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Star Wars: Cortex +

Affiliations(optional): either d10, d8, d6; d8 for all three, or d12, d6, d6 Power Set (5 powers at d8, can raise or lower to enhance or add powers; 3 SFX and 2 Limits, can add another SFX for another Limit) Specialties (4 at Expert, may trade one for 1 at Master)

Bounty Hunter
Power Armor Enhanced Durability d8 Jet Pack d8
SFX: Life Support: Spend 1 PP to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from poison, radiation, or vacuum. Limit: Unreliable: Change Jet Pack into a complication and gain 1 PP. Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover the power.

Weapon Master Blaster Rifle d8 Whipcord d8

Flamethrower d8

SFX: Fire Burst: Step up or double a Flamethrower die against a single target. Remove the highest rolling die and add 3 dice for your total. SFX: Grapple: Add d6 to your dice pool and step up the effect die by +1 when using Whipcord to create complications. Limit: Gear: Shutdown Weapon Master to gain 1 PP. Take an action against the Doom Pool to recover.

Force Adept
Adept Force Powers Animal Control d8 Attuned Weapon d8 Force Senses d8

SFX: Primal Surge: Step up or double any Adept Force power for one action. If that action fails, add a die to the doom pool equal to the power die you surged. SFX: Danger Sense: Spend 1 PP to add Force Senses (or step up by +1 if already in your pool) and reroll all dice on a reaction. Limit: Dark Side Adept: Count 1s and 2s as opportunities when using a Adept Force power.

Animal Companion Claws & Teeth d8

Enhanced Speed d8

SFX: Carry to Safety: If the Force Adept is stressed out, spend 1 PP to have Animal Companion remove him or her from the scene. Limit: Unexplained Absence: Earn 1 PP if you have Animal Companion Shutdown for the remainder of the scene.

Jedi Counselor
Counselor Force Powers Mind Trick d8 Force Senses d8 Move Object d8
SFX: Force Healing: Add Force Senses to your dice pool when helping others recover stress. Spend 1 PP to recover your own or another's physical stress or step back your own or another's physical trauma by -1. SFX: Do or Do Not: Step up or double any Counselor Force die on your next roll, or spend 1 PP to do both, then shutdown that power. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene. Limit: Tempted by the Dark Side: Earn 1 PP if you step up emotional stress inflicted from giving into anger or fear by +1.

Lightsaber Lightsaber Attack d8

Lightsaber Parry d8

SFX: Blaster Deflect: On a successful reaction against a blaster attack action, inflict physical stress equal to your effect die for no PP cost or spend 1 PP to step it up by +1. Limit: Gear: Shutdown Lightsaber to gain 1 PP. Take an action against the Doom Pool to recover.

Jedi Guardian
Guardian Force Powers Jedi Reflexes d8 Force Leap d8 Force Push d8
SFX: Control: If a pool includes a Guardian Force power, you may replace two dice of equal size with one die +1 step larger. SFX: Use the Force: Step up or double any Guardian Force power for one action. If that action fails, add a die to the doom pool equal to the power die you unleashed. Limit: Tempted by the Dark Side: Earn 1 PP if you step up emotional stress inflicted from giving into anger or fear by +1.

Lightsaber Lightsaber Attack d8

Lightsaber Parry d8

SFX: Blaster Deflect: On a successful reaction against a blaster attack action, inflict physical stress equal to your effect die for no PP cost or spend 1 PP to step it up by +1. Limit: Gear: Shutdown Lightsaber to gain 1 PP. Take an action against the Doom Pool to recover.

Extensive Resources Blaster Pistol d6 Transport Ship d8
Limit: Gear: Shutdown Extensive Resources to gain 1 PP. Take an action against the Doom Pool to recover.

Rank & Privilege Diplomatic Immunity d8 Give Orders d8 Loyal Retainer d10
SFX: Charming to the Last: Add a die to the doom pool equal to your current emotional stress to add that emotional stress die to a pool including a Rank & Privilege power. SFX: Quick Retort: On a successful reaction against an emotional stress attack action, inflict emotional stress with your effect die at no PP cost or spend 1 PP to step it up by +1. SFX: Versatile Aide: Split Loyal Retainer into 2d at -1 step, or 3d at -2 steps. Limit: Privileges Revoked: Shutdown Rank & Privilege to gain 1 PP. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition scene.

Flight School Enhanced Reflexes d8 Acute Senses d8
SFX: Stay on Target: Spend 1 PP to reroll when using a Flight School power. SFX: Take Evasive Action: Step up or double Enhanced Reflexes for one reaction. If the action fails, add a die to doom pool equal to the normal rating of your power die. Limit: Battle Fatigue: When you take emotional trauma, shutdown any Flight School or Flight Gear power and gain 1 PP. Recover that power when you recover that emotional trauma.

Flight Gear Blaster Pistol d8 Astromech d8

Starfighter d8

SFX: Wingman: Add d6 and step up the effect die by +1 when using Starfighter to create assets for allies during support actions. Limit: Gear: Shutdown Flight Gear to gain 1 PP. Take an action against the Doom Pool to recover.

Fringer Enhanced Reflexes d8 Brawler d6 Charmer d8

SFX: Strong Willed: Spend 1 PP to ignore emotional stress or emotional trauma unless caused by Force powers. Limit: It's Not My Fault: Count 1s and 2s as opportunities when using a Fringer power.

Stolen Goods Blaster Pistol d8

Tramp Freighter d10

SFX: Hunk of Junk: Step up or double the Tramp Freighter die on your next roll, or spend 1 PP to do both, then shutdown that power. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition scene. SFX: Never Tell Me the Odds: Add a d6 and step up the effect die by +1 when using Tramp Freighter to create complications. Limit: Gear: Shutdown Stolen Goods to gain 1 PP. Take an action against the Doom Pool to recover.

Wilderness Training Acute Senses d8 Climbing Expertise d8 Enhanced Stamina d8

SFX: Survival Expertise: If a pool includes a Wilderness Training power, you may replace two dice of equal size with one die +1 step larger. SFX: Use the Environment: Add a d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when creating Assets or Complications in a natural environment. Limit: Outsider: Earn 1 PP if you step up emotional or mental stress inflicted from social situations by +1.

Survival Gear Sporting Blaster d8

Camouflage d8

SFX: Sniper Shot: Shutdown Camouflage power to step up Sporting Blaster by +1. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition scene. Limit: Gear: Shutdown Survival Gear to gain 1 PP. Take an action against the Doom Pool to recover.

Spare Parts Blaster Pistol d8 Astromech Droid d8 Tool Kit d8

SFX: Jury Rig: Spend 1 PP to step up one Spare Parts power to d10; step back to 2d6 for subsequent actions. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene. Limit: Gear: Shutdown Spare Parts to gain 1 PP. Take an action against the Doom Pool to recover.

Tech Wizardry Machine Control d8

Computer Mastery d8

SFX: Gadgeteer: Add d6 and step up the effect die by +1 when using Tech Wizardry to create an Asset. SFX: Master Hacker: Add a d6 and step up the effect die by +1 when using Computer Mastery to create complications. Limit: Firewall: Shutdown Tech Wizardry to gain 1 PP. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition scene.

Heavy Armor Enhanced Durability d8 Enhanced Stamina d8
SFX: Unstoppable: Spend 1 PP to ignore physical stress or physical trauma unless caused by a Force or Lightsaber attack. Limit: Battle Fatigue: When you take emotional trauma, shutdown any Heavy Armor or Weapon Master power and gain 1 PP. Recover that power when you recover that emotional trauma.

Weapon Master Blaster Rifle d10 Vibroknife d6

Grenade d8

SFX: Barrage: Add a d6 and keep an additional effect die for each additional target. SFX: Crack Shot: Add d6 to your dice pool for an attack action and step back the highest die by -1. Step up the stress inflicted by +1. Limit: Gear: Shutdown Weapon Master to gain 1 PP. Take an action against the Doom Pool to recover.

Alien Races & Droids Most alien races in the galaxy differ from humans only in terms of their appearance, so for game mechanics purposes there is no real difference. If a player would like to simulate a special trait or ability of a particular alien race, this can be accomplished by switching out one of the powers and/or SFX listed with one that would represent the chosen race. For example, a player who wanted to make a Wookie scout might replace the Survival Gear power set with a Wookie power set that includes Bowcaster and Enhanced Strength, as well as adding a new SFX called Wookie Rage. A droid bounty Hunter may remove the Power Armor set and replace it with a droid set that keeps Enhanced Durability but adds Psychic Resistance or Remote Interface. The GM has final approval on any special racial abilities for a character.

Born on Kashyyyk Enhanced Durability d8 Enhanced Senses d6 Natural Climber d8 Enhanced Strength d10
SFX: Let the Wookie Win: Use your current emotional stress die as your effect die, then step up your emotional stress by +1. SFX: Wookie Rage: Borrow a die from the doom pool for an attack action. Step up the doom die by +1 and return to the doom pool. SFX: Unstoppable: Spend 1 PP to ignore physical stress or physical trauma unless caused by a Force or Lightsaber attack. Limit: Sensitive Hearing: Shutdown all Born on Kashyyyk powers vs. sonic based attacks or very loud noises and gain 1 PP. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene.

Equipment Bowcaster d8
Limit: Gear: Shutdown Bowcaster to gain 1 PP. Take an action against the Doom Pool to recover.

Droid Bounty Hunter

Droid Body Enhanced Durability d8 Enhanced Sensors d8
SFX: Mechanical Being: Spend 1 PP to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from disease, poison, radiation, or vacuum. Limit: Robotic Systems: Earn 1 PP if you step up physical stress inflicted from electromagnetic or ion attacks by +1.

Weapon Master Blaster Rifle d8 Grenade d8

Flamethrower d8

SFX: Fire Burst: Step up or double a Flamethrower die against a single target. Remove the highest rolling die and add 3 dice for your total. SFX: Barrage: Add a d6 and keep an additional effect die for each additional target. Limit: Gear: Shutdown Weapon Master to gain 1 PP. Take an action against the Doom Pool to recover.

Trade Federation Battle Droid
Rookie Battle Droid d6
Solo d4 Buddy d6 Team d8 Blaster Rifle d6 Comms d6 Limit: Fragile: Battle Droids can be defeated by inflicting d6 or greater physical stress. Limit: Robotic Systems: Step up or add a d6 to the Doom Pool if you step up physical stress inflicted from electromagnetic or ion attacks by +1.

Mob of Battle Droids

Team 5d6 Distinctions: Roger, roger!, Mass-produced, Programmed to Kill
Blasters d6 Swarm d6 SFX: Area Attack. Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add d6 and keep +1 effect die. Limit: Fragile Mob. Defeat Team dice (with d6 stress) to reduce mob. Limit: Robotic Systems: Step up or add a d6 to the Doom Pool if you step up physical stress inflicted from electromagnetic or ion attacks by +1.

Super Battle Droid

Expert Battle Droid d8
Solo d6 Buddy d4 Team d8 Blasters d8 Armor d8 Comms d6 SFX: Rapid Fire: Step up or double a Weapon Master die against a single target. Remove the highest rolling die and add 3 dice for your total. Limit: Robotic Systems: Step up or add a d6 to the Doom Pool if you step up physical stress inflicted from electromagnetic or ion attacks by +1.

Mob of Super Battle Droids

Team 5d8 Distinctions: Built for Battle, Mass-produced, Programmed to Kill
Blasters d8 Armor d8 Swarm d8 SFX: Area Attack. Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add d6 and keep +1 effect die. Limit: Mob Cohesion. Defeat Team dice (with d10 stress) to reduce mob. Limit: Robotic Systems: Step up or add a d6 to the Doom Pool if you step up physical stress inflicted from electromagnetic or ion attacks by +1.

Commando Droid
Master Commando Droid d10
Solo d6 Buddy d4 Team d8 Blasters d8 Armor d8 Comms d6 Vibrosword d8 Stealth d8 SFX: Commando's Strike: Spend d6 from the doom pool to double Blasters or Vibrosword for one action. Limit: Robotic Systems: Step up or add a d6 to the Doom Pool if you step up physical stress inflicted from electromagnetic or ion attacks by +1.

Solo d6 Droid Body Buddy d8 Team d4 Distinctions: Agile Machine, Fearless, Bodyguard
Enhanced Durability d8 Enhanced Sensors d8 SFX: Take the Hit: Spend a d6 from the Doom Pool to take physical stress intended for a nearby ally. SFX: Mechanical Being: Spend a d6 from the Doom Pool to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from disease, poison, radiation, or vacuum. Limit: Robotic Systems: Step up or add a d6 to the Doom Pool if you step up physical stress inflicted from electromagnetic or ion attacks by +1.

Electrostaff Attack d8 Electrostaff Parry d8 Blaster Rifle d8 SFX: Close-Combat Expertise: Add d6 to your dice pool for a melee attack action and step back the highest die in your pool by 1. Step up physical stress inflicted by +1. Limit: Gear: Shutdown Weaponry to step up or add d6 to the Doom Pool. Spend a d6 from the Doom Pool to recover.

Acrobatics Expert d8 Combat Master d10

Destroyer Droid
Solo d6 Droid Body Buddy d8 Team d4 Distinctions: Fearless, Mobile Artillery
Protective Shields d10 Blaster Cannons d10 Enhanced Sensors d8 Rolling Terror d8 SFX: Blaster Barrage: Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add d6 to your pool and keep +1 effect die. SFX: Impenetrable Shields: Spend a d6 from the Doom Pool to ignore physical stress or trauma. SFX: Mechanical Being: Spend a d6 from the Doom Pool to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from disease, poison, radiation, or vacuum. Limit: Robotic Systems: Step up or add a d6 to the Doom Pool if you step up physical stress inflicted from electromagnetic or ion attacks by +1.

Combat Expert d8

Vulture Droid: Walker Mode

Solo 3d8 Buddy 2d6 Droid Fighter Distinctions: Massive, Predatory Robot
Crushing Legs d10 Enhanced Sensors d8 Flight d10 Armored Body d10 Weapon Systems d10 SFX: Missile Systems: Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add d6 to your pool and keep +1 effect die. SFX: Mechanical Being: Spend a d6 from the Doom Pool to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from disease, poison, radiation, or vacuum. Limit: Robotic Systems: Step up or add a d6 to the Doom Pool if you step up physical stress inflicted from electromagnetic or ion attacks by +1. Limit: Huge. Cant attack anyone smaller than a child, cant fit between narrow rocks, and other problems. Turn a Droid Fighter power into a Complication and add d6 doom. Spend d6 doom to recover.

Combat Expert d8

Vehicle Expert d8

Trade Federation Vehicles AAT

Solo 3d8 Buddy 2d6 Repulsorlift Tank Distinctions: Well-Armored, Artillery Support
Enhanced Speed d8 Enhanced Sensors d8 Armored Body d12 Weapon Systems d10 SFX: Missile Systems: Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add d6 to your pool and keep +1 effect die. SFX: Cannon Shot. Add d6 to your dice pool for an attack action and step back the highest die in your pool by 1. Step up physical stress inflicted by +1. Limit: Huge. Cant attack anyone smaller than a child, cant fit between narrow rocks, and other problems. Turn a Repulsorlift Tank power into a Complication and add d6 doom. Spend d6 doom to recover.

Combat Expert d8

Vehicle Expert d8

Solo d6 Buddy d8 Repulsorlift Platform Team d4 Distinctions: Agile Flier, Aerial Support
Enhanced Speed d10 Enhanced Sensors d6 Armored Body d6 Blaster Cannons d8 SFX: Extremely Maneuverable. Add d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when using Enhanced Speed to create complications. Limit: Exposed Pilot. Step up or add d6 to the Doom Pool to step up or double any asset, complication, or stress that is designated as targeting the pilot of the STAP.

Vehicle Expert d8

Droid Tri-Fighters: Wing

Solo d4 Buddy 2d6 Droid Fighter Team 3d8 Distinctions: Master Dogfighter, Advanced Brain
Enhanced Speed d10 Enhanced Sensors d8 Armored Body d10 Weapon Systems d10 SFX: Buzz Droid Missiles: Add d6 and step up effect die by +1 when using Weapon Systems to create complications. Limit: Wing Cohesion: Defeat Team or Buddy dice (d10 stress or d8 stress, respectively) to eliminate wing.

Combat Expert d8 Vehicle Expert d8 Note: Use the Specialties with a single Tr-Fighter, not the wing or pair.

Vulture Droids: Wing

Solo d4 Buddy 2d6 Droid Fighter Team 3d8 Distinctions: Predatory Swarm, Hive Mind
Enhanced Speed d10 Enhanced Sensors d8 Armored Body d8 Weapon Systems d8 SFX: Energy Torpedo: Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add d6 to your pool and keep +1 effect die. Limit: Wing Cohesion: Defeat Team or Buddy dice (d10 stress or d8 stress, respectively) to eliminate wing.

Combat Expert d8 Vehicle Expert d8 Note: Use the Specialties with a single Vulture, not the wing or pair.

Droid Control Ship

Solo 5d10 Capital Ship Team 4d8 Distinctions: Massive, Battle Coordinator
Enhanced Speed d6 Enhanced Sensors d12 Comm Systems d10 Armored Body & Shields d12 Weapon Systems d12 SFX: Coordinate Forces: Include Comm Systems on a support action. If the supported action is successful, add a die to the doom pool equal to the supported actions effect die. SFX: Turbolaser Battery: Add d6 to your dice pool for an attack action and step back the highest die in your pool by 1. Step up physical stress inflicted by +1. Limit: Huge. Cant attack anyone smaller than a starfighter, cant fit between narrow spaces, and other problems. Turn a Capital Ship power into a Complication and add d6 doom. Spend d6 doom to recover.

Combat Expert d8

Vehicle Expert d8

The Galactic Empire Stormtrooper

Rookie Stormtrooper d6
Solo d4 Buddy d6 Team d8 Blaster Rifle d8 Armor d8 Comms d6 SFX: Emotional Resistance: Spend d6 from the Doom Pool to ignore emotional stress or Complications caused by manipulation unless caused by a Force power. SFX: Life Support: Spend 1 PP to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from poison, radiation, or vacuum.

Mob of Stormtroopers
Team 5d8 Distinctions: Faceless & Fearless, Unrelenting, Imperial Legions
Blasters d8 Armor d8 Swarm d8 SFX: Area Attack. Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add d6 and keep +1 effect die. SFX: Emotional Resistance: Spend d6 from the Doom Pool to ignore emotional stress or Complications caused by manipulation unless caused by a Force power. SFX: Life Support: Spend 1 PP to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from poison, radiation, or vacuum. Limit: Mob Cohesion. Defeat Team dice (with d10 stress) to reduce mob.

Stormtrooper Commander
Expert Stormtrooper d8
Solo d4 Buddy d6 Team d8 Blaster Rifle d10 Armor d8 Comms d8 Grenade d10 SFX: Area Attack. Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add d6 and keep +1 effect die. SFX: Emotional Resistance: Spend d6 from the Doom Pool to ignore emotional stress or Complications caused by manipulation unless caused by a Force power. SFX: Life Support: Spend 1 PP to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from poison, radiation, or vacuum.

Scout Trooper
Expert Scout Trooper d8
Solo d8 Buddy d6 Team d4 Blaster Pistol d6 Armor d6 Comms d6 SFX: Emotional Resistance: Spend d6 from the Doom Pool to ignore emotional stress or Complications caused by manipulation unless caused by a Force power. SFX: Life Support: Spend 1 PP to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from poison, radiation, or vacuum.

Imperial Army Trooper

Rookie Soldier d6
Solo d4 Blaster Rifle d8 Buddy d6 Team d8 Armor d6 Comms d6

Mob of Imperial Army Troopers

Team 5d6 Distinctions: Rank & File, Loyal, Imperial Legions
Blasters d8 Armor d6 Swarm d8 SFX: Area Attack. Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add d6 and keep +1 effect die. Limit: Mob Cohesion. Defeat Team dice (with d8 stress) to reduce mob.

Viper Probe Droid

Expert Probe Droid d8
Solo d8 Buddy d6 Team d4 Blaster Cannon d10 Armor d8 Comms d12 Sensors d10 Repulsorlift Flight d8 Limit: Robotic Systems: Step up or add a d6 to the Doom Pool if you step up physical stress inflicted from electromagnetic or ion attacks by +1. Limit: Self Destruct: Destroy the Viper Probe Droid to step up or gain d6 to the Doom Pool.

Imperial Officer
Solo d6 In Command Buddy d4 Team d8 Distinctions: Arrogant, Opportunistic
Give Order d10 Command Comm d10 SFX: Focus. In a pool including a In Command power, replace two dice of equal step with one of +1 step. SFX: Situational Awareness. Include Command Comm on a support action. If the supported action is successful, add a die to the doom pool equal to the supported actions effect die. Limit: Weak-Willed. Add d6 to doom when you step up stress or complications caused by manipulation.

Imperial Armament
Blaster Pistol d8 Body Armor d6 Limit: Gear: Shutdown Imperial Armament to step up or add d6 to the Doom Pool. Spend a d6 from the Doom Pool to recover.

Psych Expert d8

Vehicle Master d10

Imperial Royal Guard

Solo d6 Buddy d4 Guard Training Team d8 Distinctions: Fearless, Bodyguard, Blindly Loyal
Enhanced Durability d10 Enhanced Stamina d10 Enhanced Reflexes d10 SFX: Emotional Resistance: Spend d6 from the Doom Pool to ignore emotional stress or Complications caused by manipulation unless caused by a Force power. SFX: Life Support: Spend 1 PP to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from poison, radiation, or vacuum. SFX: Take the Hit: Spend a d6 from the Doom Pool to take physical stress intended for a nearby ally.

Imperial Armament
Blaster Rifle d8 Force Pike Attack d8 Force Pike Parry d8 SFX: Close-Combat Expertise: Add d6 to your dice pool for a melee attack action and step back the highest die in your pool by 1. Step up physical stress inflicted by +1. Limit: Gear: Shutdown Equipment to step up or add d6 to the Doom Pool. Spend a d6 from the Doom Pool to recover.

Acrobatics Expert d8

Combat Master d10

Covert Expert d8

Imperial Vehicles AT-ST

Solo 2d6 Buddy 3d8 Scout Walker Distinctions: All Terrain, Armored Scout
Enhanced Speed d10 Enhanced Sensors d8 Stomping Feet d10 Armored Body d10 Weapon Systems d10 SFX: Area Attack: Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add d6 to your pool and keep +1 effect die. SFX: Massive Stomp. Double or step up Stomping Feet on an action against a single target, then shutdown Stomping Feet. Spend d8 doom to recover. Limit: Huge. Cant attack anyone smaller than a child, cant fit between narrow rocks, and other problems. Turn a Scout Walker power into a Complication and add d6 doom. Spend d6 doom to recover. Limit: Unsteady: Add d6 to doom when you step up complications caused by grappling lines or tripping effects.

Combat Expert d8

Vehicle Expert d8

Solo 4d10 Team 3d8 Assault Walker Distinctions: Towering Presence, Durable Armor
Enhanced Speed d8 Enhanced Sensors d8 Stomping Feet d12 Armored Body d12 Weapon Systems d12 SFX: Concentrated Fire: Add d6 to your dice pool for an attack action and step back the highest die in your pool by 1. Step up physical stress inflicted by +1. SFX: Invulnerable. Spend d6 from the doom pool to ignore physical stress or trauma. SFX: Massive Stomp. Double or step up Stomping Feet on an action against a single target, then shutdown Stomping Feet. Spend d8 doom to recover. Limit: Huge. Cant attack anyone smaller than a child, cant fit between narrow rocks, and other problems. Turn a Assault Walker power into a Complication and add d6 doom. Spend d6 doom to recover. Limit: Unsteady: Add d6 to doom when you step up complications caused by grappling lines or tripping effects.

Combat Expert d8

Vehicle Expert d8

Speeder Bike
Solo d6 Buddy d8 Repulsorlift Speeder Team d4 Distinctions: Quick Flier, Rapid Response
Enhanced Speed d10 Enhanced Sensors d6 Comm d8 Armored Body d6 Blaster Cannon d8 SFX: Extremely Maneuverable. Add d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when using Enhanced Speed to create complications. Limit: Exposed Pilot. Step up or add d6 to the Doom Pool to step up or double any asset, complication, or stress that is designated as targeting the pilot of the Speeder Bike.

Vehicle Expert d8

TIE Fighter: Wing

Solo d4 Buddy 2d6 Superiority Fighter Team 3d8 Distinctions: Countless, Nimble Flier
Enhanced Speed d10 Enhanced Sensors d8 Armored Body d6 Weapon Systems d8 SFX: Attack Formation: Add d6 to your dice pool for an attack action and step back the highest die in your pool by 1. Step up physical stress inflicted by +1. Limit: Wing Cohesion: Defeat Team or Buddy dice (d10 stress or d8 stress, respectively) to eliminate wing.

Combat Expert d8 Vehicle Expert d8 Note: Use the Specialties with a single TIE Fighter, not the wing or pair.

TIE Bomber: Wing

Solo d4 Buddy 3d8 Superiority Bomber Team 2d6 Distinctions: Surgical Precision, Slow & Steady
Enhanced Speed d8 Enhanced Sensors d8 Armored Body d10 Weapon Systems d10 SFX: Missile Systems: Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add d6 to your pool and keep +1 effect die. Limit: Wing Cohesion: Defeat Team or Buddy dice (d10 stress or d8 stress, respectively) to eliminate wing.

Combat Expert d8 Vehicle Expert d8 Note: Use the Specialties with a single TIE Bomber, not the wing or pair.

TIE Interceptor: Wing

Solo d4 Buddy 2d6 Team 3d8 Advanced Superiority Fighter Distinctions: Advanced Craft, Menacing Presence
Enhanced Speed d10 Enhanced Sensors d8 Armored Body d8 Weapon Systems d10 SFX: Attack Formation: Add d6 to your dice pool for an attack action and step back the highest die in your pool by 1. Step up physical stress inflicted by +1. Limit: Wing Cohesion: Defeat Team or Buddy dice (d10 stress or d8 stress, respectively) to eliminate wing.

Combat Expert d8 Vehicle Master d10 Note: Use the Specialties with a single TIE Interceptor, not the wing or pair.

Imperial Shuttle
Solo 3d8 Buddy 2d6 Transport Shuttle Distinctions: Valuable Cargo, Armored Defender
Enhanced Speed d8 Enhanced Sensors d8 Comm d10 Armored Body d10 Weapon Systems d10 SFX: Powerful Shields. Spend d6 from the doom pool to ignore physical stress or trauma. Limit: Sensitive Systems: Step up or add d6 to the doom pool and step up stress inflicted by ion attacks by +1.

Combat Expert d8

Vehicle Expert d8

Star Destroyer
Solo 5d10 Capital Ship Team 4d8 Distinctions: Powerful Warship, Menacing Icon
Enhanced Speed d6 Enhanced Sensors d12 Armored Body & Shields d12 Weapon Systems d12 SFX: Tractor Beam: Add d6 and step up effect die by +1 when using Weapon Systems to create complications. SFX: Turbolaser Battery: Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add d6 to your pool and keep +1 effect die. Limit: Huge. Cant attack anyone smaller than a starfighter, cant fit between narrow spaces, and other problems. Turn a Capital Ship power into a Complication and add d6 doom. Spend d6 doom to recover.

Combat Expert d8

Vehicle Expert d8

Dark Siders Sith Acolyte

Expert Sith Acolyte d8
Solo d8 Buddy d4 Team d6 Lightsaber d8 Enhanced Reflexes d8 Force Push d8 SFX: Give Into Anger: Use your current emotional stress die as your effect die, then step up your emotional stress by +1. Limit: Uncontrolled Rage: Step up or add d6 to the doom pool to step up or double emotional stress or complications used against the Sith Acolyte that involve using his anger against him.

Mob of Sith Acolytes

Team 5d8 Distinctions: Rank & File, Loyal, Imperial Legions
Lightsaber d8 Enhanced Reflexes d8 Force Push d8 SFX: Area Attack. Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add d6 and keep +1 effect die. Limit: Mob Cohesion. Defeat Team dice (with d10 stress) to reduce mob.

Sith Warrior
Solo d8 Buddy d6 Sith Warrior Powers Team d4 Distinctions: Anger Personified, Deadly Presence
Enhanced Reflexes d10 Force Leap d10 Force Grip d10 Force Push d10 SFX: Dark Focus: If a pool includes a Sith Warrior power, you may replace two dice of equal size with one die +1 step larger. SFX: Give Into Anger: Use your current emotional stress die as your effect die, then step up your emotional stress by +1. Limit: Uncontrolled Rage: Step up or add d6 to the doom pool to step up or double emotional stress or complications used against the Sith Warrior that involve using his anger against him.

Paired Lightsabers
Lightsaber Attack d10 Lightsaber Parry d10 SFX: Blaster Deflect: On a successful reaction against a blaster attack action, inflict physical stress equal to your effect die for no PP cost or spend 1 PP to step it up by +1. SFX: Dual Strike: Add d6 to your dice pool for an attack action and step back the highest die in your pool by 1. Step up physical stress inflicted by +1. Limit: Gear: Shutdown Lightsaber to step up or add d6 to the Doom Pool. Spend a d6 from the Doom Pool to recover.

Acrobatics Expert d8

Combat Master d10

Menace Master d10

Sith Assassin
Solo d8 Buddy d6 Sith Assassin Powers Team d4 Distinctions: Quiet & Deadly, Trained Killer
Enhanced Reflexes d10 Force Leap d10 Force Push d10 Force Stealth d10 SFX: Dark Focus: If a pool includes a Sith Assassin power, you may replace two dice of equal size with one die +1 step larger. SFX: Shadow Skills: Step up or double any Sith Assassin power for one action. If that action fails, step back power by -1. Activate an opportunity to recover. Limit: Uncontrolled Rage: Step up or add d6 to the doom pool to step up or double emotional stress or complications used against the Sith Assassin that involve using his anger against him.

Lightsaber Attack d8 Lightsaber Parry d8 SFX: Assassin's Strike: Spend d6 from the doom pool to double Lightsaber Attack for one action. SFX: Blaster Deflect: On a successful reaction against a blaster attack action, inflict physical stress equal to your effect die for no PP cost or spend 1 PP to step it up by +1. Limit: Gear: Shutdown Lightsaber to step up or add d6 to the Doom Pool. Spend a d6 from the Doom Pool to recover.

Acrobatics Master d10

Combat Master d10

Covert Master d10

Sith Inquisitor
Solo d8 Buddy d6 Sith Inquisitor Powers Team d4 Distinctions: Cold & Calculating, Manipulative
Force Lightning d10 Force Senses d10 Mind Trick d10 Move Object d10 SFX: Dark Side Master: Shutdown any Sith Inquisitor power to step up another Sith Inquisitor power by +1. SFX: Master Tempter: Add d6 and step up effect die by +1 when using Mind Trick to create complications. Limit: Dark Side Overload: Add d6 doom and shutdown any Sith Inquisitor trait. Activate an opportunity to recover.

Double Bladed Lightsaber

Lightsaber Attack d8 Lightsaber Parry d8 SFX: Blaster Deflect: On a successful reaction against a blaster attack action, inflict physical stress equal to your effect die for no PP cost or spend 1 PP to step it up by +1. SFX: Dual Strike: Add d6 to your dice pool for an attack action and step back the highest die in your pool by 1. Step up physical stress inflicted by +1. Limit: Gear: Shutdown Lightsaber to step up or add d6 to the Doom Pool. Spend a d6 from the Doom Pool to recover.

Acrobatics Expert d8

Combat Expert d8

Psych Master d10

Sith Lord
Solo d10 Buddy d8 Sith Lord Powers Team d6 Distinctions: Sinister Presence, Dark Lord
Force Grip d12 Force Lightning d12 Force Senses d10 Mind Trick d10 Move Object d12 SFX: Dark Focus: If a pool includes a Sith Lord power, you may replace two dice of equal size with one die +1 step larger. SFX: Dark Side Master: Shutdown any Sith Lord power to step up another Sith Lord power by +1. SFX: Give Into Anger: Use your current emotional stress die as your effect die, then step up your emotional stress by +1. Limit: Uncontrolled Rage: Step up or add d6 to the doom pool to step up or double emotional stress or complications used against the Sith Lord that involve using his anger against him.

Lightsaber Attack d8 Lightsaber Parry d8 SFX: Blaster Deflect: On a successful reaction against a blaster attack action, inflict physical stress equal to your effect die for no PP cost or spend 1 PP to step it up by +1. SFX: Skilled Duelist: Add d6 to your dice pool for a melee attack action and step back the highest die in your pool by 1. Step up physical stress inflicted by +1. SFX: Sith Strike: Spend d6 from the doom pool to double Lightsaber Attack for one action. Limit: Gear: Shutdown Lightsaber to step up or add d6 to the Doom Pool. Spend a d6 from the Doom Pool to recover.

Acrobatics Expert d8 Psych Expert d8

Combat Master d10

Menace Master d10

Fringers Bounty Hunter

Solo d8 Battle Armor Buddy d6 Team d4 Distinctions: Combat Ready, Relentless
Enhanced Durability d8 Enhanced Stamina d8 SFX: Life Support: Spend 1 PP to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from poison, radiation, or vacuum. Limit: Unreliable: Step up or add d6 to the Doom Pool to change a Battle Armor trait into a complication. Spend a d6 from the Doom Pool or remove the complication to recover the power.

Weapon Master
Blaster Rifle d8 Whipcord d8 Vibroblade d8 SFX: Grapple: Add d6 and step up effect die by +1 when using Whipcord to create complications. Limit: Gear: Shutdown Weapon Master to step up or add d6 to the Doom Pool. Spend a d6 from the Doom Pool to recover.

Combat Expert d8

Crime Expert d8

Menace Expert d8

Experienced Bounty Hunter

Solo d10 Battle Armor Buddy d6 Team d8 Distinctions: Relentless, Trained Killer
Enhanced Durability d10 Enhanced Senses d8 Enhanced Stamina d10 Jet Pack d8 SFX: Durable Armor: Spend d6 from the doom pool to ignore physical stress or trauma. SFX: Life Support: Spend 1 PP to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from poison, radiation, or vacuum. Limit: Unreliable: Step up or add d6 to the Doom Pool to change a Battle Armor trait into a complication. Spend a d6 from the Doom Pool or remove the complication to recover the power.

Weapon Master
Blaster Carbine d10 Flamethrower d10 Whipcord d10 Vibroblade d8 SFX: Burst Fire: Step up or double a Weapon Master die against a single target. Remove the highest rolling die and add 3 dice for your total. SFX: Grapple: Add d6 and step up effect die by +1 when using Whipcord to create complications. Limit: Gear: Shutdown Weapon Master to step up or add d6 to the Doom Pool. Spend a d6 from the Doom Pool to recover.

Combat Master d10 Menace Expert d8

Covert Expert d8 Vehicle Expert d8

Crime Master d10

Crime Lord
Solo d8 Buddy d6 Master Criminal Team d10 Distinctions: Opportunist, Schemer
Social Resistance d10 Bark orders d10 Majordomo d10 SFX: Summon Minion: Use an effect die from an action to create a Criminal Thug asset and step up this asset by +1. SFX: Focused Fury: Add a die to the doom pool equal to your current emotional stress to add that emotional stress die to a pool including a Master Criminal power. SFX: Versatile Majordomo: Split Majordomo into 2d at -1 step, or 3d at -2 steps. Limit: Search and Seizure: Step up or add d6 to the Doom Pool to shutdown a Master Criminal trait. Recover power by spending a d8 from the Doom Pool.

Armored Clothing d8 Blaster Pistol d8 Vibroknife d8 SFX: Coordinate Fire: Include Blaster Pistol on a support action. If the supported action is successful, add a die to the doom pool equal to the supported actions effect die. Limit: Gear: Shutdown Equipment to step up or add d6 to the Doom Pool. Spend a d6 from the Doom Pool to recover.

Business Master d10 Menace Master d10

Covert Expert d8 Psych Master d10

Crime Master d10

Criminal Thug/Space Pirate

Rookie Space Pirate d6
Solo d6 Pair d4 Blaster Carbine d8 Team d8 Vibroblade d8 Body Armor d6

Mob of Criminal Thugs/Space Pirates

Team 5d8 Distinctions: Scurvy Dogs, Cruel, Greedy
Blasters d8 Body Armor d6 Swarm d8 SFX: Area Attack. Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add d6 and keep +1 effect die. Limit: Mob Cohesion. Defeat Team dice (with d8 stress) to reduce mob.

Space Pirate Captain

Solo d6 Buddy d8 Master of Plunder Team d4 Distinctions: Cunning, Greedy, Vengeful
Cybernetic Armor d10 Cybernetic Senses d8 Enhanced Stamina d10 Give Orders d10 Personal Attack Skiff d10 SFX: Summon Minion: Use an effect die from an action to create a Space Pirate asset and step up this asset by +1. SFX: Fearsome Presence: Add d6 to an action including Give Orders and remove highest-rolling die. Any effect die used to create a complication also inflicts mental stress at 1 step. Limit: Cybernetic Systems: Step up or add a d6 to the Doom Pool if you step up physical stress inflicted from electromagnetic or ion attacks by +1.

Blaster Pistol d10 Vibrosword d10 SFX: Crack Shot: Add d6 to your dice pool for an attack action and step back the highest die by -1. Step up the stress inflicted by +1. Limit: Gear: Shutdown Lightsaber to step up or add d6 to the Doom Pool. Spend a d6 from the Doom Pool to recover.

Business Expert d8 Crime Master d10

Combat Master d10 Menace Master d10

Covert Expert d8 Vehicle Master d10

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