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Act 1: Beginning

FADE IN: ENIVORNMENT CAMERA SHOT EXT. EUSTACES FARMYARD DAY A summers day at EUSTACES FARMYARD, there are crops over his land and a small farmhouse in the middle of the crops with a road leading to the house and to outer parts of his land. CAMERA: ZOOMS TO EUSTACE: EUSTACE, an old frail man is sitting on his rocking chair on the porch with a banjo in his hands. (BANJO SOUNDS) He PLAYS the banjo joyfully with a gentle breeze in the air brushing his face. CAMERA: CUTS TO EUSTACES HANDS: A banjo string SNAPS as he pulls to hard as he feels a disturbance in the distance. He turns his head to the east of the farmyard. CAMERA: EXTREME CLOSE UP OF EUSTACES FACE. His eyes squint with the feeling of something not right. CAMERA: CUTS TO A THIRD PERSON SHOT OVER EUSTACES SHOULDER. EUSTACE stares into the distance, not worrying about the snapped banjo string. VILLIAN: The Crimson Corn(The villain says in a deep evil tone). CAMERA: CUTS TO FULL SHOT OF EUSTACE (FRONT) EUSTACE slowly gets up from the chair and stands on the porch. CAMERA: CUTS TO FULL SHOT OF PETE (Cockerel) PETE also notices this disturbance as he then does a SHARP turn to EUSTACE as they both look at one another and nod.

Act 2: Middle
CAMERA: CUTS TO EUSTACE EUSTACE jumps into the air as he RIPS his clothes off to reveal his superhero alter ego THE CRIMSON CORN. CAMERA: CUTS TO PETE

PETE also jumps into the air and spins FRANTICLY as he then stops to reveal his superhero alter ego THE MIGHTY COCKEREL. CAMERA: ZOOMS TO THE GROUND AS EACH CHARACTER LANDS They both stand side by side CAMERA: CUTS TO CLOSE UP OF EUSTACE FACE EUSTACE brings his wrist to his mouth SHARPLY as he speaks into the Com Link on his wrist BEEP (Com Link) EUSTACE: WB2000X there is danger in the east make your way to the front of the farmhouse ASAP. (EUSTACE says in an anxious tone). BEEP (Com Link) CAMERA: CUTS TO SIDE OF FARMHOUSE The heroes hear a ROAR from an engine round the corner of the farmhouse as a supercharged wheelbarrow DRIFTS round the corner of the house CAMERA: CUTS TO MID CLOSE UP FROM BEHIND THE DUO And then power slides in front of the heroes. The heroes stand there unfazed. CAMERA: CUTS TO FULL SHOT OF PETE EUSTACE bends down to PETES level as PETE looks up at him and says: EUSTACE: Lets make haste the Mighty Cockerel! (In a sharp tone) PETE: BAAKARK!!! (Chicken sound, loud and strong)

Act 3: End
CAMERA: CUTS TO FULL SHOT OF WB2000X The duo both enter the shot as they both jump into the wheelbarrow first EUSTACE and then PETE who lands on his lap. CAMERA: CUTS TO CLOSE UP OF EUSTACES FACE EUSTACE: Lets Rock (In a cool and confident tone)

CAMERA: CUTS TO SIDE SHOT OF THE CLUTH EUSTACE then puts his foot harshly on the clutch. CAMERA: CUTS TO SHOT FROM THE GEAR STICK LOOKING UP TO EUSTACE AND PETE Puts it in gear CAMERA: CUTS TO SIDE SHOT OF THE GAS And then SLAMS hard on the gas. CAMERA: CUTS TO SIDE SHOT OF THE WB2000X WHEELS As the wheelbarrow wheel spins flicking dirt everywhere. CAMERA: CUTS TO BEHIND THE WB2000X As it speeds off into the distance the duo start to get smaller and smaller as they leave the scene. CAMERA: ZOOMS OUT FROM THE SAME SHOT SHOWING AGNES FROM BEHIND AGNES is standing there. CAMERA: CUTS TO MID SHOT OF AGNES (FRONT) ANGES is CAPED with dirt as she is confused and dazed holding EUSTACES dinner.


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