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the Center for ameriCan Progress and media matters Claim to be in the liberal mainstream.

but is being anti-israel a liberal value?

American Jewish Committee: think tanks are entitled to their political viewpoints but theyre not free to slander with impunity. References to Israeli apartheid or Israel-firsters are so false and hateful they reveal an ugly bias no serious policy center can countenance. Simon Wiesenthal Center: dangerous political libels resonating with historic and toxic anti-Jewish prejudicesthe gutter of individual and group defamation. Anti-Defamation League: Most of their blogs come from a perspective of blaming Israel for the lack of progress in Israeli-Palestinian affairs and minimizing or rationalizing the Iranian threat.

Center for AmeriCAn Progress

mediA mAtters
Alan Dershowitz: Media Matters and Center for American Progress are two extremely left-bigoted groups that are so virulently anti-Israel and anti-supporters of Israel that theyve gone over the line from anti-Zionism to anti-Semitism. When I started reading their stuff it sounded like the kind of stuff you see on neo-Nazi websites... Or on Hezbollahsupporter websites. It is so extremist. Spencer Ackerman: For months, M.J. Rosenberg of Media Matters, the progressive media watchdog group, has been throwing around the term Israel Firster to describe conservatives he disagrees with Israel Firster has a nasty anti-Semitic pedigree.

Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston Community foundation of the united Jewish federation of san diego Jewish Communal fund General motors foundation Goldman sachs Philanthropy fund schwab Charitable fund Bill & melinda Gates foundation

Whos Funding CAP


Jewish Community federation of Cleveland Community foundation of the united Jewish federation of san diego

Whos Funding MM

216-593-2900 858-279-2740 617-457-8500 415-777-0411

858-279-2740 866-580-4523 313-665-4085 800-787-3000 800-746-6216 206-709-3100

Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston Jewish Community federation of san francisco Jewish Communal fund Pritzker family foundation fidelity investments Charitable Gift fund Goldman sachs Philanthropy fund

866-580-4523 312-447-6000 800-262-6039 800-787-3000

Call these foundations and ask them:

Why are you funding bigotry and anti-israel extremism?

Paid for by the emergency Committee for israel.
2/29/12 9:32 PM

ECFI-022112-NYTIMES2.indd 1

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