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I, SUDHA N. management student of Bangalore university studying in Dr NSAM FIRST GRADE COLLEGE Yelahanka Bangalore 560 064, conducting a study on the impact of ORGANISATION CLIMATE at RAIL WHEEL FACTORY Bangalore. I would be grateful to u if you would kindly spare sometime to answers these queries:

The information will be used purely for academic purpose Name : Age : Less than 30 30 and above 30-40 50-60 40-50

Gender : Male


Qualification : S.S.L.C ANY OTHERSPECIFY


Designation : Department: No of years ofservice : Less than 10 10-20


30 and above

Strongly agree

Agree Neutral


Strongly disagree

8. I am proud to tell that I am a part of this organization

6. There is a harmonious flow of activities in the organization

7. Development of subordinates is seem as an important Activity in the organization

8. The top management believes that human Resources are extremely important and are treated humanely.

9. Promotional Decision are based on suitability Of the promote rather than favoritism

10 Employee is encouraged to experiment with new Method and try creative ideas

11. Teem spirit is of high order in this organizatio

12 We are encouraged to speak our minds out even if it means disagreeing with the superior

13 People trust each other in the organization

14. The organization ensures employees welfare

15 Job rotation as a mechanism to improve productivity

16The organization future plans are made known to employees to help them to prepare for future.

17.Safety awareness programmes are conducted regularly

18. The top management of this organization goes out of it to make sure that employees enjoy work

19. The top management of their organization make effort to identify and utilize the potential of the employees

20. Reward mechanism in the organization exist for any conclusion made by employee

21. Employees are sponsored for training programs on the basis of genuine training needs

22.employees have the liberty to express their feelings at organization

23. Delegation of authority to encourage to junior to develop handling higher responsibility

24.When there is a grievance there is a good redressal system helping to handle grievance

25. . The message received is very close to the message sent in communication process

26. Performance appraisal reports in the organization are based on adequate information and objective assessment

27. There is a regular feedback system at the organization

28. Employees have a high cordial relation and help each other which ensures friendly rapport

29. The feelings and opinions are of employees are asked irrespectively of the hierarchy of the individual

30. Organizations vision and mission statements are made to known to the employees

If any suggestions specify

Humanresource management

Shashi k. gupta Rosy Joshi Kalyani publishers. Human Resources Development and Management A.M. Sheikh S. Chand S. Chand and company LTD Online shopping mall Http: www. E-mail: Schand @ Personnel and human resource management Appannaiah Reddy Anitha Himalaya publishing House.

Organizational Dynamics and H R Processing H.L.kaila S. Ravishankar R.K Mishra Thomaskutty Himalaya publishing house WEB SITES: www. www.

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