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Annotative Bibliography English 151: Professor Whicker Tracy Keck

Through my research paper I want to address the differences among public, private, and inner city schools and how the technology they are given affects their literacies. I also want to include that the teachers who you have play a major role in your literacy ability understanding. The affects of money also play a major role in the schools ability to provide you with a good education because after all money plays a key role in the education process. My view of my topic is that it isnt about the school you go to its about the teachers you have and the amount of money that is surrounding your school and the ability to be able to have the best resources around you. 1. Anderson, Virginia. "Supply-Side Dreams: Composition, Technology, and the Circular Logic of Class." Computers and Composition 27.2 (2010): 124-37. Print. Anderson argues in her article that literacy educators can acquire technological expertise to make students critical but still functional users of technology. Along with this some schools do not have the finances to offer students these skills so that they know what to do. She believes that all students must achieve a technological expertise so that they can navigate this field and to choose to become a representative of that field who may have different views of be confused by the field as a whole. I choose to use this article because it is important for students to understand the negative and positive affects of their choices in technologies and know the positive and negative affects it will have on there literacy learning abilities. 2. Anonymous Student "Diary 1." The Freedom Writers Diary: How a Teacher and 150 Teens Used Writing to Change Themselves and the World around Them. New York: Doubleday, 1999. 6-7. Print. The dairies are all written anonymously throughout the book so the author is unknown. But I thought this article was useful because it talks about the student's first impressions of their new teacher who looks preppy. The student pre judged her before knowing anything about here. I chose this diary entry because I thought it would be interesting to compare the student's first views of their new teacher compared to what they think of here and what they learn from here in the future years. 3. Baron, Dennis. "From Pencils to Pixels: The Stages of Literacy Technology." Writing about Writing: A College Reader. By Elizabeth Wardle and Doug Downs. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2011. 422-40. Print. Baron argues that technology has made society lazy. He explains that technology is forever growing and people do not take advantage of technology from the past and if you think about it that the technology from the past can sometimes be more useful than the technology we have now. Baron says that the advancements in technology are changing the shape of or nature of the writing process.

I choose to use this article because it sheds light on some of the negative affects of the many advancements of technology. I dont fully agree with everything he is saying in this article so I think it will make for a good counter argument within my paper. 4. Devoss, Danielle. "The Future of Literacy." Writing about Writing: A College Reader. By Elizabeth Wardle and Doug Downs. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2011. 395-419. Print. Devoss argues the point what will the coming years advances in technology affect students literacys understanding levels. She discusses her personal story of how her parents were heavily in the development and on going process to improve her brother and her literacies as they grew up. Danielle also argues the point that most students are not taught new media literacy understanding by their teachers the students most of the time are teaching themselves. I choose to use this article because it argues the point of new media literacy and how students are affected by these changes that are occurring daily in the world we live in and how the teachers arent always on top of teaching these new forms of literacies through technological advancements so students are left to learn them on there own. Also it discusses yet again another personal story of how someone is affected by a role model who cares about their future literacy understanding 5. Fuller, Bruce, and Prema Clarke. "Raising School Effects While Ignoring Culture? Local Conditions and the Influence of Classroom Tools, Rules, and Pedagogy." Review of Educational Research 64.1 (1994): 119-56. Print. Fullar and Prema aruge that there are 2 divided camps one which talks about the particular schools inputs, the discrete teaching practices and the high standards of student achievement. The second one talks about the cross-cultural divide across the classroom. When discussing the cross-cultural divide across the classroom they discuss how the children are socialized and how they accept the concepts of classroom rules. I choose to use this article because through comparing schools you have to consider the population within the schools and the cross-cultural divide that occurs among the students to their ethnic backgrounds. Also it shows the standards and levels of education that the school emphasizes that the students must learn. 6. Gruwell, Erin. "Entry 1 Ms. Gruwell." The Freedom Writers Diary: How a Teacher and 150 Teens Used Writing to Change Themselves and the World around Them. New York: Doubleday, 1999. 1-5. Print I choose to use this diary entry because Erin Gruwell was a student teacher at Wilson High School and at the time she was a student teacher the school had a great reputation and the population at the school was mainly white upper class. After she became a teacher at Wilson High School the school went down hill due to gang violence and the white upper class students began attending a different school the population was a mix variety of different ethnic backgrounds of students that teachers were un willing to put effort into. I choose to use this diary entry because it shows the affects that a change in the diversity among the schools has and the educational process. In my paper I am going to compare a

diary entry from Ms. Gruwell from the first day freshman year and a diary entry from senior year to show how she helped changed the students of her classroom. 7. Kern, Richard. Perspectives on Technology in Learning and Teaching Languages." 40.1 (2006): 183-210. Print. Kern argues in this article about the rapid evolution of communication technologies that has changed the language within the discourse communities. Than he talks about his first section identifies and discusses the 4 key points rising due to the recent changes in technology and the affect on peoples literacies. The second step synthesis findings in research the third talks about developing new research to discuss the implications of new technologies and the fourth talks about new trends in research and technological development. I chose to use this article because it combines 2 of the points I wanted to make talking about how advancements in technology causes changes in peoples literacies. Also he analyses how these advancements and changes have an affect on the many changes in literacies cause another good counter argument. 8. McDonald, Meredith C. "How Did Your High School Affect Your Literacy Understanding." E-mail interview. 15 Feb. 2011. Meredith said that she enjoyed going to a private catholic school and she felt as if her school's English teachers prepared her for the reading and writing aspect of future work in college. But due to the fact that she attended private school she felt as if her school lacked in have extra curricular classes and having a variety of anything other than the standard classes. I choose to use this interview to compare with the previous interview with Alexandra. By comparing these 2 interviews I am hoping to show the pro's and con's of literacies among different schools. 9. Trumbull, Alexandra D. "How Did Your High School Affect your Literacy Understanding." E-mail interview. 15 Feb. 2012. Alexandra said that she thought a middle class public school wasn't as good of a fit for her as a more artistic oriented high school was. Also she talks about her different levels of literacy understanding through the classes she was offered throughout her high school schooling and how they affected her ability to read and write. I choose to use the information I collected from this interview that I used in my third paper because it ties in with my 4th paper. Also it compares the affects that money plays into schools availability of technology they can offer students that affects their literacy levels and all around educational experiences. 10. Zhao, Y., and K. A. Frank. "Factors Affecting Technology Uses in Schools: An Ecological Perspective." American Educational Research Journal 40.4 (2003): 807-40. Print. Zoah & Frank argue in their article that they want to know why more technology isnt used in schools today. They compare the results of 19 schools and there uses of technology and the affect of implantation on the world of technology around the students. They found that the ethological perspective that they came to was that

they could provide analytical data supporting the use of technology in schools. Their findings show that there needs to be a new direction of research and the effects for the students if there schools dont implement these findings. Without setting up your students for the greatest technology they can have you are not giving them everything they could need to have the best literacy knowledge possible. I choose to use this article because it shows that even though technology is forever changing and its hard to keep up with the next best thing it is important to implement as much recent technology for students as your school can possibly afford so that they can always have the best chance to improve their literacy rates.

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