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CHILD ABUSE Child abuse is defined as intentional acts that results in physical or emotional that harming the children.

Nowadays, we always hear about child abuse and there are many children being abuse every year. There are many different forms of abuse and many people do not realize them. They included physical, emotional, neglect and sexual abuse. First of all, lets go to the physical abuse. Physical abuse is a physical injury which can cause a result such as punching, beating, kicking or otherwise that harming the children. Such injury is considered abuse regardless of whether the caretaker intended to hurt the children. Forms of physical abuse included acts of violence which are deliberate and can injured or sometimes kill the children. Signs of the abuse likes broken bones and burn marks on child`s body. Next, lets we proceed to the emotional abuse. Emotional abuse is a pattern of behaviour that impaired a child`s emotional development. This may included constant criticism, threats or rejection as well as withholding love, support, and love. Emotional abuse can be difficult to pin down because there are no physical signs to look for. Emotional abuse generally occurs when the yelling and anger go too far or when a parents constantly threatens or dismissed a child until a child`s feelings are broken. After that we go to neglect. Neglect is defined as a type of maltreatment that refers to the failure to provide needed age appropriate age. Neglect can be in physical and educational. Physical neglect included not providing adequate food or clothing, appropriate medical care and proper weather protection such as protection from rain and heat from sun. While educational neglect included failure to provide appropriate schooling or special educational needs and and allowing excessive truancies. Last but not least, we proceed to the sexual abuse. Sexual means the involmentary of developmentally immature children or adolescents in sexual activities. Sexual abuse is any misuse of children for sexual pleasure or gratification. This sexual abuse included activities by parents or caretaker such as rape and exploitation through prostitution or the production of pornographic materials. As the conclusion, prevent is better than cure. Child abuse leads to many bad effects not only for children that are being abuse but also the person who abuse the children. We should prevent it from getting worse as the children today will be a leader for tomorrow.

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