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The Friday Review: Amul rewriting History Posted on August 14, 2009 by Harsh Like a movie scripted to contain

the most incredible moments and passion that hits the silver screens across the world, Amul the most elemental Indian brands comes out with a strikingly original advertisement on every intersection across the roads of India as the dawn breaks over the horizon every Friday. Who would have though that the largest co-operative movement in India created way back 1955 would actually script a new form of advertising in India. A new concept coupled with a conspicuously ingenious tag line hits the right spot almost every single time. Week after week the nifty tag lines of Amul are something to look forward to. However, the most incredible aspect is the fact that all the advertisements of Amul put across the most contemporary and pressing issues in an absolutely humoristic manner that catches the eye almost instantly. Even though the base tag line Utterly Butterly Delicious Amul and the effervescent and the forever young Amul Girl have remained unchanged over the decades, Amul has still been able to carve a position for itself amidst the plethora of brands that dot the Indian markets. A combination of the catchy one liners with simplistic illustrations is what Amul billboards are all about. From Pow Bhaji to denote the infamous Harbhajan Slapgate to the most recent that stood to celebrate the scrapping of A377 Out of the Closet, Out of the Fridge and Wada do you mean, Amul has been rewriting history in an incredibly fantastic manner. So much so that an Amul Butter advertisement can be seen probably the best alternative comprehension and representation of the day and age when the world watched important events unfold.

The thumb sized, chubby girl is probably the oldest mascot in India along with the Maharaja of Air India has become one of the most recognizable icons in the world. Apart from being hailed as the longest running campaign in the world by Guinness the Amul butter advertisements have become an indelible part of Indian culture and embody the spirit of the satirical and cheeky Indian. However when it was originally launched the ad agency that was handling this account stood its ground and created corporate styled and extremely well lets just say boring ads! This was all set

to change as Sylvester daCunha took over the account and along with art director Eustace Fernandez and brought to life the celebrated moppets of Amul. Like a blitzkrieg across the Indian ad scene, the Amul ads hit the streets that humid October more than four decades ago. Splashed across the bus stops and the lamp kiosks were the words Thorough-Bread that would forever change the face and the approach of Indian advertising and marketing. The edgier Amul ads did not pander to the national sentiment and without holding back came up with ads that would ultimately ruffle a few feathers in the governance and the camps of the so called nationalistic movements. Taking on the role of a social observer, Amul hoardings have played a significant part in paving the way for a novel, no holes barred and tonguein-the-cheek Indian, who mocks, celebrates and comprehends contemporary issues and history in a brand new way. As the sun dawns over the horizon on Friday morning, look out for yet another illustrative depiction from Amul that teases its way through into the minds of a satirical new India

A m u l M i t h a e e G ulabJamuns K h o y a G served pipinghot. Amul Chocolates The perfect gift for someoneyou love. Amul LasseeAmul BasundiHealth DrinkNutramul Malted Milk Food madefr o m m a l t e x t r a c t h a s thehig h e s t p r o t e i n c o n t e n t am o n g a l l t h e b r o w n b e v e r a g e p o w d e r s s o l d i n India. P u r e

Amul Shakti Health F oodDrink Avail a b l e i n K e s a r - A l m o n d and Chocolate flavours. Key information related to Amuls Products : Butter Launched in 1955, butter was one of the first milk products offered by Amul. It was alsot h e first time Amul successfully challenged the hegemony of an established b r a n d . Amul's earliest competitor, Polson had been the monopoly milk supplier to the BombayMilk Scheme. Amul displaced Polson to emerge as the undisputed leader in the butter market... Cheese GCMMF launched processed cheese in 1959 followed by cheese powder in the early1970s. In the 1980s the popularity of cheese increased

Ghee, Skimmed milk powder and Baby food Amul launched ghee (clarified butter) and skimmed milk powder in 1955. Amul Gheewas an instant success... Milk and UHT Milk Amul was the market leader in the Gujarat whole milk market with a 90% market sharein 2002. Apart from supplying milk to parts of Maharashtra and Rajasthan, GCMMF alsosold milk to the NDDB owned Mother Dairy in Delhi...As we can see from the products shown above there is : There is product consistency in the product line of Amul as all its products aremilk based . Amul deals only in consumer goods and not in industrial goods or any o t h e r sector. In 2001, GCMMF entered the fast food market in India with the l a u n c h o f vegetable pizzas under the brand name SnowCap in A h m e d a b a d , G u j a r a t . GCMMF was also planning to launch its pizzas in other western Indian cities likeMumbai, Surat, and Baroda. Depending on the response in these cities, GCMMFwould decide to introduce its pizzas in other cities in India.Amul also decided tobring into market low cost pizzas, The pizzas were offered in four flavours: plaint o m a t o - o n i o n - c a p s i c u m , f r u i t p i z z a ( p i n e a p p l e t o p p e d ) , m u s h r o o m a n d J a i n pizzas'(pizzas without onion or garlic). It entered thePizzabusiness, where thebase and the recipes were made available to restaurant owners who could priceit as low as 30 rupees per pizza when the other players were charging upwardso f 1 0 0 r u p e e . s u p p l y i n g j a i n p i z z a s s h o w s t h a t i t w a s c a t e r i n g t o n e e d s o f t h e masses as in India most of the people are vegetarian. SOUPSAmul introduced ready-to-use (just pour and heat) soups branded Masti in tetrapacks of one liter. To begin with they were introduced in two flavors - Hot n Sour and Tomato. Said Sodhi, It was a test marketing drive in Gujarat and in a monthor two it would be introduced all over India. And there wasnt much competitionfor there were not many companies in India that sold ready-to-use soups.Sodhi added, Soup is a milk product and thats a secret. You will come to knowonly when you consume it. Keeping the ingredients a closely guarded secret, thec o m p a n y s t a t e d t h a t o n e o f t h e r e a s o n s t o l a u n c h s o u p s w a s t o u t i l i z e t h e already installed equipment for tetra packaging

Amul also brought its range of ice creams into the market . the lucrativeness of this sector was very good and Amul beniffited a lot by entering into ice creamsector. Amul is planning to enter into the sector of bottled water.

GEOGRAPHICAL BASIS OF ADVERTISINGRegional One thing unique about Amul is that the advertisements which are shown on hoardingsare never shown on TV.Otherwise an epitome of Indias largest food brand, it is interesting to note that the Amulgirl has always been flying high on the hoardings but hardly seen on television. GeneralM a n a g e r , C r e a t i v e s c a n n o t b e e a s i l y t r a n s l a t e d f r o m o n e m e d i a t o a n o t h e r . T h e topicals(hoardings) are created in different languages & pertain to the geographicalr e g i o n t h e y a r e p u t i n . E v e r y k i n d o f m e d i a h a s d i f f e r e n t a t t r i b u t e s & A m u l n e e d s t o focus upon that particular media, which brings maximum recognition & effectiveness tothe brand. Thus to some extent the hoardings have been use for local marketing that istheir scope is restricted to the particular region. National Gujarat continues to be the biggest sourcing point for milk. But now raw milk is alsob e i n g p r o c u r e d f r o m M a h a r a s h t r a , K a r n a t a k a , A n d h r a P r a d e s h , M a d h y a P r a d e s h , Rajashthan, Orissa, West Bengal, Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab. Thus other citiesa r e a l s o c o n t r i b u t i n g t o w a r d s A m u l . U r b a n c e n t r e s c o n t r i b u t e n e a r l y 7 0 % t o t h e companys revenue while the remaining 30% comes from rural areas Rural connect : the cooperative way Cooperatives are deeply entwined with the lives of rural people in India, where there are over 5 lakhcooperative societies with membership exceeding 22 crore. Cooperative way is a natural approach for rural development, as well as for reducing disparities in access to technology. When combined with thepotential that Information and communication technology offer, cooperatives could , continue to play ani m p o r t a n t r o l e i n f o s t e r i n g e c o n o m i c p r o d u c t i v i t y a n d r u r a l g r o w t h , w i t h l i n k a g e s e x t e n d i n g t o t h e grassroots level.Thus it can be said that Amul has a strong basis for rural development. Video of village butter final amul\butter village .mpg

INTERNATIONAL MARKETING GCMMF has a wide range of products in the processed cheese segment. It has alsobeen a pioneer in the specialty cheese market in the country. Its cheese business grewat 18% in 2005-2006. GCMMF exports cheese to the tune of 600 tons, making it thelargest cheese exporter in the country. The export market includes the Middle East,Singapore, Hong Kong, and the United States of America; countries that have a largeIndian population, and the neighbouring countries of Sri Lanka, Bhutan and Nepal. Conclusion Thus this brings us to the end of our project report. I hope that we have beenable to bring forth the point for which we had undertaken the project.

Theyh a d p u t m u c h e f f o r t s o n t h e i r c r e a t i v i t y . A m u l i s o n e o f t h e s u c c e s s f u l business houses and other companies should learn from Amul that how to dotheir business in a corporately socially responsible manner. Amul has proveda point , Amul uses only 1 percent of its turnover for promotions .This showsthat it is not always necessary to spend millions on promotion when you of al productsfinal amul\amul all products new .mpg


Critical Analysis of the Milk Market with Special Reference to Amul Milk

Name: Title: Amul Milk Summary

Ravinder Kumar (2007 2009) Critical Analysis of the Milk Market with Special Reference to

A well planned properly executed and evaluated project for management students. Writing a thesis is an integral part of MBA curriculum and each student has to undergo to learn better. Thesis, aim at making students aware of real market conditions.

On getting an opportunity to work with Gujarat cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) and AMUL as a part of my study the topic given was Critical Analysis of the Milk Market with Special Reference to Amul Milk. During this period I got lots of experience and came to know about the real market and how it differs from theoretical one. It helps to develop their products better than their competitions and captured the market share to increase the sales and ultimately achieving organizational goal and objectives. In this project my area of concern is to find the customer satisfaction rate of AMUL milk and problems faced by ADA and retailers, while promoting AMUL in liquid milk segment. I feel lucky to get this type of opportunity from such a prestigious organization. Conclusion Amul milk enjoys the trust of the retailers as well as the consumer because of its quality and huge brand image. Currently the stock of Amul milk supplied by the company is not of fresh date. As a result of this situation is making an adverse impact on the market of Amul milk There a big storage problem with Amul milk it has need to keep in certain temperature. Some distributors does not give proper information to the retailers about the product and offers given by the company for the promotion of the Amul milk. Which leads bad image of the company. There is some problem with the packaging of the product. As a result the Chocolate puffed before its expiry period. The supply of Amul milk is not proper in some specific areas .Which gives wrong massage about company. The competitors of some of the competitors of are providing easy replacement facility to the retailers which are attracting them towards those companies. Some of the competitors of some of the competitors are providing wider margins to the retailers. Wider margin is making the retailers to push the sales of the competitors. There are some of the areas in Delhi are not yet Tapped properly by the company. On the other hand the competitors are making a regular.

Suggestion and Recommendation On the basis of research and analysis of the study conducted in DELHI market, which was divided into five areas viz. south, north, east, west and central Delhi for the Amul milk. I would like to suggest the following key point to the company. The company should try to build some feed back mechanism from the retailer to check the wholesalers intervention in the AMULS distribution area because the wholesaler try to hamper the goodwill as well as the other benefit of the company and their most important part of distribution channel. The company should maintain separate distribution channel for the chocolate because it is seem mostly during study that one single distribution deals all product, as it is not a hidden fact that the product line and product depth is very wide. In the other hand other product most importantly AMUL butter is hot item for distributor as well as for retailers. Therefore they dont pay proper attaintion on to it. The company should provide new schemes on the regular basis to the retailers as well as to the consumers to increase its market share. During my project this fact become clear that the customer are not well aware about the all product item of Amul milk so through the strong advertisement company should try to increase the awareness of the Amul milk. The retailers main problem is storage of Amul milk as I saw Cadbury as well as Nestly both company provide refrigerator and display box for proper storage as well as the promotion of their product so AMUL should do something on this line. Replacement is big problem for retailers especially in chocolate segment because all chocolate products need special kind of care but there some unavoidable factor damage the chocolate so company should provide revive the policy about the replacement, easy replacement facility to the retailers so that they could be attracted toward selling the Amul milk. The company should start promotion campaign at the micro-level by increasing the visit of companys representatives to the retailers. The company should work collaboratively with the distributors in effective manner towards focusing on the area where there is a potential market for Amul milk and target that area.

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