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Name: _______________________________________

Pack Your Bags!


Date: _______________________ Period:___________ Obj. 2 TEKS 8.3B

6wks project

Introduction: In this project, you will use ratios, proportions, and percents to help you plan a week-long trip to a foreign country of your choice. You will create a PowerPoint presentation describing your plan and the cost of your trip.

Technology Tips Getting Started

From the approved list, choose a foreign country you would like to visit. Then make a list of the cities and attractions you would like to visit. Estimate how much money your trip will cost. It will be helpful to organize your expenses into these categories: Transportation Housing Food Souvenirs. When you travel to a foreign country, you must exchange U.S. dollars for that countrys currency. Find the exchange rate for your chosen country.
Use a spreadsheet (excel

document) to organize your expenses. Use the internet or electronic encyclopedia to do your research. Use PowerPoint to make your presentation. Use the following website to find your countrys currency exchange rate:

Working on the Project

Below are specific problems that should be included in your presentation.
1. Using the foreign exchange rate for

your country, write an equation that shows the relationship between the unit of currency used in your foreign country and the U.S. dollar. 2. Estimate the amount of U.S. currency you will need to exchange for transportation, housing, food, and souvenirs. Then, write and solve a proportion to find the amount of foreign currency you will receive for each category.

3. Refer to the budget you planned. Of your total expenses, estimate the

percent that youll spend on transportation, housing, food, and souvenirs. Then create a circle graph of your expenses.

Planning the Vacation

______________________________ About what foreign country have you chosen to do this project?

Name the major cities and attractions you would like to visit on your trip and tell which day you would visit them. Day 1: _____________________________________________________________________________ Day 2: _____________________________________________________________________________ Day 3: _____________________________________________________________________________ Day 4: _____________________________________________________________________________ Day 5: _____________________________________________________________________________ Day 6: _____________________________________________________________________________ Day 7: _____________________________________________________________________________ On day 8, from what city will you depart to fly (or ride) home? _______________________________

What is the currency of your country called? _______________________________ What is the conversion rate between the U.S. dollar and your chosen foreign countrys currency? ____________________________________________________________________

What equation represents this relationship? _____________________________ In the equation, use d to represent the U.S. dollar. What variable did you choose to represent the foreign currency? _____ Find Your Amounts Write and solve four proportions to find the amount of foreign currency you will receive for each category. Show your work below in the appropriate areas. Transportation Proportion: Housing Proportion:

Food Proportion:

Souvenir Proportion:

Complete the table below. Estimate how much money you will spend for each of the following categories. Convert your estimations to the currency of your chosen country. Then, find the percent of the total budget you have allotted for each category. Make sure your percents add up to 100. Category Estimated U.S. Dollar Amount Estimated Foreign Currency Amount Percent of the Total Budget Allotted

Transportation Housing Food Souvenirs TOTAL


Find Your Percents Write and solve four proportions to find the percent of the total budget allotted for each category. Show your work below in the appropriate areas. Write the amount allotted to the category over the total budget and set it equal to the unknown percent over 100. Transportation Proportion: Housing Proportion:

Food Proportion:

Souvenir Proportion:

Check List In your PowerPoint presentation, be sure to include the


Requirements: Students must have a minimum of:

Slide Topics:
Introduction Vacation Itinerary

8 slides 5 pictures relating to foreign country Pie chart with percentages & key Budget table Titles on slides Slide transitions 2 custom animations 5 references/websites Conversions between currencies

Transportation Housing Food Souvenirs Budget Pie Chart & Table References/Websites

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