English Viii Syllabus

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ENGLISH Communicative English Class VIII

A.GRAMMAR PLUS WITH COMPOSITION-VIII Contents Sentences and Clauses, Kinds of sentences,adding correct punctuation marks,Identifying sentences,Changing into questions,Constructing sentences using directions,Completing short dialogues,Affirmative and negative sentences,Changing sentence forms,Writing questions for answers,Changing statements into questions,Constructing questions,Questions tags,Questions that asks for information,Framing questions,Clauses Nouns Countable and uncountable nouns,Use of articles before countable and uncountable nouns,Collective nouns,Abstract nouns,Opposites of abstract nouns,Making abstract nouns from adjectives,Making abstract nouns from verbs,Noun power,Names of relations,Odd noun out,Professions,Names of subjects,Names of punctuations marks,Food-related words,Animals and their young ones,Word collocation,Manias and phobias Article What are articles?,Determiners,Inserting determiners,Determiners in the wrong places Pronouns Relative pronouns,Position of relative pronouns Adjectives What are adjectives?,Position of adjectives,Forming adjectives,Similes,Degrees of comparison Verbs What are verbs?,One verb for several words,Movement verbs,Subject-verb agreement,Finite and noninfinite verbs,Infinitives,Bare infinitives,Participles,Gerunds,Combining sentences using participles Tenses Perfect tenses,For and since,Answering questions using present perfect tense,Matching questions with answers,Past tense and past continuous tense in the same sentence,Answering questions using simple present/ present continuous tense,Sequence of tenses,Tenses in conditionals Modal Auxiliaries Use of will, shall,Use of may, might,Use of can, could,Use of will, would,Use of must, mustnt,Use of should, ought to,Use of need not, dont need to, used to, dare, dare to,Voice,Active voice,Passive voice, Speech Direct speech,Indirect speech Adverbs What are adverbs?,One adverb for several words Prepositions

What are prepositions? Conjunctions,What are conjunctions?,Kinds of conjunctions,Coordination conjunctions,Subordinating conjunctions

COURSE BOOK VIII Unit 1 Section I Section II Section III Unit 2 Section I Section II Section III Unit 3 Section I Section II Section III Unit 4 Section I Section II Section III Unit 5 Section I Section II Section III Unit 6 Section I Section II Section III Unit 7 Section I Travel A Voyage to Brobdingnag- JONATHAN SWIFT Adventures in Antarctica-SURAVI AND TISHI THOMAS Travel-R.L. STEVENSON Acts of Courage Sound Sensations from Evelyn Glennie -DEBORAH COWLEY The Hour of Heroism-ANTHONY SPEATH The Hero-RABINDRANATH TAGORE Scientific Temper Mere Shadow Play-Jayant Narlikar The Day of an American Journalist in 2889 Archimedess Principle Shishya The Mahatmas Marksheets- RAMACHANDRA GUHA Pepper, the Phantom Pet- PARO ANAND Arithmetic- CARL SANDBURG Freedom A Mothers Struggle- HARRIET BEECHER STOWE Princess September-SOMERSET MAUGHAM Song of Freedom-SUBRAMANIA BHRATI Womens Empowerment No longer Helpless-SONALI KUMAR Queen of the Skies-MOUTUSSI ACHARYA Woman Work-MAYA ANGELOU Peace and Harmony Tangerine the Wasp-HUGH LOFTING

Section II Section III

The End of Living-The Beginning of Survival A prayer for Healing

LITERATURE READER VIII After Twenty Years-O. HENRY The Listeners-WALTER DE LA MARE Chasing the Rainbow-MANOJ DAS Geography Lesson-ZULFIKAR GHOSE The Maths Teacher, Mr. Pink and Tipu- Satyajit Ray The Village Schoolmaster-OLIVER GOLDSMITH A Tiger in the School-R.K. Narayan My Elder Brother-MUNSHI PREMCHAND Harry Pushed Her-PETER THABIT JONES

Cricket for the Crocodile-RUSKIN BOND The Louse and the Mosquito-VIKRAM SETH The Little Prince-ANTOINE DE SAINT EXUPER 8. The Quality of Mercy-WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE

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