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From the twenty-first century, Technological evolution and mobile phones have acquired convergence MOBILE features that

go far beyond CHARACTERISTIC simply just call or send text messages, it could be said to be unified with various Mobile telephony, also devices such as PDA, camera , called mobile phones, basically consists of two parts: electronic calendar, alarm clock, calculator, micro a communications network projector, GPS or multimedia and terminals that allow The evolution of mobile player. access to that network. phones has reduced its size and weight, from T Operation HE Motorola DynaTAC, the first mobile phone in 1983 that Telephone communication is weighed 800 grams. made possible by the The development of smaller interconnection between batteries and longer lasting, mobile stations and public. sharper screens and colors, Mobile or cellular phone incorporating more friendly According to the bands or software, make the phone a frequencies at which the The mobile phone is an very appreciated in modern electronic device that allows phone operates, may function life. wireless access to the cellular in one part or another of the The advance of technology world. telephone network or mobile. has made these devices Cell is called in most Latin incorporate features that not Mobile telephony is a American countries because long ago seemed futuristic, the service operates through a combination of a network of like games, MP3 music stations transmitting-receiving playback and other formats, network of cells. stations and a series of email, SMS, PDA PDA, telephone switching 1st and digital photography and digital 5th level, which enables video, video calling, web communication between browsing , GPS, and even portable telephone terminals digital TV. Mobile phone or between mobile computers companies are already and phones in the traditional thinking about new fixed network. applications for this little device that accompanies us Its main feature is its everywhere. Some of these portability, which allows you ideas are: means of payment, to communicate from almost people locator and identifier. anywhere. The primary function is voice communication.

Mobile Internet


Furthermore, an increasing For a copy of the agenda is The first connections were supply of tablets by operators used the SyncML standard, made through a phone call to a to connect to the Internet and used by ZYB to Vodafone, number of the operator GSM calls. Movistar Mobilcal and through which data is Taking advantage of UMTS Copiagenda. transmitted in a similar way as technology, begin to appear you would a PC modem. modems for PCs that connect With the advent of digital to the Internet using the mobile telephony, it was mobile phone network, possible to access Internet achieving speeds similar to sites specially designed for ADSL. This system is still mobile phones, known as expensive because the WAP. charging system is not a true flat rate but some operators establish limitations on data or speed. 4G products are already marketed. In 2011, 20% of broadband users intend to change their fixed connection for a mobile Internet connection. On the agenda you can save your contacts to talk to them more. Subsequently, born on GPRS, which allowed access to the Internet via TCP / IP. Using the proper software can be accessed from a mobile terminal, to services such as FTP, Telnet, instant messaging, email, using the same protocols as a conventional computer. GPRS speed is 54 kbit / s in optimal conditions, and is charged according to the amount of information transmitted and received.

Electromagnetic pollution.

Electromagnetic pollution, also known as electropollution is the pollution caused by electromagnetic radiation spectrum generated by electronic devices or other products of human activity. Many organizations like the World Health Organization, the European Commission, the The creation of a new University Complutense of language Madrid, the Spanish Some social analysts worry Association Against Cancer, Most of the messages that these messages with their the Ministry of Health of exchanged in this way, not jargon and syntax checking, Spain, or the National based on the voice, but in carried that youth can not Research Council of Spain writing. Instead of speaking write well. However, others have issued reports that discarded health damage due into the microphone, more believe that "favor the revival users, especially young of written communication in a to emissions of people, resort to the keyboard new generation." electromagnetic radiation, to send text messages. Some people prefer to send including mobile phones. However there are studies that However, given the need to text messages (SMS) instead of speaking directly for indicate otherwise as the one introduce the characters in the terminal, there has been a economic reasons. Since the published in 2003 by TNO, language in which words are cost of SMS is easily which stated that UMTS accessible compared to call radiation could be dangerous. abbreviated using letters, symbols and numbers. establishment and call There are also numerous Although writing and typing is duration. studies investigating the considerably more possible association between uncomfortable to talk, given the presence of cellular antennas and various diseases. its low cost, has become a serious alternative to voice The rules in force in the messages. various countries considered safe to live in a building with SMS language is to shorten words, replace some of them a base station and those around you, depending on the by simple symbols or avoiding level of emissions of the same. certain prepositions, use Could not prove with certainty phonemes and others. The main cause is that the that exposure below levels considered safe radiation pose individual SMS is limited to a health risk, but neither has 160 characters, if it exceeds this limit, the individual data to ensure there are no message becomes multiple, long-term effects. logically multiplying the cost of shipping. For that reason

seeks to reduce the number of characters, so in a way understandable, the more text or costs less.

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