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Your Name: Tyler Bridgewater Course #: ENGL 1101 Date: 1/19/12

Project #1: Multi-Modal Literacy Narrative Part 2: Cultural Domain Analysis Instructions (Part 1 Domain Analysis Chart): When introducing the Multi-Modal Literacy Narrative project, we established that your mind is influenced by different cultural/social systems that work both separately and together to shape your ideas, beliefs, and practices as a reader and writer. To analyze these systems, your first task is to complete the domain analysis chart in which you must reflect on each of the four domains listed below and identify as many practices, ideas/values/beliefs, objects, or significant details from each cultural/social system that you think has influenced your literacy and composition skills.

Home Mom, Dad, sister and twin brother Dad works at Duke energy, mom works at a Restaurant Strictly american, speaking english Raised to take education serious, my dad was very hard on me about school Weren't forced to read books, but encouraged to do our homework Raised to love sports, played baseball since i was 7 or 8. and started playing football in 5th grade. Didn't talk to my parents much about personal life, except for school. Never really ate dinner together everyone did their own thing as we grew up. Family revolves around the television Biggest relationship with my dad is we bond together watching out favorite sports and teams together We still today, that is the biggest thing that my dad charishes

Work I didn't start working till last year, my last semester of high school I work at the auto bell carwash here on highway 49 The way we talk is in a way country, a lot of them hunt and all that sense We also use types of dialect and short abbreviations for the types of washes A customer gets a ticket of what they bought and it is taped to the inside of there windshield we read what they got so we know what to put on there car like, AA interior AA exterior where we put armor all on there plastic interior parts like the dash, and exterior the trimming of the car, also rain x and tire gloss. Different stores call tire gloss depending of the area, like tire shine, tires, high shine, and wet wet. It helps us move things a little quicker.

School Albermarle road elementary school- as I remember we were always read to us,

Neighborhood / Community / Peers

picture books, and always handed things. I do remember recess our teachers would play football with us. Albermarle Road middle school, I was in a english class where we read a lot and wrote and reflected on them. We had a thing where we had to gain points of 25, by reading certain book and answering question a database to get points. But rarely i did, but still got 25 They had classes for typing and using of the microsoft word and spreadsheets of that type. We started learning how to produce 5 paragraph essays. My favorite subject was always math, I was always in higher courses of math. In High school I attended Independence High Freshman year we learned all over about grammar and Reading of stories on greek mythology.. I think if i remember Sophmore year was really all about the 10th grade writing exam once we finished that we did absolutely nothing Junior year we started our grad project in which we gather information on notecards for our paper to write. a 5 paragraph format. I had AP English which was dreadful for me we read some books in class and also wrote tons of papers and had group corrections on our papers we wrote Math came natural for me cause it was more hands o and working problems out. Senior year my teacher still read to us I hung out with a lot of southern people and knowing that I'am southern, I talk southern or country

Community I lived in suburban neighborhood with all races all my friends were black white and hispanic We all played neighbor hood games like at night man hunt and stuff and also did a little bit of mischief We always played football in the fall together had big games Played basketball in the spring In the time on summer me and mostly white friends played wiffle ball all summer I also spent around learning new dialect with my black friends and hispanic friends and it showed me how they talked to there family In high school a lot of people moved and people had a lot more stuff to do in school so we stopped played around and focussed on school and sports. My friends from school I hung out with we went out and did our own things. We also were very unproductive just hanging around. We were really tight hanging out almost everyday, we were sorta like the way the guys were in the movie knocked up when they were playing video games like really mean and critical. we played a lot of tricks on each other. De-morallizing in a way but in fun in games. My background i changed to being more southern, I try to talk proper around adults, but around friends anything goes.

Instructions (Part 2 Domain Analysis Narrative): Now that you have completed the chart and generated some ideas about the cultural/social systems you engage with, it is time to flesh out those ideas, and analyze/explain how you think each domain has influenced your literacy and composition. For each of the systems listed below, write between 75 and 100 words to explain the major details of each cultural/social system and how the qualities of each system have influenced your literacy and composition (this means you will compose four short analyses total). You may complete your essays below. Simply type your essay next to each of the headers.

Home: In my household, I have never been pressured in a composition way, it was more of a personal decision. I don't like to read and I never have. I was always surrounded by sports and my whole life I've played a multiple sports every year in school. In a cultural sense I have grown to enjoy sports watching sports playing sports at one, and interested in maybe reading article about high school teams or players I know or even myself in the paper. At home it really didn't influence me that much. I sometimes would write about what goes on at my house, and interesting events. Work: At work I began to show the background of many people being very southern, and that we have different variations of abbreviated words for different washes. It influences that I have a southern accent, but also I feel it helps me with my ability to talk to others. Im always having conversation with people I work with and customers who I talk to very much. I believe it doesn't really affect me in my influences in reading and writing. It does help me with talking to my friends and other individuals I don't know. School: During school I rarely enjoyed my english classes, especially my junior year, it was a struggle to pass the class, I never got a A on anything, except for vocabulary quizzes. We seemed to always be read to as well. In middle school I didn't read much at all, but we wrote quite a bit. As a result it contributed mostly to me not liking to read and write, it was never a passion to me, It didn't like me you can say. In my english

classes I never gained much in literacy, In my Junior year, writing was horrible, and I tried really hard to get better and achieve better scores but every time my grades never improved. It cause me to dislike writing extremely the most. When I read I can never focus on what I'm reading, I doze of or think of different things. Reading and writing to me felt like eating meat for a vegetarian. Neighborhood / Community / Peers: In my community and the people I hang out with all we did was hang out together, go out to events, plays sports with the guys and talk crap about each other in a joking way. We do our guy thing, we are very competitive in everything. We are always hanging out together, and in my writing I begin to write about my friends. I would write about crazy interesting trips to the movies, bowling, parties and even just hanging out talking to each other. It would let me use my thoughts of how me and my community interact, and use it in pieces that I write.

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