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An Outline of the Trojan War

(Key points that need to be discussed about the Trojan War)

I. Causes of the War A. Apple of Discord B. Judgment of Paris C. Abduction of Helen II. Preparations for War A. Role of the Marriage Pact B. Odysseus' Stratagem C. Achilles' hiding place D. Sacrifice of Iphigenia III. The Trojan War A. Nine Years of Siege B. Quarrel between Achilles & Agamemnon C. Single combat of Paris & Menelaus D. Patroclus' Death in Achilles' Armor E. Achilles' Retaliation & Hector's Death F. Achilles' Death IV. Fall of Troy A. Wooden Horse B. Capture & Death of Trojans V. After the War A. Odysseus Returns to Ithaca B. Aeneas Seeks a New Home


The Judgment of Paris 1. Who threw the golden apple into the wedding feast? 2. Why? 3. What was the apple "marked"? 4. Who are the three goddesses fought for the apple? What did each offer the judge as a bribe? 5. Who was chosen to judge the goddesses? 6. Which goddess was awarded the apple? The Trojan War 1. What did the men who wanted to marry Helen have to promise her father? 2. Who was Helen's husband? 3. What "law" did Paris violate when he abducted Helen? 4. Why did the men of Greece help Helen's husband? 5. Why did Odysseus attempt to avoid fighting with the Greeks? 6. How did Odysseus attempt to avoid fighting with the Greeks? 7. Why did Achilles attempt to avoid fighting with the Greeks? 8. How did Achilles attempt to avoid fighting with the Greeks? 9. Why was Helen "the face that launched a thousand ships"? 10. What was the argument between Agamemnon and Achilles? 11. What did Patroclus ask Achilles as a result? 12. What happened to Patroclus as a result? 13. What did Achilles do as a result? 14. What happened to Hector's body? 15. How many days was Hector mourned? The Fall of Troy 1. How did Achilles die? 2. Why would the Greeks not burn Ajax's body? (They buried him instead.) 3. Who fatally wounds Paris? 4. When Paris was dying, he asked to be carried to Oenone. What was her reaction? 5. How did the Greeks manage to get inside the city of Troy? 6. Who is Sinon? 7. What happened to Hector's family - Andromache and Astyanax? 8. Which lone Trojan hero escaped the city?

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