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ca @uwogazette

Take that, hackers since 1906 friday, march 2, 2012

today high 7 low -1

tomorrow high 3 low 0

See the full elections results

>> pg.3

canadas only daily student newspaper founded 1906

Volume 105, issue 78

aLL For oNE, oNE FEarNaLL

It was round two of the University Students Council elections, and this time they went off without a hitch. After a hacker invalidated the previous electionwhich had seen more than 10,000 votes cast before the polls closed prematurely there was uncertainty whether students would re-vote in comparable numbers. A turn out of 10,426 students, however, proved those doubts to be unfounded and the majority of those voters chose Adam Fearnall as their 201213 USC president. Im shocked and absolutely humbled, Fearnall said, clearly happy both with the result and with the unprecedented turnout. We have 10,000 votes this year, that says something. With 4,181 votes, Fearnall finished more than 1,000 votes ahead of runner-up Jon Silver, who finished with 3,165. The two other candidates, Logan Ross and Claire McArthur, finished with 2,017 and 577 votes, respectively. Surrounded by his campaign team, and with both his parents and grandparents in attendance, Fearnall was elated. Near the end of the campaign I wasnt sure if I was getting myself across, he said. Its hard to know whats resonating [with voters]. Though the votes werent invalidated, there was a bit of a hiccup with the way they were presented. Before an actual announcement was made, a video was queued up on a large screen for the audience. Although the video was supposed to be played at a certain time, coinciding with the big announcement, the still shot of the paused video showed that Fearnall was the winner of the election. It felt kind of anticlimactic, said Ross, adding, Im so proud of Adam, he did an amazing job!
>> see oVer pg.3

Nyssa Kuwahara GazeTTe

adam Fearnall


Genevieve Moreau GazeTTe

Ritchie Sham GazeTTe

Jason Oncz GazeTTe

Jon Silver

3,165 Logan ross

2,017 Claire mcarthur


Caught on Camera

thegazette Friday, march 2, 2012

Courtesy of Eliot Hong

A-N-D-RWHAT COMES NEXT, GUYS? university students council president andrew Forgione signs the affiliate colleges agreement at the usc council meeting on wednesday night. now, Brescia, Huron and Kings will pay proportional usc student fees.

Crossword By Eugene sheffer

News Briefs

House, ink.
While there are many tattoo parlours throughout London, a growing trend of at-home tattooing is starting to emerge, and with it, an increased danger for the members of the London community who visit them. Every year we get complaints from members of the public about home-based tattoo parlours, Cathie Walker, manager of the infectious disease control team at the London-Middlesex Health Unit, said. In the city of London there is a requirement for [tattoo parlours] to be licensed, so that theyre automatically referred to the city bylaws

department, Walker explained. Then we evaluate them according to our standards for infection control. Often these facilities are found to be using tools that were not disinfected before each client, and the vendors not using proper sterilization practices. Some of the risks [] include things like blood-borne infection, so things like hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV, Walker explained. If you want a tattoo, be a good shopper and buy it from a person whos inspected by the health unit so that [...] youre not going to get something besides the tattoo. Sean Previl

Field repair proposal turfed

Solution to puzzle on page 7
The student referendum proposed at the end of January to repair the rugby fields has been dropped. The University Students Council would like more time for research and to obtain student feedback about the project, according to Andrew Forgione, USC president. The USC put forth a survey a few months ago to see how students would react to the referendum, and the results showed more

students would be willing to pay for the field than not. The data showed that students felt the project was very important to our campus and many would personally benefit from it as well, said Forgione. The survey revealed that students would be willing to pay between five and seven dollars towards the initiative. However, the project would cost an estimated $12 per student. The USC would like time to educate students on different types of turf and the field usage before going ahead with the referendum. In the future, I hope fundraising can be explored more thoroughly as a funding option, in combination with the universitys operating budget and a small student referendum, Forgione explained. Meagan Puterman

when words fail, think

Western researchers have utilized electroencephalography technology in a way that may provide patients in a minimally conscious state with the ability to communicate. EEG records electrical signals generated by the brain when patients who are not capable of physical movement, imagine themselves moving. This research is a follow-up to the study of the use of EEG on patients in a vegetative state from 2011. Damian Cruse, the lead researcher, explained there are 10 times more minimally conscious patients than vegetative patients, meaning this research can be applied to a larger number of people. Were learning more about the way the brain handles these types of devastating injuries, Cruse said. He noted the research may not lead to immediate change in the healthcare of these types of patients, however, Its clearly going to change the way theyre treated by family and by care staff. Cruse and his research partner Adrian Owen, Canada Excellence Research Chair in cognitive neuroscience and imaging, have plans to put this research towards patient communication. The approach we used lends itself to a type of communication device, said Cruse. Patients can respond to yes or no questions by imagining moving different parts of their bodies and having the brain activity recorded by the EEG. Meagan Puterman

We would like to remind you that you must meet with a counsellor at Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD), in the Student Development Centre, to arrange academic accommodation for your 2011/12 winter courses. If you have not yet requested accommodation for your courses, and you wish to use accommodation for April 2012 exams, you must meet with a counsellor by Thursday, March 15th. If requested after this date, accommodation for April 2012 exams cannot be arranged by Exam Services.

The Cryptoquip is a substitution cipher in which one letter stands for another. If you think that X equals O, it will equal O throughout the puzzle. Single letters, short words and words using an apostrophe give you clues to locating vowels. Solution is by trial and error. 2002 by Kings Features Syndicate, Inc.

To book your appointment please call 519-661-2147


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The SPC card. Only $9. Available at Infosource in the UCC Atrium

thegazette Friday, march 2, 2012

over 10,000 re-vote in elections london youth

>> continued from pg.1

McArthur took the loss in stride. I love sporting events and I love voting, as you get to watch dreams come true, and Adams dream came true tonight. There had to be three of us who lost, she said. Though obviously disappointed, Silver also took the time to congratulate Fearnall and thank his campaign team. Congrats to Adam. Im excited to see what he does next year, and I really just want to extend my hugest thank-you to everyone that was involved in my campaign, Silver said. The people gave their lives and souls to this, and Im so thankful for everything they did. Though the cancelled vote and website hack might have been on their minds, none of the candidates seemed to be concerned about the validity of the results. Theres no way to tell, theres no point to speculate, Silver said about whether or not he thought the second vote changed anything about the election. In addition to the council positions, two referendums were also decided upon last night. Both the dental plan and the health plan fee increase referendums passed with a significant majority, and those changes will come into effect for the 2012-13 school year. Andrew Forgione, the current USC president, was happy both with the results of the referendums. It feels great, he said about the fact that students voted to increase the health plan fee in order to maintain the coverage currently offered. Im very happy the health plan will be able to exist at the same service level.

The results are in...

Dental plan referendum

advocacy group in action

Julian Uzielli news editor university affairs for the USC, said the USC was fully supportive of the initiative. He noted that while students have strong federal and provincial advocacy bodies in the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations and the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance, that kind of representation was missing at the municipal level until now. It was really interesting that someone who wasnt ever a USC councillor or involved with student governmentbut was involved with wanting to make London bettercame up to this idea and beat us to the punch, he said. The USC is completely behind this. Searle added that while the USCs advocacy to the city focuses on academic concerns, the LYAC will touch on a much broader range of social issues, such as affordable housing, public parks, and accessibility. The idea has been well received by city council. Ward 5 councillor Joni Baechler, who met with Ross on Tuesday, was enthusiastic at the prospect of having a stronger youth voice in London politics. We often dont find youth engaged in political processes and discussing a growing city, and their input is invaluable, she said. Its a voice that we need to hear more from, and engaging youth in the political process is an important issue, and its important to hear the voice of young adult Londoners. All Londoners are eligible to vote for LYAC councillors, with elections beginning on March 6. Candidate profiles and the online voting form are available at

Yes 62% No 38%

No Yes

I feel students really had their voices heard, and voted overwhelmingly in favour." Andrew Forgione, USC president

Health plan referendum

Yes 59%


No 41%
A&H Councillor Alex Godfrey Brendan Power Health Science President Husayn Marani Health Science Councillor Morgan Jennings Samantha Krishnapillai Bogdan Pascalau BOARD OF GOVERNORS Undergraduate Rep Nikki Kaur SENATE

A Western graduate unsatisfied with the level of youth engagement in London has decided to take matters into his own hands. Matt Ross, who graduated from Huron and Western with an honours specialization in philosophy in 2011, is the coordinator of the London Youth Advisory Council, a youth advocacy group that will make policy recommendations to city council. Its going to be a broad youth voice for London at the municipal policy level, Ross explained. [The candidates] all have their own agendas and passions to get done in the city, so theyre also bringing those forward. Were integrating with city staff, and theyre making a lot of resources available to us, and research, so we can actually have informed policy recommendations. The LYAC will be made up of 13 youth representatives, who will be elected on March 6, as well as four ex-officio members representing the University Students Council, the Fanshawe Student Union, the Thames Valley District School Board and the London District Catholic School Board. Ross explained the LYAC will meet once a month to discuss policy recommendations. These will be brought before city council by the groups chair, who will be internally elected and will act as the main liaison between the two councils. Patrick Searle, vice-president

Amber Garratt GazeTTe

And the winner is...

Social Science President Matthew Helfand Social Science Councillors Ryan Durgy Nikki Pilo Kayla Gray Jim Gucio Ryan McCrea Rebecca Hartley Melinda Stevenson Lisa Le Nguyen Jordan Camilleri Daniel Bain Austin Charles Liam Brown Science President Samik Doshi Science Councillors Taylor Charles Blixt Desmond Swamy Pearl Kwan Laurence Batmazian Gordon Locke Suien Saravanabavan Meghan Bhatia FIMS President Jordan Coop-Menard FIMS Councillors Kelly Mark A&H President Nicole Cheese

Huron, Brescia, Kings Remi Alie Kent Sullivan FIMS and Social Science Caitlin Harvey Blake Barkley Science Billy Silverstein Senator-At-Large Stephanie Connor Patrick Whelan Kelly Lovell Golden Gao Carissa Palmer Ashley McGuire Adam Smith Oz Yucel





thegazette Friday, march 2, 2012

Hello, this is robot calling
Last night, the second iteration of University Students Council elections happened. It was repeated due to the infamous USC elections website hack. The results were deemed invalid, and a re-vote was scheduled. Weve gone over this enough already, though. An election was compromised, and we moved on to conduct some good old-fashioned, fair democracy. Theres an issue with another election in the news nowthe federal election, one that actually matters. The Conservatives are accused of robo-calling known Liberal voters, and telling them the location of their polling station had been changed, when it hadnt. This seems to have happened in many ridings, and had the potential to alter the outcome of the election. If voters were unable to fairly vote in the election, should the country consider a re-election of its own? How fair does an election have to be? At this point, there is no definitive tie between the robo-calls and the Conservative party. And if Harper et al know whats good for them, they will take a page out of Shaggys book and insist that it wasnt them. With the winning party pleading ignorance, its hard to declare an election of this magnitude as tainted. If the winning party cheated to detract votes from their opponents, that would be one thingbut if an overzealous outsider managed to mess around with peoples ability to vote, this will probably just be chalked up to an unlucky incident. People take elections seriously, and some people are unhappy that they only possess the power of a single vote. But even if re-doing an election after the fact would be impractical, steps need to be taken to prevent anyone from fighting dirty. Ideally, democracy weighs the voice of every citizen equally. But if a person or small group of people can wield their influence over the masses, the result wont exactly be the choice of the people, undermining the point of holding this type of election. In this instance, however, the influence robo-calls had on the election probably wasnt enough to sway it either way. Its something to learn from, and something that might have pointed out a small hole in the process, but it wont be enough to deflate the entire election after the fact. The Gazette Editorial Board

if this happened in one riding, we would say it was just a prank. if it happened to be two, it might be a coincidence. when it happens in over 30 ridings, the explanation has to come from the conservative Party.

Bob rae, interim liberal leader

an alterative approach to learning

In the Nic of time
Nicole Gibillini arts & liFe Features editor Reading week is for reading, right? Thats the philosophy I stood by for most of my university career. But in light of my last few months at Western, I wanted to switch things up and go somewhere. And Im not talking about a bender in Cancun. A friend had told me about her experience doing Alternative Spring Break, something Id always thought about, but had never actually done. I was hesitant about volunteer trips because I didnt want it to seem like I was just trying to beef up my resume. However, when I discovered one of the destinations was New Orleans, Louisiana, my interest was piqued and I started looking into it. The purpose of the trip would be to build a house with Habitat for Humanity over a four-day span. Under normal circumstances, construction is probably the last thing I see myself doing, but I thought it would be a great way to end university. More importantly, I was curious to see the remaining devastation from Hurricane Katrina. So I applied and, thankfully, was chosen. Build houses? My parents laughed. Are you going to be insured? Their amused reaction didnt surprise me Im well-known for my clumsiness and inability to use a hammer. But teasing aside, this was not only going to be an interesting venture, but also an eyeopening experience and a personal challenge. Frankly, it was about time I did something outside of my comfort zone. Throughout my time at Western, my education has never really left the classroom. Ive been involved with various extra-curricular activitiesmainly the Gazettethroughout university, but there was something unsettling about that feeling. How could I truly understand politics, climate change and natural disasters from Western alone? Everyone told me Id have an amazing time and the experience would change me. And they were right. I mean, it wasnt this huge life changing, I-wantto-save-the-world-now kind of transformation, but I did learn about the realities of Katrina, how its still affecting the city and how I could help out. Some friends I met on the trip only told a few people they were going to Louisiana in an attempt to avoid praise for doing a good deed. Worries about how the people down south would perceive us also surfaced throughout the group. Yes, we were there for a good cause, but doing it for the right reasons was equally important. Its difficult to summarize what I saw, the people I met and what I gained. Talking about the experience after the fact has been challenging. You must feel good about what you did, is a conversation Ive been having all week. I honestly dont feel like a humanitarian or that I completely changed someones life. I mostly just feel less ignorant and more educated. I dont know if my fellow ASB-ers would agree, but I think these types of experiences are beneficial in a unique way. Not only does the work help people, it fundamentally breaks down inter-community barriers and provides participants with a deeper understanding of challenges people outside their own community face. Overall, I think the experience was positive on both sides of the equation. Oh, and as a side note, if you ever need a house, Ill probably be able to build you one.

dear Life Your anonymous letters to life dear Life, why do people take my dear lifes so seriously? dear Life, i need another reading week. dear Life, why does this guy in my classics 2300 class on wednesdays from 7-9Pm always make out with his girlfriend? im trying to learn about chariot racing and not the art of exchanging saliva. dear Life, love that ive been waiting over two weeks to hear back from social science academic counselling. last time, they waited until every deadline i was asking about was over before answering my questions. dear Life, to the person who said he or she had to eat the end piece of a loaf of bread: tHe end slice is tHe Best slice! and the beginning! dear Life, cryptoquips are where puns go to die. dear Life, why does the university spend money on flat screen tVs and rebranding when my computer still cannot connect to the internet on campus? dear Life, if a whole class fails an exam, is the class or the teacher to blame? dear Life, i usually bring copies of the Gazette to my grandmother every weekend. so please, tell me how the sex issue found its way into a recent delivery? nobody should have to endure that awkwardness.

Have an opinion of your own? your-say

Volume 105, Issue 78 contact: university community centre rm. 263 the university of western ontario london, on, canada n6a 3K7 editorial offices: (519) 661-3580 advertising dept.: (519) 661-3579


Jesse Tahirali Editor-In-Chief Maddie Leznoff Deputy Editor Amber Garratt Managing Editor

Editorials are decided by a majority of the editorial board and are written by a member of the editorial board but are not necessarily the expressed opinion of each editorial board member. All other opinions are strictly those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the USC, The Gazette, its editors or staff. To submit a letter, go to and click on Contact. All articles, letters, photographs, graphics, illustrations and cartoons published in The Gazette, both in the newspaper and online versions, are the property of The Gazette. By submitting any such material to The Gazette for publication, you grant to The Gazette a non-exclusive, world-wide, royalty-free, irrevocable license to publish such material in perpetuity in any media, including but not limited to, The Gazettes hard copy and online archives.

Gazette Composing & Gazette Advertising Ian Greaves, Manager Maja Anjoli-Bilic Stephanie Williams Diana Watson

Gazette Staff 2011-2012 Sumedha Arya, Daniel Bottner, Narayan Chattergoon, Lauren Chan, Greg Colgan, Daniel Da Silva, Tom Dodge, Elton Hobson, Katherine Horodnyk, Kevin Hurren, Sarah Mai Chitty, Megan McPhaden, Vincent Orsini, Graham Pap, Ashley Perl, John Petrella, Chen Rao, Richard Raycraft, Pat Robinson, Cameron Smith, Nathan TeBokkel, Irene Velentzas, Vanessa Vernick, Drew Whitson, Kate Wilkinson, Usman Zahid

News Alex Carmona Gloria Dickie Cheryl Stone Julian Uzielli Aaron Zaltzman Arts & Life Nicole Gibillini Brent Holmes Jesica Hurst Cheryl Madliger Sports Jason Sinukoff Ryan Stern Opinions Kaitlyn McGrath

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Please recycle this newspaper

The Gazette is owned and published by the University Students Council.

thegazette Friday, march 2, 2012

Kevin Hurren GazeTTe STaff Having trouble committing to a new vegetarian diet? The key to succeeding in this new lifestyle may, in fact, be eating meat. This concept is at the base of flexitarianism, or semi-vegetarianism. Flexitarians follow a vegetarian diet while occasionally eating meat productshowever, they refuse to acknowledge eating meat infrequently as cheating. Currently, vegetarianism is broken down into several subsets. Ovo-vegeterians exclude meat and milk but eat eggs, lacto-vegetarians exclude meat and eggs but drink milk and those who exclude meat but eat fish and seafood are called pesco-vegetarians. These terms are often combined to allow individuals control over the variety in their diets, which flexitarianism is an extension of. Part of the increased popularity in flexitarian diets is credited towards a wider understanding of the health benefits associated with vegetarian meals. Vegetarians typically enjoy the following health benefitslower saturated fat and cholesterol intake, higher fibre intake, higher antioxidant and phytochemical intake and fewer environmental contaminants, says Anne Zok, nutrition manager for Westerns Hospitality Services. Zok explains how these nutritional advantages can encompass a flexitarian diet. Health benefits are not all or none, Zok says. One shoe doesnt fit all. People adopt a vegetarian lifestyle for different reasons, so there are various degrees of vegetarianism. Reducing foods of animal origin in general can improve a persons health status. While some health benefits mirror a vegetarian diet, there can be aspects of a flexitarian lifestyle that make it inherently different. Florine Morrison, founder and owner of Londons vegan restaurant VegOut, draws attention to such differences. I opened a vegan restaurant for animal rights reasons. Most importantly to me, [choosing a vegan diet] means millions of animals wont be confined, deprived, tormented and brutally killed so humans can eat them, Morrison says. Your chance of developing health related problems and the impacts of animal agriculture on the planet are lessened, but by eating any meat you are still promoting this cruel and dangerous industry, she says. I think flexi-

there are 8.1 x 1067 ways to shuffle a deck of cards.

a more flexible approach to vegetarianism

File PHoto

tarianism is a trendy way to sit on the fence. Regardless of the reasons, the labelling process itself can become frustrating. Second-year media, information and technoculture student Magdalena Dabbour is a practicing vegetarian transitioning into a vegan diet.

The separation [of diets] doesnt bother me, but I think it can get confusing for mainstream meat-eating society and serve to further alienate us. Vegetarians already have a bad raplabeled irrational radicals or dirty hippiesIve been called both, so I dont think its too helpful for us if

we seem further segmented into soy-worshipping cults, says Dabbour, who is also skeptical of the flexitarian diet. I think [flexitarianism] is a great step for people who are interested in animal-free diets, but in my experience, going cold turkeyno pun intended makes the transition a lot easier.

We invite you to our Open Forum for the next USC Strat Plan. Over 10,000 Students surveyed, and now its time for YOU to see the draft, ask questions, and provide feedback.
Where? UCC Room 315 When? March 7th, 7 pm How? Show up! (plus free refreshments) Who? Your USC execs

Email us at with any questions.

thegazette Friday, march 2, 2012

gazette tested: lemony quinoa and zucchini salad

Cheryl madliger arts & liFe editor I know exercise is important, but I dont have time to work out. I hear this a lot, and while its tempting to just tell people to suck it up and make time for working out, I know that tough love wont work unless I back it up with some practical solutions. That being said, saying that you dont have enough time to exercise shows me that you might need a bit more prioritizing in your life, and reminds me of a quote by Edward Stanley, the third Earl of DerbyThose who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness. As cheesy as it is, its true. If you put yourself first and give yourself time to exercise, youre making the healthy choice. Here are my top tips for making sure you fit some physical activity into your life. Lose the all or nothing attitude. Even heading to the weight room or a fitness class once a week will get you on the healthy trainand the healthy attitude might just carry over into the rest of your life when youre faced with a cheeseburger in the food court or when you have the option of taking the stairs. Go for a walk. It sounds simple, which means it should be easy for you to actually do it. Next time you have class, walk. Remind yourself that youd probably spend as long waiting and riding the bus, lace up your shoes, and get walking. You can easily get your daily exercise if you just take opportunities as they comethat means choosing the stairs, parking a bit further away, and of course, walking. Give yourself a break. Try taking a break from your studies and doing a short workout at home. There are countless YouTube videos, or you could find a workout DVD at the store. Googling quick workout routines or body weight workouts might also help. Add it up. Meeting your exercise recommendationsgenerally 30 minutes a day most days of the weekis really not that hard, especially when you let yourself split it up. If you jog for 20 minutes in the morning and then take a 10 minute study break to do some exercises in your apartment, youre set. Every little bit counts. Pencil it in. When times get busy, it can be easy to think there is no time for working out. Make time by writing it down in your planner, reminding yourself that exercise is important. Its amazing the time people spend on Facebook when they claim theres not enough time for a quick workoutadjust your day as you need to. If you make a point of getting your daily dose of exercise, my guess is youll end up with more energy, decreased stress levels and better concentration when it comes to tackling that ever long to-do list. Cheryl is a certified fitness instructor and personal trainer. You may have seenor heardher teaching at Campus Rec. Have a fitness question? Email cherylm@ and your question could be featured. if youre running out of vegetarian lunch ideas and are tired of eating salads or stir-fry, try combining the two and give this quick and easy quinoa salad a taste. this high-protein recipe only takes 20 minutes to prepare and cook, and can be served both warm and cold. even though the flavour is light, quinoa is filling, so it will keep you from snacking for hours. Prep time: 5 minutes cook time: 10-15 minutes servings: 2-4 Ingredients: 1 cup quinoa 2 cups water 1 zucchini, chopped 1 red bell pepper, chopped 3 tbsp olive oil 2 tbsp lemon juice 2 tbsp fresh parsley, finely chopped salt Pepper directions: 1. rinse quinoa. drain and add to a pot along with two cups of water and some salt. 2. Bring the water to a boil and simmer until its absorbed. this will take about 10-15 minutes. when cooked, quinoa will be translucent. set aside. 3. in a frying pan, heat 1 tbsp olive oil. add chopped bell pepper and saut for 5 minutes on mediumhigh heat. add chopped zucchini, season with salt and pepper, and saut for 5 more minutes. mix with quinoa grains. 4. add 2 tbsp olive oil, lemon juice and parsley. mix well and season with salt and pepper. taste and adjust the lemon juice and seasoning. Jesica Hurst

on disc

>> Top 10
1. Handsome Dan and His Gallimaufry The Best There Was 2. TV Freaks TV Freaks 3. Marine Dreams Marine Dreams 4. Alanna Gurr Oh, Horsefeathers 5. Sonic Avenues Television Youth
Fun Some Nights Fueled by Ramen Some Nights is the second studio album from indie-pop band Fun. The bands quirky, unique sound has gained them a number of fans since their 2009 release of Aim and Ignite. Some Nights, however, is a completely different record. We Are Young is the albums lead single, and it is a strong one. The chorus is powerful and moving. The song was even covered in an episode of Glee and featured in Chevrolets Super Bowl XLVI advertisement. But for an indie band, these two features really demote their indie credibility. Its hard to review this album because it has its momentssome songs are cheerful and make you happy just to hear them, like Some Nights, while others are heavily digitized and repetitive, such as It Gets Better. The up-beat melodies and energetic harmonies are enjoyable, but singles like Carry On and All Alone sound nothing like Aim and Ignite. Aside from the digitized vocals, the singles are, much like the bands name, fun. Arguably, the band has played it safe with Some Nights. The songs are catchy, the beats are up-tempo and the messages are positive. Some Nights appeals to a larger audience, and with the success of We Are Young, its obvious that people are enjoying their music. The problem is the music just does not sound very fun at all. Melissa Eshaghbeigi Bruce Springsteen Wrecking Ball Columbia The experience of Bruce Springsteens Wrecking Ball feels like it was 30 years in the making. Drawing heavily from his 2006 sound, We Shall Overcome: The Seeger Sessions, The E Street Bands style is a distinctive folk-rock blend rather than the hard rock focus of his recent work. Springsteen is one of the few artists who can create incredibly angry yet optimistic songs. At times, his Americanized rhetoric is exclusive, making his songs more of a cultural experience than a personal one. We Take Care of Our Own uses American idioms to effectively ask really? to a society obsessed with its own patriotism. Every Springsteen album has one track that transcends its present day focus. Here, its Land of Hope and Dreams. This highlight track is one of two tracks that features the late saxophonist, Clarence Clemons. The album is held back by Rocky Ground, a track that tries to incorporate Michelle Moores rapping in an awkward combination of Springsteens style and popular music. It feels like an attempt to contemporize a musical style that is beyond modern music. Springsteen and the E Street Bands Wrecking Ball creates a spiritual experience with an incredible blend of guitars, violins, keyboards and saxophones. Brent Holmes

6. Bry Webb Provider 7. Coeur De Pirate Blonde 8. The Soupcans Erotic Nightmare 9. Graham Nicholas Bury Me Beneath the Dance Floor 10. The Elwins And I Thank You
Amber Garratt GazeTTe

Naira Ahmed GazeTTe

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thegazette Friday, march 2, 2012



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#1 AMAZING NEWLY built 4 and 5 large bedroom luxury units. Home like setting, backing onto park, parking, 2 bathrooms, 5 appliances, ceramic and hardwood floors, high speed internet. $475$525/bedroom. On bus route, 2km to campus, walk to shopping and downtown. View at or call Wendy 519-667-0047 #1 JUST BUILT luxury 5 large bedroom units. Everything brand new! Home like setting, backing onto park, parking, 2 bathrooms, 5 new appliances, ceramic and hardwood floors, high speed internet. $525/bedroom. On bus route, 2km to campus, walk to shopping and downtown. View at or call Wendy at 519-667-0047 #1 REDBRICK APARTMENTS! Why not live with Westerns most reputable suppliers of off-campus housing? Our large, open-concept apartments feature laundry, dishwasher, free parking, oversized closets, and full time property management. All of our newly built red brick buildings are located either right next to campus, or in other areas that are popular with UWO students. Safe, new, comfortable, and reasonably priced, these apartments will give you the finest off campus experience available. Western students should be concerned with their studies- not house problems. Let London Property Corp.s team look after all your housing needs. Call Bill anytime 519-670-0327

3 BEDROOM HOUSE Downtown. This 3 bedroom house is steps to Richmond Row, free parking and a backyard. Hardwood floors, and a loft bedroom. This is one of kind, and will go quickly. Contact Nathan for a tour at 519-495-5363 3 BEDROOM MODERN townhouses close to Masonville area. Close walk to campus and steps to major bus route. Spacious bedrooms, with huge closets and close to all amenities. Contact Nathan to book a viewing; units will rent very quickly. 519-495-5363 3 BEDROOM MODERN townhouses close to Masonville area. Close walk to campus and steps to major bus route. Spacious bedrooms, with huge closets and close to all amenities. Contact Zach to book a viewing; units will rent very quickly. 519-854-0505 3 BEDROOM REDBRICK townhomes on Richmond near Masonville. 10 minute walk to campus, right on bus route to campus and downtown. Great location, near all amenities. All new appliances including washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call John @ 519-8595563 to book a tour. 3 BEDROOM REDBRICK townhomes on Sarnia and Western right beside subway. 2 minute walk to campus, right on bus route to campus and downtown. Great location, near all amenities. All new appliances including washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call John @ 519-859-5563 any time.

4 BEDROOM AMAZING. Newly build large luxury apartment. Super central location backing onto park, parking, 2 bathrooms, 5 appliances, ceramic and hardwood floors, hi-speed internet, $475-$500/bedroom. On bus route, 2km to campus, walk to shopping and downtown. View at or call Wendy 519-667-0047 4 BEDROOM REDBRICK townhomes on Oxford. 10 minute walk to campus, right on bus route to campus and downtown. Great location. Three floors, two full washrooms! Huge rooms and closets. All new appliances including washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call John @ 519-859-5563 or email with questions or to book a tour 4-6 BDRM HOUSES and town homes for rent. Modern units, clean and close to campus. Everything you could ask for, with 5 appliances, free parking, spacious bedrooms/common rooms and full time maintenance. Bedrooms are networked for internet. Call Sam at 519-495-7661, 4-6 BDRM HOUSES and town homes for rent. Units are modern, clean and close to campus. Get everything you could ask for, with 5 appliances, free parking, spacious bedrooms and common rooms and full time maintenance. Bedrooms are network for internet. Call Zach anytime at 519-854-0505 4-6 BEDROOM TOWNHOMES and houses avail downtown at Richmond and Oxford. Steps from the bars and right on Richmond bus route to campus. Great location, near all amenities. Newly built units with all appliances including washer/dryer and dishwasher. Free parking as well. Call John @ 519-8595563 any time to view. 5 BDRM REDBRICK apartments for rent. Why not live with Westerns most reputable suppliers of offcampus housing? London Property Corp., offers the newest homes in the best student areas. Western students should be concerned with their studiesnot house problems. Let London Property Corp.s team look after all your housing needs. Call Bill anytime 519-670-0327.

6 BDRM. **#1 student rentals** Newly built red bricks in all the best student. 5 appliances included. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call Nathan anytime at 519-495-5363 7 BDRM. **#1 student rentals** Newly built red bricks in all the best student areas around campus and downtown!! Dishwasher, washer/dryer include. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-859-5563


GREAT 6 BEDROOM units available. Large bedrooms with lots of closet space. Great location, very close to the heart of campus! Live in style with 5 appliances, free parking, free maintenance and full time property management. Call Sam anytime 519-495-7661

#1 STUDENT HOUSING in London. 2-7 bdrms. Popular Redbrick apartments and townhouses, plus houses in various student locations. Come with 5 appliances, huge rooms and closets and are networked for internet. Call now! These rent on a first come first serve basis. Nathan 519-495-5363,

3 BEDROOM SPACIOUS redbrick apartments. Open concept 1 floor or 2 floor units just steps from campus, on major bus route and close to all amenities. Includes parking, 5 appliances and 24 hour property management. Call Sam, these rent fast! 519-495-7661 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE. Oxford/Wharncliffe area. Many updates, 2 full bathrooms, 5 appliances. 150 feet from bus stop. $425-$450/month inclusive. Call Ted 519-697-5746 or 1-877-582-9004 or 3 OR 4 Bedroom, 2 bathroom Apt in House. Steps to campus. All Utilities included! Full kitchen, private laundry. Reduced rent in summer if unoccupied! $420/month. Zehara/Adam 519-432-5123 3, 3 BEDROOM red brick apartment styles to choose from. Our accommodations were recently constructed to fit the discerning taste of UWO students. These large, open-concept apartments feature laundry, dishwasher, free parking, oversized closets, and full time property management. All of our newly built red brick buildings are located either right next to campus, or in other areas that are popular with UWO students. Safe, new, comfortable, and reasonably priced, these apartments will give you the finest off campus experience available. Call Bill anytime 519-670-0327. 3, 4 AND 5 Bedroom apartments and houses seconds from front gates on Richmond. Directly on bus route to campus and downtown. Most include washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call John @ 519-859-5563 or email to book a tour

BEAUTIFUL TOWNHOMES OFF Western Road, Individual leases, utilities included, 5 bd 2.5 bath. Groups and individuals welcome. Laundry included, 24hr maintenance. 519-8582525. Call to book tour. CLOSE TO CAMPUS. 1/2 bedroom 229 Riverside Dr. and 2 bedroom 337 Wharncliffe N. Available May 1st. Parking, laundry on-site, hardwood floors, ceramics, controlled entry. Utilities included, Contact Luigi 519-852-2674 or FIVE BEDROOM HOUSE $385 each. 469 Regent Street. Steps to Kings College Area. Bus top in front of house. Parking for 5. Garage. New Kitchen. Large Liv/Din. Two Gas fireplaces. No basement bedrooms. Central air. 5 appliances included. May 01 or earlier. Kings women preferredf. Contact Matthew Kennedy cell 519-317-3023 email FURNISHED HOUSE OWNED by Huron on Western Rd. Closest facility to UWO. Cable TV, on-site laundry, dishwasher and central air. $550/month starting May 7th. Contact Tammy McBane: 519-438-7224 NEWLY RENOVATED HOMES 3&4 BDRM available May 1st, 53 and 57 Beaufort St. Clean, hardwood floors, laundry, close to campus. Contact Luigi or 519-852-2674

LUXURY STUDENT LIVING downtown. Individual leases, utilities included, 2,3 and 4 bedroom/2 bath apartments. Groups or individuals. Free: fitness, theatre, studyroom, tanning, lounge, 24 hr maintenance. 519-858-2525. STUDENT LIVING RENTALS. 1 large bedroom 795 Richmond St., 3 bedroom at 255 Sydenham St., 3 bedrooms at 375 Wharncliffe North (hardwood floors). Close to campus, parking, laundry on-site. Available May 1st. Contact Luigi or 519-852-2674

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#1 STUDENT HOUSING in London. 2-7 bdrms. Popular Redbrick apartments and townhouses, plus houses in various student locations. Come with 5 appliances, huge rooms and closets and are networked for internet. Call now! These rent on a first come first serve basis. Sam 519-495-7661,

#1 STUDENT HOUSING in London. 2-7 bdrms. Popular Redbrick apartments and townhouses, plus houses in various student locations. Come with 5 appliances, huge rooms and closets and are networked for internet. Call now! These rent on a first come first serve basis. Zach 519-854-0505,

5 BDRM. **#1 student rentals** Newly built red bricks, right across from campus!! Dishwasher, washer/dryer include. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-859-5563 5 BDRMS. LIVE steps from campus in a 5 bedroom apartment or townhouse. Live in style in a modern building. Huge kitchens come with tons of cupboards and counter space, and centre island eating areas. Spacious bedrooms and huge closets. Call Sam anytime at 519-495-7661 and view one of these units before they are gone!

GREAT 6 BEDROOM units available. Large bedrooms with lots of closet space. Great location, very close to the heart of campus! Live in style with 5 appliances, free parking, free maintenance and full time property management. Call Nathan anytime at 519-495-5363. TIPS ON HOW TO WRITE A CLASSIFIED AD THAT SELLS 1. Use a KEYWORD. This immediately tells the reader exactly what it is you have to sell.

THE OMBUDSPERSON is a good source of information about student rights and responsibilities and university policies. For confidential advice or information drop into WSS3100b/c or call 519-661-3573.

#1 STUDENT RENTALS . 2-7 Bedroom units in the best students areas around campus and downtown. Houses/apartments and townhouses available. All in great shape, and most include dishwasher and washer/dryer. Call John at 519859-5563 for more info or email 1 BEDROOM AVAILABLE in 3 bedroom townhouse. Wharncliffe/Oxford area. $412/month. 5 appliances, near bus stop, quiet. Call Ted 519-697-5746 or 1877-582-9004 or 2 BD. APARTMENTS. 519-854-0505. One of the closest 2 Beds to Campus, close walk and steps to 2 Dundas bus route. Heat and Water Included. Newly Renovated Kitchens. Hardwood floors, and free parking. Call Zach 519-854-0505 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS available. Hardwood floors, large common area, and newly renovated kitchen. Right on the #2 Dundas 7route, closest 2 bedroom to the heart of campus. Contact Sam today 519-495-7661. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS, the closest 2 bedrooms to UWO. Hardwood floors, loads of space. Great student area, right on Western bus route. Great price, and some utilities included. Loads of free parking. These places truly are a steal!! Call Nathan at 519-495-5363 or email

5 BEDROOM HOUSES and apartments right on bus route to campus and downtown. Great locations. Huge rooms and closets. Most have all new appliances including washer/dryer and dishwasher. Call Nathan @ 519-495-5363 or email with questions or to book a tour. 5 BEDROOM HOUSES and townhouses for rent on all sides of campus. All places have free parking, free maintenance and full time property management. Units are rented on a first come first serve basis. Call Nathan at 519-495-5363, 5 BEDROOM HOUSES and townhouses for rent on all sides of campus. All places have free parking, free maintenance and full time property management. Units are rented on a first come first serve basis. Call Sam 519-495-7661, 5 BEDROOM HOUSES and townhouses for rent on all sides of campus. All places have free parking, free maintenance and full time property management. Units are rented on a first come first serve basis. Call Zach at 519-854-0505, 5, 6 AND 7 bedroom houses on all sides of campus. Great sized rooms, 5 appliances, parking, and networked for internet. Enjoy your student experience in one of our fantastic houses! Contact Nathan today for a viewing as they usually go fast. 519-495-5363, 5, 6 AND 7 bedroom houses on all sides of campus. Great sized rooms, 5 appliances, parking, and networked for internet. Enjoy your student experience in one of our fantastic houses! Contact Sam today for a viewing as they usually go fast. 519-495-7661, 6 BDRM HOUSES on all sides of campus. Most feature 5 new appliances, spacious rooms and huge closets, open concept kitchen/ living room, free parking and networked for high speed internet. Act fast- these wont last! For more information call Zach at 519-854-0505 6 BDRM REDBRICK apartments for rent. Why not live with Westerns most reputable suppliers of offcampus housing? London Property Corp., offers the newest homes in the best student areas. Western students should be concerned with their studiesnot house problems. Let London Property Corp.s team look after all your housing needs. Call Bill anytime 519-670-0327. 6 BDRM. #1 student rentals. Newly built red bricks in all the best student areas around campus and downtown! Includes 5 appliances. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-495-7661 or email 6 BDRM. **#1 student rentals** Newly built red bricks in all the best student areas around campus and downtown!! Dishwasher, washer/dryer include. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-859-5563 6,6 BEDROOM RED brick apartment styles to choose from. Our accommodations were recently constructed to fit the discerning taste of UWO students.These large, open-concept apartments feature laundry, dishwasher, free parking, oversized closets, and full time property management. All of our newly built red brick buildings are located either right next to campus, or in other areas that are popular with UWO students. Safe, new, comfortable, and reasonably priced, these apartments will give you the finest off campus experience available. Call Bill anytime 519-670-0327.



3, 4, 5 bdrms at 217 Sarnia. Live at one of the most popular student corners in London. Within steps of campus, you cant get closer. All of these units have big common rooms and spacious bedrooms. Live in style with 5 appliances, free parking, free maintenance and full time property management. Call Zach anytime at 519-854-0505 4 BDRM BRAND new red brick townhouses, apartments and single homes for rent. Most feature 5 brand new appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept kitchen/ living room, free parking, free grass cutting and snow removal, and a 24 hour maintenance line. Located in great student areas. Act fast- these wont last. For more information call Zach at 519-854-0505 4 BDRM NEW Red Brick townhouses, apartments and single homes for rent. Features 5 appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept kitchen/ living room, free parking and networked for internet! Located in great student areas. Act fast- these wont last. For more info call Nathan: 519-495-5363 4 BDRM NEW Red Brick townhouses, apartments and single homes for rent. Most feature 5 appliances, huge rooms and closets, open concept kitchen/ living room, free parking and networked for internet! Located in great student areas. Act fast these wont last. For more info contact Sam at 519-495-7661. 4 BDRM REDBRICK apartments for rent. Why not live with Westerns most reputable suppliers of offcampus housing? London Property Corp., offers the newest homes in the best student areas. Western students should be concerned with their studiesnot house problems. Let London Property Corp.s team look after all your housing needs. Call Bill anytime 519-670-0327.

Room 267, U.C.C.

PUT YOUR SUDOKU SAVVY TO THE TEST! To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes.

For solution, turn to page 2

2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS, the closest 2 bedrooms to UWO. Newly renovated kitchens, hardwood floors, loads of space. Great student area, right on Western bus route. Great price, and utilities included. Loads of free parking. These places truly are a steal!! Call me (John) at 519859-5563 or email 2, 2 BEDROOM apartment styles to choose from. Located very close to Campus. Hardwood floors, free parking, laundry, and free snow and lawn care. Call Bill anytime 519-670-0327. 3 BDRM APARTMENT Near the Ceeps. 17 Yale St. Two-level apartment, all utilities included. Wi-fi, parking, laundry, dishwasher. Available May 1st. $500/bedroom. Call, email or text Steve at 519-8715235, e-mail for pics 3 BDRM APARTMENTS for rent. Why not live with Westerns most reputable suppliers of off-campus housing? London Property Corp. offers the newest homes in the best student areas. Western students should be concerned with their studiesnot house problems. Let London Property Corp.s team look after all your housing needs. Call Bill anytime 519670-0327. 3 BDRM TOWN houses and apartments. These units are just steps from campus at the corner of Sarnia and Western road, right next to Perth and Essex residence. These units all have spacious bedrooms and common areas. All come with free parking, maintenance and full-time property management. Call Zach anytime at 519-854-0505 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS at the corner of Richmond and Huron. This 7 unit apartment complex of 3 bedrooms is steps to the front gates. Students always love these traditional hardwood floor units. Brand new kitchens, huge bedrooms and living room, balcony. Rent includes heat, water and free parking. Call Zach right away to book a tour 519-854-0505

4 BDRM TOWNHOUSES near all amenities. These 4 bedroom townhouses are 3 floors and 2 washrooms for 4 people! Bedrooms are spacious, bright and have huge closets. Free parking and property management. Call Zach anytime at 519854-0505. 4 BDRM. **#1 student rentals** Newly built red bricks, right across from campus!! Dishwasher, washer/dryer include. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Networked for Internet and parking included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call John anytime at 519-859-5563 4 BED. TOWNHOUSES located on Oxford right by campus. Live in style with 3 floors, 2 washrooms, and very spacious rooms with large closets. 5 appliances, free parking, networked for internet and 24 hour property management. Contact Nathan today 519-495-5363, 4 BED. TOWNHOUSES located on Oxford right by campus. Live in style with 3 floors, 2 washrooms, and very spacious rooms with large closets. 5 appliances, free parking, networked for internet and 24 hour property management. Contact Sam today 519-495-7661,

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thegazette Friday, march 2, 2012

Greg Colgan GazeTTe STaff Lindsay Gidomski picked a perfect time to have her best game at Western. With the Mustangs womens hockey team facing elimination, Gidomskiin her fourth year scored a hat trick to help Western beat the York Lions 6-2 at Thompson Arena on Saturday afternoon in game two of the Ontario University Athletics West semi-final. Its probably one of the best moments, especially happening in the playoffs, Gidomski said. Playing in the playoffs is something Ive

the mustangs mens volleyball team will take on the manitoba Bison in the canadian interuniversity sport championship tournament today at 3 p.m.

rundown >> the mustangs track and field team competed in the ontario university athletics championship in windsor with both the men and women claiming silver > The western women set a new mustangs record in the 4 X 200m and accumulated 16 personal bests in the event.

Stangs steal Lions roar

been waiting for for a long time. During Gidomskis time at Western, the Mustangs have never made the playoffs, but shes making up for lost time, having tallied six goals and two assists in five games. What a time for a veteran to explode. Shes an incredible talent and it has really come out in the playoffs, Chris Higgins, Mustangs head coach, said. Shes showing everyone the type of hockey player she is. Gidomski said, like any other game, she was nervous before she hit the ice, but that she felt something could be special for this game. I had a good feeling, but I didnt know it was going to be like that, she said. Higgins said Gidomskis streak has been aided by her linemates each of whom had three points. Shes hit her stride at the right time, and [Marianne] Filson and [Carly] Rolph are perfect linemates. They just mesh, Higgins said. The Mustangs have won 10 of their last 12 games and have one of the best power plays in the OUA. Against York, they added another four power-play goals while keeping the Lions 1-for-12 on the power play in the three game series. Our power play is unstoppable right now, Higgins said. Western opened the scoring in the first period with a power-play goal from Gidomski and a second period goal by Ally Galloway. York responded with goals from Chloe Milano and Lisa Stathopulos, leaving the game deadlocked after two. The Mustangs would take advantage of the undisciplined play of the Lions and explode for four goals in the third to seal the victory. The Lions started the third shorthanded and took another four penalties in the period. I knew they were in trouble when they started the third period with almost four minutes on the penalty kill, Higgins said. York head coach Dan Church thought his team had their chances, but failed to capitalize on them, and the third period set the game apart. We gave ourselves opportunities in the third period and we didnt take advantage of it, Church said. We didnt have a good game today. It was a tough third period. Church said Western caught York off-guard. They played more desperate than us all game. They played with their lives on the line and thats what you expect, Church said. I think our players were a little tired and wanted it to be an easy game. There are no easy games in the playoffs. Higgins felt his team had better depth than York, which helped Western in their three-game series that was played over three days. I didnt think they had the bench strength that we do. Three games in three days is tough on them and we were rolling four lines throughout the game, Higgins said. Although it has taken time, Higgins said that the Mustangs have come together as a team at the right time, and keep improving as the playoffs continue. We keep rolling along. Theres no quit in these kids, Higgins said. The Mustangs lost game one of the OUA West finals 4-1 to the Laurier Golden Hawks at Waterloo Memorial Complex Wednesday evening. Game two is set for Saturday night at Thompson Arena at 7 p.m.

Corey Stanford GazeTTe

ive like you mean it at Varsity Commons at Varsity Mills, Londons premier student housing! Take advantage of our convenient location and unmatched amenities when you choose Varsity Commons or Varsity Mills to be your next home away from home. Not only are we located downtown with a view of the Thames River, weve got the perfect location on the public transport route. You will also enjoy our amenities, including a state-of-the-art fitness centre, recreation centre, billiards, study lounge, foosball, theatre room, and much more! Varsity Commons and Varsity Mills also offer a variety of floor plans to choose from. Take your pick between two, three and four bedroom apartments at Varsity Commons, as well as a 5 room townhome at Varsity Mills. Our individually leased student only apartments also come fully furnished. Stop by for a tour today or check us out online at and Spaces filling fast for May, apply today before its too late!


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