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From:Kellingray, S Daryl Sent:Mon Aug3008:19:34 2010 To: Cunningham, Erick Subject: Assurance RE: request lmportance: Normal Attachments

P Cementing :B Cementing Assurance.ppt

Put into a short PorverPoint.any suggestions ?

Wgor{s rDarytl{gttingral IEVI'flfiertzm t't ting 0 fo6a le tt (emen .rpeciofist Qfrone-1224-833-171 07771967414 tuLoEi[e Cementing DocumentationBP in aspx
BP Erploration Opcrating Compmy Ltd Rcgistocd offrrc Chcrtrcy Rd, Sunbury on Thamcs, N{idd& TW16 ?BP, tIK. Registtred in England and Wal*, No 00105943


Cumingham, Erick

Scnt: 23 4ugusl 2010 l7:33 To: Kellingray. Daryl S RI:Asurmcerequesl


Daryl, I do have some commnts on this, around $'hen we implernent this g,pe of approach to BP cementing and to rvhat level ofdetail is required.horv rveslruclureaccounlabilil,v. risk ownership.Ifrve takeon an AssurAn@ lhis and role seemslike a departure from the previous model and this is a significant commitment. Further, based on my experience rn GoM thc last fcw months (post Macondo), this is a commitrncnt that should not bc takcn on unlcss wc arc full-v prepared and staffed to properly execute. I believe that for critical jobs, a rwiew of the executiol plan is probably also rarranted btrt somewhat fear hou'ne wou.ldeffectrveif implement this. I likc your approachto land on kcy wcll criteria and not gcncralizalions.but also agrcc that wc will likcly bc pushcd to cover deepwatercementing and likely a set of critical wells. In fact looking back to when the critical well list was Irvasin rolledoutthisvear,IwaslistedasthetechnicalSPAforallofthewellsonthissideoftheAtlantic(22wells). rolling on this rvhentlre Macondoincidentoccurred. But frankly, if the intent the process trying fo get somethirrg of was for me to endors all of the BOD's" follolv and approle job designs and execution plans. and provide assuranc for theser.vells, then this alone is a full time job. On the criteria I believe we should probably include: . Jobswrth shallorv water flow potential . . Jobswith new (or new to BP) cementing technologvapplications Jobswith newly introducc scrvicc providcrs (BJ DOA in GoM or Angola for cxamplc)

Mv rcal conccm with this is around thc levcl of commitmcnt that is rcquircd to cxtract frt for propose BOD's. slurry and spacerdesignsand execulion plans ficnn our current serviceproviders. I lrave ber'n L25o/o trme engagedin full the Macondo relief effort along with Robert Beirute and a BP Drilling Engineer providing suppon; with this we have

Exhibit No. Worldwide Court Inc.

BP-HZN-217 9MDL0071159I

what I consider good results with plans that I would be comfortable endorstng and I would have no achrev-ed problem signing my name to the bottom of these programs. Hower,er, based on what I have observed here the last few months. I would now say that for me to feel comfortable endorsing a cement slurry design and execudon plan or BOD for a critical well, that this is only level of involrement I rvouldfeel conrfortable with. So in short I gresswhat I am saying is that assuming w get back to operating on a pre-Macondo actility lelel we are not resourced (at least on this side of the Atlantic) to execute this level of oler site on our service providers. Riglrt now I would rrot rvant to endorse an-vprogram that has not been driven on a fairh intimate basis W myslf, or you, or a similar BP resource such as Chris. I am not sure if ,vouagreewith me on this but as I seeit if we agreethat this where we needto be, then we needto be statrcd to cxccutc it bcforc wc put an assuranccplan in placc. Sccmswc now havc rcsourccplan in motion but I fcar putting the assurancecart out before we hale landed the team of horses to pull it properly and I do not really want to roll this out with our current stalfing model. The other thing I arn rvonderingis how this is driven and wherethe accountabilitv irrrplementation reside. for T will can seethe first significant incident that occurs folloring the implernentation ofan assuranceplan and the questions n"ill come; q'here was the assurance function on this project; so we needto be clear horv it is applied and.lvho drives it and what occurs rvhen there is divergence from the recommendations of the assuranceteam. We need to have clarig'from Leadershipon how ne implement this. Regards. Erick Erick Cunninghanr Wtetern H emisphere Cementi ng Spectal i st s BP EPT. 5aI Westlake Blvd., l3th Floor, Houston, Tx 77079 Offce: +l 2ti1 366 1573 Cel.l:+l 281 773 9267

From: Kelhngrat.Darvl S SencFriday.August20, 20109:43AN{ To: Cunningham, Erick request Subject:Assurance Erick Been brainstonning whatmight makea well rvarrant overv'iew cemenling from ourselves, on lnrvevermr''frrst questiorr you think our involvenrent do should at BODor final progranrme be stage(or both) Goingfonvard m1'positionwouldbe with SPUpeople place,rve in shouldbe at the BOD stageandthe SPUpeople prograilrme theremaybe an interim until the infrastructure in placebut would beresponsible the execution for but is be goodto get1-our view. In termsof considerationhave: I All criticalwells Well conditions
> 300 deg F > Slurries l8 ppg Slurries < 10.5 ppg Horizontal cementjobs (> Esdeg)

Well Integriry . Well requires GP l0{0 deviation a . Well with plannedsuspension 30 days >


BP-HZN-217 9MDL00711600

Well Tlrre / Design Features

. ' .

> Ccmcnt columnlcngths 20(}0 m Wellswltereoverbalance agairuta perrneable fonnaliorr afLer burrrpirrg plug < 200psi lhe Welsusingfoam cement OBM in the same and hole section

Attythingy'ou think we should include, a bit bothered I'm aboutincludingall criticalwellsandperhaps its just better to stickto criticalconsiderations othenvise maynol have we timeto do arylhingelse. You will see I haveleft out deepwaterspecifically,I suspect will be required(politically) but I do not seethat deep this watercementing actuallycarriessubstantially morerisk than any other subseawell. Currcntl_r rvill havcthc follorving rvc covcrcd SPLI by pcoplc: - Bnku -Espt - Lig.a and Algeria And for thoscI suggcst areonlv rcvicu'crsnot endorsers wc offinal programmcs Wgards Aarytfteffingray lEQrf A6er[een 'l'lett Spcciafrst Qtobaf Cementtug tlfione-1224-833571 %o6ite 07771967414 Cemenling DocunrentationBP in https :/iepti. bpelobal. con/siteycementdocy'default. aspx
BP Eqrloralion (lpqating Cornpany Ltd, Registeredoffie ChertseyRd. Sunbury on Thme1 tvfiddr TWI 6 7BP. I rK. Registeredin England and Wala, No 00305943


BP-HZN-21 79MDL0071 1 160

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