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BA (Hons.

Module Code Module Title OUGD303 FINAL MAJOR PROJECT





Name: Niall Hargrave

Blog Address:


A typographic investigation of layout, within the cultural sector, across a range of media
I will explore editorial design, focussing on contemporary design, with the basis solely on typography. Typography and layout are the fundamentals of my design practice. Through research into processes, briefs and interests, this will form my understanding of graphic design. This and what I look at through design context will inform the work I produce. Typography is important to me, focussing on both type as letterform and type as text. Through type design I am interested in how this can be applied to branding and identity as bespoke type, how it can be commercial in order to sell an idea/ project. Type as text, I am interested and am going to explore body copy with layout for editorial, hard-nosed type knowledge. Design will be mainly focussed on print, but I want to explore and understand web design. Especially given the technology in our current climate, I will always keep in mind other possibilities, and the interaction that can be within that. There is a relationship between printed media and online media, the two can work together and influence each other. The differences between the two are key to understanding how to utilise both to the best of their abilities. With an interest in the culture sector, I will produce a range of designs that draw influence and content from within the culture sector to inform my work. This might include areas such as arts and culture and photography, focussed on the subjects broadly and in editorial design. I will explore high-end print productions and processes this module, in order to help my professionalism within the industry. This will also help with my understanding and knowledge of print costs and budgets. This should become a part of my practice. Work with other creatives and collaborate with curating and creating exhibitions and events. Broad areas include, curating and organising exhibitions or events, this could include anything from concept to production, branding, and promotional material, supporting publications, way finding and signage. Designing my own identity, to have presence within the design community. This will include business cards, stationery, and web presence. This should be something that is on going and I can always develop. I will make contact with various designers and design studio and try to get my work out there.

Subjects / Themes
Within Culture Sector: Exhibtions Events Art Photography Literature Editorial within: Arts Culture Architecture Photography Music Subculture Fashion

Commercial editorial and branding effectively to be commercial, make money. Production print processes and outcomes Userbility ease and navigation of user focussed design. Contemporary Culture arts and literature, entertainment, music, film. Swiss International Style fundamental rules and guidelines of typography and layout Deconstructivist design break down of structure. Looking at post-structuralism & postmodernism

Design Disciplines / Creative Development What I know & What I like. PRIMARY Typography
- To development type as exploration and experimentation. - Understanding of type within layout, focussing on publications, the formalities of type.

What I know to find out. PRIMARY Typography

- How to develop bespoke type specifically for different purposes and have an application. - To continuously improve type conventions in body copy. Professionalism and speed when working.

- Understand design principles with layout and the requirements needed. - To analyse and understand choices within layout design as basic design practice.

- Improve and develop consistency in layout and more comprehensive grid structures. - Professional level of page layouts and intriguing and exciting design.

- Develop and design identity for client in arts and culture sector. - Analyse design, and have opinions. What is suitable and what is appropriate effective branding.

- Explore branding specifically for clients within the arts and design culture. - How branding applies within editorial. Art direction, identity and consistency from within the publication.

- Main focus point and interest within the layout and typography. - To identify concept and reasoning behind a magazine, analyse relationship between content and concept.

- Talk and engage with editorial designers, magazine art directors, discuss the current printed matter situation. - Print processes, in industry, create something tangible, something people can interact with.

- The use of different medias for promotional pruposes, and their effects. - Promotion for exhibitions/ events. - Suited for more individual purposes, when working with a client.

- Asses different approaches of promotional material depending on the brief. - To clarify audience, and the objective. - Discuss opportunities and possibilities with clients when delivering promotional material.

- Colours that evoke different emotions, different uses and publications of colour suited to the brief.

- Explore and be more creative with colour for an appropriate resolution.

Practical Skills / Workshops what, why and when?

Photography (on going)

- As research. In order to gain primary sources of information when gathering material. - Content driven, with a focus on editorial, photography is a key element I would like to include within my work. - Documentation and Presentation of my own work, in order to show my work in the best light, either for presentation boards or for my portfolio.

- Digital print, working effectively and appropriately when working to print digitally. - Print making, screen printing. See it as an appropriate and suitable skill to have. - Commercial printing, within this module gain experience of communicating with a professional printer. Yearbook and other briefs, which may include this.

Print Preparation
- To gain and develop a greater understanding of stock considerations. Appropriate for the message delivered and the print processes used. Develop the tactile element of design. - Print processes, explore and experiment and understand the processes and what they can achieve.

Laser Cutting
- Workshop in to be planned to laser cut if and when needed.

Software (on going)

- Constantly improve effectiveness within InDesign for professional printing. - Photoshop skills and Illustrator skills to be developed for more professional outcomes. - Web Design. Learn and effectively use basic skills in Dreamweaver. Html and Css.

Time Management
- Time management is something that will continuously have to be at the forefront of any decision making. Due to the last module, it is important as it will help me to clarify where I am with my work and what needs doing to finish my briefs in a given time and to the standard I am happy with.

Identity Design
- For my own practice as well as others. Focusing on typography in order to resolve the brief to communicate someone and their practice. - Branding should be clear and focused for others to understand.

Brief 1: BA (Hons) Graphic Design Yearbook


To deliver and work collaboratively in a design team (Ben McKean, Jack Neville, Will Skane-Davis and myself). Project management, live brief working with Graphic Design Faculty and whole year group. Layout and content based publication. Printed professionally, will be working with Printers, preparation for industrial printing will be a must.

Brief 2: SixteenHT Book Fair Rationale:


Collaborative brief working with Ben Mckean, Pawel Adamek, Sam Wallbank and Will Duffy. Self initiated, we are creating a collective as five housemates. Focussing on group management, working to a live brief, producing commericially viable work. Discussing themes appropriate for a contemporary artists book fair.

Brief 3: Vibrations Magazine Rationale:


Editorial and live brief working with professionals, redesign of local magazine, Vibrations. Ben McKean and myself working with the magazine. All layout, body copy, images and branding and the identity is down to us. Print production and working with the printer, as well all considerations for print processes and colours.

Brief 4: Showcase of Typographic Mistakes Rationale:


Self initiated brief. Publication on a collection of mistakes made within typography, such as widows, orphans, bad kerning, bad leading etc. Research driven to postmodernism, post-structuralism as a break down in communication. Look at Cranbrook Academy

Brief 5: Book/ Magazine Relationship


Brief to investigate the relationship between the book and magazine. Focus on format that is to be played with, the magazine is disposable where as the book is seen as more of an object to keep.

Brief 6: Design Context Publication


Publication to investigate my design practice and what informs, interests and influences me. Questions, interviews, articles with graphic designers, type designers, art directors, studios. Key areas to look at include Design Disciplines, Professional Practices, Social/ Ethical/ Commercial concerns, and Production/ Distribution Methods. Time and content management, type based publication.

Brief 6: Competition Brief


Brief to be decided upon.

Contextual references / Designers / Studios / Companies (specific) STUDIOS UK

Neil Donnelly - Ludvig Bruneau - Robin Uleman - Paul Pensom - David Pearson - Paul Barnes - Mike Meire -


RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Contact with Studios Details


Get in contact with studios, and designers to discuss issues and practices. This will inform my own practice and feature in my design context publication. Could lead to placements, relevant to FMP and PPD.

RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Printers Visit Details


To visit professional and industrial printers, have a better understanding of the structure of printing professionally and the individual printing technologies and processes. Can focus on stock considerations, inks and colour, and preparation for print.

RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Collaboration Details


Collaborate with other creatives in the college, promote myself to inform those of what I do. With the intention to be able to create a branding or self identity brief, with possibly look books or photographic publications.

RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Leeds Print Festival Details


Attend Leeds Print Festival, and view exhibition from regional, national and international artists and designers. There will also be a series of three talks, from Generation Press, Si Scott, Anthony Burrill. Chance for design context research for publication, and a chance to network.

RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Contact Magazine Editors Details


Make contact with editors or art directors who work specifically at contemporary magazines, in order to create a dialogue and understand more of the process and individual issues that might arise in the editorial industry. Specifically for my own practice and understanding, as well as used in Design Context publication.

BOOKS / TEXTS - (Harvard Refernced)
Klanten, S. Ehmann, R. Bolhofer, K and Schulze, F. (2010) Turning Pages: Editorial Design for Print Media,Berlin, Gestalten Messeguer, L (2010) Typo Mag: Typography In Magazines, Barcelona, Index Book Lupton, E & Miller, A (1996) Design Writing Research, London, Phaidon Press Limited Ambrose, G. / Harris, P. (2005) Basics Design: Typography, Lausanne, AVA Publishing Ambrose, G. / Harris, P. (2008) Basics Design: Grids, Lausanne, AVA Publishing Shaughnessy, A. (2005) How to be a graphic designer without losing your soul, London, Laurence King Ambrose, G. / Harris, P. (2008) The Production Manual: A Graphic Design Handbook, Lausanne, AVA Publishing Samara, T. (2002) Making and Breaking The Grid: A Graphic Design Layout Workshop, Minneapolis, Rockport Publishers Barnard, M. (2005) Graphic Design as Communication. New York, Routledge.

MAGAZINES / JOURNALS / ARTICLES (include publication date and details)

Codex, The journal of Typography. Issue 1. Computer Arts, October 2011 (#193), The Secrets of Great Typography Computer Arts Collection, Graphic Design Typography Branding Photography

ON LINE REFERENCES / WEBSITES / ARTICLES (include specific urls)

OTHER REFERENCE MATERIAL (Films, events, exhibitions, conferences)

Leeds Print Festival V&A - Postmodernism - Style and Subversion 1970-1990 Catch-Up, monthly exhibitions. Curated by Catalogue. Helvetica, film. Directed by Gary Hustwit (2007) Objectified, film. Directed by Gary Hustwit (2009) Typeface, film. Directed by Justine Nagan (2009)

ACTION PLAN use this section to identify specific tasks that you need to complete in
order to resolve the brief. What do you need to do? 1
Yearbook Deadline

23rd April

Vibrations first issue redesign

31st March

All products and promotional material for SixteenHT book fair completed, printed and packaged.

8th March

Personal Branding, complete website.

14th March

Find Placement for Easter

30th March

Order professionally printed business cards

15th Feb

Design Context Publication

23rd April

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