation in India

In India, some parts of Kutch in Gujarat and Jodhpur in Rajasthan intensive cultivation of Jojoba is being done Gujarat State Rural Development Corporation Ltd (GSRDC) has undertaken commercial cultivation of Jojoba at its Munjpur farm in Sami Taluka of Patan district. For almost one year GSRDC is cultivating Jojoba plantations on its 50-hectare farm in Munjpur plot commercially

Rajasthan government has allotted 110 hectare of wastelands including 70 hectare at Fatehpur in Sikar district and 40 hectare at Dhand in Jaipur district for jojoba plantation. Jojoba plantation project was formulated in 1995 for a period of five years. Jojoba in the country is now being grown in an estimated area of about 335 hectare and the area is increasing every year. The production estimate for this plantation is 25 million tonne. About 90 per cent of the jojoba cultivation is in Rajasthan.

The rest is in Pune in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu The cost of production of Jajoba depending on land availablity, irrigation facility including tube well has varied from Rs 15,000 to Rs one lakh for a period of first four years The cost-benefit ratio is 1:3.4. The cost of production of one kg of jojoba in US is Rs 132, in Israel it is Rs 68 and in India it is Rs 20. This low cost of production in the country gives it a competitive edge AJORP has bought two tonnes of Jojoba seeds from farmers cultivating in 150 hectares Rajasthan at the rate of Rs 125 per kg

Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun

Has developed process, products and formulations Two stroke engine oil Sulphurisation of Jojoba oil for extreme pressure additives Industrial gear oil formulations using sulphurised Jojoba oil of - low sulphur content. - high sulphur content. Catalytic hydrogenation of Jojoba oil for Jojoba wax


Standardization of vegetative propagation of jojoba CAZRI Jodhpur (1994-1997) Jojoba plantation and research project, AJORP Jaipur (2000-2005) Study of jojoba seeds and oil from Indian locations for quality and other aspects, IIP Dehradun, UP

Environment Friendly

Jojoba is eco-friendly or environment friendly Deep root system makes it as soil stabiliser Can be planted to beautify the landscape or on highway and roadside in green belts around the desert towns of Rann of Kutch

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