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R Language

An environment for Statistical Computing

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What is R ?

Wikipedia : a programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics. The R language has become a de facto standard among statisticians for developing statistical software, and is widely used for statistical software development and data analysis.

What is R ?

Wikipedia : a programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics. The R language has become a de facto standard among statisticians for developing statistical software, and is widely used for statistical software development and data analysis.

Greatest Advantage for Users

More on R

Estimated user base about 2 Million Becoming very popular, especially in Life Science and Finance which require very sophisticated techniques.

The techniques are available free, while they are not there in SPSS or SAS

Extremely powerful graphics, way beyond anything available in any other stats software. R is doing to analytics, what Linux did to Windows. Quite well known in academics in India

Pros & Cons

Sophistication : techniques developed by researchers way beyond anything in SPSS or SAS. Graphics: considered 2nd only to MatLab Connectivity: can grab data from Web

Quality : Lots of techniques, but which is the best? Learning: No or basic GUI, work through commands. Data preparation : Very difficult compared to SPSS. Support : Who helps when you get stuck ? Data size is a concern area

Datasets can be of any dimension Functions can be modified to suit need Wide range of analytical tools

Datasets can only be rectangular Functions cannot be changed Extra options cost money; sometimes not available

2000 + tools (packages), and growing

R as a technology is already ahead of the commercial software in terms of techniques and graphics. It is being increasingly adopted by sophisticated users even in India The entry barriers for mass users remain

GUI Data Handling Learning Configuration and tech support

Revolution R

Licensed version of R
Large data volumes GUI to be released soon

Norman Nie : SPSS inventor Robert Gentleman : Co-creator of R

Revolution is to R is what Redhat is to Linux

Concluding points
In analytics, R looks to be the future direction. After initially playing down R, SPSS and SAS now gives interfaces to integrate R.

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