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Name And Student Number: Course, Semester, Year Module Code and Name: Tutorial Group Lecturer/ tutor

Date Due: Date Submitted: Title:

Ong Qi Ying Gracia 082293B Nursing, Semester 1, 2010 HS3114: Nursing Project Tutorial Group 5 Ms Jenny Chew 21-05-10 21-05-10 Journal Critique:
Diet and physical activity patterns of school-age children


312 words

STUDENT DECLEARATION (INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT) I declare that the work of this assignment is MY own and that the assignment complies with all the regulations and guidelines for presentation of assignment as set by NYP. All resources used have been fully and appropriately acknowledged. I certify that this assignment has not been submitted in part or in total for any other modules in any institutions or publications.

Name of student: .................................................. Signature: ....................................

The prevalence of childhood obesity had risen dramatically especially in children ages 6 to 11.Thus, it is important to address to this problem. The diet and physical activity patterns of the school-aged children need to come to attention as both of them are key factors that may increase risk of obesity. From the research, it had showed that the group of children took food with saturated fats and sodium food in their diet, and intake of fruits and vegetables were markedly low. It was also identified that boys are more active than girls. Thus, it showed that continued emphasis on the promotion of daily activities and healthful diet intake are required. The strength of this journal is the combination of age-appropriate objectives and self reported assessment tools that are used for the study are certainly useful as parents can closely monitor their children dietary intake. Furthermore, factors leading to childhood obesity were clearly identified and effective interventions were introduced and this helps to decrease risk of childhood obesity. The age group is also relevant and within the range with the final year project. Furthermore, this journal is a recent one that was published in 2009. The weakness of this journal is that there is unequal distribution of the two genders as the research focused more on females. In addition, most of the students in the group that was selected for this research have Body Mass Index (BMI) within the healthy range and only very small numbers of them were either at risk for overweight or they were already overweight. Thus, this lead to biased and inaccurate findings. This research is useful and relevant to our final year project as dietary intake and physical activity patterns are important as they need to be taken into consideration in school aged children. In this way, we will better understand the contributing factors to childhood obesity.

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