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SATHYABAMA UNIVERSITY Course: M.E.CAD Test II (6-03-2011) Time: 2 Hrs Sub. Code: SPRX5006 Max.

Marks: 100

Mechanical Vibrations Answer all Questions (Answer all without choice at home and submit in the next class) 1 In the two degrees of freedom system shown in Fig

If, k1 = k2 = 2k and m1 = m; m2 = 2m. Using characteristic matrix & then characteristic equation determine (a) the 2 natural frequencies (b) the 2 mode shapes (12 marks) (6 marks)

(c) Verify orthogonality using [M] matrix (2 marks) (d) Verify orthogonality using [K] matrix (4 marks) If this system is started from rest with x1(0) = 4 mm, x2(0) = - 2 mm and v1(0) = v2(0) = 0, (d) derive the resulting motions of the masses. (e)Application of 4 initial conditions: (4x2 = 8 marks) (f) Solving for 4 amplitudes (4x2 = 8 marks) (Total 40 marks)

2 An automobile modeled as 2-degrees of freedom system to study its bouncing and pitching motions is represented as in Figure below: Its motions are given by the following equations with coordinates x1 and x2.

Translation: Rotation:

& x2 & m( L2 & + L1 & ) / ( L1 + L2 ) + k1 x1 + k2 x2 = 0 x1 & & J ( & & ) / ( L1 + L2 ) + L1k1 x1 L2 k2 x2 = 0 x1 x2

a) Discuss the coupling in this systems equations (4 marks) Given: L1 = L (m); L2 = 2L; J = mr2 & r =2 L; and k1 = k2 = k (N/m) . Find b) the two circular natural frequencies (8 marks) c) the mode shapes i = (X2 /X1)i , i =1,2 (4 marks) d) If the system starts from rest with X1=20 mm and X= - 40 mm, determine the subsequent motions. (14 marks) (Total 30 marks) OR 3 A taut string with high constant tension T carries 2 masses as shown in Figure below. Consider transverse vibration of the masses.

a) Derive the equations of motion as below

(10 marks)

& m1 & + T (1/ L1 + 1/ L2 ) x1 Tx2 / L2 = 0 x1 & m2 & + T (1/ L2 + 1/ L3 ) x2 Tx1 / L2 = 0 x2

b) Discuss the coupling in this systems equations

(4 marks)

Given: L1 = L3 = L; L2 = 2L; and m1 = m2 = 2m . Find c) the two circular natural frequencies (6 marks) d) the mode shapes (4 marks) e) Check orthogonal property (2 marks) f) Find the new coordinates that would decouple this system (4 marks) (Total 30 marks) 4 a) Explain, the theory of dynamic vibration absorber (10 marks) b) A machine of mass M = 400 kg is supported on springs of equivalent stiffness K = 36000 kN/m. Its operating speed is 3000 rpm. It is found that this speed is very close to the resonant speed. The mounting is already designed on other considerations and cannot be changed. A dynamic vibration absorber is resorted to. The operating speed is likely to vary due to load changes. It is therefore desired that the resulting natural frequencies are 10% lower and 10% higher than the operating frequency. Design the absorber. ( m/M:14 marks; m & k: 6 marks) (Total 30 marks)(Note, it is a general case; not a tuned absorber.) OR 5 A two-wheel trailer is drawn over a wavy road surface with wheels excited approximately as a sine wave displacement, y having amplitude of 0.1 m and a wave length of 5 m. This is modeled to study its bouncing characteristics as 2-degrees of freedom system as in Figure below. The combined stiffness of tyres is170 kN/m and that of the main springs is 60 kN/m. The axle and attached parts have a mass of 400 kg and mass of the body is 500 kg. Determine a) the two critical speeds of the trailer ( Marks: Formation of equations 8 marks; complementary solution for 2 natural frequencies as though the

wheels are fixed: 6 marks and the corresponding critical speeds: 4 marks) (b) the amplitude of the body vibration, when the speed is 50 km/h. (Formation of forced vibration equations & matrix: 8 marks; solving for amplitude X1 by Crammers method: 4 marks) (Total 30 marks)

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