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Evolutionary algorithm based Adaptive noise cancellation in Reactor Power measurement with thermal hydraulic effects by Hybrid Least

mean square filter


1. Introduction (Literature Review: Adaptive Filter for sensor measurement sit with Sap) (Adaptive Filter with EA) (Reactor Noise Removal) In Nuclear Reactor power measurement cleanness of the measured signal is a crucial issue since the wrongly sensed data in presence of random fluctuation may lead to the immature shutdown or can be the cause for stochastic failure of the reactor. There are different experimental techniques available for estimating the reactor parameters like source jerk method, pulse neutron method, rod-oscillation method etc. But success of all these experiments heavily depends upon recovering the measured parameter from the background noise. In addition to that SPND signal being very low amplitude often gets buried in noise and becomes very difficult to be recognized without the prior information of the signal knowledge. This is clear from our previous study [A-C] that nuclear reactor, being a large physical system of Multi-input-MultiOutput (MIMO) type with many state variables is very difficult to control. The feedbacks of different measured or estimated variables need to be handled properly for load following operations [1], in order to minimize the zonal effects [2], operating point shifting [3] etc. To add to the difficulties, measurement noise (inherited from the sensors and other source of noises originating from mechanical vibration of different parts, boiling of coolant, fluctuation of pressure and temperature) can make a designed system more susceptible to faulty plant operation [4]. Recent studies have focused on noise analysis in nuclear reactors like, for example a WeinerHermite filer has been designed to obtain a linear feedback model of a nuclear reactor under stable operating conditions for the experimental determination of the neutron steady state value and power spectral density. Different numerical tools are applied to calculate the space and frequency dependent neutron noise in nuclear reactors. An ARMA model of the reactor noise has been used to reduce online computational complexity considering time series forecasting SPND signal contains important information like reactor time period, coolant interaction over the steady and dynamic background, health of the sensor, its performance and some useful kinetic parameters about the reactors dynamics that need to be taken care for control performance [2.3]. Study of many unmodelled statistical phenomena of reactor noise like ageing process, bubble

formation, Xenon poisoning, control rod movements, fluctuation flow of coolant, coolant circulation period, fuel non-uniformity, local heterogeneities, collapse and entrainment due to pumping, bowing of fuel elements have always been the focus of research globally to ensure safe operation of nuclear reactors.

2. Reactor model Development (PACC Reactor paste)

Point kinetics based nonlinear model of a 500 MW nuclear reactor is derived, taking into account the thermal effect on reactivity of the neutrons. The nonlinear state space is linearized about the steady state operating conditions corresponding to the various operating powers of the nuclear reactor. The hybrid fractional order fuzzy PID controllers are then used to tune these linearized models to obtain good set point tracking and reduced controller output. The FO fuzzy PID controllers tuned with the linearized models of the reactor at highest or lowest power preserves the set-point tracking ability the system gain changes in a large extent due to change in the range of operation. Also, scheduling of scaling factors and integro-differential orders of the FO fuzzy PID controller with change in reactor power preserves the optimal set-point tracking capability of the nonlinear reactor over wide range of operation. The reactor model is developed using the point kinetic equations with six groups of delayed neutrons. The reactivity feedback due to the fuel temperature and coolant temperature are also taken into account in the reactor model development

2.1 Point Kinetics (Glasstone, Hetrick) (1) (2) Where : neutron density ( )

: Total reactivity, : Delayed neutron fraction

= Prompt neutron lifetime(s), : Groups of delayed neutron, : Delayed neutron decay constant for th delayed neutron group ( : Precursor concentration for the th precursor group ( 2.2 Thermal Hydraulic effects on reactivity feedback ) )

2.2.1 Fuel Temperature Model The energy balance equation of the fuel pellet yields (3) which imply that the rise in temperature of the pellet due to heat absorption is equal to the difference of the generated power and the heat dissipated by convection from the pellet.

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