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COST ACCOUNTING Cost classification Types of costs - Inventory Records & Procedures - Significance of overhead Cost - Preparation of Cost sheet & Machine Hour Rate Calculation - Concept of cost volume profit analysis - Concept of variance - Cost control Techniques - Principles of Job Costing, batch costing , Process costing , operating costing and Activity Based Costing. (12) FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING: Concepts and Conventions- Double Entry Book keeping -- Books of Accounts- Preparation of Journals, Ledger, Trial Balance, Profit and Loss Account and Balance sheet - simple problems - Methods of depreciation- An outline of Accounts of Non-Profit making organizations. (15) FINANCIAL RATIO ANALYSIS: Uses and Nature - preparation of Liquidity Ratios - coverage Ratios and profitability Ratios from profit & Loss Account and Balance sheet. (8) GOALS AND FUNCTIONS OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Finance function - objectives of Financial Management organisation of the finance function Various sources of Finance Dividend Determinants of Dividend Policy. (4) PRINCIPLES OF CAPITAL BUDGETING: Kinds of capital Budgeting Decisions - Evaluation of proposals from the given cash inflows Payback and discounted cash Flow Techniques Problems. (6) WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT: Definition and importance of working capital - factors affecting working capital Inventory management - simple problems - Receivables Management - cash Budget Preparation - working capital Estimation. (6) INTERNATIONAL FINANCE: International Business methods Exchange Rate Mechanism Interest Rate Parity (IRP) and Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) Exchange Rate Risks Currency Derivatives - Simple Problems. (5) L: 56 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pandey I.M , Financial Management Vikas Publishing, 1999. Pandey I.M. , Management Accounting Vikas Publishing, 2000. Sharma R.K and Shashi V. K.Gupta , Management Accounting Principles of Practice, Kalyani Publishers, 2000 Gupta R.L and V.K.Gupta , Financial Accounting Sultan Chand & Sons, 2001. Jeff Madura, International Financial Management South - Western College Publishing, 2001. Total : 56



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INTRODUCTION: Characteristics of programming Languages Factors influencing the evolution of programming language, developments in programming methodologies, desirable features and design issues .Programming language processors: Structure and operations of translators, software simulated computer, syntax, semantics, structure, virtual computers, binding and binding time. Operating and Programming Environment: Batch Processing Environments, Embedded system requirements Programming language paradigms. (10) IMPERATIVE PARADIGMS AND C I: Elementary and Structured Data Types: Data object variables, constants, data types, elementary data types, declaration, assignment and initialization, enumeration, characters, strings. Structured data type and objects: Specification of data structured types, vectors and arrays, records, variable size data structure, pointers and programmer constructed data structure, Sets, files. Sub Program and programmer defined data types: Evolution of data types, abstractions, encapsulations, information hiding, sub programmes, abstract data types. (18) IMPERATIVE PARADIGMS AND C II Sequence Control; Implicit and Explicit sequence control, sequence control with within expression and statements, recursive sub programmes, exception handling, co routines, Scheduled sub programmes, concurrent execution. Data control referencing environments, static and dynamic scope, local data local data referencing environment, shared data: Explicit common environment dynamic scope parameter passing mechanism. Storage Management: Major run time requirements, storage management phases, static storage management, stack based, heap based storage management. (20) INTERNET LANGUAGE PARADIGMS: Markup and Script Languages - Multi- Paradigm Domain specific Languages. Case study Script Languages. (8)

L : 56 Total: 56

REFERENCES 1. Terrence W .Pratt, Marvin V.Selkowitz and T.V.Gopal Programming Languages Design and Implementation, Pearson Education, 2006. 2. Robert W. Sebesta, Concepts of Programming Languages, Addison Wesley Longman, 2005. 3. Kernighan B.W. and Ritchie D.M., C Programming Language (ANSI C), Prentice Hall , 1994. 4. Ravi Sethi, Programming Languages Concepts and Constructs , Pearson Education, 2006. 5. Al Kelley and Ira Pohl, A Book on C Pearson Education, 2005.


4 0 0 4 SET THEORY: Set notation and description - basic set operations - Venn diagrams - laws of set theory - principle of inclusion and exclusion - partition - min sets. (4) LOGIC: Propositions - logical operators - truth tables - normal forms - laws of logic - proofs in propositional calculus Predicates variables Quantifiers Standard Forms Inference in Predicate calculus Mathematical induction. (12) FUNCTIONS AND RELATIONS: Injective, Surjective, Bijective functions - composition, identity, inverse - properties of relations - closure operations on relations. (6) RECURRENCE RELATIONS: Recursion - solving recurrence relations - solution of non homogeneous finite order linear relations - base of right hand side equal to characteristic root. (6) FORMAL LANGUAGES: Four classes of grammars (Phrase Structure, Context sensitive, Context Free, Regular) definitions - Context free Grammar : Right most , Left most derivations Syntax trees Unambiguity, ambiguity Construction of grammars for languages Derivation of languages from grammars. (7) FINITE AUTOMATA: Definition of deterministic finite state automaton (DFA), Non deterministic finite state automaton (NFA) - equivalence of DFA and NFA - Equivalence of regular grammars and finite automata. (8) PUSH DOWN AUTOMATA: Informal description - definition - Deterministic PDA - Equivalence of acceptance by final state and empty stack - Equivalence of PDA's and Context Free languages. (8) TURING MACHINE (TM): REFERENCES 1. Doerr Alan and Levasseur Kenneth, Applied Discrete Structures for Computer Science, Galgotia Publications, 1992. 2. John .E. Hopcroft, Molwani R, Rot Wani and Jeffrey D.Ullman, Introduction to Automata theory, Languages and Computability, Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Company, 2001. 3. John C. Martin, Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation, The McGraw Hill Company Inc., 2003. 4. Bernard Kolman, Robert C. Busby and Sharon Ross, Discrete Mathematical Structures, Prentice Hall, 2004. 5. Kenneth H Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007. Introduction - Construction of simple Turing Machines - Universal TM - Halting Problem. (5) L: 56 Total: 56


4 0 0 4

INTRODUCTION: Data structures - Abstract data Types - Primitive data structures - Analysis of algorithms - Notation. (6) ARRAYS: Operations - implementation of one, two, three and multi dimensioned arrays - Different types of Array Applications (5) STRINGS: Implementation - operations - Applications. SETS: Operations on sets - implementation of sets. RECORDS: Implementation of variant records. (4)

STACKS: primitive operations - sequential implementation - Applications: Recursion : definition, process and implementation using stacks; Parentheses matching; Evaluation of expressions. (7) QUEUES: primitive operations - sequential implementation - Priority Queues - Dequeues - Applications. (5)

LISTS: Insertion and deletion of nodes - Singly linked lists, Doubly linked lists, Circular lists, Multiply linked lists Applications: Addition of Polynomials; Sparse Matrix representation ,Linked stacks - Linked queues - Linked Priority queues. (10)

TREES: Terminologies - Implementation - BINARY TREE: Properties - sequential and linked representation - binary tree operations - traversals - Expression trees - Threaded trees . (7) SORTING: Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Shell Sort, Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort, Merge Sort, Radix Sort Algorithms - Analysis. (8) TABLE : Introduction - Operations - Implementation. Hash Table: Hash function, Internal Hashing : Open Addressing, Coalesced Hashing, Separate Chaining, External Hashing : Dynamic Hashing, Extendible Hashing, Linear Hashing Analysis: Probes for successful search, unsuccessful search. (4) L : 56 Total: 56 REFERENCES 1. Aaron M Tanenbaum, Moshe J Augenstein and Yedidyah Langsam, "Data structures using C and C++", Pearson Education,2004. 2. Sahni Sartaj, "Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++", WCB / Mc Graw Hill, 2000. 3. Kakde OK, Despande, Data Structures and Algorithms, ISTE, 2001. 4. Nell Dale, C++ Plus Data Structures, Narosa Publishing House , 1999. 5. Mark Allen Weiss , Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C, Pearson Education, 2003. 6. Robert L Kruse , Bruce P Leung and Clovin L Tondo , Data Structures and Program Design in C, Pearson Education, 2004.. 7. Angela B. Shiflet, Elementary Data Structures with Pascal, West Publishing company, 1990.


4 DIGITAL LOGIC CIRCUIT : Logic gates, Boolean Algebra, Simplification of Boolean functions. (4) COMBINATIONAL CIRCUITS : Half-Adder, Full-Adder, Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers. (4) SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS : Flip-Flops : SR-F/F, D-F/F, JK-F/F, T-F/F, Excitation Tables-characteristic equation. SHIFT REGISTERS: PIPO, SIPO, SISO, PISO. BINARY COUNTERS : Ring counter, Ripple counter Desig of synchronous counters- up-down counter DATA REPRESENTATION : Number Systems Fixed and Floating Point representation. (6) (5) 0 0 4

-Binary, Octal, Hexa-decimalBCD Alphanumeric representation (3) Tri-state buffers - Arithmetic, (5)

REGISTER TRANSFER AND MICRO - OPERATIONS : Bus and Memory Transfer Logic, Shift Micro-operations - Basic Computer Organisation and Design.

Stored Program Organisation - Timing and Control : Instruction Cycle - Memory Reference, Instruction - Input / Output configuration and interrupt cycle Design of basic computer Introduction to Microprogrammed control unit (10) CPU ORGANISATION : General Register Organisation Stack Organisation - Instruction formats - Introduction to RISC Parallel Processing Array Processors. (6) INPUT AND OUTPUT ORGRANISATION : Input and Output interface Asynchronous Data transfer Modes of Transfer DMA I/O processor. (4) MEMORY ORGANISATION : Memory Hierarchy- Main Memory- Associative Memory - Cache Memory - Virtual Memory. (9) L: 56 Total: 56 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. Morris Mano M, Computer System Architecture, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd.,2003. Malvino A.P and Donald P.Leach, Digital Principles and Applications, Tata McGrawHill, 2002.. John P. Hayes, Computer Architecture and Organization, McGraw Hill, 2003. William Stallings, Computer Organisation and Architecture : Designing for Performance, Prentice Hall , 2001.



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1. Simple programs to understand the concepts of data types. 2. Familiarizing conditional, control and repetition statements 3. Usage of single and double dimensional arrays including storage operation 4. Implementation of functions, recursive functions 5.Defining and handling structures, array of structures and union 6.Implementation of pointers, operation on pointers dynamic storage allocation 7. Creating and processing data files. P: 28 Total: 28


1 COBOL PROGRAMMING INTRODUCTION TO COBOL: Introduction to COBOL language fundamentals - Designing Structured Programs Program Development Process - Designing COBOL Programs - Syntax and Margin Rules - Working Storage Fields - 77 and 88 Levels - COBOL Divisions and Coding - Declaring Variables - Formatting Output. (5) DESIGNING STRUCTURED PROGRAMS: Program Control - Sequence, Selection, Iteration and Case Structures Paragraph Processing - Loops and Control - Conditional Loops - Declaring and Using Arrays - COBOL Verbs: MOVE, INSPECT, STRING, UNSTRING, INITIALIZE. (5) BASIC FILE PROCESSING: OPEN, Record, and CLOSE Processing Physical / Logical File Descriptions - Printing, and Displaying Output - Sequential File Processing Sorting and Merging Indexed File Processing Advanced Table Handling and Processing - Report Writer. (4) REFERENCES 1. 2. M.K.Roy and D.Ghosh Dastidar, COBOL Programming, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004. Nancy Stern and Robert A.Stern, Structured COBOL Programming, John Wiley & Sons,1994. 0 4 3

COBOL: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Implementation of simple and multiple table handling operations using PERFORM verb. Indexing a table and perform search operation using SET AND SEARCH verb. Sorting tables. Creation and processing of simple sequential files (fixed length records). MERGE AND SORT sequential files. Creating and processing indexed sequential and relative files. Defining and calling COBOL subroutines.

Visual Basic : List of Packages : 1. Office automation 2. Hospital Management System 3. Library Management System 4. Student Information System 5. Production Planning System L: 14 P: 56 Total : 70


0 Implementation of the following problems: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Various types of Matrices and operations Library of string operations Set operations An appropriate illustration using Records and Variant records Stacks : Operations and applications Queues : Operations and applications. Linked Lists: Singly linked, Doubly linked and Circular lists Binary trees and Threaded trees Hash Table P:70 Total : 70 0 5 3



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EVOLUTION OF MICROPROCESSORS: 8 bit, 16 bit, 32 bit, 64 bit processors salient features Example of microprocessor based system. CPU STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION : Processor Organisation Instruction cycle instruction pipelining. (2)

INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL ORGANISATION OF 8086 CPU : BIU , EU Purpose of various signals Construction of Machine code . Memory design for 8086 and 8088 microprocessors. (4) ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING : Format Assembler Directives Instruction - Classification of instructions Programs to implement arithmetics (6) STRING MANIPULATION : Instructions Illustrative Examples Subroutines-Macros and procedures - Interrupt Handling ISR TSR programs (12)

INPUT/OUTPUT SECTION ISSUES: I/O mapped I/O, Memory mapped I/O Interrupt driven I/O Direct Memory Access controllers Programmable Interrupt Controller. (6) PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE : Interfacing of D/A&A/D convertersMatrix Keyboard interface. PENTIUM MICROPROCESSORS: Introduction Special Pentium Registers Salient features of Pentium. (3) (3)

RISC PROCESSORS: Instruction characteristics RISC pipelining RISC versus CISC Superscalar processors Overview Power PC - Salient features of Power PC. (5) L: 42 REFERENCES

Total : 42

Barry B. Brey, The Intel Microprocessors 8086/8088,8.186/80188,80286, 80386, 80486 and Pentium,Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium IV Architecture, programming and interfacing based personal computers, Prentice Hall of India, 2005. 2. Douglas V.Hall, Microprocessors and interface Programming and Hardware, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002. 3 Peter Abel, IBM PC Assembly Language & Programming , Prentice Hall, 2006. 4. Barry B. Brey, Programming the 80286, 80386, 80486 and Pentium based Computers, Prentice Hall of India, 2004.


4 0 0 PRINCIPLES OF OOP: (2) INTRODUCTION TO C++: History of C++ - Structure of C++ Basic data types Derived data types Symbolic constants Dynamic initialization Type modifiers Type casting Operator and control statements Input and output statements in C++. (4) CLASSES AND OBJECTS: Class specification Member function specification Scope resolution operator Access qualifiers - Instance creation Member functions Function prototyping Function components Passing parameters Call by reference Return by reference Inline functions Default arguments Overloaded function. (4) Array of objects Pointers to objects, this pointer, Dynamic allocation operators - Dynamic objects. Constructors Parameterized constructors Overloaded constructors Constructors with default arguments - Copy constructors Static data members and Static objects Objects as arguments Returning objects Friend function and Friend class Local classes and Nested class Empty, static and CONST classes. (9) OPERATOR OVERLOADING: Operator function Overloading unary and binary operator Overloading the operator using the Friend function Stream Operator overloading Data Conversion. (4) INHERITANCE: Defining Derived classes Single Inheritance - Protected data with Private Inheritance Multiple inheritance Multi level inheritance Hierarchical inheritance Hybrid inheritance Multipath inheritance Constructors in derived and base class Abstract classes Virtual function and Dynamic Polymorphism Virtual Destructor . (8) EXCEPTION HANDLING: Principle of Exception handling Exception handling mechanism Multiple catch Nested try Rethrowing the exception. (4) STREAMS: Streams in C++ - Stream classes Formatted and Unformatted data manipulators User defined manipulators File streams File Pointer manipulation File open and Close. (5) TEMPLATES: Template Functions and template classes. JAVA INTRODUCTION: Java and Internet Byte code Feature of Java Review of Java - Methods and classes Packages and interfaces. (2) EXCEPTION HANDLING: Fundamentals and Types Built in Exception User Defined Exception. MUTLITHREADED PROGRAMMING: Multithread Model Setting priority to thread -Synchronization of threads. APPLETS: Applet class AWT class Methods Controls Introduction to Swing. L: 56 REFERENCES Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, Addison Wesley, 2004. Stanley B Lippman and Josee Lajoie, The C++ Primer, Addison Wesley Longman, 2005. Patrick Naughton and Herbert Schildt Java 2: Complete Reference, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003. Joseph Weber L, Using Java2 Platform, Prentice Hall Inc., 2005. Total: 56 (4) (5) (5) 4

Programming Paradigms - Basic concepts and benefits of OOP Applications of OOP.


3 0 2 4 INTODUCTION: Algorithms analysis of algorithms best case and worst case complexities, analysis of some algorithms using simple data structures, Amortized time complexity. (6) BINARY SEARCH TREES: Searching Insertion and deletion of elements Analysis. AVL TREES : Definition Height searching insertion and deletion of elements, AVL rotations Analysis. RED BLACK TREES : complexities. (3) (4)

Definition searching insertion and deletion of elements algorithms and their time (4) (3)

SPLAY TREES : Definition Steps in Splaying Analysis

MULTIWAY SEARCH TREES : Indexed Sequential Access m-way search trees B-Tree searching, insertion and deletion - B+ trees - Tries. (6) GRAPHS : Definition representations, Adjacency matrix, packed adjacency list and linked adjacency list, network representation Graph search methods, Breadth first Search and Depth first Search. (4) DIVIDE AND CONQUER : Method examples Merge sort, Quick sort, Binary Search. (4)

GREEDY METHOD : Optimization problems method examples Minimum cost spanning tree, Kruskals and prims algorithms, Topological sorting, optimal storage on tapes. (6) DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING: Method examples All pairs shortest path problem Traveling salesman problem. BACK TRACKING: Method Examples Eight queens problem, Hamiltonian Cycles Analysis. BRANCH & BOUND : Method Example 0/1 knapsack Analysis. (4) (4) (4)

NP-HARD, NP-COMPLETE CLASSES : Basic concepts Non deterministic algorithms satisfiability problem NPhard and NP-complete Problems Cooks theorem (informal proof). (4) L: 56 Total : 56 REFERENCES

2. 3.
4. 5. 6.

Thomas H.Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, and Ronald L.Rivest Introduction to Algorithms , Mc Graw Hill, 2002. Mark Allen Weiss, Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, Pearson Education, 2002. Adam Drozdek, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd., 2002. Sahni Sartaj, Data Structures, Algorithms and Application in C++, WCB / Mc Graw Hill, 2000. Ellis Horowitz and Sahni Sartaj, Fundamental of Computer Algorithms, Galgotia publications Pvt.Ltd, 2002. Robert L Kruse, Clovis L Tondo, Bruce P Leung, Data Structures and Program design in C Pearsons Education, 2004.


3 0 0 3 BASIC CONCEPTS : Introduction to databases Conventional file Processing Data Modeling for a database Three level architecture Data Independence Components of a Database Management System (DBMS) Advantages and disadvantages of a DBMS. (5) DATA MODELS : Introduction Data Associations entities, attributes, relationships Entity relationship data models (ERD) Generalization Aggregation Conversion of ERD into tables applications Introduction to Network data model and Hierarchical data model. (7) FILE ORGANIZATION : Storage device characteristics constituents of a file Serial files Sequential files Index Sequential files Direct files Secondary key retrieval Indexing using Tree structures. (6) RELATIONAL MODEL : Introduction Relational databases Relational algebra Relational algebra queries Relational calculus : Tuple Relational calculus, Domain relational calculus Queries in Relational calculus. (6) Relational database manipulation Structured Query Language (SQL) - Basic data retrieval Condition specification SQL Join views and update. (6) DATA BASE DESIGN THEORY : Functional dependencies axioms Normal forms based on primary keys Second Normal form, Third Normal form, Boyce Codd Normal form examples. Multivalued dependencies Fourth Normal form Data base design process Database Tuning. (7) DATABASE SECURITY, Distributed databases. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. Silberschatz A., Korth H and Sudarshan S., Database System Concepts, McGraw Hill Inc., 2002. Elmasri R and Navathe S.B, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Pearson Education, 2004. Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke, Database Management System, McGraw Hill Inc., 2003. Thomas Condly, Carolyn Begg, Database System Pearson Eduction, 2003. INTEGRITY AND CONTROL: Security and Integrity threats Defense mechanisms (5) L: 42 Total : 42



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ELEMENTARY PROBABILITY: Events - Probability Axioms - Conditional probability - Independent events - Baye's formula. (5) RANDOM VARIABLES : Distribution functions - Marginal distributions - Conditional distributions - Stochastic independence. Expectation - conditional expectation and conditional variance. Moment generating functions. (7) PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS: Binomial, Poisson, Geometric, Uniform, Exponential, Normal, Gamma, Moment generating function, mean, variance. (11) CORRELATON : Types of Correlation - Regression - Multiple and Partial Correlation and Regression. (5)

ESTIMATION: Point Estimation-characteristics of estimation - interval estimation -interval estimates of mean, standard deviation, proportion, difference in means and ratios of standard deviations. (5) TESTING OF HYPOTHESIS: Probability density function and Properties of t, F, Chi- square distributions - Test for means, variances and attributes using the above distributions. Large sample tests - tests for means, variances and proportions. (8) ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE : One way and Two way classifications - Completely Randomized Block - Randomized Block design and Latin Square design (only problems). (5) TIME SERIES ANALYSIS : Trend and seasonal variations - Components of Time series - Measurement of trend Linear and second degree parabola. (5) STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL: Statistical basis for control charts - control limits control charts for variables X, R charts, charts for defective - p, np charts - charts for defects - C charts. (5) L: 56 Total : 56 REFERENCES 1. Trivedi K.S., Probability & Statistics with Reliability, Queueing and Computer Applications, Prentice Hall, 2003. 2. Arnold O. Allen, Probability, Statistics and Queueing Theory with Computer Science Applications, Academic press, 1990. 3. Sheldon M.Ross, Probability Models, Harcourt Asia Pvt Ltd, Academic Press, 2001. 4. Douglas C. Montgomery Lynwood A. Johnson , Forecasting and Time Series Analysis, McGraw Hill, 1990. 5. Daleh Bester Field, Quality Control, Prentice-Hall, 1986. 6. Johnson R.A., Probability and Statistics for Engineers Prentice Hall , 2000. 7. Ronald E.Walpole, Raymond H.Myers, Sharon L.Myers and Keying Ye, Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists, Pearson Education, 2002.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


0 0 6 3

Arithmetic operations using array of objects and dynamic data members. Creation of a class having read-only member function and processing the objects of that class. Creation of a class which keeps track of the member of its instances. Usage of static data member, constructor and destructor to maintain updated information about active objects. Illustration of a data structure using dynamic objects. Usage of static member to count the number of instances of a class. Illustration for the need of default arguments. Usage of a function to perform the same operation on more than one data type. Creation of a class with generic data member. Overloading the operators to do arithmetic operations on objects.

10. Acquisition of the features of an existing class and creation of a new class with added features in it.

11. Implementation of run time polymorphism. 12. Overloading stream operators and creation of user manipulators. 13. Designing a function to alarm, when an error occurs. 14. Implementation of derived class which has direct access to both its own members and the public members of the base class. 15. 16. 17. Implementation of Streams to store and maintain Library system, with the features of Book Issue and Book Return. Implementation of console application for getting inputs from keyboard. Conversion checking from one data type to another data type.

18. Implementation of Notepad with all basic features of Text Editor. 19. Implementation of delayed threads. P: 70 Total: 70

20. Checking the different alignments of various Layouts.


0 1. Table designing with related queries. 2. Database designing with constraints for i. functional dependency ii. referential integrity iii. multi-valued dependency 3. Creation of views for a table. 4. Definition of triggers to handle anamolies. 5. Imposing restrictions on queries for security reasons. Package : Creation of a package by effectively using all the facilities existing in RDBMS. P: 70 Total : 70 0 5 3


0 WRITTEN COMMUNICATION 1. Remedial English Subject- verb agreement - concord - tense forms - auxiliary verbs - different ways of rewriting sentences 2.Scientific Style Clarity - simplicity - exactness - brevity - unity - coherence - objectivity 3. Formal and Informal Writing (11) ORAL COMMUNICATION 1. Stress and Intonation 2. Delivery Techniques. The extemporaneous speech and the manuscript speech - The physical aspects of speech audience interaction. 3. The Use of Visual Aids Criteria of visual aids (visibility, clarity, simplicity, control) The tools of visual presentation (chalk board, chart, overhead projector and so on. 4. Practice in Oral Communication (a) Short speech (b) Group discussion as a participant and as a moderator. (c) Mock press conference 0 2 1

(d) Seminar (e) Mock interview (f) Speech based on a situation (g) Extemporaneous speech Practice will also be given in conducting a meeting - welcoming a gathering, presiding over a function and proposing vote of thanks. (17) Total : 28 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. Pillai G.Radhakrishnan, Rajeevan, K and Bhaskaran Nair P, Written English for You, Emerald Academic Press, Madras, 1991. Leech Geoffrey and Jan Svartvik, A communicative Grammar of English, Longman Singapore Publishers (Pvt.) Ltd., Singapore, 1991 (ELBS). Houp Kenneth W and Thomas E Pearsall, Reporting Technical Information, Wadsworth Publishing Company Inc., Belmont, 1962.


4 0 0 4 INTRODUCTION : Statement of an optimization problems classification of optimization problem classical optimization techniques : Single variable optimizations, Multi variable optimization, equality constraints, Inequality constraints, No constraints. (4) LINEAR PROGRAMMING : Graphical method for two dimensional problems central problems of Linear Programming Definitions Simplex Algorithm Phase I and Phase II of Simplex Method Revised Simplex Method. (7) Simplex Multipliers Dual and Primal Dual Simplex Method Sensitivity Analysis Transportation problem and its solution Assignment problem and its solution by Hungarian method Karmakars method statement, Conversion of the Linear Programming problem into the required form, Algorithm. (8) NON LINEAR PROGRAMMING (ONE DIMENSIONAL MINIMIZATION: Introduction Unrestricted search Exhaustive search Interval halving method Fibonacci method. (5) NON LINEAR PROGRAMMING : (UNCONSTRAINED OPTIMIZATION): Introduction Random search method Grid search method Uni variate method Pattern search methods Hooke and Jacues method, Powells method-Simplex method Gradient of a function steepest descent method Conjugate gradient method. (7) NON LINEAR PROGRAMMING (CONSTRAINED OPTIMIZATION): Introduction Characteristics of the problem Random search methods Complex method. (5) DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING: procedures. Introduction multistage decision processes Principles of optimality Computation (5)

DECISION MAKING: Decisions under uncertainty, under certainty and under risk Decision trees Expected value of perfect information and imperfect information. (5) SIMULATION: Introduction to Simulation Simulation study Types of Simulation Limitations of Simulation Areas of Simulation Simulation of Queues, Networks and Inventory models. (6) GENETIC ALGORITHMS : Introduction Representation of Variables, Objective functions, Constraints Genetic operators. (4) L : 56 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Hamdy A Taha , Operations Research An introduction, Pearson Education , 2002. Singiresu. S.Rao, Engineering Optimization Theory and Practice, New Age International,1996. Kambo N.S., Mathematical Programming Techniques, Affiliated East West Press, 1991. Hillier / Lieberman, Introduction to Operations Research, Tata McGraw Hill , 2005. Mik Misniewski, Quantitative Methods for Decision makers, MacMillian Press, 1994. Jerry Banks, John S.Carson, Barryz and Nelson David Nicop, Discrete Event System Simulation, Prentice Hall, 2004. Total: 56


INTRODUCTION: Operating Systems Objectives and Functions Evolution of Operating Systems Structure of Operating System Components of Computers. (6) MEMORY MANAGEMENT: Memory hierarchy Linking and Loading the process Memory Management requirement.


(3) MEMORY ORGANIZATION: Fixed partitioning - Dynamic partitioning Buddy Systems Simple paging Multilevel paging Inverted paging Simple Segmentation segmentation and paging. (6) VIRTUAL MEMORY MANAGEMENT: Need for Virtual Memory management Demand Paging - Page Fault Routine Demand Segmentation Combined demand segmentation and paging - Operating systems policies. (6) PROCESS DESCRIPTION AND CONTROL: Process Creation - Process states Process Description Process Control. (5) PROCESS AND THREADS: Relationship between process and threads Thread State Thread Synchronization Types of Thread. (2) PROCESS SYNCHRONIZATION: Concurrent Process Principles of Concurrency Mutual Exclusion Software support Hardware Support Operating System Support -Deadlock - Deadlock Prevention, Avoidance and Detection and recovery. (5) PROCESS SCHEDULING: Types of Scheduling Scheduling Criteria Scheduling Algorithms. (4)

I/O MANAGEMENT AND DISK SCHEDULING: Organization of I/O function Evolution of I/O function Types of I/O devices Logical Structure of I/O functions I/O Buffering Disk I/O Disk Scheduling algorithms Disk Cache. (6) FILE MANAGEMENT: Files File management Systems File System Architecture Functions of File Management File Directories Secondary Storage Management File Allocation. (7) CASE STUDIES: Windows 2000, Linux, Unix and Solaris. L:56 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. William Stallings, Operating Systems, Prentice-Hall, 2004. Silberschatz. A, Galvin. P and Gagne.G, Operating System Concepts John Wiley and Sons, 2002. Charles Crowely, Operating System a Design Oriented Approach, Tata McGraw Hill, 2000. D. M. Dhamdhere, Operating Systems- A Concept based Approach, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003. David A Solomon and Mark E Russinovich, Inside Microsoft Windows 2000 , WP Publishers and distributors, 2001. Uresh Vahalia, Unix Internals, Pearson Education, 2004. Jim Mauro and Richard McDougall, Solaris Internals, Sun Microsystems, 2001. (6) Total 56


4 0 0 4 INTRODUCTION : System - System Development - Types of systems People involved in the systems development The project life cycle models - Need for Software Engineering - Objectives and Benefits of Software Engineering - Factors that influence Quality & Productivity Quality attributes of a software product. (9) SOFTWARE PLANNING : Software Project Estimation - Different techniques of Project cost estimation Decomposition techniques - COCOMO & PUTNAM models. (5) SOFTWARE ANALYSIS : Functional and non-functional requirements- Requirements engineering process Elicitation validation and management software prototyping - Principles of Analysis - Analysis tools - Analysis Models. (12) DESIGN CONCEPTS AND PRINCIPLES : Design process and concepts Levels of Design - Coupling - Cohesion -Design Tools - Software Design Methods Design Techniques - Design of Input and control - Design of Output. (12) OBJECT ORIENTED SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT : Object Oriented Systems Development life Cycle - Object oriented methodologies - Rational Unified Process Unified Modeling Language Process workflows Importance of Modeling Types of Modeling. (16) Case Study REFERENCES Pressman R.S., Software Engineering A Practitioners Approach, Tata McGraw Hill , 2005. Pankaj Jalote, Integrated Approach to Software Engineering, Narosa Publishing House, 2006. Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, Software Engineering Theory and Practice, Pearson Education , 2007 Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering, Addison Wesley, 2007. 5. Philippe Krucheten, The Rational Unified Process An Introduction, Addison Wesley 2003. 6. Grady Booch , James Rumbaugh and Ivar Jacobson , The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, Pearson Education, 1999. 6. Martin Fowler and Kendall Scott, UML Distilled , Pearson Education, 2002. (2) L: 56 Total : 56


7. 8.

John Hunt, The Unified Process for Practitioners , Springer, 2000. Hans-Erik Eriksson, Magnus Penker, Brain Lyons, David Fado, UML Toolkit, OMG Press Wiley Publishing Inc., 2004.


3 0 2 4 BASIC CONCEPTS: Layered Architecture Line Configuration Topology Transmission Mode categories of Networks The OSI Model Functions of the Layers. (2) SIGNALS AND ENCODING: Analog Signals Simple and Complex Digital Signals Decomposition of a Digital Signal Maximum bandwidth and Significant Bandwidth Digital to Digital Encoding:- Unipolar Polar Bipolar Digital to Analog Encoding Amplitude Shift Keying Frequency Shift Keying Phase Shift Keying QAM Bit-rate and Baud rate- Analog to Digital Encoding Pulse Amplitude Modulation Pulse Coded Modulation Sampling rate. (7) DIGITAL DATA TRANSMISSION : Parallel and Serial Transmission MODEMS Intelligent MODEMS AT Commands. (2) ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION: Types of Errors Single bit Multiple bit Burst Error Detection Vertical redundancy Check Longitudinal Redundancy Check Cyclic redundancy Check Error Correction Single bit Error Correction Hamming Code. (4) DATA LINK CONTROL AND PROTOCOLS: Line Discipline Flow Control Stop and Wait Synchronous Protocols Binary Synchronous Communication High Level Data Link Control. Sliding Window (3)

CHANNEL ALLOCATION METHODS: Frequency Division Multiplexing Time Division Multiplexing Inverse Multiplexing ALOHA Techniques Pure ALOHA Slotted ALOHA Reservation ALOHA Carrier Sense Multiple Access Techniques. (4) LOCAL AREA NETWORKS : Ethernet Token Bus Token Ring FDDI. (8)

SWITCHING Circuit Switching - Space Division Switches Time Division Switches - Space and Time Division Switch Combinations Packet switching Datagram Approach Virtual Circuit Approach Connection oriented Vs Connectionless Services. (4) X.25 AND ATM Packet Layer Protocol Data Packets and Control Packets Design goal of ATM ATM Protocol Architecture.- Introduction to MPLS Benefits of MPLS (5) ISDN: Services Bearer Services Tele services Supplementary Services Subscriber Access to ISDN B Channels D Channels H Channels ISDN Layers (3) L: 42 REFERENCES 1. Behrouz Forouzan Introduction to Data Communications and Networking, McGraw-Hill, 2007. 2. Andrew S.Tanenbaum, Computer networks, Prentice-Hall , 2007. 3. Alberto Leon Garcia, Indra Widjaja, Communication Networks: Key Concepts and Architecture, McGraw Hill 2000 4. Keshav S., An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking, Addison-Wesley, 2004. Total : 42


4 0 0 4 ASSEMBLERS: General Design procedures Design of an Assembler data structures format of databases algorithm flow chart PASS structures modular functions. (8) MACRO LANGUAGE AND MACRO PROCESSORS : Macro instructions, features of a macro facility implementation. (8) LOADERS : Loader schemes compile and go loaders , general load scheme absolute loaders direct linking loaders and their design. Other loading schemes : linking loaders, overlays, dynamic binders. (8) COMPILERS : Introduction Structure of a compiler phases of a compiler - compiler writing tools. (3)

LEXICAL ANALYSIS : Role of a lexical analyzer finite automata regular expressions to finite automata minimizing the number of states of a deterministic finite automata implementation of a lexical analyzer. (8) PARSING TECHNIQUES : Context free grammars derivations and parse trees ambiguity capabilities of context free grammars. Top down and bottom up parsing handles shift reduce parsing operator precedence parsing recursive descent parsing predictive parsing. (10) Automatic Parsing Techniques LR parsers canonical collection of LR (0) items construction of SLR parsing tables.


(4) INTERMEDIATE CODE GENERATION: Postfix notation, Quadruples, triples , indirect triples Representing information in a symbol table introduction to code optimization basic blocks DAG representation error detection and recovery code generation. (7) L: 56 Total: 56 REFERENCES 1. John J. Donovan, Systems Programming, McGrawHill , 2001. 2. Dhamdhere D.M., Systems Programming, Tata McGrawHill, 2003. 3. Aho A.V.,Monica S, R.Sethi and Ullman J.D., Compilers : Principles, Techniques and Tools, Addison Wesley, Longman, 2006. 4. Dhamdhere D.M., Compiler Construction Principles and Practice, Macmillan Company, 2005. 5. Holub Allen I. Compiler Design in C, Prentice Hall , 2001.


INTRODUCTION: Windows Architecture - Event driven programming - WinMain() function. (3) (3) (3) (2) MESSAGES AND EVENTS: Message Map - Window Messages - Keyboard Messages - Mouse Messages WM_COMMAND - SendMessage(). RESOURCES : Icons - Menus - Cursors - Toolbars. DIALOG BOXES : Introduction - Dialog Bars - Property Sheets - Wizards.

CONTROLS: Push Buttons - Check Boxes - Radio Buttons - Edit Controls - List Boxes - Combo Boxes - Tree Controls Spin Buttons - Progress Bars. (2) GRAPHICAL DEVICE INTERFACE: Fundamentals - GDI Objects - Bitmaps - Drawing functions - Text functions. FILE PROCESSING: Archiving - C++ Serialization - CDocument - Common Dialogs. COLLECTIONS: Array of objects - List of Strings - List of Objects. DOCUMENT/VIEW ARCHITECTURE: Document Classes - View Classes - Multiple Views. (2) (2) (2) (2)

INTRODUCTION TO .NET PROGRAMMING: Common Language Runtime - .NET Framework Class Library - Microsoft Intermediate Languages - JIters - Unmanaged code - Win Forms - Text Box - Buttons - Message Box - List Box - Handling Events. (7) L:28 P: 42 Total : 70 REFERENCES 1. Jeff Prosise, Programming Windows with MFC, Second Edition, Microsoft Press, 1999. 2. Jeffrey Ritcher, CLR via C#, Second Edition, Microsoft Press, 2006. 3. Microsoft Corporation, MCAD/MCSD Self-Paced Training Kit: Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual C# .NET, Microsoft Press, 2002. 4. Herbert Schildt, MFC Programming from the Ground up, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 2000. 5. John E Swanke, VC++ MFC Extensions by Example, Group West Publishers, 1999. LAB EXERCISES 1. 2. Create a Simple Window - a simple MFC program with only CFrameWnd and CWinApp classes. Handling Message Maps. Create event handlers and monitor events. Add controls and handlers to a form at run time. Create and configure form menus and context menus in an application. Simple Paintbrush Application. File Handling - un-buffered, binary, text files. Dialog Box Handling. SDI and MDI applications

3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

08MX37 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING LAB 0 0 3 2 1. Implementation of requirement analysis process using the appropriate tool
2. Implement of Design using the rational tools


3. Generate use case diagram and related object oriented analysis representation using rational tools 4. Generation of code using appropriate tool 5. Implementation of debugging process using the appropriate tool 6. Testing the applications for unit testing 7. Testing the application for integrated testing 8. Testing application for load or volume testing 9. Using an appropriate tool for generate test cases/ test plan/ test documents 10. Using MS-Project for generating CP/M and PERT charts and finally preparation of project plan


0 1. 2. 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0 3 2 Study of Programming Systems Assembler, Macro Processor, Editor, Debugger Study of basic features of DOS and UNIX internals Design and Implementation of a Text Editor Design and Implementation of a simple Assembler Design and Implementation of a Macro Processor Implementation of Transition diagram to strip off comment statements from a given source file Development of a Lexical Analyzer Design and Implementation of a Symbol Table Manager Implementation of the following Parsing algorithms a. Recursive descent Parser b. Shift reduce Parser 10. Implementation of a Syntax Directed Translation Engine to a. Simulate a Desk Calculator b. Generation of Postfix code. P: 42 Total : 42


3 0 0 3

ENTERPRISE FOUNDATIONS: Enterprise Architectural overview - object oriented software development for enterprise Component Based software development for enterprise. Java Enterprise System. (5) ENTERPRISE DATA ENABLING : Enterprise Data - Basis of JDBC, Drivers, Connection, Statement, Result Set, Advanced JDBC features. (10) DISTRIBUTED ENTERPRISE COMMUNICATIONS ENABLING : Distributed Enterprise Communications Basis - RMI Communication - CORBA communication - DCOM Communication. (10) ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS : Java Message Service, Point to Point messaging, Publish Subscribe messaging, Web Services using Java, AJAX. (10) ENTERPRISE WEB ENABLING : Web Browsers and Web Servers in Enterprise. Web Programming, XML. Java Servlets - Java Server pages, JavaServer Faces , JSTL, Struts. (10) MULTITIER ENTERPRISE COMPUTING: Java Beans, Enterprise Java Beans, Stateless Session Beans, Stateful Session Beans, Message Driven Beans, Entity, Accessing EJB in web services (11) L: 56 REFERENCES 1. Paul J Perrone, Venkata S.R. Krishna R and Chayanti, " Building Java Enterprise Systems with J2EE", Techmedia , 2000. 2. George Reese, Database programming, with JDBC and Java" Second Edition, OReiliy , 2000. 3. Dustin R. Callaway - "Inside Servlets " - Addison Wesley Longman Inc. - 2001. 4. Bill Burke and Richard Monson Haefel, Enterprise Java Beans 3.0 OReily, 2006. 5. Raghu R.Kodali, Jonathan R. Wetherbee, and Peter Zadrozny, Beginning EJB 3 Application Development, Apress, 2006. 6. Jason Hunter - "Java Servlet Programming " - O' Reily & Associates Inc. - 2001. 7. Kito D.Mann, JavaServer Faces in Action, Manning, 2005. 8. Dave Crane, Eric Pascarello and Darren Jame, Ajax in Action, Manning , 2006. 9. Eric Jendrock, Jennifer Ball, Debbie Carson, Ian Evans, Scott Fordin and Kim Haase The Java EE 5 Tutorial , Addison Wesley , 2006. Total : 56



3 0 0 3 INTERNETWORKING MODEL AND ARCHITECTURAL MODEL: Internetworking IConcepts- Basic Bridge operationSpanning Tree-Interconnection through IP routers- Direct routing - Indirect routing- Route Table IP Addresses Classful and Classless Special IP Addresses Subneting and Superneting - Address Resolution Protocol Reverse Address Resolution Protocol. (7) INTERNET PROTOCOL: The virtual Network Connectionless Unreliable Delivery System The IP Datagram The IP optionsBOOTP and DHCP ProtocolInternet Control Message ProtocolICMP Message FormatIGMP. (5) THE TCP/IP INTERNET LAYERING MODEL:User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Format of UDP Messages UDP Ports Reliable Stream services Properties of Reliable Service Providing Reliability Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Ports, Connection, and End Points Passive and Active Opens TCP Segment Format Establishing a TCP Connection Closing a TCP Connection TCP Port Numbers. (4) ROUTING: Vector Distance Routing GGP Protocol Link State Routing Border Gateway Protocol BGP Message Formats. (6) NAMING WITH THE DOMAIN NAME SYSTEM: Structure of Complex Names Geographic Structure - Domain name within an Organization The DNS Client- Server Model The DNS Server Hierarchy Server Architectures Links among servers Resolving a Name. (4) NETWORK APPLICATIONS: Electronic Mail: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) MIME Content Types MIME Transfer Encodings Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) TelNet Network Virtual Terminal. (9) PRIVATE NETWORK INTERCONNECTION: Private networks Virtual private networks (VPN), Network Address translation (NAT), Security in the Internet IPSec. IPV6 and ICMPV6: Introduction and features. L: 42 REFERENCES 1. William Stallings, Data & Computer Communications, Pearson Education, 2001. 2. Behrouz A Forouzan, Sophia Chung Fegan, TCP/IP Protocol Suite, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006 3. Dougles E.Comer, Internetworking with TCP/IP, Prentice Hall, 2001. 4. Dougles E.Comer, Computer Networks and Internets, Pearson Education, 2000. 5. James F.Kurose and Keith W. Rose, Computer Networking A Top Down approach Featuring the Internet, Addison Wesley, 2002.

(5) (2)

Total: 42



4 0 0 4

INTODUCTION TO UNIX : File System - General Purpose Utilities - Bourne Shell - Simple Filters Advanced filters Process - Communication and Scheduling - Programming with Shell. (15) SYSTEM STRUCTURE : Kernel architecture - Kernel data structure - Buffer Cache - Structure of Buffer pool Scenarios for buffer retrieval - Reading and Writing disk blocks - Advantages and Disadvantages of buffer cache - Inode Structure of regular file - Conversion of a pathname to an inode - Inode assignment to a new file - allocation of disk blocks. (15) INTRODUCTION TO SYSTEM CALLS: Process states and transitions - Context of a process - Saving the context of a process - Manipulating Process address space - Process creation and termination - System Boot and INIT process Process Scheduling - Multithreads - Concurrency and parallelism. (13) MEMORY MANAGEMENT: Swapping - Demand Paging - allocation of swap space - Data structures of demand paging Page stealer Process -page aging and fault - Interprocess Communication (13) L: 56 Total: 56 REFERENCES 1. Sumithabha Das, "Unix System V.4 - Concepts and Applications", Tata McGraw Hill , 2003. 2. Maurice J. Bauch, "Design of the UNIX Operating System", Prentice Hall of India, 2007. 3. Uresh Vahalia, "UNIX Internals", Pearson Education, 2002.


4. Keith Haviland and Dina Gray Unix System Programming , Addison Wesley Longman , 1998 5. Sumitabha Das, Your Unix The Ultimate Guide, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005.


3 0 2 4

DATA WAREHOUSING : Introduction , Definition and description , Need for Data Ware Housing (DWH), Need for strategic information , Failures of past Decision Support Systems , OLTP vs DWH DWH Requirements Trends in DWH DWH Framework, Information Systems Framework (Zachman Framework) Applications of DWH. (4) DATA WAREHOUSING ARCHITECTURE : Reference Architecture , Components of Reference Architecture Data Ware House Building Blocks Implementation , Physical Design Process, DWH Deployment Process. (3) DATABASE DESIGN : Dimensional Modeling , Basics , STAR Schema, Star Schema keys , Advantages of STAR Schema. (4) DATA WAREHOUSE TECHNOLOGIES : Parallel Processing Copy Management Meta Data Management Data Quality factors. (4) DATA MINING : Data Mining Tasks Data Mining Vs KDD Issues in Data Mining DM Metrics Data Mining and Databases Data Mining Architecture Future Trends. (4) DATA PREPROCESSING : Data Cleaning Data Transformation Data Reduction. DATA MINING PRIMITIVES , LANGUAGES: Data Mining primitives Data Mining Query Languages. (3) (3)

ASSOCIATIONS : Association Rules Mining Single Dimensional Boolean Association Rules from Transactional Databases Mining Multi Dimensional Association from Data Ware Houses. (4) CLASSIFICATION AND PREDICTION : Issues regarding classification and prediction Decision Tree Bayesian Classification Classifier Accuracy. (4) CLUSTER ANALYSIS : Types of Data Partitioning Methods Hierarchical Methods. APPLICATIONS AND OTHER DM METHODS : Mining Event Sequences Visual DM Text Mining Web Mining. (3) (3)

CHALLENGES IN DATA MINING : Scaling DM Algorithms Extending to new data type Distributed DM algorithms Large Scale Optimization of DM Algorithms Ease of use of DM Methods Privacy / Security Issues. (3) L: 42 Total: 42 REFERENCES 1. Paulraj Ponniah, Data WareHousing Fundamentals , John Wiley & Sons , 2003. 2. Harjinder S.Gill, Prakash C.Rao, The Official Guide to Data Warehousing, Que Corporation , 2000. 3. Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, Data Mining Concepts and Techniques, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2001. 4. Arun k Pujari , Data Mining Techniques, University Press, 2003. 5. Mehmed Kantardzic, Data Mining Concepts , Methods and Algorithms , John Wiley & Sons , 2003. 6. M.H.Dunham , Data Mining : Introductory and Advanced Topics, Prentice Hall , 2003.


0 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Read an IP Address in dotted notation, and check whether it is a special Address, if so , print the speciality. Read an IP Address in dotted notation, and separate the host-id and net-id. Read an IP Address in dotted notation, and hence , find out its network IP Address, with the help of a suitable mask. Construct a TCP Packet of interest Create a TCP socket between a server and a client and authenticate the user. Implement a chat session using Socket Programming. Implement Vector Distance Routing Algorithm. Design a DNS server, and resolve a Domain Name from a Clients request. Implement SMTP for a simple electronic mailing system P: 42 Total : 42 0 3 2



0 Study of multitier software environment . Study of web servers / web browser and tools for enterprise software development and deployment 1. Package development using servlets / JSP 2. Package development using RMI 3. Package development using EJB 4. Package development using EJB and Web Services. P: 42 Total : 42 0 3 2


0 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Simple Programs with basic Unix Commands (essential, utilities, filters, Regular expressions) Simple Programs with process Commands Simple Programs with communication Commands Simple Programs with advanced filters (sed, awk) Programs using eval, exec, getopts Programming in C using file, process and IPC system calls 0 3 2

Note : Two Problem Sheets will be issued : 1. Shell scripts 2. System Calls P: 42 Total : 42


3 0 0 3

Software Projects Software Projects Versus Other types of Projects-Problems with Software Projects An Overview of Project planning - Project Evaluation - Project Analysis and Technical Plan- Selection of an appropriate project approach (9) Software Estimation-Preparation of Estimation -COCOMO Model-Function Point Analysis Non development Overheads Activity Planning - Project Schedules Sequencing and scheduling projects- Network planning models. (9) Shortening project duration-Identifying Critical Activities - Risk Management-Resource Allocation Monitoring and controlManaging Contracts - Managing people and Organizing teams Planning for small projects-Software Configuration Management- Managing Contracts. (9) Software Quality-Testing and Quality Assurance- Unit Testing-Integration Testing-System & Acceptance Testing 9001 and software Quality CMM concepts. Introduction to Personal Software Process and Team Software Process Case studies. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Mike Cotterell and Bob Hughes, Software Project Management, International Thomas Computer Press, 2006 Boris Beizer, Software Testing Techniques, Dream Tech Press, 2006 Watts. S. Humphrey, Introduction to the Personal Software Process, Pearson Education, 2006 Mordechai Ben Menachem, Software Configuration Management Guidebook, McGraw Hill, 2005 Walker Royce, Software Project Management, Addison Wesley, 2002 Boris Beizer, Software System Testing and Quality Assurance, International Thomas Computer Press, 1996 Darrel Ince, H. Sharp and M. Woodman, Introduction to Software Project Management and Quality Assurance, McGraw Hill, 1993 -ISO (10) (5) L: 42 Total : 42



3 0 0 3 INTRODUCTION TO SERVICE ORIENTED ARCHITECTURE: Service Oriented Architectures - Service based collaboration through Federation Component Definition - Component Granularity Component Based Software Engineering. (6) QUALITY OF SERVICE: Web services orchestration Workflow and Business Process Management Business Process Execution Language ACID Transactions - Web services Transactions SOA Management Systems Management Alerting Provisioning Leasing Lifecycle management Management Architecture. (8) FUNDAMENTAL PIECES OF SOFTWARE ORIENTED ARCHITECTURE: Introduction to XML Technologies XML DTD XSD - Universal Description Discovery and Integration Programming UDDI UDDI Data Model UDDI SOAP APIs Inquiry APIs Publisher APIs Web Service Definition Language Defining Message data types Defining Operations on Messages Importing WSDL documents Extensions for binding to SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol SOAP Specification SOAP Message processing SOAP use of Namespaces SOAP Multipart MIME attachments. (16) WEB SERVICES STANDARDS: Web Services Security WS Trust WS Privacy WS SecureConversation WS Federation - Web Services Coordination Web Services Policy Web Services Reliable Messaging Web Services Attachments. (12) L: 42 REFERENCES 1. Thomas Erl, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA): Concepts, Technology and Design, Prentice Hall, 2005. 2. James McGovern, Oliver Sims, Ashish Jain and Mark Little Enterprise Service Oriented Architectures: Concepts, Challenges Recommendations. Springer, 2006 3. Eric New Comer,Understanding Web Services: XML, WSDL, SOAP and UDDI, Addison Wesley, 2002. 4. Thomas Erl, Service Oriented Architecture: A Field Guide to Integrating XML and Web Services, Prentice Hall, 2004. Total: 42


3 0 0 3 INTRODUCTION: Security problem in computing - Kinds of Security Breaches - People involved - Methods of Defense Plane of Attack. (2) CONVENTIONAL ENCRYPTION ALGORITHMS: Conventional Encryption Model - Stream ciphers Block ciphers Data Encryption Standard (DES) International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) - RC4 - Encryption vulnerabilities Reply attacks Rewrite attacks Convert Signaling Attacks. (5) MANAGING SECRET KEYS AND PSEUDORANDOM GENERATION: Security Objectives Random Key Generation Manual Key distribution Key distribution centers Randomness - ANSI X9.17 generator - Linear Feedback Shift Registrars (LFSR). (5) PUBLIC KEY ENCRYPTION ALGORITHMS: Public-key encryption Model (Secrecy & Authentication) - RSA Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem (ECC) ElGamal Cryptosystem Diffie Hellmann Key Exchange - Merkle Hellmann knapsack encryption. (5) DIGITAL SIGNATURES AND HASH ALGORITHMS: Introduction Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) Signature using RSA - General Structure of Hash function Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA 1) Message Digest Algorithm (MD5). (6) APPLICATIONS TO SECURITY ALGORITHMS: Authentication Applications: Kerberos Electronic Mail Security: Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) - IP Security: IP Security Architecture Transport and Tunnel Modes Encapsulating security payload Web Security: Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). (10) CRYPTANALYSIS AND CASE STUDY: The Integer Factorization Problem - Pollards rho factoring algorithm The Discrete Logarithm Problem: Baby-step giant-step algorithm Case Study: Protecting - E-Commerce Systems. (7) LEGAL ISSUES IN COMPUTER SECURITY: Protecting Programs and Data Rights of Employees and Employers Computer Crime. (2) L: 42 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. Charles P. Pfleeger, Shari Pfleeger, Security in Computing, Pearson Education, 2002. Richard E.Smith, Internet Cryptography, Pearson Education, 2000. Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.2000. Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. Van Oorschot and Scott A. Vanstone, Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC Press, Total: 42


2000. 5. Jay Ramachandran, Designing Security Architecture Solutions Wiley Publications, 2002. 6. William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practice, Prentice Hall, 2005. 7. Niels Ferguson, Bruce Schneier, Practical Cryptography, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2003.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


0 0 3 2

Packages development using Business Process Execution Language. Package development using web services transaction. Package development using SOAP messages. Package development using web services security. Package development using web services reliable messaging. P: 70 Total : 70


0 0
1. 2. 3.

S-DES (Key generation, Encryption, Decryption) DES (Data Encryption Standard) IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm) RC4 RSA (Rivest, Shamir, Adleman) Input numbers with at least 150 bits. ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem) Basic ElGamal Encryption. Merkle-Hellman Knapsack Encryption Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm

5. 6.

7. 8. 9.
10. 12.

DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) 11. MD5 13. 14. 15. 16.

SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm) Signature using RSA algorithm Simulation of Kerberos (Authentication Application) ANSI X9.17 generator RSA pseudorandom bit generator

LFSR (Linear Feedback Shift Registers) 18. Simulating SSL 19. The Integer Factorization Problem: (a) Pollards rho factoring algorithm 20. The Discrete Logarithm Problem (a) Baby-Step Giant-Step algorithm P: 42 Total : 42


PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT: Definition and significance of management functions of management society and environment, corporate social responsibility. (6) VALUE BASED MANAGEMENT: Creating shareholders value, shareholders value versus stakeholders. MINTZBERGS MANAGEMENT ROLES. TEAM: Work Teams Importance, Types and difficulties in teams Creating effective teams. (5) (6) (4)

PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Definition and objectives of Project Management Phases in Project Management Cycle-Project appraisal Techniques. (6) HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Importance objectives and its functions, Human Resources Development. (4) GROUP BEHAVIOUR: Group dynamics, conformity, sociometry group cohesiveness and leadership. (6)

CHANGE MANAGEMENT: Forces affecting the organization - Organisational Change Resistance to change Perspectives on organizational change. (5) Total 42


RFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4.

Hahold Koontz and ODonnel, Essentials of Management, McGraw Hill Publishing Co., 1990. Leap H and Cnino M D, Personnel Human Resource Management Macmillan Publishing Co. 1989. Tripathi P C, Personnal Management and Industrial Relations, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2002. Sapru R K, Project Management, Excel Books, 1997. Stephen P. Robbins, Organisational Behaviour, Prentice Hall of India , 2000.


3 0 0 3 INTRODUCTION : Need for high performance computers Evolution of computer system Amdahls law Groschs Law Major issues in parallel processing. (7) PARALLEL PROCESSING TECHNIQUES : Architectural classification schemes classification Handlers classification Shores classification. : Flynns classification Fengs (4)

PIPELINE PROCESSING : Principles and Implementation Arithmetic pipeline Instruction pipelines Pipeline Hazards Hazard Resolution Scheduling Theory Asynchronous Pipelines. (8) INTERCONNECTION NETWORKS AND RELATED ALGORITHMS : Interconnection networks: Hypercubes-Shuffle -Exchanges-Trees, Meshes and Butterfly networks -- Use of graph embedding techniques to compare different different network based parallel algorithms for linear algebra Sorting Fourier transforms in systolic arrays Message Routing on multidimensional meshes Butterfly networks Hypercubes and others Layout for standard interconnection networks Lower bound techniques. (8) VECTOR PROCESSING: Basic vector architecture Issues in vector processing Vector performance modelling Compiler technology for vector machines. (4) SHARED MEMORY MULTIPROCESSOR SYSTEMS: Shared bus/ cross bar/ multi port memory Overview of future bus VME bus and Multibus II Reflected memory systems PCI bus NUMA Memory contention and arbitration techniques Interprocessor communication Indivisible accesses for synchronization Scalable coherent interface Cache coherence and bus snooping. (11) L: 42 Total : 42

REFERENCES 1. Kai Hwang and Faye Briggs, Advanced Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing , Mc Graw Hill, 1985. 2. Hennessy, Computer Architecture a Quantitative approach, Prentice Hall ,1996.


3 0 0 3 Principle of computer modelling and simulation, Monte Carlo simulation. Nature of computer modelling and simulation. Limitations of simulation, areas of application. (3) System and environment - components of a system - discrete and continuous systems. Models of a system - A variety of modelling approaches. (3) Random number generation, techniques for generating random numbers - Midsquare method - The midproduct method Constant multiplier technique - Additive congruential method - Linear congruential method - Tauswarthe method - Tests for random numbers - The Kolmogorov_Smirnov test - The Chi-square test. (4) Random variable generation - Inverse transform technique - Exponential distribution - Uniform distribution - Weibull distribution. Empirical continuous distribution - generating approximate normal variates - Erlang distribution. (4) Empirical Discrete distribution - Discrete Uniform distribution - Poisson distribution - Geometric distribution - Acceptance Rejection technique for Poisson distribution - Gamma distribution. (4) Design and evaluation of simulation experiments - Input - Output analysis - variance reduction techniques - Antithetic variables - verification and validation of simulation models. (5)


Discrete event simulation - concepts in discrete-event simulation, manual simulation using event scheduling, single channel queue, two server queue, simulation of inventory problem. (7) Simulation languages - GPSS - SIMSCRIPT - SIMULA - SIMPLE_1, Programming for Discrete event systems in GPSS, SIMPLE_1 and C. (8) Case study. Simulation of LAN - Manufacturing system - Hospital system . (4) L: 42 Total : 42 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Jerry Banks and John S. Carson, II, Discrete Event System Simulation, Prentice Hall , 2001. Narsingh Deo , System simulation with digital Computer, Prentice Hall , 1979. Francis Neelamkovil, Computer Simulation and Modelling, John Wiley & sons, 1987. Ruth M. Davis and Robert M.O'Keefe , Simulation Modelling with Pascal, Prentice Hall, 1989. Averil M. Law and W. David Kelton - Simulation Modelling and Analysis, McGraw Hill International Editions, 1991.


3 0 0 3 CATALOG FOR RDBMS: Query Processing and Optimization - Heuristics and Cost Estimates in Query Optimization. (7) OBJECT ORIENTED DATABASES: Object Oriented data model - Object Identity - Persistent Programming Languages Type and Class Hierarchies and Inheritance - Complex Objects - Object Oriented Database Design. (7) OBJECT RELATIONAL DATABASE: Nested Relations - Comparison. DISTRIBUTED DATABASES: Processing. (7)

Principles Characteristics Architecture Database Design Transactions and (3)

ADVANCED DATABASE MODELS: Active Databases - Temporal Databases - Spatial Databases - Multimedia Databases - Deductive Databases - Inference Mechanisms. (10) DATABASE SECURITY: Integrity and Control - Security and Integrity Threats - Defense Mechanisms - Security Specification in SQL - Statistical Database - Crash Recovery. (5) CASE STUDY : Oracle Distributed queries Partitioning Strategies Procedural Replication Performance Tuning. (3) L : 42 REFERENCES 1. Carlo Zaniolo and Stefano ceri, etal., Advanced Database Systems, Morgan Kaufmann , 1997. 2. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F.Korth and S.Sudarshan, Database System Concepts, McGraw Hill, 2002. 3. Michael Stonebraker and Paul Brown, Object Relational DBMSs, Morgan Kaufmann, 1999. 4. Thomas Connolly and Carolyn Begg, Database Systems, Pearsons Education, 2003. 5. Tamer O Zsu M and Patrick Valduriez, Principles of Distributed Database Systems, Pearson Education, 2004. Total : 42


3 0 0 3 INTRODUCTION: Computerized reasoning - Artificial Intelligence (AI) - characteristics of an AI problem - Problem representation in AI - State space representation - problem reduction. (5) SEARCH PROCESS: AI and search process - Brute force search techniques, Depth first, Breadth first search techniques, Hill climbing, Best first search, AND/OR graphs, A* algorithm - Constraint satisfaction. (10) AI AND GAME PLAYING - Major components of a game playing program - plausible move generator - static evaluation function generator - Minimal strategy - Alpha - Beta techniques - problems in computer game playing programs. (6) KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION: Logic, Propositional logic - Tautology - Contradiction - Normal forms - Predicate logic - Rules of inference - Resolution - Unification algorithm - Production rules - Semantic networks - Frames Scripts Conceptual dependency. (9) KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING Design and architecture of expert systems - Expert system life cycle - Knowledge acquisition difficulties - strategies - major applications areas - Qualitative study of expert systems, DENDRAL, MYCIN. (7)


MACHINE LEARNING Frame work for learning Inductive learning Supervised, Unsupervised learning Parallel distributed processing Genetic Algorithms. (5) L : 42 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence a modern approach, Prentice Hall, 2003. Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight, Artificial Intelligence, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003. Patrick Henry Winston, Artificial Intelligence, Addison Wesley, 2000. Luger George F and Stubblefield William A, Artificial Intelligence : Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving, Pearson Education, 2002. Total : 42


3 NEURAL NETWORKS Basic concepts in Neural computing Biological neurons History of Neural Network (NN) research NN application NN structures NN characteristics Learning methods NN Taxonomies. (4) Simple Perceptions Multilayer Perception Multilayer Feed forward Networks Back propagation learning capabilities and Limitations Applications. (5) Associative Memory Networks : Auto Associative , Hetero associative, Bidirectional Associative memory Recurrent Networks Hopfield Networks Applications. (5) Learning Vector Quantization Self Organizing Feature Maps Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART 1) Boltzmann machine and Simulated Annealing - Applications. (5) FUZZY SYSTEMS Classical sets fuzzy sets Cartesian product crisp relations fuzzy relations equivalence relations value assignments membership functions standard forms and boundaries. (9) Lambda Cuts for fuzzy sets, fuzzy relations , defuzzification methods : fuzzy numbers. (6) 0 0 3

Classical predicate logic fuzzy logic approximate reasoning fuzzy tautologies , contradictions, equivalence inguistichedges rule based systems graphical techniques of inference. (8) L:42 Total : 42 REFERENCES 1. Simon Haykin, Neural Networks a Comprehensive Foundation, Pearson Education, 2001. 2. Laurene Fausett, Fundamentals of Neural Networks , Pearson Education, 2004.. 3. Klir George J. and Yuan Bo, Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy Logic : Theory and applications, Prentice Hall , 1997 4. Ross Timothy J., Fuzzy Logic with Engineering applications, McGraw Hill , 1997. 5. Rajasekaran S and Vijayalakshmi Pai G.A, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithms, Prentice Hall,2003.

3 0 0 3 INTRODUCTION: Molecular Biology Finding Genes in Genomic DNA Phylogenetic trees Gene expression data Protein structure prediction (9) CONCEPTS AND APPLICATION: Introduction understanding &using Biological databases proteins structural profiles & properties Alignment of pairs of sequence Multiple sequence alignment and sequence motifs - Tools for sequence assignment phylogenetic analysis - Gene Mapping Mapping techniques: sequence assembly & gene expression problem solving in Bio-informatics. (18) BIOINFORMATICS COMPUTING : Databases Networks Search Engines Data visualization Data Mining Pattern Matching Modeling & Simulation. (9) PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE FOR BIOINFORMATICS : Perl on Linux Platform. (6) L : 42 Total: 42 REFERENCES 1. S.C.Rastogi, Namita Mendiratta and Parag Rastogi, Bioinformatics Concepts Skills & Applications, CBS Publishers & Distributors , 2003.


2. 3. 4.

Pierre Baldi & Suren Brunak, Bioinformatics The Machine learning Approach, MIT press, 2003. Bryan Bergeron, Bioinformatics Computing, Pearson Education, 2003. Bishop M.J and Rawlings C.J, Nucleic acid and protein sequence analysis a practical approach, IRL Press,1987. Saizberg Searis and Kasif, Computational methods in Molecular Biology, Elsevier, 1998.



3 0 0 3

FOUNDATIONS: Introduction- human memory thinking and problem solving - text entry devices- display devices-human computer interaction- paradigms for interaction. (8) USER INTERFACE DESIGN: Principles - User Interface standards - specification of User interface appearance - web interfaces. (9) INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY: Interaction and Interfaces- Semiotics-text-sound-still images. (8)

INTELLIGENT AGENTS: Introduction - overview of agents - agent architecture - agent communication-logic based agentsmulti-agent systems learning. (8) PATTERN RECOGNITION AND CLASSIFICATION: Pattern Recognition systems- elementary classifiers, Bayesian classifiers, K Nearest neighbour classifier - Multilayer Neural Network classifiers - Fuzzy clustering. (9) L: 42 Total : 42 REFERENCES 1. Gerhard Weiss, Multiagent systems: A modern approach to distributed Artificial Intelligence, MIT Press, 1999 2 .Ben Shneiderman, Designing the user interface, Addison Wesley, 1998. 3. Marl Elsom Cook, Principles of Interactive Multimedia, Mc Graw Hill, 2001. 4. Alan Dix, Janet Finlay, G D Abowd and Russel Beale, Human Computer Interaction, Pearson Education, 2004. 5. Marques de Sa, Pattern Recognition, Springer Verlag, 1999.


3 INTRODUCTION : Extreme Programming Importance - Extreme Principles The players. 0 0 3 (5)

CONCEPTUALIZING THE SYSTEM : Creating a Vision of the system Writing User stories Writing Acceptance Tests - One simple solution Watching our words. (13) PLANNING : Providing estimates Planning releases Planning Iterations Tactical Planning. (5)

DEVELOPMENT & DELIVERY : Pair Programming Test First Design Code with Intention Refactoring Relentless Integration - Delivering the system. (11) Adopting and Adapting XP - Scaling XP - the Future of XP. Case Studies REFERENCES 1. David Astels, Granville Miller and Miroslav Novak, A Practical Guide to Extreme Programming, The COAD series, Prentice Hall PTR, Pearson Education Inc., 2002. 2. Kent Beck and Martin Fowler ,Planning Extreme Programming, Pearson Education Inc., 2000. 3. Kent Beck, Extreme Programming Explained, Addison Wesley, 1999. 4. Ken Auer and Roy Miller, Extreme Programming Applied: Playing to Win, Addison Wesley, 2001. 5. William C. Wake Extreme Programming Explored, Addison Wesley, 2001. 6. James W. Newkirk and Robert C. Martin Extreme Programming in Practice, Prentice Hall Inc., 2001. (4) (4) L:42 Total : 42


3 0 0 3 GRAPHICS INPUT - OUTPUT DEVICES: Raster scan Displays - Random scan displays - Direct view storage tubes Flat panel displays - Mouse - Track Ball - Joy Stick - Digitizers - Touch panels. (3) DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING: Digital image Fundamentals Components of an image processing system color image processing color transformations, smoothing and sharpening segmentation. (6) (3)


TWO DIMENSIONAL GRAPHICS: Basic transformations - Matrix representation and homogeneous coordinates composite transformations - Line drawing algorithms: DDA and Bresenham's algorithms - Circle generation algorithms: Mid point circle algorithm - Point clipping - Line clipping: Cohen Sutherland algorithm - Polygon clipping: Sutherland Hodgeman algorithm - Line covering. (8) RASTER GRAPHICS: Fundamentals: generating a raster image, representing a raster image, scan converting a line drawing, display characteristics, speed of scan conversion, natural images - Solid area scan conversion: Scan conversion of polygons, Y-X algorithm, properties of scan conversion algorithms - Interactive raster graphics: painting model, moving parts of an image, feed back images. (8) CURVES AND SURFACES: Parametric representation of curves - Bezier curves - B-Spline curves - parametric representation of surfaces - Bezier surfaces - curved surfaces - ruled surfaces - quadric surfaces. (6) THREE DIMENSIONAL GRAPHICS: 3D transformations - viewing 3D graphical data - orthographic, oblique, perspective projections - hidden lines and hidden surface removal. (4) ANIMATION GRAPHICS: Design of Animation sequences - animation function - raster animation - key frame systems motion specification -morphing - tweening. (3) COMPUTER GRAPHICS REALISM: Tiling the plane - Recursively defined curves - Koch curves - C curves - Dragons space filling curves - fractals - Grammar based models - graftals - turtle graphics - ray tracing. (4) L: 42 REFERENCES 1. Donald Hearn and Pauline Baker M, " Computer Graphics", Prentice Hall , 1998. 2. Foley James D., Vandam Andries and Hughes John F., "Computer Graphics : Principles and Practice", AddisonWesley, 1999. 3. Gonalez R.C and Woods R.E, Digital Image Processing, Pearson Education, 2003. 4. William M. Newmann and Robert F. Sproull, "Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics", McGraw Hill, 1989. 5. Hill F.S. Jr., "Computer Graphics", Maxwell Macmillan , 1990. 6. Roy. A. Plastock and Gordon Kalley, "Theory and Problems of Computer Graphics", Schaum's outline series, McGraw Hill , 2000. Total : 42



3 0 0 3

INTRODUCTION TO EMBEDDED SYSTEMS: Definition Examples of Embedded systems Telegraph Cordless BarCode Scanner Laser Printer underground tank monitor Performance & Design issues Throughput Response Testability Debuggability Reliability Memory space Program Installation . power Consumption Processor Hogs Cost. (2) EMBEDDED SYSTEM HARDWARE FUNDAMENTALS : Microprocessors Direct Memory Access Universal Asynchronous Receiver/ Transmitter (UART) Programmable Array Logic (PAL) Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) Watch dog Timer. (4) INTERRUPTS : Interrupt Handler Saving and Restoring the content - Disabling Interrupts The Shareddata Problem SharedData bug Atomic and Critical sections Interrupt Latency. (5) EMBBEDDED SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE : Round Robin Round Robin with interrupts A simple Bridge as an Example characteristics Functions Queue Scheduling - Architecture Real Time Operating System Architecture. (5) REAL TIME OPERATING SYSTEMS : Tasks and Task states Tasks and Data Shareddata problems Reentrancy Reentrancy Rules Semaphores and Shared-data RTOS Semaphores Initializing semaphores - Reentrancy and Semaphores Multiple semaphores - Semaphore problems variants. (7) REAL TIME OPERATING SYSTEM SERVICES: Message Queues, Mailboxes and Pipes Time functions - Events Memory Management Interrupt Routine in RTOS Environment. (6) DESIGN USING RTOS : Design Principles Short Interrupt Routines RTOS Tasks Tasks for Priority Tasks for Encapsulation Creating and Destroying tasks Avoidance - Tank Monitoring System Design as example - Hard Real Time Scheduling. (7) EMBEDDED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT TOOLS: Host and Target Machines Cross compilers Cross Assemblers Tool chains Link / locators for Embedded systems Getting Embedded software into target system PROM Programmers ROM Emulators - In Circuit Emulators Flash Memory - Monitors. (6) L: 42 Total : 42 REFERENCES


1. David E.Simon, An Embedded Software Primer, Pearson Education, 2005. 2. Frank Vahid and Tony Givargis, Embedded System Design: A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction, John-Wiley and sons Inc., 2002. 3. Jane W.S.Lin, Real Time Systems, Pearson Education , 2004 4. Bruce P.Douglass, Real-time UML : Advances in the UML for Real Time Systems, Pearson Education, 2004.


3 0 0 3 Introduction Vertical and horizontal applications of Wireless Networking Positioning of Wireless networking relative to wired networks - Wireless LAN and Wireless WAN - Wireless PBXs Wireless map The Radio Spectrum cell size and achievable throughput. (4) Wireless transmission - Frequencies for radio transmission - Regulations - Signals , Antennas , Signal propagation ,Path loss of radio signals , Additional signal propagation effects - Multi-path propagation - Multiplexing - Space division multiplexing - Frequency division multiplexing -Time division multiplexing - Code division multiplexing. (4) Spread spectrum - Direct sequence spread spectrum - Frequency hopping spread spectrum - Cellular systems. (4)

Medium access control - Hidden and exposed terminals - Near and far terminals - SDMA , FDMA ,TDMA , Fixed TDM , Classical Aloha , Slotted Aloha , Carrier sense multiple access - Reservation TDMA - Multiple access with collision avoidance - Polling - CDMA - Spread Aloha multiple access - Comparison of S/T/F/CDMA. (7) GSM - Mobile services - System architecture - Radio interface - Protocols - Localization and calling - Handover Security Location Management for Mobile Cellular Systems GPRS Mobile services System Architecture. (5) Recent technologies - Bluetooth EDGE - UMTS and IMT-2000. Wireless LAN - Infra red vs radio transmission - Infrastructure and ad-hoc network - IEEE 802.11 architecture - Protocol architecture - Physical layer - Medium access control layer - MAC management. (4) System (5)

Mobile network layer - Mobile IP - Goals, assumptions and requirements - Entities and terminology - packet delivery Agent discovery - Registration - Tunneling and encapsulation. (4) World wide web WAP - Architecture - Wireless datagram protocol , Wireless transport layer security , Wireless transaction protocol, Wireless session protocol , Wireless application environment , Wireless markup language , WML script - Mobile computing applications using J2ME. (5) L: 42 Total : 42 REFERENCES Jochen Schiller , Mobile Communications, Addison-Wesley, 2003. Matyn Mallick, Mobile and Wireless Design Essential, Wiley Publishing Inc., 2003. Steve Mann and Scoot Schibli, The Wireless Application Protocol, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2000. Steve Mann , Programming Applications with the Wireless Application Protocol, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2000.

3 0 0 3 INTRODUCTION: Encryption and Secrecy Objective of Cryptography Attacks Cryptographic Protocols Provable Security. (3) SYMMETRIC-KEY ENCRYPTION: Stream Ciphers Block Ciphers AES Modes of Operation (5)

PUBLIC-KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Concept of Public-Key Cryptography: RSA Digital Signatures Secure Application of RSA Encryption Attacks. Hash Functions: Merkles Meta Method Construction of Hash Functions Probabilistic Signatures. Discrete Logarithm: ElGamals Encryption ElGamals Signature Scheme Digital Signature Algorithm. (8) CRYPTOGRAPHIC PROTOCOLS: Key Exchange and Entity Authentication: Kerberos Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Public Key Management Techniques. Identification Schemes: Interactive Proof Systems Zero-Knowledge FiatShamir Identification Scheme and Signature Scheme. Commitment Schemes: based on Quadratic Residues based on Discrete Logarithms. Electronic Elections: Secret Sharing Multi-Authority Election Scheme Proofs of Knowledge. Digital Cash: Blindly Issued Proofs A Fair Electronic Cash System. (12) PROBABILISTIC ALGORITHMS: Coin-Tossing Algorithms Monte Carlo and Las Vegas Algorithms. (3)


PROVABLY SECURE ENCRYPTION: Theoretic Security Perfect Secrecy and Probabilistic Attacks Public Key OneTime Pads Computationally Secret Encryption Schemes (4) PROVABLY SECURE DIGITAL SIGNATURES: Attacks and Levels of Security Claw-Free Pairs and CollisionResistant Hash Functions Tree-Based Signatures State-Free Signature Schemes. (4) ONE-WAY FUNCTION AND PSEUDORANDOMNESS: Computationally Perfect Pseudorandom Bit Generators Yaos Theorem. (3) L: 42 Total : 42 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hans Delfs and Helmut Knebl, Introduction to Cryptography, Springer Verlag, 2002. Charles P. Pfleeger and Shari Pfleeger, Security in Computing, Pearson Education, 2002. Richard E.Smith, Internet Cryptography, Pearson Education, 2000. Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.2000. Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. Van Oorschot and Scott A. Vanstone, Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC Press, 2000. 6. Jay Ramachandran, Designing Security Architecture Solutions Wiley Publications, 2002. 7. Niels Ferguson and Bruce Schneier, Practical Cryptography, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2003.


3 0 0 3

INTRODUCTION: Fundamental concepts of Testing Types of Testing Classification Unit Testing, Package Testing, Integration Testing, System and Acceptance Testing Examples. (5) DEVELOPING A TEST APPROACH: Addressing Software system business risk - Defining a software system testing strategy - Developing software system testing tactics - Testing tools. (7) TESTING A SOFTWARE USING A LIFE CYCLE METHODOLOGY : Requirements phase testing - Design phase testing - Program phase testing - Desk debugging and program peer view test tools - Evaluating test results - Installation phase testing - Acceptance testing. (7) TESTING OBJECT-ORIENTED SOFTWARE cases, Unit Testing of classes.

Testing the Software, System Testing Example, Test cases from use (4) (4)

TESTING WEB APPLICATIONS : Functionality and Usability Issues, Security Testing, Database Testing.

TESTING METHODOLOGY FOR SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE: Testing the correctness of the installing a software change - Testing the validity of a software cost estimate - Testing the progress of the software system - Inspecting test plan and test cases - Software Inspection - Costs & Benefits - Overview - The Inspection Process. (7) ASSESSING CLIENT-SERVER AND LAN RISKS: A testing strategy for a rapid prototyping - Testing techniques Testing tools. (4) TEST DOCUMENTATION: Reporting test results - Final test reporting - Evaluating test effectiveness - Use of testing metrics - Improving the test process. (4) L: 42 Total : 42 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Elfriede Dustin, Effective Software Testing, Pearson Education, 2007 Louise Tamres, Introducing Software Testing, Pearson Education, 2006 Boris Beizer, Software Testing Techniques, Dream Tech Press, 2006 William Perry, Effective Methods for Software Testing, John-Wiley & Sons Inc, 2006 Ilene Burnstein, Practical Software Testing A Process oriented approach, Springer-Verlag, 2006 Boris Beizer, Black Box Testing, John Wiley & Sons, 1995


3 0 0 3 INTRODUCTION: Introduction to Open sources Need of Open Sources Advantages of Open Sources Application of Open Sources. (3) OPEN SOURCE OPERATING SYSTEMS: LINUX: Introduction General Overview Kernel Mode and user mode Process Advanced Concepts Scheduling Personalities Cloning Signals Development with Linux. (8)


OPEN SOURCE DATABASE: MySQL: Introduction Setting up account Starting, terminating and writing your own SQL programs Record selection Technology Working with strings Date and Time Sorting Query Results Generating Summary Working with metadata Using sequences MySQL and Web. (5) OPEN SOURCE PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES: PHP: Introduction Programming in web environment variables constants data types operators Statements Functions Arrays OOP String Manipulation and regular expression File handling and data storage PHP and SQL database PHP and LDAP PHP Connectivity Sending and receiving E-mails Debugging and error handling Security Templates. (8) PYTHON: Syntax and Style Python Objects Numbers Sequences Strings Lists and Tuples Dictionaries Conditionals and Loops Files Input and Output Errors and Exceptions Functions Modules Classes and OOP Execution Environment. (7) OPEN SOURCE TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGIES: WEB SERVER: Apache Web server Working with Web Server Configuring and Using apache web services. (6) MDA: Introduction to MDA Genesis of MDA Meta Object Facility UML UML Profiles MDA Applications. (5)

L: 42 Total: 42 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Remy Card, Eric Dumas and Frank Mevel, The Linux Kernel Book, Wiley Publications, 2003 Steve Suchring, MySQL Bible, John Wiley, 2002 Rasmus Lerdorf and Levin Tatroe, Programming PHP, OReilly, 2002 Wesley J. Chun, Core Phython Programming, Prentice Hall, 2001 Peter Wainwright, Professional Apache, Wrox Press, 2002 Stephen J. Mellor, Marc Balces, Executable UMS: A foundation for MDA, Addison Wesley, 2002



3 0 0 3

Introduction to XML Comparison with HTML XML documents Well-formed XML document Markup and character data Prolog and XML declaration Processing Instructions XML elements Types of elements Attributes Elements Vs Attributes CDATA sections - XML Namespaces. (6) Valid XML document Document Type Declarations and Document Type Definitions(DTDs) Internal and External DTDs Validating XML documents using DTD Entities and Attributes General and Parameter Entities. (6) XML Schemas Validating XML documents using XML Schema Comparison with DTD Creation of Simple Types Specifying attribute constraints and defaults Creation of Complex type Specifying different types of content using Complex type Specifying data types and restrictions in Schema. (7) Cascading Style Sheets Attaching Style sheets in XML documents Selecting Elements in Style Sheet Rules Creating Style rules Formal Style Property Specifications. (4) XSL Transformations XSLT style sheets in XML Documents Creating XSLT style sheets Matching Document structures to template rules Defining Template rules and Declarations XPath Operators and Expressions Branching and Control functions Variables and Parameters in XSLT Working with Strings , Booleans and Numbers Restructuring Input Documents and Manipulating Document Subsets. (7) DOM and SAX Comparison Creating a DOM parser Displaying and Filtering XML documents Working with SAX Displaying and Filtering XML documents. (5) XML Technologies XLINK , XPOINTERS, XQUERY, SVG, RDF. (7) L: 42 Total : 42 REFERENCES 1. William R.Stanek , XML Pocket Consultant , Prentice-Hall of India Pvt Ltd, 2002. 2. Sandra E.Eddy & John E.Schnyder Teach Yourself XML, IDG Books India (P) Ltd, 2000. 3. Heather Williamson, XML:The Complete Reference, McGraw-Hill, 2001.


3 0 0 3

INTRODUCTION: Reusable software Reusable Object Oriented software class libraries frameworks Design Patterns. Design Patterns Definition Overview and motivation categories Relationships between patterns. Descriptions of patterns patterns and software architecture pattern oriented analysis and Design. (13)


ARCHITECTURAL AND DESIGN PATTERNS: Introductions to architectural patterns layers pipes and filters. Black board distributed system brokers Interactive systems Adaptable systems. Introduction to design patterns structural decomposition Tactical and strategical patterns organizations of work Access control management communications. (14) PATTERNS SYSTEMS AND FUTURE: Classifications selections eoulation of patterns systems UML & Patterns. Pattern mining Pattern Organization and indexing methods and Tools , Algorithm, Data Structures and patterns Formalizing patterns. (8) CASE STUDIES : Developing applications using Patterns. Arrays and stacks - Thread specific Storage manager Sort Utility parsing Binary Tree Document Editor. (7) L: 42 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Total : 42

Frank Buschmann and Regine Meunier etal, Pattern Oriented Software Architecture A System of Patterns John Wiley & Sons, 2006 Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides, Design Patterns : Elements of Reusable Object Oriented Software, Addison Wesley Professional Computing Series, 2006 James W. Cooper, Java Design Patterns A Tutorial, Addison Wesley, 2005 Alan Shalloway, James R. Trott, Design Patterns Explained : A New Perspective on Object Oriented Design Software Pattern Series, Addison Wesley, 2004 Ivar Jacobson and Griss Jacobson,Software Reuse, Addison Wesley, 2004 William Brown, McCormick and Scott Thomas, Anti Patterns in Project Management, John Wiley & Sons, 2003



3 0 0 3

INTRODUCTION TO MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATIONS: Multimedia Communication Model Elements of Multimedia Systems User Requirements Network Requirements Packet Transfer Concept Multimedia Requirements and ATM Networks Multimedia Terminals. (6) DISTRIBUTED MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS (DMS): Main Features of DMS. Resource Management of DMS Networking IP Networking IP Multicast Resource. Reservation Protocol (RSVP) Real-time Protocol (RTP) Real-time Control Protocol (RTCP). Integrated Management Architecture for IP-based Networks ATM Integration of IP and ATM Real-time Multimedia over ATM Multimedia Operating Systems Distributed Multimedia Applications: ITV Telecoperation Hybermedia Applications. (12) MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION STANDARDS: MPEG approach Coding of Moving Picture and Associated Audio (MPEG-1) Generic coding of Moving Picture and Associated Audio (MPEG-2) - IPv6 MPEG-4 Video Transport Across the Internet Introduction to JPEG 2000 standard Architecture of JPEG 2000. (12) MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATIONS ACROSS NETWORKS: Packet Audio / Video in the Network Environment Packet Voice Packet Video Video Transport across Generic Networks Multimedia Transport across IP Networks IP Multicast overlay using ATM IP Multicast overlay using Routers Multimedia Across Wireless Mobile Networks Digital Television infrastructure. (12) L : 42 Total : 42 REFERENCES 1. Rao K.R , Zoran S.Boj kovic, Dragorad A.Milovanovic, and D.A.Milovanovic Multimedia Communication Systems: Techniques, Standards and Networks, Prentice- Hall of India, 2002. 2. Jane W.S . Liu, Real-time Systems, Pearson Education, 2001. 3. William Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, Pearson Education, 2000.


3 0 0 3 INTRODUCTION TO STORAGE TECHNOLOGY: Data proliferation and the varying value of data with time & usage, Sources of data and states of data creation, Data center requirements and evolution to accommodate storage needs, Overview of basic storage management skills and activities, The five pillars of technology, Overview of storage infrastructure components, Evolution of storage, Information Lifecycle Management concept, Data categorization within an enterprise, Storage and Regulations. (8) STORAGE SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE: Intelligent disk subsystems overview, Contrast of integrated vs. modular arrays, Component architecture of intelligent disk subsystems, Disk physical structure- components, properties, performance, and


specifications, Logical partitioning of disks, RAID & parity algorithms, hot sparing, Physical vs. logical disk organization, protection, and back end management, Array caching properties and algorithms, Front end connectivity and queuing properties, Front end to host storage provisioning, mapping, and operation, Interaction of file systems with storage, Storage system connectivity protocols (8) INTRODUCTION TO NETWORKED STORAGE: JBOD, DAS, SAN, NAS, & CAS evolution, Direct Attached Storage (DAS) environments: elements, connectivity, & management, Storage Area Networks (SAN): elements & connectivity, Fibre Channel principales, standards, & network management principales, SAN management principles, Network Attached Storage (NAS): elements, connectivity options, connectivity protocols (NFS, CIFS, ftp), & management principles, IP SAN elements, standards (iSCSI, FCIP, iFCP), connectivity principles, security, and management principles, Content Addressable Storage (CAS): elements, connectivity options, standards, and management principles, Hybrid Storage - solutions overview including technologies like virtualization & appliances. (9) INTRODUCTIONS TO INFORMATION AVAILABILITY: Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Basics, Local business continuity techniques, Remote business continuity techniques, Disaster Recovery principles & techniques. (8) MANAGING & MONITORING: Management philosophies (holistic vs. system & component), Industry management standards (SNMP, SMI-S, CIM), Standard framework applications, Key management metrics (thresholds, availability, capacity, security, performance), Metric analysis methodologies & trend analysis, Reactive and pro-active management best practices, Provisioning & configuration change planning, Problem reporting, prioritization, and handling techniques, Management tools overview (6) SECURING STORAGE AND STORAGE VIRTUALIZATION: Define storage security. , List the critical security attributes for information systems, describe the elements of a shared storage model and security extensions, Define storage security domains, List and analyze the common threats in each domain, Identify different virtualization technologies, describe block-level and file level virtualization technologies and processes. (3) L: 42 Total: 42 REFERENCES 1. Marc Farley Osborne, Building Storage Networks, Tata Mac Graw Hill, 2001 2. Robert Spalding and Robert Spalding, Storage Networks: The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003 3. Meeta Gupta, Storage Area Network Fundamentals, Pearson Education Ltd., 2002 4. Gerald J Kowalski and Mark T Maybury, Information Storage Retreival Systems theory & Implementation, BS Publications, 2000 5. Thejendra BS, Disaster Recovery & Business continuity, Shroff Publishers & Distributors, 2006


3 0

: The value of knowledge Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Systems- Knowledge Engineering basics- Principles Model Suite Process Roles Terminology-Task and Organization Analysis - Steps - Organization Modeling Impact and Improvement Analysis - Task and Agent modelling Guidelines for the context Modeling Process.

KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND MODELS: Explicit and Tacit knowledge Knowledge Management Cycle Knowledge management and process - Components - Nature of knowledge Challenges Knowledge Management Model Domain Knowledge Inference Knowledge Task Knowledge Typographic Conventions Comparison with other analysis approaches - Template knowledge Models Reusing Knowledge Model Elements A small task Template catalog Classification Assessment Diagnosis- Monitoring Synthesis Configuration design Assignment Planning scheduling task type combinations Relation to Task and Organization models. (14) KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT CONSTRUCTION, MODELLING AND ELICITATION: Introduction stages Knowledge Identification Knowledge specification Knowledge Refinement Documenting the Knowledge Model. (4) Modelling Communication aspects- Role and Overview of the Communication model The Communication plan transactions between agents Detailing the Information Interchange validating and balancing the Communication model A structured process for Communication modeling - Advanced knowledge modelling: Introduction - Domain, Inference and Task Knowledge - Knowledge Elicitation - Introduction Characteristics- Techniques An Elicitation Scenario. (11) DESIGN , IMPLEMENTATION AND APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS: Introduction - Overview of the design process- Steps Design of prototypes Distributed Architectures- Implementation in Prolog and Aion - Project Management - Project Planning Assessing risks Setting objectives through Model states Documentation. (7) L:42 REFERENCES Total : 42


1. Guss Schreiber, Hans Akkermans, Anjo Anjewierden, Robert de Hoog, Nigel Shadbolt, Walter Van de Velde and Bob Wielinga, Knowledge Engineering and Management Universities Press, 2001. 2. Stuart Barnes, Knowledge Management Systems: Theory And Practice, Thomas Learning, 2002 3. Jerry Honeycutt, Knowledge Management Strategies, Microsoft Press, 2000


3 0 0 3 INTRODUCTION: Review of Object Oriented Technology - Distributed Computing - E-commerce concepts. Basic Distributed Objects -Component concepts - Benefits - Requirements - Component based Software Engineering and Development. (8) COM/DCOM: Evolution of Component Technology- Architectural Overview - COM / DCOM issues - Persistence -Sharing - Scalability - Multitier Architectures - Security -Clustering and Message Queues. MIDL - Simplification - Automation Multithreading - Transaction server - .NET Framework environment for Component Programming. (18) CORBA: Introduction to CORBA - Overview of CORBA - Minimal CORBA Application - Core CORBA - OMG IDL - IDL to C++/ Java Mappings - Object Adapter - CORBA Mechanisms - GIOP -IIOP - Dynamic CORBA Issues - CORBA Services. (11) CORBA and DCOM: Comparison of DCOM and CORBA Inter working Architectures - Basic Mappings - Integrating DCOM and CORBA Bridges and Protocols. (5) L: 42 Total : 42 REFERENCES 1. Clemens Szyperski, Component Software Beyond Object Oriented Programming, Pearson Education, 2004. 2. Julian Templeman and John Paul Mueller, COM Programming with Microsoft NET, Microsoft Press, 2003. 3. Roger Sessions, "COM and DCOM", John Wiley & sons Inc, 1998. 4. Michi Henning and Steve Vinoski, "Advanced CORBA programming with C++", Addison Wesley, 1999. 5. Michael Rosen and David Curtis, "Integrating CORBA and COM applications", Wiley Computer Publishing, 1998. 6. Dale Rogerson, "Inside COM", Microsoft Press,1997. 7. Guy Eddon and Henry Eddon, "Inside Distributed COM", Microsoft Press, 1998. 8. David S. Platt, "The Essence of COM with ActiveX, A Programmers Workbook", Prentice Hall, 1998. 9. Richard Gimes, Professional DCOM programming, Wrox, 1998. 10. Jason Pritchard, COM and CORBA @ side by side Architectures, Strategies and Implementation, Addison Wesley, 1999.


3 0 0 3 Introduction to Data Protection Model for Data, Information and Storage Importance of Data Protection Connectivity Risk Multiplier An Overview of Storage Technology Storage I/O Basics Direct Attach Storage NAS (Network Attached Storage) Storage Area Networks Extended SANs over MAN and WAN. (10) Backup and Restore Designing Storage Networks for backup and recovery Recovery from Disaster Remote copy and Replication Design considerations Case Study. (9) Basic Security Concepts Least Privilege Security Posture Encryption Typical attacks Storage System Security Role of Storage security in Enterprise Data Protection DAS security SAN Security Security practices for Storage. (9) Policy based data protection Difficulties with data protection strategies Data life cycle management Information life cycle management Information assurance and data protection Information Life cycle Automating ILM. (8) Opportunities and benefits of Product Life Cycle Management Interpretation of PLM with other applications ERP CAD EAI e-Business and PLM- Developing PLM Strategy Digital Manufacturing. (4) Case Studies related with ILM. L:42 REFERENCES 1. 2. Tom Petrocelli, Data Protection and Information Life Cycle Management, Prentice Hall, 2005 Michael Grieves, Product Life Cycle Management : Driving the Next Generation by Lean Thinking, Mc-Graw Hill, (2) Total : 42


2006 3. John Stark, Product Life Cycle Management, Springer, 2004 4. Antti Saaksvuori, Product Life Cycle Management, Springer, 2003.


INTRODUCTION TO SEMANTIC WEB: Todays Web - From Todays Web to the Semantic Web - Examples Semantic Web Technologies - A Layered Approach. (4) DESCRIBING STRUCTURED WEB DOCUMENTS USING XML: Introduction to Markup languages - The XML Language - Structuring - Namespaces - Addressing and Querying XML Documents - Processing. (8) DESCRIBING WEB RESOURCES IN RDF: Introduction to RDF - Basic Ideas - RDF: XML-Based Syntax - RDF Schema: Basic Ideas - RDF Schema - An Axiomatic Semantics for RDF and RDF Schema - A Direct Inference System for RDF and RDFS - Querying in RQL. (9) WEB ONTOLOGY LANGUAGE: Extensions. OWL Introduction - The OWL Language - Examples - OWL in OWL - Future (8)

Logic and Inference: Introduction - Example of Monotonic Rules: Family Relationships - Monotonic Rules: Syntax Monotonic Rules: Semantics - Nonmonotonic Rules: Motivation and Syntax - Example of Nonmonotonic Rules - Rule Markup in XML for Monotonic Rules - Rule Markup in XML for Nonmonotonic Rules. (8) APPLICATIONS: Horizontal Information Products - Data Integration - e-Learning - Web Services - Other Scenarios. (3) ONTOLOGY ENGINEERING: Constructing Ontologies Manually - Reusing Existing Ontologies - Using Semiautomatic Methods - On-To-Knowledge Semantic Web Architecture. (2) L:42 REFERENCES 1. 2. Grigoris Antoniou and Frank van Harmelen, A Semantic Web Primer,The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England, 2004. John Davies, Dieter Fensel & Frank van Harmelen, Towards the Semantic Web,Wiley , 2002. Total : 42


3 0 0 3

INTRODUCTION TO GRAPH MODELS: Basic definitions, walk, path, cycle and trees, bipartite graphs, cliques Graph modeling applications (4) CONNECTIVITY: Cuts and connectivity edge connectivity, blocks 2 connected graphs, connectivity of digraphs k connected and k edge connected graphs. (5) MATCHINGS AND FACTORS: Maximum bipartite matching, Weighted bipartite matching, Faster bipartite matching Independent set and covers Dominating sets. (5) PLANARITY OF GRAPHS: Planarity and non planarity extending planner drawings Kuratowskin theorem planarity algorithm. (4) GRAPH COLORING: Vertex colorings - Map colorings Edge colorings Application, Fast register allocation for computer programming. (4) DYNAMIC GRAPH ALGORITHMS: Dynamic problems on undirected graphs, general technique, connectivity, minimum spanning tree dynamic problems on directed graphs, general technique, dynamic transitive closure, dynamic shortest path. (5)


RANDOM GRAPHS: Existence and Expectation Properties of almost all graphs Threshold functions Connectivity, Cliques and coloring. (8) WEB GRAPH MODELS: Introduction Other real world self organizing network Random graph / Models for the web graph. (8) L: 42 Total: 42

REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Douglas B. West, Introduction to Graph Theory, Pearson Education, 2002 Jonathan L. Gross and Jay Yellen, Graph Theory and its Applications, CRC press, 1999. Jonathan L. Gross and Jay Yellen, Hand book of Graph Theory, CRC press, 2004. B. Bollobas, W.Fulton, A.Katok, F.Kirwan and P.Sarnak, Random Graphs, Cambridge University press, 2001 Stefano leonardi, Algorithm & Models for the Web Graph, Proceedings of third International workshop WAW 2004, Springer verlag, 2004

08MX0P - TEXT MINING 3 0 0 3

Introduction to text mining and information retrieval Structured and unstructured data Boolean queries and optimization Understanding and exploiting the structure of a text tokenization Stemming Lemmatization Stop workds and phrases Indexing Performance of indexing and retrieval Several compression techniques. (11) Query processing Query correction, suggestions using synonyms wild card queries Automatic discovery of similar words trend analysis of queries bigram indices construction of Indices construction of indices. (10) Classification Statistical Based Algorithms Distance Based Algorithms Decision Tree Based Algorithms Neural Network Based Algorithms Rule Based Algorithms Combining Techniques. (10) Clustering Similarity and Distance Measures Hierarchical Algorithms Partition Algorithms Clustering Large Databases Clustering with Categorical Attributes. (11) L: 42 Total: 42 REFERENCES 1. Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan, Hinrich Schutze, An Introduction to Information Retrieval, Cambridge, 2008. 2. Dan Sullivan, Document Warehousing and Text Mining, John Wiley & Sons, 2001. 3. Ian H.Witten, Alistair Moffat, Timothy C.Bell, Managing Gigabytes: Compressing and Indexing Documents and Image, Morgan Kaufmann, 1999. 4. Christopher D.Manning, Hinrich Schuetze, Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing, MIT Press, 1999. 5. Michael W.Berry, Survey of Text Mining: Clustering, Classification, and Retrieval, Springer, 2003. 6. David A. Grossman, Ophir Frieder, Information Retrieval: Algorithms and Heuristics (The Information Retrieval Series) , Springer, 2004. 7. Lecture notes from Stanford http:// 8. F.Scholer, H.E.Williams and J.Zobel, Compression of Inverted Indexes for Fast Query Evaluation, Proc.ACM-SIGIR 2002.


INTRODUCTION: A vision of the Grid and its promises Scientific Roots Business Perspective WS-Resource Frame Format and its meaning Virtual Organizations and its security Open Grid Service Architecture (OGSA) and its overview Grid versus Distributed Computing - Grid versus Web services - Grid verses Peer to Peer (P2P). (8) GRID COMPUTING IN BUSINESS: Grid taxonomy Departmental Grids Enterprise Grids Open Grids and the Grid Joining the Grid Strategies for participation Building an Enterprise Grid example Software Release Engineering on the Grid Grid enabling a solution Grid Infrastructure provider Service Provider on the Grid example Grid for Equipment Health Monitoring. (10) TECHNICAL ISSUES: High-level System Design Analogies The Web Peer to Peer Technology Areas - Data Management and Databases Storage Management Resource Management Super Computers Clusters and farms On-demand CPU Resource Workflow Management Security Internal versus External Security. (12) MANAGEMENT ISSUES: Building and Selling Grid Business Case Change and Transition Period Management Role of Consultants Risk Mitigation: Risk identification Risk quantification Risk response development Risk response control Fighting white space risk White space in the Grid sector Agile Development: Pair Programming Test-driven Programming The Globus Campaign System. (8)


CASE STUDIES: The MCNC Enterprise Grid SUN N1 Grid Engine LSF Suite - The NEESgrid cyper-infrastructure The Globus Toolkit 4 Service Container. (4) L:42 REFERENCES

Total: 42


Plaszczak P and R. Wellner, Grid Computing: The savvy Managers Guide, Elsevier, 2006. Joshy Joseph and Craig Fellenstein, Grid Computing, Pearson Education, 2007.


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