Material Master Replication

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SAP Network Blog: How to replicate material master from R/3 to SRM

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Marcin Gajewski Business Card Company: Polish Security Printing Works S.A. Posted on Feb. 05, 2007 09:25 AM in Business Solutions

How to replicate material master from R/3 to SRM

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I am going to present a quick guide to replicate material master from backend system to SRM 5.0, including all the BASIS(BC) activities, I would like to highlight that the system has the latest patch level and support packages installed, so here we go: 1. Basis Setup Create system users for remote connection (RFC_CONN). This user must have SAP_ALL authorisation. Create RFC connections in SRM system. Go to transaction SM59 on SRM side and click on 'create' button. Set RFC destination name to backend system CLNT (eg. R3DCLNT200), connection type to 3 (abap / R/3 connection) and fill target host to your backend system. On tab Logon/Security add RFC_CONN user created in previous step. Save your settings. Create RFC connections in backend system. Go to transaction SM59 on backend side and click on 'create' button. Set RFC destination name to SRM system CLNT (eg. SR1CLNT300), connection type to 3 (abap / R/3 connection) and fill target host to your backend system. On tab Logon/Security add RFC_CONN user created in previous step. Save your settings. Create a logical system name in SRM. Go to transaction SPRO -> SAP Implemantation Guide -> Supplier Relationship Management -> SRM Server -> Technical Basic Settings -> ALE Settings -> Distribution -> Basic Settings -> Logical Systems -> Define Logical System Add a new value:



Save your settngs. Create logical system name in backend. Go to transaction SPRO -> SAP Customizing Implemantation Guide -> SAP Web Application Server -> Application Ling Enabling -> Sending and Receiving Systems > Logical Systems -> Define Logical System Add a new value:

Log.System Name SR1CLNT300 SR1CLNT300

Save your settngs. First of all you must set a RFC connectivity between SRM and backend system: 2. Middleware parameters setup Go to transaction SM30 on backend system and choose table CRMCONSUM. Add the following values:

User Active Description

Next, choose CRMSUBTAB for subscription table for Up and Download Object and add the following values:

Q Prefix

CRM checked SRM connection R3A User ObjectName U/D CRM empty CRM empty CRM empty Obj. Class Function Obj. Type Funct. Name

Download Material Download Material Download Material

empty empty empty

empty empty empty


Next, choose CRMRFCPAR for definitions of RFC Connections and add following values:

User ObjectName Destination Load Type CRM * CRM * CRM MATERIAL SR1CLNT300 Request


InQueue Flag Send XML Send XML Send XML Send XML

SR1CLNT300 Initial Download SR1CLNT300 X SR1CLNT300 X SR1CLNT300 Delta Download SR1CLNT300 X

All other fields leave empty. Now, configure filtering for material master: Choose CRMPAROLTP table for CRM OLTP Parameters and add the following values:

Parameter name

Param. Name 2 Param. Name 3 User Param. Value Param. Value 2





Now we must edit the table for application indicator. Go to transaction SE16N on backend side and choose table TBE11. Search or add an application component BC-MID and edit activity settings (field AKTIV = X). Save your settings. 3. Enterprise Buyer with/without CRM In this activity, you define whether you are running the Enterprise Buyer and CRM in the same system. This might accelerate the Master Data download performance. If you are using CRM in the client, then skip this activity. In SRM system run transaction BBP_PRODUCT_SETTINGS, deselect 'Test mode' and choose Execute button. The system generates a report containing all tables that have been deactivated. 4. Generate Repository Objects With this procedure, you generate the middleware function modules (BDoc Object Type) for the material master. Go to transaction SMOGGEN and choose object PRODUCT_MAT and PRODUCT_SRV. Generate services for all Object Categories.


SAP Network Blog: How to replicate material master from R/3 to SRM

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Number Range Object Maintenance On SRM system go to transaction SRNO and assign number ranges for all CRM Replication and Realigment Queues. Enter in object field RRSEQ* and hit F4 button. Choose the first object (RRSEQ_AC) and click on 'change' button. On next screen click button 'Number Ranges' and add the following range:

No From number

To Number


01 00000000000000000001 99999999999999999999 no
Repeat these steps for all of RRSEQ* objects. 6. Output format of Product ID Check Your output format for Product ID in backend and SRM system. This values must be the same for both systems. Go to transaction COMCPRFORMAT in SRM and check product ID lenght and values for displaying leading zeroes. Save your settings. 7. CRM Middleware Monitoring Cockpit On SRM side go to transaction SMWP. Open System Settings and double-click on 'Number of sites per site type' name. Administration Console shows up. Click on 'Create Object' icon and fill Name and description. Choose R/3 for 'Type' parameter and click on Site Attributes. Enter and created RFC destination to backend system (R3DCLNT200).

Save your settings. 8. Start of download material DNL_CUST_PROD0 DNL_CUST_PROD1 DNL_CUST_SRVMAS MATERIAL Go to transaction R3AS on SRM side and choose first object to download (DNL_CUST_BASIS3).

After this, source site and desitination site on data flow should fill with proper values. Click on 'Execute' button. After this, go to transaction R3AM1 for monitoring object.

If you have a green light, go to transaction R3AS again and repeat steps for objects:

After this, go to transaction COMM_HIERARCHY to see what kind of Categories are replicated from backend system.


SAP Network Blog: How to replicate material master from R/3 to SRM

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Go to transaction COMMPR01 to see what kind of Products are replicated from backend system.


Filtering Material Master records If you want to filter material master or other objects, go to transaction R3AC1 on SRM side. You will see the following table:

Click on filter icon on object MATERIAL. On filter settings tab choose Source Site Name and click edit button. Object filter settings table corresponds fields and tables/structures from backend system. If you want to download only one material enter the following values:


Deleting Material Master from SRM COM_HIERARCHY_DELETE_SINGLE - Deletes All Hierarchy and Category Data COM_HIERARCHY_DELETE_ALL - Deletes All Hierarchy and Category Data COM_PRODUCT_DELETE_SINGLE - Deletion of a product from the database COM_PRODUCT_DELETE_ALL - Deletion of All Product Master Data If you want to delete hierarchy of product, run Report: If You want to delete all or selected product, run Report:

Hope this blog was helpful. Marcin Gajewski is a SAP SRM Consultant in PWPW S.A. (Polish Security Printing Works) Poland, responsible for business development and implementation of new features.

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SAP Network Blog: How to replicate material master from R/3 to SRM

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Titles Only great work. 2011-02-20 23:35:27 Ranjan Sutradhar It is cool stuff even for beginners too. cheers, Ranjan Nice One

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2010-12-30 22:09:37 Channabasappa Kallapur Business Card [Reply] Hi, Its been really helpful document. I struck up in step 8, in R3AM1, the status is always running. What will be the reason ? Thanks Chanabasappa.Kallapur Query 2010-11-19 14:00:15 ANCY ANTO Business Card [Reply] Hi Marcin, This has been a very informative blog.

But, I had a query on product category deletion in SRM. I have replicated the product categories from R/3 to SRM, but now want to delete a few of them. Is mass deletion of product categories possible? I checked the programs mentioned by you in the blog, but I cannot use them as : 1. I have no products in my SRM system. 2. All my product categories are attached to a single hierarchy. So, deleting the single hierarchy would delete all the categories, irrespective of what I want to keep and what I want to delete. Do you know of any other way to delete the categories? Query 2010-12-22 06:36:31 Moshe Stein Business Card [Reply] Hi, I have same Question : How can we delete or flag as Locked a list of products ? thanks, Wonderful Article- Self Explanatory for beginners 2010-05-04 01:06:56 VinothKumar Govindarasu Business Card [Reply] Hi , Great work!!! its very very self explanatory for beginners also. Excellent work done. Thanks a lot. Query 2009-12-24 03:48:04 Sachin Chawak Business Card [Reply] Hi, When I tried to replicate R/3 materials to SRM, I followed the steps metioned in this blog. But unfortunately materials are not replicated. I tried with filter as well but not worked. Just quick question, step 2 of settings mentioned in the blogs are need to be maintained in R/3 or SRM? In my system all these settings are avaiable in R/3. Could you please help me to replicate the materials from R/3 to SRM. Also please let me know as how-to complete the delta downloading?

Regards, Sachin Query 2010-01-21 10:31:38 Laurent Burtaire Business Card [Reply] Hello Sachin,

I confirm you step 2 is done in R/3 system. Monitor object MATERIAL in R3AM1 transaction. Check also BDoc messages for BDoc type PRODUCT_MAT in SMW01 transaction.


Laurent. Very nice work 2009-01-15 02:27:33 Swetha Basavaraj Business Card [Reply] Great work and very helpful documentation. Thanks Expect your help. 2009-01-05 17:55:17 shi yuandong Business Card [Reply]


SAP Network Blog: How to replicate material master from R/3 to SRM

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HI EXPERT, I have the operation carried out in accordance with the your BLOG,In Step 8 errors, R3AM1 always display running. Cound you give me your e-mail address.ths! Great work marchin 2008-12-02 06:28:38 Muthuraman Govindasamy Business Card [Reply] it is a ver very good work.Nicely presented to every one. I indeed appreciate your great work. I have a question here SAp note advices SRM users in all tables. Can we use CRM users also? Muthu Excellent Articulation of the process 2008-06-18 10:42:09 Yogeswaran Thiyagarajan Business Card [Reply] Very useful information 2008-03-13 22:10:04 Kasee Palaniappan Business Card [Reply] I never know all these together before! Sure this will be of great information and help to newbies and even for experts! Great Blog 2008-01-23 02:29:49 Rajesh Rajendran Business Card [Reply] This blog is really very practical and helpful. Regards,

Rajesh Very useful blog 2007-09-09 22:42:16 Ramakrishna Potluri Hi Marcin This is a very useful and practical blog. Thanks! Have one doubt: CRMSUBTAB entries: Thought Object class for service extract is 'SERVICE_MASTER' and customzing extract is 'CUSTOMIZING'. Are you sure, we can give object class 'MATERIAL' for all the entries ? Business Card [Reply]

Best regards Ramki Excellent!!!! 2007-06-05 22:55:47 Nitin Gupta Business Card [Reply] Hi Excellent work man!!!!

Thanks Abhinav Great Work!!! 2007-06-02 15:35:02 Kathirvel Balakrishnan Business Card [Reply] Great work, very well structured, explanatory blog.. Regards Kathirvel gud info 2007-05-01 00:38:40 Dinesh Singh Business Card [Reply] Gr8 going Marcin....Very elaborative piece of information... Nice job... 2007-03-20 08:10:55 Yann Bouillut Business Card [Reply] Hi Marcin, Waiting for your SRM Wiki...

Kind regards, Yann Useful info 2007-03-20 07:02:17 Atul Kant Saxena Business Card [Reply] Very good piece of information. Keep it up Marcin. Regards - Atul


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