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Product Name Confidentiality WiMAX RNP INTERNAL Product Version Total pages: 431.3

WiMAX RF Tuning Guide

(For Internal Use Only)
Prepared by Zhang Chao, Zhang Mao Date

2008-11-20 Reviewed by DateReviewed by DateApproved by Date

Huawei Technologie s Co., Ltd

All rights reserved

WiMAX RF Tuning Guide INTERNAL2011-08-10 Huawei Confidential Page 2 of 43

Revision Record
Date Version Description Reviewed by Author

2008-11-14 1.00 First Version. Hong Weifeng,Wang Hui, WangYibing Zhang Chao,Zhang Mao
WiMAX RF Tuning Guide INTERNAL2011-08-10 Huawei Confidential Page 3 of 43


1 Overview ............... ............................... ............................... ............................... ........................8


Work Flow of RF Optimization ......... ............................... ............................... ...........................8

3 Test Preparations ......... ............................... ............................... ............................... .............. 10 About This Chapter .................. ............................... ............................... ............................... 10

3.1 Setting the Objectives .............. ............................... ............................... ......................... 10 3.2 Dividing Clusters ................. ............................... ............................... .............................. 11

3.3 Determining the Test Route ..................... ............................... ............................... .......... 12 3.4 Preparing Tools and Documents ............ ............................... ............................... ........... 12

3.4.1 Preparing Software ................ ............................... ............................... ................. 12 3.4.2 Preparing Hardware ............... ............................... ............................... ................. 13 3.4.3 Preparing for Documents ............

............................... ............................... ............ 13


Data Collection ............. ............................... ............................... ............................... .............. 1


About This Chapter .................. ............................... ............................... ............................... 14 4.1 Collecting the Data ....................... ............................... ............................... ..................... 14

4.2 Checking the GW Configuration Data ....................... ............................... ........................ 15 4.3 DT ......................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............ 15

4.4 CQT and Indoor Test ....................... ............................... ............................... ................. 17 4.4.1 CQT ....................... ............................... ............................... ............................... .. 17

4.4.2 Indoor Test ....................... ............................... ............................... ...................... 18


Coverage Analysis ............................... ............................... ............................... ..................... 19

About This Chapter .................. ............................... ............................... ............................... 19 5.1 Coverage Problems and Common Measures ............... ............................... .................... 20

5.1.1 Poor coverage ................ ............................... ............................... ........................ 20 5.1.2 IntraFrequency Interference Caused by Cross-Cell Coverage ................ .............. 20

5.1.3 Unbalance of Uplink and Downlink ................ ............................... ......................... 25 5.2 Coverage Analysis Flow ....................... ............................... ............................... ............. 26

5.2.1 Downlink Coverage Analysis ................. ............................... ............................... .. 26 5.2.2 IntraFrequency Interference Between Sites ......................

............................... ..... 29

Interference Analysis ................ ............................... ............................... ............................... . 33 About This Chapter .................. ...............................

............................... ............................... 33 6.1 Definition and Effect of Interference ........... ............................... ............................... ........ 33 6.2 Internal Interference ........... ...............................

............................... ............................... 35 6.2.1 Interference Caused by the Asynchronization ... ............................... ...................... 35 6.3 External Interference ........... ............................... ...............................

.............................. 37 6.3.1 Effects and Analysis method .................. ............................... ............................... . 37 6.3.2 Solution ................. ............................... ...............................

............................... .. 39

Handover Analysis ............................... ............................... ............................... .....................


0 About This Chapter ..................

............................... ............................... ............................... 40

WiMAX RF Tuning Guide INTERNAL2011-08-10 Huawei Confidential Page 4 of 43

7.1 Optimization of Neighbor cell List .........................

............................... ............................ 40 7.1.1 Deletion of Redundant Neighbor cells ....................... ............................... ............. 40 7.2 Settings of Handover Threshold ..............

............................... ............................... .......... 41 7.3 Optimization of Handover Delay ..................... ............................... ............................... ... 41 8 Adjustment ........... ...............................

............................... ............................... ......................


9 Summary .............. ............................... ............................... ............................... ......................


10 Attachment ........... ............................... ............................... ............................... ....................


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List of Tables
Table 3-1 List of WiMAX RF optimization objectives .............. ............................... ..................... 10 Table 32

List of recommended software for RF optimization ........... ............................... ........... 12 Table 3-3 List of recommended hardware for RF optimization ...........

............................... ......... 13 Table 34

Documents need to be collected before optimization ........... ............................... ....... 13 Table



Items of configuration parameter check ..................... ............................... ................. 15

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List of Figures

-1 Flow of RF optimization ........... ............................... ............................... .................... 9 Figure 3-1

Division of clusters in a project .................... ............................... ............................. 11 Figure


-1 Traced signaling collected on the LMT .......................

............................... ............... 17 Figure


Distribution of indoor test points ..................... ............................... ........................... 19


-1 Scanning result of intra-frequency interfering sectors by the scanner ................... .... 23 Figure

Interference caused by improper settings of antenna downtilt angle ...................... ... 24 Figure

-3 Location of the interference point in Monument

Park ....................... ......................... 30 Figure


Terminals of the interfered area in Monument Park and result of frequencyscanning by the

scanner .................. ............................... ............................... .................... 30 Figure


RSSI coverage in Monument Park .......................

............................... ..................... 31 Figure


INR distribution of the interfered area when only Sector 77 is enabled .................. ... 31


CINR distribution of the interfered area when only Sector 76 is enabled ................... 32 Figure


CINR distribution of the interfered area when Sectors 76 and 77 are enabled .......... 32 Figure

-9 CINR distribution of the interfered area after the

optimization ............. ...................... 33 Figure


-1 Components of interfering and interfered communication systems ................. .......... 34 Figure

Spectrum diagram for the analyzed data collected from the RRU of an interferedsector ...... ............................... ............................... ...............................

............................. 39 Figure

-1 Synchronization checking of the site clock through scanner .................. ................... 42

WiMAX RF Tuning Guide

INTERNAL2011-08-10 Huawei Confidential Page 7 of 43

WiMAX RF Optimizati on Guideline


WiMAX, network optimization, RF optimization Abstract This document describes how to perform RF optimization. It includes the objectives,flow, steps, and input and output of RF

optimization, as well as the precautions in RFoptimization. List of acronymsAcronym and Abbreviation Full Spelling CINR Carrier-toInterference-andNoise RatioDT Drive TestKPI Key Performance

Indicator MS Mobile StationBS Base StationRF Radio FrequencyGW Gate WayRTWP Received Total Wideband Power RSSI receive signal strength indicator VIP Very Important PeopleBBU Base Band UnitMIMO

multiple input multiple outputRRU Radio Remote Unit AAS Adaptive Antenna System AMC adaptive modulation and coding ANT Antenna
WiMAX RF Tuning Guide INTERNAL2011-08-10

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1 Overview
With the number of users increasing, the system performance has deteriorated. RFoptimization is necessary, which

covers the following main tasks:

Optimizing the signal coverage:1) Reduce the poor coverage area to ensure that signals can cover the areacontinuously.2) Control the coverage of each

cell and overlap area.

Removing interference: There are two kinds of interference, internal interferenceand external interference. Internal interference is caused by asynchronous

clockor some other reasons of the system. External interference is intersysteminterference, which is caused by misuse of frequencies. Interference will lead thedegradation of CINR, hard to access network and

decrease the networkcapacity.

Optimizing the handover process:1) Check all parameter of the cell are setting correctly.2) Optimize engineering parameters to control the handover area.The organization of this

document is:Chapter 1 describes the objectives and scope of work of RF optimizationChapter 2 describes the work flow and the process of RF optimization.Chapter 38 describes the test preparations, data collection,

analysis, andmeasurement method according to the RF optimization flow.Chapter 9 summarizes the document.Chapter 10 describes some outstanding problems as example.

Work Flow of RF Optimizati on

After all sites are installed and verified, RF optimization could start. The purpose of

the RF optimization is to control the interference and the handover. Once the KPIrequirements have been satisfied, RF optimization is completed.The work flow of RF Optimization is shown in Figure 2-1. The data collection,

problemanalysis, and adjustment should be repeated until the network quality meets the KPIrequirements.
WiMAX RF Tuning Guide INTERNAL2011-08-10 Huawei Confidential Page 9 of 43 RF o

ti izationstartsTest re arationsEsta lis t eo ti izationo ecti es i

ide clusters eter ine t e test at Pre are for tools anddocu ents TC T (includingindoor test) T

configurationdata collection Ad ust engineering ara etersConfigure ad acent cell ara etersPro le anal sisCo erage anal

sisInterference anal sisHando er anal sisW et er RF inde es eett e PI re uire ents?RF o

ti izationendsYN ata collection Ad ust ent easures


-1 Flow of RF o

ti izationTest re arations: i ide t e clusters reasona l . eter ine t e dri

e test route wit custo ers. Pre are for t e tools and docu ents to guarantee t e RF test can edone ro erl .

ata collection: Collect t e data T, C T (including indoor test), and signalingtrace, w ic is used for ro le anal

sis. ata anal sis: C eck t e co erage, interference and ando er data anal sis, and ro

ose t e ad ust ent suggestion to custo ers. Wit custo er er ission, t esuggestion is a lied. T

en, t ea o e o will e re eated circularl until all PIre uire ents are satisfied.
" # $ %

o e ro le s suc as downlink interference, access failure, and networkdisconnecti on are caused weak signal strengt , interference, or

issing neig or. After RF o ti ization, out ut t e list of u dated engineering ara eters and cell ara eters.

WiMAX RF Tuning Guide INTERNAL2011-08-10 Huawei Confidential Page 10 of 43

3 Test Preparatio ns

About This Chapter

Section Describes 3.1 Setting the objectives The objectives of RF optimization.3.2 Dividing Clusters The rules for division of clusters.3.3 Determining the

Test route The rules for selecting the drive test route.3.4 Preparing Tools andDocumentsThe tools and documents required for RFoptimization.

3.1 Setting the Objectives

RF optimization focuses on solving the problems of coverage hole, interference, andhandover failure. While different

operations have different KPI requirements, KPIdefinitions. The purpose of RF optimization is to meet the KPI requirements defined inthe contract.In general, the network should meet the KPI

requirements listed in Table 3-1 after RFoptimization. This KPI list is used only a reference for RF optimization goals. The KPIshould be defined according to the contract, which is an agreement with operators .Note:

The values of CINR and RSSI vary with terminal model. Pls confirm with thecustomer about the terminal model for acceptance test. Table 3-1 List of WiMAX RF optimization objectives

AcceptanceItemRe ference Value Remarks CINR 10 dBUrban area 95%The network should be 0 loading. In theplanned coverage area, the test route isgridshaped, and passes through allsectors

coverage area.Suburban area 90%RSSI 85 dBmUrban area 95%The network should be 0 loading. In theplanned coverage area, the test route isgridshaped, and passes through allsectors coverage area. (If

the operator wants the test result with the penetrationloss, the value of penetration loss shouldbe added to the RSSI.)Suburban area 90%
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Dividing Clusters
RF optimization has been done by a group or a cluster of base stations.

Theintra-frequency interference must be taken into consideration during the optimization.Confirm with the customer about the partition of clusters, and consider the followingfactors:

The number of clusters should be determined according to the actual situation. Itis recommended that 1025 sites for a cluster.

A cluster should not cross over areas covering different services.

The cluster partition of the other system could be a reference.

Effect of terrain: Terrain can affect the transmission of signal. A mountain mayobstruct the signal transmission. Therefore, a

mountain could be as a naturalboundary for clusters. Water could make wireless signals to transmit farther.Therefore,If the river is narrow, the sites at both sides could be put one cluster whentransportation

conditions permit.If the river is broad, the river could be a boundary.

In general, it is more typical to divide clusters as a cellular shape than a bar shape.

Divide clusters based on

administrative regions: When the network coversseveral administrative regions, the clusters can be divided based on differentadministrativ e regions.

DT workload: Try to make sure that drive

tests of each cluster can be completedin one day. In general, one drive test lasts about four hours.Figure 3-2 shows an example of dividing clusters in a project. In the following figure,JB03 and JB04 are dense urban areas; JB01 is

an expressway area; JB02, JB05,JB06, and JB07 are common urban areas; JB08 is a suburban area. Each cluster contains about 1822 sites. Figure 32

Example of dividing clusters in a project

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3.3 Determining

the Test Route

Pls get an agreement with the customer about the DT route before doing drive test. If the customer determines a DT route, the DT route should include it. If it

cannot befully adopted due to some reasons, pls explain it to the customer immediately.The DT acceptance route is the core of the test route of RF optimization. The DTacceptance route is a key route.

Subsequent tasks such as parameter optimizationand acceptance test are all based on the DT KPI route. The test route selectionaccording to the following rules:(1) The drive test route should cover main streets,

important places, and VIP/VIC.(2) The test route should cover all cells; involve at least two tests (preliminary testand final test). Perform tests for all streets in RF planned area if we have time.(3) To observe the

performance change, each drive test should follow same route.(4) Consider one-way street, traffic light restriction, and turning restriction.Note that the politics, economy, culture, and living habits of

some overseas countriesare different from those in China. Therefore, certain regions may be forbidden toaccess. Therefore, before determining the test route, pls communicate with localdrivers, local

people and customer.


Preparing Tools and Documents

Before RF optimization, pls install necessary

software (see Table 3-2 in 3.4.1 ),hardware (see Table 3-3 in 3.4.2 ), and documents (see Table 3-4 in 3.4.3 ), whichis helpful for test analysis. For details, see the following tables.


.1 Preparing Software
Table 32

List of recommended software for RF optimization Number Software Functions Remarks

1 Genex Probe Drive test V2.1 or later; mandatory2 XCAL-X Drive testV3.1.5.30 or later;optional3 Genex AssistantDT data analysis,neighbor cell checkV2.1 or later; mandatory4 XCAP-X DT data

analysis Optional5 M2000 Performance analysis Mandatory6Mapinfo/ Google EarthMap display and routeselectionMand atory
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See the matching between DT software and terminals in the attachment.



Preparing Hardware
Table 3-3 List of recommended hardware for RF optimization Number Device Item Remarks 1 SCANNERFrequenc y scanning

andinterference analysis;optional2Te st terminalsand data cableGCT, CPE, and so on Mandatory3 LaptopPM1.7G/1G/ 20G/USB/COM/PRN Mandatory4 GPS GPS Mandatory5Carcarriedpower

inverter DC to AC, higher than300 WMandatory6 Software licenseLicense of PROBE and ASSISTANTMandat ory7 Hardware dongleDongle of XCAP-X andXCALXOptional8Spectru manalyzer Used to

find externalinterference ; optional9 Compass Optional10 Camera Optional


.3 Preparing for Documents

Table 34

Documents need to be collected before optimization Number DocumentsWhethe r IsNecessaryRemar ks 1 Engineering parameter table Yes2 Map Yes Mapinfo or paper

map3 KPI requirement Yes4 Network configuration parameters Yes

WiMAX RF Tuning Guide INTERNAL2011-08-10 Huawei Confidential Page 14 of 43

Number DocumentsWhethe

r IsNecessaryRemar ks 5 Survey report No6Checklist of verification at a singlesiteNo7 Plan of the floor to be tested Yes For indoor test

Data Collection
About This Chapter
Section Describes 4.1 Collecting the DataCertain methods of data collection and test

orders inRF optimization.4.2 Checking the GWConfiguration DataThe effect of collecting the GW configuration dataon RF optimization.4.3 DT The contents, methods, and precautions of

DT.4.4 CQT and Indoor TestThe methods and precautions for data collectionduring the CQT and indoor test.

.1 Collecting the Data

RF optimization focuses on the strength of wireless signals on the network. Testmethods mainly include DT test and CQT (including indoor test). Before the test, plsget the test devices and determine the test

route. In addition, cooperate with other engineers to check the gateway, BS work properly. If any alarm is reported, clear thealarm before performing the test. Make record during the test, and record reportedalarms,

which helps judge whether problems found in the test (if any) are related toalarms. After all preparations are completed, we do DT test and CQT (including indoor test).Collect the wireless signal data received by scanner

or terminal through the DT test. Analyze the test data for outdoor signal coverage, handover, and interference.In the GCW network, CQT test actually means the call quality test. In the WiMAXnetwork,

data services are the major services. Therefore, the CQT test for the WiMAX
WiMAX RF Tuning Guide INTERNAL2011-08-10 Huawei Confidential Page 15 of 43

network is different from that of the GCW network. CQT

focuses on the service qualityfor fixed points. Discovering, analyzing, and solving RF problems could be done byCQT.Indoor test focuses on indoor coverage (such as building, shopping mall, and metro),hot

area (stadium and governmental organ), and tested areas required by theoperator (such as VIC and VIP). Indoor test can also be used to optimize thehandover between indoor places, and

between indoor and outdoor.


Checking the GW Configuratio n Data

During RF optimization, collect the data of neighbors and the parameters configuredin the GW database. Check the configuration currently is consistent with that(planning data) before or not. Check

the alarm information.When checking the configuration, the incorrect data, parameters or any alarm arereported product support engineers. RF engineers do DT, CQT, or indoor coveragetest after

the problem is solvedWhen checking the configuration data, pls focus on handover parameters and power control parameters. For details, see Table 45. For handover parameters,

mainlycheck the neighbor cell list. Table


Items of configuration parameter checking Class Item Handover The function of

LST NBS for neighbor cells is implemented onWASN LMT. (For the 2.1 and 3.2 versions, this item can bequeried directly on the base station.)Power settingWhether the function of

display carrierbasic-info is enabled.Query the information at a single site in telnet mode. (Thisoperation is required in the 2.1 version. In the 3.2 version, this itemcan be queried directly on the

LMT.)CellConfigurat ionWhether the function of display carrierstatus is enabled in a cell.Query the information at a single site in telnet mode. (Thisoperation is required in the 2.1

version. In the 3.2 version, this itemcan be queried directly on the LMT.) After checking, output the updated Wireless Parameter Configuration Data Table andthe parameter modification record, which are used for

problem analysis andsubsequent optimization. For operations on WASN LMT and BTS LMT, pls see theoperation guideline in the WiMAX O&M center Operation Guideline .

.3 DT
DT includes:
WiMAX RF Tuning Guide INTERNAL2011-08-10 Huawei Confidential Page 16 of 43

Test for network access status through MSs without

loading. This test focuses onthe network access successful rate and the coverage area.

Test FTP download or upload by MSs: This test focuses on the access successrate, and the average download

and upload rate of the FTP server.

Test http webpage open during network access by MSs: This test focuses on thesetup successful rate and the setup delay of the http protocol.

Test ping operation during network access through MSs: This test focuses on thedelay and packet loss rate of the ping operation. After determining the test route, checking the data configured on the GW and

thealarms, perform the tests for corresponding tasks. Pay attention to the followingpoints:(1) Whether all devices are ready before departure.(2) Whether the computer power is sufficient.(3) Whether the

cigarette lighter in car can provide power properly.(4) Whether the carcarried power inverter functions properly.(5) Whether the GPS has sufficient power, and is configured correctly.(6) Whether all software

is installed on the computer, and the licenses are in trialperiod.Confirm that all preparations are correct before departure.Perform corresponding tests according to the work plans, and record the names of different test files

according to different test contents. In this way, the problem can beeasily located and analyzed.When finding a problem during the test, create a log file to save it. Perform severaltests for problematic areas,

and collect the data as much as possible.For detailed test methods and settings, pls refer to the drive test guide. (Optional) Enable the signaling trace function during the DT. Analyze the drive testdata with the traced message

to locate the problem. Log in to the LMT and enable thesignaling trace function by either of the following methods:(7) Log in to the LMT remotely through a terminal, and trace the signaling.(8) Trace the signaling on the

LMT of the GW or within a site with the help of customer service engineers.The traced signaling should correspond to the name of the DT data. In this way, thecorresponding traced signaling can be located easily

without searching for it in a largequantity of traced data. For example, if the log file is named Pedestrian Street

0080101 during the DT, the file should also be named

Pedestrian Street

0080101 during the signaling trace.

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During the signaling trace, collect the following data:

R1, R6, and R3 trace signaling messages of a single subscriber

Real-time feature monitoring records (measured values of RSSI and CINR) Figure


Traced signaling data collected on the LMT Analyze the signaling data accordingly after it is collected. For details on traced dataand collection methods, see the LMT operation guide.


CQT and Indoor Test



.1 CQT
CQT means the call quality test, that is,

the pointing test. The test items for theWiMAX network are different from traditional voice services because of the featuresof the WiMAX network. For the WiMAX network, the test focuses on data serviceseven though it also

involves voice test for VOIP-enabled areas. Select certainimportant locations and places for testing.The information about test locations should be recorded in detail. For example, thelongitude and latitude of the test

locations, as well as CINR and RSSI values of thetest locations. In the case of special areas, record the information about their surrounding, or take photos for the areas.Test items are as follows:

Test for network access through MS: Perform 100 access tests (the number of tests may be different, depending on local requirements), and measure the

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number of successful tests.

This test can be performed through the autocallfunction of probe.

Test for FTP upload and download through MS: Perform 10 tests (the number of tests may be different, depending on local requirements), and

measure the peakvalue and average value of the throughput, as well as the number of failed tests.This test can be performed through the autocall function of probe.

Test for http webpage open through MS:

Perform 20 tests (the number of testsmay be different, depending on local requirements), and measure the time takento open a webpage, and the number of failed tests. This test can be

performedthrough the autocall function of probe.

Test for ping operation through MS: Perform 20 times (the number of tests maybe different, depending on local requirements), and measure the

maximum delayand average delay, as well as the number of failed tests. This test can beperformed through the autocall function of probe.For detailed test methods, see the methods in the

WiMAX-DT&CQT Test Guide .CQT must be performed at some typical places (test points), with the security takeninto full consideration. When performing the CQT overseas, pay special attention tothe security of

CQT test points. Be sure to communicate with local employees aboutvarious local taboos and insecure areas.



Indoor Test
There are several drive test tools. Take the XCAL-X tool as an example to introducethe methods of indoor test, as shown below. For detailed operation methods andsettings, see specific tool

guides.When performing an indoor test, add test points manually on the map to display themoving route because GPS signals cannot be received during the indoor test.To open the indoor test map, choose

File > Inbuilding , or click the Inbuilding icon inthe toolbar. Perform the test according to the following steps:

First, import the plan of the building to be tested through the

key. If no plan isavailable, add test points on the grid map directly.

Then, add test points on the grid map through the key. Add totally eight testpoints, as shown in the following figure. The length of the test route is

displayedat the upper right corner of the window.

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Distribution of indoor test points

Finally, click the key at test point 1, and then move to test point 2. Whenreaching test point 2, click the key. In this way, the tool can record thetested data automatically, and associate the data with the moving

route. Theinformation about the tested data and the moving route can be displayed in thesubsequent analysis and playback.

Repeat the previous step until the entire route containing all

test points is tested.Save the log data.For detailed test methods, see the corresponding test guide.Like CQT, pay more attention to the security when performing the indoor test.

Coverage Analysis
About This Chapter
Section Describes 5.1 Coverage Problems andCommon MeasuresCommon

problems and related solutions for poor coverage, cross-cell coverage, and unbalance of uplink and downlink.5.2 Coverage Analysis FlowThe flow and methods of coverage analysis, anddetailed

cases.Coverage analysis is the major task of RF optimization. Coverage analysis focuseson signal distribution. Poor coverage, cross-cell coverage, and unbalance of uplinkand downlink

are the objects of coverage analysis.

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.1 Coverage Problems and Common Measures


.1.1 Poor coverage

I. Definition and Effect of Poor coverage

Poor coverage means the RSSI of signals in covered areas is less than 85 dBm,and the CINR of signals is less than 10 dB. At present, manufacturers have

no unifiedstandards for producing terminals. Thus, the values of RSSI and CINR measured byvarious terminals are different. To claim a poor coverage area, identify the type of terminals used locally, perform

feasibility tests on site, and compare the signalstrength in the tested area with the baseline value.Valley, back of mountains, elevator well, tunnel, underground garage, basement, andinside of tall buildings are often

areas with poor coverage. In these areas, the valuesof RSSI and CINR are very low. That is, RSSI < 85 dBm, and CINR < 10 dB. Toolow CINR cannot meet the minimum requirement for network access. Thus, thesuccessful

rate of network access in these areas is low, or network disconnectionoccurs immediately after successful access.

II. Optimization Measures for Poor coverage

In general, the following measures

are taken to optimize the poor coverage:

Optimize the coverage by increasing the carrier frequency power, adjustingantenna azimuth, downtilt angle, or height, or

using the antenna with a higher gain.

Adjust the antenna at terminal side, move the terminal closer to the window, or use the terminal with directional and high gain antenna.

Replace the indoor type terminal with the outdoor type one, and adjust theantenna to ensure the quality of received signals.

Install the RRU on the tower so that the loss generated by feeders is less

andstrong coverage is achieved.

Adjust the times of repeated coding.

Build new base stations in the case the poor coverage is caused bydiscontinuous coverage. In this case, build an

overlapped coverage area that islarge enough. In addition, pay attention to the interference resulted from wider coverage areas.

Build new base stations in the areas with poor coverage that is caused by

valleyand back of mountains so that the signals can cover wider areas.


Intra-Frequency Interference Caused by

Cross-Cell Coverage
I. Analysis on Possible Causes
In the ideal situation, the signals of each cell should be controlled strictly and shouldnot cover the area outside the designed range. The

wireless environment, however, iscomplicated. For example, the terrain, building distribution, street distribution, andwater area can affect wireless signals. Therefore, wireless signals cannot be

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controlled easily, and the ideal situation cannot be achieved. In this case, crosscellcoverage

occurs.Only a few frequency resources can be used for the WiMAX network because of thefeatures of the WiMAX network. To improve the spectrum utilization rate, thespectrum is reused frequently, which causes intra-

frequency interference betweensites easily.Intrafrequency interference between sites is mainly caused by the interaction of multiple sites. Therefore, intrafrequency

interference between sites mainly occurs inthe urban areas where sites are installed densely, and the areas where the terrain iscomplicated. In normal cases, intrafrequency interference

between sites happens inurban areas: tall building, broad street, high tower, crossroad, and water area. Hillyarea and mountain area are the places where the interference occurs easily becauseof the terrain.Other causes

for intra-frequency interference between sites are as follows:(1) Antenna azimuths are irregular In a network with multiple sites, antenna azimuths should be regular in the entirenetwork. However, antenna

azimuths are irregular because of the signalcoverage, traffic distribution, and restriction on installation locations, which is outof control. In addition, interference caused by intra-frequency sectors occurs incertain areas.

Therefore, coverage of intra-frequency sectors in one area shouldbe reduced. (2) The base station or antenna is located at a high placeIf the base station is located in a high altitude, most surrounding areas are in theline-of-

sight range. In this case, signals can be transmitted in a large area. Theoverlap area cannot be controlled easily, and intra-frequency interference is outof control.(3) The antenna downtilt is set improperlyThe

antenna downtilt is determined according to the height, the coverage area,and the antenna model. If the antenna downtilt is set improperly, strong signalsovershoot, which causes interference to other

areas. Thus, intrafrequencyinterferenc e increases, which will make network disconnection and difficult toaccess network.(4) Antenna performance are not goodThe WiMAX network has not been developed for a long time. The

performanceof antennae provided by some manufacturers has not been approved. Therefore,some antenna performance cannot meet the engineering requirement, for example, the signal

strength of both side lobe and back lobe is strong, which canincrease intrafrequency interference to other sites.

II. Analysis on Effect of IntraFrequency Interference Between Sites

Intra-frequency interference between sites may cause the following networkproblems:

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(1) Degradation of CINR (some signals are not covered)Intrafrequency interference will degrade CINR, and decrease the networkthroughput. (2) Difficult access to networkWhen strong interference

exists, the terminal may not access the dominatesector, or cannot access the network at all.(3) Reduction of capacityThe coding mode is adjusted for the demodulation threshold of AMC accordingto the

measured value of CINR, and the interference reduces the value of CINR.Therefore, the coding mode and the capacity are reduced, which causes lower average throughput of sectors, and

affects the user experience directly.

III. Analysis Methods and Symptom Description of IntraFrequencyInterfer ence Between Sites

(1) By terminalsIn general, if RSSI < 70 dBm during the test, the absolute value of the sum of CINR and RSSI is approximately equal to the absolute value of base stationsensitivity. This rule is only applicable to some

terminals. Since the measuredvalues of CINR for some terminals are too high, the judgment should depend onthe actual situation. If the absolute value of the sum of CINR and RSSI is far lessthan the absolute value of

base station sensitivity (for example, the difference ismore than 10 dB), unacceptable intrafrequency is between sites. In other words,if RSSI is in normal value range, but CINR is too low, there is

intrafrequencyinterferenc e probably.Simple method to locate the interference source: Disable the sector to which theterminal belongs, and then do tests using the same frequency. Locate the sourceinterfering

site according to received signals. In addition, observe whether RSSIand CINR are normal during the test. If RSSI and CINR are abnormal, disablethe active sector, and find other interfering sites. During

commercial application,the active sector cannot be disabled. Therefore, test engineers should judge thesituation on site. This method is not practical, and could be used only beforedelivery.(2) By scanner A scanner

can scan the downlink signals for more than 10 intrafrequencysectors at the same time; record the values of RSSI and CINR for eachintra-frequency sector, and save the scanning result and GPS data for analysis.To use this

method, the requirements for RF engineer are not high. Therefore, itis recommended that a scanner be used to check intrafrequency interference.Scan the areas with possible intrafrequency

interference, and then analyze thescanning result to determine the interference source in the area. As shown inFigure 5-5, two intra-frequency signals with preamble values of 67 and 68 arethe interference signals

in this area. At present, the function of the scanner is notgood enough. RF engineers should propose requirements for scanner after thetrial.

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Scanning result of intra-frequency interfering sectors by a scanner

IV. Optimization Methods of IntraFrequency Interference Between Sites

(1) Adjust antenna configuration.We can change each sector coverage to reduce intrafrequency interference

byadjusting the azimuth and the downtilt. The dominate sector signal strength isincreased, which can reduce the intrafrequency.To strengthen the signals, engineers can adjust the antenna azimuth so

that theantenna faces to the area directly. To decrease the signals coverage, antennaazimuth could move from the covered area. The adjustment of antenna downtiltis similar to that of antenna azimuth.

Reduce the antenna downtilt to increase thecoverage, and vice versa.The adjustment of antenna downtilt should follow certain rules. If the downtilt isset too small, the cell coverage can be increased, but interference may

occur. If the downtilt is set too large, the cell coverage can be reduced, but the directionaldiagram of the antenna may be distorted. In general, the downtilt should not bemore than 6. If the downtilt is more than 6, it is

recommended that Electricantenna should be selected. As shown in Figure 5-6, the interfered area circled by black lines is caused byunreasonable settings of antenna azimuth and downtilt for Woodlands 2 sector.The antenna

azimuth of Woodlands 2 sector is 310, and the downtilt is 2. Theantenna faces directly to the GolfClub site, and covers a large area, whichcauses interference directly to the areas near the Golfclub 2

sector.Change the antenna downtilt of Woodlands 2nd sector from 2 to 7, and changethe antenna azimuth of Woodlands 2nd sector from 310 to 250. Thus, theovershoot coverage of Cell 360 is reduced, and the

interference is reduced.

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