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How to teach for mastery: 1.

Major objectives representing the purposes of the course or unit define mastery of the subject. 2. The substance is divided into relatively small learning units, each with their own objectives and assessment.

3. Learning materials and instructional strategies are identified; teaching, modeling, practice, formative evaluation, reteaching, and reinforcement, etc., and summative evaluation are included. 4. Each unit is preceded by brief diagnostic tests. 5. The results of diagnostic tests are used to provide supplementary instruction to help student(s) overcome problems. Time to learn must be adjusted to fit aptitude. NO STUDENT IS TO PROCEED TO NEW MATERIAL UNTIL BASIC PREREQUISITE MATERIAL IS MASTERED.

Overall goals: quality schools, success for all learners, everyone learning, achievement. The principles of Mastery Learning include matching teaching to student outcomes, utilizing multiple instructional methods, giving specific feedback, and fostering correctives and extensions. Effective teachers intentionally engage their students in the multiple cognitive levels of thinking described in Blooms Cognitive Taxonomy: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation critical, creative, complex thinking. The planning phase of the instructional process addresses identification of the learning, a task analysis, prerequisite skills, and development of effective questions, strategies, and materials. In the teaching phase, the Cue Set is a step designed to focus student attention and ignite motivation for the learning task. Best Shot is a term which describes teacher behaviors which model or beam instruction to students. It centers around a variety of strategies which empower the teacher to instruct through multiple learning modalities. Guided and Independent Practice activities are opportunities for students to actively participate, apply the learning, and experience success. Closure ties together the learning, instructional activities, and expectations in a meaningful summary.

Formative and Summative Assessments are terms used to describe the measurement of the students understanding of the learning concept and their ability to apply it [understanding or skill] appropriately. Performances of Understanding or Expertise. Formative Assessment is diagnostic to measure and correct learning problems. Summative measure overall achievement. Formative do not count for a grade; summative do. Mastery learning woven into the instructional process reveals a set of sound instructional practices which crate the conditions for the philosophy [all can learn well] to bloom in the lives of the learners. Quality teaching is both an art and a science. The components of the instructional process develop the teaching science. The art emerges when educators skilfully use their creative talent and intuitive personalities. Identifying critical learnings from the curriculum, organizing learning into sequential steps, determining prerequisites, and finding higher-level questions are critical components of good instructional planning. The planning phase of the instructional process is intended to guide teachers to tie together concepts, objectives, tests, teaching strategies, and student outcomes so all are aligned. Alignment, checking for understanding, active participation, self-evaluation, and high levels of thinking are ongoing constants in the instructional process. Beyond using the process to teach students, many teachers have discovered the value of teaching students to understand and identify the components of the instructional process. This way, students can give us more accurate feedback re where we are missing the mark with them.

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