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The Wilderness Discovery LTE Project Presented By Team Four


The main purpose for this LTE is for the Interns to reconnect with the Lord

in the one place that he has called his children to for years. The wilderness has always thought as a place of drought, a time when people were at their lowest with the lord, but from reading the scriptures I have found that it is a place when the lord works the most. In the beginning when the lord created man he place him in his Garden (Gen 2:15), this is the place where the Lord walk through and spoke to Adam and Eve. It was here that we were able to see the true face of the Lord and experience Him in all of his Glory. We see it again when Moses fled Egypt and he fled to the wilderness (Exo 2:15). It was here that he saw the glory of the Lord in a Burning bush, Moses saw the I Am and he was told his destiny. And form that encounter in the wilderness Moses went on to set the Lords people free. Another person is John the Baptist (Mat 3: 1-6). This man was a freak and he was seeking after the Lord with everything he had. People were poring in to the desert because the lord was speaking to people there. When John the Baptist baptized Christ the heaven opened up and an audible voice came from heaven. Powerful events have happened it the wilderness. The vision of this LTE is to call people away from their busy lives and let them take a weekend and go in to the wilderness and sit and wait for the Lord, with no distraction at all. This would be their time to pursue the lord and find his beauty in nature.


This would be a weekend long LTE, that would take place in the back 40.

We would split the internship in to two weekends having an A-wave and a B-wave. From that we would split the internship in to 25 groups of 10, and for every ten interns we would have one graduate intern. The Graduate intern would be there to lead the group in discussion, and to talk to the interns when theyre going through. They would also be there in case anything happens during the weekend. A week before the LTE begins we would require that the interns would memorize scripture, and also that they would read a specific book. Then during the meal time which would also be the meeting time for the groups they would be able to talk about what these scripture mean and also what they received from the book. Other than these classes it is just going to be the interns walking and talking with the lord. There will be no technology allowed during the weekend to allow for a more independent weekend.


The only facilitation we would need is the GI with the interns at the

campsite. We will also need help distributing the food to the camps and also making sure that all the campsites have water at all time. We would also require that the facilitators would go through a safety class that would better prepare for the Back 40.

Friday Morning: The interns would do all their final checks. During this time they would make sure that they would have all their requirements complete, and also that they had everything they need for the weekend. Friday Afternoon: After the interns had eaten lunch in the caf, the would make the way to the village were they would meet with their team and head back to the Back 40. When they come to their camp site they will have to work as a team and prepare the tents and make sure the camp is ready for the weekend. Friday Night: After coming back from their first trip in to the wilderness, they will be provided with dinner. At this point they will be able to meet all the fellow campers and begin to talk Saturday Morning: The interns will be woken up at 8:30 in the morning by their facilitator. At this they will be able to have breakfast and prepare for the day. They will have from when ever they are done with breakfast to 12:30. Saturday Afternoon: The interns will come back for lunch at 12:30. At this point they will be able to talk with their group again. This is a nice aspect because it allows them to verbalize what the lord is doing. Saturday Night: This will be the last night that the interns have in the back 40, so this night well have the interns tell what they learned thought the week end. We may also have the facilitator teach a lesson, but for the most part they would be done for the weekend. Sunday Morning: The interns would pact up camp and head back to campus. At which point the LTE would be over and the interns could go to church.

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Teen Mania Ministries

Item Hot dog Hot dog bun Chip Water Ketchup Mustard Orange Juice Cereal

Product Number Quanity 10 2502268 20 7599889 9 6586721 21 5522996 1 4029500 1 5106059 20 1606490 5 8185894

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Price 20.39 23.67 21.33 4.17 23.44 14.10 15.57 33.60


$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Subtotal 203.90 473.40 191.97 87.57 23.44 14.10 311.40 168.00 1,473.78

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