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Please find on ATTACHMENT A a short presentation about FIAMM SONICK technology.

A face to face meeting will be required to explain the key features of the technology.

Please find on ATTACHMENT B a presentation of the main projects already done by FIAMM SONICK in the Energy Storage field.

FIAMM, as a worldwide leader of battery manufacturers, can offer two different type of proposal:

a) The new FIAMM Sodium Nickel (SoNick) technology, well know in the electric vehicle market as ZEBRA battery. b) The traditional lead acid battery. FIAMM group takes care for the production and selling of the different type of batteries but not for the electronics device like PCS, DC/DC converters, ecc required as auxiliary equipment in Energy Storage projects. We had collaboration with different system integrators all around the world so, if required, FIAMM Sonick will be able to offer a complete solution for any Energy Storage project.

FIAMM SONICK technology

The FIAMM SoNick battery represents an ideal solution to supply power and optimize the management of energy generation transmission & distribution with the following applications: -Smoothing of renewables generation into the grid: -stabilizing the energy generation from intermittent renewable energy sources (wind/solar) -Optimization of the daily use of energy: -peak shaving: reducing of the amount of electricity drawn from a power utility load during peak time periods delivering power from the energy storage system

-load shifting: reducing the large fluctuations that occur in electricity demand, storing the energy in excess during hours of low demand to use it during hours of high demand -Transmission stability: -improvement of power flow and grid stabilization -voltage and frequency regulation

-Islanding: -off grid applications

Storage size In the following table you can find a complete solution for the Sonick batteries that are normally applied on Energy Storage systems. In the table you can find the different characteristics for the different type of batteries like energy, capacity, voltage, specific energy, energy density and so on. The different type of batteries are identify with a code, for example:

where: -Z37 identify a battery type (footprint, dimensions, ecc); -620 is the voltage of the battery; -ML3X refer to monolith (ML), shape of the beta alumina ceramic tube inside the cell, and X refer to the type of chemistry that actually is in use; -38 is the capacity in Ah.

This type of battery, Z37-620-ML3X-38 is the typical one that is used on Energy Storage projects where there arent specific requirements.

For a battery module of this type the energy is 23,5 KWh with the following dimensions:

When required, the outer box of the FIAMM SoNick battery could be produced in AISI 316, to be resistant against the corrosion of the sea environment and guarantee a longer life. Combining different modules in parallel you can build your energy storage solution based on the requirements of the project.

Rated input/output

For a battery module Z37-620-ML3X-38 of 23,5 KWh without forced air cooling: Continuous rated output: 10 KW rated average input: 6 KW

Peak input/output and duration

For a battery module Z37-620-ML3X-38 of 23,5 KWh: Peak output: 32 KW, 30 sec, every 10 % SOC; Peak input: 20 KW , some seconds

Response times to changing charge/discharge set points (important for controller integration)

For the battery the answer is immediate (some msec). The time needed to reverse the current is more related with the power electronic switching time. Normally takes 15 20 msec from full chg to full dchg and viceversa.

Nominal state of charge ranges

The battery operational window is normally between 100% to 15 % SOC; The BMS (Battery Management System) take care on the normal functioning of the battery within this range.

In the following graphs you can see some typical behavior for charge and discharge curves:

Cycle life

Its related with the duty cycle: we aspect a cycle life around 4500 NPC, with a proven experience up to 2500 NPC.

Round-trip efficiency (AC/AC) DC / DC round trip efficiency: > 0,9 if the discharge rate is C/3.C/8 The AC/ AC round trip efficiency is around 75 80 %, depending on the characteristics and type of the PCS supplied by the system integrator.

For more data see the following tables.

Range of frequency and voltage disturbances that the inverter/PCS can operate through (a large range is essential)

Never observed problems while in operation with different type of PCS supplied by different system integrators.

Other useful functions provided by inverter

Ground Isolated / high impedance DC side is preferred. Isolation transformer AC is needed Capability to charge at floating voltage or current is required

Dimensions and weights of components:

Please refer to the previous table ZEBRA Battery list Energy Storage.

For a battery module Z37-620-ML3X-38 of 23,5 KWh: 207 Kg; No other components are necessary starting Q3 2012 when the new BMS will be applied.

Modularity of the recommended system(s):

Normally a number of battery block are paralleled on DC link of the inverter. Usually we separate in sub-system of 20 batteries each module. In a 20 feet container we can introduce up to 80 battery blocks, system size of about 500 KW, 3h (1500 kWh system).

Inverter and storage device manufacturer and model: Please refer to the attachment B, about different projects made in cooperation with different system integrators.

Any key benefits that differentiate the technology/solution:

No need of air conditioning Agnostic against ambient temperature Good ratio Energy to Power: typical discharge C/3C/8

A description of the warranties you may be willing to offer: The warranty period is strictly connected to the duty cycle, so for this matter we need to better understand the real application in the field. At the moment, in project of electric mobility we are offering a typical warranty of 3 years or 600 cycle at 80 % DOD.

Typical maintenance regime and spare parts: No maintenance required.

Annual inspection for wiring, electronics, breakers trip efficiency, battery test by s.w. tool


The lead acid Industrial Batteries, manufactured and tested by FIAMM for more than 60 years, are a reliable and safe energy source for energy backup or storage systems. RENEWABLE ENERGY RANGE FIAMM provides a complete range of batteries with tubular positive plates for use with renewable sources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, geothermal heat. The range consists of 2-6-12V cells or blocks, with 34Ah to 5000Ah real capacity at C120. APPLICATIONS AND KEY BENEFITS - Designed for renewable energy islands, off-grid applications and for areas with unstable grid and unreliable power supply - Excellent cycling also in state of partial discharge - Suitable for use at elevated temperature

- Long design life - Very low self-discharge - Recyclable - IEC 61427 photovoltaic energy systems - DIN 43539 T5 deep discharge

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