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This centre-out square shawl features a wide knitted-on edging. Made from Shetland wool raised on the Malagash Peninsula, it is like the Nova Scotia itself: solid in the middle and frilly at the edges. A square shawl can be worn many ways and a yarn made from a grippy fibre like Shetland keeps it in place. Skill level: intermediate Techniques Used: invisible ring cast-on, knitting on double-pointed needles, yarn-overs, simple decreases, knitted-on edging Materials: Last Resort Farm Shetland Lace weight 2-ply (2oz/375-400yds): 2 skeins MC for centre panel; 2 skeins CC colour, for edging. 3.5 mm (US 4) DPNs 3.5 mm (US 4), 60 cm/24 or 80 cm/32 circular needle (or both, if desired) Stitch markers small amount of smooth waste yarn for provisional cast-on (optional) Finished measurements: 43 x 43 inches, blocked Gauge: 4 stitches per inch in circularly-knit garter stitch (alternating rounds of knit and purl), after blocking. Abbreviations used k = knit k1b = knit 1 stitch through the back loop p = purl pfb = purl into the front and back of the same stitch (increases 1 stitch) yo = yarn over (increases one stitch) k2tog = knit two together (decreases one stitch) k2tog tbl = knit two together through back loop ssk = slip, slip, knit (decreases one stitch) sm = slip marker

Mimi Fautley, 2009

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Centre Panel
Using MC and the Invisible Ring Cast-On (see page 4), cast on 7 stitches. Establishing round 1: pfb, p to end. (8 sts) Establishing round 2: * yo, k1, yo, k1b repeat from * to end of round. (16 sts) Establishing round 3: Purl, placing markers before each of the k1b stitches. Use a different coloured marker before the last k1b to denote the end of round. Round 1: * yo, k to next marker, yo, sm, k1b, repeat from * to end of round, Round 2, and every even-numbered round: purl all stitches, slipping markers as you come to them. Repeat rounds 1 and 2, switching to circular needle when necessary, until there are 136 stitches between each pair of markers, ending with round 2. (544 stitches total) Slip first 4 stitches of next round to right-hand needle. Cut MC, leaving a long tail.

Note: The centre panel of the shawl was knitted circularly, but the Wide Loop Edging is knitted back and forth, in rows perpendicular to the centre panel, and is anchored to the shawl by knitting the last stitch of the CC together with a MC stitch at the end of every even-numbered row. Cast on 14 stitches onto a DPN. You can use any cast on you like: long-tail, cable cast-on, knitting-on, backwards loop or a provisional cast-on that you will undo when you seam the two ends of the edging together. Wide Loop Edging (worked on 14 stitches + 1 shawl stitch every alternate row) Row 1: K3, (yo, ssk, k1) three times, (yo twice, k1) two times Row 2: (K1, k into first yo, p into second) twice, (k2, p1) three times, k2, k2tog tbl (knitting last CC together with next MC stitch on left hand needle). Row 3: K3, (yo, ssk, k1) twice, yo, ssk, k7 Row 4: BO 4 sts, k3 (not including last st of BO), p1, (k2, p1) twice, k2, k2tog tbl as on row 2. Pick up the circular needle that is still holding the shawl stitches so that the WS of the centre panel is facing you. Hold the needle that does not have the cut end of the MC hanging from it in your right hand. Using CC, work across the newly cast-on stitches in row 1 of Wide Loop Edging pattern. Turn work. Work rows 2 through 4.

* Continue to work edging pattern until three MC stitches remain before next corner stitch.

continued on next page

Mimi Fautley, 2009

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Turn corner: Maintain Wide Loop stitch pattern, joining edging to shawl: th every 4 row three times (omit join on other RS row by ending row with a k1 instead of a k2tog) th every 6 row twice (the first time you will be joining to the corner stitch, the second time you will be joining to the first stitch past the corner) th every 4 row 3 times. Here is a version of the stitch pattern with the joining decreases omitted. You may find it easier to follow the pattern if you note the joining rows as you work the corner-turning: Row 1: K3, (yo, ssk, k1) three times, (yo twice, k1) two times Row 2: (K1, k into first yo, p into second) twice, (k2, p1) three times, k3 Row 3: K3, (yo, ssk, k1) twice, yo, ssk, k7 Row 4: BO 4, k3, p1, (k2, p1) twice, k3 Repeat from * 3 more times. Bind off and seam or graft beginning and end of edging together. Finishing: Weave in ends and wash and block shawl.

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Invisible Ring Cast-On Make a loop of yarn with the working yarn crossing over the cut end, like so: * Using the tip of a DPN, scoop the working yarn through the loop, like this:

Create a yarn-over by bringing the working yarn over your needle from front to back, like this:

Insert the needle once again into the centre loop and draw the working yarn through, as in step(you will now have 3 stitches on your needle). Repeat from * until you have cast on 7 stitches. Divide your stitches onto 3 DPNs and gently pull on cut end to close centre ring. You will increase one stitch in your first round.

Mimi Fautley, 2009

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