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EXT. FRONT GARDEN OF MODERNISED GOTHIC HOUSE - NIGHT We see the full exterior of the house, house is clean and clearly newly painted we view a 360 degree spin of the house As the spin continues, we see a quick view into each of four rooms, establishing Two students of three and an empty room, with candles lit up in it, The candles blow a burst of fire and the we quickly zoom out to see a view from the house from the road. The lamp-posts flicker and we zoom into attic room window. INT. ATTIC ROOM - NIGHT SPOT is looking outside the window, he turns his head to see the parcel tape rolling. We see parcel tape roll past the box and stick to the floor on its own SPOT (annoyed) This house gives me the creeps, thank god I'm leaving. SPOT goes to pick up the parcel tape and struggles, he tries to force it from the floor, and dramatically falling back onto his chair and spinning until we see a view of his his three computer monitors. SPOT'S Monitors read out individually the letters D.I.E, SPOT panics and paces his room looking at the screens DERYCK Flashes on all three monitors. SPOT panics and looks DERYCK directly in the eyes. The parcel tape unravels dramatically, wrapping SPOT up and forcing him up onto the wall smashing through his screens, A small fire from the screen catches to the end of the parcel tape slowly burning up onto SPOT. SPOT (Screaming) AHHHHHHHHHHHH! INT. SECOND FLOOR FRONT OF HOUSE BEDROOM NIGHT TARA lying on the bed talking on the phone, the phone cuts off, and she redials. TARA (annoyed) Why does this house phone never want to work! She gets through to her friend on the phone and her friend carries on talking. She is looking at her collage of photographs. We see DERYCK within the background of an image in one of her photographs. DERYCK starts to move transferring photograph to photograph, TARA notices the movement of DERYCK TARA (worried) Sarah... Sarah.. something is moving, on, on, on my wall. Somethings moving Sarah.

DERYCK look directly towards TARA giving an evil smirk, which builds to laughter. The bed starts to move around her, lifting her up and not letting her get off TARA (screams) No. wait. NO!. NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOO! We see the Phone drop to the floor from her hand

INT. FIRST FLOOR HALLWAY GARY runs to the bottom of the stairs from the kitchen and trips on uplifting floorboard, the floorboards beneath him start are moving and cracking open on their own, He panics GARY (screaming) Tara is that you! I'm coming! His path of the stairs becomes distorted with cracked open floorboards and a self-moving stairway he grabs the bannister which breaks off. He has a quick rush idea, he jams the bannister into the most stable area and takes a small run up and vaults as high as he can over the cracking stairway. He lands on his feet, only just moving any inch of his body backwards would send him falling into the pit. We see beneath his back-heel the floorboards fall away forcing GARY to try and keep stable, we see through his legs DERYCK walking up to him. We see DERYCK'S feet close up to GARY and a whisper. DERYCK (Whisper) Boo GARY falls backward into the pit, and the floorboards recover around his body and go back to their original, normal state. INT. SECOND FLOOR BEDROOM REAR OF HOUSE NIGHT DERYCK in his room, lit by candles around his room, pentagram on the floor within the centre of it lays a Ouija board. DERYCK (confidently) Spirits talk to me, if your there, talk to me. What happened in this house 10 years ago? A silent pause. The candles start going out one by one in order around the room Wind blows through the parcel taped up windows forcing a howling noise

DERYCK (Shouts) What did them teenagers say that night and too my house-mates before me? Engraving on wall appears, DERYCK reads out loud as he sees it DERYCK (curiously) From now I'm here, forever inside, call my soul to be. Stored in this house, I pledge inside so forever its just you and me. EXT. FRONT GARDEN OF MODERNISED GOTHIC HOUSE NIGHT Camera zooms out through the front window and to the original position as started, The lamp-post give a quick flicker of light and then, all the windows and curtains slam shut in one big burst.

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