Alumni Meet Speech by D S Ingole - 27 Jan 2008

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Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Gurudeo Maheshwara Guru Sakshat Parbramha Tasmeshri Gurumenamah

Remembering to the Gurus, who founded this institute, Saluting to the Gurus , who taught me and rooted wise counsel in my soul, President of todays function, Honble Dr. V.T. Ingole Sir, Our Chief Guest, Mr. Rajesh Ghatpande, Chairman of Aryama Group of Companies, Nagpur, Our Guest of Honor, Mr. Ajay Hantodkar, Manager-Engineering, Thermax Group, Pune, my collogues the association members, Respected Heads of Departments, Respected Faculty members, Staff, Alumni friends & families. This function is the Reunion between you & your former classmates. This function is the reunion between You and your alma mater, the institute that helped to shape your future. This moment provides an opportunity that revoke nostalgia. I hope many of you after this reunion here will have formed new friendships, or have created new career opportunities. When you entered in the campus, you may have noticed many physical changes, the statue, the buildings, the campus. The structural buildings & facilities are assets in development of every institute . The greatest asset of any institute is its people the students, the faculty, the administration and you, the Alumnus. A good institute can measure its worth by its alumni. Our Alumnus are performing extremely well at various places and positions throughout the world.

Alumni Meet brings together a wealth of talented and capable professionals who share their expertise and experience, and brainstorm on the prospective avenues. We have some Basic Goals to achieve and those are impossible without your involvement The objectives of alumni association are students centric. The first goal is 1. Training & Placement of the students We would like to seek your contribution for this purpose. It might be definitely possible for most of you to propose, manage or conduct these activities. There is my humble request to all the alumni community to think about how they can help for the placement of the students. This is the world of competition. Every year the number of engineering colleges is growing exponentially. We must be in position to float our product well ahead of time in the market. 2. Infrastructure development laboratories I solicit your remarkable contribution in the infrastructure development of the institute. You can share your resources in the form of expertise, assistance or monetary contribution. 3. Students Benefit Schemes We are planning for giving monetary help to economical weaker students. We are also planning to start Scholarships for meritorious students. I would like to seek support from you alumnus for achieving these goals. I received yesterday email from one of our alumni Mr. Alok Mishra. He is the Executive member of International Human Right Protection Association. (Geneva). He has a CD containing original voice of Mahatma Gandhi. He presented this CD to Honble President of India.

He writes in his email - A copy of which I have already kept reserved for our esteemed college. Whenever I happen to come to Amravati I will bring it along with. I appreciate the support we always get from our Vice-President, Mr. Hemant Jadhao. Whenever students approach his industry, he unconditionally admits them, discuss the problems and extend his cooperation. I appreciate the efforts of Mr. Umesh Borkhade, our executive member. He extends his full cooperation whenever required by the alumni association. He assured to offer his office facility at Pune office, to conduct the counseling of student who wants to appear for interview at Pune. When I talked to him about the immediate objective of developing language laboratory for the institute, he immediately assured to extend his cooperation. This type of courage and commitment I expect from the entrepreneurs alumni and alumni at coveted positions . We have launched a separate website for Alumni Association by the end of November Within two months, 251 members registered till date. The response from your side is encouraging. We have provided a Message Board on the website to post your views . We have provided the Chatting facility for COEBns. There is a News section, where the news are flashed continuously. Our news section is the mirror of our institute. You can log in and Access a profiles of registered alumni members. We are planning to commence a Web Magazine for our Alumni community. The ideas behind this is to highlight the Job opportunities available for the students To provide the information regarding available Job potential in various fields.

Your can put your suggestions in this web magazine regarding what is the requirement of the market ? So that student can prepare himself since Second or Third Year. You can also provide the information on Training opportunities available at your organization. You can flash the Information regarding the resources companies wants to donate like depreciated automatic machines, PCs, Software / Educational CDs/ Technical literature in printed as well as electronic form, etc. You can highlight your Achievements in this e-magazine, that will help in generating still better career opportunities for you. You can form local Alumni Chapter at your place and conduct the chapter related events. We are equally planning for making p rovisions on the website to accept funds electronically. Our institute is famous for making histories. This is the First institute in country -to procure Super Computer - PARAM This is the first unaided institute in state to commence PG program in engineering This is the first institute in region to install campus wide optical fiber network This is the first institute in region to provide V-sat connectivity and so many things institute had performed. The Motto of alumni association is - Committed to serve Alma Mater Let us make history by providing maximum possible employment opportunities to the students of this institute. Let us commit ourselves for supporting the infrastruc ture development of the institute. I appreciate the massive response received from the alumnus. I feel sorry about those, to whom we could reach, but could not make them to come here.

I am extremely sorry about those, to whom we could not reach. The maximum possible communication modes we used website, sms, mobiles personal contacts, e-mails, invitations cards, City Cable, News in news papers. I really thank to the management for encouraging us to conduct this event. My special thanks to our continuous source of inspiration, Principal, Dr. V. T. Ingole Sir. I thank to Mr. Jaisingh Deshmukh, Training & Placement Officer for keeping this organization alive, maintaining & updating the alumni information, I thank to Mr. Ashish Panat, immediate past Chairman of our association for shouldering this responsibility upon me. My thanks to all the committee members who shared their souls for accomplishing this difficult task. My greatest thanks to all the alumni, their families, faculty & staff for their graceful presence. I request all the alumnus to make this golden moment jubilant. To keep these friendships alive, we are planning to organize such Alumni Meets every year at various cities.

Thank you very much.

D. S. INGOLE President, Alumni Association, PRMIT & R, Badnera

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