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Francisco, Arlex Jr M. History 1

(MWF 4:00-5:00)

Mr. Felix Espilita History teacher



I. II.

INTRODUCTION CONTENT A. EUROPEAN COLONIZATION a.1. The Magellan Expedition a.2. The Christianization of the Natives a.3. The Battle in Mactan a.4. Legaspis Expedition a.5. Colonizing Mindanao B. SPANISH COLONIZATION b.1. Spanish Missionaries b.2. Provincial/Municipal Government




INTRODUCTION How do colonization affects he lives of the Filipinos? Who colonized the Philippines? What are their aims in colonizing the country? As a Filipino, it is important for us to know the history behind the colonization of our country. In this study, it discusses the discovery of the Philippines and the countries involved in the colonization and the people behind it. Also, the influenced of Spanish culture to the Filipino.



During 15th century, The Spain and Portugal who were competing for world domination, used religion as a motivating factor for territorial expansion in Asia. Europe is one of the great nations that has a power to imperialize and colonized other nations. They used missionaries as their representatives as well as religion as their motivation in expanding their territory. European, practiced a political system called feudalism in which the Land lord has the power to control everything. But it didnt lasts, feudalism falls. The country becomes more independent and they developed a new doctrine called Mercantilism. It has three doctrines namely: Bullionism, Imperialism and Economic Nationalism.

MAGELLAN EXPEDITION Fernando Magallanes (Ferdinand Magellan), a Portuguese maritime explorer was under by King John III. was sent India in 1505 at the age of 25. After participating he was fired in 1551, Magellan decided to be with King Charles I in Spain. During that time they found a route in the west that lead them to the island called Moluccas (known as the Spice Island). They decided to have an expedition and they used five ships (Trinidad, Victoria, San Antonio, Concepcion and Santiago) and bring 273 men to help them in their voyage. Magalhaes was Hispanized as Fernado de Magallanes also known Ferdenand Magellan. As their voyage began and reached the Pacific Ocean, they had discovery the island so-called Philippines on March 16, 1521. Magellan went to different parts of the island and met different people. Magellan together with Rajah Kulambo and Rajah Siago of Limasawa made a blood compact. After that, they had a mass and Magellan named formally the island as Archipelago of St. Lazarus.


Magellan was able to baptized about 800 natives as well as their chieftain who was given the name Carlos with his wife who was given the name Juana. The Capital of Sugbo is (Cebu). It is the first of this island was Mactan. Some Spaniards abused many female native and Desecrated the graves in their search for gold. In mactan the some Spanish soldier razed Bulia.


On April 26, in the land of Mactan, Lapu-lapu, a muslim chieftain and known as Kaliph Pulaka, become angry and had a fight with Zula (another chieftain) because he did not agree in giving tributes to Magellan. But Zula still sent small tribute to Magellan for a purpose of a help to defeat Lapu-lapu. When the battle is about to start, Lapu-lapu together with his 1,500 warriors went to the shore to meet the Spanish soldiers. Lapu-lapu and his warriors are armored with barong, kalasag, spears and kampilan was attacking Magellan abd his soldiers. Magellan was hit in the left leg and it causes him to collapse. Lapu-lapu won the fight and Magellan died on April 27, 1521. The commander of Concepcion, Juan Sebastian de Elcano decided to captained Victoria to go back in Spain. LEGASPIS EXPEDITION When Elcano is back to Spain, they sent another five expeditions to the Philippines, but only two of them successfully reached the island. One of them is the voyage of Miguel Lopez de Legazpi (1564). He reached the island of Cebu, that has lots of food and water supplies but they are not contented, they went to Samar and Bohol. But then, they realized to go back to Cebu because it has a plenty of supplies. May 8, 1565, Legazpi announced that Cebu would be the permanent settlement area of Spaniards. They named it Ciudad del Santisimo Nombre de Jesus in honor to the Holy Child of Jesus. As they stayed in the area, they met problems, scarcity of food and water. Legazpi decided to move to Panay and put there a new settlement area.

COLONIZING MINDANAO Roy Lopez de Villalobos made an investigation of the land as he reached the Mindanao on February 29, 1553. He stayed in the area for 32 days but immediately left when they suffer hunger. They moved to different places to look for food supply. Davao was still influence by the Spaniards during 1848. It was ruled by Datu Mama Bago, who made his settlement area at the banks of Davao River. But when Don Jose Uyanguren went to Davao and held his settlement, they had a fight. Uyanguren won over Datu Bago. After their fight, he renamed the region as Nueva Guipuzcoa and he became its first governor.

B. SPANIARDS COLONIZATION The reason of the Spaniards to colonize the Philippines is to convince the people to convert into Christianity. They also want the privilege to have control in the government because they want to monopolize the spice trade in Asia. They collected tributes to the laborer for them to increase their wealth. By controlling the Philippines for a long time, Spain became the most powerful country in Europe.

SPANISH MISSIONARIES The missionaries (Franciscans, Augustinians, Dominicans, Recollect, Jesuits) has an important part in colonizing the Philippines. They are the one who convinced the natives to convert into Christianity in which they have been successfully made it. They are headed by Archbishops, Bishops and priest. The missionaries used strategies in converting the natives and the easiest one is Mass Baptism where many Filipino are baptized at one time.

PROVINCIAL/MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT The Philippines is divided into provinces; provinces into municipals or towns. The provinces were known as alcadias and ruled by an alcalde mayor. Having a privilege in engaging into trade industry, his place should be lucrative. But the alcalde mayor only receives a low salary. The provinces were divided into pueblos (towns). They are ruled by the capitan. But there are other officials that administered the town, teniente mayor, juez de sementeras, juez de ganados, juez de policia, directocillo. The town was divided into barangay and run by cabeza de barangay.


SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION Colonization of Europeans, especially the Spaniards greatly affects the lives of every Filipino. One of their aims is to introduce Christianity to the natives by the help of the Spanish missionaries. They are the one who baptized and convert the Filipino to be a Christian. Not only the Filipinos that benefits the advantage of colonization, also the Spaniards because they are interested with the resources that can be found in the Philippines like the spices and lots o food supply. They also found a settlement area in different island in the Philippines. Magellan reached and discovered the Philippines during 15th century. He had been in different places and met different chieftain and conquered different battles until he died. Legazpi explore and reached Cebu in year 1565. Hes the one who made permanent settlement area for Spaniards in the Philippines. Villalobos reached and started to investigate the island of Mindanao in early 1553.

The influence of Spaniards colonization in the Philippines was hardly felt in Davao until in present. Influence in many aspects: surnames, street names, places, beliefs, traditions and etc., Although, Spaniards brings sufferings to the Filipinos for a long time, still they have contributed good things in the Philippines. One of the Spaniards influence to the Filipino that is treasured is being a Christian.


REFERENCE Ramos,A.B.(2011).Philippine history (with gender issues).Davao City.MS Lopez Printing & Publishing.

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