International Symposium of Geography, Spiru Haret University, Bucharest Romania - 11-13 May 2012

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58 Timisoara Blvd., district 6, 061333, Bucharest Telephone: Deans Office: 0040 21 444 20 86 Secretary: 0040 21 444 20 71 Fax: 0040 21 444 20 71; E-mail:


11-13 May 2012, Bucharest Sarata Monteoru, Romania

The Symposium is organized by the Faculty of Geography of the Spiru Haret University and aims to gather geographers (researchers, professor, teachers and candidates for a doctor's degree), economists, sociologist, anthropologists, and other specialists interested in the fields of geography or landscapes, as well as masters students. Place of the symposium to be held Main Building of Faculty of Geography, Spiru Haret University, 58 Timisoara Blvd., district 6, Bucharest, and Pension Casa cu tei, 207 Schelei street, Srata Monteoru, Buzu county ( The communications/ dissertations (maximum two for each author) will be presented within the limit of 10 minutes each, except students and MA students who have only poster session. Poster it must to have ISO A0 size, meaning the image (image size) width of 83 cm/115, 4 cm of height (32.7 inches width/45, 4 inches height), and paper size of 91/122 cm or 3 feet / 4 feet. The symposium is organized into three sections, as it follows: - poster-session dedicated to the students and masters students; - session for specialists and PhD students; - field-trips. THE OBJECTIVES The main objective of the symposium is the analysis of as much as possible types of landscapes (geomorphologic, rural, urban, economic, cultural, complex etc.), the change of these landscapes as result of the human activities, the impact of the national and regional politics on these landscapes, their evolution, the possibility to implement sustainable development principles, as well as the promotion of an interdisciplinary concept as resulted from the presented studies, all united by a generous geographical vision.

THE SECTIONS The themes we intend to focus upon will be registered in the following sections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Points of view on landscape perception. Landscapes, ecosystems, environment: a geographical approach. Geomorphology, environmental protection and landscape management. Geosystems and landscapes. Imprint-landscape imprint, matrix-landscape: essential elements of cultural geography. 6. The landscape and the sustainable development. 7. The landscape and the regional identity. 8. Tourist landscapes and geosites. 9. The impact of population on the landscapes. 10. The role of education for the conservation and sustainable development of the landscapes. FOREIGN LANGUAGES We strongly recommend the presentation in Romanian, English and French. DEADLINES Registration, fee payment and abstracts sending must be completed no later than 1st of April, 2012 (post date of email). The organizing committee also strongly recommends not exceeding this date. Each participant will receive a written confirmation of registration to the symposium. ABSTRACT(S) The abstract must not exceed 200 words written in Times New Roman fonts. The abstract MUST contain title, author/authors, scientific title, and institution, contact coordinates. The allowance is of maximum two papers per author. The abstracts will also be published in a separate volume, as Abstract Proceedings, that will be freely distributed to all the participants together with the papers of the symposium.

PARTICIPATION FEES Participants Students/MA students* Romanian PhD students Romanian specialists Romanian accompanying persons** Foreign PhD students Foreign specialists Foreign accompanying persons** proceedings free 150 RON 200 RON 175 RON Fee field trip (May 13, 2012) free 50 RON 50 RON 50 RON 200 EURO 250 EURO 200 EURO

*Means attendees in a further education establishment. **Accompanying persons: intended for spouses or other relatives of attendees registered in the others categories. They do not participate with papers and posters.

The fee stands for: registration; paper case and symposium documents; symposium program; abstracts volume; coffee-breaks; 3 lunches; 2 dinners (1 festive dinner); fees for touristic objectives; Bucharest-Sarata Monteoru and field trips transportation; accommodation 2 nights (only foreign participants). Romanian participants will pay themselves accommodation, on the place (50 RON/night/pers. in double room). Participation fee, with specification for symposium 2012 must be paid in the following bank accounts (IBAN codes), no later than 1st of April 2012. for RON (Romanian lei): RO84CECEB60508RON2371556, opened at CEC Bank, Bucharest, Romania (holder Madalina ANDREI); for Euro: RO67CECEB605B2EUR2371560, opened at CEC Bank, Bucharest, Romania (holder Madalina ANDREI). The organizing committee needs to receive a scanned copy of your payment receipt on the following e-mail addresses: or

PROGRAM Friday, May 11, 2012 08,30-09,00: Registration for students and MA students 09,00 10,00: Poster session 09,00 10,0: Registration for specialists and PhD students 10,00: departure to Sarata Monteoru (bus provided from organizers) 12,30 13,00: Registration for specialists and PhD students at Sarata Monteoru/accomodation 13,00 14,00: Lunch 14,00 16,30: Opening ceremony/sessions 16,30 19,00: Working field-trip: Sarata Monteoru Pietroasele and back (The Gothic Thesaurus, visiting cellar and wine tasting) (,

19,30: Dinner/Craft demonstrations night

Saturday, May 12, 2012 08,00 09,00: Breakfast 09,00 12,30: Sessions 12,30 13,30: Lunch 13,30 18,00: Working field-trip: Sarata Monteoru Berca Mud Volcanoes The Salt from Parscov Manzalesti Tuff and back (

19,00: Festive dinner/Buzau traditonal wedding show 4

Sunday, May 13, 2012 08,00 10,00: Breakfast and Rooms check-out 10,00 20,00: Field trip*: Sarata Monteoru Buzau Valley Colti village/Amber Museum Siriu Lake Intracarpathian Depression Brasov Ciucas Mountains Cheia Resort Bucharest (,_Buz%C4%83u,,,
* Addressed to all the participants, except Romanian students and Romanian MA students.

Scientific committee PRESIDENT: H.C. Grigore POSEA, PhD Founding Member of Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania MEMBERS: Ion ZVOIANU, Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania Liliana GURAN, Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania Cornelia MARIN, Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania Mdlina-Teodora ANDREI, Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania Gheorghe HERIANU, Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania Mihaela DINU, Romanian-American University, Bucharest, Romania Mirela MAZILU, University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania Monica DUMITRACU, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania Barbaros GONENCGIL, Istanbul University, Turkey Magdy TORAB, Damanhour University, Egypt Ana RAMOS-PEREIRA, Lisbon University, Portugal Hema ACHYUTHAN, Anna University, India Michael SOFER, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Ghan, Israel Abdallah ALLAM, Keifr-El Sheikh University, Egypt Guy BURGEL, Paris-Nanterre University, France Mahmoud ASHOUR, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt Veronica GRICU, Yuriy Fedkovich National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine Vasile GUTULEAC, Yuriy Fedkovich National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine Vladimir IACOVLEV, Science Academy, Republic of Moldova Organizing committee PRESIDENT: Mdlina-Teodora ANDREI MEMBERS: Sorin BNIC Ionel BENEA Nicolae CRUCERU Costin DUMITRACU Mihaela FRSINEANU Cezar GHERASIM Florin VARTOLOMEI SECRETARIATE: Angelica CHIRICA Izabela EREMIA CONTACT PERSON: Mdlina ANDREI Faculty of Geography Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romnia E-mail:, CONTACT E-MAIL ADDRESS:

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