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Introduction Career Development is a branch of human resource management covers two distinct but related functions with each

other that is career planning and career management. Career planning is a process in which individuals where it embodies as self-assessment activity and assessment of career opportunities in an effort to improve their career development. Career management is a process designed by the organization and refers to the activities of human resources such as career guidance, customization, training and education, the repetition of work, which is designed to match the interests and abilities of employees with the opportunity provided by the organization. Importance employment to the organization's management is: 1) To take advantage of the competitiveness and potential of the employee 2) To meet new, more challenging position in accordance with changes in technology that has been done by the organization and enable workers to perform more complex 3) To meet expectations and needs of employees 4) Provide information on career opportunities within the organization to enable workers to believe that they can to move 5) Maintain workers to the potential of the organization so that they do not act out of the organization Figure 1: The process of career planning

The needs and aspirations of individuals

personal guidance

Individual development



Placement on a career path

Organizational needs and opportunities

Personnel planning and career information

Formal training and development programs

Role of career planning Worker 1- Organization could benefit from the potential and skills possessed by employees 2- Organizations can place them in appropriate positions and most likely it will provide an opportunity for employees to use their skills as much as possible 3- Organization will provide a brighter future for employees 4- Employees will be able to see the opportunities available to them and the measures to be taken for them to grab these opportunities Management 1- Managers can provide feedback on their performance in a timely manner 2- Managers can provide support programs to develop job and career development planning for employees 3- Allows employees to see the importance of training and development programs Organization 1- Proving to the seriousness of an organization concerned about the welfare and future employees 2- Show the employee that the organization concerned for their future needs and as individuals by providing information related to procedures, policies, and a variety of career options. The importance of career development Worker 1- Accept responsibility for the selected career 2- Consistent with their interests, skills and values that is held 3- Obtain information and career resources 4- Develop goals and career planning 5- Talk to the manager about career 6- Follow up a realistic career plan

Management 1- Provide in a timely manner feedback of performance 2- Provide support for the development of the tasks 3- Provide support for staff development planning Organization 1- Communicating our mission, policies, and procedures 2- Provide training and development opportunities 3- Provide information and career programs 4- Provide a variety of career options The ways in which career planning of employees: Justice career Employees want to see justice and equality of opportunity and promote their careers. Employees will lose confidence in the role of career planning in developing their careers if the employer favoritism or any form of discrimination in matters of promotion. Attention supervisor Employees want feedback on the organization, the advantages and weaknesses. This is important in help them decide career goals that are appropriate to their ability. Thus the attention of the supervisor is important. Information about career opportunities This information is important in helping employees plan their career goals. With such information, they can see the qualifications that they need and with the planned participation in training and development programs Requirements of employees A very important factor in career planning is the will and commitment of workers. Every employee has the ambitions and aspirations of different levels. The extent to

which career planning can help an employee depends on the will and determination the employee. Employees who do not have high ambitions will not be seen as an effort to career planning is important. Stage in career planning Level 1: New starts work Career planning is a matter of specific and depends on the needs, aspirations, and ambitions of individuals. Career goal setting is the individual responsibility of each employee. This is the fact that career planning is a personal responsibility of every employee. To enable this to happen, the respective departments should create an environment and facilities to enable career planning among employees carried out properly and systematically. However, at this stage the employee will face many problems as challenges to the organization's expectations for their performance and job satisfaction is low in the early stages of work. Therefore, the role of human resource managers to provide information and realistic expectations, providing a challenging task, to enrich the work and enable them to work under a manager who can help. Activities that can help career planning: 1 - Career education program Such programs should be established to raise awareness of the career planning needs of the workers. 2 - Guidance career Career guidance services plays to help and advise the employee in their career planning. 3 - Self-evaluation

Employees need to assess their career plans to ensure they do not conflict with the similarity and the value of their lives. 4 - Evaluation of environmental Part of human resource management needs to review the progress will appear in the environment to help employees plan their careers because of this change may have an effect on career planning done by the employee either realistic or relevant still. Figure 2: Reasons for difficulties in the early stages of career

Difficulty - The initial challenge to work - Preliminary results from work - Initial assessment of performance

Strategy - Provide realistic information - Provide a challenging task - Enriching the work - Member the opportunity to work under the supervision of their demanding manager

Level 2: Development of mid-career The next step is to take steps to advance his career. Among the ways to develop a career at this stage is through: 1 - Work performance Good performance is an easy way to convince top management that a person has the ability to hold a higher 2 Disclosure Looking for opportunities to a person known by those responsible for making decisions about placement and promotion

3 Resignation Resigned to move to an organization that can give the future a brighter career is one way to develop a career Level 3: Development of a career before retiring Inter actions to be taken by the employee professional development before retiring are: 1 - Loyalty to the organization Loyalty to the organization refers to a willingness to be with an organization 2 Mentor Employees who have the training and mentoring her mentor would normally find that mentors can help his career. 3 - The Subordinated / senior assistant Usually consists of those who have shown good performance and loyalty to a particular manager. When managers increase the ranks, they will tempted to the rise in rank as well. 4 - Diversity of experience Experience the variety would enable a person chooses a career path more when they are required to retire. Management of professional development Movement of workers within an organization, such as through the promotion, transfer, demotion and separation is a key aspect of human resource management. Actual decisions about who will be promoted and who will be terminated can also be the most difficult and most important, to be done by the manager. As such, these programs involve the development of a new development in terms of personal skills and career planning, where the formation of career development is essentially formed by the individual himself or herself from time to time in accordance with changes in the environment. The table below shows how the activities such as training and assessment may used to focus on planning and career development:

Activities Human resource planning

Traditional focus Job analysis, skills, present and future tasks Project requirements. Using statistical data Provide opportunities to learn skills, information and work-related attitudes Match individual needs with a qualified organization

Focus professional development Adding information on individual interests, references and related data Provide information on career paths Adding the growth of individual orientation

Training and development

Recruitment and vesting

Compensation and benefits

Prizes for the period, productivity, talent, etc.

Individual and job match based on a number of variables including employee career interests Adding activities unrelated to work to give a gift

Role of career development: Individual 1 - Accept responsibility for their own career 2 - Identify your interests, skills, and values 3 - Find the information and career resources 4 - Establish goals and career plans 5 - Take advantage of development opportunities 6 - Speak to the manager about career 7- Following a realistic careen plan Prevent reality shock

Management 1- Provide regular feedback on performance 2 - Provide a taskassignment and support developing 3 - Participating in the discussion of career development 4 - Support staff development plan

Organization 1 - Communicate the mission, policies, and procedures 2 - Provide opportunities for training and development 3 - Provide career information and career programs 4 - Offering a variety of career options

Reality shock refers to what happens in the initial recruitment of workers who have high expectations for work, but instead had to deal with the work boring and not challenging. It is time to develop confidence, learn how to adjust themselves with the organization and other

employees, to learn how to be responsible and talents, desires and values as they relate to their career goals early. To avoid the reality shock, human resource managers need to take action as follows: 1 - To provide a challenging first job 2 - Provide a realistic job preview in recruitment 3 - Hoping for the best 4 - Provide job rotation and regular work routes 5 - Evaluate performance based career orientation 6 - Provide career planning workshops and workbooks 7 - Provide opportunities for mentoring Manage the promotions Promotion is the most mediators to recognize outstanding performance among employees. Inter major problem is the employees who are not selected for promotion often feel very uncomfortable, and it may affect team morale and productivity. Another major problem is the occurrence discrimination promotion. Promotion decision making Result 1: Whether the use of seniority rules or competition? - Perhaps the most important things in making the decision is whether the promotion is based on seniority or competition, or perhaps a combination of both. From the point of motivation, promotion based on competition is the best. Result 2: How the competition is measured? - If the promotion was based on competition, the question is how to define and measure the difference competition? Defines and measure past performance is a simple matter. Work is defined as the prescribed standards and some method of valuation is used to record performance. But the promotion also requires a forecast of potential, then the organization must have a valid procedure to predict the future performance of a candidate. Result 3: Formal or informal process - Many organizations still depend the promotion process in place. The problem is made in promotion criteria still has its mysteries, the relationship between performance and effectiveness of promotion promotion cut off as a reward deleted. - However, there are also employers who promote formal promotion. Promotion policies and procedures are usually provided with a statement of employee promotion policy that reflects the way of promotion criteria given.

Result 4: Horizontal, vertical, static, or other - Employers are faced with the ways of promotion to an employee member of the era, de layering, and this attenuation. Several options can be done. Among these workers move horizontally,vertically or remain static as intelligent. Production workers may be moved horizontally to the human resources to enable it to develop a new skills and test potential owned. Dealing with change Reason for change - Change the work means to switch from one job to the other work, usually without change in salary and grade - The goal, for member employees greater work experience as part of the development of their work and to fill the vacancy when it exists - It is also to open opportunities for promotion and maintaining individual interests of their - As an enriching experience, to do the job more attractive, for more convenience, such as better working hours, the location of the more interesting work, etc. or the possibility of a better job offer in the near future - To hold a position where they no longer needed, by filling one where he is needed, or in general to find a suitable place for the employees of an organization Effect of exchange - Cost to place an employee returning - Member impact on the lives of employees who have a family Career management and commitment 1 - The development activities 2 - Evaluation of career-oriented 3 - Record of career / job resignation system Disciplining employees 1 - Rules and regulations 2 - System of a progressive sentence 3 - The process of appeal 4 - Discipline without punishment - Verbal warning - No changes in the past 6 weeks, an official letter issued as a reminder - Give a one-day leave with pay to determine the decision whether retired or not - If there is repeated, the employee may be in smash 5 - Manage the separation 6 - Fundamentals of separation

- Unsatisfactory performance - Misconduct - Lack of qualification for a job - Convert the requirements of a job 7 - Avoid "discharge Suits" that one - Institutionalize the recruitment policy and dispute resolution procedures that will make employees feel that they are treated fairly - Provide work-start the preparation of applications for employment that will help prevent it from happening. 8 - Interview removal - Plan carefully interview - Get the real justification - Visualize the situation - Listening to the views of employees - Looking back aid packages - Identify the next steps Conclusion Career planning is a way that can be used by the management of human resources to maintain workforce. Effectiveness of career planning to reduce work landikhenti sometimes limited when compared to other efforts such as salary planning. This is so as to encourage career planning among workers, the organization also increases expectations and aspirations of employees. Sometimes the opportunities available within the organization is limited and therefore not all will achieve their career goals. Although employees do career planning, this does not mean they necessarily will be able to achieve career goals. Efforts to reduce landikhenti" workers should take into account other factors like salary, organizational climate, work environment, and so on. At the same time, the management of human resources also need to assist those who fail to achieve their career goals by explaining the reasons they fail, how to overcome it, and what other possibilities as they consider their career goals. It is necessary to ensure that workers do not give up.

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