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Tatanka Bluffs Corridor Inc.

.promoting recreational opportunities in the heart of the Minnesota River Valley. Discover our Secrets!
Issue 1, First Quarter, 2012
SAVE THE DATE: FRIDAY, March 16, 2012 10 a.m.NOON Renville County Government Center Regional meeting Olivia A

this issue

An Economic Advantage P.1 TBC Accomplishments P.3 Friends of Renville County P.4 MVRRA Update P.4 Fundraising P. 4 Renville Rangers Shooting Club P. 5 3-16 Regional meetingP 6

The Minnesota River The Back-Bone to Creating an Economic Advantage

By Loran Kaardal and Brad Cobb The Minnesota River has been the focal point for water, food, lumber, and transportation since people have settled here. A bluff-lined waterway ribboning through Minnesotas agricultural heartland, the Minnesota River Valley is still a focal point for natural resources and the outdoor recreational opportunities that the great river provides. Generating a new vision for the untapped opportunities the Minnesota River Valley can offer, the Tatanka Bluffs Corridor group is a representation of energized citizens in the valley. This new collaboration is a result of community organizing with just the right set of ingredients. For over 20 years, the Blandin Foundation has been training Minnesotas rural community leaders on how to facilitate change and improve the health and economic vitality of Minnesota communities. Blandins Community Advanced Leadership Program (CALP) trains local leaders on how to identify underutilized community assets and apply innovative leadership ideas towards reaching their goals. A key tenet is to address how resources can be enhanced and developed to create an economic advantage for local communities. The Tatanka Bluffs Corridor group had done just this. The CALP team determined that the Minnesota River and its valley contains southwestern Minnesotas most unique and underutilized assets including; ecologically unique plant communities only found in and around the exposed 3.8 billion-year-old granite

Tatanka Bluffs Corridor Inc.

.promoting recreational opportunities in the heart of the Minnesota River Valley. Discover our Secrets!
Issue 1, First Quarter, 2012
For more information:

outcroppings, public parks, hunting areas, fishing opportunities, wildlife observation areas, the Minnesota River Valley National Scenic Byway, a variety of trail systems, and one of the most significant cultural sites in Minnesota the location of the US/Dakota Conflict of 1862. The CALP team faced a major question: Could the river that has politically divided this region for over 150 years be the very asset that people from both sides of the river could rally around? Can this citizens group organize to create a regional recreation destination and produce an economic advantage for communities along the Minnesota River? The Tatanka Bluffs Corridor (TBC) is now actively planning and working to develop the underutilized resources of the Minnesota River Valley. They hope to create Minnesotas newest regional recreation destination over the next 25 years. The goal is to make this a green corridor with the designated water trail winding through the center of it, a Corridor of Trails, that will be an affordable recreation destination for families, resulting in long-term, significant economic and quality of life advantages for these 26 communitiesseamed together by the river. The plan encourages partner groups to collaborate with planning and development initiatives within the corridor, where each partner leads within their area of interest and passion. This has created a synergism of activity and produced accomplishments that would never have been possible without setting aside territorial differences and focusing on what the coalition can accomplish across the entire landscape. TBC recognizes the importance of their agency partners, especially the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (whose assistance and cooperation has been phenomenal) and the local recreational and wildlife clubs, who share the passion. The coalition has a measured and reasonable land acquisition plan for creating and enhancing outdoor recreation. These enhanced opportunities ultimately create an outdoor recreational economy with the Minnesota River as the back-bone to this outdoor recreational system. A key part of the recreational development vision is to design a Corridor of Trails that uses the Minnesota River water trail as its spine. The success of this innovative, locally-driven process will be determined by the ability of the partnering stakeholders to help each other. As one of partners has stated, As a leader for community-based conservation, Great River Greening is thrilled to partner with such a passionate and driven group of citizens and we are proud of our role in orchestrating the Middle Minnesota Valley Conservation Plan and making connections for the group. For this vision to be realized, partners must support partners. The closer each partnership group realizes their maximum potential, the greater the economic advantages will be throughout the Tatanka Bluffs Corridor along the Minnesota River Valley.
SAVE THE DATE: FRIDAY, March 16, 2012 10 a.m.NOON Renville County Government Center Regional meeting

Tatanka Bluffs Accomplishments: 2006 to 2012

Tatanka Bluffs Corridor (TBC) History:

Evolved from the 2006 Blandin Foundations Community Advanced Leadership Program training (CALP) Identified the natural history and ecological resources of the Minnesota River Valley (MRV) as the regions most underutilized assets with the most economic advantage potential Organized regionally and developed a community economic advantage (CEA) model for developing the Tatanka Bluffs Corridor into a competitive regional outdoor recreation destination for camping, ATV parks, hiking, biking, horse trail riding, canoeing, snowmobiling, birding, fishing, hunting and ecological, cultural and historical interpretation Defined the CEA target area as the MRV corridor from the Upper Sioux Agency State Park to Fort Ridgely State Park, including all 26 communities in Redwood and Renville Counties

Initiated collaborations with stakeholder groups to develop a vision for an integrated system of recreational trails and public infrastructure to support a competitive regional recreation destination Is an incubator for ideas and regional leadership collaboration for implementing recreational/educational projects on the ground

Whispering Ridge AMA


Relationships with other organizations: TBC is actively engaged with associated stakeholder groups:

Since 2008 to present the Green Corridor Legacy Initiative has been successful in securing $9.2 million dollars in state funding appropriations/recommendations to create an expanded outdoor recreational system of public lands in a nine (9) county program area of the mid-section of the Minnesota River Watershed. All of these grants are focused on creating a legacy of habitat connectivity and regional economic viability sustained by outdoor recreational tourism by creating public assess to outdoor recreational systems. Grants were awarded from the Environment & Natural Resource Trust Fund (ENRTF) and from the Clean Water, Land, and Legacy Fund. All of these grants have or will be used to acquire and restore public lands for Wildlife Management Areas (WMA), Aquatic Management Areas (AMA), and Scientific and Natural Areas (SNA) as well as an expansion project at Ft. Ridgely State Park. To date nearly 1,100 acres have been acquired with an additional 750 acres currently being considered. The Green Corridor Legacy program has also played a significant role in assisting the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and other wildlife and conservation groups in

Minnesota River Watershed Alliance: improvements to the Minnesota River Water Tail Green Corridor and MN DNR: completing a public land bridge between the two state parks Renville County Parks Commission: Improved park amenities and trail connections for each county park to serve as a trail oasis for the integrated system of trails between the two state parks Renville County Board of Commissioners

acquiring an additional 1,000 acres of WMA and AMA in the program area.
Other news of great significance is the recent announcement by the US Department of Interior that the Upper Minnesota River Valley was designated as a Blue-way corridor under the new federal program called the Americas Great Outdoor initiative. Regional planning for this new initiative is currently underway and the Green Corridor program is playing a key role in
the development and planning of this new federal initiative. Fundraising Appeal All of this work by the Green Corridor comes at a cost to human and financial resources and the Green Corridor Board of Directors is actively seeking donations rom individuals, organizations, businesses, and civic groups to help sustain the intensive planning and implementation of all of these programs and initiatives. The Green Corridor program is at a crossroads and we will not be able to continue these and many other efforts without this financial support. It is imperative that the Tatanka Bluffs Corridor (TBC) and all of our regional partners and stakeholders assist in supporting this financial campaign with our goal to raise $60,000 in 2012. Your tax deductible donation can be made out to: Green Corridor Inc. (a 501c3 non-profit) and mailed to Green Corridor Inc., 200 S. Mill St. Redwood Falls MN 56283.

Friends of Renville County Parks

Last January, a group of people who have a love affair with our Renville County Parks got together and formed a new support group, FRIENDS OF RENVILLE COUNTY PARKS. This group had a common bond, they simply loved to be in and enjoy our beautiful park system, especially in the valley of the Minnesota River. This is one of the best county park systems in the State of Minnesota. Most of these parks are what we call conservation parks where things are left as the creator intended them to look. There are, of course, places where the grass is mowed and the area is camper and hiker friendly. But, just looking around from where you happen to be, there is raw nature, the way the Great Spirit intended. The scenery and views in the Renville County Parks is some of the best in the State of Minnesota. This Friends group plans to help to promote, preserve, and enhance the parks through volunteer labor support, and will work at fundraising to help with parks improvements. The Friends will work with and through the Renville County Parks Commission. The Renville County Commissioners do a pretty good job of maintaining the park system, but funding is always a problem with any county endeavor.
The Friends of Renville County Parks believe that by making the parks even better, and by promoting more recreational use of the parks, that people outside the Renville-Redwood County area will eventually come here for a visit. When outside dollars are spent in the two county area, those dollars are multiplied several times over and everyone benefits.

We look forward to advancing awareness of our beautiful Renville County


Minnesota Valley Regional Rail Authority

MVRRA completed another 7.5 miles of Rail Rehab between August 2 and November 11, 2012 from Highway 22 to just east of Highway 15 at Winthrop, Minnesota.
During the summer of 2012 we will be completing another 4 mile stretch from CSAH 13 in Sibley County to Arlington. 7 more crossings will be renewed and new rail installed. By this fall we will have completed just over 28 miles of track rehabilitation and will be able to more our train from 7-10 mph to 25 mph and will be able to move 110-car unit trains! This is a HUGE milestone that was started in 2001 and now $28M invested in this major infrastructure improvement to our rail line. I think I Can is and will remain our motto until we complete the remaining 66 miles to Hanley Falls! MVRRA (Minnesota Valley Regional Rail Authority)


Cobb (far right) Program Manager for Green Corridor with his 2011 MN Governors Pheasant Opener hunting party

Letters of Support needed for proposed ATV Park

Letters of support for the ATV park need to be forwarded to Mark Erickson for presentation to the Renville County Commissioners by February 24th at: It will be important that those of us that have email contacts with other business owners, especially those in the hospitality businesses (motels, convenience stores, grocery stores, cafes, bars, etc.), solicit these owners for letters of support. Mark needs letters from multiple communities and also support from Redwood County. Within that letter of support, it is important that the writer share how he perceives that a major league ATV park, that would attract riders from the 5 state area, would economically impact their local business, their local community and the region. Please get this out to your contacts and ask them to get a letter of support for the ATV park back to Mark. Letters will be submitted with State and Federal grants applications!

Maybe Tatanka Bluffs and Green Corridor should consider putting in a bid to the Governors office for the Hunting Opener for 2013or 2014. It has already been decided it will be in Marshall/Lyon County for 2012!!! With the hotels we have in our area and our bookend would certainly be worth a pitch! Horseback riding at Skalbekken Park! What a great way to enjoy the outdoors on a Sunny afternoon! Great walking paths, canoeing, and camping! Come visit all the parks in Tatanka Bluffs this summer! Consider a letter of support for the proposed ATV Park!!!!

MVRRA receiving its 7.5 miles of continuous welded rail last August 1600 sections


Continued from page 2 Redwood County Board of Commissioners

One of the best kept secrets in our area is that Renville County has Redwood and Renville County one of the top shooting clubs and Trail Committees: connecting ranges in the State of Minnesota. trails to the 26 communities The Renville Rangers Shooting Green Corridor Horse Trails: Club is located just over a mile developing a state park to state north of Bird Island on County park horse trail system Road 5. This is a members-only shooting club that was named after Minnesota Valley ATV Riders: a bunch of young men of questiondeveloping a major league ATV able character who were going to park in Renville County volunteer for the U.S. Army at Fort MN Valley Sno-Riders: developRidgely, for fighting in the Civil ing more snowmobile trails from War in 1862. They helped to defeat state park to state park the Indian attack on Fort Ridgely, which overlooks the Valley of the Minnesota River Valley National Minnesota River. Scenic Byway Alliance: paving the
MRV road trail Family membership is only $30 and members often bring guests to Minnesota Valley History Learnthe facility to shoot trap, skeet, or ing Center: developing an educarifles and handguns on the various tional gateway that inspires citiranges. Range length varies from 50 zens to connect to the unique natfeet to 200 yards. The shooting ural, cultural, and recreational oplines are covered with shade and portunities within the MRV rain protection. In the spring and summer months, the skeet/trap Minnesota Valley Regional Rail ranges are open on Sunday afterAuthority: developing vintage noon and at other times as memrecreational passenger rail service bers choose. connecting the metro area from

Conservation Corp of Minnesota Youth Team

Green Corridor Horse

Minnesota Valley ATV

Green Corridor -

$9,200,000 in LSOHC & LCCMR grants since 2008

Mid Minnesota River

Valley Conservation Plan

City of Redwood Falls

two Parks & Trails Legacy grants for Alexander Ramsey Park
Renville County - $194,000

Parks & Trails Legacy grant for Beaver Falls County Park
MATAG Award (2010) $100,000 Blandin Grant

The RRSC has a nice clubhouse for members to gather when the ranges are busy. Members like to gather for conversation about their favorite sports and sip a soda on a nice summer day. Once in a while the club plays host for shooting tournaments and rendezvous of re-enactors and such on the site. Classes in firearms safety and Concealed Carry are offered at the clubhouse at the range. New members are always welcome.! For more information email

the Hopkins Light Rail Transit Station to both FRSP and USASP

Accomplishments: Completed Projects and ongoing Community Economic Advantage initiatives

Redwood Area Learning Center Tatanka Bluffs Corridor Commu-

nity Trail Plan

Tatanka Arts Minnesota Valley History Learning


(2011-2012) in partnership with Center for Changing Landscapes & Conservation Corps of Minnesota engaging youth in environmental preservation & recreational infrastructure development projects in the Minnesota River Valley (See photo above of our great crew who did the work along with Staff from Renville County Parks!

TBC Board of Directors

Dick Hagen, Olivia Nancy Standfuss, Olivia Annie Tepfer, Danube Matt Baumgartner, Olivia Jon Wogen, Olivia Colleen Marcus, Redwood Falls Alyssa Adam, Redwood Falls Barb Wille, Lamberton

SAVE THE DATEMarch 16, 2012 10 a.m. NOON: Regional Informational meeting Open to all who are interested in:

Attracting a skilled workforce to our area for your future employment base Promoting our regional assets Looking to bring more people to visit and move to our area Finding out more about the Minnesota Valley History Learning Center Hearing the update on the proposed ATV Park in Renville County Guest speaker: Dennis Fredrickson, Southern DivisionDNR officeNew Ulm .and others!

Tatanka Bluffs Corridor LLC

ISSUE 01 2012

Tatanka Bluffs Corridor Inc.

200 S Mill Street Redwood Falls, MN 56283

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