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What is INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Begins mid 18th century in Bri>an,then New England and the Nothereastern U.S Development of new produc>on methods, source of power (steam ,coal) ShiK in produc>on of goods from small-scaleprivate,and ar>sanal A Watt steam engine in Madrid. The development of the steam engine to mechanized and mass propelled the Industrial Revolution produc>on. in Britain. The steam engine was to pump water from Development of factories and mills. createdenabling them to be coal mines,
Created by Utsav Anurag
deepened beyond groundwater levels.

Lands converted from farming to sheep raising, leaving farm workers without jobs This >me period saw the mechaniza>on of agriculture and tex>le manufacturing and a revolu>on in power and had a massive eect on social, cultural and economic condi>ons. The Industrial Revolu>on was a fundamental change in the way goods were produced, from human labor to machines The more ecient means of produc>on and subsequent higher levels of produc>on triggered far-reaching changes to industrialized socie>es
Created by Utsav Anurag

To make work easy. Produce in bulk. save >me. Economic Development Propelled by Popula>ongroth. Popula>on Growth. Earlier marriages and more children

Created by Utsav Anurag

Machines were invented which replaced human labor. New energy sources were developed to power the new machinery water, steam, electricity, oil . Increased use of metals and minerals Aluminum, coal, copper, iron, etc. Transportation improved, Communication improved. Telegraph Telephone Radio
Created by Utsav Anurag

Mass produc>on of goods Increased numbers of goods Increased diversity of goods produced. Development of capitalism Financial capital for con>nued industrial growth Development and growth of new socio- economic classes Working class, bourgeoisie, and wealthy industrial class Commitment to research and development Investments in new technologies Industrial and governmental interest in promo>ng inven>on, the sciences, and overall industrial growth.

Created by Utsav Anurag

cut down on manpower's. Rise of the midddle class. Romen>sism. Rise of art and craK movement End of freedelisam. Intricate work was gone Capitalism

Created by Utsav Anurag


1880 to 1910

the industrial revolu>on. It was led by the ar>st and writer William Morris and was inspired by the wri>ngs of John Ruskin.

Started in England in the late nineteenth century. The idea of the Arts and CraKs Movement represented a reac>on against the moral and material consequences of

It was a reformist movement that inuenced Bri>sh and American architecture, decora>ve arts, cabinet making, craKs, and even the "co^age.

The peak point for the movement was between approximately 1880 and 1910.

The movement encompassed not just furniture but also architecture, ceramics, metal work, wallpaper and stain glass. Brown, green, black, yellow tones were prevalent across all elds; as was an emphasis on quality workmanship. In this period, manufactured goods were oKen poor in design and quality.

Armchair Created by Utsav Anurag


This was the movement, which challenged the tastes of the Victorian era. They used natural material and handmade goods. This was a vision of a society in which the worker was not treat roughly by the working condi>ons found in factories, but rather could take pride in his craKsmanship and skill. The rise of a consumer class coincided with the rise of manufactured consumer goods. It was end at early 20th century.

To show there intricate work, which was not done by machines. To promote a return to hand-craKsmanship and to declare the crea>ve independence of individual craKspeople. It was a reac>on against the industrialized society that had boomed in Britain in the Victorian period, and aimed for social as well as ar>s>c reform. People felt that mass produc>on was killing the apprecia>on of hand-craKed ar>sanship.
Created by Utsav Anurag

To promote all aspects of interior decora>on as equal to architecture in the crea>on of the "house beau>ful. To elevate the status of labor and craK at the expense of the entrepreneur or "great man CraKsman got there iden>ty back. To advocate women's abili>es as leaders, reformers, and professionals. To ameliorate urban ills and social aliena>on through support for rural industries and communitarian ventures

Works from art and craK movement

Library table ARTIST Gustav S>ckley

Brooch, necklace, and hair comb ARTIST Florence Koehler

ARTIST Frank Lloyd Wright

ARTIST William Morris

ARTIST William Morris

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