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Course Code 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 Course Title Principles of Management Managerial Economics Data Analysis for Decision Making Organizational Behavior Management Accounting Marketing Management Executive Communication and Personal Growth Laboratory Practical

Course Code 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 Course Title Human Resource Management Legal Environment of Business Financial Management Operations Research Management Information System Application of Research Methods in Management Emerging Trends in Management (Case Analysis & Seminar) Practical

Course Code Electives 1 Electives 2 Electives 3 Electives 4 Electives 5 Electives 6 Mini Project Course Title

List of Electives (IIISemester)

Course Code 301 302 303 304 305 306 Course Title Human Resources Industrial Relations and Labor legislation Performance Management Human Resource Planning and Development Competency Mapping and Development Training and Development Managerial Behaviour and Effectiveness Finance 307 Management of Financial Services and Institutions 308 Financial Derivatives 309 Project Planning Analysis and Management 310 Insurance and Risk Management 311 Commercial Bank Management 312 Corporate Valuation and Taxation Marketing 313 Industrial and Service Marketing 314 Sales and Distribution Management 315 Marketing Research and Consumer Behavior 316 Retail Management 317 Advertising and Promotion Management 318 Customer Relationship Management Systems 319 Advanced Data Base Management System 320 Enterprise Resource Planning 321 Network Management and Information Security 322 Software Project and Quality Management 323 Decision Support Systems 324 Software Enterprise Management Production 325 Supply Chain Management 326 Logistics Management 327 Value Engineering & Business Process Reengineering 328 Production Planning and Control 329 Statistical Quality Control 330 Facility, Location and Process Design General Management 331 Family Business Management 332 Entrepreneurship Development 333 Hospital an d Healthcare Management 334 Insurance Management 335 Infrastructure Management 336 Event Management MINI PROJECT 337 Mini Project

Course Code 401 402 403 Course Title Business Policy and Strategic Management International Business Main Project and viva voce

SYLLABUS 2010 - 2011

Semester I

Unit I Introduction Management overview evolution of management thoughts Management is science or art? Functions of management types of business organizations. Unit II Planning Planning the meaning and purpose of planning steps types MBO Policies , Procedures and Methods Nature and types of policies Functional Policies Decision Making Process Types of Decisions. Unit III Organizing Organizing Meaning and Structure Span of Control Line and Staff Relationships Staffing Sources of Recruitment Selection Process Training Methods Departmentation Organization Charts. Unit IV Leadership Direction Leadership theories Styles Motivation Theories Types Co ordination Communication Types Process Essentials. Unit V Controlling Controlling in Management Control Process Innovation Management Informational Technology in Management Budgets Techniques Importance Case Studies in General Management. References: 1. Hellriegal, Jackson & Slocum Management A Competency Thomson South western 2007. 2. Koontz Herald & Weihrich Heinz Essentials of Management: An International Perspective Tata McGraw Hill 2004. 3. Heinz Weihrich, Mark.V.Cannice & Herald Koontz Management: A global and entrepreneurial Perspective Tata McGraw Hill 2008. 4. Pettinger Introduction to Management 4e Palgrave Macmillan 2007. PC Tripathi, PN Reddy Principles of Management Tata McGraw Hill 2006.

UNIT I Introduction Concepts of Economics - Nature of Business decision - Business decision making Process - Role of Economics in business decision making. UNIT II Demand and Supply Demand Function and Types - Elasticity of Demand - Demand Forecasting Techniques Supply Function - Elasticity of Supply UNIT III Production, Cost and Profit Analysis Production Function - Economies of Scale - Cost function. Profit Analysis:- Profit Functions - Theory Of Profit - Profit Maximization UNIT IV Market Structure and Pricing Policies Market Structure - Perfect Competition and its Pricing - Monopoly and its Pricing Oligopoly and its Pricing - Pricing Policies. UNIT V Economics and Government National Income - Business Cycle Inflation - Balance of Payment - Government Policies And Regulations References: 1. Mankiw,Principles Of Economics, Thomson learning,2006 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Ahuja H.L,Economic Environment of Economics,S.Chand and Co Ltd,2005 Dwivedi,Macro economics-Theory and Policy,Tata Mc.Graw-Hill,2001 Maheswari,Managerial Economics,PHI,2007 Nordhaus & Samuelson,Economics, Tata Mc.Graw-Hill,2007 Suma Damodaran, Managerial Economics,OxfordUniversity,2006 Atmanand,Managerial Economics,Excel Books,2005


Unit I Application of Differentiation and integration in business Application of Differentiation and integration in business (Demand elasticity-Marginal cost, total cost, Average cost) - Regression Analysis Correlation Analysis-interpolation and extrapolation Newtons forward and backward methods in interpolation Unit II Numerical measures of location Numerical measures of location-Dispersion-Sample statistics-population parameters & point estimators-Measures of central location-mean, median, mode, percentiles & quartilesMeasures of variability-Range, inter-quartile range, variance, standard deviation-Measures of relative location & detection of outliers z scores-Sample variance & standard deviationsDescriptive statistics tool Unit III Frequency & relative frequency distributions Frequency & relative frequency distributions-Cumulative frequency & cumulative relative frequency distribution-Data presentations-Bar graphs, pie charts, histograms, ogive and Stem-n-leaf Unit IV Experiment and Sample Space Experiment and Sample Space -Events and Operations with Events-Probability of an Event -Basic Probability Rules-Binomial, Possoin Probability distributions-Normal Probability Distribution Unit V Procedures for testing hypothesis Procedures for testing hypothesis, selected hypothesis tests Z Tests, t test, chi square, Bivariate statistics: Parametric tests Z test Differences between mean t test Difference between mean ANOVA and nonparametric tests Application of SPSS Packages References: 1 Kandasamy, Numerical methods, Sultan chand 2007 2. Sharma J.K, Operations Research: Theory & Applications Macmillan India Ltd, New Delhi, 2007 3. Hamdy A.Taha Operative Research An Introduction, PHI 2007 4. Hiller S. Frederick and Lieberman J.Gerald Introduction to operations Research: Concepts and Cases Tata McGraw hill 2007 5. Harvey M. Wagner Principles of Operations Research PHI 2007 6. David R. Anderson Dennis J. Sweeney Thomas A. Williams Introduction to Management Science Thomson Learning 2005


UNIT I Introduction to OB Meaning & Importance of OB - Historical Development & Contribution Disciplines Foundation of individual behavior - Values attitudes & job satisfactions UNIT II Personality & Motivation Its determine &attributes - Values & attitudes - Components &function of attitude Perception and individual decision making - Basic concepts to application - Motivation Theories Maslow, McGregor, McClelland theories Problems in motivation UNIT III Group Dynamics Foundation of group behaviour - Types of groups - Group Norms and Cohesive group Roles Understanding work teams UNIT IV Organizational culture & learning Elements of organizational culture - Organizational culture and performance - Changing and strengthening culture - Organizational socialization - Creating an ethical organizational culture Sustaining organizational culture UNIT V Employment relationship and career dynamics Conflict process ,source of conflict - Structural approach to conflict management - Resolving conflict through negotiation - Organizational careers - Contingent workforce - Power and politics in organization - Work stress and its management - Cause and consequences - Stress coping strategies References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mcshane L.Steven vonGlinow Ann Mary Sharma R.Radhd Book nameOrganisational Behaviour,Publisher Tata Mcgraw Hill Year 2006 Robin Fincham Peter Rhodes ,principle of organizational Behaviour,oxford university press,year2005 Luthan Fred ,organizational Behaviour ,Tata McGrawHill Year 2000 Bobbins Stephen p,Organizational Behaviour 12th edition Prentice Hall(india)Pvt Ltd ,Year2000 Dwivedi R.S,Human Realtions and organizational Behaviour A Global perspective 5th Edition palgrave Macmillan Year 2006


UNIT-I Introduction to Financial and Management Accounting Introduction to Financial and Management Accounting, Generally accepted Accounting Principles, conventions and concepts and systems of Book keeping. The Balance Sheet and related concepts, the Profit and Loss Account related concepts. Preparing Final Accounts with adjustments. UNIT II Analysis of Financial Statements Analysis of Financial Statements: Financial Ratio Analysis Classification of Ratio Interrelationship between Ratios Du-Pont analysis UNIT III Fund Flow & Cash flow Analysis Fund Flow Analysis Importance and procedure for preparing a fund flow statement schedule of changes in working capital funds from operation statement fund flow statement limitations of fund flow statement - Cash flow analysis importance and procedure for preparing cash flow statement cash from operation statement cash flow statement limitations of cash flow statement UNIT IV Company Final Accounts Preparation of company accounts with necessary adjustments UNIT V Budgets and Budgetary Control Budgets and Budgetary Control - Classification of Budgets- Production Budget- Sales Budget- Cash Budget- Flexible Budgets- Zero base Budgeting. REFERENCES:  M.Y.Khan and P.K.Jain - Management Accounting Tata MCGraw Hill Publishing Company ltd  M.A.Sahaf - Management Accounting (Principles and Practice): 2000 edition Vikash Publishing House Pvt ltd, New Delhi.  R.S.N.Pillai and Bagavathi Management Accounting, S.Chand and Co.Ltd., New Delhi(2002 Edition)  Bhattacharya S.K. John Dearden Accounting For Management Text and Cases, (2000 edition) - Vikash Pu blishing House Pvt ltd, New Delhi.  Chareles T.Horgen Introduction to Management Accounting (2001 edition) Prentice Hall New Delhi.


Unit I Introduction to Marketing Definition of Marketing - Nature and Scope of Marketing - Marketing Process - Evolution of marketing management Concept of Marketing:-production concept - product concept - selling concept - societal marketing concept. Marketing Environment: - Micro Environment &Macro Environment. Marketing I n Indian Context Unit II Marketing Mix 4Ps of Marketing: - Product Price Place Promotion. Product: Levels Classification Product mix New ProductDevelopment PLC Branding.Price:- strategies Methodsdecisions influencing factor - Selecting the final price - Adopting price - Responding to Competitors price ChangesPlace:- nature and importance of channel - Channel design and management decisions Channel Members Promotion:- Promotion Mix steps in developing effective Communication Integrated Marketing Communication, Personal Selling, Publicity, Public Relations. Unit III Buying behavior Understanding buying behavior (Industrial and individual) influencing factors responding buyer behavior (New & Existing Product) building customer satisfaction marketing to organization Adoption process, Market Segmentation Targeting positioning Unit IV Marketing Research and IT in Marketing Meaning Definition Types Process- tools and Techniques application of marketing research Preparation of Marketing research report. . Computers and IT in Marketing: - On-line Marketing Web Based Marketing e-marketing. Unit V Emerging Trends in Marketing CRM-Services Marketing Rural Marketing Retail Management Global Marketing Strategic Marketing. Marketing Ethics and social responsibility. Emerging new trends and challenges to marketers, B2B, C2B, Marketing Audit. REFERENCES: 1. Philip Kotler: Marketing management (Millennium edition), prentice hall of India P (ltd), New Delhi 2001. 2. Zikmand dAmico, Marketing South western, Thomson Learning, 2000. 3. Philip Kotler & Kevin lane keller Abraham Kashy: Marketing Management: A South Asian perspective, Pearson Education, 2007 4. Ranjan Saxena: Marketing Management, TMH, 2006 5. Crainfield: Marketing Management, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007 6. Kurtz and Boone: Principles of Marketing, Thomson Learning, 2006 7. Aakar Day, Kumar, Essential of Marketing Research.

107 - EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS &PERSONAL GROWTH LABORATORY PRACTICAL Unit I Writing business letters and developing messages Writing business letters and developing messages - Neutral and Positive messages Negative & Persuasive messages. Unit II Verbal communication & making presentations Verbal communication & making presentations, communicating to mass Media & listening technique Unit III Role playing & Team building Role playing & Team building - Strategies for successful Business and Group meetings Memos, notice, agenda and minutes documentation - Writing Reports and Proposals Unit IV Interviewing Interviewing: Types, stages, skills for interviewer and interviewee - Understanding thinking process using NLP, NLP basics, Ego states & Transactions Unit V Case Presentation Case Presentation References: 1. Business Communication For Managers, John M. Penrose, Robert W. Rasberry, Robert J. Myers, Thomson South Western 2007 2. Communication Skills for Effective Management , Hargie, Palgrave Macmillan 2006

Semester II


UNIT I Introduction to HRM Meaning, Scope, Definition and Objectives of HRM - Functions of HRM and Models of HRM - Activities and Challenges of HRM - Role of HR Manager - HRM as Linked to Environmental changes UNIT II Human Resource Planning &Recruitment, Selection HR Planning process - Job analysis, Job description & Job specification - Job Rotation, Job enlargement & Job enrichment - Job evaluation RECRUITMENT:- Recruitment -Process & Methods of Recruitment. SELECTION:- Selection process - type of tests & types of interviews Designing and conducting the effective interview - Induction and Placement

UNIT III Wage and Salary Administration & Appraising and Managing Performance Principles and techniques of wage fixation - Incentive schemes and plans. Appraisal process, methods, and potential problems in performance evaluations, Traditional Modern methods - Potential Appraisal - Methods to improve performance - Career Planning and Development UNIT IV Training and Development Nature of Training - Methods and tools of Training - Training Need Assessment Training Design - Training Evaluation UNIT V Recent Trends in HR HR outsourcing - Managing Recession and Retention - Industrial Relations - Industrial Disputes and causes and Resolution - Remedial measures - Collective Bargaining - Grievance Management - Quality of work life REFERENCES: 1 K Aswathappa Human Resource &Personnel Management TMH 2005. 2 Bratton Human Resource Management Palgrave Macmillan 2007 3 Scott Snell&George Bohlander Human Resource Management Thomson Learning 2007. 4 VSP Rao Human Resource Management Text and Cases Excel Books 2007. 5 Raymond A. NoeJohn R. Hollenbeck Patrick M Wright Human Resource Management Gaininga competitive advantage TMH 2006. 6 Jon M. Werner &Randy L. Desimone Human Resource Development Thomson Learning 2006.


Unit I Law of contract Law of contract Meaning and Essentials of Valid Contract Offer , Acceptance and Agreement - Formation of Agreement Consideration in Contracts Performance of the Contract Void Contract, Voidable Contract Contingent Contract Breach, Damages and Compensation . Unit II Law of Partnership&Law of Sale of Goods Law of Partnership Concept and Formation of Partnership Kinds of Partners Legal Relations between partners rights of incoming and outgoing partners Retirement and Expulsion Dissolution of Firm. Law of Sale of Goods Definition and essentials of a Contract of Sale Goods and Their Classification Sale and Transfer of ownership Transfer of Title by non owners unpaid sellers and his rights remedies for breach. Unit III Negotiable instrument act Negotiable Instrument Act Concepts of Instruments and its importance Definition of promissory notes Cheque and bill of exchange holder for value and holder in due course Types of Negotiation Rights and duties of Collecting and Paying Bankers Forgery. Unit IV Companies Act Companies Act Types of Company Registration MOA AOA Prospectus and rising of Capital Borrowing powers of the company BOD Auditors Meeting. Unit V Industrial Acts Factories Act, Trade Union Act, Labor Welfare Act, Maternity and CSI Act, Consumer Protection Act References 1 Pathak Legal Aspects ofBusinessTata McGraw Hill 2005 2 P C Tulsian Business and CorporateLawTMH 2007 3 N.D. Kapoor Elements of MercantileLawSultan Chand & Sons 2003 4 C L Bansal Business and CorporateLawsExcel Books 2006 5 MC KuchhalDeep PrakashBusiness Legislationfor ManagementVikas Publishing 2007 6 S.N.Maheshwari &Maheshwari,Business RegulatoryFrameworkHimalaya PublishingHouse2006 7 K.R. Bulchandani Business Law forManagementHimalaya PublishingHouse2006 8 P.K.Goel Business Law forManagersBiztantra Dreamtechpress2006


UNIT - I Introduction to Financial ManagementScope of finance Finance functions Financial goals Profit Maximization vs Wealth Maximization Financial managers role - Time preference for money future value future value of a single cash flow future value of an Annuity Annuity of a future value Present value Present value of a single cash flow Present value of an Annuity Present value of an uneven cash flow Constantly growing annuity Value of an annuity due Multi period compounding. UNIT - II Capital Budgeting Investment Appraisal techniques Pay back period method Accounting rate of return method Net Present Value method Internal Rate of Return profitability index method Discounted Payback methods NPV vs IRR NPV vs Profitability Index. UNIT - III Cost of capital Significance of the Cost of Capital Concept of the Opportunity cost of capital determining component costs of capital Cost of Debt Cost of Preference Capital Cost of equity capital Cost of equity and the Capital Asset Pricing Model Weighted Average Cost of Capital UNIT - IV Capital StructureTheories of Capital Structure and policy Introduction Optimum Capital Structure Factors determining Capital Structure Financial and Operating Leverage Relevance of capital structure Net Income and Traditional Views The MM Hypothesis under Corporate Taxes Irrelevance of Capital Structure NOI Approach and the MM Hypothesis without Taxes UNIT - V Dividend Policy Dividend Theories Determinants of Dividend policy Optimum Dividend policy Dividend relevance Walters Model Gordons Model Dividend irrelevance MM Hypothesis Dividends and Uncertainty The Bird - in the - Hand Argument Forms of Dividends Shares split Buy Back of Shares. Working Capital ManagementConcepts of Working Capital Operating Cycle Determinants receivables Management Inventory Management Cash Management Working Capital Finance TEXT BOOKS:  I.M.Pandey- Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 9th Edition, 2006.  Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, Theory and Practice, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd, 5th Edition, 2001. REFERENCES:  Aswat Damodaran, Corporate Finance theory and Practice, John Wiley & Sons, 2000.  Hrishikes Bhattacharya Working Capital Management, strategies and techniques, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 2001.  James C vanhorne- Financial Management and policy-Pearson Education Asia (Low Priced Edition) 12th edition 2002.  Khan and Jain-Basic Financial Management & Practice Tata McGraw Hill-5th edition 2001.  Ravi M.Kishore Financial Management Taxmanns Publications 6th Edition, July 2005.  Dr.Periyasamy, Financial ManagementTata McGraw Hill- 3rdedition 2009.


Unit I Introduction Definition of Decision Models and Decision variables-Types of Decision Models-Steps involved in Decision Modeling- formation of LPP - Graphical method-Linear ProgrammingSimplex method-Big M method-Application of LP in Management Unit II Transportation and Assignment models Transportation and Assignment models-Initial solutions using North-West Corner Method, Matrix-Minima and Vogels Approximation Method-Optimal Solutions by Modified Distribution Method-Assignment Problems Models & Solutions-Salesmanship Problem Unit III Sequencing Sequencing - Sequencing of n jobs and 2 machines-n jobs and 3 Machinesn jobs and m machines Unit IV Network models Network models-PERT & analyzing the PERT network-CPM critical path methodWaiting Line Models-Structure of waiting line system-Queuing models Single channel waiting model with poison arrivals and-exponential service times Single server model infinite-population & finite population Multi server model infinite population Unit V Replacement theory Replacement theory - Replacement Policy for Equipment which DeterioratesGraduallyReplacement of items that fail suddenly References 1. ND Vohra, Quantitative Techniques in Management, TMH 2007 2. Sharma J.K, Operations Research: Theory & Applications Macmillan India Ltd, New Delhi, 2007 3. Hamdy A.Taha Operative Research An Introduction, PHI 2007 4. Hiller S. Frederick and Lieberman J.Gerald Introduction to operations Research:Concepts and Cases Tata McGraw hill 2007 5. Harvey M. Wagner Principles of Operations Research PHI 2007 6. David R. Anderson Dennis J. Sweeney Thomas A. Williams Introduction toManagement Science Thomson Learning 2005


UNIT I Introduction to Information Systems Information Concepts -System Concepts -Information system: Definition & Components Computer Based Information Systems -Business Information Systems

UNIT II Systems and Application Software Overview of Software -Systems Software -Operating systems Current, workgroup and Enterprise - Operating System - Application Software -Overview of Application Software Personal Application Software -Group Application Software - Enterprise Application software Programming Languages

UNIT - III Database Management System Hierarchy of Data - Data Entities, Attributes and Keys - Database Approach - Relational Database Model -Types of Database - Data Definition Language -Data Manipulation language Data Control Languages - Popular Database Management Systems - Data Warehousing & Mining UNIT IV Functional Aspects of MIS Overview of MIS - Financial - Manufacturing -Marketing -Human Resource Management -Accounting & Geographic Information Systems -Overview of Decision Support system

UNIT V Enterprise Resource Planning & System Development Overview of ERP Modules of ERP Packages - Popular ERP Packages -ERP

Implementation - Overview of systems development - Systems development life cycles - Factors affecting systems development success.

Reference Books: 1. Ralph Stair & George Reynolds, Principles of Information Systems Thomson Learning 8th Edition,2008 2. Jawadekar, Management Information System, TMH 2007 3. David Whiteley, Introduction to Information Systems, Palgrave Macmillan,2006 4. James OBrien, Management Information System ,TMH 2007 5. Kenneth C. Laudon & Jane P. Laudon, Management Information System, PHI 2006 6. Kenneth C. Laudon & Jane P. Laudon , Management Information System ,Pearson Education 2006 7. Gordon B. Davis & Margrethe H. Olson, Management Information System ,TMH 2000 8. Ray Hackney & Dennis Dunn ,Business Information Technology Management, Palgrave Macmillan ,2006 9. Schultheis Management Information systems: The Managers View ,TMH 2007 10. Ashok Arora & Akshaya Bhatia, Management Information system Excel Books 2006 11. G V Satya Sekhar ,Management Information System Excel Books 2007


Unit 1 Business Research Introduction Definitions nature and scope Significance - Research Process - Research Problem and Design - Defining and formulating the research problem - Identification and selection of problems in Management - Research design meaning Need concepts experimental design in Management Unit 2 Methods of data collection Primary data collection:- Qualitative & Observation Research - Primary data collection techniques - Qualitative Research Techniques - Focus Groups, Depth Interviews, Projective Techniques - Observation Research Techniques - Survey Techniques Questionnaire Design and Testing. Secondary data collection:-Role of secondary data in management research - Sources of secondary data - Limitations of secondary data Unit 3 Measurement & Scaling Techniques Measurement in Research - Basic Scaling Techniques: Nominal Ordinal - Interval Ratio Measuring Attitude: Comparative Rating Scale Non Comparative Rating Scale - Itemized Rating Scale - Meaning & Relationship of Reliability & Validity Unit 4 Sampling Theory Need for sampling - Basis of sampling - Sampling Process - Types of sampling probability & non probability sampling, Sampling error. Hypothesis Introduction Study Process Significant types, type I, type II error Unit 5 Data Analysis and Report Preparation Multivariate Analysis:- Factor Analysis - Cluster Analysis - Correspondence Analysis and Conjoint Analysis - Application of SPSS and MINITAB Report Preparation - Interpretation and report writing - Meaning and techniques of interpretation - Significance of report writing - Different types and steps in report writing REFERENCES: 1. Donald R.Cooper and Ramcis S.Schindler, Business Research Methods, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing CompanyLimited, New Delhi, 2000. 2.C.R.Kothari Research Methodology, Wishva Prakashan, New Delhi, 2001 3.Uma Sekaran, Research Methods for Business, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 2000. 4.Donald H.Mc.Burney, Research Methods, Thomson Asia Pvt. ltd. Singapore 2002. 5.G.W.Ticehurst and A.J.Veal, Business Research Methods, Longman, 1999. 6.Ranjit Kumar, Research Methodology, Sage Publication, London, New Delhi, 1999. 7.Raymond-Alain Thietart, ET, al., doing management research, sage publication, London, 1999.

207 Emerging Trends in Management (Case Analysis and Seminar) Practical

Unit 1 Business Ethics Conflict Strategy - Employee Privacy - Workplace Safety - Business Practices in Foreign Countries - Business and its Shareholders - Contract Relations - Product Safety Advertising Ethics Unit 2 Marketing E-Marketing - Technology Marketing CRM - Tele Marketing - Rural Marketing - Relationship Marketing - Preparation of Business Plan Unit 3 Human Resource HR forecasting - Innovation Creativity - Knowledge management - E-Recruitment - Modern Training and Development Tools - Performance management Unit 4 Finance Financial Institutions - International Finance - Mutual Benefit Funds - Preparation of Project Report for New Product / Service - Financial Management Issues in National / International Scenario Unit 5 Operation and Systems Japanese Manufacturing System - e-Production - e-Maintenance - Software Quality Software Reengineering - Software Outsourcing - e-Business - Consultancy Service Management Software Infrastructure Management References 1 Marianne M. Jennings Business Ethics: Case Studies and Selected Readings Cengage Learning 2006 2 Pandey Contemporary Indian Marketing Cases Wiley India 2007 3 OGuinn Allen Semenik Advertising & Integrated Brand Promotion Cengage Learning 2006 4 Paul Greenberg CRM at the Speed of Light Tata McGraw Hill 2007

Semester III


UNIT I INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Concepts Importance Industrial Relations problems in the Public Sector Growth of Trade Unions Codes of conduct. UNIT II INDUSTRIAL CONFLICTS Disputes Impact Causes Strikes Prevention Industrial Peace Government Machinery Conciliation Arbitration Adjudication. UNIT III LABOUR WELFARE Concept Objectives Scope Need Voluntary Welfare Measures Statutory Welfare Measures Labour Welfare Funds Education and Training Schemes. UNIT IV INDUSTRIAL SAFETY Causes of Accidents Prevention Safety Provisions Industrial Health and Hygiene Importance Problems Occupational Hazards Diseases Psychological problems Counseling Statutory Provisions. UNIT V WELFARE OF SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF LABOUR Child Labour Female Labour Contract Labour Construction Labour Agricultural Labour Differently abled Labour BPO & KPO Labour - Social Assistance Social Security Implications. TEXT BOOKS 1. Mamoria C.B. and Sathish Mamoria, Dynamics of Industrial Relations, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi, 2007.

REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C.S.Venkata Ratnam, Globalisation and Labour Management Relations, Response Books, 2007. Ratna Sen, Industrial Relations in India, Shifting Paradigms, Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi, 2007. Srivastava, Industrial Relations and Labour laws, Vikas, 2007. Sarma A. M, Welfare of Unorganized Labour, Himalaya Publishing House, 1st Edition, 2008. Subba Rao , Essentials of Human Resource Management & Industrial relations ( Text & Cases ), Himalaya Publications, 2007.


Unit 1 Introduction Role of performance in organization- Dimensions - Role of appraisals in Performance Management.Performance management process -Relevance of objectives in organizations Organizational & individual performance - Process - Performance management & human resources management Unit 2 Performance planning & Analysis Performance planning -Performance analysis KPAs - Components of Performance planningObjectives of performance analysis.Process of Performance analysis Unit 3 Performance review & discussion Significance of review - Process of performance review - Performance rating - Performance appraisal factors - Methods & errors -Reducing raters bias - Performance review discussions Objectives Requisites Process - Role of mentoring - Coaching in performance review discussions Unit 4 Implementing Performance Management System Operationalizing change - Implementing process - Factors affecting implementation - Pitfalls in implementation Experiences in performance management - Traditional practices - Recent approaches - Case studies in performance management in select organization Unit 5 Appraisal Systems Introduction, purpose of Appraisal - Pros & Cons of Appraising - Methods of Appraising - Who can Appraise Reward systems, legal, issues and team performance management.Reward systems & legal issues - Managing team performance References 1. Prem Chadha, Performance Management, Macmillan, 2008. 2. T.V.Rao, Performance Management & Appraisal Systems, ResponseBooks,2007. 3. Herman Aguinis, Performance Management, Pearson education, 2008. 4. Peter Ward, 360 Degree Feedback, Jaico publishing house,2006. 5. Dewakar Goel, Performance Appraisal & Compenstion Management, PrenticeHall of India, 2008. 6. B.D.Singh, Compenstion & Reward Management, Excel Books, 2007. 7. R.K.Sahu, Performance Management System, Excel Books , 2007. 8. Srinivas . R. Kandula, Performance Management, PHI, 2006. 9. Edited by Frances NEale, Hand book of Performance Management, JaicoPublishing, 2008. 10. Micjael Armstrong & Angela Baron, Performance Management, JaicoPublishing, 2007. 11. Cardy, Performance Management Concepts, Skills & Exercises, PHI, 2007.


The training and development, evaluation and quality consciousness and productivityimplications provide the students with an understanding of the human resource development processes. The students will be exposed to the latest training methods in HRM and Management development Unit 1 HRD A conceptual analysis - HRM and HRD - HRD Climate & Culture - Professional characteristic & competencies for HRD professionals - Emerging issues facing HRD Professionals Influences on Employee behavior External influences - Internal factors that influence employer behavior Unit 2Learning and HRD Learning principles - Maximizing learning - Individual differences in learning process - Learning strategies and styles - Recent developments in instructional and cognitive psychology Unit3Analysis of the role of development Developing the person in the role/ Career Planning, CareerDevelopment & Career Strategy Performance review and counseling - Potential appraisal / Employee Empowerment Assessment centre-career and succession planning/ QWL Unit 4Training and development Meaning and importance - Training process model emerging developments - Identification of training needs - Organizational analysis -Task analysis- person analysis - Priotizing HRD needs Transfer of training - Issues-transfer process - Theories &strategies-Organization and work environmental factors that influencetransfer of training. Unit 5 HRD Audit and Hr Accounting HRD Audit: Interview , observation, Questionnariers - HRD Score Card - Writing the HRD Audit Report - Designing & Using HRD Audit for Business Improvement Strategic HRD - Concept of SHRD -SHRD system, process - HRD benefit forecasting model Managing HRD function effectively - HRD Scenerio in Indian Organisation: its problems and prospects References 1. Tapomoy Deb, Human Resource Development, Ane Books,2006 2. Biswanath Ghosh, Human Resource Development & Management , vikaspublishing house , 2006 3. T.V.Rao, HRD Audit, Response Books, 2006. 4. Nair & Rao, Excellence through HRD, TMH, 2007. 5. T.V.Rao, Future of HRD, Macmillan, 2006. 6. Srinivas.R.Kandula, Strategic Human Resource Development, PHI, 2006. 7. Edited by Gangaram Singh, Strategic HRM in a global Economy, Excel Books,2007. 8. Uma Jain and Udai Pareak, Developing Leadership for the global Era HRDPerspectives &Initiatives, Macmillan, 2004. 9. P.C.Tirupati, Human Resource Development, Sultan Publication, 2007. 10. Silvera.D.M, Human Resource Development,


UNIT I Introduction Introduction to Competency and competence - History and Origin of Competency - Definitions Managerial Competencies - Reasons for Popularity of Competency Competencies and competitive advantages Myths about Competency. UNIT II Behavioral Competencies Components of competency Skill - Knowledge - Attitude - Motive Trait - Self-Concept Iceberg Model of Competency - Operant and Respondent Traits of Competency - 360 Degree Feedback - Delphi Technique - Competency based Training & Development. UNIT III Competency Categories The Core competencies - Threshold Competencies - Differentiating Competencies - Generic or Key Competencies - Functional or Technical Competencies -Causes for Resistance and Recommended Actions UNIT IV Steps in Developing Competency Model Determining the objective & Scope - Clarifying Implementation Goals and Standards - Create an Action Plan - Define Performance Effectiveness Criteria - Identify a Criterion Sample - Data Gathering and Interim Competency Model - Finalize and Validate Competency Model. UNIT V Competency Models Leadership and managerial competency models - HR Generic Competency Model Competency based Recruitment and Selection - Competency Based Performance Appraisal Competency Based Succession planning - Competency Based Compensation and Benefits Competencies Assessment and uses - Strategies to address the gaps Integration the Competency Model - Reassess competencies and evaluate ROI References 1. Organizational Behaviour - Human Behavior at work by John.W.Newstrom and Keith Davis Tata McGraw Hill, l1/e, 2003 2. Human Relations in organizations. Robert N. Lussier, 6th edition, Mc-Graw Hill Education 3. Development Management Skills, Whetten & Cameron, 7th Ed. Pearson, PHI. 4. Understanding OB Udai Parek, Oxford University Press. 5. Theories of Personality Calvin S Hall Et Al, Wiley Publication 6. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R Covey, Simon & Schuster 7. Training in Interpersonal Skills tips for managing People at work, Stephen Robbins, Et al, Pearson, PHI.


Unit 1Training Objective and concepts of Training - Scope of Training -Training and HRD - How Training Benefits the Organisation - Current and Future Trends in Training Unit 2 Analysis of Training Needs Organisational Analysis:Task, Person. Requirement Analysis - Methods and Techniques of Training Need Assessment. - Training needs Analysis and Process. -Operational Analysis/ Job analysis Unit 3Training Design Prime Considerations while designing a Training Programme - Factors affecting Training Design.Budgeting for Training. - Identification of Evaluation objectives & Needs - Establishing and identifying Training Objectives. Unit 4. Learning& Training Process Definition, Principles - Components and elements of Learning Process - Training Process and Methods-Designinf the Training Programme - Training Implementation - Training Policy and Plan -Types of Training - Training Method Unit 5Implementation and Evaluation Training Logistical and Physical Arrangements - Tips for Trainer for Effective Implmentation - EvaluationDefinition & need - Types of Evaluation Instruments - Evaluation Design &Techniques - Training Audit - Suggestions for Making Training Effective Management Development - The need & importance of management development - Approach to management development - Sources of knowledge and skills - Special needs of Technical Managers - Strategies to develop Technical Managers - Training for Executive Level Management References 1. Dr.B.Janakiram, Training & Development, Biztantra, 2008. 2. R.K.Sahu, Training for Development, Excel books, 2005 3. Rolf Plynton and Udai PAreek, Training for Development, Vistaar Publications,2007. 4. Irwin.L.Goldstein, Training in Organisations, Thomson, 2007. 5. James Flaherty, Coaching, Bulterworth-Heinemana, 2008. 6. Margaret Anne Reid and Harry Barrington, Training Interventions, JaicoPublishing , 2007. 7. Mohan Thite, Managing People in the new economy, Response books, 2004. 8. Carole Pemberton, Coaching to Solutions, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2008. 9. E.H.Mcgrath, Training for Life & Leadership in Industry, 4th edition, PHI,2007 10. Donald.J.Lord, Bottom Line Training:How to Design & Implement SuccessfulPrograms that Boost Profits, PHI, 2007.


The course is designed to provide an understanding of managerial job & making the job more effective. Unit 1 Managerial job Definition & Descriptive dimensions - Methods, Models & time dimension - Job behavioureffective & ineffectiveManagerial job behaviour- functional & level differences Designing managerial job Identifying managerial talent - Selection & Recruitment - Managerial skill development Managerial Motivation - Pay & Rewards Unit 2 Effective Management Criteria Performance appraisal measures Feedback - Career management - Balance Score Card Managerial effectiveness - Concept & Definition - The person, process & product approaches - Bridging the gap Unit 3 Measuring Managerial effectiveness Current practices in Industry & Government - Effective Manager as an Optimizer Unit 4 Issues in Managerial effectiveness Organizational process - Organizational Climate - Leader & Group influences - Job challengesCompetition- Managerial styles Unit 5 Developing Winning Edge Organizational & Managerial efforts - Self Development -Negotiation Skills - Development of Competitive Spirit - Knowledge management - Fostering creativity References 1. 1.Chakraborty, Managerial Effectiveness & Quality of Work Life IndianInsights, 1st edition, TMH, 2007. 2. S. Naranyan Roa, Counselling and guidance, TMH, 2nd edition, 2007. 3. Gary Yuki, Leadership in Organisation, Pearson Education, 2007. 4. Jagjit kumar kharbanda, Be a Dynamic Leader, Vikas Publishing, 2006. 5. Willan. J. Rathwell, Strategic Human Resource Leader, Jaico Publishing,2005. 6. Mrithyunjay Kumar and Srivastava, Transformational Leadership,Macmillan, 2003. 7. Debashis Sarkar, Lessons in Six Sigma, Response Books, 2007. 8. Charles.B.Dygert, Creating a Culture of Success, PHI, 2008. 9. Wallance.Masters, Personality Development, Cengage Learning, 2006. 10. McGrath.S.J., Basic Development Skills for All, PHI, 2007. 11. Andrew.I.Dubrin.Ph.D., Leadership , wiley, 2006. 12. W.J.Reddin, The output oriented manager, Macmillan,2006.


Objectives To Understand the Indian Financial System and its Evolution over the years. To View the Functioning of Regulatory, Promotional Institutions, Banks and other Financial Intermediaries and of the Functioning of Financial Markets. To understand the benefits of Financial Services to Business and the need of Regulation to the Financial Service Industry. Unit 1 Non-Banking Financial Companies Meaning Features - Role of NBFC in India - Leasing and Hire Purchasing - Legal Aspects of Hiring and Leasing - Types of Leasing. - Rights of Hirer and Hire Purchase - Accounting Treatment of Leases - Lease Vs. Hire Purchasing Unit 2 Merchant Banking and Mutual Funds Nature and Functions of Merchant Banking. - Regulation of Merchant Banking. - Present State of Merchant Banking in India.Mutual Funds - Types of Mutual Funds. - Mutual Funds in IndiaDeveloping, Launching andMarketing of Schemes.Computation and Relevance of NAV.Offshore Mutual Funds and Money Market MutualFunds. - Regulation of Mutual Funds.Techniques of Investment Analysis. Unit 4 Factoring Issues of Factoring Services. - International Factoring Unit 5 Venture Capital & Financial Institutions Venture capital - Angel financing. - Ethical Considerations in Financial Services. Financial Institutions - Role of financial Institution in financial markets.Development Banking Institutions . IDBI, IFCI,ICICI, IRBI,NABARD, SIDBI, and EXIM Bank -Objectives, operations,schemes of financing Credit Rating - Credit Rating system Growth factors - CRISIL Ratings for short term instruments - Credit rating process References 1. L.M.bhole, Financial Institutions and Markets, 4th edition, TMH, 2008. 2. Dr.S.Gurusamy, financial Services, Vijay Nicole, 2005. 3. M.Y.Khan, financial services, The Mc Grow Hill Companies, 4th edition, 2007. 4. Meir Kohn, financial Institutions and Markets, Oxford, 2nd Edition, 2007. 5. Nalini Prana Tripathy, Financial Services, PHI, 2007. 6. Dr.S.Gurusamy, Financial Services and System, Thomson, 2004. 7. Madura, Financial Institutions and Markets, Thomson, 7th edition, 2007. 8. N.K.Gupta and Monika Chopra, Financial Markets Institutions & Services, AneBooks India, 2008. 9. Meera Sharma, Management of Financial Institutions, PHI, 2008. 10. Avadhani .A, Marketing of Financial services and Markets, Himalaya Publishing 11. Herbel.J.Johnson, Financial Institutions & Markets, TMH.


The course aims to develop an understanding of the importance of financial derivatives and the institutional structure of the markets on which they are traded as well as developing the analytical tools necessary to price such instruments. Unit 1Introduction Definition of derivative - Types Forward Contracts Futures Contracts Options Swaps Differences between Cash and Future Markets - Uses and Advantages of Derivatives - Risks in Derivatives Unit 2 Futures Contract Introduction to Futures - Trading mechanism - Clearing & settlement system -Pricing of futures Unit 3Options Definition - Pricing of option - Specifications of Options - Intrinsic Value and Time Value of Options - Differences between future and Option - Contracts Unit 4 Swaps Definition of SWAP - Types of SWAP - Role of Financial Intermediary Warehousing Valuation of SWAP -Bonds and FRNs Credit Risk. Unit 5 Forward Contract Introduction to forward - Forward rate agreement - Pricing of a FRA - Advantages and Disadvantages of FRA - Forward contract on Income & Non-income bearing - securities References: 1. R.Vijaya Bhaskar & B.Mahapatra, Derivatives simplified, Response Books , 1stedition, 2006. 2. Indian Institute of Banking & Finance, Commodity Derivatives , Macmillan IndiaLtd, 1st edition, 2007. 3. D.C.Patwari & Anshul Bhargava, Options and Futures, Jaico Publishing House,3rd edition, 2006. 4. Yadav, Jain and Peyrard, foreign Exchange Markets, Macmillan, 2007.5. Punithavathy pandian, Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, VikasPublishing Pvt. Ltd.,2001. 6. Antulio .N.Bomfim, Understanding Credit Derivatives & Related Instruments,Elsevier , 2005. 7. Robert.A.strong, Derivatives an Introduction, Thomson, 2006. 8. John.C.Hull, Options, futures & other Derivatives, PHI, 6th edition,2007. 9. David .A. Dubofsky and Thomas.W.Miler.JR, Derivatives, Valuation & RiskManagement, Oxford, 2003. 10. Dhanesh Kumarkhatri, Investment Management and Security Analysis,Macmillan India LTd., 2007. 11. John.C.Hull, Fundamentals of futures & Options Markets, Pearson Education,4th edition, 2005. 12. S.L.gupta, Financial Derivatives,Theory, concepts and problems, PHI, 2007.


Unit 1 Introduction Meaning and importance of Project - Types of project - Project life cycle - Project planning &implementation - Management action - Investment returns - Corporate strategy Unit 2 Financial Evaluation Evaluation & Uses of Hurdle rate - Cash flow for project appraisal- Investment analysis using capital budgeting - Project rating index Unit 3 Mathematically Modeling for Multiple Projects Mathematical techniques for project evaluation - Network technique for project managementMultiple projects and constraints Unit 4 Option Valuation of real option - Option to delay, extend, abandon project- Option to change the output and productionmethod Project appraisal for financialInstitution Technical, Commercial, Financial and managerialappraisal - Economic & Environmental appraisal - Social cost benefit analysis - Preparation of project report Unit 5Financing of Project Raising finance in domestic market andinternational market- Infrastructure financing - Tax planning while financing for projects Contemporary Issues in Project Appraisal - Project evaluation in non profit sector- Mergers& Acquisitions - Project management principles by projectmanagement institute USA Project management software References 1. Prasanna Chandra, Projects-Planning Analysis, Selection, Financing,Implementation and Review, 6th edition, 2006. 2. Gopalakrishnan, Project Management, TMH, 2007. 3. H.R.Machiraju, Introduction to Project Finance, Vikas Publications, 2005. 4. Bhavesh.M.Patel, Project Management, Vikas Publication, 2007. 5. Samnel.J.Montel, Jack.R.Meredith and Scott.M.Shafer Margaret .M.sutton withM.R.Gopalan, Project Management,1st edition, Wiley India, 2006. 6. Narendra singh, Project Management Control, 4th Revised edition,HimalayaPublishing House, 2007. 7. Narendra Singh, Problems & solutions in Project Management and Control, 3rdedition,Himalaya Publishing House, 2007. 8. Prasanna Chandra, Project Management, TMH,2007. 9. Chowdry, Project Management, TMH,2007. 10. Clifford.F.Gray, Erik.W.Larson, Project Management the Managerial Process,3rd edition, McGrawHill, 2007.


Unit 1 Introduction Definition Insurance and Risk Management - Areas where insurance is applied - Benefits and cost of insurance system - Various Insurance products - Branches of insurance Unit 2 Insurance Market and Regulation Economic Theory - Consumer Protection Act: In Insurance - Reasons for Insurance Regulation Regulated Activities - Overview of solvency regulations Unit 3 Insurance Contracts Objectives - Elements of a valid contract - Distinguishing Characteristics of Insurance Contracts Insurance Pricing Unit 4. Risk and its Management Types of Risk - Need for Risk Management - Risk Management process and methods Understanding the cost of risk - The evolution of enterprise risk management Credit Risk and Market Risk Measurement Definition - Measurement of risk - Limitations and Alternative risk measures - Credit risk policies and instrumentsEvaluating the frequency and severity of losses Unit 5.Risk aversion and Risk Management - Risk aversion and demand for insurance - Factors that limit the insurability of risk - Business risk management and demand for insurance Contractual provisions that limit coverage. Enterprise Risk Management Evolution of enterprise Risk Management - ERM framework - Risk Management fundamentals References 1. Scott. E. Harrington, Risk Management and Insurance, TMH, 2007. 2. Mark.S.Dorfman, Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance, PHI, 2007. 3. Harold.D.Skipper, Risk Management and Insurance, Wiley, 2008. 4. Nalini PRava Tripathy and Prabir Pal, Insurance Theory and Practice, PHI, 2008. 5. Neelam .C.Gulati, Principles of Insurance Management, Excel Books, 2007. 6. Dr.G.Kotreshwar, Risk Management,Insurance and Derivatives, Himalaya Publishing House, 2007. 7. Dr.N.Premavathy, Principles and practice of insurance , Sri visnu publication, 2006. 8. M.N.Mishra, Insurance principles & practice, S.Chand, 2001. 9. Dr.P.Periasamy,Principles & Practice of Insurance, 2nd edition, Himalaya Publishing House, 2007. 10. John.R.Ingrisano, The Insurance Dictionary, S.Chand&Co, 2000.


This course provides a comprehensive coverage of the basic concepts, theories, and applications and decision-making rules for financial investments. Career Focus This course is essential for careers in investment banking (for example, in research or corporate finance sections) and professional asset management (for example, mutual funds, private equity, and hedge funds). This course is also directly relevant for a job in commercial bank (such as that of a loan officer) or for work in the finance department of a company. Regardless of the career chosen, this course should prove useful for the management of the personal wealth of individuals. Brief Outline of Contents Unit 1. Basics of financial investments The process of portfolio management Mutual funds, hedge funds and other investment vehicles Unit 2Asset allocation Active versus passive asset allocation The Markowitz mean-variance optimization Unit 3Investment in stocks Measures of risk Fundamental analysis Technical analysis Efficient market hypothesis, behavioral finance, and the empirical behavior of stock returns Unit 4Investment in fixed income securities Measuring interest rate sensitivity of bonds Term structure of interest rates Managing fixed income portfolios Unit 5Investment in derivatives Options: Payoffs, valuation, parity conditions, and use for hedging Futures: Payoffs, parity conditions, and use for hedging Performance Evaluation Required Readings Bodie, Zvi, Alex Kane and Alan J. Marcus, Investments, 7th edition, 2008, McGrawHill, International edition. Supplementary Readings Reilly, Frank K. and Keith C. Brown, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 8th edition, 2006, Thomson South-Western. Malkiel, Burton G., A Random Walk Down Wall Street, 9th Edition, W.W. Norton & Company, 2007.


Course Objectives Develop an understanding of the concepts of shareholder value, investment analysis, company valuation, capital raising and project performance and how these affect capital markets and corporate finance transactions Improve your skills in corporate finance analysis techniques and be able to identify their applicability Explore how to structure M&A, MBO and Public-Private Partnership (PPP) deals successfully. Some financial analysis experience would help you get the most from this course. A basic understanding of Excel spreadsheet analysis would also be helpful. Objectives of valuation and taxation Unit 1 Free cash flow analysis Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) valuation Terminal value calculation and alternatives The discounted Economic Value Added (EVA) approach Real options in valuation Company Valuation: Accounting Approach vs. Cash Flow Approach Unit 2 Profit and cash flows compared in corporate finance Differences in International Accounting Standards Creative accounting Evolution of International Accounting Standards (IAS) Market Value Added (MVA) and how it is driven by cash flows, not profits Calculating NOPLAT and free cash flow Unit 3 Economic Value Addition The value drivers The basis of cash flow valuation Cash Flow Return on Investment (CFROI) Economic Value Added (EVA) and Refined Economic Value Added (REVA) Unit 4 Company Valuation: Assets and Dividend Based Valuation principles Asset valuations: forced sale vs. going concern Dividend valuation and the dividend discount model Unit 5 Application and drawbacks Company Valuation: Comparable and Companies and Comparable Deals Price/earnings multiples Earnings related multiples: EV to EBIT, EBITDA and cash flow Other multiples: sales, book value, per pop, PEG ratio and EEG ratio Relative multiples Comparable deal analysis Case Study: Reviewing and evaluating the comparable companiesValuation methods used in a real acquisition


The objective of this course is to develop insights into emerging trends in the servicesector in a developing economy and tackle issues involved in the management of theirservices on national basis Unit 1 Services Marketing Introduction & evolution of services sector - characteristics of services - marketing implications, service classification - Services marketing mix - Concept of the service product - core tangibles, augmented product,understanding supporting & facilitating services - Developing the service product Unit 2 Consumer behaviour & services Evaluation of consumer dissatisfaction, Service perception& their implications to marketers, M.R. in Services Marketing.Service process - Understanding the role of the fifth P - internal marketing investing in people for strategic service advantage - Role & Structure of Service process managing demand & capacity - Understanding patterns of demand for services,Demand management strategies Unit 3 Service Quality Issues & concept of service quality - Dimensions of service quality - managing service quality Unit 4 Segmentation & Service Strategies Targeting & positioning of service- segmentation of markets for services- positioning through value chain - Positioning alternatives.Services Strategies - critical Success Factors for developing effective servicestrategies Unit 5 Pricing& Promotion Understanding Cost component of price, - Pricing techniques, & strategies - Price bundling as a concept - Consumer expectation & pricing decision - Product The Service Package Promotion - Key issues in services promotion - Word of mouth - public relations & image management promotion tools& campaign planning - Integrated Services Marketing Communications. References 1. Valevie.A.Zeithaml, Mary Jo Bitner, Ajay Pandit and Awarjne . D. Gremler,Services Marketing, TMH, 2008. 2. Hoffman, Marketing of services, Cengage Learning, 2007 3. Govind Apte, Service Marketing, Oxford Publisher, 2004. 4. Steve Baron & Kim Harries, Service Marketing, 2nd edition, Palgrave, 2003. 5. Jha. S.M, Services marketing HPH, 2007. 6. Christopher Lovelock, Ivehen Wirtz and Jayantja Chaherjee Service MarketingPeople , Technology & Strategy, A Sonta Asian Perspective, PearsonPublisher, 2006. 7. Nimit Chouory and Monika, Text book of Indian Experience, Macmillan, 2008. 8. Rajendra NArgundkar, Services Marketing Text & Cases, TMH, 2006. 9. R.Srinivasan, Services Marketing The Indian Context, PHI, 2007. 10. Helen Woodruffe, Service Marketing, Macmillan, 2007. 11. Payne, Essence of Service Marketing, PHI, 008. 12. Christian , Service Management & Marketing, John Wiley, 2008


The purpose of this paper is to acquaint the student with the concepts which are helpfulin developing a sound sales and distribution policy and in organizing and managingsales force and marketing channels Unit 1 Sales Management Functions of sales management, - trends in modern sales management,- SPIN Selling Organization Structure Sales management structure - Sales management positions - Inter departmental relations Unit 2 Personal selling Objectives - Steps Strategies - determining sales force profile -- product &market analysis - Determining sales force size - customer oriented selling strategies

Unit 3 Sales force recruitment Selection - Training - Motivation - Compensation - Evaluation & supervision Sales budget - Determine sales budget - Targets& territories

Unit 4 Sales Process Prospecting- Building rapport - presentation - Handling objections - Closing the sales - Building relationships. Distribution logistics - Elements Of Physical Distribution - Ware Housing& Inventory Decision Transportation - Distribution Channels& Creating Channels - Deciding The Number & Location Of Channel Members - Selection & Appointment Of Dealers

Unit 5 Managing Dealer Network Dealer Relations & Dealer Motivation - Dealer Training- Performance Appraisal Of Dealers References: 1. Ingram, Sales Management: Analysis and Decision Making , Cengage Learning, 2007 2. Krishna .K.Havaldar and Vasant. M. Cavall, Sales & Distribution Management, TMH, 2007. 3. Ramneek Kapoor, Fundamentals of Sales Management, Macmillan, 2007. 4. Spiro, Stanton and Rich, Management of a Sales Force, 7th Reprint, TMH, 2007. 5. Vaswar DasGupta, Sales Management: In the Indian Perspective, PHI, 2007. 6. Richant.R.Still, Edward.W .Gundiff and Norman.A.P.Govoni, Sales Management: Decisions, Strategies and Cases, 5th edition, PHI, 2007.


Unit 1 Introduction Consumer behaviour concepts dimensions ofconsumer behaviours application of consumerbehaviour knowledge in marketing decisions approaches to the study of consumer behaviour Unit 2 Consumer as an Individual Consumer needs and motives personality andconsumer behavior consumer perception learning consumer attitudes attitude formation and change communication and persuasion self image life styleanalysis.Key Determinats of Buyer Behaviour and a Framework of Buyer Behaviour Unit 3 Consumers in their Social and Cultural Settings Group dynamics and consumer reference groups Family Social class cultural and sub-cultural aspects cross cultural consumer behaviour. Unit 4 Consumer Decision Process and Post purchase Behaviour Personal influence and opinion leadership diffusion ofinnovations consumer decision making process models of consumer decision process Nicosia- HowardSheth and Engel-Kollat model- post purchase behaviour Consumer expectation and satisfaction managingdissonance consumer loyaltytypes of loyaltyprogrammes. Unit 4 Additional Dimensions Consumerism consumer protection difficulties andchallenges in predicting consumer behaviour onlineconsumer behaviour organizational and industrial buyerbehaviour consumer behaviour in Indian context emerging issues. Case Study in Consumer behaviour References 1. Assael, Consumer Behaviour, Cengage Learning, 2007 2. Blackwell, Consumer Behaviour, Cengage Learning, 2007 3. Leon G. Schiffman, Leslie Lazar Kanuk, Consumer Behaviour, PearsonEducation, New Delhi, 2006. 4. David L.Loudon, Albert J Della Bitta, Consumer Behaviour, McGraw Hill, NewDelhi 2005. 5. Jay D. Lindquist and M.Joseph sirgy, Shopper, buyer & consumer Behaviour,Theory and Marketing application, Biztantra Publication, New Delhi 2005. 6. Sheth Mittal, Consumer Behaviour A Managerial Perspective, Thomson Asia(P) Ltd., Singapore, 2005. 7. K.K.Srivastava, Consumer Behaviour in Indian Context, Goal Gotia PublishingCo, New Delhi 2004. 8. S.L. Gupta & Sumitra Pal, Consumer Behaviour an Indian Perspective, SultanChand, New Delhi 2001. 9. Ms.Raju, Dominique Xavedel, Consumer behaviour, Concepts Applications andCases, Vikas publishing house (P) Ltd., New Delhi 2004. 10. Henry Assael, Consumer behaviour strategic approach Biztantra, New Delhi,2005.


Unit 1 Introduction Definition and scope of Retailing - Retailing Scenario Global / India - Prospects of Retailing in India - Key Drivers of Retailing in India - Growth of Organized Retailing in India - Size of Retailing in India - Challenges to Retail Development in India - Economic Significance of Retailing - Opportunities in Retailing - Retail management decision process - Global Retail market Unit 2 Retail Models and Theories of Retail Development Business Models in Retail - Theories of Retail Development - Concept of life cycle in Retail Airport Retailing - Services Retailing - Retailer characteristics - Food Retailers - General Merchandise Retailers - Nonstore Retail Formats Unit 3 Organization Structure and HRM in Retail Retail Organization Structure - Retail Organization Design Issues - Identifying various roles in the organization- Recruitment & selection - Training & Motivation - Performance Evaluation Trend in Retail Human Resource Management Unit 4 Retail Market Segmentation Criteria for Evaluating market segment - Approach for segmenting market - Selection of Promotion mix - Market Targeting - Customer Profile - Market Segmentation in India Unit 5 Strategy and Planning Need for studying consumer behaviour - Factors influencing retail shoppers - Customer decision marking process - Retail Franchising - Concept of Branding - International Franchising - Case Studies References 1 Chetan Bajaj, NidhiV SrivastavaRetail Management Oxford UniversityPress2005 2 Dunne Retailing Cengage Learning 2007 3 Swapna Pradhan Retailing ManagementTest & CasesTata McGraw Hill 2007 4 Gibson G. Vedamani Retail Management Jaico PublishingHouse2004 5 Barry Berman &Joel R .EvansRetail Management: AStrategic ApproachPHI 2007 6 Michael Levy & BartonA WeitzRetailing Management Tata McGraw Hill 2007 7 Jim DionTed ToppingRetail Business Jaico PublishingHouse2006


The aim of the paper is to acquaint the students with concepts, techniques and give experience in the application of concepts for developing an effective advertising & Sales promotion Programme. Unit 1 Introduction to Advertising Definition - Nature role of advertising in modern business world - Advertising & marketing mixadvertising objectives benefits - economic aspects -ethics in advertising Unit 2Advertising Business - The Ad manager,the agency, Ad Plan,Organization of Ad agencybasic principles,public relations Unit 3 Advertising Budget Methods of Ad budgeting - administering the budget Media Overview - Types of Media - Media selection - Media plan - Media cost &Availability,matching media & marketgeographical selectivity,Media strategyMedia mix,Media scheduling, Unit 4Advertising design Advertising appeals - advertising copy - visualization & layout - writing Ad copy in printbroadcasting commercialscopy writing for outdoor & transit media. Unit 5Advertising Layout Layout design & preparation - Ad effectiveness research - measuring techniques Sales Promotion - Importance sales promotion - Sales Promotion techniques, Sponsoring events,sales promotion through merchandisingorganizing sales promotion campaignpotentials & limitations of sales promotion References 1. Shimp, Advertising and Promotion: An IMC Approach, Cengage Learning, 2007 2. O Guinn, Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion, Cengage Learning, 2006 3. Williams. F. Arens, Contemporary Advertising, TMH, 2006. 4. Batra, Myers and Aaker, Adwertising Management , 5th edition, PHI, 2007. 5. Larry.D.Kelley and Donald.W.Jugenheimer, Advertising Media Planning: ABrand Management Approach, PHI, 2007. 6. William Wells, John Burnett and Sandra Moriarty, Advertising: Principles andPractice, 6th edition, PHI, 2007.


Unit 1 Emerging Concept of CRM CRM in Marketing & IT - Enablers of the growth of CRM,Evolution and Benefits of CRM -School of Thoughts of CRM Unit 2 Building Customer Relationship Process, Bonding - Zero customer Defections - CRM framework - Market Share Vs. Share of Customers,Life time value of Customers Unit 3 CRM in Services Product Markets - B2B market. CRM in Marketing - A Marketing Retrospective - Target Marketing - Marketing Automation Unit 4 CRM and Customer service Call Centre and Customer Care - Automation of contact center - Call Routing - Web Based Self Service - Work Force Management - Customer Service - ECRM Unit 5 Components of eCRM Solutions Data Warehousing - Data Mining and CRM - Evaluation of Technical solution for CRM - Role of a contact centre in building relationships. Implementation - Defining a CRM strategy - CRM Implementation Road Map - Developing a Relationship Orientation - Customer-centric Marketing and Processes -Building Capabilities through Internal Marketing - customer retention plans References 1. Paul Greenberg, CRM at the Speed of Light, 3rd edition, TMH,2007. 2. Baran, Galka and Strunk, Principles of CRM, Cengage Learning 2008. 3. Jagdish.N.Sheth, Atul Parvatiyar and G.Shainesh (Editors), Customer RelationshipManagement, TMH, 2007. 4. John.G.Freeland, The Ultimate CRM, TMH, 2006 5. Subhasish Das, Customer Relationship Management, Excel Books, 2007. 6. Edited by S.Shanmugasundaram, Customer Relationship Management, PHI, 2008. 7. Mukesh Chaturvedi and Abhinav Chaturvedi, Customer Relationship Management An Indian Perspective, Excel Books, 2005. 8. Nath, The Nuts & Bolts of CRM, TMH, 2007. 9. V.Kumar and Werner.J.Reinartz, Customer Relationship Management , Wiley,2006 10. Jerry Fjermestad (editor), Electronic CRM, PHI, 2006.


UNIT I Database and DBMS characteristics importance advantages evolution - codd rulesdatabase architecture; data organization- file structures and indexing UNIT II Data models- Conceptual design- ER diagram-relationships- normalization -data management and system integration UNIT III Query languages-SQL for data creation, retrieval and manipulation, database transactions, concurrency control, atomicity, recovery, security, backup and recovery, data base administration- client server architecture based RDBMS. UNIT IV Concepts of distributed databases and design, Object oriented databases-object life cycle modeling conceptual design-UML. UNIT V Overview of visual databases and knowledge based databases-conceptual design and business impacts. Scope for professionals and certifications such as Oracle Certified Professional. Case Studies

TEXT BOOKS 1. Peter Rob, Carlos Coronel, Database System and Design, Implementation and Management, 7 th edition, Cengage Learning, 2. Jeffrey A Hoffer et al, Modern Database Management, 8th Edition, Pearson Education, 2008, REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. V. K. Jain, Database Management Systems, Dreamtech press, 2007 Narayan S. Umanath and Richard W. Scamell, Data Modeling and database design, Thomson course technology, 2008 Mark L.Gillenson & el, Introduction database management, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2008 Peter Rob and Carlos Coronel, Database systems- Design, Implementation and Management, Thomson Course technology, 2008 Hector Garcia -Molica et al, Database Systems The complete book, Pearson Education, 2008


Unit 1 ERP an overview, Enterprise an overview - ERP as Integrated Management Information System Evolution of ERP, Benefits of ERP. ERP vs Traditional Information Systems Unit 2 Business Process Reengineering - need and challenges, Management concerns about BPR, Phases, Basic Constituents of ERP, Selection criteria for ERP Packages, Procurement process for ERP Package, Business modules in an ERP package - Finance, manufacturing, human resource, plant maintenance, materials management, quality management, sales and distribution. Unit 3 Overview of ERP packages PEOPLE SOFT, SAP-R/3, BAAN IV, MFG/PRO, IFS/AVALON, ORACLE-FINANCIAL, Top Management concerns and ERP systems, Extended ERP (ERP II)/Advanced Planning Systems Unit 4 ERP implementation - lifecycle, Methodology, hidden costs, organizing. Role of Vendors, consultants and users projectmanagement and monitoring. Issues in customizing ERP systems for organizations - Issues in implementation, Need for training, customization. Unit 5 Faster implementation methodologies, web enabling market snap shot. Comparison between different ERP packages Future directions in ERP Introduction, new markets, new channels, ERP Case Studies References 1. Enterprise Resource Planning Alexis Leon, Tata McGrew Hill, 1/e, 2003 2. Enterprise Resource Planning Concepts and Practices by Vinod Kumar Garg & N K Venkatakrishna, PHI 3. Enterprise Resource Planning by S Sadagopan PHI 4. Monk, Enterprise Resource Planning, Cengage Learning, 2007


Unit 1 Classical security Techniques and Computer NetworkSecurity Concepts. Confidentiality and Security, SecurityPolicy and Operations Life Cycle, Security SystemDevelopment and Operations Unit 2 Secure Networking Threats - The Attack Process. Attacker Types. Vulnerability Types.Attack Results. Threats to Security:Physical security, Biometric systems, monitoring controls, andData security and intrusion and detection systems. Unit 3 Encryption Techniques - Conventional techniques, Modern techniques, DES, RSA algorithm, Key management.Message Authentication and Hash Algorithm,Messagedigest algorithm, digital signatures. AES Algorithms. Unit 4 Components of a Hardening Strategy. Network Devices. HostOperating Systems. Applications. Emerging Security Technologies GeneralDesign Considerations, Layer 2 Security Considerations. IPAddressing Design Considerations. ICMP DesignConsiderations. Common Application Design Considerations.E-Mail. DNS. HTTP/HTTPS. FTP. Instant Messaging.VPN Basics.IPsec VPN Design Considerations, Types, Topology Considerations, Site-to-Site Deployment.

Unit 5 Access Control - File Protection, Virus Protection, Security Protocols,Identification and Authentication, Network Security, EmailSecurity, Intrusion Detection, Audit Trails and Audit Reduction. Case Studies. References 1. Sean Convery, Network Security Architectures, Published by Cisco Press, First Ed. 2004 2. Krawetz, introduction to Network Security, Cengage Learning, 2007 3. William Stalling Cryptography and Network Security Pearson Education 4. Charels P. Pfleeger Security in Computing Prentice Hall 5. Jeff Crume Inside Internet Security Addison Wesley


Unit 1 Software development Definition, importance, basic activities, generic view. Conceptof the software product, Project, Process.Project life cycle models.Attributes of wellengineered software.Stakeholder in Software Project. Software resources,quality and cost. Problems related to software projects. Unit 2 Steps in project planning; Alternatives in planningStrategic assessment; Technical assessment; Cost-benefitanalysis; Cash flow forecasting; Cost-benefit evaluationtechniques; Break-even analysis; Software Effort Estimation Problems, techniques: Expert judgement; Estimation by analogy; Delphi technique;Algorithmic methods; Top-down and bottom-up estimation;Function point analysis; Object points; COCOMO model.

Unit 3 Risk Analysis and Management - Nature and categories, Risk Identification &Assessment, Risk mitigation, monitoring,and management; Evaluation of PERT.Nature of project resources; Identification, Allocating and scheduling. Cost Standard, planned, and actual cost. Measurement of physical and financial progress; Earnedvalue analysis; Status reports; Milestone reports.

Unit 4 Contract Management - Outsourcing of products and services; Types of contracts;Stages in contract placement; Terms of contract; Contractmonitoring; Acceptance testingConfiguration ManagementConfiguration management process; Software configurationitems; Version control; change control; Configuration audit;Status reporting. Unit 5 Software Maintenance - corrective maintenance, adaptive maintenance, effective maintenance, preventive maintenance&Software Reuse. Case Studies References 1. SchwaIbe, IT Project Management, Cengage Learning, 2006 2. Bob Hughes and Mike Cotterell, Software Project Management, Third Edition2002, McGrawHill 3. Pankaj Jalote, Software Project Management in Practice, 2002, PearsonEducation Asia. 4. Roger S. Pressman, Software Engineering: A practitioners Approach, FifthEdition 2001 McGraw-Hill 5. Robert T. Futrell, Donald F. Shafer, and Linda I.. Shafer, Quality SoftwareProject Management 2002, Pearson Education Asia. 6. Ramesh Gopalaswamy, Managing Global Software Projects, 2003, TataMcGraw-Hill


Unit 1 DecisionMaking and Computerized support- Managementsupport systems : an overview , decision-Making Systems, Modelling and Support. Requirement for decision support for decision making andexecutive work, Human decision making heuristics andbounded rationality, Types of Decision Support Systems Unit 2 DSS architecture, Decision modelling and analysis, Decision Support Developments. Models Required Coping withUncertainty. Probabilistic Models and Fuzzy Sets, FuzzyDSS and Fuzzy Expert DSS.Application of DSS to Some Functional Areas ofManagement. Non-Optimising Models of DSS, Simulation Techniquesand Monte- Carlo Methods.

Unit 3 Group Decision Support Systems: Intelligent Decision support systems, Knowledge-based decision Support systems, Knowledge acquisition and validation, Knowledge representation, Inference techniques. Decision Making Under Uncertainty, Understanding risk in making decisions, Managerial risk taking and organizational decisionmaking, Modelling uncertainty

Unit 4 Advanced Techniques: Neural Network fundamentals, Neural Network Architecture, Simple Neural Network applications, Genetic Algorithm, Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Sets in decision making, intelligent software agents and creativity, System integration and future of DSS. Unit5 Application of DSS: Technical Feasibility and FinancialViability of DSS. Advantages and Limitations of DSS Contemporary practices.Case Studies References Efraim Turban, Jay E. Aronson, Ting-Peng Liang: DSS and Intelligent Systems,PHI & Pearson Education, 2007. Macllah: Decision Support Systems and Data Warehousing, Tata McGraw-Hill,2003. Stevenson, Introduction to Management Science, 1/e, Tata McGraw-Hill , 2007. James A Obrien, george M Marakas: Management Information systems, 7/e,Tata McGraw-Hill, 2007.


Unit 1 Concepts of Software Quality,Quality Attributes, Software Quality Control and SoftwareQuality Assurance, Evolution of SQA, Major SQA activities,Major SQA issues, Zero defect Software.The Relationship of Assurance to the Software Life-Cycle. SQA Techniques.Tailoring the Software Quality Assurance Program: Reviews,Walkthrough, Inspection, and Configuration Audits Unit 2 Quality Management Systems: ISO 9000:2000, Six Sigma, CMMI,PCMM, TQM for software quality, CMMI Implementation methodology. ITIL Overview of V2 and V3 Library. Unit3 Configuration Management: Planning, Maintaining Product Integrity,Change Management, Version Control, Metrics. Error Reporting: Identification of Defect, Analysis of Defect,Correction of Defect, Implementation of Correction,Regression Testing, Categorization of Defect, Relationship ofDevelopment Phases.Trend Analysis: Error Quality, Error Frequency, Program Unit, Complexity, Compilation Frequency. Unit 4 Quality Management System - Software Metrics, Software Economics, Function Point analysis, Software Reliability, Software Auditing Unit 5 Case Studies in Software Quality

References Gillies, Software Quality: Theory & Practice, Cengage Learning, 2008.


Unit 1 INTRODUCTION Supply Chain Fundamentals, Importance, Decision Phases,Process View. SupplierManufacturer-Customer chain.Drivers of Supply Chain Performance. Structuring SupplyChain Drivers. Overview of Supply Chain Models andModeling Systems. Building blocks of a supply chain network,Business processes in supply chains, Types of supply chainsand examples & Strategic, tactical, and operational decisionsin supply chains. Unit 2 STRATEGIC SOURCING In-sourcing and Out-sourcing Types of Purchasing - Strategies. Supplier Evaluation, Selection and Measurement.Supplier Quality Management. Creating a world class supplybase. World Wide Sourcing and SCM Metrics Unit 3 SUPPLY CHAIN NETWORK Distribution Network Design Role, Factors Influencing,Options, Value Addittion. Modles for Facility Location andCapacity Location. Impact of uncertainty on Network Design.Network Design decisions using Decision trees. DistributionCenter Location Models. Supply Chain Network optimizationmodels. Unit 4PLANNING DEMAND, INVENTORY AND SUPPLY Overview of Demand forcasting in the supply chain.Aggregate planning in the supply chain. Managing PredictableVariability.Managing supply chain cycle inventory. Uncertainty in thesupply chain Safety Inventory. Determination of Optimallevel of product availability. Coordination in the Supply Chain.Supply chain performance measures. Supply chian inventory management, multi-echelon supply chains and Bullwhip effect Unit 5 CURRENT TRENDS E-Business Framework and Role of Supply Chain in e-business and b2b practices. Supply Chin IT Framework.Internal Supply chain management. Supply Chain in ITpractice. Supplier relationship management.Information Systems development. Packages in SupplyChain eSRM, eLRM, eSCM. Internet-enabled supply chains:e-marketplaces, e-procurement, e-logistics, efulfillment, ERPand supply chains, supply chain automation, and supply chainintegrationCases in Supply Chain Management. REFERENCES 1. Joel D. Wisner, Principles of Supply chain management, Cengage Learning,2007 2. Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindi, Supply Chain Management-Strategy Planningand Operation, Pearson Education, Third Indian Reprint, 2004. 3. Monczka et al., Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Cengage Learning,Second edition, Second Reprint, 2002. 4. Altekar Rahul V, Supply Chain Management-Concept and Cases, Prentice HallIndia, 2005. 5. Shapiro Jeremy F, Modeling the Supply Chain, Cengage Learning, SecondReprint , 2002. 6. Ballou Ronald H, Business Logistics and Supply Chain Management, PearsonEducation, Second Indian Reprint, 2004.


Unit 1 Introduction Definition and Scope of Logistics Functions &Objectives Customer Value Chain Service Phasesand attributes Value added logistics services Roleof logistics in Competitive strategy. Unit 2 Warehousing and Materials Handling Warehousing Functions Types Site Selection Decision Model Layout Design Costing VirtualWarehouse.Material Handling equipment and Systems Role ofMaterial Handling in Logistics.Material Storage Systems principles benefits methods. Automated Material Handling. Unit 3 Performance Measurement and Costs. Performance Measurement Need, System, Levelsand Dimensions. Internal and External PerformanceMeasurement. Logistics Audit.Total Logistics Cost Concept, Accounting Methods, Cost Identification, Time Frame and Formatting. Unit 4 Transportation and Packaging Transportation System Evolution, Infrastructure andNetworks. Freight Management Route Planning Containerization. Modal Characteristics, Inter-modalOperators and Transport Economies.Packaging- Design considerations, Material and Cost.Packaging as Unitization. Consumer and IndustrialPackaging. Unit 5 Recent Trends in Logistics Logistics Information Systems Need, Characteristicsand Design. E-Logistics Structure and Operation.Logistics Resource Management. AutomaticIdentification Technologies. Warehouse Simulation.Reverse Logistics Scope, design and as acompetitive tool. Global Logistics Operational andStrategic Issues. Strategic logistics Planning. References 1. Sople Vinod V, Logistics Management The Supply Chain Imperative, PearsonEducation,Indian Reprint 2004. 2. Ailawadi C Sathish & Rakesh Singh, Logistics Management, Prentice Hall India, 2005. 3.. Coyle et al., The Management of Business Logistics, Cengage Learning, 7th Edition, 2004. 4. Bowersox Donald J, Logistical Management The Integrated Supply Chain Process TataMcGraw Hill, 2000. 3. Bloomberg David J et al., Logistics, Prentice Hall India, 2005.


This course has been designed to develop an appreciation of process view of business andredesign there of. The participants would be able to develop an understanding of the use ofinformation technology for process redesign. Unit 1 Conceptual Foundation of Business Process Reengineering; Role of Information Technology in BPR; processImprovement and Process Redesign Unit 2 BPR Experience in Indian Industry; Process Identificationand Mapping; Role/Activity Diagrams; Process Visioningand Benchmarking Unit 3 BPR Implementation Methodology, Business processImprovement, Business Process Redesign; Man Managementfor BPR Implementation, Re-organizaing People andManaging Change Unit 4 Introduction, Uses, Concept, Performance of Functions,Group Thinking and BrainStorming in Value Engineering,Concept of value, function, cost and worthVarious Phases of Value Engineering Unit 5 Cost analysis for value engineering: Techniques used in Value Analysis, Case Study in BPR and Value Engineering References 1. S. Balasubramanian and R. Radhakrishnan, Business Process Reengineering- Text and Cases, PHI, 2008


Course Description Forecasting techniques, inventory analysis, master production scheduling, material and capacity requirements, planning and scheduling methods. Topics Unit 1 Introduction, course overview,Master production scheduling and rough-cut capacity planning Unit 2 Material requirements planning,Lot sizing ,Capacity requirements planning Unit 3 Fixed order quantity models,Lead time, safety stocks, and order points Unit 4 Fixed order period models,Scheduling and control,Assembly line balancing ,Learning Outcomes Unit 5 Case studies


Objectives: To Familiarise the Students with the Basic Tools and Techniques of Statistical qualityControl. To Give the Students a Sound Understanding of the Principles of Statistical qualityControl and the Basis for Applying those Principles in a Variety of OrganizationEnvironments. Unit 1Introduction to Statistical Approach to Quality Control. Quality Assurance in Business Environment.Statistical Process Control Unit 2Introduction to Control Charts. Control Charts for Attributes. Control Charts for Variables. Guidelines for Implementing Control Chart Programme Unit 3 Acceptance Sampling: Acceptance Sampling for Attributes. Acceptance Sampling by Variables. Other Acceptance Sampling Procedures. Unit 4 Other Statistical Process Control Techniques An Overview. Uses of Control Charts and Acceptance Sampling Procedures Manufacturing Applications. Process Capability Analysis Process Optimization with Designed Experiments Six Sigma for manufacturing industry Unit 5 Use of SPSS Software Package for quality related problems, Case Studies References 1) Douglas C. Montgomery, Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, John Wiley&Sons,2001. 2) Wetherill G B & Brown D W, Statistical Process Control, Chapman & Hall, 1991. 3) Eugene L. Grant & Richard S. Leavenworth, Statistical Quality Control, McGraw HillInternational Book Co., 6th Edition, 1988. 4) William S. Messina, Statistical Quality Control for Manufacturing Managers, JohnWiley & Sons, 1987. 5) Gupta R.C., Statistical Quality Control, Khanna Publishers, Delhi. 6) Ott, E R, Process Quality Control, McGraw-Hill International, 1975. 7) Zaidi A, SPC: Concepts, Methodologies and Tools, 2004


Unit INTRODUCTION Facilities requirements, need for layout study types oflayout, Model Classification, Criterion Selection, ModelValidation, Design Process. Unit 2 PLANT LAYOUT Layout problem, Plant layout procedures- variousapproaches, Flow and activity analysis, Designing the layout Unit 3 PLANT LOCATION Plant location analysis factors, costs, location decisions simple problems in single facility location problems,multifacility location problems, network location problems. Unit 4 PROCESS MANAGEMENT AND STRATEGY The Process View of Organizations, Performance Measures,Product Attribute and Process Competencies, ProcessDesign, Planning, and Control, Strategic Positioning andOperational Effectiveness, Strategic Fit, Matching Productsand Processes, Operations Frontier and Trade-offs Unit 5Process FlowProcess Flow, Key Measures, Flow Time, Flow Rate,Inventory Analysis, Process Flow Chart, Flow TimeMeasurement, Flow-Rate and Capacity Analysis,Managing Flow Variability, Process Integration- Leanoperations: Process Synchronization and Improvement References 1. Richard Francis, L. Leon McGinnis, F. Jr., John White, A., Facility Layout andLocation - an Analytical Approach, Prentice Hall of India., 2nd Ed. 2. Rav Anupindi, Sunil Chopra, Sudhakar Deshmukh,Jan A. Van Mieghem, andEitan Zemel, Managing Business Process Flows: Principles of OperationsManagement Pearson Education, 2006 3. G.Halevi and R.D.Weill, Principles of Process Plannning Chappman andHall, Madras 1995.


Objective This course incorporates current theory and practice relating to starting and managing small firms. It provides a comprehensive coverage of critical small business issues; numerous realworld examples to help students understand how to apply the business management concepts presented in the text, and incorporate material to help them explore small business issues in the amazing world of the Internet. Unit 1 Introduction Discuss the availability of entrepreneurial opportunities. Discuss the factors that make the family business unique. Understand the franchising Concept. Understand the reasons for starting a new business rather than buying an existing firm or acquiring a franchise. Unit 2 Business Landscape Define competitive advantage. Develop a comprehensive business plan. Discuss the nature of the marketing research process. Identify the factors affecting choice of a business location. Unit 3 Business Analytics Describe the purpose and content of financial statements. Identify the key characteristics of consumer behavior. Discuss the role of cost and demand factors in setting a price. Describe the communication process and the factors determining a promotional mix. Unit 4 Business and Society Explain the impact of social responsibilities on small businesses. Discuss the distinctive features of small firm management. Explain the importance of employee recruitment and identify some sources that can be useful in finding qualified applicants. Unit 5 Emerging Trends in Business Explain the key elements of total quality management (TQM) programs. Explain the importance of computer technology for small businesses. Identify the basic requirements for an accounting system. Describe the working-capital cycle of a small business. Define and explain the nature of risk. Explain the importance of an exit strategy.


Unit 1Entrepreneur: Meaning of Entrepreneur; Evolution of the Concept; Functions of an Entrepreneur,Types of entrepreneur, Intrapreneur an emerging class, Concept of Entrepreneurship-Evolutionof Entrepreneurship; Development of Entrepreneurship; The entrepreneurial Culture; Stages inentrepreneurial process. Unit 2 Creativity and Innovation: Creativity, Exercises on Creativity, Source of New Idea, Ideas intoOpportunities.Creative problem solving: Heuristics, Brainstorming, Synectics, Value AnalysisInnovation and Entrepreneurship: Profits and Innovation, Globalization, Modules ofInnovation, Sources and Transfer of Innovation, Why Innovate, What Innovation, How toInnovate, Who Innovates. Unit 3 Business Planning Process Meaning of business plan, Business plan process, Advantages of business planning, Marketingplan, Production/operations plan, Organizational plan, financial plan, Final project report withfeasibility study, preparing a model project report for starting a new venture. Institutions supporting entrepreneurs Small industry financing developing countries, A brief overview of financial institutions in India, Central level and state level institutions, SIDBI, NABARD, IDBI, SIDO, Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship, DIC, Single window, Latest Industrial policy of Government of India Unit 4International Entrepreneurship Opportunities: The nature of international entrepreneurship, Importance of international business to the firm, International versus domestic entrepreneurship, Stages of economic development, Entrepreneurship entry into international business, exporting, Direct foreign investment. Unit 5 Informal risk capital and venture capital: Informal risk capital market, venture capital, natureand overview, venture capital process, locating venture capitalists, approaching venture capitalists. Managing growth: Using external parties to help grow a business, franchising, advantages and limitations, investing in a franchise, joint venturesCase studies References 1. Poornima Charantimath, Entrepreneurship Development-Small Business Enterprise, PearsonEducation, 2007 2. Robert D Hisrich, Michael P Peters, Dean A Shepherd, Entrepreneurship, 6th Edition, TheMcGraw-Hill Companies, 2007 3. Dr. Mathew J. Manimala, Entrepreneurship theory at crossroads, Biztantra, 2007 4. Vasant Desai, Entrepreneurial Development and Management, Himalaya Publishing House,2007 5. Maddhurima Lall, Shikha Sahai, Entrepreneurship, Excel Books, 2006 6. Kurakto, Entrepreneurship-Principles and practices, 7th Edition, 2007, Cengage Learning

333HOSPITAL AND HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT Unit 1Hospital Management & Administration

Introduction Nature and scope of Hospital - Organization- Hospital the concept & Significance of Hospital Management Management of Product Profile. Unit 2 Hospital Administration:-Hospital Ethics-Distinguish Between a Hospital and an Industrial Organization-Challenges to Hospital Administration-Role of Hospital Administration in Legal Matters. Unit 3 Management of Hospital Services Types of Product - Life Cycle of Hospital Product- Managerial Proficiency for the key Hospital Service-New Product Development Dilemma. Functional Areas in Hospital Management:Management of Finance-Management of Human Resources-Management of Marketing Unit 4 Health Care Management The Managerial Role -Organization Theory & Health Services Management- Organizational Structure & Form-Futuristic Health Services Organizational form.Managerial Effectiveness:Managing Organizations-Inter-Professional collaborative Relationships-Managing strategic Change Unit 5 Health Care Evaluation Measuring Health Status & Health Related Quality of Life - Evaluating Effectiveness using randomized and non-randomized designs- Evaluating cost effectiveness -Evaluating Humanity


S.K.Jha, Hospital Management, Himalaya Publishing House, 2007.

2. R.C.Goyal, Hospital Administration and Human Resource Management, 4th edition, PHI, 2006. 3. Stephen.M.Shortell and Arnold.D.Kaluzny, Health Care Management, Thomson, 5th edition, 2005. 4. Sarah smith, don Sinclair, Rosalind Raine & Bornaby Reeves, Health Care Evaluation,TMH, 2006. 5. Marie Larney, Health Service Management Culture, Consensus & the Middle Manager, PHI, 2007. 6. G.D.Kunders, Hospitals, Facilities Planning & Management, TMH, 2007. 7. S.L. Goel, R. Kumar, Hospital administration and management, Deep and deep publications, 2005. 8. S.L. Goel, R. Kumar, Hospital managerial services - hospital administration in the 21st century, Deep and deep publications, 2004. 9. A.V. Srinivasan, Managing a modern hospital, Response books,2001. 10. Barbara J. Youngberg , Essentials of Hospital Risk Management Aspen Publications Hardcover,2006


Unit 1 Insurance industry in India Concept of Insurance-Historical Aspects of Insurance in India- Insurance Sector Reforms- Private Players in the Market - Indian Insurance Market - General Insurance Industry in India- Issues and Challenges. Unit 2 Insurance Market Challenges for insurance sector - Formation of LIC - LIC and New challenges - Relevance of Insurance to the emerging socio-economic needs of all the sections of society including Industrial sector - Types of Insurance Organisation - Types of insurance policy - Insurance Business Intermediaries in Insurance Business - Concept of Reinsurance - Tax Benefits of life insurance policy Unit 3 Insurance Contract Formation of Insurance Contract - Life, Fire, Marine and Motor Insurance Contracts - Principles of Insurance: Utmost Good Faith, Indemnity, Insurable Interest -Micro Insurance in India. Unit 4 Insurance Products Classification of Insurance -Life, Non-Life (general), Health, Pension, Social Security and Retirement Benefits - Insurance Products Unit 5 Legal Framework of insurance Actuarial insurance in India- Modelling and Forecasting in Insurance management - Life insurance procedures - Non-life insurance procedures.Insurance Case Studies. References 1 Stephen Diacon A Guide to Insurance Management Palgrave Macmillan2006 2 Gupta P.K Insurance and Risk Management Himalya PublishingHouse2006 3 Nalini Prava Tripathy &Prabir Pal Insurance Theory and PracticePHI 2005 4 Mishra M.N Principles and Practices of Insurance S. Chand and Co 2004 5 Panda G.S Principles and Practices of Insurance Kalyani Publications 2004 6 Scott E. Harrington Gregory R. Niehaus Risk Management &Insurance Tata McGraw-Hill 2007 7 Arthur C. and C. William Jr Risk Management and Insurance Tata McGraw-Hill 2001


Unit 1 Introduction to infrastructure management Overview of infrastructure needs National & Gobal. Indian economy- Infrastructure policies Program and project development - Growing energy needs- Infrastructure economics U nit 2 Marketing and IS Marketing of infrastructure services - Strategy and competition for infrastructure - Integrated infrastructure management system - Information system for infrastructure management. Unit 3Infrastructure project management Financing infrastructure developments - Advanced project management - Project evaluation. Unit 4 Legal aspects of infrastructure management Regulatory issues in infrastructure management - Environmental policies - Urban governance Unit 5 Other issues in infrastructure management Rural infrastructure management - Technology change management in infrastructure sectorsCase studies and live projects

References 1. Indian infrastructure report by IDFC, IIMA, IITK, 2008. 2. Measuring and improving infrastructure policy, National academy press Wash D.C, 1995. 3. Grigg, Nail, Infrastructure Engineering and management, John Wiley, 1998.


Unit 1 Introduction Need for events, Types of events, Structureevents - Event Process Brief, Concept, Budgets,Schedule of items - Nature and scope of event management - Cs of events designing and interaction - Strategic market planning - Development of market plans for events. Unit 2 Elements of events Infrastructure - Target audience Organizers - Venue, Media and activities Unit 3 Media coverage of events Themes, Beneficiary, Creative and People - Concept of markets in events - Segmentation and targeting of the market- Positioning. Unit 4Implications of Events The implications of special events - Social and Community Implications of Events - Economic Implications of Events - Concept of event property event as a product - Methods of pricing events and promotion Unit 5 Exhibitions Exhibition, Reasons for Exhibit at an Exhibition, common reasons, Economic Impact of Exhibitions, cost effective way of exhibiting, ways to build a dream team, steps to create the great indoors, Functions of management in events, Evaluation of event performance, Measuring performance and correcting deviations. Case Studies

References 1. Guar S.S and Saggere S.V, Event marketing management, 2. Avrich Barry, Event and entertainment, Mc millan 3. Kotler, Marketing management, PHI

Semester IV


UNIT I Introduction to SM process: Mission, vision, objectives, strategy - Need and challenges for SM model - Learning org, Role of BOD, &Top mgmt. - SR of strategic decision making - SM- the 5 concepts - Benefits of strategic approach - Factors shaping a companys strategy UNIT II Opportunity& threat analysis and Strength and weakness analysis: Analysis of societal environment - Scanning the external environment, strategic myopia Industry analysis, porters 5 forces model driving industry competition, forecasting. Strength and weakness analysis :- Org. analysis- Value chain analysis -Strategic audit - Scanning functional resources - Identifying companys strength and weakness - Identifying companys competencies and capabilities - How strong is the companys competitive position? UNIT III Business strategy: Situation analysis using SWOT tool, strategic gap identification - Generating alternative strategies using TOWS matrix - Competitive strategies, co-operative strategies - Merger and acquisition strategies - Vertical integration strategy - Using offensive strategies to secure competitive advantage UNIT IV Corporate and functional strategy: Directional growth strategy, merger and acquisitions, portfolio analysis - Core competencies, outsourcing, marketing, financial, operation, R&D, purchasing, logistics, HRM and info system strategies, strategic choice and developing policies

UNIT V Strategy Implementation and Evaluation and control: Developing program, budgeting procedure -Stages of corporate development, types of org structure -Staffing, culture and mgt to implement the strategy. Evaluation and control:Measuring performance, problem in measuring it - Control and strategic audit Reference: 1. Michael A.Hitt Robert E.Hoskisson R.Duane Ireland, Management of Strategy Concepts and Cases, Cengage Learning , 2007 2. Azhar Kazmi , Business Policy and Strategic Management , Tata McGraw Hill Publishing, 2002 3. Charles W.L.Hill Gareth R.Jones, Strategic Management, Biztantra An Imprint of Dremtech 2004 4. John A Pearce Richard B Robinson, Strategic Management, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing 2005 5. Robert A.Pitts David Lei, Strategic Management, Cengage Learing, 2006 6. Francis Cherunilam, Strategic Management, Himalaya Publishing House, 1998 7. Arthur A Thompson A J Strickland John E Gample Arun K Jain, Crafting and Executing Strategy Concepts and Cases, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing, 2006


UNIT I INTRODUCTION Definition - Nature and characteristics of International Business - Forms of international business - International trade exports and imports FDI - Economic Theories - International marketing UNIT II INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Globalization of business - Economic, political and cultural environment of international business - WTO Structure, features and functions - Trade Liberalizations UNIT III MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS Features of MNCs, - Classification of MNCs, - Role of MNCs in developing countries Drawbacks of Multinational Corporations- Conflict in MNCs - Role of MNCs in developing countries UNIT IV TRADE BLOCKS ANDINTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MARKET NASDAC Regional Trade Blocks - Types of Regional Groupings - Inter-regional trade among regional groups. EXIM Banking - Exchange Rate Mechanism - Foreign exchange market - Export Credit Guarantee (ECGC) UNIT V EXPORT PROCEDURE AND DOCUMENTATION Steps in export procedure - Documents Pre-shipment document - Documents related to goods - Certificate related to shipments - Documents related to payment - Documents related to inspection - Documents related to excisable goods - Conflict and Negotiation in IB REFERENCES 1. Francis Cherunilam, International Business Text and Cases, Prentice Hall Publishing,2007 2. Michael R. Czinkota Ilkka A.Ronkainen ,Michael H.Moffett, International Business Seventh Edition Cengage Publishing, 2005. 3. Charles W L Hill, Arun Kumar Jain, International Business , 2005 4. K Aswathappa, International Business, Second Edition, Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing, 2006 5. Justin Paul, International Business , Prentice Hall Publishing, 2007. 6. Shekar , International Business, Geodiscoveries w/CD, Wiley India, 2007


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