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Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

National University of Singapore

Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Department of Geography GE1101E: Place, Environment & Society Year 2011/2012, Semester 1 Human Geography Task 1: Geographical Imagination Place Marketing

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h)

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

Word Count: 2485 words Submitted: Report and DVD of interview collections

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

Introduction Understanding Geographical Imagination The concept of geographical imagination is fundamental to the place marketing of a tourist destination. Geographical imagination is how ones spatial awareness allows appreciation of the geographical world and also how one characterizes it to oneself and others. (Chang & Lim, 2004) (Massey, 1995) The geographical imagination is highly contested as each individual and organization sees the world differently. In this context tourism slogans are used in place marketing as a form of touristic imagination, to strategically frame constructive place impressions and imaginings intended to appeal positively to the target audience: tourists (Chang & Lim, 2004, p. 165). Chang & Lim (2004, pp. 166-167) then highlights the role of tourism planners (in Singapores case, the Singapore Tourism Board) in shaping the (identity) of cities by creating place meta-narratives in its marketing slogan that reveal the goals and aspirations of the people (in Singapores case, more that of the government) and provides for tourists and locals appropriate ways of seeing, understanding and interpreting place. Sense of place is also important here, since ultimately marketing slogans create meta-narratives that are supposed to be reflective of the ambitions of the people. Knox & Marston (2001, pp. 237-238) terms sense of place as ones feelings conjured based on experiences, memories and symbolism connected to a place. This is keenly felt amongst insiders, which in Singapores case refers to its local residents. This concept is more relevant to locals compared to tourists as observed later on in our findings. Essentially in coming up with a new tourism marketing slogan for Singapore, the geographical imaginations of the slogan designers and the audience viewing the slogan are stimulated. The sense of place of Singaporeans is also roused when they examine the slogan.
V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

Our Slogan: Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

With the discussion on geographical imagination and sense of place in mind, we now discuss our proposed slogan and its geographical imagination to us. When coming up with a slogan, a place will be reinterpreted, reimagined and marketed (Knox & Marston, 2001, p. 244). In our case, developing a slogan that truly represents Singapores identity as a global city and as a place for local diversity was difficult. Not only should the slogan represent Singapore accurately, it also has to be alluring to foreigners and create sense of pride in Singaporeans. After much thought, we conjured a slogan that involved wordplay Locally Global, Globally Local. This slogans essence lies in the permutation of two words often used to describe Singapore Local and Global. The idea of Singapore as a global city in a local-global nexus was discussed in Yeoh & Chang (2001, pp. 1025-1028), where a globalizing Singapore navigates the countervailing pulls of transnationalism and localism and maintains its local rootedness despite being a global city. Singapore, despite being a key node in the world space economy, is still a place in (itself) that is not all about the transnational flows in the city but also a home for Singaporeans. Just as global influences shape Singapore, local factors influence globalizing forces. Global trends that reach Singapore are often altered to suit local needs, such as in education: although global educators with world paradigms are sought to nurture undergraduates with quick, well-rounded minds, well-equipped to succeed in our fastchanging world, lesson content and course requirements are structured to fit the local educational expectations without compromising on the education of local knowledge, such as Singapore Studies modules compulsory for NUS undergraduates (NUS, 2011). Hence in a global city like Singapore that aims to succeed as a global hub in aspects from education to
V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

healthcare, the local essence is still important and cannot be neglected. This local-global nexus is significant in our slogan because we feel it aptly represents Singapore as a global city and a local place that we can call our own.

Our Logo Our logo was conceptualized using handprints superimposed onto a map of Singapore. The handprints represent the different economic and sociocultural contributions of both locals and foreigners to Singapore. The hand symbolizes the spirit of assistance (lending a helping hand) and cooperation (like a handshake) contributing to the harmonious multi-cultural society that Singapore has maintained through time. Delving deeper, you will notice that each handprint is of different colours, shades and patterns. This embodies Singapore as a melting pot: a diverse, vibrant and blended economic, social and cultural environment with people from all nationalities with multi-faceted talents.

Methodology Two different slogans were first initiated (1) Sin Galore, Singapore & (2) Locally Global, Globally Local. Sin Galore, Singapore was also a play of words that sought to portray Singapore as no longer sanitised, prim and proper but instead a place for sin gastronomic, entertainment and cultural. We first conducted a preliminary study to understand which slogan was perceived to be more representative of Singapore. We conducted a Facebook poll to which 64 people responded. The results (Figure 1) showed

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

that 92% of the respondents perceived slogan (2) to be more representative of Singapore. Hence we decided on Locally Global, Globally Local as our proposed new slogan.

Figure 1: Preliminary Poll on Facebook - Which slogan do you think represents Singapore best?

In the next phase of the research, we conducted face-to-face interviews at Singapore Changi Airport and National University of Singapore (NUS) and telephone and email interviews to further understand how accurately representative of Singapore others perceived our slogan. 10 participants (5 locals, 5 foreigners) were interviewed with a set of questions developed to understand peoples perceptions of the slogan. Interviewing locals were important as we felt that it imperative that there is local acceptance of the slogan and that it accurately depicts Singapore so that the slogan can be sold convincingly. The questions were divided into 2 segments. The first segment seeks to assess the respondents reactions to our slogan, as well as reception to our slogan compared to the current and past marketing slogans of Singapore. The second segment seeks to elucidate the respondents geographical imaginations of Singapore as a tourist destination, and then

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

link these impressions back to our slogan to discover how they perceive our slogan. The interview questionnaire can be found in Appendix 1. We conducted 6 interviews (3 locals, 3 foreigners) initially at Changi Airport as we felt it was the best place to interview tourists: visitors arriving can be asked about their prearrival impressions of Singapore, capturing their geographical imaginations based on their imagined ideas of Singapore; visitors departing can be asked about their experiences of Singapore while it is still fresh in their minds. We then conducted 4 interviews in NUS and via telephone and email to corroborate our preliminary observations that younger respondents felt that our slogan was more accurate compared to older respondents.

Findings & Analysis The findings and analysis of our interviews are divided into two segments, similar to our questionnaire structure: the first part assessing palatability of our slogan and the second revealing our respondents geographical imaginations of Singapore. Names have been withheld in the interviews and respondents are labeled by whether they are local (L1 to L5) or foreign (F1 to F5). The interviewees profiles are found in Appendix 2. A summary of the responses to individual questions can be found in Appendix 3. Appendix 4 contains the key responses of each individual interviewee, which we will refer back to often in our discussion.

Assessing Locally Global, Globally Local as a Slogan When asked about the first thing that comes to their mind on seeing our slogan, half the interviewees stated confusing or complicated, such that people who hear it may
V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

not understand what you are trying to say (L2, 22/9/2011). Indeed some respondents said that they needed to think hard about what (the slogan) means (L1, 22/9/2011), which in this case is not undesirable because we wish to create a meaningful slogan that gets people thinking deeper about the local and global in Singapore. Despite the initial confusion that arose, majority of the respondents found our slogan attractive and accurate in describing Singapore. 7 respondents found our slogan attractive while 8 found it accurate. The same 7 respondents who found the slogan attractive also found it accurate, except for one who found it unattractive because it sounds too industrialized but accurate only if it is used for business (L5, 29/9/2011). The interviewees all had varying justifications for their responses but even some of those who found the slogan confusing nevertheless found it attractive and accurate because undeniably Singapore can be local and global at the same time (F3, 22/9/2011), which is as we envisioned when coming up with this slogan. We then asked our interviewees to state their preferred slogan out of 3 choices: Uniquely Singapore (the previous slogan), Your Singapore (the current slogan) & Locally Global, Globally Local (our slogan). 6 chose Uniquely Singapore, as they agree with the slogan that Singapore is indeed unique. This is evidence that the slogan has struck a chord with its audience, an objective that planners would like to attain. Our slogan got 3 votes, mainly because they found it attractive and accurate, though possibly also because our slogan could be (interpreted) any way you want (F2, 22/9/2011). A trend we observed from section 1 of the questionnaire is that younger respondents seem to like our slogan because they can see Singapores global-local nexus in our slogan and find it both attractive and accurate, while older respondents tend to find our
V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

slogan too confusing or complicated and hence may not like our slogan. This would influence the marketability of our slogan to all audiences.

Singapore as a Tourist Destination This section aims to investigate the geographical imaginations of our respondents. Of significance especially is the assortment of views about Singapore as a tourist destination, with differing perceptions of what Singapore is about, which shows how contested, subjective and variable geographical imaginations can be. To have multiple perceptions of places by different people is inevitable and acceptable, and it offers some ideas as to how our slogan may be interpreted differently by the masses (Chang & Lim, 2004, p. 168). When asked to describe Singapore in one word, surprisingly half of the participants provided answers of a similar nature: that of a multiracial, multicultural Singapore full of variety (L3 & F2, 22/99/2011; F4, 27/9/2011). The idea of Singapore as a diverse society seems to cut across locals and foreigners, and this is what our slogan wishes to tap into. It is perhaps no coincidence that all the participants who described Singapore in this manner found our slogan attractive or accurate. Foreigners were asked about their impressions of Singapore before arriving, to elucidate their geographical imaginations before having experienced Singapore. All 5 respondents provided assorted views (see Appendix 3 & 4) which further illustrate the alternative geographies that different people have (Chang & Lim, 2004, p. 168). As for Singapores unique selling point, 4 local respondents felt that Singapore has everything: an all-encompassing (L3, 22/9/2011) and chapalang place, fusing a little bit
V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

of everything (L1, 22/9/2011). Meanwhile foreigners had a plethora of views about Singapores uniqueness. The local interviewees strong and similar geographical imaginations of Singapore could be said to be their sense of place: their identification with the experiences attached to their home Singapore. This can be alluded to the insiderization of locals that fosters strong sense of place while outsiders (foreigners) being less familiar with Singapore have differing ideas from locals (Knox & Marston, 2001). Next the respondents were asked about what they felt was local and global about Singapore. Generally the locals identified as local Singaporean traits and qualities such as Singlish (L1, 22/9/2011), kiasuism (L3, 22/9/2011) and multiculturalism while the foreigners had dissimilar opinion showing their weaker appreciation of what is local in Singapore and in our slogan. Masseys (1995, pp. 22) assertion about how a tourist perceives a place is unlikely to be the same as that which an inhabitant would describe is relevant here. Meanwhile there is greater unity amid the respondents in what is perceived as global: business and finance in Singapore as well as the presence of many foreigners here. The latter idea of global coincides with our views about the slogan. Finally, when asked which place in Singapore best represents our slogan, most respondents listed tourist attractions, especially Chinatown which was mentioned thrice. Chinatown was seen as a microcosm of peaceful, multicultural Singapore where religious locations of different races co-exist in harmony (F4, 27/9/2011), such as the (Sri) Mariamman temple alongside Chinese shops (L4, 25/9/2011). Chinatown aptly captures the essence of our slogan: it is the epitome of the local-global nexus because of its traditional Chinese heritage, combined with the coexistence of elements of other races and religions as well as the recent influx of Chinese migrants who have populated Chinatown to
V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

make it really reminiscent of China. The local and global meld together so well in Chinatown to make it difficult to isolate what is local and global.

Criticisms of Slogan Although the slogan was perceived as trendy and attractive amongst the younger respondents, slightly older respondents found it confusing, compromising on the clarity of the slogan across all audiences. Also, another important criticism is that this slogan may not necessarily apply just to Singapore but can be easily applied to another country. Hence, the uniqueness of the slogan is lost.

Limitations of Research One limitation of our methodology is that our respondents are mainly of a limited age range: mostly below 30. The preliminary poll conducted on Facebook involved our friends on Facebook mainly of our age group. The interviews conducted also happened to involve many respondents, both local and foreign, who are below 30 years old. This may mean that our interviews and our findings may not be representative of Singapore as a whole, thought it would be more representative of the views of younger respondents. In addition, the fact that we selected Locally Global, Globally Local based on the preliminary Facebook poll involving friends who were of same age group would have excluded the possibility that Sin Galore, Singapore might be more popular with some participants, including older age groups who were underrepresented in our preliminary poll

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

and interviews. The selection of this slogan by this method could have led to the findings reflected above about differences in perception of our slogan by age.

Recommendations One of our interviewees suggested (adding) the word Singapore to the slogan (F5, 29/9/2011) to make it more applicable to Singapore because the slogan Locally Global, Globally Local could also refer to many other cities or countries to, such as Malaysia or Hong Kong, and past slogans from STB all had the word Singapore in it. While we feel that the local-global nexus presents itself more strongly in Singapore than in other countries, we agree that this is a good suggestion. Hence this has been incorporated into our logo.

Concluding Remarks Portraying Singapore as a global city that harnesses heavily on multi-national and multi-faceted human talents is important, but so is portraying Singapore as a local village with predominantly Asian values and cultures. The global-local nexus could be said to manifest itself in the form of multiculturalism, evidenced in the geographical imaginations of our interviewees as well as the sense of place of Singaporeans elucidated from their responses. Our slogan, through interplay of local and global, thus attempts to capture this multiculturalism to promote Singapore through an accurate representation of Singapore past, present and future.

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local


GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

Chang, T. C., & Lim, S. Y. (2004). Geographical imaginations of New Asia - Singapore. Geografiska Annaler , 86 (3), 164-184. Knox, P., & Marston, S. (2001). Places and Regions in Global Context. Human Geography , 230-244. Massey, D. (1995). Imagining the world. In J. Allen, & D. Massey, Geographical Worlds (pp. 6-42). Milton Keynes: Open Univeristy Press, Oxford University. National University of Singapore. (2011). NUS Vision, Mision and Strategy. Retrieved September 29, 2011, from About NUS: Yeoh, B. S., & Chang, T. C. (2001). Globalising Singapore: Debating Transnational Flows in the City. Urban Studies , 38 (7), 1025-1044.

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local


GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

Appendix 1: Interview Questionnaire

Dear Sir / Madam, We are undergraduate students from National University of Singapore, and we are conducting interviews on perceptions of people (locals and foreigners) towards a new tourism slogan that we are proposing. As part of our Geography project, we will be doing a write-up with the findings of the interviews. We hope you will help us by answering our questions as truthfully as possible. This interview will take about 10 minutes and will be audiorecorded. We would also like to take a picture with you at the end of the interview for documentation purposes. Contents of the interview will be kept confidential and used solely for research purposes. Thank you for spending time on the interview! Woon Wei Seng & V S Suguna
National University of Singapore (NUS) Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Department of Geography

Our proposed tourism slogan for Singapore is:

Locally Global, Globally Local

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

Gender: M / F Age: Nationality: Interview Location:
Remember to: For non-Singaporeans:

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

Number of Visits to Singapore:

Purpose of Visit: Length of Stay:

Ask for permission to record (by audio or video) and take photos of interview Take photo with interviewee when interview is complete

Locally Global, Globally Local as a Slogan

1. Describe Singapore in one word.

2. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when we use Locally Global, Globally Local to describe Singapore?

3. Is Locally Global, Globally Local an attractive slogan to you? Why?

4. Is Locally Global, Globally Local an accurate slogan to describe Singapore? Why?

5. Comparing Uniquely Singapore & Your Singapore with Locally Global, Globally Local, which slogan do you prefer? Why?

6. How would you improve or modify the slogan?

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

Singapore as a Tourist Destination ( Perceptions of Slogan)

7. (For foreigners) Why did you visit / come to Singapore?

8. (For foreigners) What impression did you have of Singapore before arriving?

9. What do you think is Singapores unique selling point as a tourist destination?

10. What do you like most about Singapore as a tourist destination?

11. What do you think embodies the local in our slogan Locally Global, Globally Local?

12. What do you think embodies the global in our slogan Locally Global, Globally Local?

13. Is there a place in Singapore that best represents the slogan Locally Global, Globally Local?

Feedback / Issues:

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

Appendix 2: Interview Respondents Profile

Interviewee Summary Profile

Gender Divide Age Range Nationalities Race (Foreigners) Purpose of Visit (Foreigners) Length of Stay Interview Locations
5 M, 5 F 16-57 (most in 20s) 5 Singaporeans, 2 Malaysians, 1 French, 1 South Korean, 1 Palestinian 5 Chinese, 1 Malay, 1 Indian, 1 Caucasian, 1 Korean, 1 Arab 3 Work, 1 Leisure, 1 Study 2 for <3 days, 1 for 1 week, 1 for 2 months, 1 for 10< years Airport T1 & T2 Viewing Gallery, Arrival & Departure Hall & NUS

Interviewee Individual Profile

No* Age
L1 29


Nationality / Race
Singaporean Chinese Singaporean Chinese Singaporean Chinese Singaporean Indian Singaporean Chinese Malaysian Malay

Location / Mode*
T2 V Gallery

Interview Date

Visit Purpose

Visits to SG

Stay Length



T2 V Gallery




T1 V Gallery









29/9/2011 10< total 1 time 7 (2011) 1 time

st th st



T2 Departure



2 days

F2 F3

25 34


French Caucasian Malaysian Chinese

T2 Arrival T1 Departure NUS Computing NUS Central Forum

22/9/2011 22/9/2011

Leisure Work

1 week 1 day 2 months 10 years



South Korean


Study Work (Expat)



Palestinian Arab



*L Local, F Foreign, V Gallery Viewing Gallery

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

Appendix 3: Summary of Interview Responses

Locally Global, Globally Local (LGGL) as a Slogan

1. Describe Singapore in one word. 5 (L3 L4 L5 F2 F4 / 3 youngest participants & 1 oldest participant) said multiracial / multicultural / multinational / variety 2. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when we use LGGL to describe Singapore? 5 (L1 L2 F1 F3 F5 / 5 older participants) found it confusing / complicated 3. Is LGGL an attractive slogan to you? Why? Yes 7 (L1 L3 L4 F2 F3 F4 F5 / mostly younger participants), varying reasons for this No 3 (L2 L5 F1 / 3 older participants), varying reasons for this 4. Is LGGL an accurate slogan to describe Singapore? Why? Yes 8 (same people as Q3 + L5: only if for business) No 2 (L2 F1) F4 accuracy because Singapore is one country but it feels like the world with people from different countries 5. Comparing Uniquely Singapore & Your Singapore with LGGL, which slogan do you prefer? Why? Uniquely Singapore 6 (L1 L2 L3 L5 F1 F5), as Singapore is indeed unique Your Singapore 1 (F3), as it is lead-in from Uniquely Singapore LGGL 3 (L4 F2 F4), as can interpret any way you want (F2) 6. How would you improve or modify the slogan? 7 (L1 L3 L4 L5 F2 F3) OK with slogan, some feel time needed for people to understand & get used to it L2 not clear enough F1 Singapore, a global village [idea of global still present] F5 add Singapore to the slogan

Singapore as a Tourist Destination ( Perceptions of Slogan)

7. (For foreigners) Why did you visit / come to Singapore? 2 (F1 F3) for business, though both do visit Singapore for leisure too 1 (F5) has been working here for 10 years 1 (F4) for education 1 (F2) for leisure 8. (For foreigners) What impression did you have of Singapore before arriving? 18
V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

F1 busy F2 no impressions as havent read anything about Singapore F3 expensive, strong currency, shopping F4 hot & humid weather (which turned out okay in the end) F5 clean, nice, safe, very hot (this impression remains even after 10 years) 9. What do you think is Singapores unique selling point as a tourist destination? 4 (L1 L2 L3 L4) said Singapore has everything all-encompassing + fusion L1 chapalang a little bit of everything 10. What do you like most about Singapore as a tourist destination? 2 (L2 F3) said shopping 11. What do you think embodies the local in our slogan LGGL? 3 (L1 L2 L3) listed local Singaporean traits such as fine, Singlish, kiasuism 3 (L4 L5 F2) mentioned Singapores multiculturalism and rich heritage 2 (L5 F5) mentioned food / cuisine 2 (F2 F4) mentioned being in Asia F4 being Asian is what is local to Singapore 12. What do you think embodies the global in our slogan LGGL? 3 (L1 F3 F5) mentioned financial / business industry of Singapore, involving some investments 3 (F2 F3 F4) mentioned presence of lots of foreigners (tourists & residents) 13. Is there a place in Singapore that best represents the slogan LGGL? 6 (L2 L4 L5 F1 F3 F5) listed different tourist attractions (Esplanade & Merlion, IRs, Universal Studios, Zoo, Arab Street & Chinatown [thrice]) F4 Chinatown where religious locations of different races co-exist in harmony Feedback / Issues: L2 slogan should be easy to remember & meaningful, short & sweet no need long words

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

Appendix 4: Individual Interview Responses

LOCAL RESPONDENT 1 (22/9/2011)

Gender: M Age: 29 Nationality: Singaporean Chinese
For non-Singaporeans:

Number of Visits to Singapore: -

PR / Tourist / Expatriate Length of Stay: -

Interview Location: T2 Viewing Gallery

Remember to:

Agreed Ask for permission to record (by audio or video) and take photos of interview Agreed Take photo with interviewee when interview is complete

Locally Global, Globally Local (LGGL) as a Slogan

1. Describe Singapore in one word. Overcrowded 2. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when we use LGGL to describe Singapore? Confusing 3. Is LGGL an attractive slogan to you? Why? It is, though after reading it he has to think about what the slogan means (the slogan is interactive?) 4. Is LGGL an accurate slogan to describe Singapore? Why? LG Yes, GL Wondering about this 5. Comparing Uniquely Singapore & Your Singapore with LGGL, which slogan do you prefer? Why? Uniquely Singapore preferred: has been slammed badly but it stuck Your Singapore not heard of it LGGL interesting, it could work 6. How would you improve or modify the slogan?

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

Its okay just that need to read and understand it a bit more, not that in-your-face (gets you thinking)

Singapore as a Tourist Destination ( Perceptions of Slogan)

7. What do you think is Singapores unique selling point as a tourist destination? Chapalang place you can get a lot of things here (fusion nicer way of saying chapalang) 8. What do you like most about Singapore as a tourist destination? Safety (though this sounds clich) few Asian countries safe enough to walk along on the streets (low crime) 9. What do you think embodies the local in our slogan LGGL? Singlish 10. What do you think embodies the global in our slogan LGGL? How Singapore is trying to be a global financial hub, with globalization & industrialization 11. Is there a place in Singapore that best represents the slogan LGGL? Whole Singapore different parts of the island have different vibe: e.g. Raffles Place global, Tiong Bahru - local

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

LOCAL RESPONDENT 2 (22/9/2011)

Gender: M Age: 35 Nationality: Singaporean Chinese
For non-Singaporeans:

Number of Visits to Singapore: -

PR / Tourist / Expatriate Length of Stay: -

Interview Location: T2 Viewing Gallery

Remember to:

Disagreed Ask for permission to record (by audio or video) and take photos of interview Disagreed Take photo with interviewee when interview is complete

Locally Global, Globally Local (LGGL) as a Slogan

1. Describe Singapore in one word. Great 2. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when we use LGGL to describe Singapore? Difficult to define complicated. People may not understand what were trying to say 3. Is LGGL an attractive slogan to you? Why? Difficult to use in Singapore Singapore is very small (unless we are as big as the USA) 4. Is LGGL an accurate slogan to describe Singapore? Why? No accuracy only 50:50. Too bombastic Singapore not strong enough for this slogan 5. Comparing Uniquely Singapore & Your Singapore with LGGL, which slogan do you prefer? Why? Uniquely Singapore preferred as it is unique, cant compare with other countries (something that we have that others dont have) Your Singapore My Singapore or Our Singapore might sound better than Your Singapore 6. How would you improve or modify the slogan? Not quite smooth why repeat local & global? Not clear cut enough Slogan should be easy to remember and meaningful (no need long words, short & sweet)

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

Singapore as a Tourist Destination ( Perceptions of Slogan)

7. What do you think is Singapores unique selling point as a tourist destination? Whatever you want, Singapore has transport especially (convenience), food, safety, tourist attractions (IRs) F1 not a selling point because of inconvenience caused in terms of time (track, infrastructure, personnel) & money (business revenue), should set up track elsewhere, say Pulau Ubin? Develop / upgrade the island 8. What do you like most about Singapore as a tourist destination? Shopping tourists easily get GST refund + Great Singapore Sale in June, PC Fair, its a steal (especially branded stuff) + lowest tax in the region (Chinese, Taiwanese like to come here to buy stuff) 9. What do you think embodies the local in our slogan LGGL? fine very Singaporean, found everywhere Toilets difference between airport / hotel & coffee shop High-rise flats unique (though no choice that it was built) 10. What do you think embodies the global in our slogan LGGL? Fast pace of life 11. Is there a place in Singapore that best represents the slogan LGGL? Esplanade lots of flags from different countries Merlion @ Esplanade represents Singapore, cant find it elsewhere

Photo Not Available

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

LOCAL RESPONDENT 3 (22/9/2011)

Gender: F Age: 16 Nationality: Singaporean Chinese
For non-Singaporeans:

Number of Visits to Singapore: -

PR / Tourist / Expatriate Length of Stay: -

Interview Location: T1 Viewing Gallery

Remember to:

Agreed Ask for permission to record (by audio or video) and take photos of interview Agreed Take photo with interviewee when interview is complete

Locally Global, Globally Local (LGGL) as a Slogan

1. Describe Singapore in one word. Multiracial 2. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when we use LGGL to describe Singapore? People, whether in Singapore or overseas, can still be rooted in Singapore (Locals & foreigners feel rooted in Singapore) 3. Is LGGL an attractive slogan to you? Why? Quite attractive makes a lot of sense 4. Is LGGL an accurate slogan to describe Singapore? Why? Yes 5. Comparing Uniquely Singapore & Your Singapore with LGGL, which slogan do you prefer? Why? Uniquely Singapore - different unique qualities and traits that Singapore has, make us proud of our country. 6. How would you improve or modify the slogan? Good but must get used to it, because it is new. Uniquely Singapore slogan has been around for quite a long time, people more familiar with it.

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

Singapore as a Tourist Destination ( Perceptions of Slogan)

7. What do you think is Singapores unique selling point as a tourist destination? All-encompassing. Different races, small country on the map but grown quite a lot over the years, such as education system 8. What do you like most about Singapore as a tourist destination? Small-small stuff, e.g. Singlish Singaporeans can identify with it, something in common (Singlish is interesting) 9. What do you think embodies the local in our slogan LGGL? Kiasuism (uniquely Singaporean trait) 10. What do you think embodies the global in our slogan LGGL? All our advancements & connections with other countries Advancement - Singapore being more recognized around the world in different aspects, e.g. Changi Airport one of the best airports in the world Connections global recognition & ties between Singapore and other countries (e.g. China Singaporeans can get scholarships to renowned universities in China) 11. Is there a place in Singapore that best represents the slogan LGGL? Common places like the hawker center, HDB buildings (represents community) that bring out the Singaporean trait

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

LOCAL RESPONDENT 4 (25/9/2011)

Gender: F Age: 23 Nationality: Singaporean Indian
For non-Singaporeans:

Number of Visits to Singapore: -

PR / Tourist / Expatriate Length of Stay: -

Interview Method: Telephone (Skype Call)

Remember to:

Agreed Ask for permission to record (by audio or video) and take photos of interview N/A Take photo with interviewee when interview is complete

Locally Global, Globally Local (LGGL) as a Slogan

1. Describe Singapore in one word. Multiracial 2. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when we use LGGL to describe Singapore? Multiracial Singapore is a diverse society with heaps of people, who are here globally 3. Is LGGL an attractive slogan to you? Why? Yes, seems really good 4. Is LGGL an accurate slogan to describe Singapore? Why? Motivates more to come to Singapore, main idea of LGGL is it welcomes everybody, were a global society 5. Comparing Uniquely Singapore & Your Singapore with LGGL, which slogan do you prefer? Why? Uniquely Singapore unfamiliar Your Singapore unheard of LGGL - preferred 6. How would you improve or modify the slogan? Sounds attractive

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

Singapore as a Tourist Destination ( Perceptions of Slogan)

7. What do you think is Singapores unique selling point as a tourist destination? Small city with heaps of attractions how government has managed to incorporate so many things in a small city 8. What do you like most about Singapore as a tourist destination? Multicultural experience how 4 races work together; understand our rich heritage, heaps of places to go to understand local culture 9. What do you think embodies the local & global in our slogan LGGL? Singapores rich heritage Hindus, Chinese, Malays, Christians. Even within own heritage, able to adapt to global ideas plus point for foreigners to come to Singapore as they will be comfortable, able to adapt them, welcome them with open hearts (welcoming invitation for foreigners 10. Is there a place in Singapore that best represents the slogan LGGL? Chinatown despite being Chinese dominant but can find heaps of Chinese stalls & shopkeepers with a mosque and an Indian temple (Mariamman temple) within that place can see that Singapore has evolved to be working together with other races

Photo Not Available

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

LOCAL RESPONDENT 5 (29/9/2011)

Gender: F Age: 57 Nationality: Singaporean Chinese Interview Mode: Email
Remember to: For non-Singaporeans:

Number of Visits to Singapore: -

PR / Tourist / Expatriate Length of Stay: -


Ask for permission to record (by audio or video) and take photos of interview Take photo with interviewee when interview is complete

Locally Global, Globally Local (LGGL) as a Slogan

1. Describe Singapore in one word. Multinational 2. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when we use LGGL to describe Singapore? Global presence with unique local culture 3. Is LGGL an attractive slogan to you? Why? No, sounds too industrialized for tourism 4. Is LGGL an accurate slogan to describe Singapore? Why? Yes, but for business 5. Comparing Uniquely Singapore & Your Singapore with LGGL, which slogan do you prefer? Why? Uniquely Singapore implies something unique about Singapore 6. How would you improve or modify the slogan? Cant think of any off hand

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

Singapore as a Tourist Destination ( Perceptions of Slogan)

7. What do you think is Singapores unique selling point as a tourist destination? Bird Park is the worlds largest in Asia and Night Safari is the worlds first 8. What do you like most about Singapore as a tourist destination? Minimum language barrier unless one cannot speak English, Chinese or Malay and a gateway/ good stop over to the neighboring countries and afar 9. What do you think embodies the local in our slogan LGGL? Local cuisines and different cultures - more so for westerners: a one stop location to appreciate varieties 10. What do you think embodies the global in our slogan LGGL? Global cuisines 11. Is there a place in Singapore that best represents the slogan LGGL? Probably the Integrated Resorts

Photo Not Available

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination


Gender: M Age: 40 Nationality: Malaysian Malay
For non-Singaporeans:

Number of Visits to Singapore: 10<

Purpose: Work Length of Stay: 2 days

Interview Location: T2 Departure Hall

Remember to:

Agreed Ask for permission to record (by audio or video) and take photos of interview Agreed Take photo with interviewee when interview is complete

Locally Global, Globally Local (LGGL) as a Slogan

1. Describe Singapore in one word. Interesting 2. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when we use LGGL to describe Singapore? Confused not that clear, using the same words twice. 3 worlds would suffice 3. Is LGGL an attractive slogan to you? Why? Not really because of the confusion 4. Is LGGL an accurate slogan to describe Singapore? Why? Not really 5. Comparing Uniquely Singapore & Your Singapore with LGGL, which slogan do you prefer? Why? Uniquely Singapore Singapore is unique (interesting, catchy) 6. How would you improve or modify the slogan? Singapore a global village

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

Singapore as a Tourist Destination ( Perceptions of Slogan)

7. What impression did you have of Singapore before arriving? Busy city, F1 8. What do you think is Singapores unique selling point as a tourist destination? Food multicultural, varieties of food Interesting places e.g. Jurong Bird Park 9. What do you like most about Singapore as a tourist destination? Clean + good transport system 10. What do you think embodies the local in our slogan LGGL? Not sure Places Little India, Jalan Masjid (Kampong Glam) 11. What do you think embodies the global in our slogan LGGL? Singapore is very much global investment from foreign companies here. Europeans know more about Singapore than Malaysia or Brunei 12. Is there a place in Singapore that best represents the slogan LGGL? Havent been much to many places Singapore Zoo interesting to kids, adults (Note: interviewee is a lecturer at University of Brunei accounting faculty)

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination


Gender: F Age: 25 Nationality: French Caucasian
For non-Singaporeans:

Number of Visits to Singapore: 1st time

Purpose: Leisure Length of Stay: 1 week

Interview Location: Singapore Changi Airport, T2 Arrival Hall

Remember to:

Agreed Ask for permission to record (by audio or video) and take photos of interview Agreed Take photo with interviewee when interview is complete

Locally Global, Globally Local (LGGL) as a Slogan

1. Describe Singapore in one word. Multicultural 2. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when we use LGGL to describe Singapore? Regarding business Singapore is a great place to do business 3. Is LGGL an attractive slogan to you? Why? Yes sounds good, easy to remember and to understand 4. Is LGGL an accurate slogan to describe Singapore? Why? Hard to say because its her first time in Singapore, but (based on imagination) yes, what she thinks Singapore is like 5. Comparing Uniquely Singapore & Your Singapore with LGGL, which slogan do you prefer? Why? Uniquely Singapore not clear enough (Whats unique about Singapore?) Your Singapore only for tourist, sounds different LGGL interpret it anyway you want 6. How would you improve or modify the slogan? Its good

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

Singapore as a Tourist Destination ( Perceptions of Slogan)

7. What impression did you have of Singapore before arriving? Dont know didnt read a lot about Singapore But have business relations in Singapore, some colleagues from Singapore & Europe Singapore always related to business 8. What do you think is Singapores unique selling point as a tourist destination? Never been in Asia before, Singapore sounds like Asia but not too Asian. Multicultural yet lots of people can speak English 9. What do you like most about Singapore as a tourist destination? People are really helpful in Singapore; service is really good, people ask if you need help (unlike Europe) 10. What do you think embodies the local in our slogan LGGL? Multicultural, Singapore is inside Asia contact with Asian culture 11. What do you think embodies the global in our slogan LGGL? Provide many kinds of business to different countries A lot of foreigners living here global place 12. Is there a place in Singapore that best represents the slogan LGGL? Airport a lot of local people here + from all over the world (global services, local people, Asian culture) (Note: interviewee is working in business sector in France)

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination


Gender: F Age: 34 Nationality: Malaysian Chinese
For non-Singaporeans:

Number of Visits to Singapore: 7/8th time this year

Purpose: Business Length of Stay: 1 day

Interview Location: Singapore Changi Airport, T1 Departure Hall

Remember to:


Ask for permission to record (by audio or video) and take photos of interview

Disagreed Take photo with interviewee when interview is complete

Locally Global, Globally Local (LGGL) as a Slogan

1. Describe Singapore in one word. Everything 2. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when we use LGGL to describe Singapore? Shopping local, global shopping both in Singapore 3. Is LGGL an attractive slogan to you? Why? Quite so but may be confusing. But still stands by itself being local you can still be global, and vice-versa 4. Is LGGL an accurate slogan to describe Singapore? Why? Yes 5. Comparing Uniquely Singapore & Your Singapore with LGGL, which slogan do you prefer? Why? Uniquely Singapore to make Singapore stand out, once it stands out, people become accustomed to it (blending and leading in to Your Singapore) Your Singapore you belong here, you can do almost anything here (preferred) 6. How would you improve or modify the slogan? Avoid using short-form LGGL, otherwise its fine

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

Singapore as a Tourist Destination ( Perceptions of Slogan)

7. What impression did you have of Singapore before arriving? Expensive, strong currency, superb place for shopping 8. What do you think is Singapores unique selling point as a tourist destination? Shopping Sentosa Universal Studios (helps pinpoint Singapore to the world) 9. What do you like most about Singapore as a tourist destination? Shopping 10. What do you think embodies the local in our slogan LGGL? Zoo - though never been there 11. What do you think embodies the global in our slogan LGGL? Financial Tourism getting there (a lot of tourists come to Singapore) 12. Is there a place in Singapore that best represents the slogan LGGL? Universal Studios everyone goes there, whether youre local or non-local (Note: interviewee comes to Singapore for personal reasons every quarter)

Photo Not Available

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination


Gender: M Age: 26 Nationality: South Korea
For non-Singaporeans:

Number of Visits to Singapore: 1

Purpose: Study Length of Stay: 2 months

Interview Location: School of Computing, NUS

Remember to:

Agreed Ask for permission to record (by audio or video) and take photos of interview Agreed Take photo with interviewee when interview is complete

Locally Global, Globally Local (LGGL) as a Slogan

1. Describe Singapore in one word. Variety. 2. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when we use LGGL to describe Singapore? Sounds really cool. 3. Is LGGL an attractive slogan to you? Why? Yes, very attractive. 4. Is LGGL an accurate slogan to describe Singapore? Why? Yes I think so. Because in Singapore whenever I go to the city, I see so many people from different countries. Every one area is a Singapore. I feel like this is one country but I also feel like I live in the world because there are many people from different countries. 5. Comparing Uniquely Singapore & Your Singapore with LGGL, which slogan do you prefer? Why? The previous ones sound okay. But I think your slogan is better. 6. How would you improve or modify the slogan? Its good enough.

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

Singapore as a Tourist Destination ( Perceptions of Slogan)

7. What impression did you have of Singapore before arriving? I heard from my friend especially about the weather that it is very hot and humid but after coming here, I think the weather is actually quite okay. 8. What do you think is Singapores unique selling point as a tourist destination? It does have many many good places to go. The city itself is a good place to go. The unique selling point is the city and its vibrancy. 9. What do you like most about Singapore as a tourist destination? The city and its vibrancy. 10. What do you think embodies the local in our slogan LGGL? I dont feel like Im in a different country. I feel like being home. Being Asian is what is local to Singapore. 11. What do you think embodies the global in our slogan LGGL? I see various people, cultures and buildings that are very different. 12. Is there a place in Singapore that best represents the slogan LGGL? Raffles Place. I see many modern high buildings in Singapore and near Chinatown, religious locations of different races co-exist inharmony.

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination


Gender: M Age: 40 Nationality: Palestinian Arab
For non-Singaporeans:

Number of Visits to Singapore: N/A

Purpose: Work (Expat) Length of Stay: 10 years

Interview Location: Central Forum (Middle East Day), NUS

Remember to:

Disagreed Ask for permission to record (by audio or video) and take photos of interview Agreed Take photo with interviewee when interview is complete

Locally Global, Globally Local (LGGL) as a Slogan

1. Describe Singapore in one word. Safe 2. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when we use LGGL to describe Singapore? May be complicated some thinking required to it 3. Is LGGL an attractive slogan to you? Why? OK 4. Is LGGL an accurate slogan to describe Singapore? Why? Yes. What is local, what is global, Singapore has both 5. Comparing Uniquely Singapore & Your Singapore with LGGL, which slogan do you prefer? Why? Uniquely Singapore really unique to Singapore (preferred) LGGL this slogan can apply to other countries too 6. How would you improve or modify the slogan? Add the word Singapore in it

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

Locally Global, Globally Local

GE1101E Task 1 Geographical Imagination

Singapore as a Tourist Destination ( Perceptions of Slogan)

7. What impression did you have of Singapore before arriving? Clean, nice, safe but very hot Impression hasnt changed since arrival 10 years ago 8. What do you think is Singapores unique selling point as a tourist destination? Education Business 9. What do you like most about Singapore as a tourist destination? Thats the problem Singapore just 1-2 days to see the country, not really a tourist destination in itself. Do people come to Singapore for tourism? Or do they come to Singapore as Singapore? 10. What do you think embodies the local in our slogan LGGL? Food 11. What do you think embodies the global in our slogan LGGL? Business 12. Is there a place in Singapore that best represents the slogan LGGL? Unsure. Arab Street / Chinatown contrast with city? (Note: interviewee has been in Singapore for 10 years and currently lectures at NTU; he was in Australia before coming to Singapore)

V S Suguna (U076998R) & Woon Wei Seng (A0002916N) / Tutorial Group DO10 (Friday 1000-1200h) GE1101E / 30 September 2011 / Word Count: 2485

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