Linear Algebra Review Sheet - Chapter 1: by Vincent Fiorentini

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Linear Algebra Review Sheet Chapter 1

By Vincent Fiorentini

An equation is linear if its of the form a1x1 + a2x2 + + anxn = b A system of linear equations is: Consistent if it has at least one solution: intersecting (one solution) or coincident (infinite solutions) Inconsistent if it has no solutions (parallel) Use Gaussian elimination to get a system into this form (like REF) x1 + ax2 + bx3 = c x2 + dx3 = e x3 = f Use Gauss-Jordan method to get a system into this form (like RREF) x1 =a x2 =b x3 = c Row operations: Interchange two equations (switch two rows) Multiply an equation by a nonzero constant Add a multiple of an equation to another equation Matrix in Row-Echelon Form: All rows of zeros are at the bottom Each nonzero row has a leading one For two nonzero rows, the top leading one is farther to the left than the lower leading one Matrix in Reduced Row Echelon Form if also: Every leading one has zeros in every position above and below it A pivot around a certain spot in a matrix is making that column into REF or RREF. To get a matrix into REF or RREF, do pivots going down each column, starting with the left column and ending with the rightmost column. On an 84: 2nd Matrix, Edit; 2nd Matrix, Math, rref( 2nd Matrix Names On an 89: 2nd Math, Matrix, rref( [[1,2,3][4,5,6][7,8,9]] One solution if every row and column has a leading one No solutions if any row is 0 = not zero Infinite solutions if the last row is all zeros ex. x + 5y + z = 0 x + 6y - z = 0 2x + ay + bz = c

+ 11z = 0 y - 2z = 0 (2a+b-22)z = c

One solution if (2a+b-22) 0 because z must be a specific number None if (2a+b-22) = 0 and c 0 because 0z cant equal not 0 Infinite solutions if (2a+b-22) = 0 and c = 0 because 0z is always 0

Coefficient matrix:

Augmented matrix:

Homogeneous system:

Always has the trivial solution (x1,x2,x3) = (0,0,0) Might have infinite solutions as well If the number of variables in a system is greater than the number of equations, there are infinite solutions. Network analysis: Use the diagram to make a system of equations by setting each junctions total input equal to its total output. For circuits, know that V=IR on a closed loop. For any word problem, just use the information provided to set up and solve a system of linear equations. Modular arithmetic: (to get integers from fractions) Solve for each variable in terms of your parameter (t) Pick one of them. Set its numerator congruent to zero in mod its denominator After solving for your parameter (t) in the mod, rewrite it as the answer plus denominator*k Plug this new expression in for your parameter (t) to get your final answers ex. RREF gives you x1 = t, x4 = 20 4t ~ 0 (mod 13) 5 ~ t (mod 13) t = 5 + 13k (k is any int) x1 = 5 + 13k, x4 = = -4k

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