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Sigma Pi Gamma-Upsilon active chapter newsletter

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Gamma-Upsilon Chapter
Murray State University Debt Free
We are proud to inform everyone that our chapter is now completely out of debt. Over the past year we have managed to pay off over six thousand dollars worth of debt. With a lot of hard work from the brothers and plenty of fund raising we were accomplish this goal. We would like to thank all the alumni for your continued support.

House Free
Over this past winter break we have sold the house that Phi Kappa Tau had been leasing. This is the beginning of a new time for the active chapter. Hopefully, a new house is in the near future and allow our chapter to continue to grow.

The new Executive Council

Sage Roy Love- Is a junior and a political

Spring Rush 2012

The chapter here at Murray State has had yet again another successful spring rush. With Murray State changing the policy and holding no formal spring rush. It was left up to the brothers to take initiative and make it a successful spring. We would like to welcome the Delta Epsilon class Jovan Loredo, Kit Sutton, and Aaron Rowland in rushing Sigma Pi. The chapter is looking forward to taking advantage of open rush opportunities and plans to take another pledge class by the end of the semester.

science major. Roy has previously been the secretary.

Second Counselor Corey Stephens- Is a Junior and an OSHA major. Corey has previously been treasurer and Sergant-atarms.

Third Counselor Ryan Johnson- Is a junior and a finance major. Ryan has previously been treasurer.

Fourth counselor Adam David- Is a junior and a economics major. Adam became a brother this past semester.

First Counselor Joel Kirschbaum- Is a senior

Mid-Year Leadership
This year we sent six brothers to attend midyear leadership training in St. Louis MO. Mdiyear provides a great opportunity, meeting brothers from other chapters, meeting the grand chapter, and programs to better our chapter. Mid-year is a great expierence and we hope to send more brothers every year.

and a nursing major. Joel has previouslty been the secretary.

Herald Joshua Johnston- Is a sophomore and an agricultural buisness major. Joshua became a brother this past semester.

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Congratulations to Juan Casa Del

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