Multi Modal Literacy

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BORRERO ENG 1101 1/30/12

Object Description/Title: BOOK CASE Social/Cultural System Object Represent (i.e. Home, Work, School, Community/Neighborhood/Peers): Observations: Possibly Includes: Literal visual descriptions Literal facts Key terms that pop out Descriptions of content (this applies particularly for literary texts). Reactions: Possibly Includes: Immediate reactions Questions Emotional response Memories associated with the object related to literacy.


Conclusions: Possibly Includes: Use evidence to decide what is reasonable to conclude about how the object has influenced your reading, writing, and communication skills. Describe how the object has shaped your views of literacy, impacted you, or helped you grow as a reader, writer, and communicator.

Tall Multiple shelves Filled with books Multiple rows and stacks of books. Varying from single books to series.

Constant buying of books to fill up bookshelf. Favorite seriesHarry Potter. Old series and books have been kept. Books in mint clearly good condition.

As I grew, the book shelf was filled with more books. Broadened horizons of reading. More genres to discuss with wider groups of peers.

Object Description/Title: REGISTER Social/Cultural System Object Represent (i.e. Home, Work, School, Community/Neighborhood/Peers): Observations: Reactions: Conclusions:


Possibly Includes: Literal visual descriptions Literal facts Key terms that pop out Descriptions of content (this applies particularly for literary texts).

Possibly Includes: Immediate reactions Questions Emotional response Memories associated with the object related to literacy.

Possibly Includes: Use evidence to decide what is reasonable to conclude about how the object has influenced your reading, writing, and communication skills. Describe how the object has shaped your views of literacy, impacted you, or helped you grow as a reader, writer, and communicator.

Cash draw for money slip for reciets Instructions on screen Touch screen Specific noises to indicate approval or decline of card. Check reading machine attached

First job learning register Memorization of store codes to input in register. Understanding department numbers to prevent shrink.

Communicate with numbers. Specific phrases used only in the work place. Quick reading skills needed. Faster thought process.

Object Description/Title: Silly Sally Went to Town (First book ever learned to read) Social/Cultural System Object Represent (i.e. Home, Work, School, Community/Neighborhood/Peers): SCHOOL Observations: Possibly Includes: Literal visual descriptions Literal facts Key terms that pop out Descriptions of content (this applies particularly for literary texts). Reactions: Possibly Includes: Immediate reactions Questions Emotional response Memories associated with the object related to literacy. Conclusions: Possibly Includes: Use evidence to decide what is reasonable to conclude about how the object has influenced your reading, writing, and communication skills. Describe how the object has shaped your views of literacy, impacted you, or helped you grow as a reader, writer, and communicator.

Bright cover Big font for letters Rhyming scheme for story

Cannot remember more than the first line of the book. Joy of finally being able to read on my own.

Sounding out words. Putting pictures with words. (context clues). first "chapter" book.

Object Description/Title: Portable Walkman Social/Cultural System Object Represent (i.e. Home, Work, School, Community/Neighborhood/Peers):

Observations: Possibly Includes: Literal visual descriptions Literal facts Key terms that pop out Descriptions of content (this applies particularly for literary texts).

Reactions: Possibly Includes: Immediate reactions Questions Emotional response Memories associated with the object related to literacy.

Conclusions: Possibly Includes: Use evidence to decide what is reasonable to conclude about how the object has influenced your reading, writing, and communication skills. Describe how the object has shaped your views of literacy, impacted you, or helped you grow as a reader, writer, and communicator.

Small & Handheld Varied in color (mine was gray) Fit one cd at a time. Headphone jack. Operated on AA batteries.

Blocked outside noise. Caused anti-social behavior. Used until walkman did not properly function. The i-pod of the 90's. Everyone had one.

Language through music. Conversing with other members of the community about music and songs. Using lyrics to describe feelings and emotions. Widen group of peers by liking

Samsung brand.

a certain genre.

HOME & THE BOOK SHELF;; "Hey there Angie, remember me? You have always been able to see me, I've always been sitting in the room across from your bed. I hold all of your favorite stories about your favorite fictional characters. I've helped you maintain all your books (and magazines,) in one place! Thanks for keeping me so organized by series/title." WORK & THE REGISTER;; "I know I'm not your favorite part about working at Marshalls', but don't give up on me yet! By learning how to work me, you've been able to give yourself more job experience, In a way, you've increased your literacy through numbers, having to learn certain codes for the register and number sequences for the different departments within the store."

SCHOOL & SILLY SALLY;; "Silly Sally went to town, riding backwards, upside down! That was the very first sentence you ever learned to read by yourself. You went from barely being able to pronounce simple words to flying through the pages of my book. I am very impressed with myself, for my rhyming scheme throughout my story helped me teach you to read in an easier setting."

COMMUNITY & WALK-MAN;; "Remember me? Your beloved walkman? You used to take me everywhere

you went. I would come with you on your walks to and from school, and I would sit in your backpack until you were ready to use me again. I taught you literacy through music and helped you better express yourself through song verses and lyrics."

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