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Jeffrey Town Farmers Association Limited

to the GEF Small grants programme, our project began with this agency in late December 2012 and already we see the upgrade of our alternative energy system taking place. We have added eight panels exactly the same as the original ones and eight more batteries to support the increased energy production. The aim is to completely remove ourselves from the JPS CO grid and be self sufficient in all our activities; this investment will go a far way towards this goal. Remember alternative energy depends upon the weather which is unpredictable but over all we are expecting a minimum 50% cut in our energy bills starting in March/April as we had a five day period during late February with no access to either wind or sun as the new acquisitions were installed and commissioned.

JTFA is extremely grateful


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Jeffrey Town Farmers Association Limited

February 2012 Issue $30.00

February has been a month of major activity in Jeffrey Town as we under took a series of training sessions and disaster preparedness activities:-


Took place on the 7th and the 8th of February 2012. Our facilitator was Mrs. Gordon who guided us step by step in knowing how to asses buildings and to which category they fall under. We had a good turnout of persons from the community. Only a few persons did not receive a certificate as they only came on day one. Plans are being put in place for them to attend another training to get certified. Some persons came only for day two and they got there certificates as day two was more critical and all the assessments of buildings were done on that day.

Initial assessment training: A group of twenty people from all districts of the
community were taught how to assess damage caused by natural disasters; they high lighted the structures in the community already at risk and they have a work book to assist them as they continue their part of the preparedness effort by offering non partisan assessment in times of difficulty.

Inspiration Corner
Do not wait; the time will never be "just right". Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along. - Napoleon Hill

Church Corner
And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 18:2-4 ESV)


St. Mary Parish disaster management plan preparation: three members of the
Jeffrey Town disaster committee have travelled to Port Maria for a series of meetings and planning session as one of the five Community development committees participating in the project and the only group from the rural part of the Parish ensuring a real ridge to reef approach to the plans made in tandem with Robins Bay, Oracabessa, Port Maria and Annotto Bay. Our group has greatly contributed to the process and we commended for the mitigation work taking place in the community. We were given a six foot relief map of St. Mary and a hand drawing of our community.

Wholesale Chicken Call 356 8271

Those of us who have children or spend a great deal of our time surrounded by these little ones would be accustomed to the humility that Jesus refers to in the passage. Have you ever seen a childs reaction after his parents scold him? That child continues to hold fast to the fathers legs or the mothers dress. Now I dare you to evaluate your response to correction with that of a child. Do you continue to hold the corrector dear to your heart as the child did, are you able to forgive in split seconds, are you willing to ignore your pride and take heed? Dont be discouraged, as adults this becomes harder as we have lost our innocence. We become caught up in our needs and arrogance becomes the order of the day. On that hour when we revert to the character of a child we truly commence serving God in spirit and in truth. Jesus taught humility during his lifetime here on earth. Remember this famous one turn the other cheek? Humility is the beginning of wisdom and fear for the Lord. It is the times when we deny ourselves and seek God that our prayers become most effective. Try humility and you will see the wonders it does for your Christian walk and for your earthly prospects as they say mannas cyah yuh go far. Olivia Derrett.

Earthquake drill at Jeffrey Town and Wallingford Primary schools with our trained
disaster committee members acting as search and rescue, and loud speakers rigged up on the roof of the JTFA Building alerting the whole community of the activity was the order of the day February 15. The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM) had involved the police and the fire department for the drills which went extremely well; the level of awareness was raised through out the districts by the event and the training messages made by the Jet FM team and aired on the radio.

Stagga Back
Sugar, coconut, ginger and spices

Available Wholesale Order Yours Now!

First aid training: February 20 and 21 were dedicated to training a cadre of first
aiders. Jeffrey Town is now able to boast a group of twenty-one St. John Ambulance certified people able to competently give assistance in an emergency. Some key point in the training included:

Mouth Watering

Mouth to mouth resuscitation Applying bandages PTO...

Stagga Back

This is a publication of the Jeffrey Town Farmers Association Limited printed by The Jeffrey Town Multimedia Centre 2012 Tel. # 876-823-3057 or for the radio station Jet 88.7FM # 876-618-1828

Breadfruit Festival July 15 2012, Look out for the Launch of Festival at the St. Mary Agri Show.

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February 2012 Issue

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Prepared- continued from front page

How to assess the situation at the scene of an accident First response to poison, bleeding, fainting, strains and sprains. It was intense and very satisfying all the participants worked hard and studied their notes to ensure they could pass both written and practical exams to gain certification. This is our team selected from across all districts of the community.

Mother Earth
The other planets we cannot roam so we are glad for Earth to be our home. Air, land and water it will provide for all living things worldwide. But to survive we all must share resources that we need to care. Nina Bulgin
In this issue we seek to enlighten readers on natural resources. Natural resources are all the things that the Earth provides in a natural environment that we as humans all depend on for existence, satisfying all our needs and wants. Natural resources range from the air that we breathe, the sun, water, plants even the rocks crushed to build blocks in our homes. Resources that are classified as renewable resources which means that all these resources are easily replaced by nature as they are used, and non-renewable resources are those resources which can be used up or those which are not replaced by nature when they are used up. Earth provides natural products (plants, animals) and features (land, water, air). Let us take a closer look at some of Earths natural resources. Land is an important natural resource on which we all depend. We build, cultivate and carryout all our daily lives on land, in fact none of us reading this bulletin lives in the sea or a river. As defined by the Websters Concise English Dictionary land is the solid part of the earths surface or the ground or soil or a country. Xaimyca the Taino name for Jamaica which translates into the land of wood and water clearly states that the country was abundant in wood (trees) and water on which they all depended on for existence. Land is therefore the solid part of the earth comprising of rocks, forests, water bodies, buildings, road structures, farms and land forms. Land is also the natural environment that is the habitat (home) of other living things such as plants and animals. Habitats on land are called terrestrial habitats. This important natural resource is coming under severe threat because of population growth. The Earths population has been growing rapidly and the need for land has increased. There is a greater need for land for housing and this need has led to the development of large areas of land compromised or changed from its original state which has leads to destruction of wildlife plants and animals, through the destruction of their natural habitats. In addition, this increase in population also gives rise to the need for more goods and services, therefore, factories, offices, and shopping facilities are built.
In next feature we will look at the benefits of land and the approaches to dealing with environmental issues such as these.


In conjunction with the Gayle Police the farmers of Jeffrey Town have come together to fight against Praedial Larceny. On February 5 Corporal Flemings, Sergeant Turnbull and DC Hunt met with the twenty seven concerned citizens and help line out a procedure for all to follow to help cut down the levels of theft of farm goods.

Be Vigilant, watch for you and your neighbour If you see the thief, call out the persons name Call the police station on 9758112 Take vehicle license plate numbers, if vehicle is moving to Guys Hill direction call Guys Hill Police 994 333 or 119 Give a receipt for all you sell Get registered as a farmer

1000 Pride of Barbados Trees

The tree planting component of our activities will begin again during the month of March, we will plant approximately eight acres of fruit trees on our farms in conjunction with the beautification exercise. 500 Pride of Barbados trees will be planted during the next six to eight weeks with the remaining to be planted during October /November. These trees have been chosen for their beauty and their ability to stabilize the road side banks, they will be planted at twenty foot intervals where possible on both sides of the road starting first from JTFA Building to Maidenhall Crossing and then again from our building towards Salisbury. This effort requires the help and assistance of each member of the community to protect the trees from animals and Two foot Puss The farmers association will arrange for the roadsides to be cleared in the designated planting areas, the holes to be dug, protective baskets for each tree to be constructed and then ask you to come out in your numbers on planting day and plant the trees and install the fences for each tree. This project is for everyone who lives in Jeffrey Town, we will advise you by radio of our planting days and look forward to you r help to beautify this community and stabilize the banks at the same time.

Have you ever stop to think where the soil comes from?
This commodity on which all cultivators depend on actually goes through a process to be in existence. Soil is the loose, weathered material on Earths surface in which plants can grow. Soil forms as rock is broken down by weathering and mixes with other materials on the surface. Soil is constantly being formed wherever bedrock is exposed. You might be wondering what bedrock is? Well, the soil is made up of layers or horizons and bedrock is the solid layer of rock beneath the soil. A bare rock surface does not look like a spot where plants could grow. But look more closely. In that hard surface you may see a small crack. Over many years, mechanical, and chemical weathering will slowly enlarge the crack. Rain and wind will bring bits and pieces of broken rocks, dust and dry leaves. The wind may also carry tiny seeds. With enough moisture, a seed will sprout and take roots. Once exposed at the surface, bedrock will gradually weather into smaller and smaller particles that are the basic material of soil. However, soil is more than just particles of weathered bedrock. Soil is a mixture of rock particles, minerals, decayed organic material, air, and water. The type of rock particles and minerals in any given soil depends on two factors: the bedrock it comes from and the process of weathering. Together, sand, silt and clay make up the portion of soil that comes from weathered rock. Look out for next feature where we will look at life in the soil. Orane

The farmers have agreed to set up watch at the peak times when it is known that thieves are in the area and have promised to advise each other when assistance is needed.

Funded by Jamaica Protected Area Trust


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