General Navigation FPP 3-1

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JAA GENERAL NAVIGATION PRACTICE PAPER THREE 54 Questions Question 1 Given: TAS 487kt, FL330, ISA Deviation +15.

Calculate the Mach Number a. b. c. d. .81 .79 .94 .32 2 Hours 84 Marks


Question 2 Given: Mach Number .80, OAT -50C, FL330, GS 490kt, Variation 20W, Magnetic Heading 140 and Drift 11 Right. Calculate the True Wind Velocity. a. b. c. d. 040/100 020/95 060/95 220/95


Question 3 What is the relationship between the litre and the US Gallon? a. b. c. d. I litre = 4.54 gallons 1 gallon = 4.54 litres 1 litre = 3.78 gallons 3.78 litres = 1 gallon


Question 4 The reported surface wind from the Control Tower is 240/35kt. If runway 30 is used for take-off, what is the crosswind component? a. b. c. d. 18 kt 30 kt 30 kt 18 kt Left to Right Right to Left Left to Right Right to Left



Question 5 Given: Magnetic Heading is 255, Variation is 40W, GS is 375kt and W/V is 235T/120kt. What is the drift angle? a. b. c. d. 7R 7L 15R 15L


Question 6 Given: True Heading is 310, TAS is 200kt, GS is 176kt and Drift is 7 Right. What is the Wind Velocity? a. b. c. d. 350/33 260/40 180/33 270/33


Question 7 What is the longitude of a position 6nm to the east of 5842N 09400W? a. b. c. d. 09348.5W 09354W 09411.5W 09353W


Question 8 An aircraft is positioned over HO (5530N 06015W), where the YYR VOR (5330N 06015W) can be received. The magnetic variation at HO is 31W and at YYR is 28W, what is the radial of the aircraft from YYR? a. b. c. d. 208M 031M 028M 028T



Question 9 Two points A and B are 1000nm apart. TAS = 490kt. On a flight between A and B the equivalent headwind is 20kt. On the return leg between B and A the equivalent wind component is +40kt. What distance from A is the PET between A and B? a. b. c. d. 459nm 530nm 520nm 485nm


Question 10 What is the chart distance between longitudes 179E and 175W on a Direct Mercator with a scale of 1:5,000,000 at the Equator? a. b. c. d. 13.3ins 1.3cm 5.25cm 133mm


Question 11 The constant of the cone on a Lamberts Conical Conformal chart, where the convergence angle between longitudes 010E and 030W is 30, is a. b. c. d. 1.5 0.8 0.7 0.75


Question 12 730ft/min equals a. b. c. d. 222m/sec 43800ft/sec 3.7m/sec 4.8m/sec


JAA GENERAL NAVIGATION PRACTICE PAPER THREE Question 13 How long will it take an aircraft to fly 5nm at a ground speed of 269kt? a. b. c. d. 1 min 7 secs 57secs l min 11 secs 1 min 1 sec


Question 14 An aircraft travels 2.4 statute miles in 47 seconds. What is the aircrafts ground speed? a. b. c. d. 184kt 160kt 97.7kt 113kt


Question 15 What is the local mean time at position 6525N 12345W at 2200 UTC? a. b. c. d. 1345 0615 the next day 1415 0615 the previous day


Question 16 How many nautical miles would an aircraft travel in 1 min 45 secs if the GS is 135kt? a. b. c. d. 4628nm 9.34nm 4.53sm 3.94nm


Question 17 Fuel flow per hour is 22 US Gallons, total fuel on board is 83 Imperial Gallons. What is the Endurance? a. b. c. d. 226mins 3.77hrs 4hrs 32mins 4.25hrs



Question 18 An aircraft departing A (40N 080E) flies a constant track of 270 at a ground speed on 120kt. What are the coordinates of the position reached in 6hrs? a. b. c. d. 40N 092E 40N 06420E 40N 068E 40N 06120E


Question 19 Assuming zero wind, what distance will be covered by an aircraft descending 15000ft with a TAS of 320kt and maintaining a rate of descent of 3000ft/min? a. b. c. d. 27.6nm 26.7nm 19.2nm 22.1nm


Question 20 What is the time required to travel along the parallel of latitude 60N between meridians 010E and 030W at a ground speed of 480kt? a. b. c. d. 2hr 30mins 140mins 75mins 5hrs


Question 21 In order to fly from position A (45N 010W) to B (4830N 015W) on a Rhumb Line track, the approximate direction would be? a. b. c. d. 045 225 270 315



Question 22 If the Standard Parallels on a Lamberts Conical Conformal chart are 0740N and 3820N, the Constant of the Cone would probably be a. b. c. d. 0.510 0.920 0.396 0.424


Question 23 Given position A 45N ?E and position B 45N 04515E, the distance between A and B is 280nm and the fact that B is to the East of A, what is the longitude of A? a. b. c. d. 03839E 05151E 04035E 04955E


Question 24 On a Mercator chart the scale varies a. b. c. d. As Cosine of Latitude As 1/Cosine of Latitude As 1/Secant of Latitude As Sine Latitude


Question 25 Given: True track 180, Drift 8R, Compass Heading 195, Deviation -2, what is the value of Variation? a. b. c. d. 25W 25E 21E 21W



Question 26 Given: Magnetic Track 315, Magnetic Heading 301, Variation 5W and TAS 225kt. If an aircraft flies 50nm in 12mins, calculate the W/V (T)? a. b. c. d. 196/63 045/63 200/63 190/63


Question 27 Use Chart No 3 attached. At 1300 UTC an aircraft is positioned at 3730N 02130W heading towards Porto Santo (3303N 01623W). If the TAS is 450kt and the wind is 360/30kt, what is the ETA for Porto Santo? a. b. c. d. 1415 1340 1348 1356


Question 28 The angle between the True Great Circle track and the True Rhumb Line track joining the following points, A 60S 165W and B 60S 177E, at the place of departure A, is a. b. c. d. 15.722 10.392 7.861 9.000


Question 29 Position A is located on the Equator at 13000E. Position B is located 100nm from A on a bearing of 225T. The co-ordinates of B are? a. b. c. d. 0111N 13111E 0111S 12849E 0111S 13111E 0111N 12849E



Question 30 In order to fly from position A (10N 03000W) to B (30N 05000W) maintaining a constant true course it is necessary to fly a a. b. c. d. Rhumb Line Great Circle Straight line over the Earths surface Regularly curved line concave to the Equator


Question 31 The diameter of the Earth is approximately a. b. c. d. 12700nm 6375km 10000km 12700km


Question 32 A straight line drawn on a chart measures 4.63cm and represents 150nm. The chart scale is therefore a. b. c. d. 1:12,000,000 1:2,363,714 1:2,052,699 1:6,000,000


Question 33 On a Direct Mercator projection the distance measured between two meridians 5 apart at 60N is 8cm. The scale at 60N is approximately a. b. c. d. 1:7,000,000 1:1,750,000 1:1,368,000 1:3,475,000



Question 34 Given the following: True Track = 192, Variation = 7E, Drift = 5L. What is the Magnetic Heading to maintain the given track? a. b. c. d. 197T 190M 180M 204M


Question 35 Given the following: Magnetic Heading = 060, Variation = 8W, Drift = 4R. What is the True Track? a. b. c. d. 056T 048T 056M 072T


Question 36 The following information is displayed on an INS: GS = 520kt, True HDG = 090 Drift angle = 5R. If the TAS = 480kt and the SAT = -51C, what is the W/V that the INS would be computing? a. b. c. d. 320/60 220/60 045/60 120/40


Question 37 An aircraft passes position A (60N 120W) on route to position B (60N 14030W). What is the Great Circle track on departure from A? a. b. c. d. 261 279 288 099



Question 38 A Great Circle track joins position A (59S 141W) and B (61S 148W). What is the difference between the Great Circle track leaving A and the direction approaching close to B? a. b. c. d. Decreases by 3 Decreases by 6 Increases by 3 Increases by 6


Question 39 Given: A North Polar Stereographic chart has a grid aligned with the Greenwich Meridian. At 115W a Grid Track measures 344. Calculate the True Course? a. b. c. d. 099 229 049 344


Question 40 During initial alignment an INS is north aligned by inputs from the a. b. c. d. Vertical accelerometers and the west gyro Vertical accelerometers and the east gyro Horizontal accelerometers and the east gyro Horizontal accelerometers only


Question 41 The drift of the azimuth gyro on an inertial unit induces an error in the position given by this unit with t being the elapsed time. The total error is a. b. c. d. Proportional to t Inversely proportional to t Inversely proportional to t x Ground speed Proportional to t minus time for the climb




Question 42 With reference to INS, a TAS input is required to provide a. b. c. d. A time read out A W/V read out An ETA read out An elapsed time read out


Question 43 An aircraft travels from A to B using the autopilot connected to the aircrafts INS. The coordinates for A (45S 010W) and B (45S 030W) have been entered into the INS. The true course on arrival at B, to the nearest degree, is a. b. c. d. 256 263 083 277


Question 44 At the point of departure the INS co-ordinates are entered as 3532.7N 13946.3W instead of 3532.7N 13946.3E. When the aircraft subsequently passes point 52N 180E/W the longitude value on the INS will read a. b. c. d. 180E/W 09932.6E 09932.6W 03957W


Question 45 Using the Air Almanac Time Tables, what is the UTC of sunrise on 6 December in Winnipeg (4950N 09730W), Manitoba, Canada? a. b. c. d. 1342UTC 1412UTC 0142UTC 0112UTC




Question 46 When accelerating on an easterly heading in the Northern Hemisphere, the compass card of a direct reading magnetic compass will turn a. b. c. d. Clockwise giving an apparent turn towards the north Clockwise giving an apparent turn towards the south Anti-clockwise giving an apparent turn to the West Anti-clockwise giving an apparent turn towards the north


Question 47 The direct reading compass is made aperiodic (dead beat) by a. b. c. d. Keeping the magnetic assembly mass far from the compass point and by not using damping wires Using damping wires only Putting the flux valve close to the main fuselage of the aircraft Keeping the magnetic assembly mass close to the compass point and by using damping wires (1)

Question 48 The annunciator of a remote indicating compass is used when a. b. c. d. De-synchronising the compass Synchronising the magnetic element only Synchronising the magnetic and gyro compass elements Changing heading


Question 49 An aircraft travels a great circle route between 56N 070W to 62N 110E. The total distance traveled is a. b. c. d. 3270km 6889nm 4250km 3720nm




Question 50 An aircraft is planned to fly from A to B, a total distance of 475nm, at a GS of 315kt. If after leaving A at 1000hrs the aircraft fixes its position 190nm from A at 1040hrs, to what GS must the aircraft change in order to make the original ETA at B? a. b. c. d. 320kt 339kt 349kt 328kt


Question 51 Use the E(LO)1 Chart. What is the Latitude and Longitude of the intersection of the 323Radial from Cork (5150.4N 00829.7W) and the 038 QDM to Shannon (5243.3N 00853.1W)? a. b. c. d. 5219N 00916W 5223N 00911W 5226N 00915W 5230N 00925W


Question 52 Use the E(LO)1 Chart. What is the radial and distance of Castlebar Airfield (5351N 00918W) from Connaught VOR/DME (5354.8N 00849.1W)? a. b. c. d. 258M/17nm 250M/27nm 078M/20nm 266M/17nm


Question 53 Use the E(LO)1 Chart. What is the Latitude and Longitude of the intersection of the 310 radial and 33nm range arc from Shannon VOR/DME (5243.3N 00853.1W)? a. b. c. d. 5304N 00935W 5307N 00930W 5300N 00940W 5305N 00954W




Question 54 Use the E(LO)1 Chart. An aircraft is approaching form the East and Shannon DME (5243.3N 00853.1W) reads 26nm and Carnmore DME (5318.1N 00856.5W) reads 34nm. What is the Latitude and Longitude of the intersection of the DME ranges? a. b. c. d. 5305N 00934W 5254N 00814W 5308N 00816W 5250N 00930W



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