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Putri Indah Lestari 1105085040 B Regular class


Harry potter is a child succeeded safe from Lord Voldemort, he is a wizard very hold the power in that time. Harry s parents are already died result at that moment because try protects Harry. When Voldemort will to kill Harry, suddenly he lost his strength and only left scar at Harry s brow. After that moment Harry stay with his aunt, Petunia and her husband, his name Veron Dursley, they have one child his name Dudley. On certain day, there letter come for Harry, before harry read letter, uncle Dursley seized that letter from His hands, he is angry because that letter from Hogwarts School, where Harry s parents learn to magic. But, Hagrid can discover they and carry Harry go to Diagon Alley and they meet Prof. Quirrel, he is a teacher in the Hogwarts. Hagrid go to bank for take Harry s money and something goods in the Gringotts duty from Prof. Dumbledore, he is a Headmaster in the Hogwarts. Harry go to Hogwarts and there he meet with Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. Then meet Prof. Snape, he is teach potion and Harry is not like him. On certain day at the Halloween party, suddenly, there a Troll go into Hogwarts, students is so frightened but teachers ask they for to quiet and accompanied his students come back go to dormitory each, but Harry and Ron go to seek Hermione and they meet the troll, they try for oppose until that troll fainted, they was lucky because the teachers come and ask they go. Before they go, Harry look Prof. Snape s foot hurt. Harry talk about that to his friends. They think Prof. Snape seek something valuable and they want know that, after they seek information it appears something related with people his name Nicolas Flamel, then they find information about Nicolas Flamel, he is a made sorcerer s stone and now that goods in the Hogwarts and prof. Snape want that goods. They are quickly try stopped Prof. Snape for Sorcerer s stone and they must a lot of hindrance. The first they must pass Fluffy, The second they succeed slipped out from devil snare, then they must seek a key for open the door, Harry seek between thousand key fly, Harry use broom for find that key. After open the door, they must play chess for can furthermore place

but when they already succeed finish that play, Ron and Hermione can t accompany harry again, because only Harry must finished this all. Harry demand to Hermione for quickly contact Prof. Dumbledore and carry Ron in the comeback. Finally, Harry open the door, how very his shocked when he not meet Prof. Snape but Prof. Quirrel, it appears Prof. Quirrel is manipulate this all, and Prof. Quirrel with Voldemort, Voldemort ask Prof. Quirrel use harry for procure Sorcerer s stone. When harry stand in front of mirror, he hold Sorcerer s stone and take in his pocket, when Prof. Quirrel ask that Socerer s stone but harry want not give for him. And when he want attack Harry and hold Harry, his hands on fire and that matter become and Prof. Quirrel s body shattered. Voldemort go left Harry. Harry wake up in the hospital and there he meet Prof. Dumbledore and ask about Sorcerer s stone, Prof. Dumbledore answer that stone already shattered. At finally Gryffindor become the winner dormitory cup. I think this Novel is very good, this novel teaches for me about togetherness, feel love to fellow, and intelligence.

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