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branD style GuiDe

brand Guide 1.0 December 2011

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0

Chapter Overview table of Contents

39 1025 2649 5067 Chapter One ________________________________________________________________________ How we help Chapter two our logo
____________________________________ ____________________________________

Chapter three ______________________________________________________________________ our brand style Chapter Four _______________________________________________________________________ our brand in action

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0

HOW We Help
Chapter OneHow We Help table of Contents
4 5 6 7 8 9
________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

our mission _______________________________________________________ our vision __________________________________________________________ Who we are ________________________________________________________ our emblem _______________________________________________________ Who can use what ________________________________________________ What to do with a misuse _______________________________________

Our missiOn

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0

For more than a century, Canadians have had their own national societythe Canadian red Crossdedicated to alleviating and preventing suffering in Canada and around the world.
Our missiOn

to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity in Canada and around the world.

WHat GuiDes Our WOrk?

Our visiOn

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0

Our vision How does protecting our brand contribute to living our vision?

The Canadian Red Cross is a leading humanitarian organization through which Canadians demonstrate their caring for others in need.

When we strive for effective, transparent communication that adheres to our vision, it demonstrates: 1. our leadership and commitment to the work we do 2. our pride in our strongest asset: the red cross emblem, the internationally-recognized symbol of protection

livinG tHe visiOn

WHO We are

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0

Our brand attributes

What are brand attributes? Think of them as personality traits. For example, two people can share the same values, but each one will express them in a different way. Therefore, our brand positioning is how we collectively deliver our brand attributes, and carry out our mission, vision and values. Brand benchmarking research has identified five brand attributes that will make donors and potential beneficiaries more responsive to the Canadian Red Cross. These attributes should be reflected in everything we do and in all of our communications:

trustworthy Connected energetic progressive High quality

WHO We are

Our emblem

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0

Governments have the option to choose which emblem their national society will use: a red cross, a red crescent or a red crystal. in 1909, the Government of Canada decided that the Canadian national society would be represented with a red cross.
There are two main uses of the emblems: the protective use and the indicative use. protective use in armed combat, the emblems are a visible sign of the protection given to the medical personnel, equipment and buildings of the armed forces under international law. That protection extends to certain humanitarian organizations working alongside the military to relieve the suffering of the wounded, prisoners and civilians. When used alone in this way, it is referred to as protective use. national Red Cross and Red Crescent societies around the world are allowed to use an emblem to identify themselves along with their national name as part of a global network known as the international Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. This use is called indicative use and it is how we use our logo: to identify our work.

indicative use

Our emblem

WHO Can use WHat

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0

international Committee of the red Cross

international Federation of red Cross and red Crescent societies

protective emblem
Medical corps of armed forces and national societies can use the protective emblem when given permission during times of armed conflict.

indicative emblem
Logo used by each national society which includes an emblem and the name of the national society.

WHO Can use WHat

WHO Can use WHat

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0

most common misuses

unauthorized appearance of a red cross on a white background. This type of misuse frequently happens on business signage and logos, advertising and marketing materials, music videos and video games, first aid kits and first aid posts, medical supplies and facilities.

to report a misuse

1. use the online form available at: 2. Contact your branch The report of the misuse will then be forwarded to the appropriate Canadian Red Cross staff member. in most cases, individuals, businesses or other entities voluntarily stop misusing the emblem once notified emblem misuse is against the law and can result in a fine, as well as forfeiture of the products connected to the misuse.

What should be used as a symbol of first aid?

international organizations recommend using a white cross on a green background to identify a first aid kit or supplies, or a first aid treatment situation. This symbol is widely used in Canada and abroad.

WHat tO DO WitH a misuse

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


Our lOGO
Chapter twoOur logo table of Contents
11 1213 1415 1617 1819 2021 2223 2425
________ _______ ________ _______ ________ _______ ________ _______ ________ _______ ________ _______ ________ _______ ________ _______

introduction _______________________________________________________ official logo _______________________________________________________ official logo versions ____________________________________________ official colour _____________________________________________________ Black and white logo _____________________________________________ Minimum size _____________________________________________________ Protection space _________________________________________________ donts ______________________________________________________________


Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


Designed as a single element for easy use, the Canadian red Cross logo has three components: the emblem (red cross), word mark (the company name) and the white shield. the relationship and spacing between these three components must never be altered.

times are CHanGinG


Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


the official logo

The red cross emblem must always appear in red on a white background. our name is printed in capital letters for more impact, and the use of red lettering creates a visual link with our red cross emblem. The white shield must be kept as an integral part of the logo at all times, even when applied to a white background.



Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


the logo and its shield

The white shield was created to ensure that the Canadian Red Cross logo always looks its best on any background. as you can see below, when our logo is placed on a coloured background, the white shield automatically appears. on a white background, the white shield does not appear but still remains in the electronic file. The shield provided in the master files found on Brand Central must always remain intact and unmodified on both coloured and white backgrounds.

OFFiCial lOGO versiOns

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


a version for every need

a number of versions of the Canadian Red Cross logo have been developed so that you will always have one to fit the language requirements of the markets you serve. Before finalizing your communications, remember to doublecheck that you have indeed applied the appropriate logo.

many versiOns, One intentiOn

OFFiCial lOGO versiOns

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


Official english versions

in predominantly anglophone markets, the bilingual version displays english first

Official French versions

in predominantly Francophone markets, the bilingual version displays French first

Qubec division versions

in Qubec, our unique linguistic needs require that the Qubec region name appear with the Canadian Red Cross logo

alternate horizontal bilingual versions

For exceptional cases where the space is limited and of horizontal proportions, using the alternate horizontal bilingual versions is permitted

OFFiCial COlOur

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


Our colour is in our name

Red is the colour we stand beside. Please ensure that you always apply the colours specified here to ensure our colour is consistent.

reD CrOss

OFFiCial COlOur

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


Cmyk cyan: 0 magenta: 100 yellow: 100 black: 0 rGb red: 255 green: 0 blue: 0 Web html: FF0000


485 C / u

blaCk anD WHite lOGO

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


a logo for rare occasions

nowadays, even newspapers print in full colour. on rare occasions, however, we might be asked to produce an ad for a section that is only printed in black and white or for communications that are produced in greyscale. These are the only circumstances in which we may provide the black and white version of our logo. in all other circumstances, please use the colour version. When our black and white logo is placed on a black background, the white shield automatically appears (see opposite page). never use a colour version for a black and white application as the red will come out grey when printed, while the emblem and name components should be true black.

is blaCk a COlOur?

blaCk anD WHite lOGO

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


minimum siZe

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


screen view

our logo is increasingly being used in electronic communications and on websites. We have therefore carefully validated the minimum size of our logos to make sure that it is always crisp and clear whenever it appears on screen.

suggested size (minimum size)*

enGlisH unilinGual: WidTH: 60 PixeLs HeiGHT: 40 PixeLs

FrenCH unilinGual: WidTH: 66 PixeLs HeiGHT: 40 PixeLs

bilinGual vertiCal: WidTH: 66 PixeLs HeiGHT: 54 PixeLs

bilinGual HOriZOntal: WidTH: 105 PixeLs HeiGHT: 40 PixeLs

*Please note that the above graphics are not necessarily to scale.

small still WOrks

minimum siZe

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


print applications

although quality printing is now widely availableeven on office printersit is important to ensure that our logo comes out clear and legible by respecting minimum size requirements. For print outputs, please use the emblem (red cross) to determine the smallest possible size of the logo. if you are having a printer produce your documents or communications, ask for a colour proof before going to print so that you can check for quality and legibility.

suggested size (minimum size)*

0.25 inCHes 5 MM

*Please note that the above graphics are not necessarily to scale.

prOteCtiOn spaCe

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


a shield for protection

Protection space is the area around a logo that must remain free of any photography or background colours or any other graphic elements. in the Canadian Red Cross logo, natural protection space is provided by the white shield. The white shield is an integral part of the logo provided in the master files and must therefore not be altered in any way. When using the logo, please ensure that you keep the shieldeven on a white backgroundas it serves as a guide for your protection space. That way, youll be helping to keep our logo clear, consistent and protected for maximum visibility and recognition. in cases where the logo is placed on a non-white background, please ensure there is a minimum margin around the outer edge of the logo (ie the shield) on all four sides equal to the square as defined by the height of one line of the Canadian Red Cross word mark. Please see example on opposite page for reference.

let it breatHe

prOteCtiOn spaCe

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0



Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


stick to the original

our logo is defined by the lock up of three elements (the emblem, the logo and the white shield) and should never be modified in any way. always use the electronic files available on Brand Central.

DOnt tOuCH


Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


Dont stretch the logo

Dont dissect the logo

Dont use the emblem alone Dont change the logos proportions Dont modify the logos true colours Dont remove the shield Dont change the typeface Dont add effects to the logo



Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


Our branD style

Chapter threeOur brand style table of Contents
2730 3132 3334 3536 3741 4243 4445 4647 4849
________ _______ ________ _______ ________ _______ ________ _______ ________ _______ ________ _______ ________ _______ ________ _______ ________ _______

Tone of voice ______________________________________________________ Five pillars of the brand _________________________________________ official colour palettes __________________________________________ official typography _______________________________________________ imagery/photography ____________________________________________ imagery/illustration ______________________________________________ The shield _________________________________________________________ The thread _________________________________________________________ Layout principles _________________________________________________

tOne OF vOiCe

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


Tone of voice is how we deliver our messagesit is what we say and the words we choose when communicating. our tone of voice is defined and shaped by our five brand attributes:

trustworthy Connected energetic progressive High quality

One tOne, One vOiCe

tOne OF vOiCe

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


We are always credible in everything we say. We provide facts and figures, and present the public with transparent reports on a regular basis. people can trust us.
Report on your initiatives, progress and how donations will be allocated: Donations will be used to provide immediate aid and recovery to the people most affected. Assistance will be available to those who have experienced a complete loss of or major damage to their home. Breakdown of how your donations will be used.

We are committed to our local and global communities. We feel their despair and their joy. We believe in open communication and remaining accessible. people can reach out to us.
To convey connectedness, use inclusive words that illustrate the commitment of the Canadian Red Cross to community: The Canadian Red Cross understands that you We are here to help you. We know what it means to your community. We are proud to introduce this new initiative to your community. Make sure that you also make the reader the hero of the story you are telling: You and your organization have been working hard to turn the tides. When you need help in a time of uncertainty, you can count on us. Your community has shown incredible resilience and we are proud to have been part of the rebuilding.

tOne OF vOiCe

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


We are always prepared, ready and able to mobilize staff and volunteers quickly in order to help provide assistance and relief whenever disaster strikes, both at home and abroad. people can count on us.
Whenever possible, give facts about responsiveness and preparedness, which will further underscore the mission of the Canadian Red Cross. Within 24 hours, Canadian Red Cross volunteers had set up emergency relief. The Canadian Red Cross was the first NGO on site. Mission accomplished: 10 youth volunteers raise $45,000. Over 30 trained volunteers tirelessly distributed warm blankets and food staples.

We strive to constantly move our organization and the communities we serve forward. We are leadersprofessionals who know what to do and do it right. Other people can feel inspired to join us.
Your communications should include elements that are inspiring and upliftingthat speak to the leadership role the Canadian Red Cross plays. Quotes are often a powerful way to achieve this: Seeing help arrive is wonderful. It is like spirits are being liftedthat there is hope. I am happy to be here and to help rebuild. I am receiving so much more than I could ever give! Are you looking for opportunities to give back? The Canadian Red Cross is grateful for the generous support of donors.

tOne OF vOiCe

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


HiGH Quality
We pay close attention to the details in everything we do, diligently organizing, working and showing leadership when helping those in need and those looking to learn new skills. people know they are in good hands.
it is important that your writing style reflects the high-quality standards of the Canadian Red Cross. Therefore: Refer to the Canadian Red Cross Style Guide (November 2007) as the primary reference for guidance on style, punctuation and grammar. No slang. Your writing should be direct and intelligentas well as engaging. (You want people to read your entire communication and understand the core message). Dont dumb down or talk over peoples heads. Aim for a first-year university language level. Watch for run-on sentences and typing mistakes. Sometimes humour is appropriate, but it must always be in good taste.

Five pillars OF tHe branD

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


Five pillars of the brand


our brand is built on five key pillars that work together to visually create a look and feelour brand personality. These elements have been carefully developed and the guidelines for their use must be respected at all times to strengthen and move our brand forward. Colours

Red sTiTCH BoLd



exTended CoLouRs

aKKuRaT oFFiCe*

Five pillars

aBCdeFGHiJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz abCDeFGHiJklm nOpQrstuvWXyZ abcdefghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz

*akkurat office can appear in any of the primary or secondary colours.

Five pillars OF tHe branD

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0



Graphic Device
WHiTe sHieLd



OFFiCial COlOur palettes

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


Our colour palettes

our primary colourredis key to our brand identity. The proper and consistent use of our official corporate colour across all of our communications helps to create a strong and coherent image of our organization. secondary colours have been selected to complement our primary palette and give depth to our messages. an extended colour palette has also been developed for certain circumstances when additional colours are needed for optimal communication.
The colours shown on next page are not intended to match PanTone* colours exactly. For accurate colour standards, refer to the most recent edition of the PanTone Colour Formula Guide.

in printing terminology, bleed refers to when an image, block of colour, or other design element extends past the trim, or edge, of any side or all sides of a page. Bleeds can sharpen up a print product, or contrast nicely with a distinct margin. However, bleeds can increase printing costs on external print jobs and this should be considered when working on a design product. in cases where print products are to be printed in-house, designers should always produce design pieces with a minimum .25 inch margin. also, when designing in-house, designers should consider how much ink will be required to print the image, with an eye to conserve print cartridges via the reduction of blocks of solid colour and large images.

HelpinG in COlOur

OFFiCial COlOur palettes

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


primary colour palette For official use

pantOne 485 C/u Cmyk C0 M100 Y100 K0 rGb R255 G0 B0 Web html FF0000

secondary colour palette For corporate usetitles, background, illustrations

pantOne 202 C/u Cmyk C10 M97 Y61 B48 rGb R130 G36 B51 Web html 822433 pantOne Cool Gray 9 C/u Cmyk C29 M23 Y16 B51 rGb R116 G118 B120 Web html 747678

extended colour palette For business collateraltitles, background, illustrations

pantOne Cool Gray 1 C/u Cmyk C3 M2 Y4 K5 rGb R224 G225 B221 Web html e0e1dd pantOne Cool Gray 4 C/u Cmyk C12 M7 Y6 K17 rGb R188 G189 B188 Web html BCBdBC

pantOne 7457 C/U Cmyk C12 M0 Y2 K0 rGb R187 G221 B230 Web html BBdde6

pantOne 691 C/u Cmyk C0 M15 Y8 K1 rGb R233 G211 B215 Web html E9D3D7

pantOne Black C/u Cmyk C0 M0 Y0 K100 rGb R0 G0 B0 Web html 000000

Cmyk C0 M0 Y0 K0 rGb R255 G255 B255 Web html FFFFFF

please nOte: Blue and pink should never be the dominant colour on a white page.

OFFiCial typOGrapHy

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


Our official typefaces

our typography is a visual expression of our voice. it conveys a personality and, when used correctly, can be as recognizable as our logo and official colours. Therefore, a set of fonts have been selected especially for the Canadian Red Cross that not only make our communications look more unique, but also help build brand recognition. red stitch font This font lends a warm, human element to a communication piece and should be used when there is little visual material available. akkurat akkurat is a strong, honest font to be used in titles, subheads and bodycopy. Leading, or linespacing, refers to the distance between successive lines of text. Tracking refers to the process of uniformly increasing or decreasing the space between all letters in a block of text. as part of the Canadian Red Cross brand, header treatment involves reducing the leading between lines and the tracking between letters to give such titles a more intimate, cohesive feel. This is accomplished with header treatments using Red stitch Bold, Red stitch Light and akkurat. However, leading should not be used for body text, pull quotes, or other multiple-line font treatments (for more detail see page 48). do not reduce leading by more than -25 per cent.

reaD betWeen tHe lines

OFFiCial typOGrapHy

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


titles Font: Red stitch Bold

titles Font: Red stitch Regular


titles, subheads and body copy Font: akkurat office Bold

abCDeFGHiJklm nOpQrstuvWXyZ abcdefghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz

Office use Font: arial Bold


titles, subheads and body copy Font: akkurat office Regular

aBCdeFGHiJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz

Office use Font: arial Regular


ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz


ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz

imaGery pHOtOGrapHy

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


photo selection people in action

When selecting an image, careful consideration must be given to the role of the communications piece you are developing.

Who is it targeting? in what context will it be viewed? What response or impression do we want to trigger?
images of people should capture an action, an emotion, a moment of concentration. do not hesitate to crop closer to a persons eyes: the connection will be greater. if you are using more than one image in the same communications piece, consider varying the photographic scenes to create more visual interest. select images that represent the specific context as well as the diversity of experiences and people. ethical images ensure that the respect, dignity and equality of the individuals represented are upheld. This involves avoiding images that stereotype or discriminate against peoples gender, ethnicity, race, age, sexuality and ability. Finally, make sure that the image reflects the brand attributes: trustworthy, connected, energetic, progressive, and high quality.

tHe trutH beHinD tHe imaGes


Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


imaGery pHOtOGrapHy

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


photo selection Disaster

Choose images that not only convey the drama of the situation, but also a sense of dignity. always balance images of destruction with images of help, hope and the humanitarian presence of the Canadian Red Cross.

imaGery pHOtOGrapHy

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


photo selection involvement

difficult scenes must be balanced with a human touch a helping hand, a warm embrace, supplies and/or relief in the background, etc. avoid images that stereotype or discriminate against peoples gender, ethnicity, race, age, sexuality and ability.

imaGery pHOtOGrapHy

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


photo treatment

our images should work together like we do. Three techniques can help improve and unify images: 1. dynamic cropping. 2. Calibrating colour to provide contrast and consistency among photos within the same piece. 3. Ensure images have a hint of red where possible.

before These three photos are too detailed and the tones seem to clash.

after By zooming in on key elements, we create stronger impact. Colours are adjusted to complement one another.

imaGery illustratiOn

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


illustration style

We use illustration to interpret certain difficult concepts and situations experienced by the people we help. all illustrations are fresh, stylistic sketches that aim to evoke rather than represent. Therefore, when choosing illustrations, look for ones that convey humanity, helping and/or community. You may also use the thread visual device to bring out a deeper human side of the illustration.

DraWinG inspiratiOn

imaGery illustratiOn

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


Official illustration style inspirations

brand-appropriate illustration examples

a sHielD tO prOteCt

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


a shield to protect

We created a graphic element that we refer to as the shield to ensure visibility of our brand and therefore increase impact. an integral part of our brand identity, it always frames our logo, as the red cross on a white background is an internationally recognized and protected symbol. However, the shield can also be used to frame headers on a communications piece, or text that we would like to highlight or offset (see page 45 for examples). in most incidents, the shield will be white, while any text appearing in the shield, as well as our logo, will be red. However, sidebar treatments of the shield may be permitted using other colours in our palette with an appropriately contrasting font (see pages 12 and 13 for details about logo treatment on a non-white background). in order to accommodate the text, logo and/or format of the communications piece, the length and/or width of the shield can be adapted. However, in order to preserve the integrity of the unique angle within the shield framework, the angle of the corner may never be modified, though the shield itself can be rotated under certain circumstances. as well, the shield should never bleed off the page on the side containing the shield angle. if the design requires it though, the other borders of the shield may bleed off the page. in terms of placement, the shield may be inserted at either the top or bottom of layouts, or to the left or right of a page, but never centered. Lastly, the shield can be used as a frame for a photo or graphic treatment.

a sHielD tO prOteCt

a sHielD tO prOteCt

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0



The Canadian Red Cross is a non-profit humanitarian organization dedicated to improving the situation of vulnerable people at home and around the world. We are a member of the international Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, which includes the international Committee of the Red Cross (iCRC), over 185 national Red Cross and Red Crescent societies and the international Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. in Canada, we provide assistance to millions through our disaster relief, injury prevention and humanitarian issues programming.

eaCH year mOre tHan 1,000 peOple seek Help FrOm tHe CanaDian reD CrOss tO re-establisH COntaCt WitH Family members.

tHe CanaDian reD CrOss imprOves tHe lives OF tHe vulnerable by mObiliZinG tHe pOWer OF Humanity.

become a volunteer

Be part of the largest humanitarian organization in the world! We can train you to become a restoring family links, detention monitoring, or disaster management volunteer to help improve the lives of people in your community. There are so many ways to help: volunteer in an office setting, work in the community to help reconnect separated families, be onsite following a disaster, help with community outreach, or assist with visits to detainees. Contact your local Canadian Red Cross for more information at GET INVOLVED!
Humanity | impartiality | neutrality | independence voluntary service | unity | universality For more information, contact your local Canadian Red Cross branch at:

How to determine the angle of the shield

FabriC OF Humanity

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


the thread

The thread is a metaphor for the work we do: we help mend lives. The thread device can be used on its own as lettering or incorporated into a photo as a visual treatment.

FabriC OF Humanity

FabriC OF Humanity

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


layOut prinCiples

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


Our brand in action

a clean, well-designed layout that breathes will engage the reader and help get the message across better. Please follow these basic principles when designing a communications piece for the Canadian Red Cross: The logo is placed on the left side of the cover with appropriate spacing (see section, Let it Breathe). Whenever possible, body text should be left justified and ragged right. in addition, blocks of text should be presented in a multiple-column, magazine format. This paragraph treatment is dynamic and easy to read. Headings, or titles, are always written in capital letters with a tighter leading and tracking (for definition of leading or tracking see page 35). Other text set in capital letters should also have a tighter leading. Red must be the predominant colour, and graphics should be boldso dont be afraid to use them. appendix: For more guidelines on style, punctuation, grammar and official terms and acronyms, please refer to appendix 1: The Canadian Red Cross Style Guide, November 2007.

imaGe matters

layOut prinCiples

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


pamphlet cover example

pamphlet spread example


The Canadian Red Cross is a non-profit humanitarian organization dedicated to improving the situation of vulnerable people at home and around the world. We are a member of the international Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, which includes the international Committee of the Red Cross (iCRC), over 185 national Red Cross and Red Crescent societies and the international Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. in Canada, we provide assistance to millions through our disaster relief, injury prevention and humanitarian issues programming.

eaCH year mOre tHan 1,000 peOple seek Help FrOm tHe CanaDian reD CrOss tO re-establisH COntaCt WitH Family members.

tHe CanaDian reD CrOss imprOves tHe lives OF tHe vulnerable by mObiliZinG tHe pOWer OF Humanity.

become a volunteer

Be part of the largest humanitarian organization in the world! We can train you to become a restoring family links, detention monitoring, or disaster management volunteer to help improve the lives of people in your community. There are so many ways to help: volunteer in an office setting, work in the community to help reconnect separated families, be onsite following a disaster, help with community outreach, or assist with visits to detainees. Contact your local Canadian Red Cross for more information at GET INVOLVED!
Humanity | impartiality | neutrality | independence voluntary service | unity | universality For more information, contact your local Canadian Red Cross branch at:

brochure spread example

Canadian Red CRoss Guide To FiRe 49 49 Guide To FiRe Canadian Red CRoss

You will need to provide a list of lost or damaged items as part of your insurance claim. Review your insurance policy so you understand what items to list. if you had a household inventory before the fire, retrieve it for the insurance adjuster. if you didnt, or if it was destroyed, ask your insurance agent for a blank inventory form; it will jog your memory. Record serial numbers of appliances and household equipment, if possible. note the approximate cost or value of each item. if possible, take close-up photos or video footage of damaged rooms, furnishings and property. once the inventory is complete, contact your insurance company for details on how to submit it to them. Keep all receipts related to living expenses and repairs, permits, inspection forms and any other papers in one place. Your insurance company may request them.

notify your bank or mortgage company

you have a responsibility to tell your mortgage company about the fire and to keep them informed about what is being done to restore the property. they may have forms for you to fill out, and they may want to inspect the property.
For more information on cleaning up after a fire, please refer to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporations website or visit the following link:
WHat tO DO aFter a Fire :

take an

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


Our branD in aCtiOn

Chapter FourOur brand in action table of Contents
51 5254 55 5657 5861 6263 6465 6667
________ _______ ________ _______ ________ _______ ________ _______ ________ _______ ________ _______ ________ _______ ________ _______

introduction _______________________________________________________ stationery _________________________________________________________ Faxes and memos ________________________________________________ Corporate folders _________________________________________________ Brochures and pamphlets ______________________________________ Kiosk _______________________________________________________________ signage ____________________________________________________________ Vehicles ____________________________________________________________


Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


in this chapter, you will find examples of how to use the Canadian red Cross key branding elementsor the five pillars of the brandin various communications applications. always use the examples provided here as a guide when developing your applications. pay careful attention to the various details to ensure a consistent look and feel that projects a strong, easily identifiable brand at all times.
For details on the usage of the Canadian Red Cross logo, colours, typography, imagery and graphic devices, including the shield and thread, refer to chapter three.

time tO prepare, reaCt anD reCOver


Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0



stationery is an important part of our brand image and must be produced with precision and consistency. Please be sure to follow the key points outlined here whenever you prepare business cards, letters, envelopes, faxes, memos or any other stationery on behalf of the Canadian Red Cross. also, always use the templates provided on Brand Central.



Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


Conrad Sauv

Secretary General and Chief Executive Officer Secrtaire gnral et chef de la direction

National Office / Sige social 170 Metcalfe Ottawa, ON K2P 2P2 Canada T: (613) 740-1906 # 8888 F: (613) 740-1903 /

C D 30 MM 1.25 inCH

Mus, nost, omnis volore, odis aut qui odignis pel id quae cum

Mus, nost, omnis volore, odis aut qui odignis pel id quae cum sectius deniend itatur alitiumquate ra qui officil liquidunt fugit min resequam explani sciant omnia eventur aut ut molore nulpa dolutem acitiis etur, sit dest, omnimus volore eost, opture et quam facesto moluptis in et erem ut aut faccab iur, acculparum renihil magnimp oribus evelentis exerunt aruptae idel invendebis cuptis mos arci omnihit remolorum, sitatempos acepro dolorerro tem simporias sime quae netus venimene aut vendem ut volupis imagni ipsant molupta turenia nonsed et lant reperum ipsum audant plaut ut voloribus dolupta volupta temquiant dest optatur sitaquis doluptatur abore sitemquas dolores cietur? expeditate vid ut ipit, volor maximus aperio. is rest ium rati ut voles ut hil molorro molore sum fuga. nem ullo quia dolupta id ut idelest, sint, nati sit intis doluptatem que maximolent voloreprae num voles evelest odit, cum volut ad maximus, conem audant ut rem ut que sed minvene pro omni dis coneculliam nulpa nonsequ aestionsecte sequiat emquas velent, sundit dolupta eris sequas et reium quid maxim imustium eaqui doles nonse prectio reicius ut aut molorem excessime es iliberc hitatem verat eostotatur ressequ iatibus dolupid quis veliquam, natis sunt, voles dellatiatin pratint lam accus eium faccaec tinctat. Laut et idendio bea volor rerem vel inctatum ellaut dellaut es cum fuga. Mint, nosti cume nonsequi culpa iducid quibus sit veriantet autempore, te ipsam quiae lautem. itate ea dolupta tisquas autessequat poribus magnis aut omnienis escidem experio maionest fuga. et eossum harum es nus eaquiam, a qui dolupti quati coreper ibersperum atetur modi archictatur, a dolum, volorentur soluptiae culpa volupis a dolenim raes ut unt aspitam, aborrov iduciantius, arcitis amenda dolores et lam aped quibus conest, ommodignam sum, cuptam G quam et quo to eatiist ad que nusam quiat. is minulluptae et estions equamus dandel imaxime volupta ssimpedi ut officia national office H sige social santorroris saestia conet et doloribus, officid es eum ne accum estiis eos eos 170 Metcalfe ottawa, on K2P 2P2 dolutecto eris si omniminctia volupidelit ut quatias et ut libus nem eossum Canada quam quo bea eatia quati quidisque voloria volupta temquam simpe repelique explandi siti coria dolorer ferorep edignis a premodissit aruptam dit de volupta que lab im veliquiat am Mus, nost, omnis volore, odis aut qui odignis pel id quae cum

national office sige social 170 Metcalfe ottawa, on Canada K2P 2P2 t: (613) 740-1906 f: (613) 740-1903 national office sige social 170 Metcalfe ottawa, on Canada K2P 2P2 t: (613) 740-1906 f: (613) 740-1903

13 MM 0.5 inCH

55 MM 2.25 inCH


Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


Dimensions and guidelines

business card
a) name and title are in title case in red PMs 485 c/u B) Contact information is in lowercase and in black C) Logo: the red cross is 1/2" high, positioned in the lower right-hand corner

d) Logo is in the upper right-hand corner; the red cross is 1/2" high e) Contact information is in cool gray 9 under the logo F) Body copy is in akkurat or arial if akkurat is not available. The beginning of the text should be aligned with the bottom of the first Canadian Red Cross word mark

G) Logo in the upper left-hand corner; red cross is 1/2" high H) Contact information is in red to the right of the logo

the logo size

13 MM 0.5 inCHes

FaXes anD memOs

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


Faxes and memos

external and internal faxes, as well as internal memos, must also respect our key branding elements for a strong brand identity. Please use the templates provided on Brand Central for all such communications. You will notice that the fax and memo templates are based on the letterhead layout.

FaXes anD memOs

COrpOrate FOlDers

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


Corporate folders

Folders constitute important elements in communicating our brand identity because, in many cases, they are what people see first and are often passed around and shared. They should therefore project the image of a leading, caring and trustworthy organization that is proactive, but not wasteful.

COrpOrate FOlDers

COrpOrate FOlDers

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


if you need to put a title on a folder cover, we recommend using the stitch font, aligned with the logo in the bottom left-hand corner.

brOCHures anD pampHlets

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


brochures and pamphlets

Cover: always convey a strong brand.

Bold title in red akkurat Bold or stitch, justified to the left Logo 1/2" high. align the title with the logo as much as possible.
The following pages display good examples of brochures and pamphlets (see pages 58 to 61)

brOCHures anD pampHlets

brOCHures anD pampHlets

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


inside: keep the layout as legible as possible.

Text should be left-justified use columns whenever possible to keep layout crisp, clean and engaging so the reader grasps the message quickly and effortlessly all guidelines regarding logo, colours, typography, imagery and graphic devices also apply when designing brochures and pamphlets

brOCHures anD pampHlets

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


brOCHures anD pampHlets

Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0



Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0



Kiosks should also have a crisp, clean look and feel, with a predominance of white and red. all guidelines regarding logo, colours, typography, imagery and graphic devices also apply when designing kiosks.



Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0



Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0



signage is a physical extension of our brand identity and image, and should have a coherent and consistent look of quality. always respect the protection space. use the official logo, font and colours.



Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0



Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0



Light trucks and cars are physical mobile extensions of our brand image. always use the official logo and colours that are as close as possible to the official Pantone colours.



Canadian Red CRoss BRand Guide 1.0


Make sure that applications have a clean, quality look. and that the protection space is respected. The minimum size of of the emblem should be two inches. Vehicles should be red or white.

tHe CanaDian reD CrOss sOCiety Western Canada 100 1305-11th Avenue SW Calgary, aB T3C 3P6 (403) 541-6100 Ontario 5700 Cancross Court Mississauga, on L5R 3E9 (905) 890-1000 Qubec 6 Place du Commerce Verdun, QC H3E 1P4 (514) 362-2930 atlantic Canada 133 Troop Avenue dartmouth, ns B3B 2A7 (902) 423-3680 national Office 170 Metcalfe Street ottawa, on K2P 2P2 (613) 740-1900

For more information about brand guidelines, please contact us. Telephone: (613) 740-1931

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