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Issue 21

Cover Model: Yvette Briant Photography: Rob Howard Photo manipulation By:SDA

Welcome Monthly Correspondence This Months Horoscopes And Chinese Astrology Tarot Events for March Crafts and Rituals Paths and Disciplines Meditation Knowledge and Principals The Green Witch Poetry Featured Stories Personal Journeys Around the News Verse Persephone's Movie Review UnderWorld's Music Box The Cheshire mad book reviews Recipes Pagan UnderWorld Member Articles Pagan UnderWorld Featured Member Pagan UnderWorld Featured Groups Shadow Heart & Soul of the Black Rose Member articles

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Welcome everyone Spring is almost upon us! The ale is green (hopefully on purpose) and the clovers are full of luck, (well If they have four leaves) so lets us not think of March as unlucky, instead of March going out like a lion, let us ring in March in fest and cheer, for spring is almost here! And hopefully warmer days to come...

Love and Light; Sweet Dark Angel, Oak, Persephone, & Andrew

by: Sweet Dark Angel & Andrew

Moon Phases
First Quarter 3/01/2012 Full Moon 3/08/2012

Last Quarter 3/15/2012 New Moon 3/22/2012

First Quarter 3/30/2012

Correspondence for the Month of March By: Sweet Dark Angel & Andrew Ostara: 3/19-3/22
(Lady Day, Alban Eiler (Druidic), Eostara (Teutonic), Oestara, Eostra, Alban Eilir (Druidic), Vernal Equinox, Summer Finding (Asatru), Naw Ruz (Persian New Year), Alban Elfed, Festival of Trees, No Ruz, Ostra, Rites of Spring Eostre' day, Spring Equinox,Vernal Equinox, Alban Eiber,Bacchanalia,Lady day)

Correspondence of Ostara The Plants and Herbs of Ostara :

Honeysuckle, Iris, Peony, Violet, Woodruff, Gorse, Olive, Iris, Narcissus, Daffodils, Jonquils, Primrose, Forsythia, Crocus, all spring flowers, pine tree

Associated Colours:
Green, Yellow

Stones and metals associated with Ostara :

Jasper, amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone and red jasper.

Incense and oils:

African violet, jasmine, rose, sage and strawberry

Animals and mythical :

rabbits, hares, robins, dragons (associated with eggs the earth and fertility), lambs, chicks

Gods and Goddess Associated with Ostara :

The Maiden, Astarte, Aurora, Eostre, Eos, Ostara, Kore or Persephone (as the maiden), The Green Man, Ares, Mars, Attis, Adonis, Osiris, Narcissus, Hyacinth and Dionysus

Symbols for Ostara :

four leaf clover, baskets, eggs, lambs, flowers, chicks, bunnies, budding twigs, flowers, pussy willows, sprouting bulbs, colored ribbons

Foods of Ostara :
jelly eggs (jelly beans), chocolates, lamb, eggs, seeds, leafy green vegetables, spiced or flower cupcakes, fruits, hot cross buns, sprouts, honey cakes, unleavened bread

Activities of Ostara :
planting, welcoming spring, coloring eggs, making/wearing new clothing, fertility rites, rituals of balance, herb work magical, medicinal, cosmetic, culinary and artistic, spells for prosperity/fertility, new beginnings, potential, action

Spell Work of Ostara:

spellcrafting, invention, new growth, new projects, seed blessing

March Correspondences
Nature Spirits: Air & Water Spirits; Mer-people Herbs: Colours: Flowers: Scents: Stones: Trees: Animals: Birds: Deities: Power Flow: Broom; High John Root; Irish Moss; Wood Vetony & Yellow Dock Pale Green and Red-Violet Daffodil; Jonquil & Violet Apple Blossom & Honeysuckle Aquamarine & Bloodstone Alder & Dogwood Boar; Cougar & Hedgehog Sea Crow & Sea Eagle Artemis; Astarte; Athene; Black Isis; Hecate; Luna; Minerva and Morrigan (The) Balance of Light and Dark; Breaking Illusions; Exploring; Growing; New Beginnings and Prospering

The Angel of March- - Machidiel (AKA: Malahidael) Brings us physical and mental stamina and courage. Spring is the period of new birth, spring flowers appear and the darkness of February starts to lift. It is during this period that Machidiel will help us to grow more confident and therefore assist us to move forward. Look to start new projects during this period as Machidiel will help you to make them successfully and grow, just as the power of the Suns grows.

Archangel Sachiel - Angelic & Planetary Correspondences

Name of Planet under rulership Symbol Planetary Name in Hebrew Hebrew Meaning Teaching Angel TzDQ To be just or right Sachiel. Also Known As: Zachiel, Zedekiel, Zadakiel, Tzadqiel (Hebrew), Tzadkiel, and Zedekul Sach-EE-El King of the Gods Jewish and Christian Traditions Tzedek Kaph Isis and Horus Archangel and Teaching Angel The Sixth Heaven - Zebul Chasmalim Jupiter

Correct Pronunciation Celestial Title Tradition - Angel identified in Hebrew Name Hebrew Letter Egyptian Name Station Ruler of Guardian Angel of Planet

Greek/Roman Gods Metal Day Hours of Day (Thursday) Ruled Month Ruled Cycle of Results Orbit Fixed Stars (Pisces) Fixed Stars (Sagittarius) Days to Avoid working with the Archangel Sachiel Gems Ritual Candle Colour Planetary Colour Harran / Hermetics Colour Complimentary Colour Astral Colours - Pisces Astral Colours - Sagittarius Symbol Tarot Card Planetary Numbers Talisman Size/Sides Numbers of Jupiter Musical Note Direction Ruled

Jupiter, Zeus/Poseidon Tin, Brass, Bronze Thursday 1st and 8th hours of the day. 3rd and 10th hours of the night Not identified 7 Days Variable but Fast Formalhaut, Markab and Deneb Adige Antares and Alatrab Saturday Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire, Sugilite or Turquoise Purple Purple, Blue Russet Orange White and Green Gold and Red A Square The Wheel of Fortune X 14, 18 4 4, 16, 34, and 136 B West and South


Degree Angelic Thoughtform Fruit Tree Flowers/Herbs

1:2 Bunch of Grapes Grapes Chestnut, Fig, Juniper, Norway Spruce, Oak or Poplar Anise, Beech, Buttercup, Carnation, Coltsfoot, Cinnamon, Damiana, Lilacs, Hyssop, Narcissus, Heliotrope, Lobelia, Nutmeg, Opium Poppy, Pumpkin Seed, Sage, Thyme and Valerian Bees and Money Spiders Elephants, Whales, Fish and Eagles Right Leg, Liver and Digestive System Western and Southern Rivers Purple Ink, White Paper Passing the Rivers Script Iophiel aka Yophiel Not identified Hismael. Bethor Silcharde

Insect Animals Anatomy Governed Rivers Ruled Letter Composition Magical Script Planetary Spirit Planetary Intelligence Demon of Jupiter Olympic Spirit Demon of the Day


Incense, Oils, Perfumes and Inks: General Incense: Incense 1: Cedar, Hyssop, Orris Root, Saffron, Balm of Gillead, Aspen, Poplar leaves, Aloes Wood, Storax, Ash, Ambergris. Incense 2: Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Cloves, Aloes Wood, Balm, Cedar. Incense 3: Saffron, Nutmeg, Henbane. Talismanic Incense: Ambergris, Balsam, Cardamom, Frankincense, Mace, Orris Root, Saffron, Fig, Oak, Pomegranate Seeds, Poplar.

Magical Oils:

Anointing Oil: Olive Oil - Cloves, Lemon Balm, Oakmoss, Star Anise.

Essential Oil: Chamomile, Pennyroyal, Valerian, Hyssop.


Perfume: Ingredients: Stock, Lilac, Storax, Aloes, Lime, Magnolia, Mint Norway Spruce, Nutmeg, Oak, Red Rose, Saffron, Sage, Red Sandalwood.

Magical Ink: Lampblack (soot), Water (Spring), Orris Root, and Gum Arabic.

Related Astrological Correspondences: Pisces

Astrological Dates Astrological Table Astrological Symbol Element Mode Astrological Plants/Herbs Tree Metal Power Gems Water Mutable Heliotrope, Carnation, Opium Poppy, Chicory, Sage Elm, Willow Tin Amethyst or Pearl February 19th - March 20th. Pisces


Gems Colour Number Day: Season Tarot Card Animal Bird Symbolic Creatures Anatomy Governed Body System Scent/Oils Incense Signs Geomantic Number Geomantic Ruler God/Godesses Age Ruled

Sapphire, Emerald Purple, Crimson 3 and 6 Thursday Winter The Moon (XVIII) Seal, Sheep and Ox Stork, Swan. Fish and Dolphin Feet, Toes, Veins Pineal, Hemoglobin, Bodily Fluids and Lymphatic Bithwort, Carnation, Cloves, Dock, Lilac or lillies Ambergris/ Marmonious Cancer, Scorpio and Virgo 6 Hismael Anubis, Khepera, Poseidon, Vishnu and Neptune 55 to 62 years of age


When the Moon is in Pisces works of magic involve clairvoyance, and the creative arts. Healing may be undertaken on ailments involving the feet.

With Pisces as its ruling sign, the Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, dreams and nightmares. It can feel scary as warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods, but it should also be remembered that this is a card of creativity, powerful magic, primal feelings and intuition. The Querent who gets this card should be warned that they may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial; if they have any past mental problems, they must be vigilant in taking their medication. They should avoid drugs or alcohol, as abuse will cause them irreparable damage. This time however, can also result in creativity, psychic powers, visions and insight. They can and should trust their intuition.


Astrological Personalities: People born under the signs of Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces being one of the two drawn elements meaning it is part of two of the classical elements are thought to have dominant water personalities. Water personalities tend to be emotional, kind, nurturing, sympathetic, empathetic and intuitive; however, they can also be needy, sentimental, over-sensitive and irrational. Related Deities: Adonai Tsevaot, Amon-Ra, Manitou, Num, Odin, Vishnu, Yehovah, Yu-Wang-Shang-Ti, Zeus. Miscellaneous Information: Sachiel is an archangel of the order of Cherubim. The meaning of his name is variously given as "the covering of God" He appears in a purple robe with a cloak, in the image of an older man with gray hair. He also hold a scepter. Ruler of the Sixth Heaven. Angelic Signature:

Signs & Symbols Related - Archangel Sachiel and Jupiter:

Sachiel is an archangel of the order of Cherubim. The meaning of his name is given as "the covering of God" He is associated with the Zodiacal sign Sagittarius the weekday Thursday, wealth and charity. Sachiel presides over Thursday and the planet Jupiter. He can be invoked for matters involving money, finance, law, politics, and religion.


He appears in a purple robe with a cloak, in the image of an older man with gray hair. He also hold a scepter.(The Pillars of Tubal-Cain p256. - Nigel Jackson & Michael Howard, Capall Bann Publishing. UK. 2003). Remember Angels are personal to you and tend to correspond to your mental image of them.

The Tarot Card related to the Archangel Sachiel and the planet Jupiter is the Wheel of Fortune (X), Temperance (XIIII) and the Monn (XVII) .The Wheel of Fortune represents the ever-changing aspects in our lives. It represents the Cosmic Wheel, with all the Universe and its planets turning together. Temperance signify's fruitfulness, action, life and vitality. The Moon is that of the occult inquirer. (The Prediction Book of The Tarot. - page 93, 104 & 116- Madeline Montalban. Javelin Books UK. 1986.)

Archangel Sachiel's symbol.


The Kabbalistic sign for the Archangel Sachiel and the planet Jupiter. The Kabbalistic signs for Jupiter, indicated above right, has had a number of variations. To the left are some of the alternative symbols used for the planet in the past. . Geomantic Symbol (Pisces) Geomantic Symbol (Sagittarius).

Sign of the Planet ( Jupiter).

Character or Seal of Jupiter.


Hismael - Sign of the Demon of Jupiter.

Astrological Sign of Jupiter. Astrological Signs Sagittarius & Pisces.

The Olympic Spirit of the Jupiter- Bethor.

The Sign of the Spirit of Jupiter - Yophiel.

Hebrew Letter "Kaph"

Alchemical symbol of Tin, the metal of Jupiter.

The Archangel Governs: Magical Intention: The achievement of general ambitions, health and wealth. Generates


friendships and social prestige. Governs Lawyers, legal affairs and justice. Thursday, the vibrations of this day attune well to all matters involving material gain. Use them for working rituals that entail general success, accomplishment, honors and awards, or legal issues. These energies are also helpful in matters of luck, gambling, and prosperity. Rulership's: Power, legal and commercial transactions, financial speculation, acquisition of wealth, marriage, education, religion, protect travelers, foster friendships, preserve health, banish anxiety, establish sympathy, business, fame, gambling, greed, growth, expansion, honor, leadership, money, parties, politics, power, responsibility, royalty, success, visions, wealth. Negative aspects: Greed, wastefulness. Magical Intentions: Luck, Happiness, Health, Legal Matters, Male Fertility, Treasure and Wealth, Honor, Riches, Clothing Desires, Leadership, Public Activity, and Power. Note: According to Peter de Abano, . that the first hour of the day, of every Country,and in every season whatsoever, is to be assigned to the Sun-rising, when he first appeareth arising in the horizon: and the first hour of the night is to be the thirteenth hour, from the first hour of the day .... According to occult law a day starts at daybreak, not at midnight.

Table of Jupiter (KAMEA)


Finger Correspondence The index finger, the pointing finger, indicates communication and is therefore aligned to Jupiter.

Related Elemental Correspondences:

Element Ruled by: Cancer. Water Guardian Angel Archangel Gabriel. (Some traditions show as: Raphael) Water Angel Water Ruler Water King Watch Tower Direction Time Ruled Zodiac Wind Qualities: Hour of Day Governed Season Governed Magical Phrase Magical Tool Magical Formula Taliahad Tharsis Niksa EMPEH ARSEL GAIOL South Twilight Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio Zephyrus Cold, Moist, heavey and Passive Twilight. Autumn. Adure, to dare Cup AGLA


Tattvic Symbol Tattivic Tide Symbolic Creatures Elemental Symbol Elemental Spirits Element Colour Gem Incense Animal Elemental Plants Elemental Tarot Major Arcana Elemental Tarot Minor Arcana Talismanic Elemental Angel Body System Ruled Geomantic Number Sefira Number Positive Aspects Negative Aspects

Silver Crescent ( Apas) September 23rd to December 23rd Scorpion, Snake, Dolphin, Dragon, and all water creatures Cup of Joseph Undines Green Aquamarine Myrrh Dolphin, Fish, Seals, all water animals All water plants. Hanged Man (XII) Cups Chankel Stomach and urinary system 4 9 Forgiving, Modest, Sensitive and Compassionate Lazy, Insecure, Indifferent, Dependent and Fridgid


Astrological Personalities

People born under the signs of Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces being one of the two drawn elements meaning it is part of two of the classical elements are thought to have dominant water personalities. Water personalities tend to be emotional, kind, nurturing, sympathetic, empathetic and intuitive; however, they can also be needy, sentimental, over-sensitive and irrational

Related Kabbalistic Correspondences:

Angelic Order Order of Angels Chief of Angels Archangel Biblical Name of God Personal Dedication Spiritual Experience Sefirothic Form Sefira/Sephira Sefira meaning Pronunciation Sub Creature Element Planet Colour Chasmalim Brilliant Ones Zadkiel Sachiel - Tzadkiel. The Angel of Mercy and Beneficence or Tzadqiel El Not identified Vision of Love King seated on throne Chesed Mercy Hesed Unicorn Not identified. Tzadekh (Mercury.) Blue


Number Symbol Illusion Obligation Virtue Vice Spiritual Experience Tarot Animal Plants Gems Perfume Weapons

4 Pyramid & Orb Illusion of always being right Humility Humility and Obedience Hypocrisy Vision of Love The four fours Unicorn Opium Poppy, Shammrock, Olive and Hysopp Amethyst, Saffire and Lapiz Lazuli Cedar Wand, Flail and Scepter


Correspondences of the Moon

Storm Moon

March rolls in like the proverbial lion, and if we're really lucky, it might go out like a lamb. It's the time of the Storm Moon, the month when Spring finally arrives, around the Time of the Equinox, and we see new life begin to spring forth. As the Wheel of the Year turns once more, heavy rains and gray skies abound -- the earth is being showered with the life-giving water it needs to have a fertile and healthy growing season. This is also a time of equal parts light and darkness, and so a time of balance. Also known as: Seed Moon, Moon of Winds, Plow Moon, Worm Moon, Hrethmonath (Hertha's Month), Lentzinmanoth (Renewal Month), Lenting Moon, Sap Moon, Crow Moon, Moon of the Snowblind Nature Spirits: Mer-people, Air and Water beings who are connected with spring rains and storms Herbs:


broom, High John root, yellow dock, wood betony, Irish moss Colors: pale green, red-violet Flowers: jonquil, daffodil, violet

Scents: honeysuckle, apple blossom Stones: aquamarine, bloodstone Trees: alder, dogwood Animals: cougar, hedgehog, boar Birds: sea crow, sea eagle Deities: Black Isis, the Morrigan, Hecate, Cybele, Astarte, Athene, Minerva, Artemis, Luna Power Flow: energy breaks into the open; growing, prospering, exploring. New beginnings; balance of Light and Dark. Breaking illusions. Seeing the truth in your life


however much it may hurt. Use this month for magical workings related to rebirth and regrowth. New life is blooming during this phase of the moon, as is prosperity and fertility.

Farmers Almanac for March

Farmers Almanac-March 2012

Skywatch: Mercury is brightly visible low in the west 40 minutes after sunset in the first week. Mars, out all night,reaches opposition on the 3rd and,at magnitude -1.2,comes closest to Earth on the 5th.At 60 million miles distant,this poor opposition makes Martian details telescopically challenging. Dazzling Venus meets brilliant Jupiter above the sunset point between the 7th and the 18th.Venus's greatest separation from the Sun is on the 27th.The Moon hovers below Saturn and the blue star Spica on the 10th,before sitting spectacularly to the right of Jupiter on the 25th and to the left of Venus on the 26th.The equinox will arrive at 1:14 a.m. on the 20th,marking the earliest start of spring in 116 years. Weather rhyme. Sunny but raw-signs of a thaw? Naw! Frost heaves make for bumpy rides,jumpy insides.


Irish eyes are smiling;it's damp,but beguiling. Temperature's soaring! March goes out like a lion,roaring. Moon phases. Full Worm.8th,rises at 6:49 p.m.Sets at 6:06 a.m. Last quarter.14th,rises at 2:00 a.m.Sets at 11:06 a.m. New moon.22nd,rises at 6:37 a.m.Sets at 7:45 p.m. First quarter.30th,rises at 11:36 a.m.Sets at 2:17 a.m. Mercury retrogrades.March 12-April 10.(Pisces & Aries) March 11.Daylight Saving Time begins,2:00 a.m. March 15.Beware the ides of March. The Earth awakes:Already her deep heart Begins to stir,and send it's life abroad.-Thomas Buchanan Read.


Risk of sentimental instability. Nothing will really be simple in your life during this period. Perhaps will you satisfy yourself with a charming amorous friendship which will not imperil what's essential. Be conscious of the necessity to put your finances in due order, to accumulate possessions, and to assure your future materially. You'll have to fight with renewed vigor against your pessimistic tendencies; indeed, you may be inclined to see everything in black, and this attitude will arrange nothing at all.


It's not impossible that your affective life this time takes on a new and more agreeable turn than you had expected before. Be ready to enjoy the new situation well. You'll feel weak, without tonicity; an important intake of vitamin C will help you to recover vigor without difficulty. If you've a high cholesterol level, reduce your intake of calories. This astral ambience will be apt to transform you gently, almost imperceptibly, by discarding your defenses and by freeing you from the reasoning and reasonable side to your character.


This solar climate will heighten your willpower and sharpen your decisions by reinforcing your determination. It will allow you to fight with courage, to react promptly, to control your moods, and to keep your cool. In financial matters, the moment will seem opportune to make rigorous order reign in all your affairs. For once, or for precise reasons, you can grant yourself a small folly. Affective life may be complex and unstable; you'll be fickle, realizing with pleasure that your charm is very operative.


You'll make use of extraordinary energy, which will be devoid of all useless sensitiveness. You'll forge ahead, delving deeply into the problems and bringing to great light all that's hidden or that people try to dissimulate. You'll work much and efficiently. You'll very well succeed in an activity related to politics, in real estate, advertising, catering, and tourism. This astral climate will invite natives of the sign to gauge the real value of their friends by putting them to test; this will allow to avoid false friends and apparent supporters, and only to retain solid and faithful relations.


Your professional situation will take up too much of your time. However, it would be wise not to neglect your family for that much. You'd be the first one to suffer from the acid remarks of your spouse and from the lack of tenderness on the part of your children. Some confusion will reign in your sentiments; your moods, your preconceived ideas, and your resentments will sow some disorder in your affective sphere. In family life also, you'll with difficulty reach an agreement on the decisions to make.


In your conversations absolutely avoid such delicate subjects as religion or politics: the risk of a dispute or loud voices will be important. You're well forewarned! In any case, keep your opinions to yourself, don't display them and above all don't impose them. You could solicit a pay raise or make active moves to obtain a promotion; success will be assured. If you envisage to change your job, be very careful before staking your future; get all necessary information beforehand.


The fears and hesitations which seize you from time to time will be totally neutralized this time. You'll assert yourself forcefully, especially in your sentimental life. Very persuasive and tremendously efficient at the same time, you'll obtain all you want. In the professional domain, you'll win the esteem of all thanks to your competence and also to your increased sense of diplomacy. You must use your overflowing energy in a positive way, otherwise it may return against you.


Accept the precious counsels of your family entourage instead of digging your heels in. On the material plane, notably, you'll realize that certain suggestions of your near ones are very judicious. Your stubbornness may lead you to commit grave errors. Don't do anything unusual in the professional domain in this moment, for it might dilute your pleasures and in any case won't bring you any advantage. Certain problems of a metaphysical order will haunt your mind; in order to get rid of them, you'll no doubt need to confide in a person of solid common sense.


You'll be more concerned about your interior life than about all the rest, but this evidently won't mean that career satisfactions will be forbidden to you. However, the general ambience may give rise to disappointments in business, perhaps a robbery or a loss of money, or even a swindle. If you lend money, don't think to be able to recuperate it. You can realize that certain of your ambitions will be thwarted by circumstances independent of your will. You'll have the visit of faraway friends. You'll also have fruitful exchanges of ideas with your various relations.


This astral climate will support you by helping you to multiply contacts, to meet people susceptible to get interested in your ideas and projects. Also, there'll be love, complicity, tenderness, marvelous understanding with the one whom you love or are going to meet. You may have a capricious appetite, which will be totally tributary of your emotions and moods; well, nothing is more detrimental to health than an anarchical diet; you must adhere to a minimum of discipline so as to preserve your balance.


You'll benefit from the powerful support of many stars. They'll come to back your efforts up, to help you in your ambitions. You'll show remarkable practical sense and will know how to defend your interests. If you've concrete problems to solve, you'll succeed perfectly. This period seems excellent to fight against infections of the genito-urinary system. Take vitamin E, which you can find in dairy products and vegetal oils. Your professional life will be sufficiently stimulating; you'll work with dedication and motivation.


You'll lack rigor as much as patience, and you'll be inclined to drop certain projects which cannot be achieved as rapidly as you would wish. Heartwise, natives of the sign will labor under a very painful climate of rupture, or they will have to face an unexpected, serious disappointment, a source of great sufferings; or still they'll be afflicted with a separation, with the departure of the beloved one because of sudden and brutal circumstances. You'll have reasons to be dissatisfied with one of your children; don't show yourself to inquisitive toward him/her.



Expect some money problems or the active hostility of some people around you. If you're in possession of some savings, you'll be able to make some excellent investments this time. Occupy yourself more with your family in spite of your innumerable obligations elsewhere. You'll enjoy good physical resistance; but beware of bulimia! At work, you'll not be afraid to take great risks, but that'll make a success of you; on the contrary, in your emotional life, you'll prefer stability, and that too will be a success.


You'll be a prey to undefinable but real concerns; do sport or yoga in order to recover your serenity and self-confidence. You'll spend good moments with your friends, who will bring you comfort. At work, very interesting opportunities will present themselves to you. Don't underestimate yourself: you have unsuspected resources. It's especially in love that the current astral movement will be felt; in your couple life, neither of you will want to make concessions: thus beware of heated arguments!


A very positive month if you have worked in the good direction; if not, you'll know problems which, however, can be solved by an energetic action. Your relations as a couple are likely to take a critical turning; seek assistance from qualified people. Only make essential purchases, forget all the rest. Your throat will be sensitive; moreover, you'll have to supervise any swelling of the glands of the neck, for that could be the symptom of an illness for which you're sickening; be wary of food excesses and anarchic intakes.


You'll be entitled to a series of small supports from destiny, which will make your life quite pleasant. At work, be ready to modify your ingrained practices so as to be more competitive. Take your distance with respect to some too invading relatives. If you lend money to an intimate friend, you're likely to lose both. Moments of intense passion will await you this time: you'll have the sentiment of living really, of feeling something profound, and that'll enthrall you; you'll have reason to dream a lot.


Important changes will take place; don't cling to your old habits, be willing to go forward. At work, your image will shine with all its glare; your superiors and colleagues will be full of admiration for you. Be on the lookout for simple reunions, family activities, the company of good buddies or good neighbors. Some of you will become aware the existence of glandular disturbances, particularly of the adrenal glands; in this month disorders of the nose and the genitals are also to be feared.


An ideal month to widen your professional horizons, to hatch out medium-term projects. Don't turn a deaf ear to a friend who calls out for help; your loyalty will quickly be rewarded. You'll suddenly have a marvelous flash which will enable you to find the solution of a thorny problem that blocked your love affairs. Your family life will certainly not be totally at ease: noises and shouts will make the ambiance in your household, and some plates will be broken in order to liven up things; and there'll be no prospects of a dialogue!


This time avoid making important moves, undertaking a long journey, or starting a new project. Relationships will be subject to disturbances; control your uttering's. Friendship will prove to be precious to you. At work, you'll feel energetic, and no mountain is too high for you to climb. No health problems to be feared. You'll want to satisfy one of your whims, and the Moon is likely to incline you to impulsive expenses, which you'll have to regret afterwards; return promptly to reality.


Protected professional life, with unexpected strokes of luck. Don't curl yourself up: a more open approach will be necessary to simplify and facilitate your contacts. Let your partner express himself/herself, he/she will have as good ideas as yours. Beware of small health problems; cope with them without delay. Be wary of hasty decisions on the financial plane: you could be disappointed with the results; be less impatient, know that time is presently in your favor; take your time to reflect.


You'll dream of a quite different destiny - a brighter, more illustrious or more adventurous one; be satisfied with your fate. You'll meet a person who will quickly take on a great importance in your life. Prepare the ground thoroughly before launching your great projects. A small sentimental disappointment. Beware of awkward reactions due to excessive impulsiveness; it's certainly not in your nature, but this astral climate will incline you to act on the spur of the moment.


You'll be in an excellent mood and will take life as it comes without making a big deal of it. Concerning work, it'll be the moment to build the projects that are close to your heart. Slightly shaky health, with some diffuse uneasiness. Put your self-pride aside and request assistance from your close relatives if you need it. With your capacity for persuasion, combined with your solid common sense, you'll succeed in concluding a financial transaction that nevertheless seemed very difficult; but don't rest on your laurels.


You'll know how to use your overflowing energy in a positive way. Your snail-mail or e-mail will bring some pleasant news to you. At work, be wary of the traps that your adversaries will set up for you. Very fine relationships with your family entourage. You'll have ideas genius to improve the quality of your life. Heartwise, you'll be very easily aroused; but don't pull the wool over your own eyes: if somebody makes your head turn, wait some time nevertheless before accepting the event as true.


You'll be able to consolidate your professional position, or to find an employment that's much more satisfactory to you. Know how to say "no" when you're confronted with any request which doesn't seem justified to you. Above all, don't let yourself be fooled by the misleading speeches of various religious sects. Spells of fatigue are to be envisaged; it'll be necessary to sleep more. You'll manage to preserve your serenity despite the provocations and meanness of your neighbors; these will quickly become tired of their own intrigues.


Cards used: Dark Angel Tarot

(Angel Spread)

Cards 1,2,&3 are the secret heart Theses cards will illuminate the question, they show the secrets that form the basis of the query, its importance in the life of the questioner and its reverberation through their lives.


Card 1: the 9 of wands Defense must be maintained and attack must be repelled with force.

Card 2: The Emperor The aged Emperor is the overlord of the wasteland, he sits ipon his throne and watches his kingdom decay. He has given his all to his kingdom and it has taken all from him. The ruler and his kingdom are one.

Card 3: 2 of discs Need must be balanced with desire, not all can be taken through the gate


Cards 4,6,&8 The Wing of Darkness These cards show the tears that the secret generates, the doubts that hold the questioner back from answering the questions Card 4: Knight of swords Leaning from her mount the angel has the skill to grasp the prize

Card 6: Judgement The angel blows the last trumpet and calls the souls of the living and the dead home to judgement. Those that are guilty are right to be afraid, those that have fallen will be judged.

Card 8: King of Discs The angelic king will take what he desires and damn the consequences.


Cards 5,7,&9 The Wing Of Light These cards reveal the hopes that the secret generates, the desires that spur the questioner on towards asking the question Card 5: The Tower At The end of all things, when everything falls beneath the flames of the apocalypse, the ancient destroyer burns what can be burned and revels in the destruction. Mourn it not, for it is gone.

Card 7: Strength Strength is in the mind, it is in the preparation and in the intention. The angel awaits her moment and then she will move, never too soon, never too late. She knows herself and knows when to act.

Card 9:Ace of wands Everything begins with the first movement towards the goal.


Card 10 The Head This card showes the resolution of the question, the path of harmony between the hope and the fear, and how the answer to the question may be achieved through the understanding of the secret that dwells within the heart.

Card 10: Ace of cups The cup of pleasure is grasped, the seed of love is planted.


St. David's Day Canada 03/01/2012

Saint David's Day (Welsh: Dydd Gyl Dewi) is the feast day of Saint David, the patron saint of Wales, and falls on 1 March each year. The date of 1 March was chosen in remembrance of the death of Saint David. Tradition holds that he died on that day in 589. The date was declared a national day of celebration within Wales in the 18th century. Cross-party support resulted in the National Assembly for Wales voting unanimously to make St. David's Day a public holiday in 2000, a stance supported by the Wales TUC. A poll conducted for Saint David's Day in 2006 found that 87% of people in Wales wanted it to be


a bank holiday, with 65% prepared to sacrifice a different bank holiday to ensure this. A petition in 2007 to make St. David's Day a bank holiday was rejected by office of the then British Prime Minister, Tony Blair.

The significance of St. David's Day St. David (Welsh: Dewi Sant) was born towards the end of the fifth century. He was a scion of the royal house of Ceredigion, and founded a Celtic monastic community at Glyn Rhosin (The Vale of Roses) on the western headland of Sir Benfro, at the spot where St David's Cathedral stands today. David's fame as a teacher and ascetic spread throughout the Celtic world. His foundation at Glyn Rhosin became an important Christian shrine, and the most important centre in Wales. The date of Dewi Sant's death is recorded as 1 March, but the year is uncertain possibly 588. As his tearful monks prepared for his death St David uttered these words: 'Brothers be ye constant. The yoke which with single mind ye have taken, bear ye to the end; and whatsoever ye have seen with me and heard, keep and fulfil'. For centuries the first of March has been a national festival. St David was recognised as a national patron saint at the height of Welsh resistance to the Normans. St David's day was celebrated by the diaspora from an early period: the 17th century diarist Samuel Pepys noted how Welsh celebrations in London for St David's day would spark wider counter celebrations amongst their English neighbours: life-sized effigies of Welshmen were symbolically lynched, and by the 18th century the custom had arisen of confectioners producing 'Taffies' gingerbread figures baked in the shape of a Welshman riding a goat - on St David's Day. In 2003 in the United States, St. David's Day was recognised officially as the national day of the Welsh, and on 1 March the Empire State Building was floodlit in the national colours, red, green and white. It is invariably celebrated by Welsh societies throughout the world with dinners, parties, recitals and concerts.


In the poem Armes Prydain, composed in the early to mid-tenth century AD, the anonymous author prophesises that the Cymry (the Welsh people) will unite and join an alliance of fellow-Celts to repel the Anglo-Saxons, under the banner of St David: A lluman gln Dewi a ddyrchafant (And they will raise the pure banner of Dewi).

Daylight Savings Time 03/11/2012

Time to set those clocks forward, for spring is just around the corner. So don't forget before you go to bed to set those clocks an hour ahead...


St. Patrick's Day 03/17/2012

Saint Patrick's Day (Irish: L Fhile Pdraig; Ulster-Scots: Saunt Petherick's Day) is a cultural and religious holiday celebrated internationally on 17 March. It commemorates Saint Patrick (c.AD 387461), the most commonly recognised of the patron saints of Ireland, and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland. It is observed by the Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion (especially the Church of Ireland), the Eastern Orthodox Church and Lutheran Church. Saint Patrick's Day was made an official feast day in the early 17th century, and has gradually become a secular celebration of Irish culture in general. The day is generally characterised by the attendance of church services, wearing of green attire (especially shamrocks), and the lifting of Lenten restrictions on eating and drinking alcohol, which is often proscribed during the rest of the season. Saint Patrick's Day is a public holiday in the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Newfoundland and Labrador and in Montserrat. It is also widely celebrated by the Irish diaspora, especially in places such as Great Britain, Canada, the United States, Argentina, Australia, and New Zealand, among others. Today, St. Patrick's Day is probably the most widely celebrated saints day in the world.

Saint Patrick's feast day, as a kind of national day, was already being


celebrated by the Irish in Europe in the ninth and tenth centuries. In later times he became more and more widely known as the patron of Ireland. Saint Patrick's feast day was finally placed on the universal liturgical calendar in the Catholic Church due to the influence of Waterford-born Franciscan scholar Luke Wadding in the early 1600s. Saint Patrick's Day thus became a holy day of obligation for Roman Catholics in Ireland. The church calendar avoids the observance of saints' feasts during certain solemnities, moving the saint's day to a time outside those periods. Saint Patrick's Day is occasionally affected by this requirement, when 17 March falls during Holy Week. This happened in 1940, when Saint Patrick's Day was observed on 3 April in order to avoid it coinciding with Palm Sunday, and again in 2008, where it was officially observed on 14 March (15 March being used for St. Joseph, which had to be moved from 19 March), although the secular celebration still took place on 17 March. Saint Patrick's Day will not fall within Holy Week again until 2160. (In other countries, St. Patrick's feast day is also 17 March, but liturgical celebration is omitted when impeded by Sunday or by Holy Week.) In 1903, Saint Patrick's Day became an official public holiday in Ireland. This was thanks to the Bank Holiday (Ireland) Act 1903, an act of the United Kingdom Parliament introduced by Irish Member of Parliament James O'Mara. O'Mara later introduced the law that required that pubs and bars be closed on 17 March after drinking got out of hand, a provision that was repealed in the 1970s. The first Saint Patrick's Day parade held in the Irish Free State was held in Dublin in 1931 and was reviewed by the then Minister of Defence Desmond Fitzgerald. Although secular celebrations now exist, the holiday remains a religious observance in Ireland, for both the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of Ireland. Main article: St. Patrick's Festival In the mid-1990s the government of the Republic of Ireland began a campaign to use Saint Patrick's Day to showcase Ireland and its culture. The government set up a group called St Patrick's Festival, with the aim to:


Offer a national festival that ranks amongst all of the greatest celebrations in the world and promote excitement throughout Ireland via innovation, creativity, grassroots involvement, and marketing activity. Provide the opportunity and motivation for people of Irish descent, (and those who sometimes wish they were Irish) to attend and join in the imaginative and expressive celebrations. Project, internationally, an accurate image of Ireland as a creative, professional and sophisticated country with wide appeal, as we approach the new millennium. The first Saint Patrick's Festival was held on 17 March 1996. In 1997, it became a three-day event, and by 2000 it was a four-day event. By 2006, the festival was five days long; more than 675,000 people attended the 2009 parade. Overall 2009's five day festival saw close to 1 million visitors, who took part in festivities that included concerts, outdoor theatre performances, and fireworks. Skyfest forms the centerpiece of the festival. The topic of the 2004 St. Patrick's Symposium was "Talking Irish", during which the nature of Irish identity, economic success, and the future were discussed. Since 1996, there has been a greater emphasis on celebrating and projecting a fluid and inclusive notion of "Irishness" rather than an identity based around traditional religious or ethnic allegiance. The week around Saint Patrick's Day usually involves Irish language speakers using more Irish during seachtain na Gaeilge ("Irish Week"). As well as Dublin, many other cities, towns, and villages in Ireland hold their own parades and festivals, including Cork, Belfast, Derry, Galway, Kilkenny, Limerick, and Waterford. The biggest celebrations outside Dublin are in Downpatrick, County Down, where Saint Patrick is rumored to be buried. In 2004, according to Down District Council, the week-long St. Patrick's Festival had more than 2,000 participants and 82 floats, bands, and performers and was watched by more


than 30,000 people. The shortest St Patrick's Day parade in the world takes place in Dripsey, Cork. The parade lasts just 100 yards and travels between the village's two pubs. Christian leaders in Ireland have expressed concern about the secularization of St Patrick's Day. In The Word magazine's March 2007 issue, Fr. Vincent Twomey wrote, "It is time to reclaim St Patrick's Day as a church festival." He questioned the need for "mindless alcohol-fuelled revelry" and concluded that "it is time to bring the piety and the fun together."

First Day of Spring Vernal Equinox 03/20/2012

The March Equinox

The March equinox will occur at 05:14 (or 5:14am) Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) on March 20, 2012. This marks the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere and fall (autumn) in the southern hemisphere from an astronomical viewpoint. Twice a year, around March 20 or 21 and September 22 or 23, the sun shines directly on the equator and the length of day and night are nearly equal in all parts of the world. These two days are known as the March equinox (vernal in the northern hemisphere) and the September equinox. Use the Seasons Calculator to find the March equinox date in other time zones or other years.


What does equinox mean? The word equinox derives from the Latin words meaning equal night and refers to the time when the sun crosses the equator. At such times, day and night are everywhere of nearly equal length everywhere in the world. It is important to note that while the March equinox marks the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere, it is the start of autumn in many parts of the southern hemisphere.

March Equinox Explained The March equinox is the movement when the sun crosses the true celestial equator or the line in the sky above the earths equator from south to north, around March 20 (or March 21) of each year. At that time, day and night are balanced to nearly 12 hours each all over the world and the earths axis of rotation is perpendicular to the line connecting the centers of the earth and the sun. In gyroscopic motion, the earths rotational axis migrates in a slow circle based as a consequence of the moons pull on a nonspherical earth. This nearly uniform motion causes the position of the equinoxes to move backwards along the ecliptic in a period of about 25,725 years.

Nearly Equal? During the equinox, the length of night and day across the world is nearly, but not entirely, equal. This is because the day is slightly longer in places that are further away from the equator, and because the sun takes longer to rise and set in these locations. Furthermore, the sun takes longer to rise and set farther from the equator because it does not set straight down - it moves in a horizontal direction.


Moreover, there is an atmospheric refraction that causes the sun's disk to appear higher in the sky than it would if earth had no atmosphere. time and has a more detailed explanation on this topic. Time and has more information on why day and night are not exactly of equal length during the equinoxes. During the March equinox, the length of daylight is about 12 hours and eight to nine minutes in areas that are about 30 degrees north or south of the equator, while areas that are 60 degrees north or south of the equator observe daylight for about 12 hours and 16 minutes. Many regions around the equator have a daylight length about 12 hours and six-and-a-half minutes during the March equinox. Moreover, one day does not last for the exact same 24 hours across the world and due to time zone differences, there could be a small difference in the daylight length between a far-eastern and far-western location on the same latitude, as the sun moves further north during 24 hours. For more information, find out the length of day in a particular city. Select a location in the drop-down menu below to find out the length of day around the time of the March equinox.

Vernal Equinox vs. Autumnal Equinox The vernal equinox occurs in the spring while the autumnal equinox occurs during fall (autumn). These terms are derivatives of Latin. It is important to note that the northern hemispheres vernal equinox is in March while its autumnal equinox is in September. In contrast, the southern hemispheres vernal equinox is in September and its autumnal equinox is in March. This distinction reflects the seasonal differences when comparing the two hemispheres. time and refers to the two equinoxes simply as the March and September equinoxes to avoid false assumptions that spring is in March and fall (autumn) is in September worldwide. This is simply not the case.


Historical Fact There is some debate about whether astronomers in ancient Mesopotamia were already aware of the precession of the equinoxes, the slow movement among the stars of the two opposite places where the sun crosses the celestial equator. However, most sources claim that a Greek astronomer and mathematician named Hipparchus (ca. 190-ca.120 BCE) discovered the phenomenon. Hipparchus made observations of the equinox and solstice. However, the difference between the sidereal and tropical years (the precession equivalent) was known to Aristarchus of Samos (around 280 BCE) prior to this. There is some debate about whether the precession of the equinoxes was already known in ancient Mesopotamia. Astronomers use the spring equinoctial point to define their frame of reference, and the movement of this point implies that the measured position of a star varies with the date of measurement. Hipparchus also compiled a star catalogue, but this has been lost.

March Equinox across Cultures In the northern hemisphere the March equinox marks the start of spring and has long been celebrated as a time of rebirth. Many cultures and religions celebrate or observe holidays and festivals around the time of the March equinox, such as the Easter holiday period. The astronomical Persian calendar begins its New Year on the day when the March equinox occurs before apparent noon (the midpoint of the day, sundial time, not clock time) in Tehran. The start of the New Year is postponed to the next day if the equinox is after noon.


Awareness For the Month of March

March 2012 Health Current Events - Months Awareness Event National Kidney Month Help Fight Liver Disease Month National Epilepsy Month No Smoking Day National MS Education and Awareness Month National Nutrition Month National Brain Injury Awareness Month Red Cross Month Coverage Canada Canada Canada United States United States United States Worldwide Related Organization The Kidney Foundation Of Canada Canadian Liver Foundation Epilepsy Canada Multiple Sclerosis Foundation American Dietetic Association Brain Injury Association of America American Red Cross

United Kingdom No Smoking Day


March 2012 Health Current Events - Weeks Event National Eating Disorders Awareness Week National Eating Disorders Awareness Week Endometriosis Awareness Week Date 24th Feb - 1st Mar Nation United States Organization National Eating Disorders Association

25th Feb - 2nd United Mar Kingdom

Beat Eating Disorders

2nd Mar - 8th Mar

United Kingdom United States United Kingdom

Endometriosis UK

National Sleep 3rd Mar - 9th Mar Awareness Week Prostate Cancer Awareness Week National Poison Prevention Week 10th Mar 16th Mar

National Sleep Foundation The Prostate Cancer Charity

16th Mar 22nd Mar

United States

Poison Prevention

Mental Health 23rd Mar 29th Mar Action Week

United Kingdom

Mental Health Foundation


Arthritis Awareness Week

27th Mar 2nd Apr


Arthritis Victoria

March 2012 Health Events - Days Event World Water Day Date 22nd Mar Nation Worldwide Worldwide United States Organization UN Water The Stop TB Partnership America Diabetes Association

World TB Day 24th Mar American Diabetes Alert Day 25th Mar


St. Patrick's Day Scented Sachets

Make a sweet, scented doily sachet, decorated with green ribbons and shamrocks for St. Patrick's Day.

Supplies: 2 Heart shape paper doilies White craft glue Green ribbon


Shamrock sticker, confetti,or cut a shamrock from green paper White tissue paper Fragrance oil, regular cologne or perfume How to: Glue together two paper doilies leaving an opening at the top of your doily. Allow the glue to dry. Tear up a little white tissue paper and spray a little fragrance on the tissue. Once your glue on the doilies is dry, push the scented tissue paper inside the doily and glue the doily opening closed. Allow the glue to dry before handling again. Tie a small green ribbon bow and glue in place (see photo) and attach either a shamrock sticker or cut out to the heart doily. You can also add a written greeting to the centre of the heart with a green pen or marker. If you decide to add a greeting, be sure to make this the first thing you do, as it will be difficult to write on the doily once it is assembled. If you would like use these as hangers, add a piece of green ribbon to the top centre of the heart. Do this before you glue the top two doilies together, inserting the ribbon on the inside of the two hearts and securing with a little glue.


St.Patrick Bear Buddy

Make a cute pompom bear to help celebrate St. Patrick's Day. What You Need: 1 large pompom 1 medium pompom 7 small pompoms 1 smaller pompom for bear's nose Tacky glue (hot glue for big kids) Green Scrap ribbon piece Shamrock Confetti (you can make a small shamrock with paper or craft foam instead) 2 teeny black beads or wiggly eyes 1 Jewelry pin What you do Glue the large pompom and the medium pompom together. Trim away a little fluff from one side of both pompoms. This trimmed area will be the bear's tummy. The medium pompom will be the bear's face and the large one will be its tummy. Glue two small pompoms for arms, two small pompoms for legs, two small pompoms for ears and one small pompom to the back centre bottom of the large pompom (this will help teddy to sit up on his own) and one smaller


pompom to centre face for the bear's nose. Refer to photo for placement. Tie a bow and glue to the teddy's tummy. Glue a shamrock confetti piece just below your green ribbon bow. You can cut a small shamrock from craft foam or paper instead of using confetti. Glue a jewelry pin to the back of bear and allow the glue to dry completely. These really are easy to make and so adorable. Glue two black beads for eyes.

How to Paint a Shamrock Ivy Bowl

If you've never painted on glass before, this St. Patrick's day shamrock ivy bowl is a perfect project for you.

What You Need: glass ivy bowl glass paint (brand used here was Pebeo vitrea) rubbing alcohol soap and water


Glass Painting - Ivy Bowl Instructions: 1. Wash the ivy bowl thoroughly with soap and water and allow to dry completely. 2. Paint on the design. Shamrocks are easy to do - simply paint three heart shapes to make the familiar shamrock leaf shape, with a small stem added. 3. If you make a mistake, erase it with rubbing alcohol, allow to dry and start again. 4. Wait 24 hours to allow paint to set and cure, before baking to set the design permanently. Follow package instructions for baking -- the glasses shown were baked in the oven for 40 minutes at 325 degrees. After baking, your design should be resistant to normal usage and dishwashing.

Spicy Tea Soaps

Blend your own mix of fragrant dried flowers and herbal tea into beautiful glycerin soaps, then wrap them with recycled decorative gift wrap and scrap ribbon for homemade gift giving.


Spicy Tea Soaps What You Will Need: Glycerin soap base Large kitchen knife Cutting block Large glass measuring cup Medium-sized pan and water Stovetop Stirring spoon Dried chamomile flowers Dried lavender flowers Herbal tea bags Essential oil Colorant (optional) Soap molds Rubbing alcohol in spray bottle Decorative paper scraps Ribbon scraps Tape Tissue paper or cellophane Glue stick Rubber stamps or stickers Homemade Spicy Tea Soaps Instructions: Use a kitchen knife to cut the block of glycerin soap into 1-inch cubes. Place the cubes into the glass measuring cup. Set the measuring cup into the pan, and fill the pan with water to reach halfway up the outside of the measuring cup, creating a double boiler. Set the stovetop burner on medium heat under


the pan. Keep a watchful eye as the glycerin cubes melt - about 10 minutes. Stir as needed. Remove from heat and skim off any skin that forms on the surface of the glycerin. Add the lavender, chamomile, and contents of the tea bags to the melted soap. Stir to combine. Add a few drops of essential oil, and colorant if desired, and mix well. Pour the melted soap into the soap molds. If bubbles appear on the surface, use a spray bottle of rubbing alcohol to spritz the surface of the soap. Allow the soap to harden and cool. Then, pop the soaps out of the molds. To decorate rectangular soaps, recycle gift wrap by cutting strips to wrap around the bar. Secure the back with a small piece of tape, and tie off with a ribbon for extra pop. For round soaps, wrap tissue paper or cellophane around the soap, bringing the ends of the paper to the top of the bar. Seal it with a round piece of paper secured with glue. Decorate the paper with rubber stamps or stickers.



Special Note: Balance of light and dark. Sowing time in the north; earth cycle of plant and animal fertility; spell producing; new beginnings.

Altar Supplies: incense; burner; chalice of water; salt; pentacle; dagger or sword; 4 Element candles; cauldron with red candle; chalice of wine; wand; dish for burning; paper and pen; bell. Colored eggs and spring flowers for decorations.


Take up your wand and raise your arms in greeting again and say: Behold, the Lord and Lady of life and the giver of life. Without her Lord, the Goddess is barren. Without his Lady, the God has no life. Each is needful of the other for completion and power, as Sun to Earth, the spear to the cauldron, spirit to flesh, man to woman.

Light the candle in the cauldron. Rap the cauldron lightly with your wand, say: O Great Goddess, be with me now in your aspect of the Maiden, the fair one who brings joy and new life

Ring the bell once and say: O Great God of renewal,be with me now in your aspect of the Lord of the forests, The Horned God who brings warmth and love.


Rap the cauldron once more with the wand, say: May the strength of the old enter into the new. Great Lord and Lady, make all things strong And giving of new life. Blessed be.

Put a little incense on the coals and carry the burner again around the circle clockwise. Put the burner back on the alter and raise your arms, saying: Awake! All creatures in the realm of Earth, awake! Greet the Maiden and her Lover, Who herald the coming of Spring.

Touch the parchment paper with the dagger, saying: Now I cast behind me the darkness of Winter and the past. I look only to that Which lies ahead. This is the time for me to plant seeds in the physical, mental and spiritual.


Write on the paper your desires for the coming year. Write only one desire on each piece of paper. Fold the papers and hold them up over the altar in offering to the Old Gods, say: This is a joyous time, a time for planting. With joy and trust, I place these requests In the hands of the Goddess and her Lord. Light the papers one by one from the candle in the cauldron and drop them into the dish for burning, say: These thought-seeds do I so willingly place Into the hands of the Lady and her Lord, That these desires and dreams may manifest And become reality. Blessed be the Old Gods! Place the wine chalice on the pentacle for a few moments, then lift it high, saying: Honor to the Old Gods! Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again!

Drink the wine, saving some to be put outside for the little people.

Refer to the Sample Ritual at this time for the standard closing or departure ritual, commencing where the Sample states "when everything is completed..."


Spring Equinox Ceremony

A wheel symbol stands on the altar; it may be anything that feels suitable a cut out disc painted yellow or gold and decorated with spring flowers, a circular mirror, around brass tray. The High Priest's robe, if any, and accessories should be symbolic of the Sun; any metal he wears should be gold, gilt, brass or bronze. The altar, if indoors, should be decorated with spring flowers particularly the yellow ones such as daffodils, primroses, gorse, or forsythia. One banquet should be ready for handing to the Spring Queen, and a chaplet of flowers for her crowning. The Spring Queen is one of the younger women in the Coven. The cauldron is placed in the center of the circle, with an unlit candle in it. If outside, and conditions permit, a bonfire is made ready to light. A taper is placed ready on the altar for the Maiden to carry fire to the High Priest. A phallic wand is on the altar. Half as many cords as there are people present are ready on the altar, tied together at their center point in a single knot. If there is an odd number of people, add one before dividing by two. As part of the feasting and offering to the Gods, you can use hard boiled eggs with painted shells. These symbolize the World Egg, laid by the Goddess and hatched by the heat of the Sun of the God. The High Priest moves to stands in the East, and the High Priestess in the


West, facing each other over the unlit bonfire. The High Priestess carries the phallic wand in her right hand. The rest of the Coven distribute themselves around the rest of the perimeter of the Circle. The High Priestess says: "We kindle this fire today In presence of the Holy Ones, Without malice, without jealousy, without envy, Without fear of aught beneath the Sun But the High Gods. Thee we invoke, O Light of Life, Be Thou a bright flame before us, Be Thou a guiding star above us, Be Thou a smooth path beneath us; Kindle Thou within our hearts A flame of love for our neighbors, To our foes, to our friends, to our kindred all, To all men on the broad earth. O merciful Son of Cerridwen, From the lowliest thing that liveth To the Name which is highest of all." The High Priestess holds the phallic wand on high and walks slowly deosil around the bonfire or cauldron to stand in front of the High Priest. She says: "O Sun, be Thou ready to conquer the Dark!" The High Priestess presents the phallic wand the High Priest and then steps to one side.


The High Priest holds up the wand in salute and replaces it on the altar. The Maiden lights the taper from one of the altar candles and presents it to the High Priest. The Maiden then steps to one side. The High Priest carries the taper to the bonfire and lights it. He gives the taper back to the Maiden, who blows it out and replaces it on the altar. She then picks up the cords and gives them to the High Priest. The High Priestess arranges everyone around the fire, man facing woman as far as possible. The High Priest hands out the ends of the cords in accordance with her instructions, retaining on end of the final cord himself and handing the other end of it to the High Priestess. If there is an odd number of people, with more men then women, he holds on to two cord ends himself, or if more women then men, the High Priestess does the same. Either way, both of them must be linked with two members of the opposite sex. When everyone is holding a cord, they all pull the cords taut, with the central knot above the fire. They then start circling deosil in the Wheel dance, building up speed, always keeping the cords taut and the knot over the fire. Any chant can be used that sounds good. Then the Coven all sit in a circle round the fire. The High Priest gathers up the cords, being careful not to let them get burned and replaces them on the altar. The High Priest names one of the women to be the Spring Queen and stands her in front of the altar. He crowns her with the chaplet of flowers and gives her the Five Fold Kiss. The High Priest steps back and calls forward each man in turn to give the Spring Queen the Five-Fold Kiss. When the last man has done so, the High


Priest presents the Spring Queen with her bouquet. Then, starting with the Spring Queen, everyone jumps over the fire, singly or in couples, not forgetting to wish.

A curse for Spirits O, thou wicked & disobedient Spirit N. because thou hast rebelled & hast not obeyed nor regarded my words which I have rehearsed, they being all glorious & incomprehensible names of the True God, the maker & creator of thee & of me & of all the world, I N. do by the power of these names to which no creature is able to resist, curse thee into the depths of the Bottomless Abyss, there to remain unto the day of doom in chains & in fire & brimstone unquenchable! Unless thou forthwith appear here before this circle, in this triangle to do my will & therefore come thou quickly & peacefully in & by the Name of god; Adonai Saboath; Adonai Amioran COME THOU! for it is the king of kings even Adonai who commandeth thee!!!


Stregheria and Vernacular Magic in Italy: A Comparison

Sabina Magliocco

The distinction between contemporary Stregheria and traditional Italian magic, healing and spiritual practice has lately been the subject of lively debate on a number of list serves and websites. In this brief essay, I will attempt to summarize some of my academic publications on this theme for a non-scholarly audience, and to encourage further research, questions and discussion on this topic. I should state at the outset that my approach is academic: as an anthropologist and folklorist, I consider both Stregheria and Italian vernacular magic as important facets of culture in their own right. My intention is not to support or deny the authenticity of either, but to help readers understand both in the contexts in which they developed, and how the former grew from the latter in the context of the Italian American diaspora.


Stregheria is an Italian American variety of Neo-Pagan Witchcraft. It owes its origins to Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches (1889), a collection of spells, rhymes and legends which amateur folklorist Charles G. Leland claimed came from a Florentine fortune-teller named Maddalena. According to Leland, Maddalena belonged to a family of witches who practiced a form of pagan religion centered on the worship of the moon goddess Diana. Leland interpreted the materials he collected according to popular folklore theories of the late 19th century: as survivals of ancient pagan religions, specifically those of the Romans and Etruscans, whose civilizations had once dominated central Italy. He dubbed witchcraft la vecchia religione (the old religion). Right from the start, Lelands work was controversial. Some of the materials in it the conjuration of lemons and pins, for instance have analogues in Italian folklore. Other snippets appear to be versions of popular Italian childrens rhymes, rewritten to suit Lelands ideology. And the character of Aradia does seem to be based on a figure from medieval Italian folklore: the biblical Herodias (Erodiade in Italian), popularly believed to fly through the air at night at the head of a ghostly procession. But these bits of folklore do not appear anywhere else in Italian tradition as part of a single text. If The Gospel of the Witches had been an authentic document from a folk tradition, some other version of it would have been collected at some point by Italian folklorists or historians. Yet no other similar text has ever been found by Italian ethnologists. For that reason, Lelands Aradia has always been suspected to be a fake. More recently, historian Robert Mathiesen has proposed a new explanation: that Aradia be interpreted as a dialogic and intersubjective text a product of the close interaction between Leland and Maddalena, during which Maddalena selected and re-interpreted bits of folklore in ways that would interest her wealthy patron. The result was a document that incorporated many elements of folklore, but strung them together in unusual ways, giving them a unique and atypical interpretation. Despite the controversies surrounding it, Lelands text became quite influential: it equated folk magic to an ancient religion involving the


veneration of a goddess, and located this all in Italy. Leland clearly influenced Gerald B. Gardner, who is widely credited with the development of Wicca in its present form, and through Gardner, an entire generation of Witches. Among the first to openly identify as a practitioner of Italian witchcraft was Leo Louis Martello (1933-2001). Martello claimed to have been initiated by a family member as a young man. He described a secret hereditary tradition based on a Sicilian version of the myth of Proserpina (Persephone). Along with priestess Lori Bruno, also a hereditary practitioner, he founded the Trinacrian Rose of New York City, one of the first Italian American covens in North America. But the real heir of Leland is Raven Grimassi, the architect of Stregheria. Like Martello and Bruno, Grimassi claims to have been initiated into a family tradition of magical practice which he describes as hereditary, domestic, and secret. Grimassis mother comes from the region of Campania, outside Naples. She belongs to a family whose members practiced a number of magical traditions, including the removal of the evil eye, the making of medicinal liqueurs and oils, and divination. Like the traditions described by Martello, Bruno and a number of Italian ethnologists, it consisted of a set of secret teachings limited to family members, passed on only to those who were felt to have some innate magical ability and interest. But it is not this tradition that Grimassi writes about in his works The Ways of the Strega (1995), Hereditary Witchcraft (1999), and Italian Witchcraft (2000). Instead, he presents an elaboration of what Leland described: a religion similar to Wicca in structure and practice, with Italian flavor added through the names of deities, spirits, and sabbats. According to him, Italian Witches divide themselves into three clans: the Fanarra of northern Italy, and the Janarra and Tanarra of central Italy. No mention is made of southern Italy, despite the fact that the majority of Italian immigrants to North America, including Grimassis mother, originated there. Each tradition is directed by a leader known as a Grimas. Like the names of the three Strega clans, the word Grimas does not occur in Italian or in any of its dialects. Italian American


Streghe worship in circles called boschetti (groves) led by a High Priestess and Priest. The meet on full and new moons and observe eight sabbats. They venerate a lunar goddess and a horned god based on the Etruscan deities Uni and Tagni, also known as Tana and Tanus, Jana and Janus, Fana and Faunus. Ancestor spirits known as Lasa watch over each family, and various nature spirits such as Fauni, Silvani, Folletti and Linchetti play key roles in Stregheria. The guardians of the four directions are known as Grigori. While Grimassis books have been very influential in the United States, individual Stregheria covens that are not descended from his may not necessarily follow his teachings. As in all Neo-Pagan Craft, there is a wide range of variation and adaptation among groups and individuals. The common thread that links all Stregheria covens seems to be their efforts to give their practice an Italian flavor, whether through the types of deities venerated, the food served at rituals, or the adaptation of Italian and Italian American cultural practices to a Pagan context. Grimassis genius is creative, rather than scholarly. He never claims to be reproducing exactly what was practiced in Italy, admitting that Streghe have adapted a few Wiccan elements into their ways (1995:xviii). He openly acknowledges that he is expanding on his family tradition, adding elements to it to restore it to what he imagines was its original state. But from his attempts to restore a tradition, a brand new tradition has emerged: one that bears little resemblance to anything that was practiced in Italy or in Italian American ethnic communities. While based on Italian folk magic, historical accounts and folklore collections, Stregheria is, like most revival Witchcraft, a modern tradition. Folklorist Robert Klymasz, writing about what happens to folklore as a result of immigration to a new culture, identified three layers of folklore that are present in any ethnic community. These include the traditional, with clear links to Old World forms; the transitional, in which some elements from the Old World crystallize, while others adapt to the new context; and


innovational, in which new folklore is developed to make up for older forms that have been lost (Klymasz, 1973). Stregheria belongs to the last category. It has some points in common with Italian vernacular magic, which I will outline below; but there are more differences than similarities. Its true value lies in its ability to provide contemporary Italian Americans with a new context in which to interpret folk magical practices that have remained in their families for many generations, giving these traditions a new life. In the process, it plays a vital role in helping to create and maintain identity for its practitioners. Italian vernacular magic, by contrast, is neither a religion nor a formalized system of practice. It is both a worldview and a set of customs tied to the agro-pastoral cycle which is strongly embedded in the lives of its practitioners, almost never on a self-conscious level. For most of its carriers, it is simply an ordinary way of doing things and behaving. While it may have historical roots in pre-Christian practices, it is emphatically not a pagan tradition, but firmly embedded within a Roman Catholic cultural matrix. In my more recent work, I have called it the enchanted worldview, playing on Max Webers trope of the disenchantment of the world. The enchanted worldview in Italy is rooted in specific pre-market economic and social systems. Because of subsistence activities associated with the land, time is organized according to seasonal cycles; these are reflected in the ritual year, which is dominated by Catholic liturgical forms. These almost always are locally interpreted in ways that connect them to the economic cycle: for example, in Campania, where wheat and hemp crops have been replaced by tobacco, which has a similar growing season, the ritual year begins at planting time near St. Martin in mid-November, and extends until the end of the harvest season at St. Cosimo and Damiano in October. In pastoral areas such as Sardinia and the Apennine, May and September, the months that frame transhumance, are emphasized in local ritual practices. The exact shape of the ritual year thus differs markedly from one area to another. The symbols the


Madonnas and saints are the same, but each township differs in the way it situates these characters within its symbolic and economic system. The enchanted worldview is not only rooted in the ritual year cycle; it is all-pervading in the individuals life cycle. It begins at birth and penetrates every phase of life and every rite of passage, from the moment of birth, when most Italian babies who are not born with a caul (la camicia, or shirt, in Italian) are given a fine lawn shirt by a relative, often a godparent, to protect them against evil influences, to funerals, where a variety of beliefs about the otherworld are made manifest through practice. The core of Italian vernacular religion and magic is thus the correlation of its symbolic systems with local economic and social structures. The primary connection is never with the dominant structures of church and state. Hegemonic structures may or may not coincide with indigenous ones, but where there is no match, they are simply ignored. If a particular element does not make sense in terms of local understandings of time, space, and the nature of the world, people will treat it as though it does not exist, as if it were of no consequence. As a result, the landscape of the enchanted worldview in Italy is everywhere local. Despite its exquisitely local character, the enchanted worldview exists throughout Italy, in both northern and southern regions, with significantly more commonalities than one might think, given the differences in language, culture and economy that characterize Italys twenty regions. Certain concepts are ubiquitous: for example, the evil eye and its diagnosis and cures are found in all regions, and are very similar throughout. Yet the enchanted worldview defies systematization. Beliefs and practices are nowhere standardized, or even organized into an easily articulated set of principles; they are part of everyday life, part of praxis. German ethnologist Thomas Hauschild, who spent nearly twenty years studying magic in Basilicata, a region in the south of Italy, wrote: There is no system, only practice (Hauschild, 2003:19). The practice is the system. Practices and beliefs exist


within a particular cosmology, but its details seldom preoccupy its technologists. Thus, a structure like that described by Grimassi, with orderly branches in various parts of Italy, each with its own leader and systematic body of lore, is inherently foreign to the enchanted worldview in Italy. The main characteristic of the enchanted worldview is a belief in the omnipresence of spiritual beings that can influence human lives. These beings include the dead, saints, and the Virgin Mary and Jesus (who are, after all, nothing more than particularly powerful dead). Spirits such as folletti, linchetti and monachelli also appear, echoing some of the spiritual flora and fauna in Grimassis works, but they are often troublesome, rather than helpful: they tangle the manes of horses, frighten donkeys and confuse travelers who cross their paths. Some spirits are associated with certain kinds of illnesses, although exact relationships are generally determined by local lore. For instance, in Basilicata, the unquiet dead are said to cause skin diseases such as erysipelas and St. Anthonys Fire (herpes zoster); in Campania, children who fail to thrive are said to be taken by witches on their night flights, and worn out with flying and dancing; in Emilia Romagna, Puglia and Sardinia, spiders and/or insects are responsible for a range of illnesses from tarantismo to argismo to arla. Some scholars suggest these insects once embodied ancestor spirits who then possessed their victims through the bite or sting (De Martino, 2005 [1961]). Even spirits such as saints and the Madonna, who belong to a greater Catholic pantheon, are everywhere localized: the Madonna is usually worshipped in one or more of her local manifestations, and the devout have their personal favorites based on each Madonnas attributes and the qualities she stands over, or rules, and their own individual needs or interests. Everywhere in Italy, there are experts who specialize in interfacing with the spirit world. These are the Italian equivalents of British and European cunning folk, and much of their work consists in the diagnosis and cure of spiritual illness. Their names vary according to region; they may be known as


guaritori (healers), donne che aiutano (women who help), praticos (knowledgeable or wise people), fattucchiere (fixers), maghi (sorcerers), and by numerous other dialectical terms; but they seldom call themselves streghe (witches). This term is overwhelmingly negative in Italian folklore, and almost always refers to a person who brings harm to others. Italian folklore is rich in legends about witches who fly through the air to their legendary gatherings around the walnut tree of Benevento, shrink themselves so small they can fit through keyholes, suck breath or blood from victims, and cause all manner of illness and mischief to their neighbors. Clearly, these activities refer to folkloric witches; they have never been practiced by actual human beings. Occasionally, however, healers may be accused of being streghe by those who believe themselves to be victims of black magic, or by clients who have failed to be healed by the cunning persons cures. There are two principal strains of healing in Italian vernacular culture: healing through the use of herbs, and spiritual healing. In some cases, both may be practiced by the same individual. Of the two, healing with herbs is considered less a matter of spiritual ability than of practical knowledge. Spiritual healing, in contrast, is believed to be more connected with personal power. This is variously called la forza (power), la virt (virtue; also attribute); or il segno (the sign), and is generally believed to be inborn. But power alone is useless without the prayers, magical formulae and techniques that make up the cunning persons craft. Knowledge and power are passed on through an initiation, most commonly at midnight on Christmas Eve mass, during the elevation of the host -- that magical moment of transformation in the Catholic liturgical year at which the world is transformed by the birth of the Savior, and the host is transformed into his body -- and thus, by association, any transformation can take place. The knowledge takes the form of prayers that call upon a saint or the Madonna, and in some cases an accompanying technique, which varies according to the nature of the spiritual cure. These formulas and techniques are secret; they cannot be passed on to others without the healer losing her or his power, and they can only be passed on at


the appointed time in the ritual cycle. Often, this is the only initiation and training necessary for the transmission of simple charms. Healing knowledge and power are typically passed down within the family; in some cases, family members typically a group of siblings or cousins must work together in order to bring about the cure. As scholars have documented for other parts of Europe, spirits figure prominently as the helpers of Italian cunning folk. While many ordinary Italians living in traditional communities admit to belief in spirits, and occasionally even to contact with them, cunning folk seem to possess an intensified ability to commune with them above and beyond that of ordinary people. In many areas, healing is essentially conceptualized as a battle against malevolent spirits whether those of the unquiet dead, witches, or others. Healers need spiritual allies in these battles, and many healers claim to have them in the form of spirits who guide and help them in their craft. The nature of these spirits, once again, is highly localized as well as idiosyncratic: they may be saints, personal ancestors, or helpful dead. They may appear to the healer in dreams and visions: trance and ecstatic states are a fundamental part of communicating with the spirits; they are doorways into the spiritual world for healers and magic workers. When cunning folk rely on saints or the Virgin Mary as helpers, they may maintain shrines to them, participate actively in the organization of festivals in their honor, and play active roles in religious sororities and fraternities that raise money for the feasts. Cures for certain illnesses may take place only on specific feast days or in the context of saints festivals. Thus, healing is closely connected to the seasonal and economic cycle of the community, and to the Catholic liturgical calendar. Italian cunning folk may use a variety of tools in their work which suggest a connection to Stregheria and Neo-Pagan Witchcraft. They commonly keep notebooks in which charms and prayers are recorded the forerunners of modern-day books of shadows. Some use weapons of various types (daggers, swords, bayonets and even guns) to frighten evil spirits or symbolically cut


away certain illnesses, such as worms. Ropes or cords may be used in binding spells and charms, while other tools may be entirely idiosyncratic. The Italian cunning tradition has a number of traits that suggest that some aspects of modern Stregheria may derive from it in part, and that many Italian Americans who see themselves as carriers of Stregheria grew up in families that preserved aspects of the rural Italian enchanted worldview. Like modern Neo-Paganism and revival witchcraft, this way of life was organized around a ritual year that followed the cycle of the seasons; the moon and sun influenced rhythms of work and production. Women were recognized as life-givers and nourishers, and were closely involved in the maintenance of shrines to a feminine divine figure, the Virgin Mary. Their immigrant ancestors may have been carriers of a tradition of healing that involved herbal and magical practices. They may have kept notebooks of charms and prayers that were precursors of todays Neo-Pagan books of shadows. Their tools may have included knives, swords and other weapons designed to frighten away malevolent spirits, and their craft involved communication with helpers who took the form of ancestor spirits. Since these traditions could often be conflated with witchcraft in popular narratives, it is possible that this link persisted into the second, third and fourth generation after immigration, giving contemporary Streghe the impression that their ancestors belonged to an organized, hierarchical but secret society of witches. But Italian cunning craft also differs from modern Neo-Pagan Stregheria in important ways. It is emphatically not a pagan religion; there is no mention of a goddess and god, nor are deities ever drawn down into the bodies of practitioners. It exists within a largely Catholic worldview, albeit one permeated with ancestor spirits, magical practice and other elements that mark it as vernacular, rather than ecclesiastical, in nature. Absent, too, is the Wiccan ritual framework, and while there may be certain similarities between the Wiccan year cycle and that of rural Italy, that is because the former is based largely on the Irish agro-pastoral cycle, which shares a common heritage with that of other parts of Europe, including Italy.


But could an ancient pre-Christian religion involving the veneration of Diana have survived in Italian peasant tradition, only to be brought to North America by Italian immigrants? The lack of written evidence makes any answer to this question hypothetical at best, but from the historical record, such a scenario would be very unlikely. Three factors make the survival of a pagan religion in Italy into the 20th century, and its transmission through written documents such as Lelands Aradia, improbable: the strong presence of Christianity throughout the peninsula from fairly early after the fall of the Roman Empire; the lack of a unified Italian culture and language until the late 19th century; and the relative isolation and lack of resources of the peasant classes the very ones who are said to have preserved the religion, according to the Neo-Pagan mythos. Stregheria and Italian vernacular magic and healing are, then, quite different but interconnected traditions. Many Italian Americans who today see themselves as carriers of Stregheria grew up in families that preserved aspects of the enchanted worldview in an immigrant context. While Stregheria may be helping contemporary Italian Americans rediscover aspects of their roots and feel pride in their ethnic identity, its form, structure and cultural context are markedly different from those of the enchanted worldview and its associated practices in Italy. Yet Stregheria should not be interpreted as inauthentic, fake or contrived, for innovation and reclamation are part of the process of tradition. The enchanted worldview cannot exist in the context of contemporary urban North America; Italian Americans need new ways to construct and preserve ethnic identity, and for some, Stregheria satisfies those needs.


Chakra Color Chart and Chakra Stone Chart

Chakra Color Chart Color Chakra Positive Traits Negative Traits Personality


Violet/Purple Crown
(Beauty, Creativity, Inspiration)

Wise, in control, feminine energy, controlling, creative, Intuitive

Self-centered, Inferiority complex, limited perspective

Inspiring to others and looks to always do things in a civil manner. The violet energy helps increase creative and artistic talent.


Brow/Third Eye (Intuition, Mysticism, Understandin g)

Intuitive, loyal, seeks clarity, organized

Sometimes lacks trust in self, disoriented mental state, inconsiderate

Takes on challenges without having fear hold them back. Responsible for ones actions and consequences.


Blue/Turquoi Throat se
(Knowledge, Health, Decisiveness)



One can easily

communicatio untrustworthy express n, freethinking, , emphasis on business, male energies, sadness, possibilities, tactful, calm , themselves

self-righteous, without cold reserving a hidden side. Comfortable with communicatin g needs and wants.


Heart (Balance, Love, Self Control)

Generous, empathetic,

fear, need for security,

Ability to maintain control of emotional health. Also, able to give and receive unconditionall y.

caring, loving, jealousy and healing, peace, envy, balance, nurturing, new growth bitter



Solar Plexus (Wisdom, Self-Esteem, Clarity)

mental alertness, analytical thought, happiness, optimism, confident

ego driven, thinking at expense of feeling, child-like, sarcastic, pessimistic

This color is helpful in building our self-worth and confidence. However it also builds the ego, so one must always maintain a balance.



Sacral (Confidence, Happiness,

social, physical lacking pleasure, emotional reason, lacking

This expands your hobbies and interest

Resourcefulne self-expression self-discipline, because of the ss) , creativity, introverted, energy emitted from the color orange. Your self worth and confidence will strengthen as a result of balanced Sacral Chakra.

health, vitality over dependent



Base/Root (Courage, Self Confidence)

security, survival, raw

feeling overwhelmed

This chakra helps expands inner intuition to guide you through challenges. This is raw energy that harnesses your primitive survival instincts.

passion, anger, by change, frustration, menstruation, determination, sense of importance self-pity, fearful

Chakra Stone Chart Chakra Root Chakra Stone Ruby, garnet, bloodstone, red jasper, black tourmaline, obsidian, smoky quartz. Energy One should feel grounded, healthy and energized with this Chakra Balanced. An open Root Chakra will help you maintain your body at optimal health.



Carnelian, coral,

Focus on creative energies. A balanced energy will result in being open to others and caring for others without expectations.

Svadhishthana amber. Ruby Wulfenite

Solar Plexus

Citrine, gold topaz, amber, tiger eye, gold calcite, and gold.

Increase in personal will power to make hard decisions. Gain composure during challenging situations. Also, balanced energy will provide positive attitude to handle new challenges.


Emerald, green and pink tourmaline, malachite, green jade, green adventurine, rosequartz.

This energy is associated with compassion and love. Balanced heart Chakra results in compassion, empathy and abundance of love. One will notice to provide themselves with all the love they desire.


Turquoise, chrysocolla, blue topaz, aquamarine.

Brings the person back to the present moment of life.


Third Eye

Lapis lazuli azurite, sodalite, quartz crystal, sapphire.

One will be able to detach themselves from materialistic items of the world and received guidance from within.

Crown Chakra Amethyst, diamond, This powerful Chakra will help tap sugilite, purple fluorite, quartz crystal. into your subconscious to harness unlimited power to accomplish your dreams/goals.

Information about Chakra Your body has different energy points that are called Chakras. There are 7 in total and start from your head (Crown Chakra) to the base of the spine. Each Chakra works together that leads to harmonious mind, body and soul. Simply put, chakras are energy points that vibrate at certain frequencies. These vibrations cause the flow of energy to be out of balance or balanced. If your chakra energies are worn off, you will view your life negatively. For example, if you are in a relationship and your heart chakra is out of balance, then you might feel insecure or jealous. To bring your chakra back to balance, you can do different meditation practice or techniques and use chakra stones. It is not necessary to use chakra stones to maintain balance, however some have found it very helpful. Each stone has different meaning and relates to a


certain chakra. The stones are comprised of different earthly minerals and materials. These materials cause them to have different frequencies. Frequencies for each of the chakra vary. Specific stones can be placed on certain energy points as the stones match the frequency of the chakra. Chakra stones can be charged by placing them out either in the sun during the day or in the moonlight.

Meanings of Chakra Colors

There are 7 different Chakras in your body. These 7 Chakras are energy points that work together to maintain harmony in ones life. Each Chakra in your body is represented by a different color. The importance of Chakra Color is to help maintain and return energy to your Chakra. In other words, Color Therapy. Color therapy has been known to have different effects on ones psychological and spiritual states. Ones mind, body and soul are not independent, hence a negative state in ones mind will have an effect on the body and soul. Understanding the relevance of each color will help one rejuvenate their energy through Chakra Stones. Chakra Colors are great to grow ones self-awareness. It is common for people that practice meditation and yoga, to use different chakra colors. The implementation of chakra colors is not limited to meditation and yoga but extends to study of astrology. No one Chakra Color


There is not a single set color that is prominent all the time. Chakra colors always differ depending on the state of those energy points. For example, if you are angry then your Chakra will be vibrating the color red. The colors can happen at the same time. Just as some colors get more prominent, you can also have colors that vibrate at the same time depending on each situation. For example, if you are in a deep relationship then your Heart Chakra will vibrate as well as the Naval Chakra of sexual desire. However, it is easier to understand the standard 7 Chakra Color system first.

Chakra Color Chart




Positive Traits

Negative Traits
Self-centered, Inferiority complex, limited perspective


Violet/Purple Crown
(Beauty, Creativity, Inspiration)

Wise, in control, feminine energy, controlling, creative, Intuitive

Inspiring to others and looks to always do things in a civil manner. The violet energy helps increase creative and artistic talent.



Brow/Third Eye (Intuition, Mysticism, Understandin g)

Intuitive, loyal, seeks clarity, organized

Sometimes lacks trust in self, disoriented mental state, inconsiderate

Takes on challenges without having fear hold them back. Responsible for ones actions and consequences.

Blue/Turquoi Throat se
(Knowledge, Health, Decisiveness)



One can easily

communicatio untrustworthy express n, freethinking, , emphasis on business, male energies, sadness, possibilities, tactful, calm , themselves

self-righteous, without cold reserving a hidden side. Comfortable with communicatin g needs and wants.



Heart (Balance, Love, Self Control)

Generous, empathetic,

fear, need for security,

Ability to maintain control of emotional health. Also, able to give and receive unconditionall y.

caring, loving, jealousy and healing, peace, envy, balance, nurturing, new growth bitter


Solar Plexus (Wisdom, Self-Esteem, Clarity)

mental alertness, analytical thought, happiness, optimism, confident

ego driven, thinking at expense of feeling, child-like, sarcastic, pessimistic

This color is helpful in building our self-worth and confidence. However it also builds the ego, so one must always maintain a balance.



Sacral (Confidence, Happiness,

social, physical lacking pleasure, emotional reason, lacking

This expands your hobbies and interest

Resourcefulne self-expression self-discipline, because of the ss) , creativity, introverted, energy emitted from the color orange. Your self worth and confidence will strengthen as a result of balanced Sacral Chakra.

health, vitality over dependent



Base/Root (Courage, Self Confidence)

security, survival, raw

feeling overwhelmed

This chakra helps expands inner intuition to guide you through challenges. This is raw energy that harnesses your primitive survival instincts.

passion, anger, by change, frustration, menstruation, determination, sense of importance self-pity, fearful

Chakra Stones

Chakras are different energy points in your body. In total there are 7 Chakras in the Human Body. When Chakras are balanced and connected through meditation, you will find calmness in your life. Sometimes meditating on one


single Chakra can help you with a particular problem in your life. For example, the Third Eye helps you to gain perspective of a situation without any attachment to it thus allowing you to make an unbiased decision. These energies sometimes become out of balance and Chakra Stones can be used to regain that balance. Each Chakra has a particular stone that are made from different materials. The material of each Chakra Stones resonates at certain frequency. These frequencies are matched to one of the seven Chakras. For example Amethyst is most commonly used for the Third Eye and a Quartz Stone is used for the Heart Chakra. There is not one particular method of using Chakra Stones. You can put the stones in your pocket and gently touching them if you require balance throughout your day. The purpose to have Chakra stones is to help focus your mind and body. Combination of a focused mind and body will extend positive energy through to other areas of your life. Chakra Stones are great for activating/opening the chakras. All energy points are always activated because they are like your lungs, your lungs are inhaling and exhaling constantly but it is not part of your awareness. Activation is the sense of awareness to that particular area through meditation. As each Chakra aligns with the others the mind becomes more awakened through the force of Kundalini. Kundalini ascends the energy from the base of your spine to the Crown Chakra. The upward flow connects all Chakras. Depending on the level of ones mastery, this could happen naturally or will require further meditation practice. How to use Chakra Stones Find a quiet area in your home and lie down. Place the Chakra stones throughout your body ensuring that they rest on top of each Chakra. Its ok if you do not wish to place all of the Chakra stones throughout your body. Inhale deeply into your body and allow your mind to fall to relaxation. Some have had the experience of feeling vibrations from each Chakra points due to the stones. Do no worry if you encounter vibrations.


Chakra Root Chakra

Ruby, garnet,

One should feel grounded, healthy and

bloodstone, red energized with this Chakra Balanced. An jasper, black tourmaline, obsidian, smoky quartz. open Root Chakra will help you maintain your body at optimal health.



Focus on creative energies. A balanced energy will result in being open to others and caring

Svadhishthana coral, amber.

Ruby Wulfenite for others without expectations.

Solar Plexus

Citrine, gold topaz, amber, tiger eye, gold calcite, and gold.

Increase in personal will power to make hard decisions. Gain composure during challenging situations. Also, balanced energy will provide positive attitude to handle new challenges.



Emerald, green and pink tourmaline, malachite, green jade, green adventurine, rose quartz.

This energy is associated with compassion and love. Balanced heart Chakra results in compassion, empathy and abundance of love. One will notice to provide themselves with all the love they desire.


Turquoise, chrysocolla, blue topaz, aquamarine.

Brings the person back to the present moment of life.

Third Eye

Lapis lazuli azurite, sodalite, quartz crystal, sapphire.

One will be able to detach themselves from materialistic items of the world and received guidance from within.

Crown Chakra Amethyst,

diamond, sugilite, purple fluorite, quartz crystal.

This powerful Chakra will help tap into your subconscious to harness unlimited power to accomplish your dreams/goals.


Chakra Meditation

Chakras are different energy points in our body. The word Chakra translates to wheel or vortex. Each Chakra resides in an integral part of our body, starting from the base of the spine all the way to our heads. Chakra energy can flow easily through your body to different Chakra through the use of meditation. There are many meditation techniques that focus on single Chakra energy points. These meditations are counter to the concept of connecting your energy. The meditation should enhance the flow of energy between different parts of your body thus balancing the energy. This will allow you to be centered and grounded to the earth. Focusing on one particular Chakra un-balances the energy in your body. 7 Chakra Points 1. Root Chakra The root chakra resides at the bottom of your spine and is related to the health of your body. The health of your body will determine how well you interact with the world. If you are neglecting your body by not eating right or exercising, then your body will deteriorate and cause pain. Maintaining a healthy body builds a stronger connection with your mind. Color: Red Gemstone: Ruby and Garnet 2. Navel Chakra Just as the name suggest, this chakra is located around the belly button or navel area. Navel Chakra is related to the emotions of feeling, passion, love,


sex and giving. Alongside many of your emotions, this is also the area where your self-confidence and self esteem reside. This Chakra helps you eliminate any pessimistic thoughts and negativity that surrounds your life. Color: Orange Gems: Amber, Coral 3. Solar Plexus Chakra This Chakra is located near the top part of your abdomen. This Chakra is about self-control, discipline and will power. The ego is also situated here because of the presence of will power. There might be an imbalance in your Solar Plexus Chakra if you have fear, hate, indifference, insecurity and stressed. This chakra is the key to concentration because it houses self discipline and will power. Restoring and balancing the Solar Plexus will yield in a confident state of mind. Color: Yellow Gemstone: Amber, Gold 4. Heart Chakra: This Chakra is located near the heart. The energy in the Heart is focused around Love. Just how the Navel Chakra focusess on different emotions, Heart Chakra provides the feeling of deep love, compassion and forgiveness. The way we communicate and interact with other human beings is directly related to the Heart Chakra. Color: Green Gemstone: Emerald, Malachite 5. Throat Chakra Located at the center of the throat and primarily deals with our communication. It is through this chakra that we can seek out the truth and gain knowledge/wisdom. It is also with the power of speech that we are able to create power and heal the people that are around us.


Color: Blue Gemstone: Turquoise, Blue Topaz 6. Brow Chakra or Third Eye Chakra Located at the center of the forehead, this chakra helps the individual see the world in clarity. Our third eye views our surrounding world without expectation or emotional attachment. It is because of this un-bias view, we are able to gain wisdom, awareness and insight into our actions. Color: Indigo Gemstone: Lapiz Lazuli, Sapphire 7. Crown Chakra Located at the top of the head, Crown Chakra deals with the mind and spirit. This Chakra is considered to have the most energy because it is our mind that we use to control all of our actions. In this manner, the Crown Chakra is very important to balance all other Chakras in the body. Crown Chakra leads to understanding, wisdom, and enlightenment. Color: Violet Gemstone: Amethyst, Diamond, Quartz Crystal.


By: Sweet Dark Angel & Andrew We have come to see many people begin to awaken this year and finding themselves pondering and wondering of things they never have before. They Have questions, and are seeking guidance, and those with the answers, should be reaching out, guiding them in this new journey. Instead I notice a judgemental approach, cold and not exactly helpful. This can be scary for those that are new to our way of life or especially for those that know nothing about pagan ways and only have knowledge of what they have seen on movies or been taught by society which in it self will make them feel alone and scared to reach out. I think it is important, that we remember that though they may still be new and a bit naive about the knowledge they are seeking, those that have the knowledge be patient, non-judgemental, and as helpful as they can, without shutting them down so quickly. Here in the past few months there seems to be more attacks on other religions from people that have big audiences that are saying we are evil, we are


satanist, and that we are part of a social elite program's. And most of these people do not know or understand who and what we are. And in truth they themselves have been mislead by society and religion and people that wish to control the masses. It is also important that we remember that it is misinformation that has been taught from a young age and will take time and and patience to show them otherwise. Obviously, we do not force ourselves or our beliefs on others as other religions do, but when asked about them, and those that are obviously searching, that we embrace, and show them what we really are about, and that our beliefs are not even close to what has been told to them thru the ages. It is not for us or anyone to decide which path should be followed, for all paths do lead to one, as all beliefs are tied. The stories are many but in the end it is the same story being told through different cultures in different ways. They are not wrong, and neither are we, what is wrong is the way we have hurt each other throughout the ages with our bickering on who's version is right. The stories are not meant to be literal, but instead as a roadmap, a guide. Each story has a purpose, it is up to us to look deeper and find the hidden meaning.


New Superfoods for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Pomegranate These trendy fruits have actually been cultivated since ancient times, but there's been a recent flurry of interest in their health benefits. Though pomegranate has not been adequately tested in humans as a rheumatoid arthritis treatment, a recent study found that mice who received an extract of pomegranate in supplement form had less inflammation and less deterioration of their joints than mice that did not take the supplement. Pomegranate juice has been touted for some time as an alternative treatment for arthritis, says Fabrizio Mancini, DC, a chiropractor and author of The Power of Self-Healing. While it is certainly no cure, there appears to be a real benefit in reducing inflammation, and that may translate into less pain for some arthritis patients.


Krill Oil Studies have long shown the anti-inflammatory activity of omega-3 fatty acids, like those found in cold-water fish such as salmon, as well as their possible role as a rheumatoid arthritis treatment. Krill oil, which comes from a tiny crustacean similar to shrimp, is a relatively new supplement that is similar to fish oil, but with a higher concentration of omega-3s. A recent study of 90 people, some with rheumatoid arthritis, found that taking 300 milligrams of krill oil daily reduced pain and stiffness and improved function. Flaxseed Flaxseeds are rich in a plant-based form of omega-3s and might yield results for inflammation and joint pain that are similar to those from eating fatty fish or krill oil. Flaxseed and flaxseed oil are rich in alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fatty acid that may be helpful for inflammatory diseases like arthritis, says Dr. Mancini. To help your body get the most nutrients from flaxseeds for rheumatoid arthritis, use them ground rather than whole. Sprinkle a few tablespoons on your cereal in the morning or include them in a smoothie," he suggests. "You can also use them in baked goods.


Cherry Juice Anecdotally, cherry juice has been used as a treatment for gout-related pain for decades. Though sample sizes are small, studies are also revealing that this juice might help with other types of joint pain and inflammation as well, including that caused by rheumatoid arthritis. Tart cherries have higher levels of anthocyanin, a phytonutrient and antioxidant, than sweet cherries and other fruits, making them power berries to reduce inflammation and pain, improve recovery time after strenuous activity, and possibly even aid in sleep, Mancini says.

Ginger This spicy root can be ground up or shredded to make a tea or mixed into dishes for an interesting flavor and certainly one of the tastiest rheumatoid arthritis treatments. Its also available in supplement form. Nathan Wei, MD, director of the Arthritis Treatment Center in Frederick, Md., believes ginger just might be beneficial to some people with joint pain related to rheumatoid arthritis. There is some preliminary evidence that ginger might be helpful for decreasing joint pain in people with rheumatoid arthritis as well as osteoarthritis, he says.


Green Tea The benefits of green tea, which, unlike black tea, is made from unfermented leaves, have been touted for centuries, and studies have looked at its positive effects on health conditions, from dental cavities to cancer. Drinking it may also help ease rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Of all the teas, the green variety has the highest concentration of powerful antioxidants called polyphenols, which give it inflammation-fighting strength, says Dr. Wei.

Turmeric What gives curry powder its characteristic golden yellow color? It's turmeric root, used in a variety of Indian and Asian dishes. One of the most healing plants in the world is the herb turmeric, says Mancini. It contains an active compound called curcumin, which appears to have healing powers for a wide range of conditions, like arthritis. Taking curcumin may improve joint stiffness, swelling, and pain.


Eat to Beat Inflammation

Say Yes to Salmon Sandon says that the strongest connection between reduced arthritis symptoms and a food has been shown in studies of omega-3 fatty acids. This is because omega-3s help reduce inflammation. Salmon, fresh or frozen, contains the highest naturally occurring levels of omega-3s of any food source. You may have heard warnings that certain fish contain toxic amounts of mercury, but luckily, salmon is not on that list. American Heart Association guidelines say it's safe to eat two 3.5-ounce servings of salmon a week. Increasing your salmon and fish intake alone may not supply all the omega-3s you need to fight inflammation and reduce symptoms. A daily fish oil supplement can make up the difference, but because taking too much fish oil can be harmful, you should talk to your doctor before starting to take a supplement.

Call on the Citrus Citrus foods such as oranges, grapefruit, lemon, and limes are rich in vitamin C a dietary component necessary for the synthesis of collagen, which helps build and repair blood vessels, tendons, ligaments, and bone and is therefore helpful for people with osteoarthritis, Sandon says. Citrus fruits are also good sources of inflammation-fighting antioxidants, which are helpful for those with rheumatoid arthritis. So start your day with a glass of orange juice, have half a grapefruit for a snack, and squeeze lime or lemon


juice on foods when youre cooking to take advantage of the healing power of citrus. Aim for a total vitamin C intake of 75 mg per day for adult women, and 90 mg per day for adult men, the current U.S. Recommendation daily allowance.

Bring on the Berries Sandon recommends that you make one or more servings of fresh or frozen berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, or huckleberries) part of your daily diet. These little fruits pack powerful antioxidant compounds like proanthocyanidins and ellagic acid, which fight inflammation and cell damage. The amount and combination of the compounds vary by the type of berry, Sandon says, so make variety your goal.

Reach for the Cherries A study by researchers from Michigan State University found that tart cherries are a good source of anthocyanins, which may have a stronger anti-inflammatory effect than aspirin. But take the news with a grain of salt, Sandon says more research is needed to determine how much of an effect, if any, these compounds would provide when taken in the form of tart cherries or tart cherry juice. That said, she sees no harm in regularly adding cherries, sweet or tart, to your diet


Crunch Carrots Add carrots, squash, and sweet potatoes to your antiarthritis shopping list, too, Sandon says. These and other orange-hued vegetables are rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene, both of which are believed to fight inflammation. Cooking seems to increase the availability of these compounds. For the biggest benefit, eat these vegetables on a regular basis in recommended serving sizes rather than overdoing it by eating them in large quantities. (A single serving of carrots is 1/2 cup, about 1 large carrot or 7 to 10 baby carrots.)

Eat More Whole Grains Much has been made of the health benefits of whole grains, and for good reason, Sandon says. Whole grains are simply grains that still have all three parts of the original grain the outside hull and the two inner parts. And its in the hull where most grains' nutrients, like vitamin E, reside. A diet rich in whole grains has also been linked to better weight control, which can help reduce pain and symptoms of RA. So switch from white bread to 100-percent whole wheat, and from regular pasta to whole grain, Sandon says, and add other whole grains to your menu like a bowl of oatmeal in the morning or a bulgur salad at night.


Add the Onions Onions (and their cousins garlic, leeks, and scallions) are another food that can help fight the inflammation and pain caused by RA. These pungent bulbs contain quercetin, a compound that blocks the chemical pathways that lead to inflammation in much the same way as aspirin or ibuprofen, Sandon says. Because people with RA can also have sensitive digestive systems, she recommends sauting onions in olive oil or cooking them with other foods to offset any possible gastrointestinal distress.

Go the Ginger Route Like onions, ginger contains compounds that function in much the same way as anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen. This versatile root adds flavor too. Add fresh peeled ginger to stir-fries, eat pickled ginger along with salmon sushi, or puree some and add it to an acorn squash soup. Ginger supplements can also help reduce inflammation, but check with your doctor before taking them, Sandon says. Too much ginger can lead to thinning of the blood, which can be dangerous if you are taking certain medications.


Drizzle on Olive Oil Olive oil especially the green-hued extra-virgin olive oil contains an inflammation-fighting compound known as oleocanthal, which functions in much the same way as COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitors, Sandon says. This may explain why people living in regions where olive oil is heavily used, like Greece, have lower rates of arthritis, she says. So swap inflammation-boosting butter and margarine for olive oil, which has the opposite effect. Try drizzling olive oil on a baked potato or on whole-grain bread, for example. But beware: Like other fats, olive oil is calorie-dense, so dont overdo it.

Pineapple, Please Pineapple is rich in vitamin C and the enzyme bromelain, which has been linked to decreased pain and swelling in both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, Sandon says. So add this tropical fruit to your diet every chance you get. Try it cubed in fruit salad, baked in savory dishes, blended into a smoothie, or added to stir-fries to give a sweet-and-sour zing. Bromelain is also available in supplement form, but check with your doctor before taking it because it can interact with some common medications.


By: Christopher Stewart its curious how it creeps into reality insidious it just seeps through my leniency i transgress by neglect not so deliberately then comes the redirect that dispels apathy others in selflessness offer their perspective their seeming carelessness has me introspective reflections of the part of me thats defective upset my applecart corrective collective


chaos augurs the chart moon is square to neptune the stones also disheart thurisaz baleful rune no point in blaming them for all the misfortune their gifts do not condemn they are meant to attune the needle in the red im running on empty the voices in my head they sing of tragedy i just cant go forward father dont preach to me my prize is far onward oh good lord have mercy an absence of reward is no reason to brake theyll only have you floored do misgivings forsake know that lack of success does not a failure make perfection is progress so do the next step take focus on the process dont let the doubts beset tasks at hand do address do not repine nor fret you carry no shackle you are under no threat you face no obstacle you just are not there yet have no more attachment to scenarios of gloom make no more investment in destinies of doom leave dismay to its night rest despair in its tomb fulfillment is in sight prospects are in the womb advance and be fruitful on you go thoroughbred of your heart be heedful by thought dont be misled achieve and be peaceful apprehensions do shed always remain hopeful the stars await ahead



By: Andrew You are the Moon that lites my way, Your Heart is what gives me life, Your many Faces I embrace, I give you praise on this night for all that you've done for some one such as me, And once I again I Renew My Vow, For your Beauty has shown me many things, & Your light consumes me. Your Darkness I embrace, for it is the fire that fuels my soul, With out you the stars have no place, And life no purpose, For you are the Goddess of night & giver of day, so I now recite my vow & ask one more thing of thee, As I whisper it on the winds of time for only you to hear. Ekko Ekko ARADIA, Ekko Ekko ARADIA, Ekko Ekko Aradia, Blessed Be!!! May all who know the words I've said give praise to THEE!!!



By: Andrew A moon lit sky all filled with mystery and wonder, Oh how does the soul yearn to swim amongst the stars, shining ever so bright. With each passing second, I hear the soft whispers calling me to join them, To dance within there magnificence & glory, but alas my heart belongs to the moon and all her beauty and mystery. For one could not want more, than her cryptic embrace, For twilight soul am I, ever roaming within her magnificence. Shrouded by her cloak of darkness & illuminated by her brilliance, Her love & pain are mine to bare, but in the end I still must return, & walk once more with in a place were all is not so bright, oh how does my heart weep. To dance amongst the star for just a little while longer could not hurt. For there is no sorrow, or pain, just a distant dream full of love. Why deny such a moment as this, for they are far in between. And I must confess I do not wish to leave! But I must for my place is In between both worlds and always to yearn for that moment such as this!


The Fate of the Children of Lir The Second Sorrowful Tale of Storytelling Translated and adapted by Lady Gregory

Now at the time when the Tuatha de Danaan chose a king for themselves after the battle of Tailltin, and Lir heard the kingship was given to Bodb Dearg, it did not please him, and he left the gathering without leave and with no word to any one; for he thought it was he himself had a right to be made king. But if he went away himself, Bodb was given the kingship none the less, for not one of the five begrudged it to him but only Lir. And it is what they determined, to follow after Lir, and to burn down his house, and to attack himself with spear and sword, on account of his not giving obedience to the king they had chosen. "We will not do that," said Bodb Dearg, "for that man would defend


any place he is in; and besides that," he said, "I am none the less king over the Tuatha de Danaan, although he does not submit to me." All went on like that for a good while, but at last a great misfortune came on Lir, for his wife died from him after a sickness of three nights. And that came very hard on Lir, and there was heaviness on his mind after her. And there was great talk of the death of that woman in her own time. And the news of it was told all through Ireland, and it came to the house of Bodb, and the best of the Men of Dea were with him at that time. And Bodb said: "If Lir had a mind for it," he said, "my help and my friendship would be good for him now, since his wife is not living to him. For I have here with me the three young girls of the best shape, and the best appearance, and the best name in all Ireland, Aobh, Aoife, and Ailbhe, the three daughters of Oilell of Aran, my own three nurslings." The Men of Dea said then it was a good thought he had, and that what he said was true. Messages and messengers were sent then from Bodb Dearg to the place Lir was, to say that if he had a mind to join with the Son of the Dagda and to acknowledge his lordship, he would give him a foster-child of his foster-children. And Lir thought well of the offer, and he set out on the morrow with fifty chariots from Sidhe Fionnachaidh; and he went by every short way till he came to Bodb's dwelling-place at Loch Dearg, and there was a welcome before him there, and all the people were merry and pleasant before him, and he and his people got good attendance that night. And the three daughters of Oilell of Aran were sitting on the one seat with Bodb Dearg's wife, the queen of the Tuatha de Danaan, that was their foster-mother. And Bodb said: "You may have your choice of the three young girls, Lir." "I cannot say," said Lir, "which one of them is my choice, but whichever of them is the eldest, she is the noblest, and it is best for me to take her." "If that is so," said Bodb, "it is Aobh is the eldest, and she will be given to


you, if it is your wish." "It is my wish," he said. And he took Aobh for his wife that night, and he stopped there for a fortnight, and then he brought her away to his own house, till he would make a great wedding-feast. And in the course of time Aobh brought forth two children, a daughter and a son, Fionnuala and Aodh their names were. And after a while she was brought to bed again, and this time she gave birth to two sons, and they called them Fiachra and Conn. And she herself died at their birth. And that weighed very heavy on Lir, and only for the way his mind was set on his four children he would have gone near to die of grief. The news came to Bodb Dearg's place, and all the people gave out three loud, high cries, keening their nursling. And after they had keened her it is what Bodb Dearg said: "It is a fret to us our daughter to have died, for her own sake and for the sake of the good man we gave her to, for we are thankful for his friendship and his faithfulness. However," he said, "our friendship with one another will not be broken, for I will give him for a wife her sister Aoife." When Lir heard that, he came for the girl and married her, and brought her home to his house. And there was honour and affection with Aoife for her sister's children; and indeed no person at all could see those four children without giving them the heart's love. And Bodb Dearg used often to be going to Lir's house for the sake of those children; and he used to bring them to his own place for a good length of time, and then he would let them go back to their own place again. And the Men of Dea were at that time using the Feast of Age in every hill of the Sidhe in turn; and when they came to Lir's hill those four children were their joy and delight, for the beauty of their appearance; and it is where they used to sleep, in beds in sight of their father Lir. And he used to rise up at the break of every morning, and to lie down among his children.


But it is what came of all this, that a fire of jealousy was kindled in Aoife, and she got to have a dislike and a hatred of her sister's children. Then she let on to have a sickness, that lasted through nearly the length of a year. And the end of that time she did a deed of jealousy and cruel treachery against the children of Lir. And one day she got her chariot yoked, and she took the four children in it, and they went forward towards the house of Bodb Dearg; but Fionnuala had no mind to go with her, for she knew by her she had some plan for their death or their destruction, and she had seen in a dream that there was treachery against them in Aoife's mind. But all the same she was not able to escape from what was before her. And when they were on their way Aoife said to her people: "Let you kill now," she said, "the four children of Lir, for whose sake their father has given up my love, and I will give you your own choice of a reward out of all the good things of the world." "We will not do that indeed," said they; "and it is a bad deed you have thought of, and harm will come to you out of it." And when they would not do as she bade them, she took out a sword herself to put an end to the children with; but she being a woman and with no good courage, and with no great strength in her mind, she was not able to do it. They went on then west to Loch Dairbhreach, the Lake of the Oaks, and the horses were stopped there, and Aoife bade the children of Lir to go out and bathe in the lake, and they did as she bade them. And as soon as Aoife saw them out in the lake she struck them with a Druid rod, and put on them the shape of four swans, white and beautiful. And it is what she said: "Out with you, children of the king, your luck is taken away from you for ever; it is sorrowful the story will be to your friends; it is with flocks of birds your cries will be heard for ever."


And Fionnuala said: "Witch, we know now what your name is, you have struck us down with no hope of relief; but although you put us from wave to wave, there are times when we will touch the land. We shall get help when we are seen; help, and all that is best for us; even though we have to sleep upon the lake, it is our minds will be going abroad early." And then the four children of Lir turned towards Aoife, and it is what Fionnuala said: "It is a bad deed you have done, Aoife, and it is a bad fulfilling of friendship, you to destroy us without cause; and vengeance for it will come upon you, and you will fall in satisfaction for it, for your power for our destruction is not greater than the power of our friends to avenge it on you; and put some bounds now," she said, "to the time this enchantment is to stop on us." "I will do that," said Aoife, "and it is worse for you, you to have asked it of me. And the bounds set to your time are this, till the Woman from the South and the Man from the North will come together. And since you ask to hear it of me," she said, "no friends and no power that you have will be able to bring you out of these shapes you are in through the length of your lives, until you have been three hundred years on Loch Dairbhreach, and three hundred years on Sruth na Maoile between Ireland and Alban, and three hundred years at Irrus Domnann and Inis Gluaire; and these are to be your journeys from this out," she said. But then repentance came on Aoife, and she said: "Since there is no other help for me to give you now, you may keep your own speech; and you will be singing sweet music of the Sidhe, that would put the men of the earth to sleep, and there will be no music in the world equal to it; and your own sense and your own nobility will stay with you, the way it will not weigh so heavy on you to be in the shape of birds. And go away out of my sight now, children of Lir," she said, "with your white faces, with your stammering Irish. It is a great curse on tender lads, they to be driven out on the rough wind. Nine hundred years to be on the water, it is a long time for any one to be in pain; it is I put this on


you through treachery, it is best for you to do as I tell you now. "Lir, that got victory with so many a good cast, his heart is a kernel of death in him now; the groaning of the great hero is a sickness to me, though it is I that have well earned his anger." And then the horses were caught for Aoife, and the chariot yoked for her, and she went on to the palace of Bodb Dearg, and there was a welcome before her from the chief people of the place. And the son of the Dagda asked her why she did not bring the children of Lir with her. "I will tell you that," she said. "It is because Lir has no liking for you, and he will not trust you with his children, for fear you might keep them from him altogether." "I wonder at that," said Bodb Dearg, "for those children are dearer to me than my own children." And he thought in his own mind it was deceit the woman was doing on him, and it is what he did, he sent messengers to the north to Sidhe Fionnachaidh. And Lir asked them what did they come for. "On the head of your children," said they. "Are they not gone to you along with Aoife?" he said. "They are not," said they; "and Aoife said it was yourself would not let them come." It is downhearted and sorrowful Lir was at that news, for he understood well it was Aoife had destroyed or made an end of his children. And early in the morning of the morrow his horses were caught, and he set out on the road to the south-west And when he was as far as the shore of Loch Dairbhreach, the four children saw the horses coming towards them, and it is what Fionnuala said: "A welcome to the troop of horses I see coming near to the lake; the people they are bringing are strong, there is sadness on them; ft is us they are following, it is for us they are looking; let us move over to the shore, Aodh, Fiachra, and comely Conn. Those that are coming can be no others in the world but only Lir and his household. Then Lir came to the edge of the lake, and he took notice of the swans having the voice of living people, and he


asked them why was it they had that voice. "I will tell you that, Lir," said Fionnuala. "We are your own four children, that are after being destroyed by your wife, and by the sister of our own mother, through the dint of her jealousy." "Is there any way to put you into your own shapes again?" said Lir. "There is no way," said Fionnuala, "for all the men of the world could not help us till we have gone through our time, and that will not be," she said, "till the end of nine hundred years." When Lir and his people heard that, they gave out three great heavy shouts of grief and sorrow and crying. "Is there a mind with you," said Lir, "to come to us on the land, since you have your own sense and your memory yet?" "We have not the power," said Fionnuala, "to live with any person at all from this time; but we have our own language, the Irish, and we have the power to sing sweet music, and it is enough to satisfy the whole race of men to be listening to that music. And let you stop here to-night," she said, "and we will be making music for you. So Lir and his people stopped there listening to the music of the swans, and they slept there quietly that night. And Lir rose up early on the morning of the morrow and he made this complaint: -"It is time to go from this place. I do not sleep though I am in my lying down. To be parted from my dear children, it is that is tormenting my heart. "It is a bad net I put over you, bringing Aoife, daughter of Oilell of Aran, to the house. I would never have followed that advice if I had known what it would bring upon me. "O Fionnuala, and comely Conn, O Aodh, O Fiachra of the beautiful arms; it is not ready I am to go away from you, from the border of the harbour where


you are. Then Lir went on to the palace of Bodb Dearg, and there was a welcome before him there; and he got a reproach from Bodb Dearg for not bringing his children along with him. "My grief!" said Lir. "It is not I that would not bring my children along with me; it was Aoife there beyond, your own foster-child and the sister of their mother, that put them in the shape of four white swans on Loch Dairbhreach, in the sight of the whole of the men of Ireland; but they have their sense with them yet, and their reason, and their voice, and their Irish." Bodb Dearg gave a great start when he heard that, and he knew what Lir said was true, and he gave a very sharp reproach to Aoife, and he said: "This treachery will be worse for yourself in the end, Aoife, than to the children of Lir. And what shape would you yourself think worst of being in?" he said. "I would think worst of being a witch of the air," she said. "It is into that shape I will put you now," said Bodb. And with that he struck her with a Druid wand, and she was turned into a witch of the air there and then, and she went away on the wind in that shape, and she is in it yet, and will be in it to the end of life and time. As to Bodb Dearg and the Tuatha de Danaan they came to the shore of Loch Dairbhreach, and they made their camp there to be listening to the music of the swans. And the Sons of the Gael used to be coming no less than the Men of Dea to hear them from every part of Ireland, for there never was any music or any delight heard in Ireland to compare with that music of the swans. And they used to be telling stories, and to be talking with men of Ireland every day, and with their teachers and their fellow-pupils and their friends. And every night they used to sing very sweet music of the Sidhe; and every one that heard that


music would sleep sound and quiet whatever trouble or long sickness might be on him; for every one that heard the music of the birds, it is happy and contented he would be after it. These two gatherings now of the Tuatha de Danaan and of the Sons of the Gael stopped there around Loch Dairbhreach through the length of three hundred years. And it is then Fionnuala said to her brothers: "Do you know," she said, "we have spent all we have to spend of our time here, but this one night only." And there was great sorrow on the sons of Lir when they heard that, for they thought it the same as to be living people again, to be talking with their friends and their companions on Loch Dairbhreach, in comparison with going on the cold, fretful sea of the Maoil in the north. And they came on the morrow to speak with their father and with their foster-father, and they bade them farewell, and Fionnuala made this complaint: -"Farewell to you, Bodb Dearg, the man with whom all knowledge is in pledge. And farewell to our father along with you, Lir of the Hill of the White Field. "The time is come, as I think, for us to part from you, O pleasant company; my grief it is not on a visit we are going to you. "From this day out, O friends of our heart, our comrades, it is on the tormented course of the Maoil we will be, without the voice of any person near us. "Three hundred years there, and three hundred years in the bay of the men of Domnann, it is a pity for the four comely children of Lir, the salt waves of the sea to be their covering by night.


"O three brothers, with the ruddy faces gone from you, let them all leave the lake now, the great troop that loved us, it is sorrowful our parting is." After that complaint they took to flight, lightly, airily, till they came to Sruth na Maoile between Ireland and Alban. And that was a grief to the men of Ireland, and they gave out an order no swan was to be killed from that out, whatever chance might be of killing one, all through Ireland. It was a bad dwelling-place for the children of Lir they to be on Sruth na Maoile. When they saw the wide coast about them, they were filled with cold and with sorrow, and they thought nothing of all they had gone through before, in comparison to what they were going through on that sea. Now one night while they were there a great storm came on them, and it is what Fionnuala said: "My dear brothers," she said, "it is a pity for us not to be making ready for this night, for it is certain the storm will separate us from one another. And let us," she said, "settle on some place where we can meet afterwards, if we are driven from one another in the night." "Let us settle," said the others, "we meet one another at Carraig na Ron, the Rock of the Seals, for we all have knowledge of it" And when midnight came, the wind came on them with it, and the noise of the waves increased, and the lightning was flashing, and a rough storm came sweeping down, the way the children of Lir were scattered over the great sea, and the wideness of it set them astray, so that no one of them could know what way the others went But after that storm a great quiet came on the sea, and Fionnuala was alone on Sruth na Maoile; and when she took notice that her brothers were wanting she was lamenting after them greatly, and she made this complaint: -"It is a pity for me to be alive in the state I am; it is frozen to my sides my


wings are; it is little that the wind has not broken my heart in my body, with the loss of Aodh. "To be three hundred years on Loch Dairbhreach without going into my own shape, it is worse to me the time I am on Sruth na Maoile. "The three I loved, Och! the three I loved, that slept under the shelter of my feathers; till the dead come back to the living I will see them no more for ever. "It is a pity I to stay after Fiachra, and after Aodh, and after comely Conn, and with no account of them; my grief I to be here to face every hardship this night" She stopped all night there upon the Rock of the Seals until the rising of the sun, looking out over the sea on every side till at last she saw Conn coming to her, his feathers wet through and his head hanging, and her heart gave him a great welcome; and then Fiachra came wet and perished and worn out, and he could not say a word they could understand with the dint of the cold and the hardship he had gone through. And Fionnuala put him under her wings, and she said: "We would be well off now if Aodh would but come to us." It was not long after that, they saw Aodh coming, his head dry and his feathers beautiful, and Fionnuala gave him a great welcome, and she put him in under the feathers of her breast, and Fiachra under her right wing and Conn under her left wing, the way she could put her feathers over them all. "And Och! my brothers," she said, "this was a bad night to us, and it is many of its like are before us from this out." They stayed there a long time after that, suffering cold and misery on the Maoil, till at last a night came on them they had never known the like of before, for frost and snow and wind and cold. And they were crying and lamenting the hardship of their life, and the cold of the night and the


greatness of the snow and the hardness of the wind. And after they had suffered cold to the end of a year, a worse night again came on them, in the middle of winter. And they were on Carraig na Ron, and the water froze about them, and as they rested on the rock, their feet and their wings and their feathers froze to the rock, the way they were not able to move from it. And they made such a hard struggle to get away, that they left the skin of their feet and their feathers and the tops of their wings on the rock after them. "My grief, children of Lir," said Fionnuala, "it is bad our state is now, for we cannot bear the salt water to touch us, and there are bonds on us not to leave it; and if the salt water goes into our sores," she said, "we will get our death." And she made this complaint: -"It is keening we are to-night; without feathers to cover our bodies; it is cold the rough, uneven rocks are under our bare feet. "It is bad our stepmother was to us the time she played enchantments on us, sending us out like swans upon the sea. "Our washing place is on the ridge of the bay, in the foam of flying manes of the sea; our share of the ale feast is the salt water of the blue tide. "One daughter and three sons; it is in the clefts of the rocks we are; it is on the hard rocks we are, it is a pity the way we are." However, they came on to the course of the Maoil again, and the salt water was sharp and rough and bitter to them, but if it was itself, they were not able to avoid it or to get shelter from it. And they were there by the shore under that hardship till such time as their feathers grew again, and their wings, and till their sores were entirely healed. And then they used to go every day to the shore of Ireland or of Alban, but they had to come back to Sruth na Maoile every night.


Now they came one day to the mouth of the Banna, to the north of Ireland, and they saw a troop of riders, beautiful, of the one colour, with well-trained pure white horses under them, and they travelling the road straight from the south-west "Do you know who those riders are, sons of Lir?" said Fionnuala. "We do not," they said; "but it is likely they might be some troops of the Sons of Gael, or of the Tuatha de Danaan." They moved over closer to the shore then, that they might know who they were, and when the riders saw them they came to meet them until they were able to hold talk together. And the chief men among them were two sons of Bodb Dearg, Aodh Aithfhiosach, of the quick wits, and Fergus Fithchiollach, of the chess, and a third part of the Riders of the Sidhe along with them, and it was for the swans they had been looking for a long while before that, and when they came together they wished one another a kind and loving welcome. And the children of Lir asked for news of all the Men of Dea, and above all of Lir, and Bodb Dearg and their people. "They are well, and they are in the one place together," said they, "in your father's house at Sidhe Fionnachaidh, using the Feast of Age pleasantly and happily, and with no uneasiness on them, only for being without yourselves, and without knowledge of what happened you from the day you left Loch Dairbhreach." "That has not been the way with us," said Fionnuala, "for we have gone through great hardship and uneasiness and misery on the tides of the sea until


this day." And she made this complaint: -"There is delight to-night with the household of Lir! Plenty of ale with them and of wine, although it is in a cold dwelling-place this night are the four children of the king. "It is without a spot our bedclothes are, our bodies covered over with curved feathers; but it is often we were dressed in purple, and we drinking pleasant mead. "It is what our food is and our drink, the white sand and the bitter water of the sea; it is often we drank mead of hazel-nuts from round four-lipped drinking cups. "It is what our beds are, bare rocks out of the power of the waves; it is often there used to be spread out for us beds of the breast-feathers of birds. "Though it is our work now to be swimming through the frost and through the noise of the waves, it is often a company of the sons of kings were riding after us to the Hill of Bodb. "It is what wasted my strength, to be going and coming over the current of the Maoil the way I never was used to, and never to be in the sunshine on the soft grass. "Fiachra's bed and Conn's bed is to come under the cover of my wings on the sea. Aodh has his place under the feathers of my breast, the four of us side by side. "The teaching of Manannan without deceit, the talk of Bodb Dearg on the


pleasant ridge; the voice of Angus, his sweet kisses; it is by their side I used to be without grief." After that the riders went on to Lir's house, and they told the chief men of the Tuatha de Danaan all the birds had gone through, and the state they were in. "We have no power over them," the chief men said, "but we are glad they are living yet, for they will get help in the end of time. As to the children of Lir, they went back towards their old place in the Maoil, and they stopped there till the time they had to spend in it was spent. And then Fionnuala said: "The time is come for us to leave this place. And it is to Irrus Domnann we must go now," she said, "after our three hundred years here. And indeed there will be no rest for us there, or any standing ground, or any shelter from the storms. But since it is time for us to go, let us set out on the cold wind, the way we will not go astray." So they set out in that way, and left Sruth na Maoile behind them, and went to the point of Irrus Domnann, and there they stopped, and it is a life of misery and a cold life they led there. And one time the sea froze about them that they could not move at all, and the brothers were lamenting, and Fionnuala was comforting them, for she knew there would be help come to them in the end. And they stayed at Irrus Domnann till the time they had to spend there was spent. And then Fionnuala said: "The time is come for us to go back to Sidhe Fionnachaidh, where our father is with his household and with all our own people." "It pleases us well to hear that," they said. So they set out flying through the air lightly till they came to Sidhe Fionnachaidh; and it is how they found the place, empty before them, and nothing in it but green hillocks and thickets of nettles, without a house,


without a fire, without a hearthstone. And the four pressed close to one another then, and they gave out three sorrowful cries, and Fionnuala made this complaint: -"It is a wonder to me this place is, and it without a house, without a dwelling-place. To see it the way it is now, Ochone! it is bitterness to my heart. "Without dogs, without hounds for hunting, without women, without great kings; we never knew it to be like this when our father was in it. "Without horns, without cups, without drinking in the lighted house; without young men, without riders; the way it is to-night is a foretelling of sorrow. "The people of the place to be as they are now, Ochone! it is grief to my heart! It is plain to my mind to-night the lord of the house is not living. "Och, house where we used to see music and playing and the gathering of people! I think it a great change to see it lonely the way it is to-night "The greatness of the hardships we have gone through going from one wave to another of the sea, we never heard of the like of them coming on any other person. "It is seldom this place had its part with grass and bushes; the man is not living that would know us, it would be a wonder to him to see us here." However, the children of Lir stopped that night in their father's place and their grandfather's, where they had been reared, and they were singing very sweet music of the Sidhe. And they rose up early on the morning of the morrow and went to the Inis Gluaire, and all the birds of the country gathered near them on Loch na-n Ean, the Lake of the Birds. And they used to go out to


feed every day to the far parts of the country, to Inis Geadh and to Accuill, the place Donn, son of Miled, and his people that were drowned were buried, and to all the western islands of Connacht, and they used to go back to Inis Gluaire every night. It was about that time it happened them to meet with a young man of good race, and his name was Aibric; and he often took notice of the birds, and their singing was sweet to him and he loved them greatly, and they loved him. And it is this young man that told the whole story of all that had happened them, and put it in order. And the story he told of what happened them in the end is this. It was after the faith of Christ and blessed Patrick came into Ireland, that Saint Mochaomhog came to Inis Gluaire. And the first night he came to the island, the children of Lir heard the voice of his bell, ringing near them. And the brothers started up with fright when they heard it. "We do not know," they said, "what is that weak, unpleasing voice we hear." "That is the voice of the bell of Mochaomhog," said Fionnuala; "and it is through that bell," she said, "you will be set free from pain and from misery." They listened to that music of the bell till the matins were done, and then they began to sing the low, sweet music of the Sidhe. And Mochaomhog was listening to them, and he prayed to God to show him who was singing that music, and it was showed to him that the children of Lir were singing it. And on the morning of the morrow he went forward to the Lake of the Birds, and he saw the swans before him on the lake, and he went down to them at the brink of the shore. "Are you the children of Lir?" he said. "We are indeed," said they.


"I give thanks to God for that," said he, "for it is for your sakes I am come to this island beyond any other island, and let you come to land now," he said "and give your trust to me, that you may do good deeds and part from your sins." They came to the land after that, and they put trust in Mochaomhog, and he brought them to his own dwelling-place, and they used to be hearing Mass with him. And he got a good smith and bade him make chains of bright silver for them, and he put a chain between Aodh and Fionnuala, and a chain between Conn and Fiachra. And the four of them were raising his heart and gladdening his mind, and no danger and no distress that was on the swans before put any trouble on them now. Now the king of Connacht at that time was Lairgren, son of Colman, son of Cobthach, and Deoch, daughter of Finghin, was his wife. And that was the coming together of the Man from the North and the Woman from the South, that Aoife had spoken of. And the woman heard talk of the birds, and a great desire came on her to get them, and she bade Lairgren to bring them to her, and he said he would ask them of Mochaomhog. And she gave her word she would not stop another night with him unless he would bring them to her. And she set out from the house there and then. And Lairgren sent messengers after her to bring her back, and they did not overtake her till she was at Cill Dun. She went back home with them then, and Lairgren sent messengers to ask the birds of Mochaomhog, and he did not get them. There was great anger on Lairgren then, and he went himself to the place Mochaomhog was, and he asked was it true he had refused him the birds. "It is


true indeed," said he. At that Lairgren rose up, and he took hold of the swans, and pulled them off the altar, two birds in each hand, to bring them away to Deoch. But no sooner had he laid his hand on them than their skins fell off, and what was in their place was three lean, withered old men and a thin withered old woman, without blood or flesh. And Lairgren gave a great start at that, and he went out from the place. It is then Fionnuala said to Mochaomhog: "Come and baptize us now, for it is short till our death comes; and it is certain you do not think worse of parting with us than we do of parting with you. And make our grave afterwards," she said, "and lay Conn at my right side and Fiachra on my left side, and Aodh before my face, between my two arms. And pray to the God of Heaven," she said, "that you may be able to baptize us. The children of Lir were baptized then, and they died and were buried as Fionnuala had desired; Fiachra and Conn one at each side of her, and Aodh before her face. And a stone was put over them, and their names were written in Ogham, and they were keened there, and heaven was gained for their souls. And that is the fate of the children of Lir so far.


This month we would like to take time out and send our prayers and blessings to everyone out there who has a loved one that is in bad health or in the hospital and to all there families who are struggling with this. We want you all to know your not alone and that we do understand and know what it's like. We would like to share a few links to a couple of site's that have groups for information and for people to talk to and ask questions.


Survivors Lounge

A Group for survivors of abuse or people that can help. Tell your story of abuse.Add a discussion and get feedback! PLEASE UNDERSTAND THIS IS ONLY FOR COUNSELORS OR SURVIVORS OF ABUSE, PLEASE TELL US WHICH YOU ARE.

Protecting our children

Preventing abuse and abusers in our community, this group will be for posting missing children and wanted predators and discussing the issues of what we can do to help protect our children

Autism awareness
One in 110 American children are considered to fall somewhere along the autism spectrum, according to the latest report released by the federal government. I have 2 of them so I felt the need to raise awareness where I can~


The Realm of Hope & Awareness

This group is for the understanding and support for those that suffer from illness & medical conditions, to give them hope & to become better understanding ourselves & how to be supportive & give them Hope & love. We all have loved ones or even you your self may suffer from illness that many do not understand, sometimes not even you your self understand. This group is for all of us to share our stories and learn how to better understand these conditions and also to be used as a support group weather to add important information or just vent or find understanding & caring people that will help you through some tough times. This is for all of you...

These are excellent groups and sites that will offer help and have great discussions on top issues. So please check them out and know you are never alone for there are people out out there to help. Lastly we would like to send our prayers to all those families that have lost their homes in the sever storms that have passed through this week...


Has we start the beginning of March and perpare for warmer days with spring just around the corner we see a lot going on around the news, but what I found to be very disturbing was the report that just came out about the miss treatment of possible remains of the victims of the world trade center. A report released by the Pentagon on Tuesday reveals that the remains of some victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks were incinerated and dumped in a suburban Virginia landfill. This latest news comes as the findings of a Defense Department-led investigation into the alleged mismanagement at the military mortuary at the Dover Air Force base in Delaware are revealed to the press. Last year, the DoD acknowledged that the remains of at least 274 fallen troops were sent to the King George County landfill outside of Washington, DC. At the time, the military estimated that more than 2,700 fragments of body parts were entered into eternal rest at the garbage dump around 70 miles due-south from the Pentagon. Now, say officials, victims of 9/11 were also disposed of at the site. The report, released Tuesday, says that the remains of the passengers killed in two separate tragedies on 9/11 were sent to the landfill. Victims of both the


plane that was downed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania and those aboard the jet that struck the Pentagon in Northern Virginia are some of those that were sent to Dover, then the landfill. Between the incidents involving both aircraft, a total of 223 people perished on September 11, 2001. The Defense Department review reveals that several portions of remains made it to the Virginia landfill, but does not specifically account for a number. The body parts in question, says the Pentagon, could not be tested or identified due to charring and other damages that resulted from the tragedy. The report adds that mortuary officials first believed that, after final incineration, nothing remained of the victims. Reviewing the report, the Washington Post reveals that residual material from 9/11 victims did exist, however, which were handed to a biomedical waste disposal contractor hired by the Pentagon that then approved for the remains to go to the landfill. It makes one wonder what has happened to the morality of the people in this country and this is truly saddening for those families that lost loved ones and who are once more the victims of a crime commited not by terrorist but by are own government paid employes. Let me also state that this is an on going investigation that started 2 years ago for the miss handling of US soldiers remains with the bodies being dumped in the very same land fill. And we wonder why most americans are so fed up with our government and the people in charge.


A classic family tale with all the add-ons of 3D, this adaptation of Brian Selznik's children's novel about a young boy living within the inside workings of a railway station clock in Paris, is beautifully sculptured by Martin Scorsese, a filmmaker we would not expect to be making a film of this kind. Of course Scorsese is better known for films like Goodfellas and Gangs of New York, so it comes as a bit of a surprise, although less so when you learn that the essence of the story is about the love of cinema and


film being the invention of dreams, a subject close to his heart. With its exquisite production design depicting the ambience and life at the 19th century Paris railway station, Scorsese creates a reality that we immediately embrace. Like the clock in the film, the film is a little mechanical and it drags in parts, but there are rich pleasures to be enjoyed from this beautifully crafted work. There are many secrets in this story - which are all revealed in their own time. Central to the plot is Hugo Cabaret (Asa Butterfield), the orphan whose life is one big secret. He keeps under the radar, living behind the faade of the big railway station clock, through whose roman numerals he can see the arrondissements of beautiful Paris stretched out below. To survive, he has to steal food and also avoid the clutches of the Station Inspector (Sacha Baron Cohen), who has his own secrets and is on the lookout to round up stray orphans. But the story really begins when Georges Mlis (Ben Kingsley), the grumpy old man from the toy repair stall takes a precious notebook from the boy that belonged to his father (Jude Law) which contains sketches of an automaton, a robot with a purpose. Mlis' granddaughter Isabelle (Chlo Grace Moretz) loves books and secrets and itches for an adventure to take her out of her sheltered life. The film's strength is the wonderful contained reality that Scorsese creates in the railway station - by way of imagery and characters. There's a fat man with a beret always looking for an excuse to chat to the woman with a yappy dog. The Station Master with the squeaky leg brace (the fault of the war) is obviously smitten by the lovely flower-stall girl (Emily Mortimer) but is self-conscious and often comes to a squeaky halt. There are musicians too and a book-loving librarian who all form part of the community in the Station des Grandes Lignes. Hugo's journey is a poignant one as he finds the purpose of his only friend, the automaton, which in turn leads him to a new life. Butterfield gives a


splendid performance as the lonely boy and Moretz is enchanting as the little girl who sees Hugo's life through different eyes. The way Mlis' secret past is revealed is slow and clunky and there is a dip in the film when one will become restless and may be gazing at their watches. But there are many lovely things in this film and it is easy to forgive its small shortcomings. There's a sense of wonder about the origins of cinema and the film's heart-warming resolution will uplift hearts of all ages.



Anytime a band and/or album is labeled with the alt-metal or nu-metal tag (especially nowadays), most people instantly cringe, maybe even vomiting in their mouth before quickly moving on to something else without giving that band/album a chance. It has become such a faux pas to be slightly


associated with the likes of Disturbed, Linkin Park, Nonpoint and *gulp* Korn. Ah, preconceptions. Gotta love em, and yet we all have them about something. Chicagos own Janus knows this pitfall all too well. Despite being around since 1998, releasing three albums and touring with numerous very successful acts such as Sevendust, Chevelle, Sick Puppies and Alice In Chains, the band has been thrown into the music industrys black hole of death amongst countless other acts, and without any major label backing, are still virtually unknown. Now Janus are set to unveil their latest creation, Nox Aeris, and hopefully all that will change very, very soon. I first got familiarized with Janus via 2004s Armor. It was a good album, but nothing great. Their sound hadnt been fleshed out yet and the songwriting wasnt as strong as it couldve been. Four years later, they released Red Right Return. This album spawned the auspicious single, Eyesore, and put Janus on the map. But, just like with Armor, I found myself enjoying the album but not enough to spin it more than a handful of times. I can honestly say that thats not the case at all this time around. First things first. Janus sound isnt really anything new or innovative, but dont let that scare you away. Forging the dark characteristics and tones of bands like Chevelle, 10 Years and 32 Leaves with subtle hints of Pressure 4-5, the bands sound is massive and ridiculously infectious. Nox Aeriss openers highlight this to a T. In Flames and the albums first single Stains are two prime examples of just how immense, brooding and contagious the entire album actually is. Both are beautifully rich, electro-laden tracks full of testosterone-fueled axes, beefy low-end, monstrous skins and David Scotneys emotionally deluged vocal attack.


BIO Genre Rock/Alternative/Electronic Members Mike Tyranski, David Scotney, Alan Quitman, Johnny Salazar Hometown Chicago Record Label Realid/ILG About Description Biography Current Location Chicago, IL


Artists We Also Like Deftones, 30 Seconds To Mars, Helmet, Queens of the Stoneage, Taproot, Shiner, Houston, Lamb of God, Quicksand, Protest the Hero, Website

Up Coming Tours Mar 02Lupo'sProvidence, RI Mar 03House of BluesAtlantic City, NJ Tickets Mar 05Rams Head LiveBaltimore, MD Tickets Mar 06The NorvaNorfolk, VA Tickets Mar 08The ValariumKnoxville, TN Tickets Mar 09Marathon Music WorksNashville, TN Tickets Mar 10Egyptian Room @ Murat CentreIndianapolis, IN Tickets Mar 11Gillioz TheatreSpringfield, MO Tickets


Mar 13The CotillionWichita, KS Tickets Mar 14Sokol AuditoriumOmaha, NE Tickets Mar 16Diamond BallroomOklahoma City, OK Tickets Mar 17City of Rolla Band ShellRolla, MO Tickets Mar 18Aftershock Bar and GrillShawnee, KS Mar 28Cubby BearChicago, IL Tickets Mar 29Pops NiteclubSauget, IL Tickets Mar 30Twisted Spoke SaloonTremont, IL Mar 31The Machine ShopFlint, MI Tickets


On the Meaning of Sin

by Christopher Stewart

I spent most of the second half of January writing an essay on the concept of sin, its meaning and its implications. Actually, this is a matter that has been hovering in and out of my mind since the end of July 2011, but I guess I wasn't ready to tackle it until recently.

Originally, I thought it would take the form of a blog post, albeit a longer than usual one. However, I quickly discovered that I had a lot to say on the subject,


and I ultimately ended up writing a 50-page eBook.

The essay is finally ready, so it is with pleasure that I'm sharing it with you. You can read it via the embedded widget above, or if you follow the link you can also download for free.

In publishing this document, I don't aim to convert nor to convince, but I attempt to share knowledge I have acquired along my journey. I hope it will be of aid to some of those who will consider it.

The description follows below. Have a pleasant reading ! Growing up is hard work. As we architect our lives, responding to the requirements of our path is demanding enough as it is without having to address additional annoyances that get in the way of our personal development. Still, what if all those irritations were actually the results of our own errors, and as such as many clues inviting us to reform and to regain the itinerary we have selected for ourselves ?

On the Meaning of Sin proposes a different take on the mechanics of sin and rebirth in hell, coming from the perspective of an unorthodox trajectory in the worlds of arts, science, and Oriental philosophy.

In this alternative view, the cosmos provides a course-correction mechanism wherein whenever we miss the mark, we are redirected towards the enjoyment of tranquil progress towards our goals. It supplies a metaphor facilitating the


elimination of error, and thus benevolently assists and fosters the achievement of our objectives, allowing us to cultivate a gradually less corrupt mind that gives rise to increasingly satisfying hereafters, in an ever refining continuum.

Any individual can attain liberation, or elimination of error, at any time, and so can society as a whole.

Heaven truly exists, and it is constantly beckoning us towards it. View on Issuu

The Threshold 2206 Home World

by Christopher Stewart

The Bookcast

I was more than surprised this morning when I googled the terms bookcast and bookcasting. I had imagined that what I was expecting to see in the results would have been common practice in this day and age, and yet I actually saw very little of what I had in mind. Moreover, I couldn't find entries for the words in Wikipedia, nor in the


Wiktionary. In fact, this is the best definition I stumbled upon : The goal of a bookcast is to cast as in to set forth or let loose a response to the book that shares not the story of the book but something that the book brought out in you, perhaps what you felt or learned through the reading and reflecting. BookHenge

I had supposed that bookcasting was closer in intent to other forms of webcasting, like podcasting for instance. That is to say, I had assumed that a bookcast was a means of broadcasting the story itself, and not merely impressions evoked by the story, just like music podcasts generally include the music itself, and not only comments about the music.

That being said, I haven't altered my plans one iota in light of the finding. Via this bookcast, I will thus release the first book of The Threshold series. Each episode will consist in a complete chapter that will be available for online reading.

This is obviously an experiment for me. Let's see where this leads to. The Series

The Threshold relates the saga of the Ovelian civilization, a society very similar to our own, as it heads towards one of the most dramatic chain of events of its history.

The first book, 2206 : Window Onto A New World, focuses on the end of


the year 2206, which culminates on an important federal election that will be impacted by the discovery of an anomaly in the nearby outer space.

Here's the synopsis of the first book, which also outlines some of the majors arcs of the entire series :

At the turn of the century, Ovel must face the consequences of its accelerated growth. One hundred and twenty seven federated countries and eleven sovereign nations, spread across the homeland and in colonies settled onboard orbiting stations and on a nearby planet. Fourteen billion inhabitants struggling to thrive under the rule of a corrupted Global Government, in power for over forty years. Fuelled by a recent scientific finding, the once in a lifetime discovery of a discontinuity in the cosmic fabric of the neighboring space, a coalition of politicians is willing to stand up for the people and radically change things. Now relegated to the ranks of an obscure sect, the once dominant Community and its disciples must effectively handle the requirements of the Celestial's to ensure that the most favorable of all possible destinies comes to pass. Meanwhile, halfway across the world, a young monk must learn to collaborate with the Enlightened Ones in order to successfully discharge the essential task he has accepted to fulfil in behalf of his monastery. Will the crucial 2206 electoral campaign climax on the emergence of a charismatic Progressive leader, or will the decried Chancellor prevail despite the many forces scheming for his downfall ? On a background of environmental and financial crises, and religious


influences intertwining with political manoeuvres to determine the fate of the overpopulated orb, The Threshold chronicles the evolution of the Ovelian civilization as it heads towards unprecedented upheaval. For more details about the series and the bookcast, please see the introduction. The Chapter The first chapter, Homeworld, introduces one of the main protagonists of the story, Bernard Sturn. The famous physicist is currently working for the Research and Development Administration on Veshtar, the sole inhabited planet in the neighborhood of Ovel. At the beginning of the narrative, the scientist arrives on the motherland. As it is the first of the bookcast, the chapter is exceptionally preceded by a prologue. Without further ado, here's Homeworld. I wish you an enjoyable reading ! View on Issuu

As always it is a joy when I get a chance to review one of our own talented and gifted authors and Christopher Stewart is a very talented author and artist, as you will see with these two books and one of them being a series that will leave you wanting and waiting for each to come out. I give both of these books 4.5 stars and highly recommend both for they are truly well written and a must read..


Beef Stew with Ale

Ingredients 2 pounds beef brisket, trimmed and cut into 2-inch pieces salt and black pepper to taste 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 5 tablespoons canola oil 2 cups diced portobello mushroom caps 1 1/2 cups red pearl onions, peeled


1 cup diced carrot 1 cup diced celery root (celeriac) 1 cup diced turnip 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 (12 fluid ounce) cans or bottles brown lager beer 2 cups beef broth 1 cup diced potato 1 tablespoon malt vinegar 4 sprigs fresh thyme, chopped 2 sprigs fresh rosemary, chopped Directions 1. Place the brisket cubes into a mixing bowl, and season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with flour, and toss until evenly coated. Heat the canola oil in a Dutch oven or large pot over high heat. Cook the meat in small batches until browned on all sides; about 5 minutes per batch. Set the meat aside as the batches are done. 2. Once the meat has been browned and set aside, stir in the portobello mushrooms, and cook until browned, about 5 minutes. Remove the mushrooms, and set aside. Stir the pearl onions, carrot, celery root, and turnips into the pot. Cook and stir until the onions begin to turn light brown, about 5 minutes. Add the garlic, and continue cooking until the onions are golden brown, about 3 minutes more. Remove the vegetables and set aside. 3. Return the beef to the pot, and pour in the beer. Bring to a boil, and cook until the beer has reduced to 1/3 of its original volume, about 8 minutes. Pour in the beef broth and return to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low, cover, and simmer until the meat starts to become tender,


about 1 hour. Return the browned vegetables to the pot along with the potatoes, recover, and cook 1 hour more. 4. Stir in the reserved mushrooms, malt vinegar, thyme, and rosemary. Simmer a few minutes until heated through. Season to taste with salt and pepper before serving.

Nutritional Information Beef Stew with Ale Servings Per Recipe: 12 Amount Per Serving Calories: 224 Total Fat: 12.5g Cholesterol: 31mg Sodium: 222mg Total Carbs: 13g Dietary Fiber: 1.3g Protein: 11.1g

Grandma McAndrews' Irish Soda Bread

Ingredients 4 cups all-purpose flour 1/4 cup white sugar


1 teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 2 eggs 1 1/4 cups buttermilk 1/4 cup corn oil 1 cup raisins Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease a baking sheet, or line with parchment paper. 2. In a large bowl, stir together the flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. In another bowl, whisk together eggs, buttermilk, and corn oil. Make a well in the center of the flour mixture, and pour in the buttermilk mixture. Add the raisins, and stir a few times, just until the ingredients come together into a soft dough. Turn the dough out onto a floured surface, and with floured hands shape dough into a ball. Place the dough on the prepared baking sheet, and cut a large cross in the top with a sharp knife. 3. Place the bread on a middle rack of the preheated oven, and bake until golden brown, 30 to 40 minutes.

Nutritional Information Grandma McAndrews' Irish Soda Bread Servings Per Recipe: 12 Amount Per Serving Calories: 272


Total Fat: 6.1g Cholesterol: 36mg Sodium: 421mg Total Carbs: 48.3g Dietary Fiber: 1.6g Protein: 6.6g

Pistachio Twists

Ingredients 1 (17.5 ounce) package frozen puff pastry, thawed 1 egg white, beaten 1/3 cup finely chopped shelled pistachios kosher salt to taste Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Line baking sheets with parchment paper. 2. Unfold the sheets of puff pastry, and brush tops with egg white. Sprinkle pistachios and salt over the egg white wash; flip the sheets, brush with egg white, and sprinkle with pistachios and salt. With a sharp knife, cut pastry into 3-inch long strips, about 3/4 inch wide. Twist the strips twice, then arrange on the prepared baking sheets so they don't touch.


3. Bake in the preheated oven until browned, about 15 minutes. Footnotes Cook's Note If you prefer to use pie crust instead of the puffed pastry bake at 425 degrees F (220 degrees C) for about 10 minutes or until lightly browned.

Nutritional Information Pistachio Twists Servings Per Recipe: 36 Amount Per Serving Calories: 82 Total Fat: 5.7g Cholesterol: 0mg Sodium: 52mg Total Carbs: 6.5g Dietary Fiber: 0.3g Protein: 1.3g

Irish Cream Liqueur II

Ingredients 1 (750 milliliter) bottle Irish whiskey 8 3/4 ounces milk chocolate 2 (14 ounce) cans sweetened condensed milk


2 (12 fluid ounce) cans evaporated milk 2 1/2 cups heavy cream 1/4 teaspoon instant coffee granules Directions 1. Pour a small amount of whiskey into a large bowl. In the top of a double boiler, melt chocolate, stirring constantly until smooth. Mix the melted chocolate with the whiskey in the bowl. Gradually stir in the sweetened condensed milk and the evaporated milk. Stir in the cream, instant coffee granules, and the remaining whiskey. 2. Pour mixture into 3 (750 ml) bottles, seal and store in refrigerator. Best if kept at least 1 month before using. To serve: shake bottle well, serve in small glasses over crushed ice.


Featured Articles

Discernment of Opinions, Facts, and Truth

By meadmuse

As with all concepts of the Craft and magickal workings, it remains important to not only understand the concepts themselves, but to also understand the history of those concepts as they have been preserved and presented to us. This study needs to include original and older manuscripts as well as newer writings and interpretations. Unfortunately, I often see references to facts as perpetuated from essays that were based on other essays concerning the interpretations and opinions of older manuscripts. While this is expedient time wise, it also perpetuates two concerns with our studies. (1) First, we also lose a great deal of new thought


and reclamation of older concepts by relying on opinions of opinions. (2) Secondly, we miss out on original interpretations and possible reclamation of older concepts when we do not attempt to look at older manuscripts or archeological evidence with an unbiased eye not colored by or older Christian concepts and perceptions. I dont need to go much into the opinions of opinions because we are all familiar with how stories and tales are changed by the teller and then relayed by another in a different manner. Oftentimes, the end result is a tale containing very little of the original story. As to the second, we must remember that JUST BECAUSE IT IS IN WRITING OR TAUGHT IN SCHOOL, DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY MAKE IT A TRUTH OR FACT. There were facts that were contained in textbooks when I was younger that are no longer held as factual. Just look at the change in the presentation of the Native American history. It is no longer considered a fact that Native Americans were lesser than other races in the history of the Americas or that Europeans somehow saved America from the uneducated and naturally hostile Native Americans. It is critically important to remember that this is what was taught as FACT in school. It was not a fact, however, but rather a generally accepted OPINION generated from other opinions passed down in discussion and in text form. We need to apply the critical eye to teachings in the Craft as well. We need to ask ourselves why this person or that person had that opinion. What influenced them in making those decisions and do we adhere to those same influences. The opinions issued in archeological evaluation is another good example of opinions of opinions. At one time, it was considered a FACT that larger dinosaurs drug their tails on the ground. In presenting, bone fossils for


exhibit, sometimes they altered what appeared to be natural alignments of spinal structures to force it to conform with the FACT that dinosaurs drug their tails on the grounds and could not hold them in the air. When this was finally addressed and corrected, this was no longer considered a FACT. A new FACT emerged. So, we learned that just because something is presented as a FACT does not make it a TRUTH. The studies of the Craft are the studies of the ability to THINK and to empower all our facilities of reasoning including mentally, physically, and spiritually. When we release our habit of automatic acceptance and non-questioning of presented FACTS, then we have avoided another pitfall along the Path and free ourselves from self-imposed ignorance. Look at things with a fresh eye. Trust in your own ability to draw possible conclusions of evidence and explore your ability to expand your mind, understanding, and knowledge. IF IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE, THEN IT PROBABLY DOESNT MAKE SENSE. Dont automatically assume that it means you are always wrong in your understanding. It might also mean that there is a fundamental flaw in the presentation of an opinion-colored fact. If I could only impart one Craft lesson to others, out of them all, I would choose this one.


Magickal Studies
In the pursuit of magickal studies, we often travel certain paths or cycles in our training. One of the most favored is the elemental process. So deceptively simple at first glance, but by far one of the most complex processes when one goes beyond the surface of what is an element and what does it represent. The deeper one goes the more the mind and spirit encompasses the depths of these studies. The elements are not just spiritual beings in one direction or quarter of a circle that we occasionally embrace for some type of simplistic spell, but the development of a deeper and personal relationship that, over time, permeates everything. Whether it actually permeates or not is questionable, I suppose. Perhaps, revealing by willingly opening ones eyes slowly over a long period of time so that the mind actually registers what is seen. There have been several studies that embody the premises that we have selective sight. Because our eyes are capable of acquiring so much in one glance, our minds have to selectively chose what is important for consideration and we are virtually blind to the remaining spectrum of input in our sight. Its just too much input for a limited perception. I have always found this to be an incredibly profound realization. We often think that the small part that we believe we have seen is an entirety of the full vision that was available to us. So, what have we missed? Were there parts that our minds decided were unimportant so that we were actually deprived of a truth or fuller understanding or our partially believed truth? Quite often I wonder, not so much about my understanding or perception of what I have


seen, but rather about what I missed that may have completed the picture of a believed truth and metamorph into a fuller and more complete truth or actual reality rather than my perception of that reality. Such is the approach to elemental magick and studies. Take for example, the earth element. We learn about its color and quarter, the names of the elemental spirits, that it rules wealth and stability. We make an oil and anoint a candle, but how far have we gone? We visualize at the quarter and make a pentacle. But how much deeper are we willing to go into the full essence of that element? Heres the secret of elemental magick and the purpose of all the various trainings involved to break down the logical filtering of the mental process so that one can spiritually be within and without and a part of those elements not separate and apart and conjuring an outside spirit or element, but by summoning the very nature of that element within ourselves into manifestation into a state of harmony without what might appear to be that element outside of ourselves and, thus, being in a position to influence that elemental force within and without. Take two people who have studied the fire element for twenty years. Why can one hold fire in their hand and the other cannot? Because its not based on a linear what you have earned basis. Actually, nothing in the Craft or other occult studies is based on that linear thinking, which is a thought process of entitlement manifested from the mundane. The magickal realms have a logic, but to assume that it is based on the exact same process as the mundane is a hindering approach. Is simple addition and calculus based on somewhat similar processes? Yes, but because one understands the principles of addition does not mean they have acquired the principles of calculus or astrophysics. But what if someone only studied arithmetic for twenty years? Why cant they understand astrophysics? Didnt they earn it?


Most of the greatest of composers of music were not technical musicians when they composed their greatest works. They had technical knowledge, but when it came down to the actual manifestation, many understood that the technical knowledge gave them the basic ability, but they went beyond and released the actual rules of established music at that period of time. They saw or felt it. They manifested a melody from within themselves into the outer world. They were willing to release what should have been in accordance with principles and went further into manifestation from the soul. By going beyond the arithmetic, they created great symphonies and ballads that have spanned generations. Studies are an important path to elemental magick until you become the magick. And when you become the magick, then you realize that there are symphonies that have been waiting to be created.

The Need for Validation

By Dr. Sabino Magglicco

Validation seems to be one of the biggest issues in the community. When one is uncomfortable in ones own skin and in ones own path, then a person tends to try to define themselves in relation to those surrounding them and in defining in such a manner, they tend to look at things and other people as better or lesser than themselves. The need for validation comes from lack of faith and fear. New people dont


want to be viewed as vulnerable to someone else who might have powers. To new people, its almost having to choose to walk amongst wolves. You dont know what it REALLY going to happen and whether you will meet positive or negative people or energies. Many new people are self-defensive in the face of the unknown. Then you have those who trained in some method, but they do not have deep faith in their beliefs. Perhaps, another path will have more. Perhaps, this path or tradition is made up. Perhaps, I am just playing sci-fi in a circle. And because self-doubt creeps in from lack of faith, then most people go back to that point of trying to define themselves and their beliefs in relation to those around them again. Traditions and paths are tools that we use. They are not definitions of us. Sometimes we forget that, eh? There may 10, 100, 1,000 or a million witches, pagans, paths, traditions out there. But regardless of how many, there is only one witch like me. Is that egotistical? No. Its confidence and faith. It doesnt mean that I am better or less than another, just simply that I am what I am without basing my belief on whether someone else acknowledges that or not. Its nice sometimes, but not a requirement for faith. Theres a difference between the two. Sometimes we just forget that. Sexual Initiation in the Craft Truth: Some traditions and covens require a sexual initiation. Yup. They surely do. If you think its not fair or right, then as an adult, you can CHOOSE to pursue a different tradition or coven. As an adult, you always have a choice. Sometimes I hear But there are no other covens in my area. Then you can CHOOSE to be solitaire and pray to the Gods to direct you to like minded people, covens, and teachers.


Whats not right or fair is for someone to be fully advised that a sexual initiation is required and then they try to change the tradition or coven because they feel they should not have to comply. If you interview for a job and you are advised at the interview that you will have to scrub toilets and you accept that job, then you should be willing to scrub toilets. To accept the job or to train for the job and then refuse to a requirement of that job WHILE INSISTING THAT YOU SHOULD KEEP THAT JOB is ridiculous. They will fire you. Covens and traditions will boot you out and they have the right to do so. When you are first considering a tradition or coven, ask about sexual initiation requirements. Any reputable tradition or coven will tell you if it is required. Trust me. They dont want to waste their time or your time. If you dont want a sexual initiation, then do not AS AN ADULT choose to pursue a tradition that has sexual initiations. It really is that simple. Why would a tradition or coven have sexual initiations? There are several reasons: (1) it unites a coven into a bonding relationship, (2) some traditions believe that it is necessary to pass on powers, (3) some practice a Tantric or sexual types of magick, (4) some believe in order to properly worship the duality, one must be willing to be a vessel to those Gods, and (5) sometimes it just cause they like it that way. They are adults choosing to pursue their worship in a fashion that they believe is necessary to their worship. It is not anyones place to convert them from their beliefs and insist that the tradition or coven changes its tenets for a newcomer is inappropriate. If it doesnt suit you, then move along to other avenues on the Path.


Limitations on Sexual Initiation In the Craft and Pagan Communities, we attempt to comply with current social mores and laws. Therefore, most covens and traditions that require sexual initiation do not initiate seekers under the age of 18 in the United States. In fact, most of the community has come to frown on any underage sexual initiations due to the fact that it casts a social pall over the Community at large. Another issue is sexual orientation. There is only a small handful of covens and traditions that absolutely require male-female sexual initiations. On the other hand, there is a small handful that require female-female or male-male initiations. Is this fair or right? I make a point of trying not to judge the practices of those in the Community unless they are harmful or destructive. As adults they should have the right to worship as they see fit (within certain limitations) and on how to run their coven or tradition otherwise. The important thing to remember when it comes to sexual initiations is to ASK in the beginning. Remember you are an adult and as such, YOU ARE ENTITLED TO MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS and YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DECISIONS YOU MAKE. If you are not interested in a sexual initiations, then say No thank you for that and move on. Dont expect groups, covens, or traditions to change for you. If its not a fit for you, then its not a fit. Merry meet and merry part and move along. and one more article: Male Mysteries The Male Movement I do think, though, that once the spirit is manifest in a physical body and therefore acquires a gender, spirituality becomes maybe less important for men than it is for women. And the reason Im saying this is because men are just not that interested in consciousness raising, otherwise they would have


created a vigorous mens movement by now that would be promoting it. [Daughter of the Goddess - An interview with Z. Budapest by Susan Bridle at] Where is the vigorous mens movement? It is right here and it is beginning now. It is not based on disempowering women who have fought so hard and continue to fight so hard for their rights. It is a movement by men and empowered women who realize that while we have (and still are) freeing our sisters and daughters, that it is time to return and reclaim our sons so that they can join us and forge a new future for us all. I want to state that I do very much admire Z.Budapest and others for the efforts that have been made in empowering and freeing women in society and the pursuit of religious freedom. It has been a large, hard fought battle to break women out of the bedrooms and kitchens and restore them to their rightful place. I have no intention of minimalizing their important and good works in their attempts to restore female balance in a good and productive manner. However, as societal consciousness must evolve from male centered environment to empowering women, the time has come to prepare to evolve into a spiritual balance for us all. It is time for something more. What price did we pay and are paying in the womens movement? Who really paid and is still paying the price? Women willing threw themselves and their daughters on the battle lines as a price worth paying for the freedoms. A lot of men supported and empowered and joined women on the front line of the battle ground because they, too, knew it was right and just and oftentimes have been rewarded as having to be the face that represents The Man who oppressed women. Many men have taken the punishment for the past crimes of their forefathers and many women have felt justified in


continuing the punishment. Just at it was unjust to blame and stereotype all women and relegate them to the bedroom and kitchen because they inherited their mothers vaginas, we must learn to not propagate the injustice by spiritually abandoning and disempowering our sons and men because they inherited a penis. The path for some will be solely in womens mysteries and this is just and right. The path for some will be solely in mens mysteries and this also is just and right. But the path for others is the path of mutual empowerment and if this must be called the Mens Movement, then so be it. I, who have many titles including professional, mother, wife, friend, sister, and wytch, am willing to stand for this path of balance.


Featured Member
Sally Austin
Sally Austin is one of our good members who continues to contribute by discussion or blogs. We notice how open minded she is, learning about her path and asking questions. How better to learn then be curious and open to all the possibilities. Persephone Sally Austin: Born and raised in Western Ny. I've earned my GED and will go to college eventually. If you want to know more feel free to ask. Religion wise I'm a Germanic Pagan though I'm not very good at it. I also honor spirits or deities from around the world when they ask me too. I love my volunteer work at the Chautauqua County Humane Society in


Jamestown, Ny. Tell us a moment of pure enjoyment in your life? Curled up against a tree on a warm day with a good book or my sketch pad listening to either birds or my head phones rocking out.


Featured Group

The Core of Wicca

This group is to dispel myths that have surrounded Wicca as a whole and to give some Truth.

1. The original coven was started By Gardner and he also had the little house built for it. 2. Valenti was the second High priestess. 3. the second coven was called the north coven to separate the two from each


other before the split between Gardner and Valenti which became the north and the south covens. 4. Valenti had a serious disagreement with Gardner because of certain items that were Given to Gardner claimed to be older than they were and the use of enhancements in trance which Valenti agreed with Gardner didn't. 5. Valenti Joined Cochranes 1753 when he claimed an artifact she had given him as an ancient artifact she also fell out and left 1753 because she had actually given the artifact a couple of years earlier. 6. There was only 1 line that went back directly to Gardner. Nearly all other lines go back to alex and maxine Sanders. 7. Self initiation is Valid as stated in the witches bible written by the Farrars 8. Any initiate can visit another coven as long as the receiving coven accepts that members initiation and is Seconded by another member of the Initiates original coven BUT a self initiate cannot enter a coven without first going through a recognized Initiation. These 8 points will be the first discussion I shall post about including links to various sources The Coven Spell O ancient ones of heaven, earth and sea, We chant the coven spell, thus shall it be! To music of the night-wind blowing free, We chant the coven spell, thus shall it be! The owl hoots within the hollow tree,


The black cat runs by night silently, The toad beneath the stone dwells secretly, We chant the coven spell, thus shall it be! To moon that draws the tides of air and sea, We chant the coven spell, thus shall it be! To god that bides beneath the greenwood tree, We chant the coven spell, thus shall it be! By Witches garter bound about the knee, By staff and cauldron and all powers that be, We will the thing in our minds we see, We chant the coven spell, thus shall it be! (Pause.) The Spell is flowing like the sea, The spell is growing like the tree, Like flame that burns and blazes free. We chant the spell, thus shall it be! We chant the spell, thus shall it be! We chant the spell, thus shall it be! IT IS! Doreen Valiente Witchcraft For Tomorrow pp. 181-182


Featured Member Articles Left Hand Path, My Way

by Hel's Rogue The Left Hand Path I am not here to convert you. I am not here to say what you believe in is wrong. I am here, today, to share with you a side of Paganism that is feared, loathed, and mostly misunderstood. I am here to discuss Dark Paganism, A.K.A The Left Hand Path, or as some


may call it, Satanism. AS I only have a limited time to talk, I will give you the basics. First off, dressing in all black, being brooding and pale are not requirements. AS you can see by my Hawaiian shirt, tan and greying hair. WHAT IS A DARK PAGAN? There are some who find comfort in the shadows, Who strive to comprehend the mysteries, Who find solace in the silence of a winter night, Who sing softly to the crone. We are the Dark Pagans, children of the Dark Mother. So often darkness is associated with evil. Since the term evil has no place in a nature-based religion, we Pagans are forced to look beyond such stereotypes. Evil is a human term. It begins and ends with us. A tornado is not evil, yet it is destructive. Fire can be used to benefit life or destroy it. Nature is neither good nor evil. It simply is. It follows no moral code. Only humans, with our complicated set of emotions and intellect, can justify such categorizations. Death, destruction, chaos these are essential driving forces within nature. Life feeds on life; destruction precedes creation. These are the only true laws, and they are not open to interpretation. When Pagans anthropomorphisize nature into something good and loving, they deny its very all-encompassing nature. When the dark deities are shunned in fear of the unknown, we deny ourselves full understanding of all deities and what they have to offer. It is our nature to fear the unknown. We cling to archetypal forms representing the aspects of some great unknowable, encompassing force, which we cannot comprehend. We call them our deities. This is not wrong; it is in fact, necessary since we cannot grasp the "divine" or cosmic source otherwise. Some religions choose to see this source as one omnipotent being. However,


accepting the existence of an all-good and just being dictates that there must then exist a counterpart that encompasses evil. Since nature-based religions view the concept of deity in a more polytheistic and pantheistic way, the separations of creative/destructive forces are not as well defined. The deities take on aspects of nature or human ideals. Instead of one omnipotent being, we have deities of love, war, beauty, the sun, the moon, the sea Each deity inherently contains both the creative and destructive forces. It is through the many aspects of the Goddess and God that we come to learn more about the universe and ourselves. To shun those aspects we fear inhibits our growth. It is the goal of Dark Pagans to encourage those who hide behind the positive aspects of our deities to embrace their fears and learn. As a life-affirming spirituality, Paganism often focuses on the positive, creative and nurturing forces in nature. It is easy to lose touch with the darker aspects. Life begets death and death begets life. Chaos is the fuel of creation. Something must always be destroyed for something to be created. Those who shun the darker aspects of nature and ourselves tend to fall into what I have heard called "Lightside Paganism" - Pagans who think life is all happiness and joy and that once attuned to the rhythms of nature, life becomes such wonderful dreams. Many subscribers to the "New Age" movement have this shallow outlook. To them, nature is good and just and ordered. This simply is not the case. Take these dull-eyed individuals and place them in the wilderness with nothing but their crystals and they will be some animal's dinner before the end of the week. Nature is harsh. It is unforgiving. The weak die or are killed by the strong. Life feeds on life. Even the strictest vegan is a plant killer. Humans, with their technological and medical breakthroughs have "improved the quality life" by distancing themselves from the harshness of nature. However, despite this harsh side of nature, it is not evil. It also has its share of beauty. The point is, nature encompasses both the creative and destructive forces. Ignoring the negative aspects results in an incomplete view of nature.


It is the goal of dark Paganism to remind us that there is a darker side to all things and that this darker side is not necessarily harmful and negative. There is beauty in darkness for those who dare enter the shadows to embrace it. Many aspects of the darkness are not as harsh as death and chaos. There is reflection, reverence, change, divination, introspection, trance, autumn, winter, maturity, wisdom, the distant cry of a crow in a forest, a single candle glowing in the night, the cool embrace of the autumn wind. These are all aspects; these are its gifts. Perhaps it is through the beauty of a sunset and sunrise and the colors of fall and spring that we are reminded of the cycles of birth-death-rebirth and of the importance - the necessity - of each phase. It is important to remember that focusing only on the darker side is just as dangerous as focusing on the lighter side. Balance is important, and even though some may relate to one aspect more than the other, we must always remain open to the other aspects. 1997 - 1999, John J. Coughlin Most of us are familiar with the word, Namaste. Namast or Namaskar (in Hindi, from Sanskrit nama? te) is a South Asian greeting originating in India, which is used when both hello and goodbye would be used in English. The meaning is quite different, however. Sanskrit nama? means "bow, obeisance, reverential salutation, adoration". Te is the dative of the personal pronoun tvam, "you". A literal translation of nama? te is thus "reverential salutation to you". It is commonly accompanied by a slight bow made with the hands pressed together, palms touching, in front of the chest. In a religious context this word can be taken to mean any of these: The Spirit in me meets the same Spirit in you I greet that place where you and I are one. I salute the divine in you I salute the Light of God in you. I bow to the divine in you. I recognize that within each of us is a place where Divinity dwells, and when we are in that place, we are One.


So, that said, what does it mean to one of my path. We look at humans as Divine Beings because we all have at hat Divine spark in all of us. We have the piece in us that makes us part of the Gods. In a sense, making us Gods ourselves. We control our lives. We control our destinies. We control the energy around us. THE SELF This also a path of self-recognition. We find that most people hate the things in others that is most like your inner self. Example, the man that "hates" Gays, MAY BE trying to hide his own Homosexual tendencies. He may feel that it is sick, twisted, unholy. His upbringing, his religion, society in general may have influenced that ideal. But when he looks in the mirror, he sees that he would look good in those pumps and thigh highs, it makes him hate what he really is. So he represses it. To us, we recognize that we have repressed urges and encourage ourselves to indulge in them. The harder you suppress your inner most yearnings and desires, the harder they will push to get out. This is a path of indulgence, not abstinence. With this new found self and the urges it has, come a set of rules that must be followed. Recognizing your true self does not give you license to run willy-nilly over


others feelings. Nor does it give the right to ignore and violate the laws governing the place you live. THE 11 RULES I would like to give you a list of RULES that we follow. I will explain them as we go along: 1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked. 2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them. 3. When in another's lair, show him respect or else do not go there. 4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy. 5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal. 6. Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved. 7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained. 8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself. 9. Do not harm children. 10. Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food. 11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him. So, we all look inside and find out we are an A$$%^&*, now what? Chances are, you will. You won't like whom you see in there because it will the opposite of what you present to the world. You just need to come to terms with that "you." Admit, "Yes, that is me." Next, admit we are animals and are things of nature. man is just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those


that walk on all-fours, who, because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development," has become the most vicious animal of all! One of my own characteristics is I have a temper. I would love to grab that jerk that cut me off on the by-pass, coming here, and beat the snot out of him. I know I can't, now I have this part of me that is screaming, what do I do? Go home and if it still bothers me, and go beat on the punching bag in my cellar. Or, I go watch an episode of the Soprano's. This will "feed" that part of me that is in need of that violence. SACRIFICE Sacrifice is a BIG Boogey-man to this path. We are often bombarded around Samhain, with news of a "Satanic Cult" that sacrificed black cats or worse, people. Let me set this straight, if you as a witch, and can not raise enough energy of your own or with a coven, that you must kill another living thing to make a spell work, you need to stop telling people that you are a witch. You are not a witch, you are a murderer. To kill a human for sacrifice is like killing a God. Like I said earlier, we all carry the Divine in all of us. Sacrifice, in our terms, is giving of ones self. That means, go work at a Homeless shelter in the name of your Deity. Write a poem, a song, or dram a picture of your Deity and place somewhere others can see it. Donate Blood. Collect things for the soldiers These are things of sacrifice.

DEMONS Demons are also things associated with my path.


What Demons and Devils really are is simple. You all know the phrases, "To the Victors, go the spoils" and "History is written by the conquerors," right? Well,, when the Church finally converted most of the world, it had a list of old Gods and Goddesses, "What to do, pondered they." "We know, we will make them the denizens of Hell. This will cause their once loyal worshippers to shun and hate them. They will fear what the once loved." So, now all our old Gods became Demons. Our once mighty Pan, Loki, Herne, Osirus, Odin, even the Native American Coyote, name your favorite Sun God here, became Satan. Now Lustful Pan


became an evil nymph that prayed on humans for their souls. Our Lilitu, Hel, Hecate, Persephone, became their Lilith. Demoness of the night that stole babies and was a Vampire. A common Harlot that raped and sucked the life out of lustful men in their sleep. Even Jormungand, the Midgard serpenant of the Norse, that was so long he met his own tail, was not spared. He became now know as Leviathan, the Great Serpent of the Sea Abyss. Lucifer was originally a Latin word meaning "light-bearer" (from lux, "light", and ferre, "to bear, bring"), a Roman astrological term for the "Morning Star", the planet Venus. The word Lucifer was the direct translation of the Greek eosphorus ("dawn-bearer"; cf. Greek phosphorus, "light-bearer") used by Jerome in the Vulgate. In that passage, Isaiah 14:12, it referred to one of the popular honorific titles of a Babylonian king; however, later interpretations of the text, and the influence of embellishments in works such as Dante's The Divine Comedy and Milton's Paradise Lost, led to the common idea in Christian mythology and folklore that Lucifer was a poetic appellation of Satan. The nominative satan (meaning "adversary" or "accuser"), and the Arabic shaitan, derives from a Northwest Semitic root ?n, meaning "to be hostile", "to accuse".[1] In the New Testament, Satan is a proper name, and is used to refer to a supernatural entity who appears in several passages. The most common synonym for Satan, "the Devil", entered Modern English from Middle English devel, from Old English deofol, from Latin diabolus, from Late Greek diabolos, from Greek, "slanderer", from diaballein, "to slander" : dia-, dia- + ballein, "to hurl"; which ultimately derives from PIE *gwel-(meaning "to throw").[2] In Greek, the term diabolos (???????, "slanderer"), carries more negative connotations than the Hebrew satan (??????, "accuser", "obstructer").[3]


Lucifer is commonly thought to refer to Satan, however this is in reference to another deity and an artifact of translation from Hebrew into Latin. Lucifer is not mentioned in the original Hebrew. Beelzebub is another deity from the Bible often erroneously associated with Satan.

Like I said in the beginning, I am not here to convert anyone. I just want to set the record straight. Is there Satanist that worship the Christian Deity Satan? You bet there is. But, remember as with all the Gods and Goddesses, they were ours first.

What moon phase best fits your magickal needs

by Ciara Desma (NOTE) This is only one of may views for working with the moon. This is only my opinion and suggestion. This is NOT the only way. True magick comes from you not the phases and not the objects. If you can not do your ritual on the exact time of the phase. Do not panic you usually have 3 days before and 3 days after to work with.

New Moon Magic


Time Frame: New Moon workings can be done from the day of the new moon to three-and-a-half days after. The new moon is best used for starting new ventures, new beginnings. Also love and romance, health or job hunting. Waxing Moon Magic Time Frame: seven to fourteen days after the new moon. The waxing moon is best for constructive magick, such as love, wealth, success, courage, friendship, luck or health. Full Moon Magic Time Frame: fourteen to seventeen-and-a-half days after the new moon. This is the best time for rituals such as prophecy, protection, divination. Any working that needs extra power, such as help finding a new job or healing for serious conditions, can be done now. Also, love, knowledge, legal undertakings, money and dreams. Waning Moon Magic

Time Frame: three-and-a-half to ten-and-a-half days after the full moon. The waning moon is used for banishing magick, for ridding oneself of addictions, illness or negativity as well as people or relationships.


Dark Moon Magic Time Frame: ten-and-a-half to fourteen days after the full moon. The dark moon is a time for ridding oneself of bad habits, Binding spells, for exploring our darkest recesses and understanding our angers and passions. Also bringing justice to bear.


Featured Groups

Oracle of the Day

Created by Penny Lane, Founder This group offers oracle wisdom from different oracle cards.....please share yours

This group is one of those rare groups that brings back a teaching that is almost entirely lost in modern day practices. In old times people would travel great distances to see an oracle and were trusted revered by all. So come and lets take a trip back in time and see what the Oracle has for us..


The Breath of Shadow, Heart, and Soul of the Black Rose

Created by Andrew Rutledge This is for all that love meditations & Meditation music and discussions Some say that meditation is the true form of magick and is when you are truly at one with God/dess. It is something that is needed in our every day of life and this group you will find inner peace and ways to better meditate and live a happier and healthier life...

Shades of the Shadow Moon

Created by Ciara Desma We are the Healers that are in the shades of society. We are the one's people come to when all else fails. Sineaters, Deathwalkers and other topics such as healing, magick and philosophy in Shadow Healing.

So many fear what they do not understand or what they persive something to be without truly having any knowledge of it, In this group you will find that just because it seems dark it is not and that they consider themselves dark but yet do things that are not and follow more of the older teachings that must have forgotten the true meaning of....



The Origins of Leprechauns - Where Did They Come From???

Leprechauns are most-often thought of as those little men who hoard and hide their pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. They are sometimes naughty, sometimes a little evil, many times a bit mean. It is said that anyone who finds that pot of gold and can trick it away from the leprechaun keeps the gold; however, leprechauns are very smart and the human usually ends up the one who is tricked. The classic leprechaun wears a three-cornered hat, has pointed ears, green eyes, wiry red hair and beard, and wears green. They are rotund and have a pranksters sense of humor. Stories abound as to the origin of the leprechaun. The word leprechaun comes from the Irish leipreachn, lucharachn which comes from the Middle Irish luchrapn, lupra(c)cn, originally from the Old Irish lchorp(n) meaning small body.


The leprechaun first appears in texts in the 17th century as lubrican in Dekkers The New Whore: As for your Irish Lubrican, that spirit Whom by preposterous charms thy lust has raised. Where leprechauns came from before that is really anyones guess, and there is plenty of speculation on the subject. The Fairy Shoe-Maker The Oxford English Dictionary lists one of possible origins of the word as leath bhrogan which means shoe-maker. In Ireland, leprechauns are often fairy shoe-makers. Traditional portraits show leprechauns holding or working on shoes, and legend says they are excellent cobblers, making shoes for many different faerie communities. Little Stooping Lugh Another speculative origin comes from Irish mythology from the Tuatha De Danann, a race of mythological creatures said to be the peoples of the goddess Danann. The Tuatha De Danann were once human beings but have been immortalized over the centuries. Lugh was the High King, the great Sun God, patron of the arts and crafts, and an important god in the ancient pagan Celtic religions. In FAIRIES & FOLKTALES OF IRELAND, Yeats says the Tuatha De Danann were gods and followers of the gods of pagan Ireland. When they were no longer worshipped, they became small in size. Where do leprechauns come from? Leprechauns became associated with gold through a story dating back to the Danes invasion of Ireland. Legend states the Danes left the leprechauns in charge of their plundered wealth, which the little men put in crocks and pots and have hidden throughout Ireland. Leprechauns carry two pouches. One


holds a silver shilling a magical coin that returns to the pouch each time it is paid out. The other holds a single gold coin which the leprechaun uses to try to extricate himself from difficult situations. Once the gold coin has been paid out, it usually turns to leaves or ash. A leprechaun will reveal the location of his gold if questioned and if the person questioning him keeps an eye on him. Looking away from the leprechaun guarantees his disappearance as they can vanish in an instant. Interestingly, leprechauns have never been the subject of myths themselves but rather one of the supporting characters. They are not the hero of a story but a helper (or hindrance) to the hero. Leprechauns are closely related to the cluricaun who steal and borrow nearly everything and are much surlier than leprechauns. With spring rains approaching, keep an eye out for rainbows. This and the sound of a cobblers hammer will give away the location of a leprechaun, and where theres a leprechaun there is sure to be leprechauns gold.


Credit Cards,Loyalty Cards,In Store Discount Cards.What You Don't Know.

By: SteamPunkRebel

Federal law enforcement agencies have been tracking Americans in real-time using credit cards, loyalty cards and travel reservations without getting a court order, a new document released under a government sunshine request shows.


The document, obtained by security researcher Christopher Soghoian, explains how so-called Hotwatch orders allow for real-time tracking of individuals in a criminal and non criminal investigation via credit card companies, rental car agencies, calling cards, and even grocery store loyalty programs. The revelation sheds a little more light on the Justice Departments increasing power and willingness to surveil Americans with little to no judicial or Congressional oversight.

For credit cards, agents can get real-time information on a persons purchases by writing their own subpoena, followed up by a order from a judge that the surveillance not be disclosed. Agents can also go the traditional route going to a judge, proving probable cause and getting a search warrant which means the target may are may not eventually be notified they were spied on.

The document suggests that the normal practice is to ask for all historical records on an account or individual from a credit card company, since getting stored records is generally legally easy. Then the agent sends a request for Any and all records and information relating directly or


indirectly to any and all ongoing and future transactions or events relating to any and all of the following person(s), entities, account numbers, addresses and other matters That gets them a live feed of transaction data.

Its not clear what standards an agent would have to follow to get a Hotwatch order. The Justice Department told Soghoian the document is the only one it could find relating to hotwatches which means there is either no policy or the department is withholding relevant documents. The Justice Department did not return a call for comment.

Every year, the Justice Department does have to report to Congress the numbers of criminal,non criminal and national security wiretaps undertaken, as well as the number of National Security Letters issued. Tens of thousands of NSLs are issued yearly most with gag orders that forbid ISPs or librarians from ever saying they have ever been served with such a subpoena. But the Justice Department does not report or make public the number of times it got real time or historic cell phone location information, nor how often it is using these so-called hotwatch orders. Photo courtesy of TheTruthAbout


See Also: Feds: Privacy Does Not Exist in Public Places Caught Spying on Student, FBI Demands GPS Tracker Back FBI Use of Patriot Act Authority Increased Dramatically in 2008 FBI Spyware: How Does the CIPAV Work? UPDATE Court OKs Warrantless Cell-Site Tracking

The Signs...Are We Listening,Watching,Or Are We Sleeping Like Most

By: SteamPunkRebel CAUTION: This is a personal view, others may not like it's content.

anyone under the influence of illusion should not read this. No,we are not listening,most are trapped in their candy coated, censored world.All over I have noticed, people have self trained themselves to look the other way,when they watch the news,they figure well it's not happening in my little world so why should I care.Most have their eyes closed to alot of what's going on,and some want you to sensor what info you put out,because,( it's a bit too much at this time of year.It is to difficult for many,people don't want this kind of negative dialogue )I am not picking on anyone,but these types of of responses,...are just the problem in our world, nobody wants to address


these issues,...Their not going to just go away,just because people type a few words and hit the send button.May sound to extreme for some and again I m not picking on any one person,I am talking about alot of people I see every day,out in our world. Abrupt Permafrost Thaw Increases Climate Threat, Experts Say Science Daily (Nov. 30, 2011) As the Arctic warms, greenhouse gases will be released from thawing permafrost faster and at significantly higher levels than previous estimates, according to survey results from 41 international scientists published in the Nov. 30 issue of the journal Nature. See Also: Earth & Climate Global Warming Climate Environmental Issues Air Quality Forest Weather Reference Carbon cycle Tundra Biodegradation Soil Permafrost thaw will release approximately the same amount of carbon as deforestation, say the authors, but the effect on climate will be 2.5 times bigger because emissions include methane, which has a greater effect on warming than carbon dioxide. The survey, led by University of Florida researcher Edward Schuur and University of Alaska Fairbanks graduate student Benjamin Abbott, asked climate experts what percentage of the surface permafrost is likely to thaw,


how much carbon will be released and how much of that carbon will be methane. The authors estimate that the amount of carbon released by 2100 will be 1.7 to 5.2 times larger than reported in recent modeling studies, which used a similar warming scenario. "The larger estimate is due to the inclusion of processes missing from current models and new estimates of the amount of organic carbon stored deep in frozen soils," Abbott said. "There's more organic carbon in northern soils than there is in all living things combined; it's kind of mind boggling." Northern soils hold around 1,700 billion gigatons of organic carbon, around four times more than all the carbon ever emitted by modern human activity and twice as much as is now in the atmosphere, according to the latest estimate. When permafrost thaws, organic material in the soil decomposes and releases gases such as methane and carbon dioxide. "In most ecosystems organic matter is concentrated only in the top meter of soils, but when arctic soils freeze and thaw the carbon can work its way many meters down, said Abbott, who studies how carbon is released from collapsed landscapes called thermokarsts -- a process not accounted for in current models. Until recently that deep carbon was not included in soil inventories and it still is not accounted for in most climate models. "We know about a lot of processes that will affect the fate of arctic carbon, but we don't yet know how to incorporate them into climate models," Abbott said. "We're hoping to identify some of those processes and help the models catch up." Most large-scale models assume that permafrost warming depends on how much the air above the permafrost is warming. Missing from the models, say the authors, are processes such as the effects of abrupt thawing that can melt an ice wedge, result in collapsed ground and accelerate additional thawing. "This survey is part of the scientific process, what we think is going to happen in the future, and how we come up with testable hypotheses for future research," Schurr said. "Our survey outlines the additional risk to society caused by thawing of the frozen North and the need to reduce fossil fuel use and deforestation."


By integrating data from previous models with expert predictions the authors hope to provide a frame of reference for scientists studying all aspects of climate change. "Permafrost carbon release is not going to overshadow fossil fuel emissions as the main driver of climate change" said Schuur, "but it is an important amplifier of climate change." Mystery of the dying bees 7 March 2007 by Benjamin Lester Cosmos Online Something mysterious is killing honey bees, and even as billions are dropping dead across North America, researchers are scrambling to find answers and save one of the most important crop pollinators on Earth.

One of the most important crop pollinators in the world, honey bees in the United States have been decimated in recent months by a mysterious disease. Credit: Jon Sullivan/Wikipedia


Related articles Virus is likely cause of devastating bee disease Asian bee will devastate Australia's honeybees Honey bees mass to smother foes Pleasure chemical controls bee dance Trained bees sniff out bombs

The almond trees are blooming and the bees are dying, and nobody knows why. All up and down California's vast San Joaquin Valley, nearly 2,500 square kilometers of small nut trees arranged in laser-straight rows are shaking off the cobwebs of winter. They're gearing up once again to produce nearly half a billion kilograms of nuts, worth US$3 billion to the U.S. economy. The trees cannot produce the bounty on their own, however. They need bees a million hives worth - trucked in from nearly forty U.S. states to move pollen from one tree to another, fertilizing the blooms in the largest managed pollination event on Earth. But even as the beekeepers reap record fees for renting their hives, their livelihood is now threatened by the largest loss of honey bees in the history of the industry. Since October 2006, 35 per cent or more of the United States' population of the Western honey bee (Apis mellifera) - billions of individual bees - simply flew from their hive homes and disappeared. When the almonds were being plucked from the trees late last year, Gene Brandi of Los Banos, California had 2,000 hives, but by late February he had just 1,200 - a loss of 40 per cent. And Brandi is one of the more fortunate. Across the 24 U.S. states affected by the mysterious phenomenon, losses have ranged up to 90 per cent. "I've had a couple of yards where I've had 200 hives and they're down to 10 hives that are alive," says David Bradshaw of Visalia, about 180 kilometers southeast of Los Banos along California's Route 99.


What's causing the carnage, however, is a total mystery; all that scientists have come up with so far is a new name for the phenomenon - Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) - and a list of symptoms. In hives hit by CCD, adult workers simply fly away and disappear, leaving a small cluster of workers and the hive's young to fend for themselves. Adding to the mystery, nearby predators, such as the wax moth, are refraining from moving in to pilfer honey and other hive contents from the abandoned hives; in CCD-affected hives the honey remains untouched. The symptoms are baffling, but one of the emerging hypotheses is that the scourge is underpinned by a collapse of the bees' immune systems. Stressed out by cross-country truck journeys and drought, attacked by viruses and introduced parasites, or whacked out by harmful new pesticides, some researchers believe the bees' natural defences may have simply given way. This opens the door to a host of problems that the bees can normally suppress. What's surprising is that mysterious declines are nothing new. As far back as 1896, CCD has popped up again and again, only under the monikers: 'fall dwindle' disease, 'May dwindle', 'spring dwindle', 'disappearing disease', and 'autumn collapse'. Even the current outbreak has possibly been going on undetected for two years, according to the CCD Working Group - a crack group of U.S. researchers from institutes including the Pennsylvania State University and University of Montana, who are trying to unravel the mystery. What has made the members of the Working Group - as well as conservationists, beekeepers, and farmers - really sit up and notice is the scale of this year's decimation; something in the environment has allowed CCD to reach an unprecedented scale that threatens the very survival of the pollination industry. "We have never seen a die-off of this magnitude with this weird symptomology," says Maryann Frazier, a bee researcher at Pennsylvania State University. "We've seen bees disappear over time and dwindle away, but not die-off so quickly." Asian mites and latent viruses


A problem preventing clear identification of CCD is that honey bees are already under threat from manifold foes. Even without CCD, the number of managed hives in the U.S. has dwindled by nearly 50 per cent since the industry's peak in the 1970s. The main culprit for the die-offs is a tiny Asian mite. Known as Varroa destructor to scientists and the 'vampire mite' to beekeepers, these tiny parasites - circular, crab-like arachnids about the size of a bee's eyeball - have been quietly parasitizing the Asiatic honey bee (Apis cerana) in Southeast Asia for millennia. Varroa destructor, a tiny tick-like arachnid, has been wreaking havoc on U.S. honey bees since it was inadvertently introduced from Asia in the 1980s. Scott Bauer/Wikipedia Some time in the early 1980s, though, the mites hitched a ride to America and hopped on new hosts - spreading like wildfire throughout the defenceless Western honey bee population with the help of migratory beekeepers who obligingly trucked them around the country. The mites suck the vital juices out of both developing and adult bees, and left unchecked can kill a hive within 12 months. In addition to the damage that the mites do themselves, they also spread viruses. Furthermore, the mites appear to assist the viruses by somehow sabotaging the bees' immune system. "There's something about a mite feeding on a bee that just knocks its immune system out. [Then] the viruses can take over," says Eric Mussen, a bee researcher at the University of California, Davis. But mites and their viruses have been infecting U.S. honey bees for nearly 30 years. What has experts worried is that CCD kills bees even more efficiently than mites - destroying a healthy colony in a matter of weeks.

Animals 'hit by global warming' By Tim Hirsch Environment Correspondent,


Climate change could lead to the extinction of many animals including migratory birds, says a report commissioned by the UK government. Melting ice, spreading deserts and the impact of warm seas on the sex of turtles are among threats identified. The report is being launched at a meeting of EU nature conservation chiefs in Scotland. It says that warming has already changed the migration routes of some birds and other animals. The UK's Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) commissioned the research, which was led by the British Trust for Ornithology. The meeting, in the Scottish holiday resort of Aviemore, was called to discuss ways in which wildlife might be helped to adapt to global warming. Times already changing Scientists have already observed a wide range of changes in the migration patterns of birds, fish and turtles, apparently in response to warming which has already taken place. Some species normally associated with more southerly countries, such as the little egret, the loggerhead turtle, and the red mullet, are increasingly seen in and around the UK.

Krill, low down on the food chain, are affected by climate change Wading birds such as the ringed plover are now spending the winter in the east of Britain rather than on the west coast, and chiff-chaffs are remaining in


the UK throughout the year rather than migrating south. While many species have been able to adapt to new conditions simply by moving their ranges further towards the poles, the study warns that this option is not available to other animals, such as polar bears and seals whose habitat is disappearing rapidly with the melting of Arctic sea ice. Even subtle changes in sea temperature can have dramatic impacts on wildlife with rapid depletion of the tiny plankton organisms which form the base of the food web in the oceans. This is thought to have contributed to a recent drastic decline in the breeding success of some Scottish seabirds, as the fish on which they depend were suddenly deprived of food. Some of the other threats from climate change identified in the study include: Increased storminess damaging the breeding colonies of albatross, already facing heavy pressure from accidental capture on long-line fishing hooks Sea level rise destroying beach nesting sites for sea turtles - for example, nearly a third of beaches used by turtles in the Caribbean would be lost with the rise anticipated during this century, and seals and wading birds also face destruction of their coastal habitats Warmer seas could lead to some turtle species becoming entirely female, as water temperature strongly affects the sex ratio of hatchlings Growing water scarcity in many regions could further destroy the wetland areas on which migrating waterfowl depend. The spreading extent of the Sahara desert could threaten long-range travellers such as the swallow, as they will be unable to "fuel up" in previously fertile regions on the desert's edge. "Our changing climate is already affecting a wide range of migratory species," said Humphrey Crick from the British Trust for Ornithology, one of the report's authors. "They range from the swallow crossing the Sahara to the albatrosses of the southern oceans; but this report shows that the potential impacts are really widespread.


"There is some scope for helping species adapt to climate change, but we need to find global solutions to help animals that swim, fly and walk thousands of miles each year." Too far, too fast

Warmer seas could render some turtle species entirely female Nature has always had to adapt to changing climate conditions. Indeed, it is one of the driving forces behind the process of evolution which has produced the staggering variety of life on Earth. But the fear is that the changes currently under way are simply too rapid for species to evolve new strategies for survival. Their options are also being narrowed by the rapid conversion of ecosystems such as the draining of wetlands, felling of forests and development of coastlines - so if their existing habitats are hit by global warming, there is literally no place to go. The report has important messages for conservation officials gathered in Scotland for this meeting convened by Defra. They are being urged to make more use of "biological corridors" to widen the options available to migrating species as climate change takes hold. The whole approach to conservation may have to be radically changed - the most perfectly-protected nature reserve could end up being of little use if the animals breeding there face starvation because they have nowhere to migrate.


Is Your City Running Out of Water? The Ten Largest Cities Facing a Water Crisis If you live in Los Angeles, Houston, or Phoenix you may want to get your rain collection system up and running. According to a new report by 24/7 Wall Street (which pulls from a previous study by the NRDC) these cities and seven others are in danger of running out of water in the "near-term future." The list includes: #10. Orlando, FL Major Water Supply: Floridan Aquifer Population Growth Rate: 26.8 percent since 2000 Average annual rainfall: 48.35 inches #9. Atlanta, GA Major Water Supply: Lake Lanier, GA Population Growth Rate: 29.9 percent since 2009 Average annual rainfall: 50.2 inches #8. Tucson, AZ Major Water Supply: local ground water Population Growth Rate: 20 percent since 2000 Average Annual Rainfall: 12.17 inches #7. Las Vegas, NV Major Water Supply: Lake Mead/Colorado River Population Growth Rate: 18.6 percent since 2000 Average Annual Rainfall: 4.5 inches #6. Fort Worth, TX Major Water Supply: multiple Population Growth Rate: 36.1 percent since 2000


Average annual rainfall: 34.01 inches #5. San Fransisco Bay Area, CA Major Water Supply: various, including Lake Hetch Hetchy Population Growth Rate: 20 percent since 2000 Average annual rainfall: 20.4 inches #4. San Antonio, Texas Major Water Supply: various ground water sources Population Growth Rate: 20 percent since 2000 Average annual rainfall: 30.24 inches #3. Phoenix, AZ Major Water Supply: Colorado River Basin Population Growth Rate: 21.2 percent since 2000 Average annual rainfall: 8.3 inches #2. Houston, TX Major Water Supply: Jasper Aquifer, Lake Houston, Lake Conroe Population Growth Rate: 15.6 percent since 2000 Average annual rainfall: 53.34 inches #1. Los Angeles, CA Major Water Supply: Colorado River Basin Population Growth Rate: 3.7 percent since 2000 Average annual rainfall: 14.77 inches So why would an investment site be tracking water shortages in cities? From the post: The other important trouble that very low water supplies creates is that cities have sold bonds based on their needs for infrastructure to move, clean, and


supply water. Credit ratings agencies may not have taken drought issues into account at the level that they should. Extreme disruptions of the water supply of any city would have severe financial consequences. That is, buyer beware. If you are invested in a city that is not managing its resources responsibly it could have a long term impact on your portfolio, never mind the environmental consequences.


Rainbow Construction is by far thee best theme site that I have ever seen and one that we are happy to support and be a part of. It has some of the best themers's on the web. But what makes this site so much more is that everyone there is willing to help and teach and will always answer any of your questions and give you advise and tips. So for those that want to learn this is the place to be, for those that want a place to show off there


work, this is were you want to be. All there groups are for helping you with ideas to code tweaks, even to finding the right site to find pic's and cursors. You will not find any site out there that as everything you need to create a work of art and the help and support that will help you as you go along and learn. They also have themes in many categories that you can use for your ning pages some may need there codes updated so just follow this saying and you will have a perfect theme for your page: "Seasons change and so do codes so if you have an issue with a theme please let the creator know and they will fix"

So please stop by and check this wonderful site out if your looking to learn or show off your work then this site is for you..... One thing we do ask is that if you join please be respectful for the people that are there are serious and dedicated to there work, and if you join just to use themes that are available please send a thank you or leave a comment for it does mean a lot to all of them.....

view theme


Bikers Against Child Abuse International Breaking The Chains Of Abuse

MISSION BACA Mission Statement Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA) exists with the intent to create a safer environment for abused children. We exist as a body of Bikers to empower children to not feel afraid of the world in which they live. We stand ready to lend support to our wounded friends by involving them with an established, united organization. We work in conjunction with local and state officials who are already in place to protect children. We desire to send a clear message to all involved with the abused child that this child is part of our organization, and that we are prepared to lend our physical and emotional support to them by affiliation, and our physical presence. We stand at the ready to shield these children from further abuse. We do not condone the use of violence or physical force in any manner, however, if circumstances arise such that we are the only obstacle preventing a child from further abuse, we stand ready to be that obstacle. How BACA Works Bikers Against Child Abuse, Inc. (BACA) is organized with a central contact person to receive calls from referring agencies and individuals. A recognized, authorized agency with which the child has had contact determines that the child is still frightened by his or her environment. The agency representative contacts BACA, or refers the individual to contact


BACA and the name and address of the child is given to our BACA/Child Liaison. The Liaison determines that the case is legitimate, meaning that the authorities have been contacted, and the case in being processed within the system. The Liaison contacts the family and an initial ride is organized to meet the child at their home or in some other location. The entire BACA chapter rides to meet the child and he/she is given a vest with a BACA patch sewn on the back. The child is free to wear the vest or not, and we support their decision. The child is also given bumper stickers, and other gifts that are generally donated by the public. These initial visits generally last about a half an hour. Following this initial contact, the child is given the name and number of two BACA members residing geographically closest to them, who then become the child's primary contact person(s). Prior to becoming the primary contacts for the child, the bikers are cleared for participation by clearing an extensive background check, have ridden with the Chapter for at least a year, and have received special instructions from the Licensed Mental Health Professional. Anytime the child feels scared and feels the need for the presence of his new BACA family, the child may call upon these bikers to go to the child's house and provide the necessary reassurance to feel safe and protected. BACA members and supporters also support the children by: providing escorts for them if they feel scared in their neighborhoods; riding by their homes on a regular basis; supporting the children at court and parole hearings; attending their interviews, and; staying with the children if they are alone and frightened. The BACA members never go to the child's house alone and never without the knowledge or permission of the parents. Our mission is not to be permanently engaged as the child's power. Our mission is to help the children and their families learn how powerful they can be. Our presence will be available as long as the child needs us. BACA also holds other functions for the children such as Bar-B-Ques, and parties. Level 1 Intervention Will consist of the organization deploying a ride, uniting as many BACA members as are able to attend. We will ride as a group to the childs


house where the parent(s) / Guardians will be present to assist us in presenting the child with a patch, stickers, and a photograph of the child with his/her new biker family. If the child is afraid, it is our hope the child will use the photograph as a comfort to convey the message I am not alone, and you dont want to mess with my family. Level 2 Intervention If Level one is not sufficient to deter further abuse or harassment, several BACA members will be sent for further exposure. This group of BACA members will create a presence at the home of the child, being visible at times when the family might be the most vulnerable. The purpose of BACAs presence is to deter further abuse and to protect the children and the family, if necessary. Level 3 Intervention If the physical presence of our BACA members at the residence of the childs home does not deter the abuser, a formal letter will be drafted by the Chapter President or Vice-President in the area in which the abuser lives. This letter will be written on BACA letterhead. The substance of the letter will be to explain to the perpetrator that we are prepared to take whatever steps are necessary to become the obstacle to further abuse. Level 4 Intervention While it is against the purpose of BACA to purposely engage a perpetrator, we will ask for the general geographical location of the offender, and conduct a Neighborhood Awareness Ride in which we will ride to the general location given to us and go door to door letting people know who we are, hand out stickers to kids, and distribute our literature regarding our mission and how we function. If the location or address of the perpetrator becomes known to any BACA Member, we will immediately withdraw our physical presence to avoid any contact. BACA does not condone, support or participate in the use of aggression, violence or physical force in any manner. If, however, ANY person should seek to inflict harm on one of our BACA Members, we will respond with


commitment and loyalty to protect our Member. Our Court Appearances We also attend court with our wounded friends. The sole purpose for our physical presence is to assist the child in being less intimidated and frightened, and subsequently give an accurate testimony regarding his/her abuse. If the child requests our presence in the courtroom, the parent or guardian for the child must petition the childs attorney, who then will intercede on behalf of the child to the presiding Judge. Absolutely no physical confrontation of the perpetrator will be tolerated by BACA, and anyone acting in such a manner will be acting outside of the scope of BACA and will be held completely and solely accountable for his/her actions. When possible, the two bikers assigned to the child as his/her primary contacts should be in attendance. Given that it is not always possible for the primary contact bikers to be in attendance, a petition may be made to the general membership for their attendance and support. A listing of the court dates and times will be kept and updated on the BACA hotline at all times. BACA Creed I am a member of Bikers Against Child Abuse. The die has been cast. The decision has been made. I have stepped over the line. I wont look back, let up, slow down, back away, or be still. My past has prepared me, my present makes sense, and my future is secure. I'm finished and done with low living, sight walking, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, mundane talking, cheap giving, and dwarfed goals. I no longer need pre-eminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits, or popularity. I don't have to be right, first, tops, recognized, praised, regarded, or rewarded. I now live by the faith in my works, and lean on the strength of my brothers and sisters. I love with patience, live by prayer, and labor with power. My fate is set, my gait is fast, my goal is the ultimate safety of children. My road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions are tried and true,


my Guide is reliable, my mission is clear. I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back, deluded, or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of adversity, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity. I wont give up, shut up, let up, until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up, paid up, and showed up for all wounded children. I must go until I drop, ride until I give out, and work till He stops me. And when He comes for His own, He will have no problem recognizing me, for He will see my BACA backpatch and know that I am one of His. I am a member of Bikers Against Child Abuse, and this is my creed. Chapters
United States

Select a state (states in gray do not yet have a BACA chapter): Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connectic ut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachus etts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming




Thursday Mar 1, 2012 7:30 PM Korn Comerica Theatre - Phoenix, AZ Tickets Friday Mar 2, 2012 8:00 PM Korn Pearl Concert Theater at Palms Casino Resort - Las Vegas, NV Tickets


Sunday Mar 4, 2012 8:00 PM Korn Warfield - San Francisco, CA Tickets

Friday Mar 9, 2012 8:00 PM Corrosion of Conformity Beaumont Club - Kansas City, MO

Monday Mar 12, 2012


8:00 PM Corrosion of Conformity Trees - Dallas, TX

Tuesday Mar 20, 2012 8:00 PM Deicide The Regency Ballroom - San Francisco, CA Tickets

Wednesday Mar 21, 2012 7:30 PM


Deicide House Of Blues Los Angeles - West Hollywood, CA Tickets Saturday Mar 24, 2012 9:00 PM Deicide Bluebird Theatre - Denver, CO Tickets Monday Mar 26, 2012 8:00 PM Deicide Trees - Dallas, TX Tickets


Friday Mar 16, 2012 Devildriver The Hangar - New Orleans - New Orleans, LA Tickets Wednesday Mar 21, 2012 Devildriver Blender Theater at Gramercy Theatre - New York, NY Tickets

Saturday Mar 24, 2012 5:30 PM Metalliance Tour feat. Devildriver Opera House-Toronto - Toronto, ON Tickets


Thursday Mar 1, 2012 10:00 PM Guns N Roses The Tabernacle - Atlanta, GA Tickets Saturday Mar 3, 2012 9:00 PM Guns N Roses House Of Blues Orlando - Orlando, FL Tickets Monday Mar 5, 2012


10:00 PM Guns N Roses Fillmore Miami Beach at Jackie Gleason Theater - Miami Beach, FL Tickets

Gigantour feat. Megadeth and Motorhead

Thursday Mar 1, 2012 6:30 PM Gigantour feat. Megadeth and Motorhead The Palladium Ballroom - TX - Dallas, TX Tickets


Friday Mar 2, 2012 6:30 PM Gigantour feat. Megadeth and Motorhead Verizon Wireless Theater-TX - Houston, TX Tickets

Saturday Mar 3, 2012 6:30 PM Gigantour feat. Megadeth and Motorhead The Moody Theater - Austin, TX Tickets


Friday Mar 9, 2012 7:00 PM Henry Rollins Revolution Live - Fort Lauderdale, FL Tickets Wednesday Mar 21, 2012 8:00 PM Henry Rollins State Theatre-MI Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo, MI Tickets Thursday Mar 22, 2012 8:00 PM Henry Rollins Michigan Theatre - Ann Arbor, MI Tickets


Friday Mar 16, 2012 Hinder Amos Southend - Charlotte, NC Tickets


Tuesday Mar 6, 2012 7:00 PM Orgy Irving Plaza - New York, NY Tickets Sunday Mar 11, 2012 7:30 PM Orgy Rams Head Live - Baltimore, MD Tickets Friday Mar 16, 2012 8:00 PM Orgy Trees - Dallas, TX Tickets Friday Mar 23, 2012 8:00 PM Orgy The Observatory - Santa Ana, CA Tickets


Friday Mar 9, 2012 8:00 PM Puddle of Mudd River Rock Casino - Richmond, BC Tickets


Wednesday Mar 14, 2012 8:00 PM Whitechapel Murat Egyptian Room at Old National Centre - Indianapolis, IN Tickets Friday Mar 16, 2012 6:30 PM Whitechapel Beaumont Club - Kansas City, MO Tickets Tuesday Mar 20, 2012 6:30 PM Whitechapel Knitting Factory-Reno - Reno, NV Tickets Thursday Mar 22, 2012 7:00 PM Whitechapel Ventura Theatre - Ventura, CA Tickets


Don't forget to check out the realms huge music section of groups, we are not lacking in the metal~Realms Music Page


Five Classic Gothic Movies

Watch On You Tube Originally released in 1922 as Nosferatu, Eine Symphonie Des Grauens, director F.W. Murnau's chilling and eerie adaption of Stoker's Dracula is a silent masterpiece of terror which to this day is the most striking and frightening portrayal of the legend. Nosferatu is in the public domain, and can be downloaded here for free: Download


Watch On You Tube Frankenstein is a 1910 film made by Edison Studios that was written and directed by J. Searle Dawley. It was the first motion picture adaptation of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. The unbilled cast included Augustus Phillips as Dr. Frankenstein, Charles Ogle as the Monster, and Mary Fuller as the doctor's fiance. Shot in three days, it was filmed at the Edison Studios in the Bronx, New York City. Although some sources credit Thomas Edison as the producer, he in fact played no direct part in the activities of the motion picture company that bore his name. Frankenstein is in the public domain, and you can download it here for free: Download


Dr Jekll and Mr Hyde

Watch On You Tube John Barrymore stars in the renowned silent adaptation of the Robert Louis Stevenson classic about a Victorian scientist who turns himself into a murderous abomination. Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde is in the public domain, and can be downloaded here for free: Download

Phantom Of The Opera

Watch On You Tube At the Opera of Paris, a mysterious phantom threatens a famous lyric singer, Carlotta and thus forces her to give up her role (Marguerite in Faust) for unknown Christine Daae. Christine meets this phantom (a masked man) in the catacombs, where he lives. The Phantom of the Opera is in the public domain, and it can be downloaded here for free: Download


The Ghost Train

Watch On You Tube Mismatched travellers are stranded overnight at a lonely rural railway station. They soon learn of local superstition about a phantom train which is said to travel these parts at dead of night, carrying ghosts from a long-ago train wreck in the area. The travelers eventually get to the bottom of the things that go bump in the night. In between the scary bits, comedian Arthur Askey plays the gags with his Vaudeville style humor. This film is in the public domain and can be downloaded here for free: Download

5 Modern Gothic Movies UnderWorld

Selene, a beautiful vampire warrior, is entrenched in a war between the vampire and werewolf races. Although she is aligned with the vampires, she falls in love with Michael, a werewolf who longs for the war to end.


Bram Stokers Dracula

Dracula is a 1992 American Gothic horror-romance film directed and co-produced by Francis Ford Coppola, based on the novel Dracula by Bram Stoker. It stars Gary Oldman as Count Dracula and Winona Ryder as Mina Harker, also featuring Anthony Hopkins as Professor Abraham Van Helsing, Keanu Reeves as Jonathan Harker, and Sadie Frost as Lucy Westenra. Dracula was greeted by a generally positive critical reception and was a box office hit. The film's score was composed by Wojciech Kilar and featured "Love Song for a Vampire" by Annie Lennox as the closing credits theme.

The Crow
The Crow is a 1994 American gothic action film based on the 1989 comic book of the same name by James O'Barr. The film was written by David J. Schow and John Shirley, and directed by Alex Proyas. The Crow stars Brandon Lee, in his final film, as Eric Draven, a rock musician who is revived from the dead to avenge his own murder, as well as that of his fiance. While filming during the last weeks of production, Lee was mortally wounded when a dummy bullet, which had become lodged in one of the prop guns, was shot into his abdomen by a blank cartridge. The film was a critical and commercial success after its release, opening at the top of the box office.


Repo The Genetic Opera

Repo! The Genetic Opera is a 2008 horror-rock opera musical film directed by Darren Lynn Bousman. The film is based on a play written and composed by Darren Smith and Terrance Zdunich. The film opened in a very limited release on November 7, 2008, on seven screens in Pasadena, Chicago, Mobile, Charlotte, Kansas City, Toronto and Ottawa. The film took in an average of $3,250 per screen on its opening day. A 22-track soundtrack was released online on September 30, 2008, with an extended version containing 38 tracks released almost exclusively for download on February 20, 2009. The DVD and Blu-ray were released January 20, 2009. To coincide with the film's release, Bousman, Smith and Zdunich, as well as various cast members, did a tour version of the film. Principal cast and crew also did extensive Q&A sessions following each screening. Because of strong ticket sales, a second and third touring session were added, in addition to a British tour across four locations. A Repo! Road Show was announced on January 28 in 10 cities. This show was similar to the Repo! Road Tour, except it was almost completely fan-run.


Queen Of The Damned

Queen of the Damned is a 2002 vampire film and an adaptation of the third novel of Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicles series, The Queen of the Damned, although the film contains many plot elements from the latter novel's predecessor, The Vampire Lestat. It stars Aaliyah as the vampire queen Akasha, and Stuart Townsend as the vampire Lestat. Queen of the Damned was released six months after Aaliyah's death and is dedicated to her memory.


Welcome my kinky friends! And another packed month of fetish fun to keep yourselves more than amused ;)

On a personal note if anyone goes to any of these events please oh please let me know and maybe send me a pic or a little write up on it so I can let others know what's hot and what's not! Happy Playing my beloved friends TQ


March 1-4 Texas Latex Party Houston, Texas, USA

Our weekend of fetish fun kicks off with a cozy Thursday evening get-together in the hospitality suite. Then we get really moving with a Friday full of fun and interesting things to do, culminating in an elegant, dinner in our first of two specially-selected meals. Ceremonies, entertainment, and dancing cap off this fetish evening. Join us for Saturday browsing and buying great outfits from our exclusive vendors that also offer one-of-a-kind, custom fetish wear. Our Saturday evening theme is "Living la Vida Latex!" Our eyes will feast on colorful and vivid expressions of fetish wear that brings out the best of Spanish or Latin influences. Think leather bolero jackets, ruffled latex dresses, smart (meaning tight) leather or latex britches. Our Saturday-optional themes have been a great hit, with guests showing amazing creativity to blend fetish with Rodeos, Roaring 20's, Orient Express, and others! Finally, wind down at the Sunday brunch and say goodbye to friends -- and make plans to see them again soon.


March 9-11 South Plains Leatherfest Dallas, Texas, USA

Leather/SM Track Workshops AARP BDSM Artistic Cutting Bootblacking Heart and sole for service Caning - The Pains and Pleasures Choke Outs Different Strokes for Different Folks: Personality Types and Communication Disillusioned Duct Tape, it Isn't Just For Mummies! Erotic Flogging (3-hour class) Face Play: Where Vice meets Vanity Kinesthetic Rope - Passionate Dynamic Play Massages that hurt Masterful Mindfucking: A Cookbook & Sampler of Depravity in Action Needle Play: The good, the bad and the downright nasty! Putting the boots to them SEX in The Dungeon: Bringing The Hot Sauce Back to Leather (3-hour class)


SPLF-IM/s 101 Strap-ons for men Terror Play With Electrical Devices The Submissive Striptease Thug Play Punching, Slapping and Kicking Toys, Who Needs Toys?!? Wear and Appearance of a Military Uniforms

Master/slave Track Workshops Being Demanding Beyond the Basics: Exploring the Challenges of an Established M/s Relationship (3-hour class) Boy, Didnt You Hear What I Thought I Said? The Importance of Functional Communication in D/s Relationships Building the Team: Non-Adversarial M/s Emotional Intelligence: Developing Emotional Responsibility in M/s Relationship (joint presentation with Master Fire) Finishing Touches: Creating Fulfillment When Your M/s Relationship is Not Enough From Camelot to West Wing Leather Traditions, Military Protocol and Victorian Sensibilities Loneliness In The Master/Slave Dynamic (joint presentation with slave patrick) Power Corrupts? An Exploration of Total Power Exchange Relationships (TPE) (joint presentation with Master Obsidian) Protocols and Rituals in M/s D/s Reactance What it is, and how to Work Through it Real Service


Relationship Touchstones Serving and being served with disabilities (joint presentation with slave ziggy) The Power of Language The Transparent Master: From Projection to Reflection The Yin/Yang and the Tree: Models of Spiritual M/s Understanding Submission Using Psychology for Evil, M/s Style Were in an M/s Relationship I Dont Like You Today Now What? Women as Masters and slaves in a Feminist World

March 18-20 Beat Me in St Louis St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Calendar of Events & Class Schedule (Subject to Change)


5:30 pm to 7:00 pm


Master Rick

Jay Wiseman Helga

Barak & Sheba


Simple Hip Harnes s 7:308:30 pm 8:30: pm SAT URD AY 9:00 am to 10:30 am

What part BDSM of ____ Social dont T/they Games understand? Meet & Mingle Room D Opening

Shish Ka Dick

Brat Play


Subliminal Dom

Jay Wiseman

Master Malik

Rick's kitten

Creativ Look Ma, e No Hands Fire Play 30 mins

Rope Bondage You Can Actually Use

Music of the Canes

Way to go, Grace!



11:00p m to 12:30 pm Ouch is not a Safewo rd!

Barak & Sheba

Lord Ramirez

Jay Wiseman


Dan & dawn

The art of Elastic Clips & Transforma Predicament Zippers tion: Bondage Beyond Roleplay

Sacred Sexuality Rites for Two

12:30-2 Mentors :20 Room D 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm TBA

UltraDomm Rick's kitten Dan & dawn Helga e Barak & Sheba

Sublimina l Dom


Poly & Cupping/Sucti Cum by Bdsm on Play the As good as it Numbers gets

30 mins

5:00pm Lord to Prophett 6:30 pm

Master Rick

Damien Banderas

Master Malik

Lord Ramirez


Give them the Boot 6:30-8: 30

The Balancing ACT

Fire and Rope

Blood The Rituals/Cuttin Yawara g Japanese Nightstic k


8:30: pm SUN DAY 9:30 am to 11:00 am TBA

UltraDomm Subliminal e Dom

Jay Wiseman

Master Mailk

Dan & dawn


Rope Bondage Theory and Lotsa Practice

Blade Magic

How Survivors can thrive in an M/s relationsh ips


60 mins


12:00 to 1:30 pm

Hitachi TBA Tie 15 mins


Relaxation in a Hurry

BREAK BREAK BREAK BREAK BREAK BREAK BREAK BREAK Closed for Equipment Breakdown Closed for Equipment Breakdown Closed for Equipment Breakdown TBA TBA

1:45 pm to 3:00 pm


March 23-25 KinkFest Portland, Oregon, USA

Registration Deadline Don't miss out on KinkFest! The last date to register is Tuesday March 20, 2012. KinkFest Formal Leather Dinner Please join us for the first annual KinkFest Formal Leather Dinner - Saturday, March 24th, 2012. This event will be a memorable occasion to come together and celebrate our Leather Community. Leather, latex, fetishwear, steampunk, Edwardian or Victorian dress, black tie, formal wear and the like are encouraged, but not required. We simply ask that you put forth an effort and dress to impress to share the special evening with us. Everyone is welcome. Attendees will be served a three-course meal including your choice of entre and have an opportunity to hear a variety of perspectives from diverse members of the Leather Community. Our speakers for the evening include Bruce (former President of the Portland Leather Alliance), Jack O'Rion Barker formerly known as Dragon Xcalibur, Dr. Evil, and Master Trooper Frank. Each speaker will share stories and insight with regards to their own Leather journey. In addition to our other presenters, Mr. Andy Mangles, curator of the Oregon


Leather History Project will join us as a special guest. Mr. Mangles will speak about this important project. This dinner will be held at the Crowne Plaza. Admission to the dinner is $40 per person and is open to both KinkFest attendees and the community at large. Tickets are available at and must be purchased no later than March 19, 2012. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. No-Host Bar Available. Dinner begins at 7:00 p.m. If you are already registered for KinkFest, you can register for the Leather Dinner by filling out the registration form. This event is open to the community at large; and you do not have to register for KinkFest in order to attend the Leather Dinner. Space is limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Click here to register! KinkFest Honors Diversity KinkFest continues to make a focused effort to welcome all facets of our diverse leather, BDSM, and fetish community. KinkFest and the Portland Leather Alliance encourage you to celebrate what we share in common and to enjoy the rich tapestry of our diversity. Save the Date for the 14th Annual KinkFest! March 23 - 25, 2012 Join us for the PREMIERE west coast Kink Conference! The Portland Leather Alliance welcomes you to KinkFest 2012! GREAT VENUE! The Oregon Convention Center is Portland's First-Class, state-of-the-art conference space, with convenient light rail access to the airport and to downtown restaurants, shopping, nightclubs, and more. AWESOME DUNGEON! Get full time access to our well equipped daytime dungeon during conference hours... then stick around for Kinkfest's infamous Friday and Saturday night play parties for access to


the entire 20,000+ square feet of play space! The dungeon will feature fantastic displays, incredible rigging set-ups for those bondage and suspension enthusiasts, one of the biggest collection of dungeon furniture on the West coast, awesome lighting and sound system, live performances and a live DJ at both play parties, gear storage area and more! WORLD-CLASS WORKSHOPS! KinkFest has a diversified and expanded selection of educational workshops featuring a variety of topics presented by some of the nation's best presenters on all 3 days. HUGE VENDOR AREA AND DAY SALON! Hands-on access to unique merchandise awaits you in our 8,000+ square foot vendor area filled with the best local, regional and national vendors! Want MORE?!? Of course you do... Gatherings for community and kink-related groups Personal service vendors offering massages, waxing, and boot blacking Live performances Closing ceremony Membership and registration is $175. Early bird registrants receive a $25 discount. PLA and reciprocal organization members also receive a $25 discount (this can be combined with the early bird discount for a total $50 discount). For the latest information, including complete registration, pricing and refund policy info, please visit our FAQ page.


March 24-25 Bound In Boston Boston, Massachutsetts, USA

Bound In Boston XI: March 24 & 25, 2012 Bound In Boston XI will be held on March 24 & 25, 2012, at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel, Norwood, MA. The hotel is 30 minutes from Boston, 35 minutes from Providence, 1 hour from Nashua, 4 hours from NYC, and 25 hours from Salt Lake City. All attendees must buy a ticket in advance for the con. No walk-in registrations; if you arrive at the con without a ticket, you will not be admitted. Ticket sales end on Thu, 3/22/2012 at 11:59 PM. If you mostly like to be the one who does the tying, you should definitely bring rope. If you usually like to be the one who gets tied up, bringing rope is optional, but still recommended. If you don't have rope, or you're not sure what to bring, check out the rope page for suggestions on what to bring. All attendees must be at least 18 years old, and will need to sign a waiver. Important dates: 12/31/11 - Presenter & vendor proposals due 1/1/12 - Con ticket sales begin 2/1/12 - Con ticket prices increase to middle tier pricing


2/1/12 - Tickets for Saturday after-party go on sale. Only 80 tickets will be available. 3/2/12 - Last day to book hotel rooms with con discount rate 3/16/12 - Con ticket prices increase to "late purchase" pricing 3/23/12 - Meet & Greet, 6-11 PM... 3/24/12 - Con opens at 9:00 AM

March 24 New York Rubber Ball/Miss Rubber World New York City, New York, USA

Thursday Night The Shiny! Party, hosted by Nemy & Quinn from Latex Nemesis and Fixe Magazine. SHINY!, the monthly rubber party! Kick off the NY Rubber Ball weekend with a night of rubber debauchery! Dress in your best, dress to impress! Cost: $10 at the door, $5 in advance when you buy online at Fixe Magazine's website. Click Here to RSVP on Fetlife! Dress code: Latex, Rubber, Fetish, Uniform, PVC. Location: One and One, 12 E. 1st St. (at 1st Ave) NYC.


Friday Night 7PM-9PM FREE Cocktail party at The Baroness, 530B E 13th St., NYC. 212-529-5964. Join us at her boutique to kick off the weekend. Advance tix for the ball will be available. 10PM-3AM Play party at Paddles, 250 W 26th St., NYC (between 7th and 8th Ave.). Join us at Paddles for an evening of play to help get you into the rubbery groove for the weekend. Admission is $35 per person, $40 couples. Paddles is alcohol-free, but they do have soda, juice and bottled water at the bar, along with some snacks. Also, the NYC dungeon Pandora's Box, is attached to Paddles and private play rooms can be rented for $80/hr.

Saturday Afternoon Weather allowing, there will be a group tour of the NYC fetish shops from 11AM-3PM. We will meet in front of the host hotel, The Affinia Manhattan at 371 7th Ave. and head to Purple Passion first. If you want to scope out all the shops on your own, go to the Travel/Hotel/Shopping Guide page to get the directions. Saturday Night, The Main Event! Doors open for the Ball at 9PM. The Ball is Saturday, March 24th, 2012, at the Affinia Manhattan Hotel in their Grand Ballroom. Take the 1-2-3-A-C-E trains to 34th St and exit via the 7th Ave. Exit. The Miss Rubber World Contest will be from 10PM-2AM with vendors, dancing and the dungeon room going all night until 4AM! DJ Frances.Eugenia will be spinning with us for the 6th straight year! Click Here to RSVP on Fetlife! We currently have 5 designers, The Baroness, Dawnamatrix, Klawtex, Lovely Latex and Latex Nemesis scheduled to do fashion shows during the changing breaks!


Raffle Prizes!! We'll be raffling off some goodies throughout the evening, including $250 and $50 gift cards from our corporate sponsor, Klawtex! The full schedule of pre/post-parties for the weekend is still evolving, so check here often for updates!!! If you are coming in from out of town and are planning to stay at our host hotel, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not go through one of the travel sites to get a better deal at the Affinia WITHOUT notifying us. Our discount on the ballroom is tied to selling at least 30 room nights over the weekend. Also, we will have our own floor, so if you book through an outside site and don't tell us, you may not get booked on our floor. If you find a better rate for the Affinia on our weekend, contact us so we can try to get them to lower our group rate to match it and we can get your room nights counted towards our quota. Contact us via e-mail at Thanks! Sunday Afternoon While New York City offers literally thousands of things to do and see, Sunday March 25th, 2012, is the 101st anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, a seminal event in the history of womens' and workers' rights in America. If you're in town through Sunday night, we encourage you to visit the location and the observances on Sunday afternoon. Below are directions from the Affinia Manhattan, our host hotel. Sunday Night "Suspension" play party at The Delancy, 168 Delancy St. (between Clinton and Attorney Sts.), hosted by the The NYC Fetish Tribe. Admission is usually $15 in gear, $30 all black.


How do you or do you think our own spirituality can be intensified or maybe joined with one's lifestyle in BDSM?
By: Andrew

This topic was brought up by one of our members in the Dungeon group on the realms and is a topic that I have been wanting to write about. For me this is one of the main reasons I got into the BDSM life style. If we look at subspace and compare it to techniques used to reach deeper levels of gnosis you will find that subspace is a form of deep trace. And pain is also another way to reach certain states of gnosis and also helps open the censor in the third eye which lets the subconscious mind flow more freely. In older times many monks and pagans used various forms of torture to induces pain to help alter their states of conscious. Such as the use of floggers, cilice, and many other forms. Youll also find that many religions believed that when two people reached climax was when they were truly one with each


other and one with God/dess. Tantric sex mixes pleasure and with controlled orgasms to build energies building to the point where both partners can no longer hold and they are in a state of almost trance like as they climax is when there ritual spell is cast. For in occult practices it is believed that sexual energy is the 3rd strongest energy that is produced, and is why in certain beliefs celibacy is practiced right before big rituals are performed. We also learn from BDSM how to be in control and how to Dominate our wills, and also how to be humble and submissive when the time comes. For all these things have a place in the occult practices. On a spiritual level BDSM opens the door to higher elevations to our sub-conscious and brings us to new levels of gnosis that cannot be reached without the use of these techniques. And the discipline that is learned from BDSM is one that many in the occult community do not have, for it takes one to be willing to put their fears aside and open there eyes to new ways of opening themselves up. As we all know, fear must be purged before there can be growth in any area, including spiritual growth. There is a bond that is shared between Dom and sub that transcends that of normal partners and there is a strong spiritual connection to the Dom and Sub as well. I would go as far as to say stronger than the bond shared between student and teacher, it is almost like complete oneness with each other and God/dess. For when the Dom works with his/her sub there is utter trust and letting go of all fears as she/he submits to the Masters hands. It is as if they know each other fully and can read the thoughts of each other and how far they can truly go like when to stop, and let them have that beautiful release that they have been denied up till this point. I will say that this lifestyle is not for everyone, but to say that there is not spirituality and fulfillment in this lifestyle is wrong, for there is much to gain and learn from the BDSM lifestyle if one is willing to let go of their fears and really look at it with an open mind. For me it was what was needed in my


spiritual path, and is now a part of my spiritual and non spiritual life. It has taught me so much and my own practices in magic have grown through this. So just set back and think of the ways it can be used to enhance your spiritual life and what it can do to help you grow in your everyday life. And you will also find it will open many new doors and leave you feeling at peace and in a better place.



Sinner or Saint
By: Andrew Upon her knees, All dressed in black, Folded hands in silent prayer, Oh Heavenly Father, Why most I wait, Did I not please you well upon my cross, As you punished me for my sinful neglects, Was my screams not pleasure enough, As you pierced my tender breast, Which brought me such delight, How much more must I beg, As you strike my inner thigh with your crop, Bringing a saintly scream from my wanting lips, Oh Heavenly Father I have sinned, Please punish me again, A pawn this alter I will lay for you, Let me feel your hands upon my throat, As you take me a your sacrifice, I will say ten hail Marys for thee, If you make me scream all night, Spare me not the rod or the whip, Bring me to the heavenly gates, Let me be your sinner tonight, And when we wake I'll be your saint.



(Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender community)

Texas Senate Candidate: Gays "Have to Answer to the Lord"

By Neal Broverman

U.S. Senate candidate Craig James During a primary debate for GOP candidates vying to replace retiring Texas U.S. senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, Craig James chastised a politician for marching in a Pride parade, said being gay is a choice, and declared LGBT people will "have to answer to the Lord." At the Wednesday debate in Dallas, James, a retired sports analyst, chastised former Dallas mayor Tom Leppert for marching in a Pride parade. "I think right now in this country, our moral fiber is sliding down a slope that


is going to be hard to stop if we dont stand up with leaders who dont go ride in gay parades," James said, according to reports. "I can assure you I will never ride in a gay parade." When the moderator asked James if he believed gay people choose their sexual orientation, he responded by saying, "I think that you have to make that choice. But in that case right there, they are going to have to answer to the Lord for their actions. We should not give benefits to those civil unions."

Daniel Radcliffe: Reaching For Help Is the Bravest Thing You Can Do
By Jeremy Kinser

"I'm Daniel Radcliffe, and I believe

that reaching out for help is the bravest thing a person can do," the actor says in a new video for the Trevor Project that premiered during last night's episode of Glee which featured attempted teen suicide in a storyline. Last June, the actor was honored with the Hero Award given by the LGBT teen suicide prevention organization and dedicated it to "the real heroes," who


he says "are the people who are staffing those call centers and picking up the phones, saving lives every single day." In the new public service announcement, the 22-year-old addresses the camera and says, "I'm Daniel Radcliffe, and I believe that reaching out for help is the bravest thing a person can do. If you are struggling and need support, call the Trevor Lifeline at 1-866-488-7386. It's free and confidential, and trained counselors are there to listen 24/7 without judgment." The Woman in Black star released a statement revealing that his work with the organization has taught him the importance of being a straight ally and offering his support. "When we let someone know that we accept them for who they are and that we are safe to talk to, we can help save lives," he says. "It's as simple as that." eaching_For_Help_Is_the_Bravest_Thing_You_Can_Do/


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Pagan UnderWorld

SH&S Of The Black Rose

Keepers Of The Realms

Contact Christopher Stewart


~That's All Folks~ If you have a site you would like featured in our next issue or would like to contribute an article contact ~Thanks For Reading~


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Disclaimer - The posting of stories, commentaries, reports, documents and links (embedded or otherwise) in this Magazine does not in any way, shape or form, implied or otherwise, necessarily express or suggest endorsement or support of any of such posted material or parts therein. The myriad of facts, conjecture, perspectives, viewpoints, opinions, analyses, and information in the articles, stories and commentaries posted in this magazine range from cutting edge hard news and comment to extreme and unusual perspectives. We choose not to sweep uncomfortable material under the rug - where it can grow and fester. We choose not to censor skewed logic and uncomfortable rhetoric. These things reflect the world as it now is - for better and worse. We present multiple facts, perspectives, viewpoints, opinions, analyses, and information. As with all controversies, we stand ready to post any and all rebuttals and responses from people mentioned in the material we post.


Journalism is (or used to be) the profession of gathering and presenting a broad panorama of news about the events of our times and presenting it to readers for their own consideration. We believe in the intelligence, judgment and wisdom of our readers to discern for themselves among the data which appears in this magazine that which is valid and worthy...or otherwise.

The idea of a free press in America is one that we hold in the highest regard. We believe in bringing our readers the widest possible array of information that comes to our attention. We have great trust and respect for the American people, and our worldwide audience, and believe them to be fully-capable of making their own decisions and discerning their own realities. Among the thousands of articles posted here for your consideration, there will doubtless be some that you find useless, and possibly offensive, but we believe you will be perceptive enough to realize that even the stories you disagree with have some value in terms of promoting your own further self-definition and insight. Our magazine is a smorgasbord of material...take what you wish and click or scroll right past that which doesn't interest you. We suggest you don't make 'assumptions' about our official position on issues that are discussed here. That is not what this Magazine is about. We believe it to be unwise to sweep controversy under the carpet. We also firmly believe people should not only read material which they agree with. The opinions expressed through the thousands of stories here do not necessarily represent those of the Editors. We are not going to censor the news and information here. That is for you to do. We strongly recommend not 'assuming' anything. Read, consider, and make


your own informed decisions. People 'assumed' the Warren Commission report was accurate. People 'assumed' the Federal Government would never conduct biochemical experiments on the general populace. People 'assumed' the world was once flat. One more time... Keepers Of The UnderWorld Magazine does not necessarily adhere to, or endorse, any or all of the links, stories, articles, editorials, or products offered by sponsors found on this magazine. All of the materials and data offered in this Magazine are for informational and educational purposes only. And remember: it's all free to you Thank you for reading. Enjoy. Sweet, Andrew, Persephone and Oak


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