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A from the editor Note

Fairview Heights Campus

Sunday - 8:30am, 10:30am, 6:00pm Saturday - 5:00pm

Collinsville / Maryville Campus

Sunday - 10:00am

The apostles testified powerfully to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and Gods great blessing was upon them all. Acts 4:33
He is risen! We have been given salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. What wonderful news. The apostles testified powerfully to the resurrection and Gods blessing was upon them. I want Gods great blessing in my life, so I will gladly proclaim that Jesus is alive. May you come to understand the power of the resurrection and how much Jesus loves you. In His Name


3 - You Are Getting Warmer 4 - The Interruption Of An... 5 - A Heart That Burns Within 6 - Rise Up! And Choose Life 7 - Jesus Died For You 8 - Thats My Jesus 9 - Getting To Know You 10 - He Is Going Ahead Of You 11 - The Watering Can 12 - Sight Ministries 13 - The Good Neighbor Family... 14 - Passion 2012 15 - God At Work

Donna Harrison

Editor -

Senior Pastor: Rev. Shane Bishop Associate Pastor: Rev. Troy Benton Editor: Donna Harrison Proof Reader: Barbara Germany Design: Justin Aymer
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The Flame Online: Get The Flame Magazine online. Free pdf downloads. Email reminders of new editions. Visit Mission Of The Flame: Be inspirational through biblical articles and devotions. Be informative in the announcement of future events that connect people in ministry. Questions about the Flame? Contact Donna Harrison at:
The Flame Magazine is a bi-monthly magazine published by Christ Church. 2011, Christ Church. All rights reserved.

You Are Getting Warmer

By Rev. Shane Bishop, Senior Pastor

hen I was a kid, our extended family gathered at my Aunt Halenes house on Easter afternoon in Sunfield, Illinois. We were dressed in our Sunday best. While we children were dispensed baskets filled with fake grass; dad and my uncles hid a cosmos of dyed, hard boiled eggs at my Aunt Floss house just down the blacktop (the last house before you got to the lake). When the signal was given, all eleven of us ran a quarter of a mile down the road and began our frantic search. At first the picking was easy and each poorly concealed egg was summarily plucked or left for the little kids. Then it got a bit tougher and finally nothing obvious remained. It was in this final stage of searching around propane tanks, in the pipes of the clothes lines and out-buildings that we would annually find a handful of the most rank, sulfuric smelling eggs you have ever beheld, left over from the year before. In addition to the real eggs, there was one plastic egg with the name of each child in our extended family written upon it. You could only pick up the plastic egg with your name and inside it was a Silver Dollar! In those days a US American dollar could buy you one Frosty Root Beer in a glass bottle, a Baby Ruth bar and six packs of Topps Baseball Cardsand still leave you a dime to put in the offering plate. These individualized eggs were hidden in places whose difficulty factor was proportionate to our age. A three-year olds egg was lying on the ground by a tree but a twelve-year olds egg might be concealed in the rafters of the front porch. It

seemed every year I failed to quickly locate my special egg and after quizzing our fellow cousins as to whether they had seen it, I would turn to the adults for hints. With wide eyes, I would move in a direction and Uncle Robert or Uncle Mervin would tell me if I was warm or cold until I zeroed in. Warm, warmer, hot, hotter, you are on fire! Found it! Many spend their lives searching for something they believe to be out there, but cant quite seem to find. Songwriter Keith Green penned, All my life Ive been searching for that crazy missing part. Jesus said if we are asking the right questions, we will find answers. Jesus said in Matthew 6:33 that if we keep looking for the right things we will find them! Jesus said if we are (knock, knock) knocking on heavens door, the door will be opened. Perhaps that is what the church does as we endeavor to connect people with Jesus Christ; we let people know when they are warm or cold in their search for things like forgiveness, healing, faith, hope and love. I pray that in our search for things most important this Easter that we will get warm and warmer, hot and hotter until we findJesus! And when we find Jesus, we have found everything!

Interruption Invitation
By Rev. Troy Benton, Associate Pastor
Then Jesus told them, The voice was for your benefit, not mine. The time for judging this world has come, when Satan, the ruler of this world, will be cast out. And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself. He said this to indicate how He was going to die. John 12:30-33 NLT


of an

ts one thing to invite someone to come to know Christ during the good times and warm moments in a persons walk; its another thing to give the same invitation to people who are facing the most difficult challenges in life. Among the amazing attributes of Jesus Christ is the uncanny ability He held to invite people to a new life in both of these highimpact seasons of their journey. Regardless of the moment, location, or presumed importance of what was going on, Jesus always found a way to make the moment meant for another reason an encounter that would provide each person in the room an invitation to change their lives, to cease the dysfunction of their actions, and be included in an eternity with Him through belief and the acceptance of grace. Jesus was absolutely amazing! On the day Im writing this, my plan was to spend all day composing a sermon. Quite frankly too many people were asking too many things from me. My agenda this day was to pour out what was in me for a

sermon. That agenda lasted about fifteen minutes! As soon as I got settled to write, the phone began to ring, the emails came forward, and while some could be ignored, the calls from some could not. Before I knew it, I was at the hospital, at the courthouse, and in the throes of coaching someone through a very difficult moment. I was agitated, and I thought a good day had become a bad day Confession: doing any of this was not what I wanted to do; however, as in many times prior, I found a gift in my moment of grief that would provide the grace of God. In every encounter this day, I was asked in one way or another for an invitation that would allow that person to move from the pain of bearing their own struggle, to a freedom that gave proof to Gods desire to carry them as they conquered each challenge by trusting in the only one who can carry their burden to a crossHis name, Jesus. It was only after a few of these interruptions in my own day that I discovered God was inviting me to share in the greatest work I

can ever be invited tothe work of inviting others to engage God in an eternal relationship of trust that will pay off in the end by means of salvation. Johns record of the invitation by Jesus in the twelfth chapter of his gospel makes it clearer than I ever will. Jesus, while busy preparing some to lead the work He would begin after His death, used the interrupted as a good time to make a great point. Jesus made it clear that while we all have agendas; the greatest work well ever do is to invite people to a journey with Him that will never end if the person gives their all to Him. Today, who awaits an invitation from you they cannot resist? In John 12, the setting was a party that turned out to be a roast for Jesus. For someone today, your clear invitation to make Jesus their Lord and Savior could change a bad day into their best day! Make a list, and begin inviting people to release their agendas, and encounter our God, who has a plan for their forever!

A Heart That Burns Within

By Carrie Gaxiola

love being a Christian! I love the fact that I have a Savior that gives me peace. I love that Hes given me the Holy Spirit to comfort, guide and pour life into me. Thats the end of the Easter story, right, and the real life story that changed the world. I love a story that ends well and doesnt leave you in the balance, waiting for Part II or leaves you dazed and confused! One of my favorite stories in scripture had some of that wondering where the story will end drama in it. Imagine the two men walking the road to Emmaus. (Luke 24) Bewildered, confused, grieving, and trying to make sense of their story and what happened to Jesusthen He appears! They dont realize right away that the Man they just lost to a horrible death has resurrected and is walking alongside them. They are just sad, the scripture says, and are trying to sort out their broken, hurting statethen He appears! They want someone to explain what just happened then He appears! As I write, Im beginning to grasp what the Holy Spirit is trying to say. We are not unlike these men. There is a brokenness that comes when we finally realize nothing else will satisfy but Jesus. We go through life pretty self-sufficient, many days giving God lip service or our afterthoughts then

BOOM!-the unthinkable happens. You can fill in the blank: health issues, job loss, family difficulties, loneliness and on the list may go. Suddenly Jesus is at the forefront of our minds and a cry is on our lips. There is a brokenness in us that produces a need that we cannot fill on our own. When we are broken, bewildered and grieving, He appears! He walks with us along the way and begins to piece our broken hearts back together. In the past year or so, Ive come to my own walk to Emmaus where things in life didnt go as I expected, and I realize I want Him to walk with me in every facet of my life. I understand I have nowhere else to go. I find myself saying, Lord, to whom should I go? You have the words of eternal life! (John 6:68) Nothing else can satisfy but Jesus. No one else brings me peace like Jesus. All my broken places are filled by Jesus. He is enough, yet Im never satisfied because I want more of Him! I want Him to appear on my road, to walk along the way with me. I want my heart to burn within me because Jesus has it all-my heart, mind, soul and strength! This Easter season whats your story? Is He walking with you on your road? Is your heart burning within you to know Him and love Him more? May you find the joy of saying yes to those questions as you walk along the way!

Rise Up!
And Choose Life
By Melissa Bishop

I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live. Deuteronomy 30:19

s I sat for several weeks thinking about Easter and what it was I needed to say in this article, it came to me, Melissa use this article as a declaration to the church and to her people that it is time to rise up and choose life! All of us know what Easter is and what it is about, but do we honestly live it? When God sacrificed His only Son for our sins that we might have salvation, it was torture for Him. We never think of God being hurt or upset or suffering, but in this instance He was all of those things. God gave all; all that He loved so we could have life and have it in abundance. The gift God offers to us as broken, used up and tired humans is given willingly and freely to all who will accept it. He did not make such a huge sacrifice for us to

not take it seriously or waste it. The gift was given for a reason. So what will we do with it? Do we let Easter just roll right past us and do nothing in response? Do we go on living humdrum lives punching a time clock? Do we stay addicted to the things that bind us like drugs, alcohol, sex, money, food and gossip? Do we stay broken because thats the only thing weve ever known? Or is this the year that we say enough is enough? Is this the year we take Easter and God seriously and get our house in order and live out the rest of our lives as God intended? The sacrifice that God made for us was holy and worthy and too incredible to be thrown away as just another holiday on the Christian calendar. God wants something for us and from us. Its time to rise up! It is time to stop making excuses! It is time to choose life!

Are You Living for Him?
By Diane Kruger

asterthe promise of resurrection, of salvation, of new beginnings, of JOY! JESUS LIVES!!! And because He lives, we can live.

Died for You!

Are you really living? Are you living the life that God created you to live? Are you being the person that God created you to be? Are you free from fear, no matter what trials are facing you? Do you know that no matter what is happening in your life, God has you! He loves you! He will protect you! He has a plan for your life! He has prepared for you a place in Heaven and He waits for you there! He is all powerful, all knowing, ever present, and He wants to be your FRIEND, your GOD, and your LIFE! Let Him in. This Easter season, let the full meaning of Easter permeate your life. Remember what He did for you, and how much it cost Him. Remember that He was human when He was betrayed and when they arrested Him, tried Him, and nailed Him to the cross. Remember the suffering, the tremendous physical and emotional pain that He endured for you. Ask yourself if you could do this for those you love. Then realize, really realize, what Jesus did for all of us! GOD LOVES US! That is the miracle of EasterGod loves us! (John 3:16-17) Despite all of our shortcomings, despite all of our sins, our doubts, our fears, our defeats, our rejectionGod loves us! God loves you! Think about the person you love most in the world. Then realize that God loves you even more than that! HE IS RISEN! I challenge you to also rise this Easter, to rise from all of the things that are holding you back from truly having a personal relationship with God. Only you and Godknow what they are. Dont be afraid to confess them to Him and to ask for forgiveness. Remember, He already knows! But just like it warms our hearts when our children confess their sins to us and ask us for forgiveness and tell us that they love us, it also warms Gods heart to hear it from us. In the Spirit of Easter, let us rise up as individuals and as a church to really, truly live our lives for Christbecause He gave His life for usbecause we know He holds the future, and life is worth living just because He lives!

Thats My Jesus
By Emily Climaco

he first time I saw a crucifix was shocking. Raised in a protestant church with a plain, bronzecolored cross hanging above the baptistry, I had never seen such a large, rustic cross with Jesus hanging on it! His body had bloody gashes and His head hung in pain. He wore only a ragged loincloth and crown of thorns; I was embarrassed, not knowing where to look yet unable to look away. Thats my Jesus, I thought, trying to reconcile the image of the gentle, wavy-haired man multiplying loaves and fishes and this dying man. After the service, I asked my mom why our crosses didnt have Jesus on them. Because Hes not on the cross anymore. Hes alive, so the cross is empty, was her matter-of-fact answer. That was fine with me, as I was partial to the less grotesque cross, its cool modern beams so easy on the eyes. A lifelong germophobe, I prefer the sanitized version of things. Ive never seen Mel Gibsons The Passion of the Christ because the images would haunt me for many moons. I confess Im guilty of skimming over Jesus agonizing pain and suffering in taking the easy shortcut to Easter Sunday. To contrast the old hymn-writers language, the old rugged cross, the emblem of suffring and shame generally rates far below the redemptive beauty of Calvarys tree. Such poetic language deftly mitigates the gore of crucifixion: I think that I shall never see / A poem as lovely as a tree . . .

Take a close look with me at Calvarys tree, far from lovely in the conventional sense. The tree on Calvary blooms red with the wounds of Jesus, Gods sacrificial lamb. The earthy fragrance of nard emanates from it, mixed with the stench of vinegar and sweat. The tree bears the overripe fruit of Jesus flesh, seemingly neglected: Why have you forsaken me? Bright red sap flows down to the dirt below, Jesus blood, elixir of eternal life. Look closely, beneath the pierced and perfect feet of the one who brings good news, and see the heart carved into the rough trunk. Its wordless message from Gods own hand: Thats my Jesus, broken in love for you. Calvarys tree is a family tree saving us from a splintered woodpile so we may be called children of God. Truly, its the least lovelybut most givingof trees. If youre like me, its easy to cheer, Thats my Jesus! when remembering His conquering death on that tree. It also does us good to cry out, Thats my Jesus! in reflecting on the moment when Hes most broken, feels forsaken, and gives up His spirit. Wounded for a time, victor for eternity, Jesus hands and feet are carved out by spikes of pain, disappointment, sindisfigured in identity with us. (See Luke 24:39, John 20:27). But it is through these wounds we can see God; indeed, through His wounds, we are healed (Isaiah 53:3). This Easter, lets thank God for the wounds Jesus willingly suffered for us and be healed. Lets remember: thats our Jesus.


To Know


Name: Rachel Frazure Job Title: Director of Childrens Ministries Job Description: Oversee all ministries at

Christ Church for children ages birth through 5th grade.

If you knew you could try anything and not fail, what dream would you attempt? Be a singer and dancer on Broadway. Were you named after anyone? My middle name is Ara - after my Grandmother. Where are you from? Saltillo, Mississippi - born in Tupelo, Mississippi. Have you ever met a famous person? Living in New York City, I saw a lot of famous people just on the streets - sat beside Jerry Seinfeld at California Pizza Kitchen! However, I have met and had dinner with two time Grammy Award winner, Sylvia McNair. What jobs have you done? Waitress, housekeeping and cafeteria crew at a Baptist Assembly, Administrative Assistant on Wall Street, high school choral teacher, private voice instructor and paralegal secretary. What is your goal in life? To be all that God created me to be. Name one thing you miss about being a kid. Climbing trees. What book are you reading now? The Hunger Games

Would your spouse say you are funny or serious? Funny What morning drink do you prefer; coffee, tea or soda? Coffee, coffee and coffee What is your taste in music? Late 70s and 80s Rock and Roll and Pop, Broadway musicals, Classical and Choral music. Whats the strangest food you have eaten? Ethiopian food Who plays the most influential role in your life? My husband Don and my daughters Juliana and Shelby. Which is your favorite concert you ever attended? Dons operatic performances - I am always so proud. Describe a perfect day off from work? Piddle around the house and end the day with takeout and mindless TV. If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be? Greve in Chianti, Italy Are you a beach, country or city person? I love the beach, but I also love New York City. What word describes you best? Kind

He Is Going Ahead of You

In the Matthew 28 version of the Resurrection story, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to the tomb where they had buried Jesus after His brutal Crucifixion. When they realized that Jesus had risen from the dead, the angel speaks to them saying, And now go quickly and tell His disciples that He has risen from the dead, and He is going ahead of you to Galilee. You will see Him there. Remember what I have told you. Matthew 28:7 NLT

By Larry Weber

s a Roman Catholic boy growing up, my church focused upon the Crucifixion of Jesus. We had the Passion: we did the Stations of the Cross; we went to Confession every day of Holy Week. Rarely did my church talk about the Resurrection with the same veracity as they pointed to the Cross and what Jesus had done for me by dying there. This troubled me because (even then) I am an optimistthere is a silver lining to every cloud. There is a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow. My soul cried out, There must be something that comes after the Crucifixion?! And there isthe Resurrection! And on the third day, Jesus arose! But within the Resurrection story, the words that mean the most to me now are contained in verse 7, He is going ahead of you to Galilee. Although I am not going to Galilee, I am going where He has gone before me. Just as He walked upon this earth, I walk upon this earth. What I experience as a human was experienced by my Savior when He was a man upon this earth. Now He is in Heaven; again, going on ahead of me to a place I plan to go. And I will see Him there. All I have to do is Remember what I have told you. To remember requires regular worship, diligent Bible study, active service and discipleship, etc. In other words it requires worship plus 2 and a tithe. The silver lining is that I get to go where Jesus has gone. The pot of gold is I will be in Heaven with my Heavenly Father. All I need to do is remember that I am a follower of the one who saved me. Hallelujah!


The Watering Can

By Steve Barrett

remember Easter celebrations as a child almost as vividly as I remember Christmas mornings. We spent time together as a family coloring Easter eggs and hunting for them on Easter morning. I also remember always looking in a metal watering can we had on the side of the house because you could always find one or two eggs in that can. I know other traditions exist, but the memories I hold of those Easters long past are fond ones. As an adult Christian and a seminary student, I often wonder about traditions with my own kids and whether its right to have Easter egg hunts. I know some who hide plastic eggs filled with scripture notes or other Christian baubles, but whats the real difference between doing that and hunting for real or plastic eggs? My view of traditions, especially at Easter, may not line up with the accepted Christian view, but the simple answer for me is to hold on to some of the old traditions. Let me explain When I recall the memories I have of Easters in my youth, the thing I remember most is the time spent with my family. Coloring eggs was not a solo venture but instead took the planning of my mom who drove us to the store for the dye, eggs and then laid everything out for us. It also took planning on my part as I meticulously determined what patterns to make on the eggs, careful not to replicate the same pattern twice. It took planning on my sisters part doing what she could to disrupt my plans. We would spend hours in the planning and execution of our egg coloring, precious hours spent together. Easter morning brought with it a certain hushed expectation as we left church and pulled into the yard where our trophies awaited us. Buckets in hand and attired in our Sunday best, we raced through the yard seeking our prizes. We werent concerned with anything but finding the most eggs while keeping our clothes relatively free of the inevitable grass stains. So why is it I now think about Easter traditions and wonder if those same traditions will permanently scar my children? Some may argue differently, but Id like to think I turned out okay even after suffering through these traditions. As long as Im teaching my kids about the importance of Easter and what it truly represents, does it really matter if they have a bit of fun while spending valuable together time with their family? Jesus states in Matthew 19:14, Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. He didnt say, Let the Pharisees come to Me, but instead emphasized the importance of the children. Its important our children understand the true meaning of Easter. We should teach them throughout the year, however, not just at Easter. Teach the children the importance of Christs resurrection and the sacrifice He paid on our behalf, but dont take their childhood away from them too quicklyyoull never get another chance to experience it with them. If you want to find me on Easter Sunday after church, just look around the side of the house where the watering can isIll be with my kids hunting Easter eggs.


he pretty, quiet 15-year-old girl stood tightly behind her mother in the crush of children outside our Sight Ministries clinic in Honduras. She was blind, her mother told a translator. She had lost her vision gradually through her early childhood until she refused to leave the house. She had never gone to school, but her mother had taught her to read by holding books with large letters very close to her face. They had walked all day the day before to get to the free vision clinic. They had slept on the ground outside the school. Now the mother was requesting to be seen early in the morning, so they could get home before dark. The translator was apologizing to us, She is blind; they misunderstand what you can do. We took her first. She had to be led by the hands. Her mother was speaking Spanish the whole time, but looking up and extending her arms. I could see that she was pleading with God. I was praying too, that the girl was nearsighted. Praise God, she was. She was just very nearsighted. In our country she would have had glasses years ago. By now shed be wearing contact lenses, acting like a teenager, and her mother would be fussing with her to take better care of them. But here she was blind and hid in her house. I didnt have a translator yet. I smiled and led them into the dispensary. They were confused. But the look on that girls face when one of our Feed My Sheep volunteers put glasses on her face was incredible. Her mother started yelling and crushing me in hugs. Gloria Jess I told her pointing up. My Spanish is horrible, but she smiled pointing up and I knew we were giving glory to God together. This is just one of many stories from Christ Churchs first Sight Ministries trip this fall, with Feed My Sheep in Honduras. Thanks to the generous support of Christ Church and Feed My Sheep, 486 Hondurans saw an eye doctor, 109 received prescription glasses, 289 received readers, 849 received sunglasses to help prevent eye disease, and many received eye drops. While we take this kind of care for granted, to a person in a third world country it is the miraculous gift of sight. Now plans are underway for our next trip with the Philippines Ministry in July. Our Eyeglass Drive will be March 4 - 18 at Christ Church. Please ask your friends and family to dig through their drawers for old glasses. The drive will end with a Sight Ministries Bake Sale in the Coffee Caf on March 18. Proceeds from the bake sale will be used solely for the purchase of overstock readers and sunglasses. If you have any experience in optical, please contact me. We need help sorting glasses as well as people for future mission trips. We always need and appreciate the support of your prayers. Gracias!

Sight Ministries
By Kim Tinge

The T Good Neighbor Family Missions

By Amanda Cates

he Good Neighbor Family Missions group will once again be partnering with Rebuilding Together, Inc., this year! Rebuilding Togethers National Rebuild Day is April 28, 2012. We will be looking for more House Captains and volunteers with all levels of experience as we plan to help two homeowners instead of one this year. Last year Christ Church was able to show Gods love through our helping hands and generosity to a family going through some tough times. While we were helping them, God made certain to show Himself to all of us! As a group we decided to do even more for this family than was already planned. We passed a hat and came up with enough money from our 50-60 volunteers that we were able to buy enough paint to finish extra projects and leave some for touchups for the homeowner, buy grass seed, flowers, and mulch! Jim Alexander even donated his services for a mural in the little boys bedroom. We had a blast. Professionals donated their experience and those of us without any do-it-yourself (DIY) know-how were able to learn and take direction from them. Families were able to serve God side by side. One family even found that their child had a heart for serving God bigger than anyone had imagined! In addition to the yearly Rebuilding Together Project, the Good Neighbor Family Missions Ministry has 4 to 6 ways that families can serve together each year. We have had a T-ball with the Gateway Grizzlies for under resourced and foster children, done yard cleanup projects for those inside and outside our church, helped at Bethany Place, and co-hosted a bone marrow donor drive with our Parish Nurses. With each project we do, we look to show Gods love through helping hands and provide a way for families to grow in Christ together. If you would like to be a part of the Rebuilding Together project or learn more about this family ministry, contact me at


t Christ Church we like to think outside the box; when it comes to Easter, the most important day of the church year, we like to do things a little different. As we have done the past couple years, we will observe Easter over the course of 5 weeks. This series of services is called Passion 2012. Just as Christmas is celebrated with the 4 Sundays of Advent before Christmas Day, we will take a look at each of the Holy Week events over the course of 5 Sundays. So for instance, while other churches will celebrate Palm Sunday on April 1, we will celebrate ours earlier on March 18. Well follow that by looking at Passover on March 25, the Crucifixion on April 1, Easter on April 8 and a post-Easter event on April 15. Please mark your calendars now for these special dates.

Opportunities to serve:

Its not too late to join the Choir or Orchestra for Passion 2012. If you would like to be in either of these groups, please contact Michelle Barncord at michellebarncord@ for more information. Are you a drummer? Do you want to join the band at Christ Church Fairview Heights or Collinsville/Maryville but arent sure how? Just contact Jeff Allen at jeffallen@ and hell get you on track.

The Five Weeks of Easter!

By Rev. Don Frazure

Passion 2012

FH Campus
April 7 @ 6:00pm April 8 @ 7:00am
(Saturday Night) - Sanctuary - Easter service with Band/Vocals/Choir/Orchestra Chapel - Traditional Easter Sunrise Service with Hymns/Communion

April 8 @ 8:30am / 10:30am / 6:00pm

Sanctuary - Easter Services with Band/Vocals/Choir/Orchestra

CM Campus
April 8 @ 10:00am
Easter Services with Band/Vocals

God At Work
New Members

-------------------------------Heather M. Asunskis, Debbie Johnson, Christopher Sean Hackney

Member Passing
-------------------------------Alice Marie Distler December 23 Mary M. Dartt December 25 Donald B. Distler December 29


Sarah E. Harrell, Sylvia Hudson, Tim Hudson, Gary Killion, Pam Killion, Caitlin Miles, Michael Palmer, Carol Palmer, Dean Zellner, Patti Stonecipher-Zellner, Tina Anshus, Brad Blake, Kristina Blake, Gwen Campbell, Mike Campbell, Sherry L. Ervin




-------------------------------January Worship avg. = 1605 January Connection Classes avg. = 458 Year Avg. Worship = 1594

Jaylan Lee Lehr, Aiden James Taake, Kayden Timothy Showers

Finances (as of 02-16-12)

-------------------------------General Budget YTD Giving = $374,281.85 YTD Expenses = $355,859.28 Annual Budget = $2,415,165.00 2012 Building Fund Total $74,088.60

Sarah E. Harrell, Brooklynn Ruby McGinthy, Carson Miller


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